The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 01, 1890, Image 1

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Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapest means of notl-
8 ring subscribers of the date of their expira
ona we will mark this notice with a blue or
red pencil, on the date at which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration. If not renewed
by that time it will bo discontinued.
Nebraska Veterans.
Plattsmotith special : The reunion
of the soldiers of the First and Second
Nebraska regiments opened Tuesday.
The day was cold an stormy and very
discouraging, but a large crowd tame
on every train. This afternoon
the Burlington flyer brought about
fifty veterans from the western
part of the state, and the colors
of the regiments, in charge of
Lieutenant Gillespie. Singular to
say, although it is a reunion of Ne
braska soldiers, a large number of
soldiers from other'states are in attend
ance. In the evening they held a
can.pfire and related many reminis
cences. Speeches were made by
Lieutenant J. R. Goss of Bellevue,
Major Thomas Majors of Peru, Major
J. V. Pearnian of Nebraska City, Gov
ernor Thayer and Sergeant F. Morris
of Griswoid, la., all officers in the two
regiments. There was a recitation by
Miss Grace McMakin of Atchison and
a epeeeh by General John McNeil of
St. Louis.
The Farmers Organizing.
Spring Hunch special : The papers
of the state, of February 14, contained
an item from Sutton stating that the
farmers of Clay county were agitating
the alliance movement very fervently
and organizing fast, and were already
running an elevator at Edgar and
would soon start a business at Fair
field. All this is true but the Fair
field business. Spring Ranch is the
place of business. Friday a meeting
was held and representatives of thir
teen alliances turned out, about two
hundred, representing about eight
hundren farmers, and a stock company
was formed to do a general business of
buying and shipping everything that
the farmers and laboring men need.
They already possess a store building,
lumber yard, sheds, hardware build
ing, scales, corn cribs, coal houses,
and stock yards. Subscription lists
were sent back to each alliance to pro
cure more stock, and each alliance will
elect a director and in a few days will
h ready for business. All who wish
to deal direct with the company can at
present address the agent, A. J. Oren
dorff, Spring Ranch.
All Over the State.
There are 240,000 bushels of corn
now in the crib at Dorchester and more
coming in each day.
Greeley county claims a population
of 6,000, has fifty school houses, fifteen
churches and six newspapers.
George Godfrey has contracted with
the Fremont hemp factory to cultivate
800 acres of hemp for five years.
The Harrison Herald says a colony
of thirty families from Saunders coun
ty will settle in that vicinity in the
Mrs. M. L. Libby Allan, the evange
list, was presented with a purse of $100
by the citizens of xork in recognition
of services rendered.
Veak & Lash, general merchants of
Gresham were closed out Tuesday by
creditors. Liabilities $4,000 and assets
about the same.
Charles Wood, an old gentleman
living near Bancroft, was found dead
by the roadside. It is supposed he
dropped dead with heart disease.
John Carroll, section foreman of
Elsworth, is minus a good team and a
loving wife. Cruel treatment is sup
posed to be the canse of her leaving,
Kearney has outgrown her school
facilities and a petition is being circu
lated to bond the district in the sum
of $50-, 000 for the purpose of building
two new school houses.
Chris. Jensen, a Kearney county
farmer, has tried mulberry culture, for
the timber and berries, and is so well
satisfied with the experiment that he
intends to plant 5,000 mulberry trees
as a hedge fence around his farm at
J. M. Vaugh, living near Republi
can City, has sustained a severe loss
this winter through the depredations
of stock thieves, who have taken from
his pens not less than forty-three head
f hogs of all kinds. He considers he
is out about $700.
Laura Crapo and George Hunt of
Stanley have gone to more congenial
climes. George was paying more seri
ous attention to Miss Laura than her
parents were willing to sanction, and
they made strenuous objections there
to. They have gone, but no one knows
enver nas not only been found on
Burton creek in Keya Paha county,
but about thirteen miles northwest of
Bassett on the Niobrara river, leads of
very rich ore have been found and hun
dreds of people are staking out claims.
OLiand in that country has already ad
vanced in price, with a still larger ad
vance looked for in a short time.
It is proposed that each town in Cus
ter county get np a banner made from
the products of the farm and garden
to place on exhibition with the county
exhibit at the state fair. J. H. Chan-
man of the Ansley Cronicle is credited
with suggesting the idea of having a
banner gotten up by the county by
using the red, white and blue corn to
represent the national colors.
Kearney special : The committee
appointed to inaugurate the move to
ward securing a railroad to the north
west from here to Albion met Wednes
day nigat and drew up articles of
incorporation. They were forwarded
to the secretary of state. The incor
porators are W. H. Hand, W. J.
Scoutt, J. E. Miller, O. S. Marden, N.
A. Baber, H. G. Wiley, B. H. Bick
nell and S. S. St. John.
A county convention to harmonize
therailrotd interests will be called
next month. An election to vote bonds
in Buffalo county to aid the four roads
will be called at an early date. Work
will be pushed rapidly. Delegatio s
from Eed Cloud, Minden and Mason
City are in conference tonight with the
railroad men of this city devising ways
and means to build the Kearney,
Hutchinson & Gulf.
