V V BREAklNO SAD NEWS. "Where 5 my - mamma?" question, oh, HtraiV . .. . - To ask of mortal on this mundane sphere. jl can uu i uuiu my uroiiirr iu uiy uivuw, . So like a lone bird fallen from the nest, And kissing hj, my thoughts I bo arrnnjrs To answer: . ''Darling, mamma Is not here." "Whera is her, den?" theiittlemourner asked: "Im ah asleep?" "Yes, yea, myjdear one. yesT lean bat whisper, keeping back my tears; "ftfce is asleep, and never more in years XTIU namsoa oome in all her tendernesa." Hj be Art is breaking o'er say useless task. Try as I may he eaanot nnderetand, And I, as ignorant in ray crushing woe, Am but repeating all his lips have said, i 1 ran bat tell him that oar mother's dead. Bat what that means I feel I cannot know Until we meet ber in the heaven ly land. v i"-,i " - '" 'i ' i ' i . i Galveston Newn. HOW THE JUDGE ABRANGED The Judge of the County Court vaa in trouble. r ' . He had adjourned his court, the urors had gone home, and he was left alone with the Sheriff. ' No not entirely alone a sallow faced woman in a limp and faded gingrham sunbonnet and a limper and more faded homespun dress crouched down by the door of the Court House with a baby in her lap. The Judge stepped outside for a moment and looked down the one Straggling street which constituted the main thoroughfare of Blue Rock. . A dreary, drizzling rain was falling, and there was scarcely a sign of life in the little village. "Jim!" In response to the call the sheriff followed the Judge he was a big, tall fellow, with a good natured face, and his shambling walk impressed one with an idea of his laziness and gen eral incapacity. "Jim," said the Judge, "I'll be durned if I know what to do with Bally Black." The sheriff hitched up his baggy Ieans trousers and then scratched his lead. "We're in a fix, Jedge," was his re ply, and a broad grin spread over his face. Undoubtadly the Judge was in a fix he knew that well enough with out hearing from tho sheriff. Sally Black had been convicted of vagrancy in his court, and he had sentenced her to six months imprisonment a sentence which was to be carried out by knocking down the prisoner to the highest bidder. As a rule, the prisoners disposed of in this manner were negroes, and the farmers of the country were always ready to bid for them and put them to work on their plantations, where they were treated like the other hands until their term of service expired. The farmers around Blue Ilock were a simpleiminded, old-fashioned set of TMrrf?e nnrl Vif pnnnf v pnnrt, in ,hpvi - X - eyes was not a mill of criminal justice it was merely an agency through which they were supplied with labor ers. They wanted Sally Black put cause she was the only regular tramp and beggar in the country a good-for-nothing white woman, who had come from no one knew where, and was evidently going to the devil. But when their wish was rrratified ti' li rt-n ln frvTM -n tv r -n o -n in norvorra I - - - - . i i and desolation had been tried, con victed and sentenced, the honest countrymen slipped out of the court room with dow ucast f aces a nd star ted homeward. Sheriff Jim spent an hour on a stump in front of the tem ple of justice vainly endeavoring to auction off his human merchandise, but nobody would offer a bid. ; Of course it was no feeling of com ipassionfor Sally Black that they held them back it was the baby! "Billy Betts would take her," said the Judge, coming out of a brown study. "I think, Jim, I'll send you down to the house." "All right, Jedge," answered Jim. His Honor looked inside the door. Sally Black still sat on the floor leaning against the wall with her baby in her lap. She did not look up at the'Judge's stern face, but the little girl did, and began to laugh and crow in a spasm of delight. The Judge hastily beat a retreat. ."Jim," he said, "you needn't go after Betts. "All right, Jedge." "The fact is, Betts is not the right sort to have a convict; he's a hard man too rough, you know." Tl llU UUS I J X X XX ITUUIUU 111 ""Jesso, Jedge." Ul.OE? V VV. - , t We'll lock her up in jail until to- morrow, 6aiu the other. The Judge walked inside the court house and stooped down to tell the woman of his determination. A pair of blue eyes flashed at him in riotou merriment, and a pair of pink fists struck at him and then the child's long fingers entwined themselves in his long beard. "Oo's oo?" chirruped the babv. His Honor pushed his captor back, very gently, and then looked ah the Sheriff. "She's a peart gal," remarked .lim. The Judge bolted out of the door, loJlowed by the laithiui omcer. "Jim, this is getting serious." "Looks like a tough old case, volunteered the Sheriff. "I can an't lock that baby up in old jail, and I won't.' our dirty "How will voufix it, Jedge?" asked the other. "Under the law we can't bid for the prisoner. ; "I know what I'll do," said the Judge "I say, Bob, come herel" he shotted to a man on tho other side of the street. Bob crossed over verv reluctantlyf He was a tenant on a small farm be longing to the judge, ana he was be hind with his rent. He expected to be dunned, but he was mistaken. In a word the situation was ex- plained to him. 