The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 29, 1890, Image 1

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    'lay -fSL
NO. 41.
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapest means of noti-
Sring- subscribers of the date of their explra
ons we will mark this notice with a blue or
red pencil, on the date at which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration. If not renewed
by that time it will be discontinued.
We Have the Tariff Yet.
Tis true we haven't Sunday clothes nor very
much to eat,
i And corn is good for nothing- now except for
7J making heat;
We haven't laid a dollar by for all our toil and
But still we're very thankful that we have
the tariff yet.
We'd like to buy some farm machines, but
everything's so steep,
Our crops would never pay for them, for all-
we sell is cheap.
But politicians tell us that , we needn't even
fret ;
They say we're very lucky, since we have the
tariff yet.
We put a mortgage on the farm that's pretty
nearly due;
We never can remove it and the future's aw
ful blue;
And now and then In thoughtless spells we
very near forget
How thankful we should be to know we have
the tariff yet.
And when election day's at hand we'll come
from far and near
And vote the same old ticket we have voted.
year by year.
We realize we all are getting deeper into debt.
But still we love the g. o. p .it gives us tariff
yet. Chicago Herald.
Sherman Confesses.
Plattsmouth special : Sherman, the
third party in the Jones mnrder at
South Omaha, at last confesses his con
nection with that great crime. County
Attorney Mahoney, Detective Haze and
Stenographer Deney came down from
Omaha in the morning. The party
want to the county jail, but only
County Attorney Mahoney was admit
ted at first. Sherman was taken to the
city part of the jail, when Denny was
nviie'd in, Sherman said he had been
at the Pianey farm several times be
fore the Jones murder, and said what
had been printed in the papers was
true and a great deal of it was not. He
said Shellenberger did the killing
against the wish of Neal and that Neal
euid that it was not necessary to kill
the old people to drive the cattle away,
but Shellenberger said they would be
better out of the way. He seems to
have a deep feeling against Shellen
berger. Sherman says he can prove
where he was at the time of the mur
der. The coat and vest hehas been
wearing he has been recently washing
the blood stained spots out and had
succeeded in getting them nearly ob
literated, he coat was stolen from a
man in Lincoln. He tried to sell it to
his fellow prisoners, but failed to
do so. . .
In General.
Frank E. Helvey has been appointed
postmaster at Nebraska city.
Crawford has telephonic connection
with Fort Bobinson.
Bartley's town board has arranged
for street lamps for the coming year.
Petitions are being circulated to have
the name of South Sioux city changed
to Pacific city.
Wash "Wilcox, a farmer living near
Ponca, lost his dwelling house and
contents by fire. Loss, $400.
The commissioners of Platte county
have decided to have an expert exam
ination of of the county records.
The Benkleman creamery company
is making extensive improvements in
its property in that place.
One hundred conversidns are report
ed at Geneva as the result of a series
of revival meetings now in progeess.
Young Charlie Lock, living near
Central city, in Hamilton county, lost
three fingers by the discharge of his
Kev. J. P. Gilleland has returned to
his family in Juniata from Chili, where
he has been as a missionary for the
past ten years.
"Married but not mated, or the bride
of a day," is the title of a romance in
real life which was enacted in Juniata
the other day. .
Congressman Laws writes that the
Hastings public building bill has
passed the critical point and the
chances are in favor of its passage.
Frank Duffey, a young man of Burt
county,is serving out an eighteen day's
sentence in jail for assisting one Mon
ey ham to evade the sheriff.
Mrs. Sullivan, a white woman said
to be 110 years old, came into Craw
ford county from the reservation re
cently. " She is on her way to visit rel
atives m Newcastle..
An attempt to organize a local
branch of the peoples's and farmers'
union at Osceola was unsuccessful.
The alliance is growing in Polk county
and the farmers do not see fit to join
the union largely.
Daniel A. Vermillion And Miss
Margarette Cain were married one
night last week on the B. & M. flyer
between Benkelman and Haigler. The
groom is a resident of Kit Carson
county, Col., and the bride is a former
residegt of Holdrege.
A series of shoots will probably take
place between Frank S. Crabill of
Hastings, and J. W. Den of Arapahoe.
Den is considered to be a crack shot
and Crabill is very anxious to meet
him, but up to this time it has been
impossible to make conditons.
The Senate.
Washington, March 20. In the senate to-
day Mr. Cockrel presented a protest of the
Pork Packers' association of St Louis
against the bill for the inspection of meats,
saying the bill was unnecessary and injuri
ous to the stock raising and canning inter
ests more -injurious even than German
and French prohibition.
The educational bill was taken np at 1
o'clock as unfinished business.
After taking up the Blair ibill after de
bate the senate proceeded on the .bill and
its amendments. The first vote was on the
three amendments offered by Mr. Moedy
of South Dakota that the illiterates among
the Indians shall be included in the calcu
lations. Mr. Hawley, opposing the biJ, read the
table of appropriations to be maae for the
next fiscal year, with the following recapi
tulation: Probable appropriations, S455,
600,000; proposed appropriations, 58.242,
l(X; total. 523,842,000. Estimated revenues.
f 350,400,000; excess of appropriations over
revenue, 873,412,000.
mr. Ja joav a amendment was agreed to.