A. Gaffell, a German on trial in
Lawrence for . violation of the liquor
law, makes sensational charges against
some of the officials of the town declar
ing that he has paid them money to
protect him in his illicit traffic. How
ever, he was fined $100 and committed
for thirty days.
Arkansas City, Wichita and the
other border towns of southern Kansas
are reaping a harvest from the settlers
rushing into the Cherokee and Neutral
Chicago Wins the Day.
Washington, Feb 24. In Hpite of the bad
weather the galleries were packed with
spectators and the corridors obstructed
with crowds gathered to witness the de
ciding struggle over the location of fie
world's fair. Proceedings wera opened by
the swearing in of John E. Reyburn, suc
cessor of the late Representative .Kelley of
Pennsylvania. The clerk read the special
order of the house prescribing the method
of vot'ng npon a site for the fair, requir
ing some one place to, have a majority of
the voles cant. Blount of Georgia wished
to know if there would be an opportunity
offered to press the question as to whether
there shall be a fair before tne selecting or
a site. The speaker replied that under the
special order this opportunity could Dot be
had and he immediately directed the clere
to read the roll. There was some applause
as the first few responses were made
which was promptly checked by the
speaker. The result of the vote was: Chi
cago 115, New York 72, SS. Louis 62, Wash
ington 56, Cumberland Gap 1.
Second Chicago 121. New York 78, St
Louis 57, Washington 46.
Third Chicago 127, New York 89, St.
Loui3 53, Washington 32.
Fourth Chicago 134 New York 95, St.
Louis 48, Washington 29.
On the eighth ballot Chicago received
more than the requisite number of votes
for its selection as the site for the world's
fair in 1892.
Silver Bill Features.
Washington, Feb, 25. The principal fea
ture of the silver bid to be reported by the
senate committee on finance as a substi
tute for several bills on that subject re
ferred to it are stated to be these: The
secretary of the treasury is authorized to
increase the purchase of silver bullion
from $ 3,000,000 to 4,500,000 a month. The
requirement of the present law that the
coinage of silver shall be at the rate of not
less than $2,000,000 a month is stricken out.
The secretary is also authorized to pur
chase erold bullion in unrestricted quanti
ties. Upon this gold and silver bullion the
seeretary shll issue treasury notes ot such
denominations as he shall see fit, to be re
deemable in lawful money.
John. Jacob Astor Dead.
New York, Feb. 22. John Jacob Astor
died at his residence this morning of heart
Deceased was the oldest son of the late
William Astor and grandson of the origlna
John Jacob Astor, who founded the fer
tunes of the family. He was the head of
the third generation of the Astor family.
He was born about sixty-five years ago.
In 1875 his father died, leaving him a two
thirds share of his estate, valued at $200,-
000,00. During the civil war Astor served
with credit as aid-de-camp on the stall of
General McClellan.
The Commercial Situation.
New York, Feb. 22. While the prevailing
impression in business circles is rather less
confient than it was a week ago, there are
several signs of improvement. Cooler
weather has caused a little more activity
in some lines of trade. Wheat is a
little stronger and without clearly de
fined reason there is a firmer tone in the
eastern markets, while the reduction in
the Bank of England rate from 6 to 5 per
cent, with its large gain of $1,315,000 gold
during the past week diminishes the
chance of inconvenient demands from
abroad. On the other hand general trade
is not increasing in volume or in profits.
and while its soundness is indicated by the
occurrence of fewer failures than many
expected as me result oi pnenomenaiiy un
seasonable weather, the complaint of slow
collections is common and rather increas-
Fxports in January show an increase in
the principal items of about $63,000,000
which indicates an excess over imports of
about 8iu,uuu,uuu. in tnree weeks in eb
ruary the exports irom JNew York show
scarcely any increase, ana the Imports an
increase oi oniy a per cent, indicating thus
far an export in excess of imports.
The woolen manufacture has not pre-
ceptibly gained land sales of Taw wool at
Boston were 2,370,000 pounds, which weak
ens except foi Australian and some Quali
ties of domestic. The cotton manufacture
is active, but must soon feel the high o et
of the material. In the stock market
there has been further depression. While
railroad ear nines are lar&re. showing for
the first week of February a gain of 13 per
cent, there is an absence of publio confi
dence to sustain prices, and speculative
operations are largely governed by expec
tations or monetary stringency next
month and by weakness in the so-called in
dustrial securities.
Failures during the week: For the
United States, 230; for Canada, 41: total.
271; compared with 302 last week. For
the corresponding week of lat year the
figures were 229 In the United States and
forty-one in Canada.
Ltosses to Cattle Men.
St. Louis, Feb. 21. A dispatch from San
Angels, Tex., which lies in the middle of
the cattle producting region of that state,
says the president's proclamation ousting
cattle men from the Cherokee strip will en
tail losses running up into the hundreds of
thousands of dollars to the stock men of
Texas, who have leased large pastures in
tne nation at great expense.
