The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 01, 1890, Image 3

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President, H. L. Loucks, Dakota.
Vice-President. John II. Powers. Nebraska.
Secretary, August Post, Moulton, Iowa.
Treasurer, J. .. Furlong, Minnesota,
lecturer, N. li. Asuby, Des Moines, Iowa.
President, John H. Powers, Cornell.
Vice President, Valentine Horn, Aurora.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. M. Thompson, Lincoln.
Lecturer, W. F. Wright. Johnson county.
Asst. lecturer, Logan McReynolds, Fairfield.
Chaplain. Kev. J. S. Edwards, Wahoo.
Door keeper, D. W. Barr, Clay county.
Asst. door keeper, James Underbill, Syracuse.
Seargeant-at-arins, J. Dillingsly, Shelton.
J, Burrows, chairman; B. F. Allen. Wabash;
-J. W. Williams, Filley; Albert Dickerson,
LiU;afleld; Frank II. Young, Custer.
Post Office at Lincoln, Neb., June 18, 1889.
I hereby certify that The Alliance, a week
ly newspaper published at this place, has been
determined by the Third Assistant Post Mas
ter General to be a publication entitled to
admission in the mails at the pound rate of
postage, and entry of it as such is accordingly
made upon the books of this office. Valid
while the character of the publication re
mains unchanged. Albert Watkins,
Figures For Thayer.
Editors of the Alliance: The
rate on corn from Shelton to Chicago
is 26 cts. per hundred. From Shelton
to Omaha 107 miles over the U. 1 K. K.
it is 10 cts. per hundred. It is 500 miles
from Omaha to Chicago. If the Trunk
lines running from Omaha to Chicago
charged as high rates for the .500 miles
as the U. P, does for the 107 miles the
rate from Omaha to Chicago instead. of
26cts. per hundred would, be 89cts. per
hundred, and corn would be worth less
than nothing for shipping purposes here
at Shelton.
If the U. T. 11. II. and Gov. Thayer's
control of its rates extended to Chicago,
corn would not be worth anything here.
In this case, we suppose the Governor
would rise up in his might, get down on
his knees, go to New "iork rand ask the
railroads running east from Chicago to
donate the farmers of Nebraska their
old clothing.
The rate on corn from Shelton to Den
ver 408 miles is 80c per hundred. The rate
from Shelton to the Wyoming line (Pine
Bluff) 21)6 miles is 28cts. per hundred.
Here again as soon as corn leaves Ne
braska at Julesburg and gets into Colo
rado the rate is less.
If the rate was the same in botli in
stances, the rate from Shelton to Den
ver instead of being 30 cts as it is now
would be 38cts.
The Governor places himself in a pe
culiar position when he asks the Trunk
lines, over which he has no control, to
reduce through rates, when at the same
time he does hot use his authority to re
tluce rates in his own state.
The Governor seems to be trying to
serve two masters. lie seems to serve
the people when asks the roads to re
duce through rates on corn. He serves
the railroads "when he does not reduce
local rates in his own state, where he
has the authority. My dear Governor
you cannot serve both "God and Mam
mon." The people of Nebraska want and
mean to have a reduction in express,
passenger and freight rates in this state.
J. Stebbins, Shelton.
Wealth as a Political Power.
Editor Alliance: The writer be
lieves that one great obstacle in the
way of successful organized effort
among the farmers in the past has been
a want of unity of purpose among them.
ne belieyes that the difficulty is one
transportation alone, another that it
is one of tariff, another that it is one of
national finance. It was my fortune to
be a member of the organized farmers,
association of Illinois for ten years, and
of the Alliance of this state for the past
eight years. Jay experience and exam
ination of the problem has led to the
conclusion that the agricultural classes
are suffering from a variety of evils, the
m i m 11 .
leading cause oi wnicn is " wealth as a
Political Power."
The present system of transportation,
tariff and finance are all the creations
of this power. I have no space to dis
cuss these systems in detail. Believing
as I clo that when any system usurps
the place of man in government it be
comes man's oppresser, 1 am opposed
to a socialistic system wherein the
powers of government are im'oked for
the sole benefit of the few. 1 am also
opposed to a system of individualism
that leaves tne individual at the mercy
of corporate creatures that the power of
. government can alone either create or
control. We hear much about individ
ualism and national independence.
The idea of individualism can never
prevail where men are brought in com
muniaL relations. Each must surrender
some rights for the benefit of all. We
owe duties to our fellow men; these
duties are reciprocal. Nations are not
independent but dependent. The inde
pendent theorists regard nations not as
merely giants in the great body of man
kind, having common interests, but as
distinct and separate bodies, having
hostile interests and ruled in their rela
tions to one another by jealousy, sus
picion and a desire for plunder.' This
notion prevails in our present interna
tional trade relations, and Mr. Mckinley
calls it the "dictates of enlightened pa
triotism." The relief we seek can never be ob
tained until corporations are brought
under the control of the people from
whom they hold their charters, and we
abandon a tariff policy based on the
idea that taxing all for the benefit of
the few will in some way (which has
never been explained) make all prosper.