The senate proceeded to vote on the
third reading and the engrossment of the
on l it resulted against tho biu.
Mr. Blair changed Ms vote from no so as
to make a motion to reconsider. The re
sult was announced yeas, 31; nays. 37, as
Yeas, republican Messrs. Allen. Allison,
Chandler. CoJlom, Dawes, Dolph, Edmunds,
Evarts, Higglns, Hoar, McMillan. Mander
son, Mitchell, Morrill, Moody Pettigrew,
Piatt, Squire, Stanford, Stewart, Stock
bridge, Teller, Wilson of Iowa. Demo
crats Messrs. Barbour, Colquitt: Daniel,
George, Hampton, Hearst, Pasco, Pugh
31. - Tzrr I
Nays, republicans Messrs, Aldrlch,
Blair, Davis, Dixon, Harwell, Frye, Hale,
Hawley. Hisoock, Ingalls, Jones of Nevada,
Pierce, Plumb, Sawyer, Sherman, Spooner,
Walcott Democrats Messrs. Bates, Berry,
Blackburn, Blodgett, Cockrel, Coke, Faulk
ner, Gorman, Gray, Harris, Jones of Arkan
sas. Kenna. Morgan, Payne, Reagan, Tur-
pie, Vest, Voorhees, Walthall and Wilson of
MaiylanO 37.
The following pairs were announced:
Messrs. Butler, Vance, Paddock, Casey,
Gibson, Brown and Call, who were for the
bill, with Messrs. Quay, McPherson, Eustls,
Ransom, Washburn, Beck and Cameron,
who were against 1C
Mr. .Blair maae a metion to reconsider
the vote, which motion was entered, and
after an executive session the senate ad
journed. . - -j
Washington, March 21. In the senate to
day numerous petitions and memorials
were presented for a law against the em
ployment of aliens on government work.
some for the free and unlimited coinage of
silver, and one from Nebraska against
the extension of time for the payment of
the Pacific railroad debt to the govern
Plumb, from the committee on appro
priations, reported back the house joint
resolution authorizing the appointment of
thirty medical examiners for the bureau
of pensions, and gave notice that he would
ank the senate te consider it tomorro w.
On motion of Sherman the bill to declare
unlawful treats and combinations in re
straint of trade and production was taken
up for consideration. The substitute re
ported by Sherman from the finance com
mittee on the 18th lnst , was read; also the
amendment offered by Riagan. . Sherman
then addressed the senate. . . '
At the close of Sherman's speech Ingalls
offered an amendment which Is aimed
against dealings in futures and options. It
was read and ordered printed.
After some discussion the matter went
over till Monday.
Washington, March 'as. when, the sen
ate took up the calendar today the first
bill considered was the one appropriating
$300,000 for a public building at San Diego,
Uai. snermar. epoKe of the appropriation
as being too large for a place the siza of
San Diego.
After some discussion the bill passed.
Blair introduced another educational bilL
The bill passed to establish a port of de
ivery at Sioux City. ,
Adjourned. ,
Washington, March 24. In the senate to
day several petitions against the ratifica
tion treaty with Russia having been pre
sented from Massachusetts and Missouri,
Hoar said he would once more raise the
question as to their presentation in open
session. After some debate the point of
order waB withdrawn by Hoar for the time
Hoar, from the committee on privileges
and elections, reported four resolutions in
the cases of the persons claiming seats as
senators from the stats of Montana, two of
them declaring that Clark and McGlnnis
are not entitled to seats and the other two
declaring tnat eaunaers and rowers are
entitled to seats. Resolutions frosa the
minority of the committee making oppo
site declarations were reported and all were
ordered printed. Hoar gave notice that he
wculd ask the senate to consider them
Thursday next.
The nouse Dili appropriating 960,000 for
a puDiic Duuoing ac jrremonc, JNeD., was re
ported and passed with the substitute, and
a conference was ordered with the house
so as to make this and all public building
bills correspond in -form. The bill to de
clare unlawful trusts and combinations in
restraint oi iraue ana production was
taken up and Turpie diecussed the consti
tutional points involved.
Teller said tne bill would t apply to the
Farmers' Alliance and National Farmers
league. ,
ueorge reierredTo tne Knights of .Labor
as another organiz ition that would come
within the scope of the bill, because the
object of the order was to Increase wages,
ana consequently increase the cost or pro
duction. 1
Teller admlted that the Knights of Labor
and all the trades unions of the country
are practically included in the bill, and
suggested to the committee which report
ed it wnetner it couia not De so worded as
to oonfine it to the trusts that were offen
sive to (rood morals.
The discussion then drifted to the amend
ment offered by Ingalls, aimed at dealings
in xuiureB" ana options."
Sherman opposed it as not in harmony
with the bill as proposing a tax, which
coma not originate in the senate, and as
not having been considered by the com
Hoar criticized the bill in some of its
legal aspects and claimed. that it failed
to afford any adequate remedy.
