The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 22, 1890, Image 1

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NO. 40.
fin i ri x a a " a i r x x x v t ji
r- V ill hi P nl ill II I I I HI I v 11 vN -
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapest means of noti-
Sring subscribers of the date of their expira
ons we will mark thi3 notice with a blue or
red pencil, on the daxe at which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration. If not renewed
by that time It will be discontinued.
John M. Thurston.
This gentleman was invited to Chi
cago to deliver an address on the eighty
first anniversary of Lincoln's birthday.
Among some good things, he said the
"There are some who say that it is
not right that those who own no proper
ty and pay no direct tax should vote ob
ligations upon those who do. The daily
wage of every man who roils is lessened
by the tax on capital: to every house
rent is added a proportionate share of
the public burden, and every article of
ood, fuel and clothing must contribute
fo the revenue. We are all deeply inter
ested in the elevation of the masses, but
oftentimes we find that the rude, pract
ical common sense of the man who can
not read is, as trustworthy as the theory
of the college professor."
Even a politician may be, but rarely
is, a statesman. He may say shreAvd and
even wise things when seeking for office.
He may, and generally does betray his
constituents when warm in possession
of that office.
Mr. Thurston is the cultured and gen
ial Dr. Jekvl in Chicago, and the loath
some Mr. llyde in Omaha. He is the
regular and salaried general superin
tendent of boodlers for the Union Paci
fic, and his power is felt over all the
lands, even unto Salt Lake. He is the
kind of mild mannered gentleman who
throw dust and ashes into the eyes of
the people, while somehow their pockets
are being picked with neatness and dis
patch. Chicago Express.
' We call the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of the McCloud
Love Live Stock Commission Co., in
this issue. These gentlemen have been
in business for several years and for
proof of responsibility would refer to
any bank in Nebraska.
Articles of Incorporation of the Elmwood
Farmers' Alliance Business Associa
tion. Know all men by these presents: That the
subscribers hereto hereby associate them
selves together as a body corporate and poli
tic under and in pursuance of the statute of
the state of Nebraska and adopt tor their gov
ernment the following Articles of Incorpora
tion: , -
1. The name of this incorporation shall be
"The Elmwood Farmers' Alliance No 365 Busi
ness Association," and its office and principal
place of business 6hall be at Elmwood, Cass
County, Nebraska. But the said corporation
. mav do business any where in the state that
the board of directors in their judgment
deem it advisable. - .
2. The general nature of the, business of
the said incorporation shall be a general com
mission, buying and selling, storing and ship
ping of coal, seeds, grain, produce, live stock,
lumber, tools, agricultural implements, and
whatsoever may be demanded by its patrons.
-f3. The capital of said corporation shall be
live Thousand Dollars ($5,000), divided in
shares of Five Dollars ($5.00) each, and no
stock holder shall own more than twenty (20)
shares at one time, nor shall any transfer of
stock be made unless said transfer is recorded
on the books of the corporation.
Sec. 2. Each stock holder 6hall have but
one vote in any election, except for directors
or managers of aid corporation, who shall be
elected as constitution provides in Article XI
Sec. 5.
" Art." 1. The existence of this corporation
shall commence February 1st, 1890, and con
tinue until the flr?day of January A. D. 1930
Oanless said artic. of incorporation are ex
tended or dissolved uy mutual consent of the
stock holders.)
Art. 2. Fifty per cent of the subscribed stock
shall be paid at the time of subscription, and
no assessment on the stock shall be made
without tnirty (30) days notice nor for more
than ten (10-per cent at any one time on each
share ot stock, and at least sixty (80)days shall
intervene between any two (2) assessments
made in one year.
Art. 1. The affairs of said corporation shall
be managed and controlled bya board of nine
(9) directors who shall be elected at the annual
meeting of the stockholders and shall hold
their offices until their successors are elected,
said directors shall be stockholders of said in
corporation. Said board shall elect from their number a
President, Vice-President, Secretary and
Treasurer, and shall appoint or provide for
the appointment of such agents or employees
as they may see fit.
They shall prescribe the duties of the agents
and employes of said corporation; fix their
compensation, and require such bond with
securities from them for faithful performance
of their duties as may be deemed advisable,
and in accordance with the by-laws of said cor
poration. The board shall have power to fill all vacan
cies occurring in their number, a majority of
the board of directors shall constitute a quor
um for the transaction of such business.
W This corporation shall not incur liabilities
Nexceed in the aggregate per cent of its cap
s ixstock actually subscribed.
l Jke annual meeting of the stockholders
snail be on the first Monday in January of each
No one shall own any stock in this corpora
tion who is not a member of the Elmwood
Farmers' Alliance, in good standing.
The directors shall-make by-laws not in con
flict with these articles of incorporation
and to alter, amend or repeal the saire, sub
ject to the approval of the stockholders at
their annual meeting a majority of all stock
holders voting.
The stockholders of the association hereby
mutually agree that their stock be forfeited
. to the association on their becoming ineligible
as members of the Alliance.
Th stockholders shall not be liable for the
debts of the corooration beyond the unpaid
amount at any time of their subscription to
its capital stock.