'But ain't able.' "D n it, man!" shouted the Judge, "oner a dollar. j-nt J,cau t pay that i owe yor tilt y donors now,' "Coijloimd youl" roared the Judge. "Do iih I Wi you, and you shall have ronr own time about paying the buck rent." : THE 'All right,' "but ' replied-the fellow Sally Black cannot, cannot afford to feed slowly, work, and I her." , i, See here, Bob," growled the Judge, with a , determined look, "you just fmt this woman and her baby in the ittle cabin on the hill. They won't starve. I'll send them enough to eat."-; - C Bob had no more, to say. It was a good bargain for him, and in less than, five minutes he was march ing down the street,, followed by Sally Black and the baby. ' The next day the Judge sent in his resignation to the Governor. ' To his friends he made a very satis factory explanation. "Under our special art," he said, "I receive no salary. I am paid in fees, and X don't get any. Then I have to lend the prisoners money to pay their fines, and it is getting so that I will have to support some of the convicts. This court business will run me in debt" if I stick to itv and that is why I resigned." , So Sally Black and t he baby were quartered in a comfortable log cab in on the Judge's plantation, and their rations were sent to them every week from the big white house over the river. ., " ; ; What became of them after Sally's term was out? ; "?; The Blue Rock people would laugh at such a queston. They knew the Judge. Sally Black needs no written lease no contract with witnesses. She will stay in the little cabin as long as she and the baby like it, and the neighbors think she. is settled there ior life. Atlanta Constitution. A Bit of Criminal History. Sim Coy's new book brings out the historical fact that the first counter feit greenback (1862 series) was made at Lawrence, in this county, during that year, by members of the criminally famous Johnson family. Many thousands of the bills, were placed in circulation, people not dreaming of a counterfeit, so early after the first appearence of the bill, and besides the stirring events of the war largely di verted their attention from business matters. Pete McCartney was the financial backer of the Johnsons, and after the plate had been worked the Johnsons attempted to unload McCartney, but his suspicions being aroused he stole the plate and caused it to be electrotyped, after which it was returned to its old hiding place. The electrotype was a marked improve ment on the original counterfeit, and McCartney worked off his series in this city, and over $100,000 of the spurious stuff were readily placed in circulation. Meanwhile .the secret service officers, led by Mai. Wood, had been apprised of the counterfeit, and were laying for the Johnsons and McCartney. Instead of tracking the latter to his rooms, where the printing was on, Mcl.artney wasar- rested at the postoffice, and in a few days, in company with the Johnsons, who had been found at Lawrence, he was forwarded under strong escort C3 O to the military prison at Washington. hile,the tram was crossing the mountains, although McCartney was handcuffed and shackled at the time, he managed tomakehisescape, and in two weeks he was back again in tms city, secured possession- oi his electrotype and disappeared. It cost the government a great many a . T r i . , . UluuSdUUa J I thousands dollars before the officers agam laid hands on him. Meanwhile the Johnsons succeeded in making terms, by which they es- caped prosecution by turning up the original plate and giving the officers certain pointers with reference to other offenders. Neither the John sons nor the government knew until long afterwards that McCartney had an electrotype, and had stolen a march on his former associates. Indianapolis News. . - S i Swagger in the Old Days. From Besant's "Fifty Years Ago."" There is still swagger, even in these days; cavalry officers in garrison towns are still supposed to swagger. Eton boys swagger in their own lit tle village: undergraduates swagger. The putting on of "side" by the way, is a peculiarly modern form of swag ger; it is the assumption of certain qualities and powers which are con sidered " as deserving of