Sherman replied to Hoar and said that if
the duty on cotton cloths or woolen cloths
was too low to protect the manufacturers
of Massachusetts, not a month nor a day
would be allowed to pass before Hoar
would demand a remedy in the way of
raisin the duty. Here was a remedv for a
greater wrong than any that resulted from
a low tariff. The farmers associations
throughout the country could not see the
source ox tne evu, due tney aemanaed a
remedy ana their demand had to be neard.
The power of congress was the only power
mat couiu ueai wren tnose corporations.
George asked Sherman whether the
standard uu company was not a corpora
tionunderjnejaw jf Ohio, and whether
the legislature of that state could not an
nul its charter.
Sherman replied that the Btanaara uu
i j
company had Deen onginauv organize!
with the modest capital of 1200,000, but
that there was forty or fifty other com-
Eanies in other states combined with it.
e had oeen In favor of a general law de
claring certain contracts null and void, but
had modified the proposition to meet me
views of others who thought he was going
too far. -
After several other senators had spoken
in opposition to the bill the matter went
over till tomorrow.
Washington, March 25. In the senate
this morning among the bills introduced
was one to establish an education fund
from the proceeds of the sale of public
land and one to give a pension of f 2,000 a
year to the widow of General Crook. Also
a joint resolution to amend the constitu
tion so as to empower congress to make
all laws that are necessary and proper to
suppress comDinations in restraint oi
trade or production, and to prevent trans
actions that may create a monopoly or in
crease or decrease the price of commodi
ties that are or may become sub j acts of
commerce among the states or with foreign
nations. . ' I ''
Tho anti-trust bill was then taken up
and George addressed the senate.
At the close of George's speech a motion
by him te refer the bill and amendments
to the judiciary committee created quite a
lengthy discussion, in the course of which
Test said the country knew the recepta
cles in which the senate eepo6ited its load
and there was no longer any hope of con
cealing it. The country now knew that
when the senators desired the death of a
bill, and are not anxious to place them
selves on record as having struck the blow,
they referred it to the judiciary committee,
where it slept the last Bleep
George's motion was reject.
The question was then taken on Reagan's
amendment adding to the bill his anti
trust bill as sections 2, 4 and 5, and it was
agreed to.
Sherman moved to amend the first sec
tion by adding to it the proviso suggested
by George that the act "be not construed to
apply to any arrangement, agreement or
combination between laborers, made with
a view of lessening the number of iours of
labor or increasing wages nor among per
sons engaged in horticulture or agricul
ture, with a view to euhancing the price of
their products." Agreed to.
Hoar's motion to strike out oi tne nrst
section the words "of different states or
between two or more citizens or corpora
tions, or both, of tbe United States and
foreign states, or citizens or corporations
thereof," was agread to.
Ingalls' amendment aimed at aeaiings in
futures and options was agreed to.
Pending action the senata adjourned.
Reagan's amendment to Sherman's bill
provides that all persons engaged in the
creation of a .trust, eta, using its powers
for any of the following purposes, be guilty
of a high misdemeanor and subject to a
fine of not more than $t0,000, or imprison
ment not exceeding five years, or both,
viz : To create or carry out any restriction
in trade; limit production or increase or
reduce the-price of -merchandise or com
modities; to prevent competion in mer
chandise, produce or commodities; to fix a
standard or ngure wnereDy tne price or,
any article, commodity, merchandise - or
produce intended for sale, use or consump
tion will De in any way controlled; to cre
ate a monopoly in the manufacture, sale
or transportation of any such article; to
enter into any obligation by which they
shall bind others or themselves not to man
ufacture, sell or transport) any such article
below the common standard ngure, or Dy
which they agree to keep such articles or
transportation at a fixed or graded figure,
or by which they set the prica of such ar
ticle, to preclude unrestricted competi
tion. , The House.
Washington, March 20. In the house to
day Mr. Henderson oi lowa presented a
resolution of the general assembly of Iowa
urging legislation sgalnst the adulteration
of lard Referred.
Th hous? then resumed consideration of
the Madd Compton contested election case
and was addressed by Mr. Compton. the
si Ming member, in his own behalf.
Mr. Moore ox Texas, on Demur, oi tne mi
nority of the committee, offered a resolu
tion declaring Mr. Compton entitled to his
seat. Defeated Yeas 145, nays. 155. The
majority resolution declaring Mr. Madd
entitled to his seat adopted yeas, 159;
nays. 145.
Mr. Mudd appeared and tcok the oatn oi
Mr. Morrow of California moved that the
house go into a committee of the whole tor
further consideration of the pension ap
propriation bill, pending which Mr. Hook
er oi Mississippi moved an adjournment.
Mr, Morrow's motion was agreed to. The
committee immediately arose and the
house adjourned.
Washington, March 21. The house went
into committee of the whole on the pen
slon appropriation bill and Cheadle of
Indiana spoke at length in favor of the
service pension law. 1 He explained the
provisions of the bill, authorizing a service
pension to every veteran over nrty years
of age who served sixty days and was hon
orabiy discharged. Under the general law
all Invalid pensioners who receive less
than $8 per month and all who receive no
pension will be beneficiaries under it
After a lengthy debate the committee
rose and the bill passed.
