The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 15, 1890, Image 1

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NO. 31).
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapest means of noti-
Snng subscribers of the date of their expira
ons we will mark this notice with a blue or
red pencil, on the date at which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration. If not renewed
by that time it will be discontinued.
The Crapevine Swing.
When I was a boy on the old plantation,
Down by the deep bayou,
The fairest spot of all creation,
Under the arching blue;
When the wind came over the cotton and corn,
To the long, slim looped spring,
With brown feet bare and hat-brim torn,
And swing in the grapevine swing.
Swinging in the grapevine swing,
Laughing where the wild birds sing,
I dream and sigh
For the days gone by,
Swinging in the grapevine swing.
Out over the lilies bonnie and bright,
- Hack to the moss-grown trees,
I shouted and laughed with a heart as light
As a wild rose tossed to the breeze,
The mocking-bird joined in my reskless glee.
I longed for no angel's wing:
I was just as near heaven as I wanted to be,
Swinging in the grapevine swing!
Swinging in the grapevine swiog,
Laughing where the wild birds sing;
O, to be a boy
With a heart ful of joy,
Swinging in the grapevine swing.
I'm weary at morn, I'm weary at night,
I'm fretted and soro of heart;
And is sowing my locks with white,
A I wend through the fevered mart.
I'm tiied of the world,with its pride and pomp,
And fame seems a worthless thing;
I'd barter it H for one day's romp
And a swing in the grapevine swing.
Swinging in the grapevine swing,
Laughing where the wild birds sing;
Would I were away,
From the world to-day,
Swinging in the grapevine swing.
John Brown's Death Warrant Sifrner.
Fobt Scott. , Kas., March 11. Judge
McComas, who signed the warrant for the
executicn of John Brown, died today here,
aged seventy-fonr years. He was lieutenant-governor
of Virffinla at the time Brown
was hanged and the signing of the warrant
devolved upon him in the absence of Gov
ernor Wise.
Indians in Want.
Minneapolis, March 11. Bishop Hanly of
the Catholic diocese of North Dakota in an
interview here stated that 2,000 on Turtle
Mountain reservation are destitute and
suffering, owing to a misunderstanding
-with the government. These Indians get
altogether 5,000 a year from the govern
ment fer their support and some poor
rations. Since January first he says fully
1,500 of them have been left to shift for
hemselves. ' "
Mexicans and Indians Fight.
. Tuscon "Wing, March 11. Advices from
Bairski, Sonora, state that on the 4th in
stant a posse of Mexicans overtook and
had a fignt with nix Apache Indians. One
Indian and one Mexican were killed, and
another Mexican wounded. A small band
of Apaches has been depredating in eld
Mexico for the past four years.
J;. - To Aid the Farmer.
Washington, March 10. Senator Stan
ford, in presenting his resolution to the
senate today relative to the government
'loans on real estate e aid, in part: If the
farmer was able to borrow from the gov
ernment without interest a certain amount,
giving his farm as security therefore, to
that extent his land would become an
active force and he would be enabled while
giving employment to the extent of the
money loaned him to improve, his farm
and increase its value to the full amount
of the loan. Thus the government loan
would be doing double duty. The activi
ties of this money do not terminate with
its expenditure by the farmei. Those who
have received it in their turn will make
ueeofit as an energizing factor in the
forces tf life to an indefinite period.
An abundant supply of money means to
individuals of capacity a field "for the use
of their abilities in prosecuting their vari
ous callings of life. In my opinion ample
protection would be afforded the govern
ment if it limited its loan to one-half or
one-fourth the assessed value of the prop
erty given as security, and upon the ap
praisement of the government officers es
pecially elected for that duty. It seems to
me the great thought of humanity should
be how to give advantages to the great
multitude of toilers to increase their
power of production and elevate their con
dition. Wo know that a great improvement is
within the provisions of providence and
the prosperity of the masses and the pros
perity of all is assured. The one more
efftctive means of placing at man's dis
posal forces inherent in tha value of prop
erty .8 thoroughly furnishing a beautiful
supply of money leased on unquestioned
and secure values.
Iowa News.
Des Moines, la, March 8. In the house a
large number of petitions were presented
against any change in the prohibitory law.
uiiis were miroaucea as ioiiows: To sap-
ply a uniform system of text books; to es
tablish and maintain a state military band
for an appropriation for the boys reform
school; to prevent the manufacture and
Bale of adulterated food and drugs. A
resolution was introduced asking that the
text books committee be instructed to re
port a state uniformity bill, and during
the discussion the house adjourned till
The senate spent almost the entire time
of the eession discussing Price's joint res
olution favoring tne adoption by congress
of a bill to terminate tkj life of patents
and pay owners thereon a sum of from
J50.000 to $100,000. The resolution was
adopted by a party vote the republicans
favoring and the democrats opposing. A
- number of bills were introduced, the most
important being one to limit the compen
sation of justices of the peace and con
stables in criminal cases.