respect. Swagger, fifty years ago, was a coarser kind of thing. Officers swag gered; men of rank swaggered, gen no longer any military frogs swa XXX X IX XX X HXX X I X X V.' U Cv L J tlemen in military frogs there gered in taverns, clubs, and in the streets. The adoption of quiet man ners; the wearing of rank with unob trusive dignity; the possession of wealth without ostentation: of wit without the desire to be always show ing it these are points in which we are decidedly in ad vanee of our fathers There was a great deal of cuff and collar, stock and breastpin about the young fellows of the day. They were oppressive m. their gallantry; in public places they asserted them selves; they were loud m their talk. Two Gi eat Curiosities. A traveler once with great serious ness related to a large company that he had traveled through all the IT 1 " i worm, ana naa seen at least one curiosity which had never yet been mentioned by any author. ins wonuer, according to ms as sertion, was a cabbage-plant so large that under one single leaf fifty armed horsemen m battle array could sta tion themselves and perform their evolutions. No one who heard this exaggeration deemed it worthy of refutation; but one said; with the. utmost composure and coolness. that, he, too, had been somewhat "of a traveler, and. had been as far as Japan, where, to his astonishment, he had seen more than three hundred coppersmiths at work upon an im m?nse cauldron, and that live hun dred men were to be employed to smooth arid polish it. "For what purpose, then, ' would they, wish to use this monstrous cauldron?'' a&kt the nrstc-'. iv; vmer, fcnc?rmgi y. i1 or ookhi;:; the cabbage-plants, sir,, such as '..you' wero. te;i;ugu3 about just i or., was tiro answer. FARMERS' ALLIANCE: LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, FEB. 22, "IWAKT3IY COWV I am not quite sure of dates, but it was late in the Fall, I think, of 1777; that a foraging party from the Brit, ish camp in Philadelphia made a de scent upon the farm of Major Rudolph, south of that city, at Darby. Hav ing supplied themselves well with provender, they were about to begin their return march, when one of, the soldiers happened to espy a valuable cow, which at that moment unfortu nately made her appearance in the lane leading to the barri-yard; and poor Sukey was immediately confis cated for the use of the company. Now, this unfortunate cow happen ed to be the pride of the , farm, and was claimed as the exclusive property of Miss Anne Rudolph the daughter of the ouse aged twelve years. . Of course, no other animal on the estate was so important as this particular cow. and her contjseation oy xne soldiers could not be tolerated lor a moment. So Miss Anne made an mpetuous dash for her recovery, but finding the men deaf to her entreaties and the sergeant proof against the storm of her indignation, the high spirited child rushed over to the sta-. lies, saddled her pony, and was soon galloping off toward the city, deter mined to appeal to the commander-in-chief of the British army, if noth- less would save the life of her avorite. Meanwhile, poor Sukey trudged along, her reluctant steps quickened now and then by a gentle prick with the point of a bayonet in her well-rounded side. To reach the city before the forag ing party was the one thought of tho child, as her pony went pounding along the old Chester road at a pace that soon brought her within the British lines. She was halted at the first outpost, by the guard, and the occasion of her hot haste was de manded. The child replied: "I must see the General immediate "But the General cannot be dis- urbed for every trifle. Tell me your business, and if important, it will be reported to him." "It is of great importance, and 1 cannot stop to talk to you. Please et go my pony, and tell me where o find the General." "But, my little girl, I cannot let vou pass until you tell me whence you come and what your business is within these lines. ' "I come from Dardy, and my busi ness is to seethe General immediate- y. No one else can tell him what I have to say." The excitement of the child, togeth er with her , presistance had its in fluence upon the officer. General Washington was in the neighbor hood with his ragged regiments, patiently watching the opportunity to strike another blow for the liberty of the colonies. -The officer - well mew that valuable information of the mo vements of the rebels frequent- V reached the Bnttish commander through families residing in the country, and still in secret friendly to the crown. Here might be such a case, and this consideration deter mined the soldier to send the child orward to headquarters. So, sum moning