C. D. Kcnz, President.
Joseph Mullin.V. Pres.
L. T. Langhorst, Sec'y.
M. W. Waltz
Thomas C. Stout
William M. Buster
Jacob Schlasker
B. F. Simon
( E. A. Stopher, Treas.
On the "Verge of Starvation.
Wilksb akre, Pa., March 19. Never since
the time of the bread strike in the seven
ties has such widest read and hopeless
poverty existed In Wyoming valley. Men
have been making barely enough to keep
going and instead of getting better mat
ters have been growing worse. The mines
in WjOing valley have not, as a whole,
worked more than one quarter of the time
since September and almost half of them
have closed down entirely and many of
them have only worked four or five days a
month. Hundreds of families in the city
are reduced to the last extremity. The
back yards of provision stores "and green
groceries are haunted all day long by wo
men and children seeking semething eat
ablo in the refuse thrown out. The vicini
ty of the slaughter houses are also visited
for a similar purpose. The situation in
most of the surrounding towns is a? bad
if not worse, and in almost every one of
them public efforts are being made to pro
vide for the aleviation of the widespread
destitution, .
Alma is to have
near the city.
an artificial lake
All Over the State.
Measles have taken the place of la
grippe at Central City,
A paper mill is among the possibili
ties for Cedar Rapids.
The new Christian church at Elk is
completed and ready for occupancy.
A young men's congress is a new so
ciety which will be organized at Platte
Directors of the State bank at Bellvi-
dere have concluded to erect anew
Platte Centre is the latest among
the many Nebraska towns clamoring
for waterworks.
Prairie schooners in goodly number
pass through Kearney daily, all going
Mike Mustak, a Polander, has been
arrested at Platte Centre for forgery.
His record is bad.
Alma people congratulate them
selves on the condition of the city's
finances. The total indebtedness is
Kenesaw talks of organizing an asso
ciation to purchase the land owned by
the town site company.
Farmers in the vicinity of Blanche,
Chase county, are planting an enor
mous crop of wheat the present sea
son. '
The people of Wellfleet are after a
female faith cure doctor and have no
tified her to seek new fields of labor.
The people of Fremont and the
farmers of Dodge county are contribut
ing generally to the relief of the
Dakota suffers.
The commissioners of Bock- county
have advertised to receive bids for the
erection of a new court house in that
Out of a total number of seventeen
cars of emigrant goods shipped west
eleven stopped at Alliance, three a
Hemin gf ord, one at Marsland and two
at Crawford.
The Ulysses creamery has been sold
and will probably be removed to St.
Francis, Kas. The proprietors re
ceived 640 acres ef Kansas land in ex
change for the creamery.
Tom Crosby, the Dakota county lad
who was tried and found not guilty of
killing eeveralhorses "belonging" to
Denis Mitchell,' will sue Mitchell for
$10,000 damages for defamation of
George Goody has purchased several
farms on Bordeaux creek, in Dawes
I county, within the past few days. He
P 1 A 1 1 . 0 1
cxaims to do ouying ior an eastern com
pany with a view to starting a Danish
Four parties were arrested last week
at Crawford, at a retreat on the banks
of the "White river, near town, for
stealing provisions from the Cooke
hotel. They were placed in the village
calaboose, but dug out and escaped.
Peter Dolan, a wealthy farmer liv
ing nine miles west of . Brady Island,
was run over by a wagon heavily load
ed with corn and nearly killed. He
had fallen from the wagon and the
wheels passed diagonally across his
breast and head, inflicting terrible
The women of Wymore are protest
ing against the barb wire fences which
ine the streets of that city. Many
of them have had their dresses torn
and they propose to make war on the
city council until the' nuisance is
According to the Sutton Advertiser
he whole farming community in Clay
and Filmore counties is going bodily
into the alliance, and that paper takes
pleasure in notifying corporation strik
ers that they can t manipulate the pol
itics of these counties.
A proposition to divide Edgar into
two wards instead of three, meets with
opposition from the prohibition ele
ment, who claim it will be much easier
to secure signatures for a license than
it otherwise would.
Ainsworth special : William Landis
was arrested by Sheriff Magill Tuesday
morning, charged with being concerned
in the stealing of the Backey mare on
the 16th. William Landis and Worlev
jiiiiis waivea examination ana were
placed under $300 bonds to appear at
the district court. Dan Higgins and
the mare are yet missing.
Orleans Special: A dog belonging
to a farmer named Cusick, living a few
miles west of this place, several davs
ago showed signs of hydrophobia. The
dog was tied up with a chain, but
Tuesday afternoon got loose and went
to a school house near by and bit four
children, one of the children being the
son of the owner of the dog. The dog
then ran away and bit considerable
stock in the neighborhood before being
: Bismarck Resigned.'
Bebxtn, March 18, 5 p. m. It is just an
nounced that Prince Bismarck's resigna
tion of the chancellorship was accepted at
noon today. All the members of the
Prussian ministry resigned at the some
time. Bismarck tendered his resignation.
Two Men Perish.
Johnstown, Pa., March 14. Late last
night a frame building en the Pennsylvania
railroad, six miles east of here, used as
sleeping apartments xor tne jaDerers em
ployed in constructing the viaduct at that
point, burned and two men perished.