The bill for the retirement of General
Fremont with the rank of major-general
was passed.
A bill was passed appropriating $25,000
to enable the recretary of war to purchase
2,5 0 tents for the use of the pesplo driven
from their homei by the floods in Arkan
sas, Mississippi and Louisiana.
Tne nouse then took a recess, the even
ing session to be for the consideration of
private pension bills.
At the night session of the house fifteen
private pension bills were passed and at
10:30 p. m. the house adjourned.
Washington, March 22. In the house pe
titions were presented and referred today
as follows: From the Chicago wholesale
shoe and leather association, remonstrat
ing against the imposition of a duty upon
hides; from the farmer's exchange of Mem
phis, opposing the proposed tax on com
pound lard, and one from the citizens of
Colombus, 0., against material change in
the immigration and naturalization laws.
mi t-jti . a . .
xne diu was passea autnorieing the sec
retary of the interior to negotiate for the
sale to the United States of the western
part of the Crow Indian reservation in
In the morning hour, on motion of Pay
son oi Illinois, tne Dili was passed repeal
ing the timber culture law.
At 2 o'clock publlo business was suspended
and addresses were delivered by various
members in eulogy of the iate Represents
uve uray ox ixmisiana. alter which, as an
additional mark of respect, the house ad
Washington, March 24. Henderson of
Iowa, from the committee on appropria
tions, reported back the urgent deficiency
bill with the senate amendment thereto,
with the recommendation that certain of
those amendments be concurred in and
that certain others be non-concurred in.
The amount appropriated by the bill was
114,720,000, of which 22,874,000 was for the
benefit of the old soldiers of the country.
The recommendation of the committee in
regard to a conference was ordered.
Washington, March 2r. In the house im
mediately after the approval of the journal,
Candler of Massachusetts called for the
consideration of the world's fair bill.
The committee was satisfied that Chica
go had raised a bona fide subscription of
95,000,000 and was also satisfied that Chi
cago had done more than" had been ex
pected of any competing city in agreeing
that the subscription should be raised to
$10,000,000. . la order to meet the views of
the conservative element which did cot
favor the holding of the fair, the bill pro
vided that the president should not issue
the proclamation inviting foreign nations
until he was satisfied that the contribution
was a bona fide one. Candler offered an
amendment to his motion, to be consid
ered as p?nding, for the dedication of the
buildings of the world's fair with appropri
ate ceremonies, October 12. 1892. and
further providing that tbe exposition shall
be opened to visitors not later than . May 1,
1893, and dose not later than October 3d,
After some discussion the bill passed;
yeas 202, nays 49.
' Three Children Burned.
Medicine Lodge, Ens., March 25. This
morning the house occupied by L. B. Root
was burned. His three children, aged six,
four and two respectively, perished. The
father was away and the mother was milk
ing. Mrs. Root was severely burned while
trying to rescue the children.
Express Train "Wrecked.
Missoula, Mont, March 25. The east-
bound express on the Northern Paolfio
went through a culvert near Heron station
this morning. The express messenger was
killed and four passengers injured, how
seriously is not yet known.
A Conscience Contribution.
Washington, March 25. Postmaster
General Wanamaker today received a con
science contribution of 91,500 from New
York, which he turned over to the secre
tary of the treasury. The letter contain
ing the money was without signature. The
writer says: "Enclosed you will find
$1,500 which I wish you to place to the
credit of the conscience fund. Years ago
I defrauded the government of quite a
large sum of money. Since then 1 have
become a Christian man and have had this
matter lying very heavily on my con
science, and as I have made a little money
I have sent it to the government, so that I
have returned all that was fraudulently
taken and the enclosed is the balance of
25 per cent over and above the amount
stolen. I pity any thief , if he must, pass
through the anguish of mind that I have
experienced, and even now, though l have
made restitution, my conscience is under
condemnation and I suffer deeply. .Do sou
not think-that 25 per - cent additional res
titution is' sufficient to bring peace to t
sorrowing soul? Please see that this
money goes to the proper place. There is
no need of my name."
Fifteen Hundred Houses Burned.
San Francisco,' March 25. Advices by the
steamer City of Pekin are to the effect that
on February 27 . about fifteen hundred
houses were destroyed Dy nre in xokio,
Jan&n. and a number of Deonle inlured.
Another nre Maron o destroyed yuu Duua-
i ings. Several serious encounters are re
ported between the Dutch troops and Chin-
I ese gueruias.
The lowa Legislature.
Dss Moines, la., March 24. Both houses
weie in session only about half an hour
this morning. In the senate the ways and
means committee reported on the receipts
and expenditures of the past half year,
and estimated receipts and expenditures
for the next biennial period. The receipts
for the half year ending March 31 were
11,(81,012; disbursements, $S87,201 ; bal
ance on hand, including balance over from
preceding six months period, 9177,000, and
warrants outstanding, szi3,zb4, leaving an
actual debt of 934.250. It is estimated that
the receipts on a basis of a 2 mill levy will
be during the next biennial period 83,197,.