A Hog Buying Center. ,
Boone, la, March 11. R H. Doud, repre
seating a Massachusetts packing house,
today began buying hogs here for, his
house. The intention is to have western
Iowa hogs shipped here, where there is a
large feeding yard, instead of to Chicago,
xney wui be unloaded nero, ana wnen
train load accumulates will be put into
double decked cars and sent direct to Bos-
ten, thus f aving to the Massachusetts peo
ple sae ueuai Unlcago cnarges. Luud ex
rects to handle large quantities of hogs
and will giva prices considerably in ad
vance of those paid by ordinary shippers,
Fatal Wreck on the B. & 5t
Meagre particulars were obtained
concerning a terrible accident on the
B. & M. at an eerly hour Monday
morning in which two well-known Lin
coln railroad men lost their lives.
They were Grant Norton, a freight
conductor, and Kennedy Miller, a
The facts, so far as . learned by a
great deal of persistent inquiry, which
was in most instances unavailing, are
about as follows : Norton and Miller
left Lincoln at about 1 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, taking west an extra i
freight. It appears that the train
was derailed or broke down at Sutton,
entailing a great deal f hard work
and delay. At about 3 o'clock Monday
morning, about a milo and a half this
side of Inland, a small station between
Harvard and Hastings, while the train
was traveling at a slow rate of speed, a
second freight train in charge of Con-
ductor Burns, also bound, west, ran
into it with terrific force. It is said
that upwards of a dozen cars of the ad
vanced train were thrown from the
track by the collision. The way car, '
in which were Norton and Miller, was
completely destroyed, and the two
men are said to have met instantane
ous death. It is also rumored that
some of the debris took fire, for it is
said that Norton's lifeless body was
taken from the wreck burned to a
crisp. '
In General.
Ainsworth has flattering prospects of
a seventy-five barrel flour mill soon.
There are. a number of cases of diph
theria in South Sioux City. The town
board has adopted quarantine measures
and the school board met Wednesday
evening and ordered school cl,osed.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hardin "of Da
kota City celebrated their silver wed
ding Thursday.
The Short Line railroad is bridged
to Plainview and graded within a short
distance of O.Neill.
John Smith was arrested at Grand
Island charged with stealing $420 from
a German farmer in the back room of
a saloon. The money was recovered
and Smithpleaded guilty.
At Dakota City the case of the state
against Thomas Crosby for the shoot
ing and killing of Dennis Mitchell's
horses, is on trial. No case that was
ever on trial in Dakota county has cre
ated such a feeling as has this, the
people in the community taking sides.
Several hundred copies of a St.
Louis free trade paper have been sent
out over the state as sample copies,
many of which are addressed to men
who have been dead for years and to
others who have long since left the
The Fillmore county agricultural
association elected the following offi
cers : J. Jenson, president ; C. A.
Warner, vice president ; ? J. D. Hamil
ton, secretary; F. H. Briggs, treas
urer; H. E. Demming, general super
intendent of fair; M. Rogers, O, H.
Harvey, W. H. Cooksey, A. H. Steven
and R. B. Campbell, directors.
A prominent farmer of Perkins
county reports considerable damage
done by a species of small bird in his
neighborhood. He sowed twentyve
acres of wheat last week, but has to do
the work all over again on account of
the birds eating it up. He says tnere
were thousands of them on his wheat
field, and he could not find a grain
where they had been at work.
Considering the fact that about
35,000 acres of land have been leased
in this couDty the past year, and all of
it wiM land, and that is is all to be
cultivated and sown to crops the com
ing season and occupied by actual set
tlers, who were not residents of the
county one year ago, and that all of
them are to erect buildings thereon,
means quite an era of prosperity for
Nuckolls county this season, savs the
Nelson Gazette.
A suggestive story comes to the Fre
mont Tribune through very reliable
authority, too, that when Charles
Shepherd was born a little over
twenty -one years ago, that it was the
man he murdered, Carl Pulsifer, who
summoned the physician who assisted
him into the world. The, young man
Pulsifer. little thought at that time
that the baby boy, just opening his
eyes to the world would grow up to be
his (Pulsifer's) assassin. :
Omaha special : A fire originated
from a gasoline stove explosion at 9
o,clock Thursday evening totally de
stroyed a two-story frame building
100x50 feet situated on the corner of
Capital avenue and Sixteenth street.
On the ground floor were several small
shops and on the second floor two car
penter shops. None of the property
was saved. The loss is $10,000 on
building ana stock;, with $,uuu insur
ance. One man was badly burned by
the explosion. A nreman was some'
what hurt by falling from the second
story. Thi3 building was situated on
the site recently purchased by the
United States government for the new
post-office building. ' .
Terrible Slaughter.
Paeis, March 12. Thus far during the
campaign against the king of Stockholm
by the French, the former has lost 1,000 of
his warriors, including a female general.
It is stated that the French captives takea
by tne Danomians are safe at W by day.
