The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, April 12, 1890, Image 1

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NO. 4:5.
VOL.. I.
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest anS cheapest rae&na cf noti-
5 ring: subscribers of the date of their xpira
ona wo will raark thiu notice -with u blue or
red pencil, on the date at which their eub
cription empires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration. If not renewed
by that time it will be discontinued.
The Red Cloud Encampment.
Hed Cloud special : The third an
nual encampment of the Interstate
District association of the Grand
Army of the Republic convened here
Friday. MaDy old soldiers from dif
ferent points are in attendance and
our own post here is seeing to it that
the visitors are having a god time.
The gathering is no doubt smaller
than it would have been if the weather
had been favorable, but as it is the
representation from out-side posts is
very good. One of the objects of this
convention is to locate the annual
state reunion, which matter was thor
oughly discussed by tlie members,
some excellent speeches being made
on the subject. It was decided to
hold this reunion at Superior, August
13 to 17, inclusive. Among the prom
inent men in attendance are Major
Clarkson of Omaha, Major Adams,
W. S. Bloom and F. P. Bonnell of
Superior, ex-CoDgressman Hanback of
Kansas and maTiy others of note.
lion. C. E. Adams, mayor of Supe
rior, was elected commander, Hon.
George W. Burton of Orleans, senior
vice commander, and Samuel Church
of Jewell county, Kansas, junior vice
The lines were extended to embrace
Thayer, Jefferson, Adams, Kearney,
Clay and Phelps counties, Nebraska,
and Washington, llepublic, Phillips
and Osborne counties, Kansas. The
next encampment will be held at lied
In General.
The Kearney Journal was burned
out at 5 o'clock Monday morning.
York schools will celebrate Arbor
day with appropriate exercises.
The "Weeping Water stone quarries
are preparing for a rush of business.
Mrs. T. Wr. Pattonof Sterling, has
fallen heir to a large estate in Switz
erland. The first farmers alliance in Scotts
Bluff county was organized a few
days ago.
The steam ferry is making regular
trips between Niobrara and Running
Mrs. George Wells of Central City,
has been bequeathed $10,000 by a C on
necticut relative.
The postoffices of Saline county are
now filled with republicans with the
exception of two.
The Creighton creamery has been
leased and will be operated by Story
& Brooks of Norfolk.
A company of boys from New York
will arrive at Geneva May 9, for the
purpose of finding homes.
A Saunders county farmer says :
"The net profit in farming here in
Saunders in the past year ia nearer 15
rer cent on capital invested than the 3
per cent estimated by a man that knew
nothing about fi"j)ing except by hear
say." The mayoralty or Norfolk is the
question of t he day. Upon a recount
being made it was found that there was
one more ballot in the box than names
on the poll book, and that one vote had
two names upon it, one printed and the
other written, neither being scratched.
The matter may have to be settled in
the courts.
There was consternation in the Pres
byterian church at Scotia when it was
discovered that the congregation had
been dismissed without the contribu
tion box having been passed, but a
good deacon .managed to corral most of
the people at thedor before they es
caped and gave them a chance to con
tribute, Peter Hennegin, who disappeared
from Seward ten years ago with a lot
of money belonging to other people
and who was supposed to have been
murdered, has turned up in Seattle,
Wrash., wheie he is engaged in the
real estate business. The wife and
child he deserted are now living in
Iowa, but in spite of that fact Henne
gin has married again.
Central City special : McKinstrey
& Palmer's clothing store was bur
glarized Sunday morning and about
$1Q00 worth of goods are missing.
Entrance was gained by bursting open
the back door. The missing goods
consist of spring overcoats, pants, sus
penders and jewelry. The tracks of a
buggy were found near the store and
with this as a clue parties have started
in pursuit. A buggy with two men
and .a lot of goods was seen going
south from Clarks in the morning and
it is probable they have beon over
hauled by this.
Washington special : Hereafter the
lists of persons who have passed suc
cessful examinations before the civil
service commisssion, and who are eligi
ble to appointment to the federal ser
vice under the civil service rules, will
be accessible to thf public. The fol
lowing is a list of Nebraskans who are
eligible to appointments : J. H. Bock,
Omaha; H. H. Herzoy, Blair; C. L.
tteiman, McOook; James lngalls
Iazaosa; St. JohnW. Kerns, Raymond;
ftt. B. Wood, Omaha; J. K. Jones,
Harrison ; G. N. Way, Hastings ; Mor
ris W. Clare, Niobrara; Mrs. W. Wat
son, Fremont ; Lizzie W. Irwin, Lin
coln; Ida M. Martin, York;. Jennie
Holland, Hastings; Mrs. H. W. Grant,
Ft. Myer; M. S. Thompson, Lincoln;
Miss B. A. Allen, Omaha. All the
above entries are under the head of
The population of Lexington was re
inforced last Monday night by eight
new arrivals, weighing from two to ten
ponnds. One of the .young gentlemen
took up his abode in a family of nine
A district convention of Methodits
preachers will be held at Weeping
Water, May 6 and 7. There are thirty
preachers in regular work in Cass, Lan
caster and part of Saunders counties,
besides over thirtv locals.