200, and ordinary disbursements S4.4S5.-
710, leaving a surplus of 9711.500. But this
will De decreased Dy interest ana the pres
ent indebtedness to 9666,500. A number of
petitions were presented in the senate ask
ing for the retention . of the prohibitory
law. reform in school books, etc. Bills in
troduced were: To provide for insurance
to citizens of Iowa without loss; to pro
vide for contracting for and the (purchase
of school text books; to fix compensation
zor road supervisors. Adjourned.
ii the house the majority of petitions
presented were in favor of state uniform
ity of text books, and asking for a change
in tne exemption law. A lomc resolution
providing for the resubmission of the
question of prohibition to the people by
means oi a constitutional amendment was
presented; also one asking for reform in
the monetary system of the country. Ad
Railroad Travel Suspended.
Cincinnati, Marh 24. At 10 o'clock this
morning the Ohio river measured fifty-six
feet ten inches, and was rising at the rate
of two inches an hour with a cloudy sky
and mild temperature. The out look for
rain puts a most serious aspect of affairs
along this'stream. The river is rising at
all points below Pittsburg. Goods have
been removed from stores along the river
front and cellars have been vacated and
the nrst floors in manv houses and cottages
along the river front; will be compelled to
go into upper quarters or vacate these
quarters entirely. All railroads except
two nave Deen compelled to De abandoned.
The Central union depot has established
temporary depots at such points as can be
reached. Railroad freight traffic is greatly
lnterupted and on some roads must oease
today within the city ili mite. (Jovmgton and
JNewpon are cut off from tne city now. as
rar as street car traffic is concerned. Fer
ries are aiso ODugea to stop, as they can
not nna tne landing points. Two men and
a boy were drowned back Of Covington by
uie capsizing oi a skin.
Abandoned at Sea.
London, March 22. The British steamer
Yirent, from Sallna, Boumania, for Lon
don, has been abandoned, at sea with her
shaft broken. The captain and eight of
her crew have landed at Ferroll. The mate
and fourteen other men belonging to the
Bwomw were lost.
Satisfied At It Is.
Omaha, Maroh 21. A petition signed by
owners of two hundred elevators in Ne
braska has just been wired to State Senator
Randall, Annapolis, Md. It sets forth that
the Baltimore grain inspection has been
satisfactory to the farmers and dealers of
the west and the petitioners thin any
change will be detrimental to vbm in.
i ajreabs.
Disastrous Fire at Kearney.
Kiaenxt, Neb., March 24 The magnifi
cent Midway hotel in this city, the finest
hotel In the -state, caught fire at 7:30 this
morning and in two hours was burned to
the ground. The entire contents of the
building and the offices therin were totally
destroyed. The .fire began while most of
the guests were still In their beds and
many hair-breadth escapes are reported as
the panic stricken guests fled from the
burning struotur 9 in scant apparel, many
of them In their night robes. Many start- i
ling incidents occurred during the progress
of the fire and one fatality is reported.
The fire originated in the upper part of
the building and burned downward with
mgntiui rapidity, uarry a. women, cne
property man of the Worden Dramatic
company, jumped from the upper story
and died in a short time afterwards. He
was badly burned before he jumped. Other
members of the company narrowly escaped
death, being quartered in the region where
the fire started. The wind blew a hurri
cane from the north The fire department
made every effort and worked with a per
severance bordering upon desperation. It
I saved tbe business buildings to the south
of the hotel and thus prevented the spread
of the names.
Gaudaur Victonons.
Jacksonville, Fla, March 24. Hamm,
Gaudaur. Teneyck and Hosmer rowed a
race yesterday afternoon on the St. Johns
river at Mandarin, sixteen miles above this
city. Gaudaur was handicapped three
boat lengths on account of his recent vic
tories. He won the race easily. Hamm
second. Teneyck third. Hosmer last Hos
mer has not yet wholly recovered from his
reoent severe illness. A thousand people
witnessed the race.
An Industry Killed.
Washington, March 23. There will have
to be imitation savages in the circuses this
summer, as the secretary of the interior
has decide i that no more Indians shall be
allowed to leave the agencies for this pur
pose because of the demoralizing effects
upon them. Representatives of the various
circus companies are heae to protest
against this order, and they have appealed
to the president who, however, sustains
Secretary Noble. They explained to the
president that they had already advertised
their attractions for the coming year, and
had gone to great expense in printing
show bills and circulars in which they offer
as an attraction to the publlo scenes in
savage life and that they will be put to
great loss unless they are allowed to carry
out their plana. The president listened to
tnem patiently, Dut would not yield and
they will have to find the best possible sub
stitute. Ah soon a? the Indians who are
now with Buffalo Bill in Europe return to
this country they will be ordered back to
their agencies and will be required to stay
Dynamite Magazine Blown Up. .