an orderly, he directed him to escort the girl to the General. It was late m the afternoon by this time, and Cornwallis was at dinner with a number of British officers, when "A little girl. from the country with a message for the General," was an nounced. "Let her come in at once. said the General, and a few minutes later Miss Anne Rudolph entered the gr.eat.tent. Jb or a moment the girl hesitated, overcome, perhaps, by the unexpect ed brilliancy of the scene. Then the npirit of her "Rudolph'' ancestors as serted ltsell, and to her, Uoanwalhs, in full dinner-costume, surrounded by his brilliant companions, represented only the power that could save her favorite from the butcher's knife. "Well, my little girl, I am General Cornwallis, ' said that gentleman kindly. "What have you to say to me?" "I want my cow." Profound silence reigned for a mo ment; then came tumultuous bursts of uproarous laughter from all the gentlemen around the table. The girls face reddened, but she held her ground, and her set features and flashing eyes convinced the general that the child before him was one of no ordinary spirit. A lew words oi encouragement, kindly spoken, quickly restored the equanimity of the girl. Then, with ready tact, the Ueneral soon drew from her a concise narration of her grievance. "Why did not your lather attend to thi3 for you?" he asked. "My father is not at home now." "And you have no brothers for such an errand, instead of coming yourself into a British camp?" "Both of mv brothers are away. But, General Cornwallis," cried she impatiently, "while you keep me here talking, they will kill my cowl ' "So vour brothers also are away from home. Now, tell me, child, where can thev be found?" "My oldest brother, Captain John Rudolph, is with General Gates." "And your other brother, where is ho?" inquired the General. "Captain Michael Rudolph's with Harry .Lee. The girl's eyes fairly blazed as she spoke the name of gallant "Light Horse Harrv Lee." Then she ex claimed, "But, General, my cowl" "Ah, hal one brother with .Gates and one with Lee. Now," said the General severely' "where is your fa ther?" "He is with General Washington," frankly answered the little maiden; "but he is a prisoner now." "So, so. Fathers and brothers all in the Continental Army! I think, then, you must be a little rebel." "Yes, sir if you please lam a lit tle rebel. But I want mv cow!" "Well, you are orave. sraightforward little girl, and you shall have your cow, and something more, too." Then stoop ing forward, he detached from his garters a pair of brilliant , knee buckles, which he laid in the child's hands. . .Take these,'," he said, .'and keep them as a souvenir of this in terview, and believe that Lord Corn wallis can appreciate courage and truth even in a voung rebel." , Then, calling" an orderly, he in structed him to go with the child through the camp in search of the cow, and when he should find the an imal, to detail a man to see her home again. So Miss Annie returned in triumph with; her cow- And those, sparkling knee-buckles are still treas ured by her descendants as a memen to of Cornwallis and the revolution. M ... Cowboy ,and Spook. This is hardly the season for ghost stories, but one which reached the eais of a reporter the other evening may entertain those fond of spooklore. The Leader can vouch for the relia bility of all the persons mentioned, except the ghost itself. The narrar tive runs in this wise: V Joe Healey, a rollicking cowboy who rides the range for the Carlisle Cattle Company, was engaged in transferring a bunch of horses from one ranch on the Sweetwater to an other and passed the historical In dependence rock after nightfall. When near the noted landmark Joe was nearly scared out of his wits and his charges almost stampeded by the appearance of a ghastly apparation across the trail. The figure was that of a man and white in color. The outliues were clearly defined but the cowboy is unable to describe the cos tume of the unearthly tramp. Jlealey, who is a quick-witted chap of great nerve, hurried his horse to a corral, about a mile distant, and re turned to visit the uncannv thing. The goblin damned, like the village maiden, was over modest and kept its distance. At times it floated rap idly through the air and again lo- comoted steady by ierks. as the toad walks. Tho adventurous punch er proposed to drive the ghost into the horse herd and then rope it. He was unsuccessful, however, but ex hausted his mount and emptied his six shooters m the attempt, and what more could be required of an honest cowboy? As is usually the case the ghost finally melted away, leaving the pur suers completely mystified. Anoth