It can never be obtained until bankers,
bondholders and money-loaners are re
tired from the control of the national
financial policy. Relief will come when
the farmers take a proper interest in the
affairs of government and their united
efforts are directed to the election of
men that they have reason to believe
are in sympathy with them. When we
vote for our own interest with the same
fidelity ard care that is exercised by the
representatives of organized wealth and
Avithout regard to the party to which
our choice belongs, we may have less
cause to petition and beg for relief from
evils that are within our own power to
correct. If the farmers can't or won't
apply the remedy, they ought to contin
ue mendicants on bended Knees before
wealth as a political power, and like
our governor humbly beg for a restora
tion of a small pittance (just to encour
age them to raise more) of that which
has been unjustly wrested from them.
The late performance on the part of our
governor and the board of transporta
tion ot this state was an attempt, not to
got cheap transportation, but to pour
oil on the troubled waters, in order that
their own political crafts might not be
wrecked in the storm that is gathering
in tnis state.
Kehef is coming if the farmers will
vote as they talk and not (like Joe Med
ill) preach reform until election time
and then support party and party can
didates whose: records and platforms
are directly opposed to their interests
v eaun as a political power is never
guilty of this kind of foolishness. Why
buoum me xarmers practice it?
W. A. McKeighan.
When answeeing advertisements
ways mention The Alliance.
Government Control of Railroads.
Editor Farmers' Alliance: With
ten billions of dollars of debt resting on
two billionsworth of property one would
naturally suppose that our great nation
al private property public highways
were doing about ten dollars worth of
hauling for about ten cents in cash; and
if so a grateful public ought to know it,
and generously reward the managers.
Let's see about it. The average distance
that Nebraska produce must travel to
reach Chicago is about 600 miles. The
average train will take at least 400 tons
of freight, say 20 cars of 40,000 lbs.each,
with its quota of empties.
The cost for each division of 100 miles
or more will not exceed .
Vt tons of coal at $2 per ton $15 00
Engineer 4 00
Fireman .... .... .... .... 3 00
Conductor .... .... 3 00
Two brakemen at 52.50 .... 5 00
.Total .. 00
For the 600 miles .... $180 00
Allow for oil and accidents $20, and
we have $200. But the cost of station
help, keening up repairs of track and
rolling stock, filling water tanks, oiling
and examining cars etc. is nearly as
much its the cost of train service, so we
have the actual or necessary cost of
hauling 400 tons, or 14,285 bushels of
corn, the average distance all Nebraska
freight must go to net to Chicago, $400
or 2 8-10 cents per bushel.
Uut grain should go at the very lowest
rate, and as the actual cost of the traffic
is all the government has to pay, it fol
lows that without interest, dividends,
corruption funds, lawing, railroads
fighting each other, advertising, (why
not adrertise post offices and public
school buildings) junketing tours and
big salaries, grain should go from Ne
braska to Chicago for just about two
cents a bushel.
At the lately reduced rate to 20 and
25 cts. per hundred pounds, average 22Jc.
a bushel or corn would be 12 u-o cts, say
12 J for convenience, and our 400 tons
or 14,2; bushel3 are taken to Chicaaro
for $1,785.02, Deducing the honest cost
$400, we have $1,385.62 paid to these
bastard kings in return for their great
generosity in being willing to rule over
But the average cost of hauling one
ton one mile as shown by Poor's Man
ual is . 907 or a very small fraction more
than nine-tenths of one cent, which for
convenience I will use, and at which
rate our freight bill would have been
2,160. And had the train been loaded
with highest rate goods I suppose it
would have cost three or four thousand
dollars to haul it to Chicago, or eight or
nine dollars for the private property in
terest, to every one dollar for the bene
fit of the public.
And this is a Government "of the peo
ple and for the people." And antirno
noplists are "fools and cranks" and
great and grand and glorious is the de
votion, the wisdom, and- patriotism of
the republican and democratic govern
ors, railroad commissioners, politicians,
statesmen and editors, and let all the
people say amen.
Since the U. P. Co. has sold hundreds
of thousands of tons of coal at their
mines for just about one dollar per ton,
the average cost to railroads should not
exceed two dollars. Conductors and
brakemen work by the month instead of
by the hundred miles, or "run" but the
amounts' allowed are more than their
wages, and 1 think: that no railroader
who is posted will say any of the figures
are unreasonable. U. M Clark.
" A Letter From Greeley County.
Scotia, Neb., Feb. 16, 1890.