Druggists Disgusted.
Aberdeen, &D., March 18. The South
Dakota druggist don't like the provisions
of the prohibition bill, especially those re
quiring petitions signed by twenty women
necessary to secure a permit, the si,uu
bond clause and the general ieatures oi we
measure. AU the ADeraeenaruggiscsignba
an agreement thip morning to keep no
Manors After Mav. 1. and dispatches from
all other towns indicate that the advise of
President Stearns of the Pharmaceutical
association, to sign similar agreements,
will be generally followed.
Politicians Arrested for Bribery.
New York, March 17. Deputy Commis
sioner of Public Works Bernard P. Martin
was arrested today en an indictment found
against him by the grand jury. He is
charged with receiving bribes while in the
sheriff's office when he was first clerk un
der Sheriff Grant. Later Deputy Sheriff
Fitzgerald was arrested. Other arrests will
follow. Martin was arraigned before Judge
Martin and gave ball for $lu,t)90 to appear
before J ad ere Fitzgerald next Monday. The
charges against Fitzgerald is petit larceny
and extortion. The excitement here over
the arrests made today is becoming great.
At 2:30 it . was the osmmon talk in and
around the district attorney's office that
five indictments had been found by the
grand jury. An extravagant rumor was to
tne effect that Mayor urant nignt oe ar
rested any moment Philip Walsh, a depn-
tp under anerlir urant was arrested today
late and held in 410,000 bail under an in
dictment fer bribery. -
Indians Dying of Starvation, i
Philadelphia, March 16. Bight Bever-
end John Shanley, D. D., Bishop of North
Dakota occupied the pulpit at the cathe
dral today and made an appeal for aid for
the suffering Chippewa Indians in his d'o
cese. He said the government had stolen
11,000,000 acres of land from these Indians
without giving a cent of compensation
therefor. Two thousand Indians, were
freezing and starving on 5,000 acres of
barren, swampy and rocky, ground which
would not keep lot) white men alive The
bishop gave terrible details of suffering
which he had witnessed while visiting theee
Indiana The bishop related his experience
during a visit to the Indians wnen tho
themometer was 41 degrees below zero.
The Indian houses are log huts construct
ed by the Indians themselves, with
out flooring and with sheets and quilts
covering the windows and doorways. The
crevices between the logs are filled with
mud that cracks and falls out by thws sum
mer heat and is blown out by the northern
winter blasts, so that the occupants may
as well be sleeping outside. In these huts
it is not infrequent to find six families liv
ing. These 1,930 Indians cannot make
their ewn living there. They have never
been supplied with proper agricultural
implements. Last spring the director of
the Catholic Indian bureau sent twenty
four plows to the Indians and with these
they managed to break 800 acres of the vir
gin soil. But there was no rain and today
they are absolutely destitute. No grain,
no food, no clothing, no money; 1,930
Christians, 1,930 ot God's children are liv
ing on this continent today on the point of
starvation. .
Drouth in Texas.
St. Louis, March 15. Advices from the
lower Bio Grande country in Texas says
that live stock is suffering severely from
lack of water. Nearly all the water holes
and streams in the counties of Starr.
Hidalgo, Zapator and Duval are dry and in
many places cattle have to be driven ten
miles to water. Fears are entertained that
if the drouth continues much longer the
loss will be heavy.
More Taffy. v
Washington, March 18. Cullom today
introduced a bill to amend section 12 of
the interstate commerce act, so as to pro
vide that the commission shall have
authority to inquire into the management
of the business of all common carriers
and shall keep itself informed as to the
method in which the same are conducted.
Upon request of the commission, the dis
trict attorney to whom it may apply may
commence, under the direction of the at
torney general, all the necessary proceed
ings for the enforcement of the law.
Advices From Apia.
SAM Fbanotsoo, March 16. Advices to the
Chronicle from Apia report everything
buiet in the Samoan Islands. King Malietoa
has not yet formed a permanent govern
ment, preferring to wait until the arrival
of the new chief justice provided tor in the
Berlin treaty. The wrecks of the Trenton
and Yandalia are Injuring the harbor, the
tidal currents being diverted at times from
the natural course and driven with great
force against the shore.
Those Excelsorites.
Omaha, March ia The twenty-one alleg
ed gamblers who were arrested Sunday
claim to bo members of what is known as
the Excelsior club, an Incorporated aesocia-j
tion which has rooms at 1129 Dodge street.
inac if any gambling was done it was of a
private nature and that none but members
are admitted. The trial took place yester
day afternoon, and eleven were immediate
ly aiscnargea and the remaining ten gave
bond to appear at 3 o'clock this afternoon
and answer to the charge either of gamb
ling or seeping a gambling House.
"Will Sugar be Cheaper.