Panama, March 23. During a severe elec
tric storm which swept over the mining
town of Pueblo In Peru recently, lightning
struck a magazine exploding 200 cases of
dynamite and giaut powder and the entire
works were wrecked 'Five persons were
killed outright and forty more or less
seriously injured.
Coolness Prevented Bloodshed.
Penbacola, Fla, March S3. Yesterday
John R. Mezell, who was recently ap
pointed marshal for the northern district
of Florida, met Senator Call in the office of
the Continental hotel and going up to him
said: "Senator Call, I understand that you
have been talking in the senate about my
private life and that you have alleged cer
tain things which I here pronounce as Ilea
ic you nave done so you are a dirty puppy
ana i will noia you persenauy responsible
for the act"
Seaator Gall's face flushed as he replied
in a quiet by suppressed tone: "Mr. Mezell,
saca language as that has often made men
kin each other."
"I can't help that." replied the marshal,
ir von made tne remarks laid to vnnr
creuit you are a airty puppy."
inis repetition oi the insulting expres
sion failed to stir the senator from his icy
caimness ana ne repnea: -xou may re
member that I am not the only repre
tentative of Florida in congress. Besides.
I never reade any remarks derogatory to
your personal character, and consequently
I mut beg you to .apologlzs for this in
Mezell. though evidently surprised at
the senator's cool behavior, apologized and
held out his hand, which the senator
touched slightly in token of amity. The
senator then left the hotel and In conver
sation with a friend subsequently de
clared that but for the fact that Mezell had
a family he would have shot the marshal
on the spot The sonator subsequently
ieit zor iseiuniak springs.
Visited by a Cyclone.
Chablotte, N. C, March 22. A special to
the Chronicle from Chester, S. C., says
destructive cyclone passed over the village
of Edgemore, near Chester, this afternoon.
ourteen nouses were Diown dov. n and , a
negro named James Miller was killed and
several persons seriously injured. The
roof of the Georgia. Carolina & Northern
depot was blown naif a mile away. Robin
son & Bros.' establishment and Dickey's
drug store were totally demolished. iSdge-
more's new cnuroa was also destroyed.
Indians Uprising.
Ensenapa, Lower CaL, .March 23. The
Cooopal Indians are on tho war path on the
otner side oz tne peninsula. Jtteports are
conflicting, but it . is believed they are
murdering Mexican, settlers and fighting
among themselves, oovernor Topete has
sent a large detaenment of troops over the
mountains to the scene of the disturbance.
A Noted Man Gone.
Washinoton, Maroh 23. General Robert
C Schenck died at his home at 5:45 this
evening of pneumonia, after an illness ot
but five days. ' General Schenck was in the
eighty-first year of his age, and his career
as a soldier, congressman and diplomat
was a remarkably busy one. He was born
In Fort Franklin, O., October 4, 18C9. He
was first elected to congress in 1813 and
served four terms and until 1851. when he
was sent by President Fillmore as minister
to urazu. when tne civil war.Droxe out ne
promptly offered his services and was one
oi the nrst Drigaoier-generais appointea
bv President Lincoln, his commission bear
ing the date of May 18. 180L He served
with distinction as brigadier and division
commander until December. 1864. when he
resigned to again take his seat in the
house oi representatives, uenerat Bonenoa
was re-elected in '64. '66 and '68, and dur
ing his last lour terms In congress nuea a
number cf Important positions in the
house and rendered distinguished services
as chairman of the common military
affairs and of the ways and means com
mittee. In Dacemher. 1870. be was ap
pointed minister to England by President
uraut. resigning his post as minuter in
love uenerai oohenok return eu w nasuuig.
ton, where he has since resided.
Ltyx&pool, March 2L The dock laborers
have again struck work. The employers
declined to enter into any negotiations
with the men. and a deadlock baa resulted.
The position is serious.
London, March 24. Dispatches from
Russia in regard to the agitation among
the university students are confused and
conflicting. The agitation started in the
agricultural academy near Moscow. Ia
spite of the strict precautions of the gov
ernment the agitation spread to other in
stitutions and the students have been
holding meetings. At all the universities
there is a general upheavel of the stu
dents. Whoiesalo arrests of students sus
pected of being the leaders in the agitation
have been made at every one of the prin
cipal universities throughout Russia.
London, March 21 The Dally News,
speaking of the land purchase bill, says
one thing stands out dearly that the
British credit may be pledged te the ex
tent of 33,C00,CO0 for the benefit nominally
of the Irish tenant, but really for the bene
fit of the landlord. The News says the
voice was Balfour's but the hand was
Parnell says the bill is absurd and objec
tionable In the highest degree, one fatal
defect being that it gives no local control
over its administration.
Davttt is pronounced against the bill as
an lnslduous proposal to give the landlord
more than the value of his land.
The Times does not oommit Itself, not
having studied the bill, but thinks that
upon the whole it seems to promt the crea
tion of a peasant propriety an a very large
scale without involving the British ex
chequer in risk.
Taken From the Outlet.