er cowboy met with a similar ad venture in the , same locality last year, and every range-rider in that region swears by the Chicago market that the place is"sure enough haunt ed." Choking Off a Farmer, As the train left Davton, south bound, the conductor came into the smoking-car with a crv of: "Tickets, please!" and as there was only one iresh pasenrer he walked directly up to him. This new arrival .was from the farm and in nothing of a hurry. i1 What's up, kurnel?" he asked, as the conductor halted before him. "Ticket, sir." ".Yes. "Is she on time?" "Yes." ' v.,:: " "Going right to Cencinnati?" , "Yes. Ticket, it you please." "I had a ticket, but say, how's wheat, looking along the line?" "(Jive me 3'our ticket. "Wonder where I put it? Been much rain between here and Hamil ton this month? Feller was telling me yesterday that he never " "1 am m a great hurry sir!" ex claimed the conductor. "Shoo! Haven't got any hay out at the other end of the line, have you? I got caught once last w?ek, and me'n Bill had to work like nail ers to beat a thunderstorm. "Have you got a ticket?" "Of course." "Then hand it over at once! 1 can't fool away my time here!" "Shoo! ell here s the ticket, and I want a receipt for it. Feller in such n hurry as you might die suddenly. Lands! but what a hired man vou d make for a week or two! Never had one who was in a hurr3'i Say,, if you But the conductor had gone, and he turned to us with a look ot disgust on nis face and continued: "That'sthe way with these monop olies. They not only want all your money, but they won't treat you decent after they git it. Reckon I'll drop in on the boss of tbe road. when 1 git to town and let him know that sm h conduct don't go down with a free-born American." New York Sun. A Pike County Story. The Paupack Creek, in Pike Coun ty, Pennsyl vania , is the dwell iv g place of a monster more wonderful than the sea serpent, .if one -can be lieve the stories told by people in iho vicinity. They describa the beast as having a head like an ape and squa e shoulders like a human being. From the shoulders of the creature there ex tend legs arms, which terminate in great claws. The body of the mon ster, which is fully six feet in length, is of a reddish brown tint, very like that of a lizard, and terminates in a tail like that of a fish. The creature's body i3 bare of any covering, but about the head and neck is a mane of reddish hair. It is needless to say that the county is excited over the strange animals. Various parties surround the creek each day in hopes of capturing tbe beast, but up to the present time their endeavors have not been crowned with success. Curious Ways of Bookkeeping. The bakers herehave a rather orig inal way of keeping accounts which may be called a kind of bookkeeping by double entry. When the carrier delivers a loaf of bread, which, by the way, is about five or six feet long, he is hnndeda wooden lath about a loot long by the party to wh om he deli vers the bread. From a collection of laths of the same size, one for each customer, he picks out this particular customer's one, and placing the two parallel, he cuts a groove across the face ot both. In the final adjustment of accounts both laths have to have the same number of notches. Cheap, but in genious. Pi olles (France) Cor. St. Lou's Post Dispatch. The Portugese took a look at Eng land's ships and guns, and counted her soldiers and then concluded that dis cretion was the better part of valor. Force has to be respected. Kate Field is a strange creature she evidently wants our congressmen to stand on their heads, for In ber Washington she admonishes thein to cease sitting on their spines.1' . ' This country held its grippe with a frightful tenacity little expected when it first took hold. In this connection is well enough to remind the less class ical that the technical French pronun ciation is "lah gr-ripp." The year 1890 Is not a leap "year, and the funny paragraphers who have trotted out their usual jokes about the formation of "old maids' clubs" for matrimonial pu rposes, the terror of bachelors, etc.. are just two years ahe'ad of time. Brethren of the country press should be cautious, and never buy dia monds except on a clear day. The least mist or fog in the atmosphere will prevent you from discovering the Caws in them. Damp, murky weather practically kills the diamond busi ness. ... Russian women who become doctors are compelled to submit to very strin gent regulations. Among other things they may not practice as regular phy sicians until they are 40, but 'must, up to this time, be nurses in charitable! institutions of various kinds, or in hos pitals. ; n When ever a man