Washington's Birtheay.
HONORING his mxmobt.
NewYobk. Feb. 22. The fourth annual
dinner of the New Yerk Southern society
tonight was largely attended. Jfresiaent
Calhoun. In his address, referred to the loss
the south had sustained in the deaths of
Jefferson Davis and Henry W. Grady, and
couc'uaaa: iet uh bggmlw win vue numua-
trlnT! nf fha rtAnrtlA nf thA -nivrt.H hv mil d A-
votioH te the union and Intense love of
every section of our common country.
xne principal speaker oi tne evening
was ex-President Cleveland, who re-
nondfid to tha toast. "The Blrthdav of
George Washington."
Chicago, Feb.' 22. The Auditorium and
Central Music hall were crowded with
6chool children this morning, who assem
bled for the purpose of celebrating the an
niversary of Washington's birthday under
the auspices of the union league cjud. it
is estimated that fully 12,' CO boys and girls
were in attendance at the Auditorium.
New Yobk, Feb. 22. Washington's birth
day was observed in the usual manner
here today. Business ' everywhere in this
city and Brooklyn was generally suspend
ed, and a number of organizations had in
dependent' parodes through the streets
preparatory to attending speaiung ana out
er festivities.
Pittsbubg, Feb. 22 About eight thou
sand men participated in the annual
parade this afternoon of the junior order
of American mechanics, in commemora
tion of Washington's birthday. Ia the
morning the corner stone of the wasning
ton monument was lali by that order with
appropriate ceremonies
Chicago, Feb. 22. At the anniversary
celebration of the union league club this
evening in honor of Washington's birth
day an Interesting programme was pre
sented. Several speeches were made, the
principal one by Chief Justice roller on
Uur Federal Judiciary."
A Rebuke.
Washington, Feb. 22. The following
order of the secretary of war was today
transmitted to General Ruger at St. Paul:
"By direction of the president, the un
expired portion of the sentence of Del P.
Wild, late private, troop F, Eighth cav
alry, is remitted in recognition of the fact
that the punishment adjudged was excess
ive n a marked degree. The prisoner was
ordered by the second lieutenant of his
troop, M. F. Steele, to assist In placing a
canvas npon a shed. He refused to do so
upon the ground that he did not enlist to
do Buch work. He was cursed and struck
by ihe officer. Soon thereafter he Was
placed in confinement and brought before
a ccurt-martial of which Lieutenant Steele
was the judge advocate, convicted of dtao
bedienceof ordeis and-sentenced to dis
honerable discharge with the forfeiture of
all pay and allowances and to confinement
to the military prison ac Fort Snelllng for
one year. No action appears to have been
taken sgainst Lieutenant Steele, whose
breach of discipline was of an aggravate
nature. It is also grossly imoroper that
Lieutenant Steele should have been de
tailed as judge advocate of the court. The
president does not believe this case to be,
nor does be think it just to the army that
it should appear to be a fair Illustration of
the administration of military justice."
A Horrible Grime.
Panama, Feb. 24. A most dastardly and
revolting crime was recently perpetrated
at the village ot Charme on the coast of the
bay of Panama. Two French gentlemen
who started a plantation there not long
ago were found one morning in their house
with their heads completely severed from
ineir bodies. Ua search being made it wax
found that the sum of $1,(00 in 'silver,
which had been drawn by one of the part
ner irom a bank in Panama a few days be
fore, and all their jewelry and other per
sonal valuables had disappeared, suspicion
fell immediately on two laborers em
ployed b them to work the plantation, as
on enquiry it was discovered that they had
decamped. The authorities at one insti
tuted a vigorous search tor the fugitives,
wnicn repuitea in taeir capture yesterday.
A Terrible Calamity.
South Omaha, Neb., Fe.b 22. Perhaps the
greatest calamity that ever visited this
city occurred this morning at the Armeur
Cudahv packing house, tihortiy before 10
o'clock the explosion of a boder made a
macs of ruins of tne boiler and machinery
rooms of the packing house, killing three
men and Injuring seven others, all em
ployes of the establishment. Following is
a list of the killed and Injured:
Killed John Tiff he. head fireman, mar
ried, resides in Omaha.
Thomas Llnahan, fireman.
Hans Oisen. ash wneeler. resides in
Injured Ei ward Maskell. blacksmith's
helper, married, resides in Soutb Omaha.
James McGuire. bricklaver'n helper, re
sides in Sou h Omaha.
J. Sheridan, fireman, resides in South
Samuel Gibson, general mechanic, mar
rid, reeides in Sout h O oiaha.
James Black, unmarried, resides in Soutb
Michael Hoolehan, bricklayer's helper.
South Omal a
The Pure Food Bill.