The Work: of a Cyclone.
Akbon, O., April 9. A terrific wind storm
visited Springfield township last night, do
ing considerable damage. Several farm
houses and outbuildings were demolished
and crops ruined.
Later repcrts show the storm waa most
severe about two miles northwest of
8haron, Mayne county. Ia ten minutes it
levelled everything in its track over seven
miles of farm lands for a width of thirty
rods, demolished dozens of buildings,
killed one man, fatally injured a man and
woman and seriously hurt others,
Silver Ore Found.
Minneapolis, April 9 A special to the
Tribune from Mitchell, S. D., says: Silver
ore has been discovered twelve miles
southwest of Mitchell in four different
places at a depth of sixty feet. Assayers
in Chicago who have tested the ere pro
nounce it genuine. The metal exists in
iarge quantifies. One farmer has been
offered $fi,000 for his farm which other
wise would not sell for over $1,010.
Wheat Destroyed by Insects.
St. Louis, April 9. Advices from north
ern Texas stale that 75 per cent of the
wheat crop in the counties of Cook, Gray
son, Collins, Denton Wise and Montague
has been destroyed by Insects.
Against the
Washington, April 9 Messrs. Councllr
man and Nelson of the Chicago board of
trade today argued against the Batter
worth anti-option bill, forbidding privi
leged or class dealings. The section, how
ever, which forbids dealing by any one but
the producer and the purchaser direct from
him, in any article not in possession of
the seller, wiped out the business of him
self and all legitimate as well as all illegiti
mate dealers. The bill would damage the
farmer more than it could possibly aid him.
If the producer should sell direct to the
consumer the farmers of Kansas and
Nebraska, ir. stead of receiving 10 and 15
cents a bushel this winter for corn, which
was little enougn, weuld not have re
ceived 5 cents a bushel. There must be
middle men. The trouble sought to be
alleviated by the bill arcse from bucket
shop dealings which were gambling trans
actions pure and simple. The Chicago
board of trade is fighting the bucket shops,
which the speaker likened to faro bank,
the proprietor being the dealer. Council
man was given a copy of the amended bill
to study, with a view to suggesting a pro
vision by which legitimate dealings may
be protected and the business of illegiti
mate speculators abolished.
More Chinee Captured.
San Diego, Cal., April 9. Another cap
ture of ten Chinese was made early this
morning as they were entering the harbor
in a fishing-boat from Lower California.
Twenty-three Chinese are now in custody
The End ot Two Peculiar Cranks.
Little Rock, Ark., April 6. A most singu
lar suicide was committed in Columbia
county, the particulars of which were re
ceived here today. A young man named
MsNeal went out hunting, carrying with
him a double-barrel shotgun. Arriving at
an Isolated point in the woods he lied his
body to a small tree with a piece of rope he
bad evidently had secured for the purpose.
and placing the gun on the ground in front
of him, fired both barrels, blowing the top
of his Head entirely off. A note was found
in his pocket directing the disposition of
his body and stating that he wes promptea
to the deed rolely through an irsatiable
desire to explore the great hereafter.
Indianapolis, lnd., April 6. Several days
ego an eccentic character registered at the
Illinois house as William Jordan. Eureka,
Kan. Wednesday morning, his room door
being torced open, he was found dead from
morphine poisoning. '. n his pocket was
found a bianK boos, m which were written
several notes, and one of these stated that
his name was J. B. Shaffer, and that he
lived at Pana III On another leaf was
written: It I should die before I wake
send me to Pana, 111. I have seen a vision
of heaven. I know a number of people
who are there. Bury me by the side of
little Johnnie." Another note is evident'y
addressed to his wife or some relative
whom be calls "Dear Vic," and says: "Never
marry a man that drinks or allow Pearl to.
Only that I have been abused I should not
have decided as I have."
Raum's lleport.
Washington, April 6. In his report to
Secretary Noble, Pension Commissioner
Kaum says he will be able by the last of
May to cause the examination of every
claim pending in the office on the first day
of January last, will have every claim al
lowed that is completed and calls for the
evidence made In those not completed.
This result has been secured largely by
means of orders issued in the latter part
of December requiring the examination of
claims then pending and that all cases
which appeared complete be placed upon
the "completed files." The adjudicating
division was directed to spend five days
each week examining the claims on these
files and one day exclusively to making
calls for additional evidence on pending
claims. As a result, the examination of
30,857 claims were put on the "completed
files." A subsequent order directing that
claims be placed on file upon application
accompanied by a statement of facts show
ing the claims to be completed has up to
date added 28,350 oases to those already on
the "completed files." Daring the past
three months 52,229 of these cases have
been acted upon, leaving only 3,973 cases
remaining upon the flies. Applications at
the rate of 450 a day are being received
and hereafter every claim placed upon
these will be taken up and acted upon
within a week. The record of the past
month shows 16,374 pension certificates.