Kansas Crrr, March 25. Reports from the
Cherokee strip state the scouting party
sent out by Captain Hayes, now in oamp at
Ponca, brought in three benches of boom-
ers and sent them south out of the terri
tory under escort Ponca settlers in great
numbers are making their way out of the
strip te wards tne nortn ana soutn. At
Caldwell, Kan., just north of the strip, Pat
Connor, a leading business man. and B. S.
Dill, a lawyer, were arrested Dy command
of Captain Woodson, for lnvadiBg the strip
and attempting to rebuild "Cherokee city,"
the settlement that was razed by the troops
last Saturday.
The Royalists Ungodly Remedy
London, March 23. The east end tailors
held an enormous mass meeting today, at
which their wretched condition was
mournfully discussed. A more hopeless
set of men perhaps never existed. All the
spirit is crushed out of them by the re
morseless "sweating system, into tne
miseries of which they have fallen. Even
the wild eloquence of the socialist Lyons,
who has devoted much time to the attempt
to organizo and energize these poor crea
tures, jailed to arouse them to any conn
dence in their own powers of self salva
tion or any hope or relief except from what
seems to them the ail -powerful arm of the
governing class. Accordingly the out
come of the meeting was the adoption of a
resolution to petition the queen lor neip,
and also to send an appeal to the inter
national labor oonf erenoe at Berlin to con
sider their case and if possible take some
action in their Dehail. The petition sets
forth in vivid and pathetic terms the
condition of the tailors, who. since
the days when Kingsley selected tiem
for portrayal in "Aiion lock" as
the types of the industrial misery
which led to the Chartist uprising, have
been, ll posslDle, growing more wretcned,
until now their life is merely a short and
bitter struggle with starvation. They pray
the aueen to Interfere and save their fami
lies who are dying oi consumption ana
ination in their filthy dens. But the queen
will hardly be able te Co anything for these
unfortunates, as she has but rooently re
ceived the report of a roval commission on
the subject," the gist of which is that noth
ing can oe done out to trust in tne opera
tion oi tne Maitnusian jaw or population.
The boot and shoemakers are also dissat
isfied with their condition as a strike in
that state is imminent The employers are
trying to conciliate them, but have thus
far failed and a mass meeting of the men
will be held tomorrow at which it will be
decided whether or not to ault work.
Five thousand Italians nave emDarvea
for Amerio during the past three weeks.
The tide of emigration is not due to any
illusions as to America's Deing an n.iao
zado, for the true situation of the laboring
classes in tne new world is Detter under
stood now than formerly. But the condl
tion of the lsauan peasantry is simply un
bearable and the emigrants act on the
theory that no matter what happens they
can be no worse off anywhere than they
were at home.
The socialists are making a vigorous
propaganda throughout Italy, and owing
to the prevailing distress among both the
agricultural and urban laborers, the agita
tors are meeting with unprecedented suc
cess. The government is alarmed and is
taking seeps to check the activity of the
socialists whenever possible. A socialist
newspaper has been founded for eleo
tioneering work during the political cam
"Will Fight Ingalls.
Atchison, Kan., Maroh 26. The farmers'
alliance of Kansas in convention at Topeka
yesterday passed, among other resolutions.
the following: "Notwithstanding the fact
that John J. Ingalls has represented Kan
sas for eighteen years In the United States
senate, it is a difficult matter for his con
stituents to point to a single measure he
has ever champion ea in tne interest oi tne
great agricultural and laboriBg element of
I Kansas, and we will not support, by our
votes or influence, any candidate lor tne
I legislature who favors his re-election to
the United States senate. The resolu
tions aloO demand the election of United
States senators by the people.
Farmers Mass Convention.
fbingfixxj. Neb., March 22. A grand
mass convention of tbe Farmers' lAne
board was held here today and a county
organization perfected and placed in run.
nirg oraer. Delegates irom uass ana
Saunders counties were in attendance. The
board expects to have a general store at
this plane within thirty days.
.. Wealth Cut No Figure.
washinoton, Maroh an, gaosg Lee, a
Chinese lanndrymen of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
has asked the treasury department
whether he can send to China for his wlie
and children. He says he Intends to be
come a citizen of the United States and
intimates that he is wealthy. In reply
assistant secretary xionnor says ntsooou-
GLtion as a laundryman does not exclude
m from the class ot laborers and that he
cannot claim immunity for hi relatives
from the Chinese restriction act by reason
ox ms intention to become a citizen or the
United States, since the law pronibits tbe
admission of any Chinese to citizenship.
His wife and children cannot be be ad
mitted otherwise than upon the produc
tion of a certificate from the Chinese gov
ernment declaring them persona ether
than laborers.
The Pan-Americans.
Washington, March 25. A report from a
majority of the committee on monetary
convention was presented in the Pan
American oongress today. The report is
signed by delegates Mexla, Alfonso,
Velarde, Bllva and Zelayau. Messrs. Oool-
idge and Eatee, delegates from the United
States, submitted a minority report The
majority report recommends that an
"International American monetary union"
be established and that as a basis of this
union an international silver coin be
issued which shall be a legal tender in all
countries represented in this conference;
that to give full effect to this recommen
dation there shall meet in Washington a
oommisslon composed of one delegate
from each nation, which shall determine
the quantity, value and proportion of this
international coin ana its relation to gold;
that this oommisslon shall meet in Wash
ington in a year's time or less after the
final adjournment of this oonf erenoe.