Washington, Feb 2 . Tha senate com
mittee on agriculture and forestry todaj
had under consideration Fauiknei's pure
food bill, which establishes a bureau in tee
agricultural department, with authority to
inspect and anal) ze specimens of food ano
orus and with p wer to seize and detn.
articles deleterious to heal ii. lh gnu tie
men who were, bet ore the bi-use com mit iee
on agriculture last week, when trie Omger
rure lard bill was nodr consideration,
were present; and all exprt sd their satis
faction with the Fulnner bill. Sveia
unimportant ame dtneiits to the bill are
proposed and the bill will be put into shape
by a nub committee for action at the next
meeting of the committee.
Mississippi's Treasurer Short. .
Jackson. M ss Feb. 21. A sensation was
created toia afternoon by a rumor that the
outgoing state treasurer, Hemingway, had
not settled with the new state treasurer.
Attention was called to the matter on the
floor of the senate and a statement made
that what he had hot paid over amounted
to 250,000. A committee was appointed io
investigate. Hemingway has been treat
urer tor fourteen years. The joint commit
tee inveetaatir g the Hemingway f-hoi tag
had the ex-treasurer before it Lhis after
noon. A member of the committee said
this evening that Hemingway will probably
ble to satisfactorily explain the deficit
The Senate. -
Washington, Feb. 20.- After considerable
discussion the resolution, by Chandler,
calling for Information regarding the
assassination of Deputy" Marshal Saunders
at Quinoy, Fla.. was agreed to.
The house amendments to the senate
bill for the time and place of holding
terms of the United States district court
in South Dakota were concurred in. Tne
educational bill was then taken up and
Blair proceeded with his argument in sup
port of it. At the close of Blair's speech
Faulkner obtained the floor and the senate
adjourned. ,
Washington, Feb. 21. The conference re
port on the bill to increase the pensions of
totally disabled pensioners was agreed to
after an explanation to the effect that un
der the act of 1889 it had been provided
that totally - disabled pensioners tnen
drawing 150 per month should receive 872.
That the increase did not apply to those
who were pensioned thereafter; that the
bill as it passed the senate was intended te
correct that omisrfen; that the house had
amended it so as to allow arrears of pen
sions in such cases, and that the reeult
was practically the adoption of the senate
bill originally passed, no arrears being al
lowed. ... .
Among the bills reported and placed on
the calendar were the following: For the
establishment of a vure food division in
the department of agriculture; to provide
for the establishment of a gun foundry for
the finishing assembling of heavy ordnance
on the Pacific coaht.
A number of publio building bills were
passed. Including one for Kansas City,
9Z,5iiu,uuu, and one increasing the limit of
the Omaha building to 12,000,000.
The bill to amend the ; law relating to
copyrights having been reached, George
objected to its consideration.
Piatt moved the house bill as an amend
ment to the senate bill and, without action
the bill was laid aside.
Washington, Feb. 25. In the senate to
day a number of bills were reported and
placed on the calendar, among them being
one to authorize the purchase of gold and
silver bullion and the issue of treasury
notes in payment thereof. The bill di
rects the purchase of silver bullion to the
amount of 1 4,501-,0C0 a month and as much
eold bullion as may be offered and to issue
therefor treasury notes, and repeals the
law directing the coinage of 2,000,000 silver
dollars per month. Mr. Beck said the re
port from the finance committee was not
unanimous. i ,
There were reported and placed on the
calendar two bills for public buildings in
South Dakota, one at Deadwood, $30u,000,
and the other at Sioux Falls, $250,000.
At 2 o'clock the Blair educational bill was
taken np as unfinished business and Mr.
Coke addressed the senate; in opposition to
it. It cl early violated the constitution and
as a measure of policy it was most unwise
and mlschievoua.
Mr. Stanford addressed the. senate In ad
vocacy of the bill. y -: - " . "
Mr.. Reagan obtained the floor to speak
apainst the bill.
On motion of Wilson of Iowa the house
amendments to the senate bill to amend
the act for a bridge across the Mississippi
river at Clinton, Ia were concurred in.
After an executive session the senate ad
journed. .
The House.
Washington, Feb. 2a By special order
today way set apart by the house for the
opening of the debate on the report of the
committee on world's fair. The usual pre
liminary routine business was transacted'
with a show of impatience. The confer
ence report on the senate bill to increase
the pension of helpless soldiers wa&
Pleas by the speakers of the different
cities seeking for the location of the
world's fair were made and the house ad
journed. Washington, Feb. 21. It was resolved
that when the house adjourn today it
be to meet Monday.
After discussing the world's fair problem
at great length the house took a recess till
The jouse at the evening session passed
forty private pension bills and adjourned
until Monday.
Washington, Feb. 25. The senate bill
making Minneapolis a port of entry and
delivery was passed.
On motion of Mr. Butterworth a bill was
passed authorizing the secretary of state to
appoint two suitable persons to represent
the United States at the international con
ference tor the protection of industrial
property to be held at Madrid, Spain, April
The house then, in commitee of the
whole, resumed consideration of the Okla
homa hill.
Mr Hooker moved to strike ont the first
section ot the house bill, which is a substi
tute to the senate bill, fixing the bound
aries so as to include the Cherokee outlet.
Mr. H kex' motion was then defeated bv
4 to 129. Pending further action the house
Robbed by His Wife.