8,ld of them original, being the largest
number ever issued in one month by the
pension bureau.
The Senate.
Washington, April 2. In the senate this
morning the judiciary committee re
ported back the anti -trust bill in the form
of a substitute. It was used and E Imunds
said that as soon as the Montana election
case was disposed of the bill would be
taken up.
The resolution offered yesterday to
change back the dally hour of meeting to
12 o'clock was passed after some deaate.
The conference report on the urgent de
ficiency bill was presented and agreed to.
The house recedes from its disagreement
to the senate amendment as to irrigation
surveys, with the provision that no part of
the amount appropriated shall be ex
pended in sinking wells, or in the con
struction cf irrigation works, and that the
government shall not be committed to any
plan of irrigation.
The senate then proceeded to the consid
eration of the Montana election cases.
Hoar stated the case on the part of the
majority of the committee, the whole mat
ter turning upon the question whether one
set of delegates, who voted with the
twenty-five republican delegates for
Saunders and Power, were legally elected
from Silver Bow county, or whether the
other set, who voted with the twenty-four
democrats for Clark and McGinnis, were
the legally elected delegates.
Gray, representing the minority ot the
oommittee, made a statement in support of
the claim that Clark and MeGinnis were
entitled to the seats. He went on to speak
of the evidences of haste with which the
president's proclamation for the admission
of Montana had been issued. He did not ac
cuse the president of being a participator
in the conspiracy, but alleged that the
president had been persuaded by the con
spirators to make of himself an instrument
in the coneumation of their designs.
Gray yielded the floor without conclud
ing his argument, and the death of Repre
sentative Wiiber being announced the sen
ate adjourned.
Washington, April 3. In the senate to
day on motion of Mr. Edmunds it was or
dered that tomorrow being Good Friday
the adjournment today shall be until Sat
urday. Mr. Blair introduced a bill to regulate
the per diem of laborers employed by the
government, fixing the lowest wages at $2
per day, and had it referred to the com
mittee on education and labor.
The viae president announced that he
expected to be absent from Washington
several days.
Mr. Cullom offered a resolution, which
was agreed to, declaring Mr. lngalls elect
ed president pro tempore. Mr. lngalls
then entered upon the duties of presiding
The Montana election case was taken up
as unfinished business and Mr. Gray re
sumed his argument in support of the
claim of the two democratic claimants.
The matter went over till Monday.
The house bill to amend the census law
by providing for the enumeration of the
Chinese population was read with the sen
ate amendment.
After some ob j ection against the bill ac
tion was deferred until Monday.
Washington, April 5. The house bill to
provide for town site entries cf land in
Oklahoma was taken from the calendar,
amended by the insertion of the provision
that the certificates mentioned therein
shall not bo taken as evidence in favor of
any person claiming lots who entered
them in violation of trie command of the
president's proclamation, and it was
Among the senate bills passed were the
following: Appropriating S50,C00 for an
Indian Industrial school at Flandreau, S.
D. ; to provide for the disposal of the inter
est on Virginia's funded debt; to authorize
the secretary of the treasury and the
proper accounting efficers to restate, settle
and pay to the owners on private lands the
balance of the commissions due them and
appropriating $350,000; appropriating $ 590,
C00 for an additional fire proof building for
the National museum; providing for the
inspection of meats for exportation ; pro
hibiting the lmportatien of adulterated
articles of food and drink, and authorizing
the president to make proclamation in
certain cases, to authoriz3 and direct the
secretary or war to place on file in the war
department the names cf the officers and
members of the Frontier Guards, under
James EL Lane, mustered into the volun
teer military service of the United spates
the 16th day of Arril, 1861, and issue dis
charges to the same; to amend section
1,754 of the revised statutes so as to give
preference to honorably discharged sold
iers in appointments to the civil service;
to authorize the Duluth, Red Wing & South
ern railroad to construct a bridge across the
Mississippi river at or near the city of Rsd
Wing, Minn., and to establish it as a post
road ; for the appointment ef an assistant
general superintendent and chief clerk of
the railway mail service, the house bill.
After a short executive session, the pri
vate business on the calendar was taken
np and 113 bills were passed in j set one
hour. Among them was one giving a pen
sion of $100 a month to the widow of Gen
eral John T. Hartranf t. Adjourned.
Washington, April 7. Evarts presented
resolutions of the New York chamber of
commerce protesting against the pending
bill for the census enumeration of Chinese
as absurJ, barbarous, unchristian and
cowardly, and a memorial on the same sub
ject from the American missionary associ
ation was presented.
Piatt presented a memorial for the ad
mission of New Mexico as a state.
The Montana election case was then
taken up and Vance made argument in
support of the minority report, declaring
Clark and Maginnis, the democratic claim
ants, entitled to the seats.