The Crop Bulletin.
Washinoton. March 22, The weather
crop bulletin says that the weather during'
the past week in the extreme northwest,
including Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota and
Nebraska, has been generally favorable
although frost is soil reported in the
Sound in leoalltles. Soma plowing and a
tie seeding has been done in the south
ern portion of these states. Freezing
weather during the early part of the week
proved Injurious to wheat and fruit in the
Ohio valley. Theoondlt.on of the wheat
is improved in Missouri ana all crops are
are doing well in Kansas, but more rain is
needed. Farm work is behind in the Gulf
states where vegetation was Injured by
cold on the 16th and muoh fruit Is appar
ently killed.
An Appeat lor Aid.
Chicago, March 26. Miss Frances E. Wll-
lard, president of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, has isBusd an appeal
for aid in the campaign in Nebraska, which
has for its object the adoption next Novem
ber of the proposed prohibition amend
ment to the constitution. She asks that
all contributions to aid in the struggle be
sent to Miss Esther Pugh. treasurer, at
They Can't Pay.
Albany, N. Y., Maroh 25. The annual re
port of the board of state assessors con
tains this statement: "There continues to
be a marked depredation in the value of
farm lands In every county and the de
pression among farmers continues, while
the prospect for Improvement is not good.
Many assert that after paying expenses
they cannot realize from their farms
sufficient to pay Interest on the mortgage
and consequently thousands of farms are
falling into the hinds of mortgagees.
$2,000 a Year to the Widow.
Washinoton, Maroh 25. Among tho bills
introduced was one to establish an educa
tional fund from the proceeds of public
lands and one to give a pension of f 2,000 a
year to the widow of General Crook: also a
joint resolution to amend the constitution
so as to empower congress to make an laws
that are necessary and proper to suppress
combinations in regard to trade or produc
tion and to prevent transactions that cre
ate a monopoly or lnorease or decrease
peloes of commodities that are or may be
come subjects of commerce among states
or with foreign nations.
Cause of Low Prices for Grain.
Minneapolis, Minn., March 25. 0. A.
Pillsbury, the leading wheat ot era tor of
the northwest, who hat just returned from
the east, says that more wheat has beeu
sold in Chicago lor luture delivery than
was produced in the entire world, and that
the present depression in price Is owing
to that fact
A Dangerous Counterfeit.
New Yobx, March 23. A new counterfeit
10- cent piece Is in circulation whloh so
closely resembles the genuine that it can
be easily passed. It differs from the usual
counterfeit in that a genuine silver plat
ing covers the german silver, which forms
the body of the coin. This gives it a ring
very nearly like that of good money ana
also does away wlMi the greasy feeling by
whloh most counterfeits can be detected.
The coin bsars the date of 1887. The mill
ing is not so deep upon the oouterfeit and
the edges are much sharper than those of
a good 10 cent piece.
Compound Lard to be Taxed.
Washinoton, March 2L Representative
Brosins reported favorably to the house to
day the Conger bill denning and taxing
compound lard, with some amendments.
The report says: "The objects of the pro
posed legislation, in addition to obtalnirg
revenue, are:
First To compel the branding of mix
tures compounded of Ingredients other than
lard, but made in the semblanos of and
sold as lard, so that consumers may be ad
vised of the nature of the artlole.
Second To' relieve the manufacturers
.of pure lard of the unfair competition of
an imitation article made of cheaper in-
gredients and sold at a lower price.
Third To relieve to some extent the ex
isting depression of the farming industry,
caused in part by tbe displacement of a
large and increasing amount f the pure
fat of hogs by a spurious substitute, put
upon the market under the name and
Drana or the genuine article."
Lincoln, Nxa,
CATTLE Butchers' steers.... f 2 75 a 8 5J
Cows 2 (0 a 2 to
HOGS Fat 8 61 a 3 8
Btookers S 35 a 8 50
SHEEP 8 00 a 3 60
WHEAT No. 2 spring 55 a 60
OATS Ne.' 2 11a 15
RYE No. 2 25 a 27
CORN No. 2, new 15a 18
POTATOES 18 a 2fe
APPLES-Per febl 3 75 a 4 00
HAT Prairie, bulk 5 00 a 6 0)
Omaha, Nxs.
CATTLE 3 80 a 4 25
Cows 1 75 a3 2
HOGS Fair to heavy 8 0) a 4 00
xuxea s yjas
Chtoaoo, u
CATTLE Prime steers ..3 50 a 5 P0
Btookers and feeders 2 85 a 8 6
HOGS Packing 4 00 a 4 20
SHEEP Natives 5 00 a 5 25
CORN 89'
Kansas Crrr, Ma
CATTLE Corn fed. 3 SO a 4 63
Feeders a 4) a 8 41
HOGS Good to choice 8 75 a 8 05
znxed M. suaseo