of ordinary intel ligence gets bit by tho mordern sharper there is first behind the trans action the spirit of speculation prof getting more than lies in a legitimate transaction . possessed by the party victimized. The victim is usually the party to the offense. Theke is always two sides to a wrong, or two injuries inflicted by a wrong the one to the victim of the wrong, and the other to the doer of it It is toe rare to find this principle rec ognized and insisted upon in political statesmanship which is said to be highest when it compromises. TnE most encouraging reports come from Greytown, the headquarters for work on the new Nicaragua canal. The American diggers are at work on the ditch, and are conquering all ob rtacles. Present indications are that the gloomy fate of the De Lesseps canal will not overtake this enterprise. I F. Benson, Nashville, Tennessee, is treasurer for the fund that is being raised to keep the Hermitage, General Andrew Jackson's late home, in order, and to buy tbe relics and mementoes uow owned by Colcnel Andrew Jack son. The sum needed is $150,000, and it is believed that this can be raised in one dollar subscriptions. Either Kansas will .have to quit raising such enormous crops," 'says the Atchison Companion, 'or the rail way companies of the state will have to begin building more c irs." To this the Emporia Republican makes curt reply, "Let the railroads get down to their knitting then. Kansas crops are not to be limited for the accommoda tion of anvbodv." ' There are important undertakings on the programme in foreign lands as well as in our own America; among them the building of a 4, 500-mile rail road across Siberia by the Russian government. The estimated cost is $220,000,000. Another is the bridging of the Bosphorus, connecting Europe with Asia. French engiueors have the latter under plan. There is and always has been a most dreadful horror on the part of man; people lest they be buried alive. II will be truly a relief to such to know that science is coming to the rescue with an infallible means of testing whether or not the vital spark has for ever left the mortal frame. Electric ity is the potent agency, and very soon facilities for its application will be doubtless made available to alL When it is learned that the colonel of the czar's body guard and several other officers in it have committed suicide on account of having been im plicated in a plot against his life, we can realize the reason for the shattered nerves of the imperial family that are from lime to time alluded to as some thing surprising. If a man has t guard himself continually against hii body guard be may well wish himsel dead and done with it. The Wabash railway company has issued an order of a most positive nature which will draw intelligence, if not experience into its service. It is that no boy or young m m shall be employed in any of its shops or other departments for the purpose of learn ing any tr.ide . or. skilled work unless he bring a certificate from his in structors stating that he has completed the studies of the second grammar de oartment of school work. A Missouri farmer with a turn for statistics has furnished a communica tion to his country paper on the subject of official salaries in which h states that an official who receives $4,000 per year salary absorbs the price of 26,636 oushels of corn at 15 ccnt-t per bushel, or of 6,666 busbl f .vheat at 60 cents Tht bushel, or -"-hiof oats at VJ cents, or tbe priw "Jfty good farm 'horses. Ho iso estimates tbat a farm n;ini at $13 per mouth would aavp to work the year r'' '7 quarter of a century to varu Jie u-hig amouni. nd i dds that In ''l865--6. , ul S.tO' .o ,000 bushels of com wouiu hav. ooted the o't. or 3,000 bushels o neat. ' ... . - '' A. SncinltHt Fight. BxBUN. P 13 it VulHauen, Saxony -,hM" wee a flHt - niaMt 'tietlng and jr-o pr Mivd rn TMrty persons 1890. A'CURE YflRl? ij " X . - iltmnor of tbe mm1 mnci the Mwm yam EftRlHii iHunDfiiiWi m Homes5 aaa MADEHAPPy 1TVE QAr-TL -WILSON, r.lechanlcsville, Bc.e.' Pa., Went to the Bottom JlCMOKTiiXK. Ha. Fab. 16. The steamer Louiee, of the Jacksonrille and Mayport jiuo, iu into an oDBtruction early tnw mornln tr near Hnntpr'n Inland nn thu at John's river, and was sank in len than three minutes. One man was drowned and the Other T&Rt.P.V crpra anr! irAW harotir u. csped witii their Uvea The Louise left Mayport late Ba turd ay night bound for lhla CltV. Hhfi hftd rtn hnarH rx nranr nf alv men, including Captain Charles Floyd and seven passengers. , Tbe run from Mayport is onjy two or tQree Hours, and the pat8eu ijers were all lying asleep about the cabin -ii.a mcu viuhuvB on. aooue nail