Editor Farmers' ' Alliance: We
are making a move at the eleventh
hour. Perhaps it's 11:30, but the move
seems quite strong.
The few of us who are contending
against considerable odds are feeling
quite encouraged.
Held an institute at Scotia on the 15th,
which was well attended and by some
of our best farmers. Essays and dis
cussions followed each other in a lively
manner. Essays upon farm topics were
quite numerous, and each expressed
opinions that farmers are too generally
adopting the eight-hour system, eight in
the forenoon and eight in the afternoon,
at hard labor, while they did too little
thinking, reading, talking and acting
upon questions that concern them poli
tically. That we understand better now
to raise good corn than we do legisla
tures, hence the difference in the price
of the two articles.
Our Alliance suspended meetings
during the busy season. But we are to
again take up the work" and help our
friends as they now are striving to help
us. jfcvery copy ot IDE alliance sent
to us has been put into good hands and
we have distributed Ailiance literature
throughout the county at every oppor
tunity during the past year, and we be-
ieve it has resulted in some good.
Our county is greatly behind some of
the other counties of the state organiza
tion, but if we are not very much mis
taken, what little we haveclone is per
fectly healthy, and if we come late per
haps we will stay longer and be stronger.
farmers here are pretty hard up, or
The Alliance would have received a
club of subscribers longbefore this date.
Ten-cent corn, three-cent hogs, two
cent cattle is a cooler on our ambition,
where cash is required. We hope Ne
braska is about to follow Iowa s exam
ple in a railroad war. Are we not
ready for it? Long live The Alliance!
-h. A. Hadley,
Organizer Greeley Co.
From Otoe County.
We have received a letter and resolu
tions from Bro. H. P. Fornsworth, which
wre are compelled "to condense: Tb.3
first Alliance was organized in Otoe
Dec. 16. Since that, date 13 have been
formed, with 464 members; and several
more waiting to be organized.
Mr. F. assures us of increased support
for our paper.
The resolutions state the great neces
sity for action in regard to freight rates;
denounce the 2ct reduction as "a bait to
catch farmers' votes" and "mere politi
cal clap trap," and decline to accept
the same as final; demand a reduction
of not less than ten cents per 100 on all
grain and live stock; heartily endorse
the actions of Atty. Gen. Leese, and
pledge him support and co-operation;
endorse the resolutions of the Butler
Co. farmers, published last week; pro
test against the extension of the IT. P.
debt, and ask that the farmers of the
north-west make themselves heard in
denunciation of this scheme.
We regret we cannot publish these
and many others we have recieved in
Meeting of Adams Co. Alliance.
Adams County Farmers' Alliance will
meet in the Court House in Hastings on
Saturday March 8, 1890, at 10 o'clock a.
m. All members in good standing will
be entitled to seats.
It is earnestly desired that at least
two delegates from each subordinate
Alliance will be present, as 'important
matters will be considered at this meet
ing. A.C.Tompkins,
II. B. M'Gaw, Pres't
Meeting of Hall County Alliance.
Hall County Alliance will hold its
next meeting at Wood River, March 8,
1890, at 10 o'clock a. m.
We want to have all Alliances present.
J . H. Porter, Shelton, Pres.
B. S. Bruce, Underwood, Sec'y.
Interest the Great Taxer.
Tariff is a tax. Transportation is a
tax, and interest is the father of taxes.
The tariff is a tax to allow a particular
class to make several princely salaried
positions and a five to twenty per cent
rental for the money invested. Kail
roads are built for the same purpose.
Now the building or railroads, ot fac
tories, and steamships, ..of telephone,
telegraph and tank lines, are laudable
and are positive necessities in a civil
ized nation. But there is a particular
point where their benefit ceases and
their destructiveness begins. A good
battery during the Avar in a good posi
tion could do good service; but when
that battery fell into the enemies' hands
and was trained in the opposite direc
tion we could have wished that that
battery had never existed. Now the
rental that is expected out of these va
ried enterprises is always measured by
what money .would return if placed at
interest on safe securities. More risk
and worriment being encountered when
placed in productive undertakings the
rental is always expected to be propor
tionately higher, but interest is the ba
sis of all the other investments. Thus
when our general government makes a
basis of from 6 to 16 'per cent of inter
est in the bond and national banking
system, other corporations aim to make
the same returns, and thus leyy a tax
sufficient to bring the required result.
And as the agriculturists under .the
most prosperous auspices make only
about 2 to 2i per cent, and in times like
the present no dividends are declared,
they become kickers, and they kick at
anything and everything excepting
themselves. This, by the way, I would
suggest they should no longer neglect.