Spooner, also a member of the commit
tee on privileges and elections, made argu
ment in favor of the majority report that
Sanders and Power, the Repmblican claim
ants, were entitled to the seats in the sen
ate. In the course ef his speech Spooner
alluded to the charge made by Gray against
tne president for undue haste in issuing
the proclamation for the admission of Mon
tana, and he defended the president in
that matter He (Spooner) knew of no man
who ever sat in the presidential chair who
was less likely than the president to be
swerved one hair's breadth from the line
of what he deemed his constitutional duty,
either to please a friend or to punish a foe.
Washington, April a In the senate to
day the house bill to admit free of duty
articles Intended for the St Louis exposi
tion in 1893 that may be imported from
Mexico, was amended so as to read "and
other republics and the Dominion of Can-
ado." The bill then passed and a confer
ence was asked.
The senate then resumed consideration
of the Montana case and Spooner contin
ued his argument in favor of the republi
can claimants.
Pugh argued in favor of the minority
report, wnen ne naa spozen zor nan an
hour Butler stated that Pugh was not
well enough to continue his speech; he
moved the Montana election case be
laid aside for a day and the anti-trust bill
be taken np.
Sherman said that while the amended
bill was not at all what he wanted, he be
lieved it the best that could be got and
would vote for It.
vest said be was satisfied on reflection
that the public interest required the pas
sage of the bill as it stood.
After further debate the bill was
veas 52. navs 1 (Blodgect).
The bill as nassedis exactly es it
from the judiciary committer.
Adjourned. . I
The House.
Washington, April 2. In the house to
day the bill was passed for a bridge across
the Missouri river between Iowa and Ne
braska '
The bill was passed amending the act to
aid vessels wrecked or disabled in waters
contiguous to the United States and the
Dominion of Canada i
The bill authorizing the construction of
a bridge and approaches at New York city
across the Hadson river, to regulate com
merce in and over such bridge between
the states of New fork; and New Jersey,
and to establish such bridge as a military
and post road, was passed.
The bill then passed authorizing the con
struction of a bridge across the Missouri
river at Forrest River, 8. D.
The Idaho admission i bill was taken up
and Dorsey cf Nebraska, in charge of the
bill, made a speech in its favor. The only
opposition to the admission of Idaho, he
said, came from the mormons. They pro
tested against the provision of the consti
tution which disfranchised bigamists and
polygamists and persons who are mem
bers of any association which encourages
bigamy. v
After considerable debate the matter
went over until tomorrow.
Washington, April 3. In the house today
the petition from the .New England Shoe
and Leather association against the imposi
tion of a duty upon hidee and skins was
produced and ordered .' printed on the
record. The reading of the petition was
received with applause from the demo
cratic side. r
Mr. Lawler of Illinois Introduced a bill to
tests the science of short spelling and to es
tablish 100 schools for that purpose. Re
ferred. The house then resumed consideration of
the Idaho commission bill.
Opposition was made ,by the democrats
and on the final vote the democrats re
frained from voting. One of the reading
clerks noted down tho names of the demo
crats present and refusing to vote. The
democrats say they intend to make this a
test case and have the courts pass upon
the constitutionality of the rules allowing
the speaker to coint a quorum. Ic had
beenintended to make one of the contested
election cases a test case, but as this could
be done only by a suit for salary brought
in the court of claims, this course was
abandoned and th9 present action decided
upon. The bill passed yeas 129. nays 1,
the speaker (Mr. Buckalow counting a
quorum. Aljourned.
Washington, April 4. The house today,
after the reading of the journal, proceeded
to the consideration of the various private
pension bills coming over from last Friday
night's session.
After some debate five private pension
bills were passed.
The house at the nljht session passed
thirty private pensicn bills, and at 10:30
p. m. adjourned until tomorrow.
Washington, April 5. The house bill to
provide for town bite entries of land in Ok
lahoma was taken from the calendar
amended by the insertion of the provision
that the certificates mentioned therein
shall not be taken as evidence in favor of
any person claiming lots who entered them
in violation of the president's proclamation
and it was paBBed.
Among the senate bills passed were the
following: Appropriating 950,000 for an
Indian industrial school at Flandreau, S. D ;
to provide for the disposal ot the interest
on Virginia's funded debt; to authorize the
secretary of the treasury and the proner
accounting offisars to restate, settle and
pay to the owners on private lands thebal
and of the commissions due them and ap
propriate $350,000; appropriating $500,003
for an additional fire-proof building for the
National museum; providing for the in
spection of meats for exportation ; prohib
iting the importation of adulterated arti
cles of food and drink and authorizing the
president to make proclamation in certain
cases ; to authorize and direct the secretary
of war to place on file in the war depart
ment the names of the officers and mem
bers of the Frontier guards, under James
H. Lane, mustered into the volunteer mili
tary service of the United States the 16th
day of April, lsbl, and issue discharges to
the same; to amend section 1,754 of the re
vised statutes so as to give preference to
honorably discharged soldiers in appoint
ments to the civil service; to authorize the
Duluth, Red Wing & Ssuthern railroad to
construct a bridge across the ' Mississippi
river at or near the city of Red Wirg,Minn,
and to establish it as a post road; for the
appointment of an assistant general super
intendent and chief clerk of the railway
mail service, the house bill.
