The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 22, 1890, Image 3

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President. H. L. Loucks, Dakota.
Vice-President. John H. Powers. Nebraska,
fcecretary, August Post, Moulton, Iowa.
Treasurer, J. J. Furlong. Minnesota.
Lecturer. N. B. Ashby,Des Moines, Iowa.
St.- 1 1 -.. - ." -i
President, John H. Powers, Cornell,
vice President, Valentine Horn. Aurora.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. M. Tdompson, Lincoln.
Lecturer, W. F. Wright, Johnson county.
Asst. lecturer, Logan McReynolds, Fairfield.
Chaplain, Rev. J. 8. Edwards, Wahoo.
Ioor keeper, D. W. Barr. Clay county.
Asst. doorkeeper, James Underhlli, Syracuse.
Seargeant-at-arnis, J. Billingsly, Snelton.
Jr' w0""?,, Rinnan: B. F. Allen, Wabash;
.u- 1Ui?m8' "illey; Albert Dickerson,
Litchfield; Frank H. Young, Custer.
Post Office at Lincoln, Neb., June 18, 1889.
1 hereby certify that The Alliance, a week
ly newspaper published at this place, has been
determined by the Third Assistant Post Mas
ter General to be a publication entitled to
admission In the mails at the pound rate of
postage, and entry of it as such is accordingly
made upon the books of this office. Valid
while the character of the publication re
mains unchanged. Acbkkt Watkins,
' Postmaster.
Resolutions of Hamilton Co. Alliance.
. Aurora, Neb., Feb. 8, 1890.
To the Honorable. Board of Transpor
y tation of the state of Nebraska.
We, the members of Hamilton County
Alliance, in session assembled, believing
that we have been robbed of our just
dues by the high freight rates now be
ing charged for the moving of our pro
duce; and also believing that the Gov
ernor and State Board of transportation
have power to reduce the rates, and have
neglected to do so. Therefore be it
Resolved: That we denounce in the
strongest terms the action of the Rail
road Board in not forcing a reduction of
rates on all produce when it lies in their
power to do so: and futhermore be it
Resolved: That we demand of the
Railroad Board immediate action re
garding the reduction of rates, and that
we demand a reduction of not less than
10 cts per hundred pounds, and that
, also we present a copy of these resolu
tions to the Chairman of the State Board
of Transportation and to the Farmers'
Alliance for publication.
V. Horn, M. H. Severy,
President. Secretary.
Secretary Garber has acknowledged
- the receipt of the foregoing resolutions,
in a letter of which the following is a
copy. ,
To theHamilton County Farmers' Alli
ance, Aurora, Nebraska.
V. Horn, Pres't, M. H. Severy. Sec.:
Gentleman : Acting for the Board of
Transportation, I beg to acknowledge
the receipt and filing of a copy of the
resolutions of your estimable body,
adopted in session assembled February
8, 1890, having reference to railway
rates of charges for the transportation
of agricultural produce. -. .-
The resolutions will be duly submit
ted to the board at their earliest session;
and will, I feel safe in assuring you, re
ceive that careful consideration due for
mal expressions of opinions emanating
from your Alliance.
Permit me to respectfully request of
you information respecting the true in
tent of your very estimable body as con
veyed in the following sentence, taken
i from your resolutions, viz: "that we
demand a reduction of not less than 10
cts. per 100 lbs.