Washington, March 17. The republican
members of the ways and means committee
have finally reached an agreement upon the
sugar schedule. They agreed to make raw
sugar from 16 Dutch standard, down duti
able at 35 per cent ad valorem, and refined
sugar above the Dutch standard, dutiable
at 40 per cent ad valorem. This is ' equiva
lent to a 50 per cent reduction on many
grades of sugar and to more than 50 per
cent on others. The reduction will aver
age a cut of about 50 per cent and will re
duce the revenue from $35,000,000 to $28,
000,000. There is no provision for the pay
ment of any bounty whatever. The cut in
sugar duty which twill thus be made Is
more than two and a half times that pro
posed by the Mills bill and the duty will be
coueccea on tne vaiue ana not upon the
pound as heretofore. The duty given to
refineries is only 5 per cent more than that
given to raw sugar, as 16 or beiow will ad
mit two grades of merchantable sugar fit
for domestic uses. Ic is hoped and believed
that this will take away from the refine
ries the power to raise the price to the con
sumer at will. The republicans regard
this heavy reduction of sugar duties as a
most generous concession to western sen
timent. The rate fixed is lower than the
rate fixed by the senate tariff bill and is
moreover free from the objection raised
against the senate bill, viz., the bounty
ciause. xne senate Dili made a reduction
oi ou per cent ana gave a Dounty of one
cent a pound. The action of the republi
can memoers ox tne ways ana means com
mi i, Le mattes a cur oi more tnan ou per
cent and eliminates the clause paying a
bonus to one class of producers directly
now me treasury.
Royally Entertained.
Charleston, a G March 14. The pres
idential party reached here shortly after
11 o'clock this morning. They were met
at the station by the mayor of the city, the
collector of the port, the postmaster and a
committee of distinguished citizens and
escorted to their hotel. The stars and
stripes and the state colors fluttered to the
breeze ail over the city. The visitors were
taken to Irort Sumter and were shown
oround the harbor. In the afternoon they
were driven around the city and tonight
Mrs. Harrison and her friends had a recep
tion which was attended by the elite of the
city. Later in the evening the visitors
were serenaded by the Yanderbilt benevo
lent society. The visit of Mrs. Harrison
and her party has been a most delightful
s vcial event. " Democrats and republicans
vied with each other in paying their re
spect s to the first lady of the land. At
midnight the party returned to their car
and will leave for Florida In the morning.
The News and Carrier will say, editor
ially, tomorrow: "The people of Charles
ton who had the ' pleasure of f meeting the
president' wife yesterday were very much
charmed by her gracious presence and gen-
tie aignity. The asy was an to at coma
have been desired and the distinguished
visitors eaw Charleston under the most
favorable conditions. The regret is very
general that they could not remain with us
longer, and the hope is earnestly ex
pretssd that they will all come back
again." - '-;
-TnanK neaven mere was no pontics on
this occasion, and for one day there was a
truce to the bitterness of party strife and
to the unchristian manifestatiens of sec
tional feeling. The old flag floated over us
all. The flag that was planted upon the
ramparts of Capultepeo by a . Soutk Caro
lina soldier; the nag under whose folds
Benjamin Harrison fought during the war
between the states; the flag which now
floats proudly over the capital at Washing
ton. Mrs. Harrison's nag is the nag of our
common country. ' - n
It was a aay of cordial, earnest, friendly
greeting, and Charleston was delighted to
tay proper respect to the president's wile.
Mrs. Hrrrison and party came ; to Charles
ton strangers; they leit Charleston friends,
and more than friends, for Charleston re
serves to itself, under the 'general welfare
clause' of its social constitution, the right
to adoDt into the family all such as aro
well pleasing in its sight ; i .
Twenty Persons Burned. .
Indianapolis, Ind., March 17. This after
noon fire from a furnace In the basement
of the large book publishing establishment
of the ; Bowen-Merrill . company . reached
some paper and in an instant the flames
were carried by the elevator shaft to the
fourth story. . The building, a fine stone
andiron structure, fronting on Washing
ton street, was stored with books and
stationery of all kinds. This 'large stock
was consumed and the building wrecked.
At 5:30 o'clock the loss of more than $150,
000 on building and stock was followed by
the falling in of the roof, which carried
mora than twenty persons down with It,
including those who were wording on the
various floors, i ' Lr : vaJjJ ' ? V-""---
The fire at this hour had bean driven to a
corner between the ceiling of the fourta
story and the cornice. Parts of the fire
companies were on the roof working their
way down to the . fire. The roof seemed
sound and ths 'walls substantial, but
suddenly the walls yielded, a man
tbrew x- his arms, and sank into
the seething ruins below. Another man
dropped and then the whole rear roof with
fifteen men on it fell onto the top floor,
where the fire was raging. Four men were
on the upper floor under the roof. These
were crushed beneath the grinding timbers
and all the men hurled through the falling
floor beneath, which gave way to the
weight of tfce mass.