Missouri Pacific Increased Earn
ing Sr. Louis, March 11. At the annual meet
ing of the stockholders of the Missouri
Pacific railway company today, the report
for 1889 showed the the net earnings had
increased $1,624,000 over the previous year.
The surplus earnings of the Missouri Paci
fic and branches, after the payment of
interest, dividends and all other fixed
charges were $678,100.
Pan-American Suggestions.
Washington, March 12. At the meeting
of the Pan American conference yesterday
a reperfc was received from the committee
appointed to consider the best method of
extending and improvirg the facilities for
commercial, pestal and teiegrapn com
munication between the several countries
that border on the Gulf of Mexico and the
Carribean sea The committee recom
mended that if the present high cable rates
are not reduced, charters should be granted
to independent cable companies, the maxi
mum tolls to be fixed in the charters. Ia
regard to steamship service the committee
recommends to all the nations bordering
on the Gulf and Carribean sea the granting
of governm- nt aid in the establishment of
first-class steamship lines between their
several ports upon such terms as they may
mutually agree upon.
.'v- . , . . .
Church and State. y
Boston, March 11. A proposed amend
ment to the constitution has been drawn
up by lawyer W. A Butler of New York,
acting in consultation with ex Governor
Long of Massachusetts, the object of which
is to prevent the use of public money in
any ror any private educational institu
tions under control of a religious denom
ination. Petitions with .the proposed
amendment accompanying will be distrib
uted throughout the states with a pream
ble declaring for the non union of church
and Btato. v- . ---
Coming From Canada.
Chamberlain, 8. D., March 9. The Sioux
reservation is attracting the attention of
thousands of people in Canada as well as
in the United States. Information was re
ceived here this evening that an immense
colony of farmers in Ontario, Canada, are
making preparations to leave for tne reser
vation, where they Intend securing claims
in the White river valley, west of tnis city.
One Hundred Miners Imprisoned.
London, March 10. A terrific explosion
occurred today in the Morsa colliery, in
Glamergonshire, Wales, which it is feared
will be attended by much loss of life. One
hundred miners are entombed and com
munication with them is impossible for the
present. It is feared that all of them have
perished. - j '
. Cigarmakers' Convention.
New Yoke, March 9. An important con
vention of cigarmakers was fceld here to
day. Sixty-three shops were represented
by three delegates each. Chairman Harris
said the cigarmakers were worse off than
ever before. Tne committee on the scale
tariff reported in favor of $6, as being the
lowest price for mating 1,000 cigars. A
motion to enforce the scale as soon as pos
sible was adopted. Tne committee on
ways and means recommended tne general
enforcement of the eight hour rule in the
trade; that all cigarmakers join the inter
national union, and that the agitation be
continued until the poorest paid cigarmak
ers receive a weekly rate equal to that
now received by the best paia. The con
vention adjourned for a week.
Hunting for Hidden Treasure.
Birmingham, Ala , March 9. Five Chero
kee Indians from the Indian territory
passed through here today en route to the
mountains in the northern part of the
state to hunt for hidden trea-ure. Tnere
is an old tradition among the Cherokees
that before tbey left that section their
chiefs concealed in a cave enormous quan
tities of gold, silver and copper. An old
Indian woman, it is said, knows the hiding
place of the treasure, and the five men
have been sent here to look for ic She
could not give the exact location of the
cave, but described its appearance.
Why Not Foreclose.
New York, March 8. An Evening Post re
porter called this morning upon Sidney
Dili on and a?ked him for particulars re
garding Secretary Winflom'a proposition to
substitute for the United States 4 per cent
bonds amounting to $4,000,000, which now
form part of the sinking fund of the Union
acific railroad, an equal amount of firut
mortgage bonds of this railroad bearing 6
per cent Interest. Mr. Dillon remarked
that he was not at liberty to say how the
matter was standing between the govern
ment and the railroad, but acknowledged
that such an arrangement would be re
garded favorably by the latcer, the sale of
its Donas being an advantage, whilo the
interest, although coming out of the roau'o
earnings, wouia be applied towards the ex
tenuon oi ine road's liaouity to tne gov
"Was not there a decision by a previous
attorney general mat; sucn an operation
wa not legal?" was ai ked. ,
"Yes," Mr. Dillon replied, Mc. Cleve
land's attorney general so decided, but
since then the government has been
authorizsd to invest in Union Pacific first
mortgage bonds and I think it likely that
Mr. Windom's decision that he has a right
to (Sect the substitute of our bonds for
the government's is based on that fact.
"Wnat tne government ousnt to do. how
ever " said Mr. Dillon in conclusion, "is to
take the bonds of cur branch roads in ex
change for its bonds. These bonds have
been declared to be of benefit to the main
line and the substitution of their securities
for the government's will be of greater ad
vantage to tne road cnan even tne pro
posed arrangement."
Change in Postal Routes.