oast one clock the steamer sudden! v nrahfil intn some obstr action, supposed to be.a sunken S"wv, ou.ua. au aujai twu UilUULeH. Four Girls at a Birth. Ecoitdaxe, Pa., Feb. 15. A most remark able occurrence la rt ported here. Mrs. M. Newton of Everson gave birth yesterday to four children, all girls. They aref ordi nary size, perfectly formed, and will live. Mr. and Mrs. Newton are both of Irish olrtb. and have lived here for many years. The house has been crowded all day with visitor". A Statesman Head. PiSTH. Feb. 18. Count Andrassy. a well known Hungarian statesman, who has been ill for soma time, died today. He was sixty years old. The Bill Passed. Oxtmpia, Wash., Feb. IS. The senate to day parsed th5 bill establishing the Austra lian system of ballot. GO TO THE Lincoln Book Emporium 139 South 10th St. under Y. M. C. A. For good and cheap Books and Stationery of all kinds. FAMILY, TEACHERS' and POCK ET BIBLES a specialty. PAPER TABLETS, SLATES &c. &c. 6m361 T. FAWELL. BIG APPLES are grown n our trees. The largest stock ef FOREST T REES for Timber Claims in the world. 350 ucres In Nursery btock. All kinds of new and old Fruit, Forest. Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. iTf i TT?Q Rn1 frmal1 Fruits at hard IrXLAJT-EjO times prices. taSA paper devoted to Kruit-G rowing:, 1 year 171 D 171171 to all who buy $1 worth of stock. JD LXildVj Our Nurseries are located within fifty miles of the center of the United States, and our shipping- facilities are unexcelled. SPECIAL PRICES TO FARMERS' ALLIANCES. a3f"Send at once for Price List, to CARPENTER & GAGE, 8m30 JTairbury, Nebraska. ARTISTIC ; POKTRAITS. Wm. Daily & Co. LIVESTOCK Commissi ts Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Horses. CASH ADVANCES OX CONSIGN MENTS. ROOM 34, Exciianoe Buildixo, Union. Stock Yakds, Soutjj Omaha. Rkferksces; Ask your Bankers. iStf AND WSTITCTK OF PEKMANSniP, Shorthand, and Typewriting, is tho bfst and largest College In the West. 600 Students ln attendance latit year. Students prepared for business ln from S to 9 months. Experienced faculty. Personal Instruction . Beautiful illustrated c-talo(?ue, colleRo journals, and specimens of penmanship, sent free by addn ssing E tc BOOSE. Lincoln, Iseo. . EXPOSITION DIKING HALL. 1121 XT STREET, LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. Rooms Repaired add Refitted. Strangers visiting the city will find this the most convenient Dining" Hall In Lincoln. Ac commodationb first-class, and 36tf RATES VERY REASONABLE. German Millet Seed For Sale, any quantity. Address, J. W. HOLLENBECK, Elmwood Neb. NOTICE TO MILLERS For Sale or Rent, A Roller Flouring mill v'h ater power, one mile from Lincoln. A. T- SAWYER THE NEW WHITE GRAPE, THE "WILLIS." Originated by Wiixts W. Jones. In point of hardiness equal to the Concord. Flavor second to none now lo America. PubUshed at 193 Madison St.. Chioag-o, III., for l 00 per year and one of these Vines sent to eacb hew subscriber as a premium. K member this liberal offer only holds good until March SO, 1890. cxrrcr otudxoo, onMercnan HARD TIM ES .MO PltlCKH. IUlf tromn ft torw qutttU, ,f tbf f . u.. ,i.u liMYUbO taanaM. w K.k. .i.. rr" - .ukM.Mi.ii.rfHi M Pntftin Into 100.000 ikHaw.Miinuinulk f- V A.' ft ITaB bi k . V.. . mour, UI Mod box p-wl-pwd. onuutlolcif on fcMc following NEW AMU I X M 1 1 . l rr. w .. . i.b n, -! I am. TATU, thr jmatetl dlMOTrr (MM IBB t.l ' sit. H UWK'I Earl Uload l amp Mu """"' Km. . . a mm w ... aft i . . l It 1 1 I. it ttuii JUUI-LrfMIK w Inter DvMf nn( of All Foialteana, cwxt tor up-liorU Im wi.ur. HHmmi'. Beat of All lianek Umm. rich, tender, nd battery. tarl A'lranca C'abkajre, u and tirUeit, Wilaoa'a Premlaat Fiat lath Cabbactv but UM vartotj. KaHy Vrena C laMcr C'Dcwmker, bmt tar Ubl aaa. JU llaoa'a tjomm lreca Caeniaacis bm tot bteklmt. Ifw Vty mmgmr Corn, tb wlini 1B taa world. WIlaeN'. iMrmm even. rrerm Kuar Cam. wmL dallelna. C'nltfvrnla mw iJaldea Pap Cara. beat Tmri.tr. Mew fhrlMtlftnoBlafr voterT'twxu'a lairnjr. aaada do mbmoc p. vruaaaa ' - . . a . I- t.xtrm CftHr iUt. aaadlaa trt. Jaraaa'a Vry Alomaron aterawlaa. nr lorn. oworL. oad lacarv. ton saaa '. ro r r IMI . Ab Pepn uwri una nacaacoj ainaa. Mwt BOTorr ta ml. (ration. Imwro-rrd ltoaad Yrllow Uaarera Oalaaw NEW SPA I II iriVii AVI AU end Drtt raar. Abkoti lanarttvad aourar 1'araala. Dual Jtuby K ' Kla lcpcr BtirH, Urrwt, la Peppery Bofrt, li asm. t i xuu, oii.'AL.ir tu ia, tiiirr'tpmi.tia la the -world i bai wlbd AOO la. V.nrir Kr iiam J CM BO, orCALIFOBMA, th Hi arrcat, awoeuat pepper eter I tad lah, beat and earlleat. Nw t'B artier UadUh, baaa umawr varletjr. XS felt I larappln Kanaok, coed Corpiea, kreii el