After a short executive session, the pri
vate business on the calendar was taken
up and 113 bills were passed in just one
hour. Amorg them was one giving a pen
sion of $100 a month to the widow of Gen
eral John T. Hartranf t Adjourned.
Washington, April 6. In the house to
day Morrill of Kansas moved to suspend
the rules and pass, with la substitute, the
senate bill granting pensions to soldiers
and sailors who are incapacitated from the
performance of labor, and providing for
pensions to widows, and minor children
and dependent parents.
After considerable discussion for and
against the bill the question was put to a
vote yeas 149, nays 67, not the necessary
two-thirds of the votes in the affirmative.
The bill was passed under a suspension
of the rules to establish two additional
land districts In Nebraska
Washington, April 8. In the house today
the bill was passed providing that persons
settling on the second indemnity plat of
the Northern Pacific railroad grant between
August, 1887, and July, 1889, may transfer
their entries from that track to other gov
ernment lands subject to entry. Also the
bill to cause certain lands at the head
waters of the Mississippi. St Croix. Chip
pewa and Wisconsin rivers, set apart for
reservoir purposes, to be restored to the
public domain.
The committee on naval sffairs called up
the bill to prevent the enlistment of aliens
in tne naval service ox tne United States
and it was passed.
Adams of Illinois called up the motion to
reconsider the vote by which the house de
feated the bill making an appropriation to
supply the deficiency caused by the Silcott
defalcation. The motion was then recon
sidered and the bill passed.
Wrecked on the Wave.
Tobonto, April 6, Yesterday afternoons
large yatch was sighted beaded for this
port under lull sail. An hour later she
seemed to be In distress, but hafm-e the
beat sent out from the fort could reach her
sne capsizad. No persen was found aboard
the vessel The name Idler was printed on
the stern. None of the vatch men of tne
city knew anything about the yatch or her
crew, ail of whom are supposed to have
been drowned.
Another Terrible Tornado.
St. Louts, April 8 A special received
here at 3 o'clock this morning says the
village of Prophetstown, 111., was blown
away by a tornado. Particulars are meagre
concerning the calamity, owing to the fact
that the wires are down in every direction.
The only definite news obtainable was re
ceived from train hands of the stock train
which pulled out of Prophetstown jast
after the disaster. The town contained
about 400 inhabitants and is lecated about
forty miles from Fulton, 111., on small
branch of the Chicago, Burlington A
Qnincy road. The train hands say that
either a tornado or cyclone swept over the
town and that the ruin was terrible. They
say fully fifty lives were lest The rail
road depot was blown down and the sta
tion agent buried beneath the ruins..
The train men think that eight persons
in the Wilson or Nelson house were killed.
At 3:30 a telegram wan received verifying
the report that fron forty to fifty people
had been killed at Prophetstown.
Service Pension Bill.
Washington, April 8. The service pen
sion bill introduced today in the house by
Boothman provides substantially as fol
lows: 1 grants a service pension of 1 per
cent per month for each day of service to
every man who served in the union army
during the late war without regard to age;
provided that those soldiers who now re-
ve disability pensions may, if they
choose, relit quish their disability pension
and accept a service pension. Tne wido ws
of those drawiDg Bervice pensions ere to be
placed on the rolls at $8 per month during
widowhood, but have the right to prose
cute and obtain a pension under the pres
eat law by showing that tnelr Husbands
died from disability contracted in the ser
vice and in line of duty. The bill also
grants a pension of $3 a month to minor
children under sixteen years of age of
oldiers who die while drawing- a pent ion,
and if any children are so helpless as to
require the help of another person the pen
sion is to continue during such helpiess
nebs. If a widow dies or remarries before
her children attain the age of sixteen her
pension is to be paid to them until they
attain that age.
Big Kansas Bank Failure.
Manhattan, Kan., April 8. E. B. Purcell,
proprietor of the Manhattan bank, made
an assignment this morning to the cashier.
John W. Webb, who closed the bank doors.
Webb says the liabilities are f 5G),000. The
assets cannot be given for several dayp,
but are said to be equal nominally to the
liabilities. The assignment was precipi
tated by the action of the British Land and
Mortgage company of this city, which- yes
terc ay advertised at public sale collateral
given by Purcell to secure his obligations
to the company, $200,300, due April 1,
which bad not been paid. Stringency in
the money market and the difficulty of
making collections are given as causes for
the failure. The Manhattan banK is one of
the oldest in the state, and Purcell was
credited with being among the strongest
men financially in Kansas.
Purcell today sued the Brills a company
for $100,000 damages on account of the
public offer to sell his securities. He also
procured an order restraining the com
pany from disposing of the securities held
by it.
The Grand Army Encampment.