Washington, D. C, March 10. The fol
lowing order was issued by the general
superintendent of the railway mail service
today: iiiuway postal clerks on the route
between Lincoln and Alma will change
their run so as to begin at Yalley,Neb.,
leaving the service between Valparaiso and
Lincoln to be performed by the Omataa and
Beatrice railroad postefflce, and maklcer
additional service over the Omaha and
Beatrice railroad postoffice between Val
paraiso and Valley, increasing the distance
eighteen miles and making the whole dis
tance 242 miles, the line to be known as
the Valley and Alma railroad postoffice.
Four Hundred Switchmen Strike.
Chicago, March 10. Switchmen em
ployed in the yards of the Chicago & North
western railroad, between 200 and 400 in
number, was out on a strike this mornin
and as a result the local yards are blocke
and all trains delayed. The men claim thaj
Yardmaster Brooks is unbearable and over
bearing to them. They made a demand
for his removal and as the demand was not
complied with they .quit'work. A squad of
forty police have been sent to the scene of
the trouble to prevent any outbreak.
Terrible lxss ofliife.
London, March 12. It is now known that
eighty-eight persons lost their lives by the
explosion Monday In the Morse colliery In
Glamorganshire. Wales. .
The Iowa Legislature.
Des Moines, March 12. In the house a
resolution was adopted cutting down the
pay of committee clerks and employes
wnen not employed on Sunday. Among
the more important bills introduced were
the following: To prevent Invasion of the
exemption laws ; to amend the law for
voting and to railway corporations; to
provide for the assessment of railway
property by beards of supervisors; to pro
vide for the drainage of swamp land and
to levy taxes to pay for the same; to pro
vide for the translation and recording of
deeds written in foreign languages; two
bills to establish normal schools and to fix
the compensation of county superintend
ents of schools. The resolution reducing
the state tax levy to 2.2 mills made the
special order for tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
In he senate a number of bills were in
troduced, the more Important being as
follows: To protect owners of real estate
from trespass by hunters and trappers; to
prevent discrimination in life' Insurance;
to encourage the manufacture of binding
twine frm flax ' and other material pro
duced m the state. Resolutions were in
troduced calling for the election of United
states senators by tne people and placing
sugar on the ire list The Des Moines
annexation bill came up and the house
a menu men t was concurred in. The discus
sion of the Taylor resolution to place sisal
grass and jute on the free lit occupied the
remainder of the session. Ii was finally
adopted, : '
A Dual Proposition.
Minneapolis, March 12. The Journal's
Bismarck, N. D., special says: Contrary to
expectations the seed wheat commission
ers will r j port this of bernoon to the legis
lature that they can furnish 259,000 busbels
of seed wheat to the needy farmers with
out interest, to be returned bushel for
busnel alter tne croc Is narvesten. it tne
crop fails the debt is cancelled. This will
be followed by the lottery bill raising the
amount to be paid to the state to $15,000
per annum, the money to be used to buy
peed and undoubtedly s comes from the
Louisiana Lottery company or the men
wno represent it. Tne dual proposition is
a dazzling bait to catch the votes needed
to secure the passage of the lottery bill.
Taulbee Dead.
Washington, March 1L Ex-Congreseman
Tauibee died at 5 o'clock this morning. As
soon as the police author! tins were notified
of the death of Taulbee. Einoald was re
Affairs In Brazil.
New Yoek, March 8. A private cablegram
from Rio de Jan erio states that exchange
fell to 22X pence, a drop of 2 pence, and
the lowest point touched for . five years.
It is surmised that this tndicates some sud
den internal commotion in "Brarf! I "of which
the cable is not allowed to speak. The
dispatch also states that the coffee and
rubber markets are greatly excited.
Statistical Report.
Washington, March 10. The statistical
report of the department of agriculture
for March relates to the distribution and
consumption of corn and wheat It makes
the proportion of the corn crop in the
hands of growers 45.9 per cant, or 970.00C,-
000 bushels, and of the wheat crop 81.9 per
cent or 156,000,000 bushels. The stock of
corn on hand is the largest ever reported
in March. The average of eight annual
returns is 676,000,000 bushels, that of last
year, 7o7 ,uoo,l)to bushels, 'lhe estimated
consumption to March 1 is 143,000,000
bushels. This was exceeded only last year
and in 1886. The proportion of the mer
chantable corn crop of 1889 Is 85.7 percent,
exceeded In recent years only in 18S4 and
1886. The average value of all corn on the
1st of December was 8.3 cents a bushel.
The average the 1st of March was 27 9
cents for merchantable and 16.2 cents for
unmerchantable, making an aggregate
value of $5,000,' 00 less than the December
estimate. The wheat crop of 1889 was ex
ceeded by the crops of 1880, 1882 and 1681.
The average remainder in the hands of
growers on the 1st of March for the ten
years past has been 133,000,000 bushels.
The average crop during this period was
450,000,000 bushels. Most of the wheat in
farmers' hands Is in the states which have
no surplus over consumption or in those
In which the larger portion is consumed at
home. Six spring wheat states have only
45.000,000 bushels, 18.000,000 bushels of
which will be required for spring seed and
the remainder is tcarc3Jy more than four
months' consumption of their population.
Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri
and Kansas, the only winter wheat states
east of the Rocky mountains contributing
to commercial distribution, have only 60,
000,000 kushfcls, half of which will be need
ed at home and part of the remainder is
commercially unavailable at present
pricea Therefore, the available supply
for exportation andG home distribu
tion to July is small. The depleted farm
reperves have been measurably filled ex
cept in a few states, but it will require the
pressure of high prices to f queeza any con
siderable proportion of theiu into commer
cial dlstribui ion.
Rosters of Soldiers' Organizations.
Washington, March 11. Many of the
thousands of regimental associations of
suiviving soldiers ef the war of the re
belllon keep, as nearly as possible, correct
rosters or their living comrades, and to
that end they revise the lists at each re
curring annual meeting of their organ
izations. Tn superintendent of the cen
sus is very desirous that the officers of
these associations should forward to him
the latest oonies of the rosters referred to,
which he believes to be efficient aids in the
preliminary work of enumeration m con
nection with the eleventh census of the
names of the organizations and the lensrth
of service of surviving soldiers, sailors and
marines, and the widows of such as have
Declared Unconstitutional. '
St. Louis, March 11. The Missouri anti
trust law was declared unconstitutional by
Judge Dillon of the circuit court today. It
was in the case of the state against the
Simmons Hardware company. This is a
test case to be fought out in the courts to
the end, and its progress is watched with
great interest Dy a large number of corpor
ations all over the country. Last Decem
ber the secretary of state wrote to the
Simmons Hardware company asking them
to make afliiavit to the effect that the cor
poration was not a member of any trust,
monopoly or combine whose object was to
ucNuruy tsu in petition ana raise prices. The
company refused to comply and nnU. was
filed in the circuit court astdnc thA nnnrt
to declare the charter of the company for-
ioii.ei iur nus complying witn the law.
x ne Dim T ont tiara wore company filed a
demurrer and questioned the constitution
ality ot the law, and on this Judge Dillon
renaereanis decision, .
Cattlemen in. Session.
Fobt Worth, Tex., March 1L About 1,500
delegates, representing all the cattle breed
ing and maturing states and territories,
are in attendance on the cattlemen's con
vention, which convened this afternoon.
The northwest Texas cattlemen's range as
sociation had a brief session this morning,
but transacted no g'.ntral business. Ex
Governor Hoadlcy of New Mexico was
made temporary chairman, Committees
were appointed and an adjournment taken
until tomorrow.
Western Packing Interests.
Cincinnati, March 12 Tomorrow's Price
Current will say there is a moderate cur
rent movement of hogs, the number
handled by packers in the west being
about the same as a year ago. The total
packing since March 1 is approximately
310,00v, against 825,000 last year.
An Indian's Frightful Fate.
Pie&be, a D., March 12. A sanguinary
Indian tale comes from up Bad river, some
fourteen miles from here, at the mouth of
Willow creek, where is losated the camp of
Brave Bear, with some seventy-five follow
ers. An old Indian named Dirty Foot got
possession of some contraband whisky
while paying a visit to Fort Piorre. Upon
arriving in camp he was drunk. Going to
his tepee be found his cquaw, who is
known to many settlers as "Old Sal," and
giving her orders to wait on Ma wants,
which she was slow to do, he picked up an
ax and Btruck her on the forehead with its
back, cracking her skull. When this be
came known great excitement ensued in
camp and a crowd qalckly gathered. Dirty
Foot was caught and thrown into a blazing
fire burning In the centre of the circle of
tepees, and when he : escaped was thrown
back until he was dying from his bruises.
His squaw was also in a precarious condi
tion this afternoon when news of the af
fair reached this city by a half-breed, and
both are probab.y now dead.
A Protest Adopted,
Chicago, f arch 11. At a meeting of the
leading Chicago porkpackers and export
ers today to discuss the Edmunds bill now
before the senate, it was resolved that the
portion of the bill making it compulsory
that all salt meats for export be inspected,
in order that a certificate may be issued
that the meats have been sixty days in salt.
Is unnecessary and a hardship to the trade.
The bill it is contended, favors exclusively
tne German trade and .would cripple the
export business to England, which had
reached large proportions. Houses in the
English trade Bald the meats for their pat
rons were not required to be as heavily
Baited or require as meny days to cure as
for the Germans, and they would be unable
to sell them. A large number of packing
houses throughout the west are devoted
exclusively to the English trade and their
business would, be practically ruined. It
was decided to demand that the inspection
should not be made compulsory, but left
optional. The directors of the board of
trade have decided to co-operate with the
Won't Recognize Their Rights.
Pterbe, S. DV7March 1L Official orders
were received irom uommissioner uron
today directing the land officials to pro
tect the Indians In their rights and stating
positively that no , Iadlan can Bell his
rights. The registrar is warned to take no
filings for land on which the Indians were
living when the i roclamation was issued.