Kansas Cwt. Ftb. 22. Two years ago
Moses Alien m jved here from Cherry vale,
Kan., where he was a farmer in exoellent
circumstances. He Invested all of hi
money in a dairy farm near here and at
once belt ed down and began to make
money. A year after reaching here his
voung son became affl cted with a throat
trouble and by the advice of a physician,
'te left male weeks tor Colorado for the
bojV health, leaving his business in the
nanos of Mrs. A len, v. hem he entrusted
with power of attorney . Everything went
well for a few month, when t-uodenly Mrs.
Allen ceased o write. In vain did the hus
band write and wire. He could hear noth
ng at ail from his wife.
fi e oy's i ealth was btd, and until this
week m. Alien did not feel that he could
r me ! litre, when be got borne he found
tnat his wile i ad sold everything he pos-
s-it d, ai'd by the mest outlandish allega
arjoiis had f cured a divnr-e Irom him on
he 18 h and married T. E R ckette, a poor
shoemaker, on the 19th. Auen is without a
lollar ani is aimost wild.
Appearances Deceitful.
Jebset City, N J.; Feb. 25. Edward
O -uerman, an Englishman twenty-six
ears ojd, was arrested in Hoboken rhta
morning as a vagrant. Recorder Mo
Donough, on being informed that the pris
oner had escaped from the prison van in
Jersey City yesterday, decided te commit
vm to t ,e peni'en'iary for three months.
U,ot arriving at the rison Overman was
rdered to htrtp for a bath. He refused
md his ciothlpg wan forcibly removed.
H dden oeneath his undershirt was f und
cimoi8 belt which contained five Bank
? Eoglanri notes of tiO each an dia
m x.ds wrrth mlly fl.800. Warden Grimes
ioo charee of the property. Osterman is
P arentlv unable to give any luoid ao-
u it ot Mmnelf. re hat he wore was
purchased in 8n Franci-co, whe'her by
ims If or Knottier is not known. Is la be
Heyd that. Osterman was on bis way to
Enirland. An .ff-rt will be made to dis
cover his friends.
A Hurricane in North Texas.
( St. Lotji, Feb. 25. The Post-Dispatch
specials report that a terrible hurricane
swept over the northern part of Texas this
morning. The Maaonio hall, Gainesville,
was torn to pieces, the court house un
roof ed, the Santa Fa depot wrecked and
some twenty buildings were blown down.
There are no fatalities reported, but sev
eral persons were more or less Injured.
Storms in Indiana.
Indian APoiAs. Feb. 25. Considerable dam
age has been done to railroad property all
over Indiana by heavy rains. In this city
and vicinity and west the bridges were
washed away. Cellars were flooded in
perts of this city. A Sentinel special from
Brazil says the Evansville A Terre Haute
bridge over Eal river was badly weakened.
Franklin is practically cut off from rail
road communication.
The Faulkner Bill Amended.
Washington, Feb. 22. Senator Paddock,
from the committee on agriculture, today
reported an amendment to Faulkner's pure
food bill to take the place of that part of
the original bill stricken out by the com
mittee. The amendment provides that the
secretary of agriculture .shall provide for
the inspection and post mortem examina
tion of live Etock slaughtered to be trans
ported to any other state or territory or
foreign co.intry for consumption. In case
the animals are found to be affected by
any disease rendering them unfit for con
sumption they will be condemned and de
stroyed without compensation to the own
er, and if the post mortem examination
proves the carcasses unfit for food they
will be destroyed and all fit carcasses and
food products manufactured therefrom
shall be labelled by the inspeotor before
being shipped. Owners of slaughter houses
shall obtain a licence and under it they
shall pay 5 cents for each bovine carcass
inspected and 2 cents for each hog, no in
spection to be made on labels affixed until
tne license is procured, money paid for the
Inspection to be applied to the payment of
expenses incurred in executing the law.
Destitution in Kansas.
Kansas City, Feb. 25. A case of unpar
alleled destitution in the extreme south
western portion of Kansas was recited be
fore the commercial club tonight. Mr.
James S. Gregory, a young farmer of
Stevens county, was sent here to secure as
sistance. The last cent that could be
raised was got together to buy his ticket,
and he landed here this morning with only
fifty cents In his pocket. He says there
are seventy-five families in ene township
who are on the verge of actual starvation.
No crop was raised last year and there Is
no seed for next year's crop. Speaking to
your correspondent Mr. Gregory said:
"We only want something to Wear and eat.
Our women folks and children are so poor
ly clad that tbey must huddle together to
keep warm. The only fuel we have is sage
brush and buffalo chips, and even that is
running cut very fast It is artful to see
one's flesh and blood and other near and
dear ones grow thin and weak before your
eyes from lack of food and the common
necessities of life. We bave done all we
could and nothing has come of it." Tonight
the Commercial olub appropriated $100 and
appointed soliciting committees to go to
work tomorrow. Seward and Morton
counties, bordering on the Colorado and
Indian Territory lines are in the same
, , . . '
Great Destruction.