In viey of the very general discussion,
now prevailing within this state, with
reference to what would be a just rate
for the transportation of corn from our
state to the eastern markets, the thought
is that the phraseology referred to is an
expression of opinion from your body
as to a proper and just reduction from
existing rates on corn to Chicago;but this
interpretation is not in accordance with
the preceding statement contained in
the resolutions, viz: "that the State
. Board of Transportation has power to
reduce the rates,"etc." Of course it is
well , known to you that the Board has
no control of rates of carriage between
points other than within the state. To
coerce the railroads into a reduction of
inter-state rates by threats of annihilat
ing local rates would, to my mind, be a
very questionable action on the part of
Nebraska's State Board of Transporta
tion. The regulation and control of lo
cal rates is separate and distinct from
the regulation of through or inter-state
rates. Our transportation board has
undisputed power to fix local rates, and
its sworn duty is to regulate and main
tain the rates with utmost justness to
the shipper, to the limit of allowing a
. fair return upon the capital legitimately
invested in railroads. If local rates are
excessive and extortionate, beyond the
. limit above mentioned, then it is the
sworn 'duty of the board to reduce them;
a duty which cannot be evaded by pass
ing beyond its jurisdiction, and, in con-
skleration of a cessation of unjust exac
tions on through traffic, permit a con
tinuance of local extortion. Through
traffic is subject to regulation under
federal law; regulation just as absolute
as local traffic under our State law.
The fact of the Chicago rate on corn
being an unjust rate should be estab
lished Jbef ore the inter-state commerce
commission and the enforcement of a
just rate demanded. A compromise to
secure fair treatment for one class of
traffic, while the other class is left to
suffer, is, to my mind, "begging the
question." , Vcrv respectfully,
W. S. Garber, Secv.
A Word From South Furnas County.
I will drop you a line in regard to the
Kocktcn Alliance No. 608. We. are on
the move; have a membership of fifty
and applications coming in at every
meeting. I am doing all I can for our
paper, and I think every Alliance man
in the state should read it. The press
and the ballot box are the mediums
through which we will obtain help.
Yours for the truth.
W. S. IIarned.
February 13, 1890.
.Resolutions of Regret and Condolence
Whereas, It has pleased Him w ho
controls the destiny of all men to cause
the mantle of death to fall upon our
beloved brother P. J. Barnum; there
fore be it
Resolved, That Ave, the members of
M ton Alliance No. 481, deeply deplore
V loss, as his sociability and integrity
Jleared him to all Avho kneAv him, and
ac was a strong advocate of the princi
ples of the Farmers' Alliance.
Resolved, That Ave extend to his be
reaved family our heartfelt sympathy,
and assure them that Ave share with
them in their grief.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be published and the original
copy be given to the family of deceased.
D. Mayo, " )
C.P.French, -Committee.
Wesley Dunham, )
For Paxton & Gallagher.
Orleans, Neb. Feb. 11, 1890.
Editor Alliance: -The folloAving
resolution Avas adopted at the last meet
ing of Alliance 782 of Fairfield:
Resolved, That Ave, the Fairfield Alli
ance, will abstain from buying any
goods of the firm of Paxton & Galla
gher, of Omaha, or any merchants or
parties buying goods from them.
Y: John G. Meier, Sec.
To the Honorable the Members of the Senate and House of Representatives
of the U. S., in Congress assrabled:
We your petitioners, members of the Farmers Alliance and citizens of
the State of Nebraska, respectfully represent
That all the bills now before your honorable bodies proposing to fund
the indebtedness of the Union Pacific to the U. S., and extend the same,
deprive the United States of its present ample security for the ultimate re
payment of this debt, and confer an immense additional subsidy upon a cor
poration that has repeatedly wconged the government, and continually and
grievously oppresses the communities through which its road passes.
Under Section 10, U. S. Revised Statutes, act of 1878, it is the duty of
the Attorney-General of the United States to enforce laws which the man
agement has repeatedly violated. We, your petitioners, therefore respect
fully request the enforcement of those laws with their penalties, and that
your honorable body will not extend the time for the payment of the in
debtedness of the Union Pacific Railroad to the government.
Plan of Legislation. .