This affects tne new town o: tamey op
posite Pierre.
Sunk At Sea.
London, March 8. A dispatch received
here this morning states that the British
steamei, Quetta, 2,254 tons burden, which
sailed from Australian ports for London
has been lost at sea The number of per
sons drowned is not definitely known, but
the dlbpatch states shall a lar e number
perished. The Quetta had twenty-seven
first-olaes passengers and a crew number
ing 112. She albo had the malls for Eng
land. The managers of the line to which
the steamer belonged say they do not be
lieve the report that the steamer is lost.
Later the loss was confirmed at Lloyds.
Advices received there state that 200 lives
were lost The steamer struck a rock, not
shown in the chart, near Somerset in Ter
res straights at the northern extremity of
Australia and 6nnk in three minutes.
4 A Horrible Fate. ,
MexTBKAii, Que., March 10. Mrs. Coller
erette, wife of a wealthy farmer, and her
seven children were burned to death yes
terday in their home, a large stone house,
near Cote Mt Michael, five miles from tnis
city. The building took fire and before as
sistance could bo given it was burned to
the ground. Collerette tried to rescue his
family, but wtss overcome.' He was terri
bly burned and may die. The fire is sup
posed to have been caused by the explo
sion of a can of kerosene oil.
The Destitute Dakotans.
Hubon, S. D. , March 10. A conference
was held here this afternoon of the com
mittee appointed by the seed wheat con
vention last week and the commission
chosen by the legislature. Governor Mel
lette was with them and submitted re
ports showing that fully one-half ef the
farmers in the arouth stricken districts
must be furnished seed grain and feed for
stock; that many settlers will require food
within a very short time. He thinks $500,
000 will be needed from outside to meet
the demanda It was decided to divide the
committee into sub-committees to visit
various cities and solicit contributions.
Lieutenant Governor Fletcher, Bav. P. E.
Holp and Judge John H. Drake will visit
Sioux City, Omaha and Kansas City, and
Hon. D. Holdrege, Hon. S. Smith and Hon.
H. F. Hunter will visit St Paul, Minneapo
lis and Dulutn. Governor Mellette, Bail-
rood Commissioner Bice. Hon. J. M. Bailey
and Hon. H. H. Sheets will go to Chicago.
Milwaukee and Detroit. Each member of
the committee pays Ms own expenses, and
no money contributed will be applied other
than for seed, food for stock and provisions
for the destitute. The committees start
for their destinations tomorrow.
The Boom is On.
St. Louis, March 8. The latest advices
from Oklahoma territory are to the effect
that not only scores but hundreds of prai
rie schooners filled with "boomers" hunt
ing for choice claims are moving over the
Cherokee Strip in all directions, and single
men and parties with guns on their should
ers who claim to be hunters, but who are
reallv selecting lands are encountered
daiiv. More tnan noli a dozen Doomers'
organizations have been formed in Kansas
and Oklahoma and the boom Is on in dead
earnest, and it is believed the government
will find it very difficult to suppress or
even to control it The boomers are also
collecting in the Iowa reservation east of
Oklahoma and south of the strip in great
numbers. It is haiievad the Indian police.
who are under orders from Chief Mayes to
clear the strip, will be totally unequal to
the work. A report is in circulation that
the colonies have made an agreement for a
concerted movement to invade the strip
Aprlp 22.
The Senate.
Washington, March 6. In the senate to
day the bill to increase tne efficiency and
reduce the expense of the signal service of
the army and for the transfer of the
weather bureau to the department of agri
culture, was reported and placed on the
Among the bills Introduced and referred
were the following: For a monument to
John Ericsson; for the punishment of of
ficers and others in selecting Jurors with
refcrenoe to political affiliation; to amend
the revised statutes so far as to permit he
1 urchase and registry of foreign built ves
sels by citizens of the United States fer
employment in foreign trade.
- Among the bills taken from the calendar
and passed were the following: Giving a
pension of 175 a month to the daughter of
Major-General Worth and increasing to
$100 a month the pension of the widow of
Mator-General Warren.
Tke senate then proceeded to the con
sideration of executive business.
Washington, Maroh 7. After some unim
portant business the senate at 12:30 pro
ceded to the consideration of bills on the
Publio building bills having been reached
the following were passed: For Sterling,
III, $50,0C6; Helena, Mont, $ 100,000. The
bill appropriating 500,C00 for Salt Lake
City, Utah, came up and Plumb moved to
reduce it to $400,C00. While the diecusfuon
was going on, the hour of 2 o'clock having
arrived, the bill went over without action,
and the Blair educational bill came up as
unfinished busines".
Hale opposed the bill.
Blair then addressed the senate.' He In
sisted shat ' the republican party was
pledge! in its platform to the passage of
his bill, and he predicted that If the party
failed to make good that pledge that fact
would put an end to the party. He was
not mistaken as to the source from which
most of the misrepresentation at the north
concerning the bill bad come. The Jesuit
ical power of the country had decided the
way to get control of the schools and was
first to get control of the presp. The press
had received its full share of attention and
had manifested its full share of subservien
cy. The New York papers were a monopo
ly ol the worst kind, and the country pa.
f ers had been perverted and ' poisoned by
hem. .