LouisvnxK, Ex., Feb. 25. The storm of
Monday night worked great destruction
with the telegraph service, and not a word
of direct communication can be nad with
the. south. Until 11 o'clock tonight all con
nection with the southern states was cut
off, but at that time the Western Union
succeeded in getting a wire to Chat
tanooga. It is impossible to ascertain any
thing about the damage done to either
wires, houses or people, or to find out the
area covered by the storm.
Cattle Convention.
FobtWobth, Tex., Feb. 21. The follow
ing invitation was today sent to the gov
ernors of all the southwestern states and
to prominent people all over the country,
requesting their presence at the inter
state convention of cattlemen, to be held
in this city on March 11!
The inters ta to cattlemen's convention
has been called by the representatives of
the different associations throughout the
southwest to meet .the Northwest Cattle
Growers' association at Fort Worth, March
11, 1890. to inquire into causes which have
led to the low prices of beef to the pro
ducer without any corresponding benefit
to the consumer. Such a convention hav
ing been called, the citizens of Fort Worth
extend a cordial Invitation to the gov
ernors of the different states and territor
ies, the representative stockmen and all
others interested In the stock Interests,
asking that the governors of such states or
territories appoint at least twenty-one
delegates to attend and participate in the
deliberations of the Interstate cattlemen's
convention, in order that an intelligent
discussion may be had and a conservative
action had in the premises, leading to &
solution of the difficulties which have for
the last few years confronted the cattle
breeders and raisers of the country. This
is a question of vital importance to the
farmers as well as to the attlemen, and a
full attendance Is hoped for, especially
from the northwest cattle feeding states.
Respectfully yours.
Invitation Committee.
Cherokees Object.
Kansas, Citt, Feb. 22. President He wins
of the Cherokee strip live stock association,
said today that his company will next
month take the necessary steps toward the
removal of their cattle by October 1, in
compliance ltlt the president's order. He
does not knew where they will ship, but
supposes in all direction?. He exhibited a
letter from Chief Mayes on the subject in
which the chief says: "The Cherokees
look upon this course of the administration
as very unreasonable and unjust to them,
and without lawful authority to be dispos
sessed of the use and benefit of their lands
is something the Cherokee nation cannet
submit to under any circumstances, unless
forced to do so,"
The Raging Ohio.
Cincinnati, Feb. 26. At 10 o'clock to
night the Ohio river at this point is just
fifty-two feet above the low water mark
and is still raising at the rate of two inches
per hour. The say is overcaet and threat
ening but the temperature is falling ma
terially and the signal service here says
colder weather is expected before morn
ing. Should it come it would check the
rise quite materially. If a heavy rain
should set in along 'he valley before morn
ing and continue during the day it would
cause a dangerous flood. The present in
dica'ions, under the present conditions,
are that the rise will not be over fifty-five
of fifty-six feet.
Refused Admittance.
Atchison, Kan., Feb. 25. Ex-Governor G.
W. Gliok and W. H. Smith have been de
nied admittance to the Farmers' alliance,
on the grounds that they are residents ot a
city. One is a democrat and the other a
republican, and both have farming inter
ests in the state According to the rules of
the alliance, no one who is the owner of
bank stock or the resident of a city, can be
admitted to membership in the allianoe.
The order la Increasing largely in mem
beis, a branoh having been formed every
night last week.
Will Race With George Francis.
Pobt Townsend, wash., Feb. 25.' Citizens
bave contributed $3,00v. of the proposed
sum of $5,000 to Miss Reglna Rothschild, of
this city, who will leave Port Townsend on
March 17, to race around the world against
Citizen George Francis Train, who leaves
Taooma on the same day. Miss Rothschild
will go east and endeavor to circle the
globe in Ices than sixty days, returning
via Yokohama and Cape Flattery. Robert
Kerr, general manager of the Canadian
Pacific railway, has telegraphed that the
special train wil, leave Vancouver on
March 17, to arrive in New York five and
one-half days later. The Frenoh steamer
L Normandie will carry the young woman
to Havre, whence she will go by rail to
Brlndisi, thence to Hong Kong on another
French steamer. Yokohama will be
reached in three days after the regularly
advertised departure of the Canadian
steamer, out the company has decided to
postpone the sailing until the arrival of
the Port Townsend giri. About fourteen
days later the steamer will pasb Cape Flat
tery, where the powerful tug Tyee, capable
of making twenty miles an hour, will be in
waiting to convey Miss Rothschild to Port
Townsend.' The Canadian Pacifla authori
ties are determined that Mies Rothschild
will be in the race, and will do all in their
power to that end. Train will travel over
the Northern Pacific railroad. Miss Roths
child is 21 years of age. and a native of
this city. She is the daughter of the late
Baron Rothschild, a prominent pioneer
merchant, and is handsome and popular.
The llvliest Interest is manifested by the
Port Townsend citizens, ana the race
promises to be an exciting event
General Strike Probable.