Des Moines, April 8. The first day's
meeting of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic encampment was a great success. The
weather was as beautiful as a June day
until after the parade was over, and then
it rained hard. Special trains brought in
great crowds of visitors during the day,
and it is estimated that 6,000 old soldiers
were here during the day.
Shortly before adjournment (Jommander
Smith stepped forward on the stage and
presented the command with an elegant
silk banner costing $2 0.
The parade this afternoon was veiv suc
cessful. General Alger rode on hoiseback
at the head, followed by his staff and aides.
McFarland post of mount Pleasant was th
special escort for Commander Smith, and
a large number of posts were in line. . The
veterans marched about two miles and a
half to the capitol, where they were re
ceived by the governor and general assem
bly with speeches of welcome and a gen
eral reception afterwards.
Tonight there were four carapnres ana
General Alger Fpoke at each. Ho has made
a good impression upon tho old soldiers
and they give him a very enthusiastic
greeting whenever he appears.
Serious Riots in Vienna.
Vienna, April 8. At a meeting of strikers
here today the policemen were stoned by
the crowd and many strikers arrested.
Later 6,000 unemployed men held another
disorderly meeting which culminated in a
eerious riot The mob demolished the po
lice guard room in the suburbs and ser
iously wounded the officer in charge. They
then set fire to a spirit shop, prevented
the fire engines from approaching land
plundered several Jews' shops. The troops
had to be called out before the rioters dis
persed. The rioters afterwards sacked an
other tavern. Two squadrons of cavalry
and a battalion of infantry dfspersed the
riot ere. -' Many civilians
and fourteen
policemen were wounded,
persons were arrested.
Four Men Killed.
Louisville, Ky. , April 8. Near West Point
today a derrick being used for repairing a
railroad trestle, broke. Four workmen
w ere precipitated 125 feet into the gulch
below and killed, several otner men were
painfully hurt
For the Australian System.
Des Moines, April 8. The house took up
the Australian ballot bill and passed the
measure by a vote of eighty -six to nine.
The method of preparation of ballots Is the
same as in Montana and Massachusetts.
Peculiar Phenomena.
Minneapolis, Minn., April 4, A special to
the Tribune from Clinton, Ia, says: The
little city ef De Witt., Ia, had a small but
genuine cyclone from the southwest yes
terday. Its path was but a rod or two in
width, out several Duuaings were demol
ished, others unroofed and sidewalks
transplanted. A curious feature was the
transplanting 01 a neaw porcn zrom tne
front to the real of a residence, knocking
off a chimney In transit. A couple of rods
on either side or the storm centre scarcely
a breath of air was discern able. No one
was iniured but the property damage was
The Choate Case.
New Yobk, April 6. Dilworth Choate, the
eavesdropping reporter who was commit
ted to Ludlow street jail for thirty days.
today through his counsel secured from the
supreme court writs of habeas corpus and
certiorari directed to the warden of the
jail and Judge Barrett for his appearance
and the production of the record of his dis
grace in court on Monday next.
The Disturbing Clements.
Eeabkey, Neb., April 8. High winds
blew here all day, beginning this morning
a. 8. At 3 o'clock a part of the paper mill
blew down. The three-story part of the
building is uninjured. The one-Btory and
baeemeut part, 43x100 feet and twenty
five feet, U completely wrecked. The
north wall blew in and a heavy corrugated
iron truss roof crushed down through to
the floor into the basement The ma
chinery in the basement is damaged to the
extent of about $6,000. The building loss
is perhaps $8,000. They had just received
their engine, and soon would J have been
ready to make paper. No tornado insur
ance. No other damage is reported, ex
cept that the wind mill tower blew down
on Sam Black's house, injuring the roof
somewhat The wind was a straight blow.
No twister this time.
Detboit, Mich., April 8. A tornado visited
reveral cities and towns in the southern
portion of the state at an early hour this
morning, doing considerable damage. At
Charlotte a number of residences, two
mills and a great many outbuildings and
chimneys were demolished. Fortunately
no one was seriously hurt. Ia Trowbridge
township, Allegan county, four or fire
farm houses and out buildings ware de
stroyed and six people painfully hurt.
Great havoc was wrought on the outskirts
of Battle Creek. At Kilamazoo a school
house and many residences were badly
damaged. Mb. Clemens a number of
home were partially wrecked and Mrs.
Fred Eberlein was killed by lightning.
A tfbbotc hail stobsi.
Robebts, III., April 8. There was a tre
mendous hail storm here last evening. It
continued about ten minutes, and nearly
all the window glass of the west side
houses was broken. A great many of the
hail stones were of very large size, two be
ing picked up of seven ounces weight.
Several people caught out in the storm
were severely bruised by the tremendous
shower of ise.
Minneapolis, Minn., April 8 A special to
the Tribune from Burlington, Ia, s&js:
A heavy hail storm passed over this sec
tion of the country tMs evening, doing
considerable damage to fruit trees. Re
ports say stones as large as hens' eggs fell
at some places, smashing windows and con
servatory roofs.