Executive session.
Washington, March 10. Stanford offered
a preamble and resolutions instructing the
committee on finance to inquire what re
lief for the existing agricultural depres
sion may be furnished by the United States,
and particularly whether loans may not be
made by the government on mortgages on
real estate Independent of improvements.
Bef erred to the committee on finance.
Plumb offered a resolution, which was
agreed to, calling on the secretary of the
interior for information as to the causes
of the witholding of patents of lands
within the limit of Union Pacific land
grants. , -
The Dill . appropriating $500,000
for a
publio building bt Salt Lake City,
was passed. . . ,
On motion of Sheiman the bill reported
by him from the committee on foreign re
lations, providing for the inspection of
meats before exportation and prohibiting
the importations cf adulterated articles of
food or drink, and requesting the president
to make proclamation in certain cases, and
for other purposes was taken from the cal
Manderson suggested that one of tne
great troubles in connection with the ex
portation of meat products was the munic
ipal requirements of foreign countries, and
he asked uneiman whether there was any
thing in the bill that would remedy that
Sherman said for several years past the
restriction had been imposed in France,
Germany and Great Britain en the impor
tation or meat products. Tne general com-
"ialnt made In all those countries was
there was no meat inspection laws in the
United States such as txsted in the Euro
pean oountriep. He believed the passage
of tne bill would enable the proper author
ities of the United States to procure the
release of the various restrictions more or
less, and would surely add at least 5J.000,
000 to the American exportation of beef
liate remarked that several bins kindred
to this one were pending before the agri
cultural committee; that it was a matter
of vast importance; that the pending bill
was a ffUDStitute for tne original bill and
had only been reported last week, and that
more time sbould be allowed for the con
sideration of the measure. When the hour
of 2 o'clock arrived the bill was laid aside
without action and the educational bill
was taken up.
mggins addressed the senate in advocacy
of the bill.
Jones of Arkansas followed Higglns. He
said the legislature of his statu had In
structed her senators to vote agalast the
bill and he should obey those instructions.
At the close of Jnnes' speech the senate
proceeded to vote on the amendments
proposed by the committee and they were
severally agreed to. The bill was then
laid aside and after the executive setsiou
the senate adjourned.
Washington, March .11. Mr. Mitchell
introduced a joint resolution propoi
ing an amendment to the constitu
tion providing for the election of senators
by the votes of the qualified electors in the
states and said that fie would at an early
date address the senate on the subject.
jut. morrni cneren a resolution, which
was agreed to, directing the secretary of
the interior to report any information in
the possession of his department, in rela
tion to the authorizing of any lottery com
pany by the Indian territory government
of the Creek nation..
The House.
Washington, March 6. The speaker laid
before the house today a message from the
president transmitting I the report of the
Chippewa Indian commission. Bef erred.
A petition of the woman's industrial
league was presented asking that two
women be appointed on the world's fair
committee of 1S92. Bef erred. -.. t
The entire morning was consumed in the
discussion of the bill for the compulsory
attendance of witnesses before registers
and receivers of land offices, but no action
wu taken thereon.
Luwlerof Illinois presented a petition
signea Dy o,uuu rauwuy postal clerks pray
lng for an increase of salary.
- The house then went into committee of
the whole and proceeded to the considera
tion of public building bills.
The fallowing bills were laid aside, with
favorable recommendation : For a publio
building at Galesburg, I1L, to cost $75,000;
for a publio building at Ashland, Wis., to
cost 75. 000.
The bill called up with the appropriation
of 9200,000 for a publio building at San Jose
Cal was the object of a vigorous attack by
Cannon of Illinois. - -
After further debate the bill was laid
aside favorably and the committee rising
it, together with the preceding bills, was
reported to the house.
In the house Cannon made a vigorous
fight against the Washington postoffice bl)l ;
moving to adjourn amid cries of "dilatory
motion" from the democrats, and raiting
the point of no quorum amid shouts of
"filibustering" from the same source.
The speaker counted th? quorum and the
bill was pa sed, as were the other bills, re
ported favorably. ,
Washington, March 7. In the houso to.
day Haugen of Wissonsin from the com
mittee on elections, reported a resolution
in the Alabama contested election case f
Treat vs. Clark. The resolution, which
was unanimously adopted, declares Clark
entitled to his seat.
The speaker laid before tbe house the
senate bill referring to the court of claims
the claim of Wood bridge for his invention
of projectiles for rifle cannon. It was de
feated after some debate.
The house, at the evening session, passed
five private pension bills and adjourned.
Washington, Maroh 8. The bill provid
ing for the compulsory attendanoe of wit
nesses before registers and receivers of
publio land offices was passed.
The home then, in oommittee
of the
whele, resumed the consideration
of pub-
lie building measures.