One of the firemen on the top of the ad
joining building ron to the front of the
building and shouted to those below: "For
God's sake throw water into the upper
windows, twenty men are burled there
Instantly ambulances were telephoned for
and presently the crowd below moaned
under the portentious developments. The
scene on the heap of debris immediately
after the collapse was pitiable and dreadful
beyond all power of description. The limbs
of men here and there were seen writhing,
while the trunks to which they belonged
were buried from sight. A ladder
lay across the bodies of three men; and
was weighted down by tons of brick and
timber. Another poor fellow,- who was
beyond all pain, lay close beside his fel
lows, a shapeless and mangled mass. The
ladder lay across the stomach of one
man, who was screaming with agony. An
other man with a broken arm and twisted
body lay next to him. As fast as willing
hands could hurl away the bricks the
weight was . removed, but the ladder was
too firmly held to yield. The man with a
broken arm was dragged free and carried
away. Under him, mute but breathing,
appeared the upturned face of a poor fel
low not seen bef ofe. The mortar and
dust were cleaned from his lips, but he
was buried so deeply that no immediate
help could come to him. On all - sides
blackened and bleeding faces distorted
with agony or dreadful in death urged the
crowd who had scaled the heap to assist
them to redouble their efforts.
Up to present writing twenty persons
have been taken from the ruins.
The Big Strike in England.
Liverpool, March 17. The coal carters
here have joined the strike.
London, March 17. Twenty the as and
Tynesede engineers have joined the strike.
London, March 17. Ten thousand miners
in the North of Wales have joined the
strike. -
Liverpool, March 17. The striking dock
laborers have become serious. Thirty
thousand of them marched through the
streets in procession to-day and assumed
an attitude so threatening that the magis
trates were impelled to Invoke the aid of
the military, which have been called out.
If Necessary Force will be Used.
Fort Leavenworth. Kas., March 16.
General Merritt has ordered six troops of
cavalry to proceed to the Cherokee strip
aud oust the boomers there. ' Two troops
of cavalry have been ordered from each of
the three towns of Oklahoma City, Fort
Beno and Fort Supply to proceed at once
to Guthrie. At that point the force will be
united under the senior captain and a con
centrated movement on the settlers will be
made. The force started from the towns
mentioned this morning and will probably
not all arrive at Guthrie before Monday
night or Tuesday morning. Lieutenant
Dodge, a staff officer of General Merrit, was
die patched yesterday from Fort Leaven
worth to the strip to at once make a report
by telegraph of the state of affairs. Troops
at Fort Leavenworth will be nut in readi
ness to move should the report from Lieu
tenant uoage snow tne movement to be
necessary. General Meritt has given in
sanctions for the (troops to give the set
telers ample time to vacate before resort
ing w iorci Die measures.
The Senate.
Washington, March 13. In the senate to
day the house bill for bridges across the
Missouri river at South Pierre, and Across
the Columbia river between Washington
and Oregon, similar to the senate bill
passed and sent to the house, was amend
ed by a few verbal changes and passed.
. Mr. Frye. from the committee on com
merce, reported a bill to repeal the law of
the last congress requiring steamships to
carry rockets and guns for casting the line
in case of distress. Placed on the calen
dar. Among the bills passed for public build
ings was one appropriating $150,000 for
Hastings, Neb., and ft 100,000 for Stillwater,
After' a lengthy and somewhat heated de
bate on the southern question the senate
Washington, March 14. Mr. Blair's edu
cational bill was taken up as unfinished
business, and Mr. Teller spoke in support
of it. Speaking of the race problem he
said he did not admit the problem was so
great that it might not be solved because
if he did he should dispair of the republic.
If the southern people and the negroes
could not live together in a state of politi
cal equality and political harmony there
was an end of republican government in
one-third at least of the area of the United
Statss. He had no key to the solution, but
he believed education might in some re
spects help to solve it If the colored peo
ple wero educated the chances would be
better that the races would live together
on better terms. Tgnorance and vice went
hand in hand. If the south alone were
able and willing to try to eduoate the
colored race the people of the north would
not complain, but if the eouth lacked
either the desire or the ability it was right
and proper that the north should come to
its aid.
Mr. George said that if the senators on
both sides of the chamber were to bring to
the solution of the question, if its solution
were possible, the charity and kindness
and pood feeling exhibited by the senator
from" Colorado a good deal of trouble would
be removed.
The bill went over without action.
Washington, March 17. In the senate to
day while petitions were being presented
Mr. Cockreli rose to present remonstrances
against the extradition treaty with Russia,
but was notified that that was a matter for
executive cession. After some debate the
presiding officer submitted V-ie question as
to whether the petition should be received
in open session and it was decided that it
should be. The petition wastherefore pre
sented and several other like petitions
from German labor societies la St. Louis
and vicinity were likewise presented.
Mr. Yoorhees offered a preamble and res
olution setting forth that the deep and
wide spiead depression and decay of the
agricultural Interests of the American peo
ple, the enormous and appalling amount of
mortgage indebtedness on agricultural
lands, the total failure of the kome mar
kets to furnish iremuerative pricoa for
farm productions, . the pal pable scar ell y
and insufficiency of the money in circula
tion in the Lanes of the people -with which
to transact the business of the country are
circumstances of mosc overwhelming im
portance to the safety and well beiog of
the government; therefore.
Be it resolved, That it is the highest
duty of congress in The present crisis to
lay aside all discussion and consideration
of meie party issues and to give prompt
and Immediate attention to the prepara
tion and adoption of suoh measures as aze
required for the relief of the farmers and
otner over-taxed and under-paid laborers
of the United States.
He asked that the resolution be printed
arard laid on the table, and gave notice that
at the olose - of tho morning business,
Wednesday, he would ask permission to
submit some remarks to the senate in re
lation to it.