Go every morning before ' breakfast be
hind your corn crib filled with 12 and
15 cent corn or the cob pile remaining
therefrom, and kick yourself manfully
until election, so that you may remem
ber that lawyers and bankers, who are
also the railroad men, make your laws
whereby with your two per cent and no
per cent earnings you are compelled to
pay a tax to swell their earnings from
m. i n . 1 a . -a 1
a to 4U per cent wnicn tnev are pleased
to show you is a posisive indication of
prosperity. Don't go picking off the
leaves and twigs to kill the tree. Lay
the ax right at the upas whose other
name is our present financial system. .
W. II. Dech.
From Polk County, Endorsing Leese.
Osceola, Neb., Feb. 17, 1890.
Editor Alliance: Sixty days ago
Mr. James Miller organized the first
Alliance in Polk county, and on last
Saturday we organized a County Alli
ance with thirty-two delegates, repre
senting sixteen subordinate Alliances in
Polk county, with a membership pf over
300 members, and still the good work
goes on at the rate of three 'or four or
ganizations, each week. We have to
contend here with an opposing element
known as the armers' cc People s Union,
a political "trap" to ensnare the farmers
and keep them divided, but in spite of
all this we have entered their ranks and
captured their meetings, and planted an
Alliance, before retiring to bed. It was
a total surrender, organizer and all, but
we didn't want him.
We elected the following officers:
President, N. Macken; Vice-President,
T. L. Burlingame; Secretary. C. D.
Stoner; Treasurer, Win. Welch; Chap
lin, Wm. McBeth; Lecturer, J. A. Van
hoosen; Door-keeper, Geo. Carnine;
Assistant door-keeper, John Holt; Ser-geant-at-Arms,
Chas. Getts. -
The following resolution was read
and unanimously adopted by the con
vention: Resolved, That the Polk County Alli
ance, in convention assembled, tender
Attorney-General Leese a vote of thanks
for his energetic and fearless advocacy
of the people's cause on the transporta
tion question.
There are sixfy-eight school districts
in the county, and we propose to organ
ize in at least every other one before
the next meeting of the State Alliance.
Fraternally yours,
C. D. Stoner, Setfy.
Resolutions of Butler Co. Alliance.
At a meeting held at this place on this
date for. the purpose of organizing a
County Farmers' Alliance in and for
Butler Co., the following resolutions
were passed. :
Resolved: That we as an Alliance are
in favor of electing for Legislators and
Public Officers men from our various
Alliances in the state who will pledge
themselves to carry out pur principles.
Resolved; That we as an Alliance re
fuse to support newspapers which do
not support our interests.
Resolved; That we as an Alliance, are
in favor of and demand rates of trans
portation as low as rates in our eastern
Resolved; That we demand a reduc
tion of the tariff on the necessaries of
life, and that we denounce the present
Banking system, and ask that the Gov
ernment furnish money at actual cost to
the people sufficient to do the business
of the country on a cash basis.
Resolved; That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the Farmers' Alliance
for publication.
S. M.Daniell, W. II. Terwilligfr,
President, Sec. Pro Tern.
IIushville, Neb., Feb. 3d, 1890.
MR. Ji-DiTOR: My opinion of a farmer
or other laboring man who will ?ay
wnen asxed to subscribe tor a paper
which is a fearless, steadfast and
outspoken advocate of the farmers'
and laboring men's rights and interests
under the Government Avho will say,
while at the same time he is taking and
paying lor two or three, more or less.
republican or democratic papers that he
a v i j.ji vr -w-
can t anord to taKe a union L.abor or
Alliance paper my opinion of such a
man ( ?) would not look well in print. I
am unable in such cases to determine
which to blame most, his ignorance, or
nis prejudice. It might be, and probably
is correct to assume that both are very,
very great, and each one a good deal
more so than the other
- - L. P. Cummins.
Balance of Industries.
Editor Farmers' Alliance:
If a country is confined within its
own limits that is, has no communica
tion with outsiders it must seek to bal-
lance its own industries. Many thinj
may be surplus without being waste
but the one thing that must be absolutely
valuless is a surplus of food, for of this
the consumption is limited by nature
To balance the industries of this country
is hopeless for centuries to come. There
will be too much food. But if we take
the whole world into consideration we
find there is no surplus of food. What
is needed is freedom of exchange. If
there were a square mile of land set
apart in some central situation, where
Xarmers could take their produce and
freely swap it with all the world, they
would get more for a bushel of wheat
than they ever got in their lives before
But if, after loading up with their re
turn cargo, they were not allowed to
leave the square mile without passing a
costume nouse, tney would una them
1 .-.11 1 1ajf
seives roDDeu oi nan tneir goods, ana
would go home poor and sorrowful.
lj Once a Farmer.
Death of Miss Anna Hill."
Says the Call: The many friends of
Capt. J. E. Hill and wife will be pained
to learn of the death of their daughter
Anna in this city yesterday. At the
age of eighteen, standing on the thresh
old of the realties of life, it is hard to
die and hard to relinquish the hopes
and posibilities of living. But the mes
senger comes alike to all, comes relent
less and.unforbidden, and as the mes
senger has come to their home, and as
they stand by their loved dead, they
can feel and know that the most sin
cere sympathy of a host of friends is
with them.