Editor Alliance: -In the general
exchange of thought that is taking
place between Nebraska farmers it may
be well to remember that though all
the plans of political reform that are
suggested cannot be put into effect, yet
some practical measures must be the
outgrowth of so much study and dis
cussion. ::;,.:
The fact is fully realized that some
thing is radically wrong. Business
stagnation, low price of produce, scar
city of employment for the laboring
classes, and the immense 'number of
farm mortgages that adorn the pages of
county records, all testify to the fact
that glaring evils exist; not ne evil
alone, but many, which in the aggre-
ate form one mammoth soul-and-body
evouring demon that is silently but
surely destroying the homes, the liber
ty, and even the honesty of the toilers
of the state. jTrace these evils back to
their source and you will land in the
legislative halls at Lincoln. Do not un
derstand me to say that all the causes
of the unnatural and demoralized con
dition of the country emanate from the
Nebraska legislature, but I do mean to
say that many of these evils could be
partially remedied and some entirely
evercome by the men who are sent to
the city of Lincoln every alternate year
to make laws for their commonwealth.
The question of how to get honest
legislation is one of first importance.
lhe people of this state have time al
ter time sent their Dr. Jekylls to the
legislature, reljnng upon them to truly
represent their interests, and time after
time they have quickly changed into
crafty and murderous Mr. Hydes. JSovr
let me ask. can the condition of things
be bettered under the same old system?
Perhaps in "Bellamy times" man's hu
manity to man will be the first and only
consideration. But in this age of the
world I cannot but think that man's hu
manity to himself is the guiding star of
the majority of mortals, be it in public
or private life.
Mankind must have laws for. its gov
ernment; of this there can be no dis
pute. The people of these United
States being a governing as well as a
governed people, should have a direct
Voice in enacting these laws. The pol
icy of selecting one individual irom
among the many to make laws for the
masses, and leaying it entirely at this
individual's discretion as to what laws
shall be enacted, has proved a failure,
as the present condition of things clear
ly demonstrates. In view of all this,
and as reform in some shape or other
has come to be a case of positive neces
sity, I am constrained to offer the fol
lowing plan of legislation. The scheme,
though, crude and incomplete, will cer
tainly allow of some argument. In
brief my idea is this: Taking for grant
ed the perpetuity of the Alliance organ
ization, I would have the state legisla
tors meet every alternate year as at
present, but instead of framing and
passing a bill at the same session, I
would have the fore part of each ses
sion devoted to passing or rejecting
bills framed and discussed at the pre
vious session, and the after part of the
session used for presenting and discuss
ing bills that shall not receive final ac
tion until the following session two
years thereafter. The two years which
elapse from the introduction to the
final passage of a bill will give the peo
ple ample time to thoroughly discuss
it and comprehend it before it becomes
a law; and their representatives can be
instructed according to the 'f majority
sentiment.-'Where a true emergency
exists the legislature should have power
to create and pass a bill to meet the
case at the same session. In case the
people of the state shonld not be under
alliance or ot her organization, the acts
pending could be canvassed and dis
cussed through county and state press,
by petitition, by mass conventions, and
in various other ways, and thus a com
complete understanding arrived at;
pending bills accepted or rejected, rep
resentatives chosen and instructed ac
cordingly: The aljove plan may seem someAvhat
cumbersome, and perhaps it is; but as
it is only an idea it will do no harm, and
not feeling justified in exclaiming with
the poor sinner, "Oh, Lord! what shall
I do to be saved!" without'' making an
effort, 'however feeble, in : the direction
of salvation, I have jotted these few
lines on paper,, trusting that tliey Avill at
least prove lood for thought and help
pass away the wearisome hours while
Ave are Availing for the price of corn to
go up. , 1). M. Roberts,
Ithaca, xSeb.
Letter From Geo. E. Brown.
Aurora, Feb. 12, 1890.
Business is in a very flattering condition.
My stock of Shires and Cleveland Hays, both
stallions and mares, and also Holstein cattle,
are doing as well as I could wish. Sales are
very satisfactry and inquiries were never
more numerous than for the month past.