Tebbe Haute. Ind., Feb. 2d Delegates
from the local lodge of the miners' pro
gressive union and the local assemblies of
miners of the Knights of Labor are in ses
sion here for the purpose of adopting a
constitution foi the state organization of
the amalgamated orders. MoBrlde, organ
izer of the national order, says if the op
erators do not agree on a yearly scale
before May 1 there will be a general strlko
in the competitive district, which Includes
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and part
of Tennessee.
Big Railroad Project, v
New Yobk, Feb. 26. A Richmond, Va ,
special says the house committee on rail
roads yesterday reported a bill to incorpor
ate the Virginia, Missouri & Western Rail
road company. The object is o construct
a road from Norfolk, Va , to the ' Junction
in New Mexico of the Atlantic & Pacific and
Atchison & Topeka railroads, a distance of
1,640 miles. The capital for the enterprise,
It is asserted, is nearly all English money.
Ten million dollarb in bonds having been
sold in England.
An American Eviction.
"Ptttsbubo, Feb. 25. The eviction of the
tenants of the land of the bankrupt Graaf
Bennett iron works was pushed today in a
driving rain and rivaled the. scenes so often
cabled from Ireland. Every door of the
twenty five in"Llttle Limerick" was barred.
A Mrs. Lynoh's door was first pushed open
and she with seven small children were
dumped on the wet ground with her ruined
household effects. Moret of the families
were ejected. No Beriout trouble occurred,
but there were ominous growls from the
gathering crowds.
Mo Use, For Mormons.
London, freD. 23. The party of Mormon
missionaries who are at present engaged in
a proselyting campaign in London and oth
er parts of Great Britlan, had a lively time
of 1t in East London. The missionaries,
three in number, began a meeting, or ser
vice, and in a short time a large crowd had
collected. They were listened to with at
tention for a short time, but presently ir
reverent remarks began to bo heard, sever
al persons in the crowd being particularly
anxious to know how many wives one of
the elders, a venerable individual with
long white hair, possessed. These lnterog
aterles disconcerted the Mormons and ti
ed much laughter and jeering among the
crowd. - Presently a member of the anti
Mormon league appeared on the scene to
offer opposition to the Latter-day Saints. He
reminded the crowd that not very long ago
a young woman, one of their number. Who
had been induced to emigrate by Monuon
missionaries, had returned to her mother's
home shoeless and starving, with two little
children, having tramped the whole dis
tance from Liverpool, and concluded by
producing tha young woman in question
and asking if they wanted more of their
sisters to be served as sne had been. This
excited the crowd, which groaned and
hooted. Mud and ether refuse were thrown
at the unlucky Mormons, who now pre
pared to make a hasty exit from the scene.
They were chased by the mob, however,
their clothing was torn, their hats knocked
in and they were otherwise maltreated.
Finally they sought refuge in a four wheel
cab and were driven rapidly away, still
followed for some distance by a number of
people, who, however, soon gave up the
chase. This is the second experience of
the kind that the Mormon missionaries
have had on the East end within the last
six months.
Union Labor Conference.
Kansas Citt, Feb. 25. A conference of
the Union Labor party, in which a majority
of the members of the national executive
committee and members of the party at
large are taking part, begun here today.
Resolutions were adopted congratulating
the party on its fight in the campaign of
1888, which was characterized by the "most
extravagant, corrupt and shameless use of
money by the democratic 'and republican
parties ever witnessed in the United States.
Although there had been a ohange of ad
ministration there had been no change of
policy calculated to relieve the agricul
tural and Industrial classes. " Allegiance to
the Union Labor party is reaffirmed and
renewed efforts are urged upon the re
forms advocated in the platform of 1888
relating to finance, transportation, land
and the suppression of trusts, as all ells
which now afflict the agricultural and in
dustrial classes have their origin in these
questions. The Knights of Labor, the
Farmers' alliance, the Farmers' Mutual
Benefit association and the Patrons of Hus
bandry are invited to incorporate with the
party In the campaign of 1890,
I Nthnakk Nml
Fxbth, Feb. 24. A disastrous fire occurred
yesterday forenoon In this place, supposed
to have been caused by a defective flue.
The drug store ov ned by J. H, Dvis, II. J. '
Febrink's grocery store. the Firth bank
building and Charles F.icklngec's harness
shop were destroyed. The loss is placed at
18,000; insnred for f6,00U
dbank carbolic acid.
Albion, Neb,, Feb. 21. Saturday night a
middle aged German farmer named Wen
eel Marsch, living a few miles In the coun
try, came to town and became intoxicated.
While here he purchase a bottie of alcohol
and one ot carbolic acid, put both in bis in
side pocket and started to drive homo iu
company with hfs wife, son and another
woman. About three miles cnt be took a
drink of the caibolio acid Instead of the
alcohol. He was immediately overcome
and driven to the nearest houe, but died
m about fifteen minutes.
Arizona's Dam Disaster.
Pbbboott, Ariz., Feb. 25. A messenger
bringing further details of the Walnut
Grove dam disaster arrived this morning.