WASHXNGTON,March IS In the senate this
morning Sherman, from the committee on
finance, reported the bill against trusts in
restraint of production, and it was placed
on the calendar.
The house amendment to the Oklahoma
bill was non-concurred in and a conference
was ordered.
Among the senate billB for public build
ings .were: Stonx Falls, S. D., 250,000;
Deadwood, S. D., 1200,000. . . -
Other bills were passed as follows: The
senate bill to authorize the secretary of the
interior to survey and mark the seventh
parallel Desween the states of North and
South Dakota.
The House.
Washington, March 13. At
the conclu
house went
Mr. 'Payson
sion of the morning hour the
into committee of the whole.
of Illinois in the chair, for further consid
eration of the Oklahoma bill '
On motion of Mr. Tarsney an Amend
ment was adopted for the establishmen of
a land office in No-Man'e land.
On motion of Mr. Hoiman an amendment
was adopted providing that no person hav
ing the fee simple to sixty acres of land in
any state or territory shall be entitled to
enter land covered by this act. The com
mittee rose and reported the bill to the
house. '
The amendment providing that section
2,139 of the revised statutes, prohibiting
the introduction of intoxicating liquor into
Indian territory, shall be enforced in Ok
lahoma until after the adjournment of the
first session or the legislature, waB agreed
to by a vote of 134 to lt& The bill was
then passed by 160 to 25. It is a substitute
for the senate bill on the same subject.
The bill contains provisions which In sub
stance fix the boundaries of the new terri
tory so as to include th? Cherokee outlet
with the proviso that no lands which the
Indians occupy under the treaty or law
shall be included without their consent ex
ceptfor judicial purposes. They extend
over the new territory the constitution
and laws of the United States and the code
of Nebraska without interference with
local Indian governments acting under
their treaty rights. Seven counties are es
tablished. The county seats will ba Guth
rie, Oklahoma city, No-Man, Lisbon or
Kingfisher, Beaver, Stillwater, and one or
more to be fixed by the secretary of the
interior. The Cherokee outlet le declared
public land and open to settlement under
the homestead laws and bona fide settlers
and occupants aro given the preference
right. All sections after 24 are devoted to
the establishment of a school system in
Indian territory which shall be divided in
to three districts, and courts will be held
at Muscogee and Yinite. Otoka and Ard-
more and PurcelL Adjourned.
Washington, March 14. Mr. Henderson
of Iowa presented for reference the resolu
tion of the general assembly of Iowa favor
ing such legislation in regard to car coup
line as will protect the life and limbs of
railway employes.
Mr. Perkins of Kansas stated that an
erroneous idea had cone cut that accord
ing to tho provisions of the Oklahoma bill
nassed vesterdav the Cherokee outlet had
been declared open to settlement under
the homestead law. The statement should
have been made that the publlo land strip
not the Cherokee outlet had been
opened for settlement The Cherokee out
let, he said, was embraced within the lira
its of the new territory, but was not open
to settlement under the homestead law.
The bill authorizing the president to re
tire General Fremont with the rank of
m1or sreneral was taken up.
Mr. KUgore offered an amendment for
the retirement of General Fremont with
the rank of brigade r general. After a
brief discussion in Messrs. Mansur, Y&n
dever and Banks eulogized the services of
General Fremont, Mr. Kllgore's amend
ment was rejected and the bill laii aside
with favorable recommendation. , The bill
was subsequently reported to the house,
tut no final action ras taken.
Washington, March 25. Mr. Dalzell, from
the committee on Pacific railroads, re
ported a resolution calling on the secre
tary of tho treasury for information as to
whether the government is owner or
holder of first mortgage securities of amy
of the Pacific railroads which were aided
by the government and if so the amount of
such securities and when and in want man
ner and by what authority the same were
The eenate amendment to the house bill
authorizing the construction of a bridge
across the Missouri river at Pierre, o. v.,
was concurred In.
Public baslness being suspended the
house proceeded to pay its last tribute to
the memory of Judge Kelly. Messrs.
O'Neill of PennFylvania, Hoiman, Banks,
Mills. McKlnley, Binsrham, Wilson of West
Virginia, Cameron, McKenna. Kerr of Iowa
and otters made eulogstio addresses and
tnen. as a mark of respect to the memory
of the deceased, the house adjourned.
Washington, March 17. Mr. McKenna,
under instructions from the committee on
the eleventh census, moved to suspend the
rules and to pass the bill authorizing the
superintendent of the census to enumerate
the Chinese population in such manner as
to enable him to make a complete, accur
ate and descriptive list of the Chinese in
the United States and to give each person
enumerated a certificate of the particulars
necessary to fully identify him, and such
certificates snail he sol ugnta or buou per
son to remain la fie United Slates. The
bill farther provides penal statutes against
Chinese who shall sell, transfer or dispose
of such stock. Tbe sum of $100,000 appro
priated. The bill parsed without division.
Under a suspension or tne rules tne lot-
lowing bills and resolutions were passed:
A loint resolution requesting tne presi
dent to Invite tbe king of tbe Hawaiian
islands to select delegates to represent bis
kingdom in the Pan-American congress; a
bill to transfer the revenue cutter service
from the treasury to the navy department;
a bill creating tne offices of assistant gen
eral snpcrlndent and phief clerk of tbe
railway mail service. . Adjourned.