Disappointment in Madison.
We regret to learn that our friends in
Madison county were greatly disap
pointed by the failure of Hon. Richard
Trevellick to reach them. Mr. Trevel
lick was caught in the storm last Mon
day night in York county, got lost on
the prairie and was unable to reach the
train at Bradshaw, so was unable to
reach Clarion. Mr. T. assures" us that
he was glad to reach the shelter of a
friendly home, and that he greatly
suffered from exposure. He spoke
seven times between Friday night and
Monday night.
From Hamilton County.
Phillips, Neb., Feb. 17th, 1890.
Editor Alliance: For the encour
agement of others in the work, I will
say that our Alliance is increasing in
numbers and also in interest, lhe
armers in this part are fast getting their
eyes open, and we hope by co-operation
and hard work to benefit ourselves in
the future. Our Stock Company at Phil
ips, composed of three Alliances (organ
ized under the laws of the state for ship
ping grain and handling all farniers'sup-
plies) is prospering hnely. Although we
iiave only a shovel house at present, we
are shipping the larger part of the grain,
loading as high as six carsin a day, and
saving to the farmers we think at least
Sets, per bushel. We think this the best
way to break the "Elevator Trust." Or
ganize and ship your own grain. We
applied for a site for an elevator but
lave not yet got it. Our case is "pend
ing," the 11. li. Co. say. The decision of
the "Elm wood" case we presume. We
are working together and mean business.
Success to our paper, it has the right
ing. Some of us at least, realize that
it is absolutely necessary to the success
of our cause in this state, and we hope
to stand by it as long as it stands by us.
x ours fraternally,
Vice-Pres't. 580. E. C. Pdrdy.
Resolutions of Alliance No. 88g, Relating:
to the Oxford Standard.
Whereas, The Oxford Standard, con-
rary to the usual course of the public
press in regard to matters or puhiic na
ture, has heretofore and still continues
to ignore the highest and best interests
of the agriculturists of this region; and
Whereas, The Oxford Standard, in
its last issue, copied from an exchange
an article giving ideas false in expres
sion and sentiment; therefore be it
Resolved, jL hat 1 armers' Alliance No,
889 refuse longer to support the Oxford
Standard; be it further
Resolved. That we send a copvof these
resolutions to the organizers of Furnas
and Harlan counties, requesting them
to inform each subordinate Alliance of
said counties, requesting them to act in
ike manner, and that we send a copy
Hto The Farmers' Alliance for publi
cation. Samuel Johnston, Pres.
W. W. Bailey, Sec'y.
Meeting of Saunders Co. Alliance.,
Saunders Co. Alliance will convene at
Opera House in Wahoo, Saturday, March
15th., at 10 a. m. Hon. K. J. Trevel-
lck will give lectures at 6 and 7 p. m.
11. MOSS, W . O. HAND,
President. Secretary.
C. H. King, of Divide, Sherman Co.,
writes us as follows in1 a private letter:
"We have done all we could to extend
your circulation in the past month, and
intend to do so in the future. There
are some clubs partially raised that are
waiting for a member or two to raise
their portion. No man unless an actual
observer, could believe the straights our
farmers are in. Debts falling due, chil
dren half clothed, and not an available
penny to meet the situation. Our hope
in God and the Alliance. We know
He will not fail us. Man's extremity is
His opportunity."
The Long and Short Haul. ... .
Chicago Tribune.
lhe law as it stands now does not, as
has been falsely alleged, oblige the car
rying companies to charge the same
rate per mile tor a long haul as lor a
short one. but simnlv that thev shall not
exact more tor the shorter distance than
for the longer one which includes it.
How any right-minded man can deem
such a provision unfair is a mystery, and
it is difficult to perceive how he could
expect the country as a whole, or him
self as an individual to be benefitted by
having it abolished, lo change the law
in that respect would be simply to open
wide again the floodgates of corruption
which used to give an opportunity to
the railroad officials to discriminate in
favor of their friends as against the gen
eral public.
A Protected Industry.
Judging by the successful year's busi
ness ot tne Jfittsburg nate Cjriass Uom
pany, tne glass industry wm probably
be able to pull through lor a while with
out an increase oi tarm. Jine company
. rTr rni
held, its annual meeting a lew days ago,
and its affairs were reported to be in
most excellent shape. The net earnings
amounted to nearly per cent on the
capital $2,750,000. Regular dividends
amounting to 23 per cent had been paid
during the year, and at tne meetintr
special dividend of llf per cent, equal
to $952,500, was declared. -.Where do
the enormous profits of the protected
manulactories come from if protection
makes low prices, and is a gobd thing
xor tne consumers. vmcago Herald.