winter. Karl Bemaaaar Battrr miuaah. Tar ncr'n llrbrld Tomato, beat and floeet ercr inuodoeod. KKW ZEALAND VI v TOMATO, airllrat for prraarr inr: enred and dried, eoaal ta the heal Aaa, Manlck rtrua- befnr Ul.le u. VKOETAULK PEACH, eaall; amwa froea teed Bret rear: imkM niee or Dreeerrea eanal to the br-t praohoa. Sample panket of Wilaoa'a Troa Inmtnjr Cwrw, the earlint and bet field rorn In eultiattn. New Maaumoth Zinnia, aoobla bricbt, hcaetiru! eolnra. Olnat Crrrana Panalra, ht mlnsl, ieU O O PUI.L-ftlZKD PACKKTH. with DlKKCTKtNH VOR afa OaJCUI.TlVATIVO. and IIVI! whola POTATO rr ab I UU Dahlia, brlirktoaa mm. Waaklaooaa Aotawa. van larae ail $4.00, TEN Na I a. Ad-, "-- uataioicua til free to ail. m The Iowa Steam Feed Cooker. The most practical, most con venient, most economical, and in every way the HKST STEAM FEED COOKEK MADE. A glance at the construction of it is enough to convince any man that it is far superior to any other. For descriptive circu lars and prices apply to N. F. SPKtll, Omaha. Neb., or M A It FEED COOKKtt CO., Manning, 2uuitt TIN STEAM Iowa. BEATRICE 41 mm smms W ORKS- CHA'S HEIDHART, Proprietor. 618 EAST COTTRT STREET, N. E. OW POST OFFICE. Estalolislioci 1868, MAUBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, HEAD-STONES, TABLETS, VAULTS, SARCOPHAGI, & CEMETERY WORK OF ALL KINDS. 20tf Branch Yards, Brown villo and Rock Port, Mo. W. D. NICHOLS GENERAL DEALER IN Real Estate. BEATRICE, NEB. Have some Fine Bargains In Improved Farms. Lots For Sale in Every Addition in the City. OFFICE, 605 COURT ST. TELE. 82. mt ' . Flax Seed Wanted for Seed. Address Aixen Root, Omaha. State Art. WE BOUGHT AT A BIG BABGAIN, A AAA A A . II A - S I z,6uu oases uanon tans Appies. Cnrti8 Bros., Monroe County Brand, which is a guaranteo of tho quality. We will share this with our patrons and make you Price $1.50 per Dozen. They will sell fast so don't delay ordering-. H. R. EAGLE & Co., Farmers Wholesale Supply House. 68 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO. FOR SALE BY STATE AGENT. Wafrona 3 and 34 inch. $"m, complete with brake. Two seated buyrpy, ?.. Koaa carts (13 to $80. A full line of Agricultural im i fo ments at jobber's prices. Brothers can ship their jrrain to the Alliance Elevator Co., Cbi cafO, of which H. L. Loucks, President of the National Allianco, is manager. Butter and ecRBcan be shipped to Allen Root, in care of Bennett & Co., Omaha, Nothing can bo saved on lumber In less than car load lots. Make out a bill with the price at home, ard tho njrent can lay it down at your station for lens. Blinds, windows and doors are rated aa lum ber. ALLEN ROOT, State Agent. AUCTIONEER. II. C. MARTIN, the Auctioneer, will conduct STOCK AND ADMINISTRATOR'S SALES at Reasonable Rates. Dates can be made at this office. For particulars and terms Ad dress II. C.MARTIN, 35tf 1426 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. STEVENS STRAWBERRY. In tho STEVENS we have tho most remark able STRAWBERRY ever introduced. It is the earliest and best shipper of any berry in. existence. At this writing (Jan. 18.) at its home in Alabama tho vines are loaded with green and ripe berries, while Michel's Early along side will not bo ripe lor a week, and Crescents are just coming into bloom. &o you see what a treasure the STEVENS is. It does not melt when over ripe like other sorts, but dries up as if evaporated, making it the best shipping berry iu existence. Bend for description and prices. Also inclose 1 cent stamp for samplo copy of Peninsular Horti culturist. It Is full of Just such reading mat ter as you need. Address ALBERT II. CLARK, Cambridge, Md. Im33 Box 117. JOHN M. STEWART, II. F. ROSE. Ass't Atfy Oen'l. 1 STEWART & ROSE, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Rooms 15 & 16, Montgomery, Block, Lincoln. Special attention given to Railroad, Insur ance and Corporation Law. Wo attend personally to litigation ln any county in the state, if desired. Correspond ence Solicited. Reference: Judges of the Su preme Court, Attorney Gen. Leese. 81tf J. C. McBRlDE II. S. .BELL. McBRIDE & BELL - DEALERS IN Real Estate, Lioan and Inauranco AGENTS. Office, 107 S. 11th St., Basement, lincoln, - - - nebraska. Agents for M. K. & Trust Co. nouses Built on u years time. Debt cancelled in case cC Death. Anything to trade let us know of It. W. Jkwett Henderson, McCredie, Mo. J. D. Henderson, Fulton, Mo. W. Jewett Henderson & Co. r BREEDEUS AND SHIP PERS OF PURE BRED POLAND CHINAS of tho mobt popular strains. Pigo furnished in pairs ana inos noi axin. irice Personal inspection, invited the verv lowest and correspondence solicited. r n HIT A TI tit n V AKK K lUi II II II llll j-iK. h x 1 2 i Y