Sheriff O'Nell, who went to the scene of the
disaster, writes as follows:
The eceno ot desolation along the II as
say ampa river below the sites of the dams,
is complet or miles the waters turned
free by the breaking of the dams have
fi'led the bed of the creek with bodies and
with enormous boulders, trees and every
kind of debris.
A large safe containing $7,0C0 was swept
away aud no trace of it has been found.
The flood struck the lowtr dam at 1:'0 a
m and five minutes later the heac quar
ters, five miles below, was swept away.
Several persons were at both points w aton
ing, but not withstan ping this the number
of drowned at the flret point was over
thirty, and those who escaped did so only
with what they had on their backs, many
only their night clothes. The survivors
are in great destitution, having j either
provisions nor clothlDg. Many are using
coarse grain sacks in lieu of clothing.
Friday evening a courier was sent from
the upper to the lower dam to warn the
retldtnts that the former structure was in
oanger tf breaking, but owing to the
storm the mesnengt r lost his life in trying
to cross the Hassayampa within view rf
the survivors ot the camp he had tiled to
Charles Thompson, a courier who arrived
this afternoon irom belew Wickeiiburg, re
ports that nine bodies have been discov
ered at Wickenburg and three above In ad
dition to those already Uncovered. The
old historic Brdl ranch, with ad the other
ranches along the nver, have been entirely
swept away.
, New York Has Deen Cheated.
NewYobk, Feb. 25 It Is charged that the
city has been cheated out of 15,000,000 by
the Manhattan elevated railroad company
not paying 5 per cent of the net receipts to
the city aa agreed "The books are to be
overhauled by the comptroller.
A Dig Undertaking.
OIden, Utah, Feb. 25. Plans and specifi
cations were completed today foi the con
struction of an Immense power dam In
Ogden canon which will be sixty feet high
and built of solid masonry, raising the en
tire river to that height. It will be used
fr the purpose of generating power for
manufactories. The dam will cost, when
completed, 9250,000. Contracts were to
have been let today for the onatructlon,
but two contractors arriving from Deover
Neville and Wood, each asking for a a little
additional time, the contract will be
awarded Friday. The dam is being built
by C. E. Mayne, of Omaha real estate tuiae,
and San Francitco capital is backing it.
The same corporation will also bulla tho
biggest woolen mill in the west here and
have purchased the ground near the ower
dam for its location. Considerable interest
has been created here by the discovery cf
a very fine day for fine prtssed brick,
drainage tiling and crockery. The oiay
was found w Hhln the city limns and was
quietly bought up by a syndicate. This
morning it was announced that a com
pany with $100,000 had been formed aud
would at once proceed to lu In a plant for
manufacturing all kinds ot drainage tiling,
crockery and fine brick. In view ot the
tact that tho city ccuacil recently made
appropriations for a complete sjetem of
sewerage, this discovery is regarded as
opportune, as it saves an immense freight
bill. The promoters say they will start up
with contracts for ten millions ot pressed
brick from Ogden contractors and lorever
put an end to the shipment of St Louhi
and Golden pressed brick to Utah.
No lien ten Fast.
t. Louis, Mo. Feb. 22 The Western
Watchman, a prominent Catholic weekiy
journal of this city, prints today a letter
from ita Roman correspondent, in which
he says the congregation of the universal
Inquisition has issued a decree signed by
Cardinal Monoca and published in the offi
cial organ of the Vatican, abolishing the
Lenten fast and abstinence this year. This
is extended to the whole world, tho lettvr
says, wherever the dispensation inj idod
necessary. The reason for setting atido
the Lenten obligation, it is claimed, is tha
prevailing Influenza which is making such
ravages in all parts of Europe, and which
it is thu?ht to be prevalent in the United
States. This decree it is said will be quite
a surprise to the Roman Catholics as itU
stated to be the first one ever Issued in tho
history of tho church.
Lincoln, Neb.
CATTLE Butchers' steers.... 2 00 a 3 00
Cows 1 50 a 1 75
HOGS Fat 3 0 a 3 25
Stackers 8 00 a 8 25
SHEEP 3 00 a 3 03
WHEAT No. 2 spring 60 a 65
OATS Ne. 2 12 a 18
RYE No. 2 25 a 27
CORN No. 2, new 17 a IS
FLAXSEED 1 00 a 103
POTATOES 18 a 20
APPLES Per febi 1 75 a 2 15
HAY Prairie, bulk 3 50 a 4 00
Omaha, Neb.
CATTLE 3 20 a 4 40
Cows ....... 1 50 a 2
HOGS-FaxVoheaV.'.V.V.V." 8 50 a
Mixed 3 25 a
Chicago, ix
CATTLE Prime steers 3 SO a 4 80
Stockers and feeders. 1 90 a 3 15
HOGS Packing 1 50 a 3 75
SHEEP Natives 3 60 a 5 80
CORN 31 i
Kansas Cm, Mo,
CATTLE Corn fed. 2 SO a 8 00
Feeders 1 60 a 2 SC
HOGS Good to choice 65 a 3 75
Mixed SA5a 0