The first bill called up was that
ina from 8350.W0 to er0.f!00 the
limlt of
the cose of the publio Buildings at Jsowjuk,
N. J., and making an appropriation of a
300,000 increase.
Blount raised tbe point of order that it
was not within the power of the commit
tee on publio buildings and grounds to
recommend the appropriation.
After a long discussion tho appropriation
nlcuee was stricken out atd the bill as
amended was It id aside, with favorable
The next bill called up was tho senate
bill appropriating 6,'00 for a public
building at Cedar Rapids. Ia Ic was laid
aside favorably alter being amended by
striking out the appropriation clause and.
reducing the limit of ccet to $150,(K.O.
. Among the bills favorably recommended
was one for a publio building at Fremont.
Neb., at a erst of $60,000.
The committee then arosa and reported
the bills to the house, which immediately
found itself in a small deadlock. Thern
was no quorum to pans the bill and the
friends of the measure would not consent
to an adjournment Finally the previous
question was ordered on nil tho bills and it
was sgreed that ttey bo considered Tues
day morning.
Washington, Maroh 10. In the house to
day tke resolution was concurred in pro
viding that the senate committee on immi
gration and the house oommittee on immi
gration and naturalization shall jointly
investigate the worktags of the various
laws of the United States and of the several
Btato relative to Immtgatlon. Tne resolu
tion was amended so as to direct the joint
oommittee to investigate the effect on
American workisgmen which is likely to
follow the purchase of American industries
by foreign capitalists.
The senate bill was passed with verbal
amendments to prevent the Introduction
of contagious diseases from one state to
Bills were passed authorising the con
struction of bridges at the following?
points: Across th Missouri river at Pierre,
8. D. ; across the Mississippi river at Lyons,
Iowa. - v
The house then went into committee of
the whole on the Oklahoma territory t-lli.
Without making much progress tne com
mittee rose and the house adjourned.
Washington, Maroh 11. In the house to
day in pursuance of an agreement made
Saturday, the publio building bills which
that day passed the oommittee of the
whole, came up this morning with tbe pre
vious question . ordered. Tho bills were
passed. They provide for the erection of
publio building, amoag others, Codar
Riplds, la, and Fremont, Neb.
Mr. Baker, from the committee on terri
tories, reported the bill for the aduilenioa
of Wyoming. Ha asked immediate consid
eration of the bill, which, under the new
rules, is a privileged measure.
Mr. eprmger protested against tnis ac
tion. It had been agreed, he said, in the
committee on territories, that the bill
should not be called up until tbe consider
ation of the Oklahoma bill was completed.
After a short qIkcufsIou the tomumteo
rose and the house adjourned.
Cattle Killed.
Sacbimesto, Cal. , March 8. A car on a
west bound freight train was derailed near
Cisco tnis morning and when the station.
was reached the car struck the heavy sup
ports of the snow shed and demolished
seventy feet of the structure. The car,
whloh was loaded with cattle, wai com
pletely crushed and the animals killed.
A New Superintendent.
Governor Thayer Thursday appoint
ed Dr. George W. Wilkinson of Dako
ta City, Dakota county, superintend
ent of the insane asylum at Norfolk,
vice Dr. E. A. Kelley. It is probable
that back of this simple statement
there is some interesting history, but
no additional information is furnished
by the executive oflice. There Lavo
been some complaints against the man
agement of the institntionKand this,
together with the recent sensational
trial at .Norfolk, undoubtedly lnllti
enced Dr. Kelley in handing in his
resignation. Dr. "Wilkinson will as
sume the duties of the office March 11.
" A. E. Gnnn. a ranchman living near
Chappell was attempting to cross
Lodge Pole creek when the ice brok
and he drowned before help could ar
rive. The deceased was about forty
five years old and leaves a wife and six
Lincoln, Nib.
CATTLE Butchers' Bteers. .t2 50 3(W
Cow 1 50 Ci'J OG
HOGS Fat 8 80 (id3 5
Stockers 3 00 t$Z 2
SHEEP 3 00 $ OS
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 60 ($ 65
OATS No. 2 10 $ 15
BYE No. 2 25 (,$ 27
CORN No. 2, new 18 $ 13
FLAXSEED 1 02 (il 04
POTATOES.. 18 (t
HAY Prairie, balk. 500 (ctf 00
Cmoia, Neb.
CATTLE. .3 wl jj4 iO
Cows 1 SO (u.2 30
HOGS Fair to heavy 3 90 (,C4 00
Mixed SW atf 00
Chicago, Ili,
CATTLE Prime steers $3 50 (ti b5
Stockers and feeders. 3 00
HOGS Packing 3 90 Qt4 05
BHEEP Natives ,3 50 (.45 00
Kansas Crrr, M?.
CATTLE Corn f ed - 2 90 CH S3
Feeders 1 (50 15
HOGS Good to choice , S 80 (rc4 10
Mixed ...... .......... .3 (4 0