Good for Bro. Orcutt. ' - '
Editor Alliance: Enclosed find
order for sixteen new subscribers, which
makes thirty-four I have sent you in
two weeks, and I am not done yet. I
want to see our paper take the lead of
any paper m the state and if every Al
liance man would do all he could it
would get there in a short time. Let
every farmer join the Alliance and eet
ms ueiguuor to ao tne same, and see
- a 1
we cannoi get organized sd we can get
men in our state Ieeislature this fall who
will represent the farmers and laboring
class of our state instead of railroads
and monopolists. .Respectfully,
' - ' L. S. Orcutt,
i . . . Hansen, Neb.
W. C. T. U.' COLUMN.
Edited by Mrs. S. C. O. Upton, of Lincoln,
Neb., of the Nebraska Woman s Christian
Temperance Union.
The editor of The Aixxance places the re
sponsibility of this column in the care of the
above editor.
The state conve -tion of prohibition
ists, which convened here on the 19th,
was large and enthusiastic. We give
below report of the closing meeting:
St. John's Address.
Bohanan's hall was crowded almost to
suffocation last night by the people who
crowded in to Hsten to ex-Governor
John P. St. John. Over 1,500 people
were present, and this number was
probably a low estimate. After a num
ber of songs were sung by Professor
Huckins and his choir, the work of rais
ing money for the campaign was con
tinued by Professor Dickie, and for al
most an hour subscriptions varying in
amount from $5 to $100 were received:
The amount raised during the evening
was about $1,400. The total amount
pledged yesterday was near $2,000. It
was almost 9 o'clock before Governor St.
John was introduced to the audience.
The scene that occurred when he step
ped to the front of the platform cannot
be described. Half of . the audience
arose to their feet and the cheers that
greeted him were tremendous. St. John
as changed somewhat since he last ap-
E eared before a Lincoln audience. His
air and mustache are whiter than they
were, but his eye is still as piercing as it
ever was. He spoke with- a great deal
of power and vigor.
In beginning Goyernor St. John de
clared that ignorance and prejudice were
the worst enemies to fight in a battle for
moral reform. It was ignorance and
prejudice that sustained the rum power
in this nation. He drew a comparison
between slavery and the liquor traffic,
declaring that the latter was ten-fold
worse than the former. He declared
that the existing condition of affairs was
owing to the attitude of the public press
to a great extent. - Due respects were
then paid to the newspapers of Nebras
ka ' that opposed prohibition. The
speaker characterized high license as a
trap to catch timid and half-reformed
temperance men. The trap was set by
the politicians of Nebraska and baited
by the rum traffic. o-The man who in this
contest failed to do his duty would find
the blood of the victims of the saloon
upon his skirts when he appeared before
the judgment seat. He said there was
not a common drunkard or pauper in
Johnson county, Kansas, where prohib
ition had been in effect twelve years.
In proportion with her population he
believed Kansas had more churches and
schools than any other state in the
union. He predicted that within five
years there would not be an anti-prohibition,
paper in Nebraska. He declared
that the governors of Kansas were all in
favor of prohibition and the newspapers
that once opposed it, except one. He
made another prediction, that in a jfew
years a stone lence mounted by barb
wire would not keep Governor 1 hayer
out of a prohibition meeting. The op
ponents of the amendment did not dare
go belore the people with their argu
ments, lo attempt to give a tair syn
opsis of the adress is impossible. It
abounded with incidents that moved his
audience to tears. Pathos, wit and elo
quence were blended into an address
that had a marvellous effect upon the
The speaker closed with an eloquent
appeal for all men irrespective of party
to unite their efforts and vote for the
prohibitory amendment, He declared
that the measure had been submitted by
a republican legislature, and if republi
cans should throttle it, woe to them.
He pledged 20,000 third party votes for
the amendment, and everyone of thqm
would be willing to work shoulder to
shoulder with prohibition democrats
and republicans. He predicted 25,000
majority for prohibition in Nebraska
next November.
Among other resolutions which were
passed expressing the well-known prin
ciples of the party was the following,
offered by Dr. Creighton of Wesleyan
university. It was adopted with en
Resolved, That we will extend the
right hand of fellowship to all organiza
tions lavonng the passage ot the prohib
itory amendment and that we will co-op
erate with every friend of prohibition of
whatever name for the extermination
of the liquor traffic. .
Says a prominent South Dakota pa
per: "foouth uakota needs irrigation ior
ber prairies and prohibition for her
citizens." Ditto in Nebraska.
Now that Kansas, Iowa and the Da-
kotas have declared against the drink
traffic, the state of Nebraska is sur
rounded and must surrender and lay
down her high license arms., lhe five
will then form an impregnable phalanx
under the white banner, a cold water
empire which shall extend its benefi
cient conquests on every side until the
rum curse shall be trampled to death.