Denveb, April 8. The most terrific wind
ptorm for many years swept over the city
early this morning. Many houses were
unroofed and the walls ot several buildings
in course of erection were blown down.
No one was nurt.
Cleveland, April 8. A cyclone struck
Nor walk, O., about 5 o'clock this afternoon.
The storm came from the northwest and
swept a track about a half a mile wide
from the eastern limits of the city quite a
long distance in the country. The umbrella
factory of Sprague & French, in which
about thirty young women.were employed,
was partially demolished. - Many ot the
girls escaped,' but others were caught
Dora Palmer, aged nineteen, received fatal
in jerries. Nellie Harding, Miss Brush and
several others whose names were not given
received severe Injuries. A number of
barns and other am ill buildings were
wrecked. Trees were uprooted and fences
blown down in all directions. At 7 o'clock
another terrible storm visited the city, the
wind blowing and hail stones as lar?e as
hickory nuts falling, mashing windows
and demolishing green houses. Much dam
age by the storm 1 reported all around
Nor walk.
Barnum and Bailey in Boston,
Boston, Mass., April 7. Barnum &
Bailey have taken a Bix years' lease of Oak
land Garden, and will locate their menag
erie and a part of their circus permanently
there. They. were recently denied a per
mit to establish themselves permanently
in New York city; tence their move
toward the Hub.
Hard on Bucket Shops.
Chicago, April 7. It has been the custom
ot large dealers to post fluctuations of
grain and produce in their offices for the
convenience of customers. 1 5 was sus
pected these postings were being taken ad
vantage of by bucket shops and conse
quently the board of trade cut the source
of possible quotations off today. As a con
sequence bucket shops are fretting quota
tions Jess frequently and less promptly
than they have done heretofore.
Gives General Satisfaction.
Washington, April 6. The selection of
Brigadier-General Nelson A. Miles to be
major-general to succeed Major-Oeneral
Crook, deceased, seems to srive general
satisfaction in army circles. General
Miles, who has been in the city several
days, was the recipient of hearty congrat
ulations this afternoon. About o o'ciock,
in company with Major General Hal
Schofield, General Miles called on Secre
tary Proctor and thanked him for his pro
motion. Ex-Congressman Arrested For Pen
sion Frauds.
Indianapolis, Ini, April 6. Ex-Con
gressman JU3e Wilson, 01 oueioy county,
was arrested last night charged with ex
tensive pension frauds. He has b?enin.
dieted by the federal grand jury, evidence
showing that ho secured a total of twenty
one annulments of marriage in the Shelby
county court and each case he had re
ceived a fee of from $50 to $100. The
women who were thus freed from matri
monial bonds were the widows of soldiers
who had remarried and the Incentive was
restoration to the pension rolls. Wilson
gave bond for his appearance.
A Terrific Storm.
Roanoke, Va., April 9. The greatest tor
nado for many years passed over this city
evening. The east house at the Crezler
Iren furnace was blown down and three
laborers killed and one mortally wounded.
Loss to the furnace company, $5,000.
Nearly 100 dwellings In course of erection
were compie:eiy aemoiisned. Tne baiem
furnace was blown down and a heavy loss
is reported and buildings In that vicininy
were reduced to ruins. The loss In city
ana neighbor neoa is tiu.uuu.
Children's Day at Washington.
Washington, April 7. The white- house
grounds presented a decidedly picturesque
appearance today, the occasion being the
annual gathering there of the children of
the district for the purpose of "egg rolling."
The entire grounds back of the mansion
were turned over tr tnem, and several
thousand spent a portion of the day there.
Emperor William's Policy.
Berlin, April 7. A Hamburg correspond1
ent says that in contrast with Bismarck's
policy. Emperor William intends to pave
the way to an Intente with France and
thus isolate Russia. The Austrian alliance
it adds, remains unchanged.
The Brazilian Republic.
Rto Janeibo, April 8 The provisional
government having decreed all the great
popular measures so long demanded by the
people, 6uoh as the abolition of slavery,
(forced from t he Imperial government of
18SS) separation of church and state, free
dom of the press, liberty of wort hip, secu
larization of public cemeteries, naturaliza
tion of foreigners, etc , is now trying to
avoid the danger and inconvenience that
attended the adoption of the American
constitution. The men now at the head of
affairs desire to begin where the United
States finished, and so take advantage of
American experience. For this reason they
have nominated a number of well known
specialists to form a constitution which i
to be presented to tho constituent assem
bly. The work ot regfsterlrig voters (all
men of twenty-ono yeara of age who know
how to read and writO ia being pKshed
rapidly. TLe farmers hope to present a
constitution as much like the American con.
stitution as is conristcnt with the ctarncter
ot the Brazilian people. It will then be sub
mitted to a direct vote ot the people. It is al
ready partially completed. It declares tho
fatherland one and indivlsable. The re
public is composed of states, federal dis
tricts, provinces and territories. The gov
ernment is representative; federal and ro-
fmblican. Each state shall be governed by
ts own laws and the federal government
shall interfere only for the purpose of
guaranteeing a republican foiui cf gov
ernment, the sanction of sentences of the
ftderal courts and in case of rebellion.