Washington, March 18. In the house a
protest from the president of the colored
industrial fair association of Arkaneas
against the proposition to tax cotton seed
oil was presented and referred. Conger of
Iowa presented a resolution of the Iowa
general assembly in favor of tbe bill re
quiring producers of compound lard to
label the article. Referred.
A bill was passed authorizing affidavits
and depositions' under the publlo land
laws to bs made before commisslbners of
United States courts, or before the clerk of
a court of record in which the land is sit
Fayso of Illinois called up the bill to
repeal the timber culture lawe, pending
action on which the morning hour expired
and the house went into committee of tbe
whole on the pension appropriation bill.
Morrow, In charge ot the bill which ap
propriates $97,427,461, explained its pro
vibicnaln detail, and la reference to the
general subject of pensions said it might
safely he assumed that tne numoer oz pen
sioners would reach its maximum aoout
July 1, 1S94, when tbe expenditure would
oe su2,ouu,uuo. un tnac date, unaer tne
existing law, the number of pensioners on
the rolls would be 750.000.
SayerB disouesed tbe pension system an
affected by both the acts of congress an"
the admloia. ration of the service. He cited
statistics to show that from July 1. 18tV to
January 1, 180 J, the expenditures of the
government for pensions were fl,l( 5,326,
017; that the expenditure for pnBions from
March 4, lira, to June i. lew, tnrougnout a
period of seventy-two and onehalf years,
wer $8X738.327, and that the excess ot
pension disbursements for the fiscal year
ending June U K jesu, over the pensions
from 1789 to 1861, a period of seventy-two
and onehalf years, was t e 393,641.
Peters said that for the first time in the
history of the country the house bad be
fore it a careful and ooncise estimate of
what the expenditures of the pension bu
reau would be during the next fiscal year.
Pending farther debate the committee
rose and the house adjourned.
A Hundred Thousand Strong.
Kansas Crrr, Ma, March 18. The Farm
ers' alliance in Kansas is growing so rap
idly, both in membership and in perfection
of organization, that It has become a de
cidedly disturbing factor in politics.
Nearly every county in the state is organ
ized, and nearly every farmer in crch
county is a member of the organization.
This thorough organization has made the
order exceptionally strong in local poli
tics. Where their immediate Interests aro
at stake, the alliances have generally de
cided to support only those candidates
who coincide with their views and adopt
their principles. In state politics similar
action has been decided upon. It has even
been proposed to run a former candidate
for governor in place of A. W. Smith of Mc
The organization has already got its fin
ger in national politics. A resident of Kan
sas has addressed to tne Kansas senators
and representatives at Washington a letter
informing them of a belief among the
farmers that the depression of the agricul
tural interests is due to vicious legislation
and demanding that some attention be
paid to their interests. It says the time is
not far distant when legislators will heed
the voice of their constituents who are
100.C00 strong in Kansas. The politicians
are becoming nervous.
Want Free Tin.
Washington, March 18. The Armours
have petitioned congress for free tin, on
the ground that the duty will rule the
canned goods business and Increase tho
price to consumers. The Dakota senators
have created quite a sentiment in favor of
a duty on tin. They say that American tin
mines in South Dakota have to compete
with the mines in Malacca, , where labor
costs but 25 cents per day. They argue
that a duty of 25 cents per pound on tin
will protect American workmen and will
not increase the cost of canned goods.
Mountains of Snow.
Alamott, Colo., March 13. The Ilio
Grande railway has 250 snow shovelers at
work opening the snow blockade across
the San Juan range at Cumbres, on the
east side of the divide. The snow is re
ported to be Bixty feet above ithe top of
the telegraph poles and for miles on each
side of there it is from twenty-five to
forty feet deep, the deepest ever known in
this locality. The cold is very severe this
morning. The thermometer registers 2i
Sullivan's Case.
Jakkson, Miss., March 18 Tbe supreme
court, in the oase of John L Sullivan, for
prize flgtuing, reverses tho judgment and
halds Sullivan under the bonds to answer
such indictments as may be found at the
next term of court The case of Bud I'.e
naud was similarly disposed of.
Ill Health the Cause.
Cincinnati, March 17. Miss Katie Ott, a
teacher in the public schools, phot herself
through tho temple lant night at her home
during a nc or despondency eaused by
Mississippi ltiyer Improvements.
Washington, March 18. Secretary Proc
ter today authorized the expenditure, un.
der the direction of the Mississippi com
mission, of $100,0C0 on the levees of tho
Mississippi river and the river itself la tbe
fourth levee district Tbls district ex
tends 484 miles, from Warrenton, Miss., to
the head of the pasc The money will be
expended in strengthening the levees and
deepening the channel between the points
Iowa's Proposed License Law.