Wake Up!
Paul Station, Jan. 28,. '90. The
Second Judicial District Convention of
the W. C. T. U., comprising Lancaster,
Otoe and Cass counties, will convene at
Roca, March 12 and 13. We hope to
have the full number of , delegates from
each union present, also the superinten
dents of the different departments. We
want to plan for work for the amend
ment. Let every sister who is interested
in the home consider it her duty before
God to be present.
Rec. Sec'y of Secn'd Dis.
Resolutions of Glendale Alliance.
Resolved, That we, the members of the
Glendale Alliance No. 843, view with
contempt the so-called reduction on corn
rates and consider the same as being
worse than no - concession at all, and
being intended to mislead and gull the
farmers into the Deiier tnat tney nave
received some recognition, when they
only have been insulted instead of being
relieved from the burden they have long
endured. '
Resolved, further, That we demand in
stead . of supplicate (notwithstanding
John M. Thurston to the contrary) that
the railroads make a 14 cent rate from
Missouri river points to Chicago. We
also suggest our railroad commissioners
test their authority by demanding an
unconditional surrender, and if they
have no power we better try something
Resolved, further, That a copy of these
resolutions be sent each, to Governor
Thayer and The Fakmeks' Alliance at
Lincoln. Signed,
Glendale Alliance No. 843.
Business at the American Well Works
factory, Aurora, 111., has opened up
earlier than usual with fair prospects
for the most prosperous year's business
on record, not only in deep well making
machinery, but in heavy pumping out
fits both for deep artesian work and
corporative water plants. Correspon
dence solicited from tho nterested.
JOHNSON, NEMAHA CO., NEB. - - - W. F. WKIOIIT. Proprietor.
I keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits. Thirty years
experience in arrowing' Fruits in Nebraska enables me to make selections adapted to Ne
braska climate and soils. Dispensing with agents entirely I deal directly with the people,
thereby saving: my patrons all agents commission. Send for Price Lists for Spring of 18!K).
Correspondence solicited.
head of registered A-
cows, heifers and calves, to suit purchasers. A
J. C. C. Bulls at a bargain.
A good working herd.
Ferrary 15, ism Q B BACHEIiDER, CamDridgG, NGt.
T. R. k A.'s
A CURE forh
InflOUW I' niiv"Si2?s,S-rW. 'lowiuc oLuiouaud iubl wedi the put mmou, d1 In order to lolrodu
ly Vi" ' , Kf( ?Csi:ifesGs; them, with our wonderful new Potato, inu IiiO.OOO bonien, mk lb (n.
fAn &&ii0&es2i$gr' Mmpt or money, wa will Mad box pout-paid, etmiaiuing on packrt rata
n S&SSSf-tmmtmm1?- m the Mowing HEW AUlt uriwiiii' ri.M'n, pnu inn nrann,
rZP iUPSInllX - "ucd tuber of BOLE Y'8 OKEAT NOKTIIKKN M'Y IO-V-
Mft Om Iff 13 m LN!S1 X ATO, in. rreatost di-ooj-rr .inc. W. tdront ftteKAKLT '.
r..'. m - m . - m - m m a t v -&
ill- iRiliail
mi UtU m j ii m n or
a iw; an a 4v bwjw
SALVTL WILSON, EUlechanicGville. ' Pa.,f.
Published Weekly by the
BURROWS, Chairman State Alliance Ex. Cora., Editor.
J. II. THOLIPSOII, Sec'y State
BLY IN ADVANCE. Or, five subscriptions,
in one order, one year for $4.00.
The Alliance is the official organ of the Nebraska State Alliance. It is
conducted solely in the interest of
State. It is absolutely fearless and
FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE. In the above particulars it is a new de
parture in Nebraska journalism.
We conhdently appeal for support to all who can appreciate the value of
such a paper.
THE ALLIANCE one year and Edward Bellamy's great book, Looking
backward, $,30.
THE ALLIANCE one year, and Labor and Capital, by Edward Kel
logg, $1,00.
Those books may be ordered from this office Looking backward, 50
cents; Labor and Capital 20 cents.
BOy Money sent by bank draft, Express or Post Office order, or Registered
Letters at our risk. Stamps and Postal Notes at risk of sender.
All officers of Alliances are requested to act as agents. Address.
Alliance Publishing Co., Lincoln, Neb.
I will offer :rv
Glevelani Bay
3 and 5 years old, and 50 pure bred mares, sound, vigorous and fully acclimated
. holstein F-nFiiiEsnsrs
An opportunity rarely offered to secure such high class stock ut tho prices and terms
I am prepared to offer. Send for pamphlet glvingrfnll particulars.
GEO. E. BROWN, Aurora, Kane Co., 111.