Provinces are to be regularly organized
political bodies that require pecuniary
assistance from the federal government.
Territories are unorganized or uninhabited
parts of the republic.
The federal district will consist cf any
municipality that they may be cbosen for
the federal capital.
The moBt important recent event was
the resignation in a body of the Rio Janeiro
municipal intendancy n conncqtucee of a
decree subjecting certain of their net to
the approval cf tho government A new
intendancy headed by Dr. Amarau has
made an excellent immeteion bv fcuppeud-
lng the code ot municipal laws lranu-d by
the old board and which tad given great
New Jersey Evictions.
Mats Landing, N. J., April 5. The mis
fortune which has come upon the formers
of Germanie county causes intense excite
ment all over New Jersey. Over forty
families ore homeless. Sheriff Johnson of
Atlantic sold within two days 300 farms to
satisfy mortgages which have been fore
closed. One cf the farmers evicted was
George Ling. Hi's misfortune made him
crazy and he set fire to his home and
burned It to the ground, dying in the
flames. Another farmer, Fred Wersbot,
has barricaded himself in his house and an
nounces his Intention to keep poFsesslon
or die.
The farms and land belonged to tho
Gloucester land company, which was or
ganized thirty years ago. The farmers
furchassd or leased their places from the
and company, which was unable to meet
its cbligations to the Coxwell estate, which
had a mortgage for $30, t'( 0 on the land.
The farmers did not have clear titles to
their property and foreclosure proceedings
New Yobs. April 4. Later advices to
night from May's Landing say there l a
been no evictions and that there will bu
Claims a Big Estate.
Butte. Mont. April 5. J. Davis
the plied for letters of administration
$7,0C0,000 estate of A. J. Davia, who died a
month ago. J. D.ivls comes from Keokuk,
Ia., backed by two lawyers, and tay s he in
the son of the late millionaire, who was
never married. He mokes the third appli
cant for letters of administration. The
person appointed administrator will have
to furnish bonds of $9,003,(K0.
Conf'ederato Decoration Day.
NewCbleans, La, April 6 Confederate
Decoration day attracted thousands of vis
itors to the ceraateiios. At the Army cf
Nortriern Virginia tomb, wherj ths bidy
of Jefferson Davis is interred, the confed
erate veterans placed a magnificent presi
dential chair ot yellow luimortell.n In
scribed: To Our Chief."
A Sensible Judge.
New Yobk, April 8 Civil Justice Teier
Mitchell appeared before Judge Uwitg in
the general sessions today and made un ap
plication that th grand jury be called luto
court and specially charged en criminal
ibel as committed by editum. Judge
Mitchell read to the court certain extract
from an evening paper and made a spirited
speech. In which he said that Eomething
must be cone to stem the tide 01 thH
modern newspaper abune on piivate char
acters and public servants. Judge Uowinx
declined to specially charge tuo grand j iry
as requested because he deemed it Im
proper for Llm to do so.
Delaware Grangers.
Wilmington, Del., April 5. At a meeting
in Kentgrange, in Dover, among the com
mittee appointed was one to consider
what new crops we can this year at leant
substitute for the pencil crop. Resolu
tions were adopted declaring .that since
there is already an over production or cer
tain agricultural produots, the grangers
protest against congressional appropria
tions for tia irrigation of western land;
denouncing the adulteration of food pro
ducts; favoring exclusive government con
trol of railroads, telegraphs. Insurance
business and banking; favoring national
legislation against trusts, combination
and dealings in futures or gambling lu
farm products.
CATTLE Butchers' steers.... $2 75 a 3 5
Cows 2 10 a 2 fO
HOGS Fat 8 65 a S 8
Stockers 3 25 a 3 50
SHEEP 3 00 a 8 tO
WHEAT No. 2 spring 5 a 60
OATS Ne. 2 11 a 15
RYE No. 2 25 a 157
CORN No. 2, new 15 a IS
FLAXSEED 1 02 a 1
APPLES Per bbl 3 75 a 4 w
HAY Prairie, bulk 5 00 a U 00
Omaha, Neb.
CATTLE $3 80 a 4 25
Oowb 1 75 a 3 25
HOGS Far to heavy 8 90 a 00
Mixed 3 9.) a 3 9
Chicago, lx
CATTLE Prime steers. . ..... .$3 50 a 5
Stockers and feeders 2 35 a 8
HOGS Packing 4 00 a 4
SHEEP Natives 5 00 a 5
Kansas City, Mo
CATTLE--Corn fed $1 SO a 4 60
Feeders 2 40 a 3 40
HOGS-Good to oholoe 3 75 a S 16
Mixed 8 55 a 3 GO