Des Moines, I., March 60. Tie proposed
local option law is schedulel to come up
in the house for discussion today. It pro
vides that the question of "License" or "No
License" In any city, town or township of
the state, shall be submitted to a vote of
the people upon the petition of one-fifth
of the voters of tbe regular election if it Is
due to be held within two months, but If
not, then at a special election. This ques
tion is to ba submitted not oftenet than
once in every two years The city coun
cils and boards of trustees are empowered
to fix the amount to be charged for iicenso
to keep a saloon within a range cf fivo
hundred dollars as minimum and ene thou
sand dollars as a maximum per annum, the
license fees to bo paid in advance, one-halt
to go to the county and the other Lalf to
the city, town or township in which such
saloon Is kept It is provided that a
saloon keeper shall furnish such bands ai .
aro required by tho city council or the
board of trustees in amounts ranging be
tween $5,010 and $10,1)00. Councils and
boards of trustees are empowered to frsue
licenses for the manufactme of intoxicat
ing liqucrs, manufacturer to plvo bonds
in sums ranging from $1,000 to $10,000,
and to pass ord ia ate en and regu
lations for the government of the businesc.
The extreme penalty for tb first violation
of and such ordinance or regulation is fixed
at $10, and for Hubsequent violations $25,
The bill further provides as "no person
licensed as aforesaid to keep a dram shop
or saloon shall sell or give for any artifice,
whatsoever, any intoxicating liquor to a
minor or habitual drunkard, intoxicated
person, or to other persons in reaped to
whom father, mother, wife, brother, sister
or guardian shall have givau a written
notice that he or the must not be supplied
with intoxicating liquor; or snail any per
son licensed as aforcaid permit the play
ing of any games of chance or throwing of
dice in any room wherein such liquors are
kept or sold, or in any room connected
with such room or room; whenever any
person who is married, or tho -head of a
family, or has other persons depending
upon him or ber for support shall be found
Intoxicated in any such city, town or
township, the yerson or persons holding
such license who sball have fupplied in
toxicating liquor, directly or indirectly, to
person so intoxicated, wnuo in an
lntoxlcutsd condition; and every li
censee who thai! willfully violatn any
f the provisions of this foctfon shall
be deemed guilty of inisde.neaDor and up
on conviction shall he fined not less than
$300 nor more than $1,000, or be imt rlcon-
edln the county jatl more than three
mouth, or both. Persons or person guilty
of selling such intrx'cating l.'qaor to per
sons intoxicated shall also be liable to any
person or bead of family depending upon
suoh intoxicated person for support; such
liability to be in a turn sufficient to main
tain the family or person so dependent up
on said ir. toxical ed perron for cupport
during the disability or the intoxicated
person, or during the time for which, by
reason of suoh Intoxication, such support
shall be withdrawn fiom suc family or
person. The bill provides that saloons
shall remain closed from 0 o'clock on Mat.
urday evening until 6 o'clock Monday
morning. L ense fee for manuf nciurmg is
fixed at fr m $200 to $500 per annum as ex
tremes. The act is made an emergency
one and is to go into effect immediately
after publication in the Iowa State Register
ana in ues Momes jueaaer.
Federal Election Bill.
Washington, March 16, Representative
Lodge introduced his federal election bill
in the house today. The bill is a combina
tion of tbe Australian system with federal
control of elections. The Australian sys
tem as in force in Massachusetts Is adapted
and applied to the whole country in all
congressional and presidential elections.
Voters who cannot read and write and con
sequently cannot mark their cwn tickets
may have tickets marked for them by one
ot the supervisors in the presence of an
other . representing tho opposite party.
Primary elections are in control of the
states, but upon petition of 5.0 voters any
district federal court assumes all tbe func
tions of the state and takes absolute con
trol of the polls under the same regulations
wmcn apply to the state control. Tho vo
ter who purposely allows any one to know
how he is about to vote or any person who
endeavors to Induce a voter to show his
marked ballot shall be subject to a ft io of
from $5 to $590, and larger flnr.s and pen
alties aro to be Imposed for the destruction
of election posters or tupplles, or for the
filing of false certificates or nomination,
or for the failure of election officers in
their duties. Challenges are not to be en
tertained for the purpose of delaying vot
ing. A provision to maintain order at
elections is also provided. The bill carries
an appropriation of $500,000.
Opposition to the Wool Growers.
Boston, March 14. The Boston Commer
cial Bulletin will announce to-morrow the
organfzatlon of a new association of wool
manufacturers which will oppose the old
national association, of which William
Whitman is president. The new associa
tion will resist tvie extreme demands of tho
wool growers. Some fifty manufacturers
responded to the first call, representing
every class of woolen manufacturers, car
pets, flannels, blankets, casslmeres, worst
eds, and overcoatings. Among those pres.
ent was a largo number of those who have
hitherto stood by the old regime. A. T.
Lyman of the Lowell zranufacburing com.
panyaoted as chairman and will shortly
appoint a committee of five who are to
take charge of the organization and draft a
constitution. The organization will de
mand a reduction of wool duties and their
adjustment on a more equal basis. They
will establish permanent headquarters,
probably m this city. The Bulletin will
say: The original meeting inoluded repre
sentatives from Philadelphia, and if the
extrome measures proposed by Mr. Mo
Kinley are actually incorporated In a bill
It Is likely they will be Joined by tho car
pet manufacturers in a body.