The way to do this is to ship your Butter. Eros, Poultry. Veal.
Means, Breom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits,
ract that you may nave Deen selling tbese articles at borne for years is no reason
should continue to do so if you can find a better market. We make a specialty of
4hipments direct from FARMERS AND PKODUCEuS, and probably have the largest trade ta
:his way of any house in this market. Whilst you are looking around for tho cheapest mar
ket in which to buy your goods and thus economizing in that way, it will certainly pay you
to give some attention to the best and most profitable wc of disponing of your produce. W
invite correspondence from INDIVIDUALS. ALLIANCES, CLUUS, and all organizations
who desire to ship their produce to this market. If requested, we will send you free of
charge our daily market report, shipping directions and such information as M ill be of ser
vice to you if you contemplate shipping. Let us hear from you.
REFERENCE; Metropolitan Nation Bank,
CROP OF 1890.
Buying Farm & Garden Seeds
Can be made by Alliances by addressing
Write at once. 3m3U
& J. THORP & Co.,
Manufacturers of
Rubber Stamps, Seals,
, Stencils, Badges and
Baggage Checks
X Every Description. . EatabUstod KSX
32 8. Ilth St., . LIHCOLU, If 3.
35t8 W. F. WHIGIIT.
J. II. H.
few young bulls nt for service,
and three IA.
f irst cnecK gets mem.
Send lor lull Descriptive
Catalogue for 1890.
Trnmbull, Reynolds & Allen,
1426-1428 St Louis Avenue,
llaon'a l-.arly Ulooa umip mriim ifa.
tlun a llall.Lrfina; w inter iori, u TnrV. iimhii
of All I'ule Iteuna, Rood for .uap-.borU in winter. VIIoa'
Heat of All Hunch Heanis rum, teuuer. and Duiterr. t.mrly
Advance Cabnuir, beat and earnest. v llaon'a I'rrml.ia
J-'lut Dutch I'nbbsce, bent lata Tarietjr. Knrly Urrem
Hunter Cucumber, belt Tor Ubia um. tllaon a lNijjr
(reeu Cucumber, beat for pol- New ory ugur
Corn, tba earliest la tha world. W IIkohV I-arije r.rr
irreen Sugar Corn, .woct and dvlictoua. Calllwrola or
Uolden l'op Corn, beat Tariatjr. JN'cw rtrlf-Ulanehlnir
a. eierjr. extra quulitT, need, no uauaiaft up. n iimm'
KxtraKarl.r Lettuce,' headloi aort. Jordan's Urmy
Monarch Watermelon, cr laraa, .waet, and ogarr.
MUlcr'a Cream Autmrf Melon, beat Barer to oal
tiratlon. Improved Kouuil Yellow llanvera Onloav
KEW SPAMS1I K1NU ONION, . pound onion, tram
Kt flrrt rear. Abbot' Improved hour l'amala.
ltubr Kin a Pepper, twt, lnr-t, iwoeteat pepper arer
teen. J I MHO, of CALIFORNIA, the Urrt pumpata
In the world; baa weighed 400 Iba. F.arly Koav limn
Haillh, bent and earliest. New Ch artier ItadUh, beat
eumnicr variety. White Pineapple fcquaah, food forplM,
keepa all winter. Early Hummer Hotter Kouaah. 1 nr
n ' Ilrhrl.l TnnatA. Krat nt flneat ever Introduced.
"NEW ZEALAND Fit TOMATO, wrllenl far praaerr
Inn: enred and dried, equal to tho beit U(r. Munich Mrnn
LearTumlo. tender, imt. OoMon :!be Itata Haa
betfor table tie. VKIJETABLK PEACH, eaiil roi frwrn
aeed flrot rear: make niea or Dreaerve. eoual to tba bett peaches.
Sample packet of W llaon'a Trne Learning Corn, th. earliest
and beat Bold com In cultivation. New Mammot h Zinnia, doublet
a Dahlia, brlsht a a roae. Waahlaeton Aatera. er lares, alt
bright, heantirnl oolora. lnnt Oerman Panalea, hi at lulled, luaU
efc O r"UI.L-RlZKO PaCKKTH. with HIKKXTIONS KOK f-d ff
aJaScULTIVATINf). and ONE whole POTATO t.rtBlaUW
rfYK bxe$4.0, TEN hoe$7." "aid. Jld-e-. r.lall
(Jatainrtia .ota
en to all.
Alliance, Business Manager.
the farmers and laboring men of the
ur trammeled in the discussion of all
entire stock of
ani Shire StallJons,
Grain, Wool,
iu have, to im
Vegetables, or anything you
that you
Chicago. Mention The Alliauo
As I am a member of tho Farmers' Alliance
I will make a discc'tnt of 20 per cent from list
prices on all orders sent through Secretary
or Business Agent. Address