Since nay last letter I have made the following
sales: To Mr. D. Hackett, oi Wisconsin, a
Shire; W. J. Sanderson, of Missouri, the
Cleveland stallion, The Pirate, 500; Lewis Wil
son & Son, LaHarpe, Kan., the Shiro Stallion
Royal Oak 6th (8125); Cleveland Bay stallion
Brice, 497, to L. Larson, Yorkvllle, 111.; Shire
stallion Electric 3d (7,833) to David Fowser,
Plainfleld, 111.; Cleveland Bay stallion Lord
Bramley, 503, to Dr. E. A. Ball, of Missouri;
Cleveland Bay stallion Lord Danby, 507 (1,095)
to Frank Q. Bridger, Phelps, N. Y.; to the
Fort Worth Importing Co., Fort Worth, Texas,
fourteen head eight Shires and seven Cleve
land bays; A.J.Richardson, Sedgwick, Kan.,
the Cleveland bay stallion Coxswain, 342;
Flat Rock Breeders' Association, Flat Rook,
111., the Cleveland Bay stallion Harrison, 491,
and the vry promising young Cleveland Bay
stallion Wyndham, 494, to Capt. Wm. A.
Baker, of Midland, Texas. Prices have been
good for the stock sold, and altogether I was
never better pleased with the outlook for a
good season. t
Illegal Demurrage.
Editor Alliance: The companies
giA'e no notice of the arrival of cars, and
yet they must be loaded Avithin 24 hours
after being placed on the siding. De
murrage $2 per day. Is this legal?
: It is not legal. Notice of -Arrival of
cars must be given.
Hamilton County Institute.
Aurora, Neb., Feb. 14, 1890.
Ed. Farmers' Alliance: We have
just closed a three davs' meeting of a
Fnrmers' Institute under the manage
ment of the Hamilton County Alliance.
A grand good time was. had and all go
home feeling that they have been great
ly profited. Our afternoon sessions all
open and many topics of interest to the
farmers Avere ably discussed. Many
thanks are due S. C. Basset, of Gibbon,
for information on the dairy interests
in general; also on the subject of inocu
lation for theprevention of hog cholera;
and to Prof. Jenkins on the subject of
the culture of the sugar beet; also to
Sister Steele, of Beaver Alliance, for
choir music for the entire session. Long
live Sister Steele.
At the close the folloAving resolutions
were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the experimental sta
tion of the state of Nebraska Avill' serve
the agricultural interests of the state by
investigations in regard to diseases of
our domestic animals; and that for the
purpose of such inyestigations the best
talent obtainable should be employed.
Resolved, That we are in hearty sym-
Eathy with the movement inaugurated
y the State Dairymen's Association
and State Board of Agriculture, look
ing to the enactment of a laAv providing
for holding farmers' institutes in each
county in the state; and that the presi
dent of this institute appoint a delegate
to act with delegates appointed bv oth
ers of our state and county organiza
tions, to formulate a bill for an act to
provide for holding such institutes, and
to present the same for the considera
tion of our next legislature.
Valentine Horn, Pres.
M. H. Severy,
Secretary Hamilton Co. Alliance.
The Work in Richardson Co.
Falls City, Neb., Feb. 10, 1889.
Editor Alliance: After tAventy-six
days' imprisonment as a U. S. Juror at
Omaha, and folloAving that a hard tussle
Avith La Grippe of about tAvo Aveeks, I
am again in the field of Alliance Avork,
and -intend to push the Avork as rapidly
as possible. 1 organized the tenth Alli
ance in the County the evening of Feb.
8, have one on hand for the 10, and
whereever I go I find the farmers arous
ed. Old-time republicans, life-long dem
ocrats, gray headed soldiers and young
men all seem to have caught the spirit
of rebellion against the robber systems
of the times. (Oh Avhy did they not see
it fifteen or twenty years ago?) Old
veteran soldiers openly expressed their
readiness to shoulder the musket if need
be- to strike doAvn the most crushing mo
noply in the world's history. In my
talks to the people I have perhaps taken
advanced ground. I do not tell them
they can vote their old party ticket, but
that the Alliance proposes to Avork for
the welfare of the farmers and laborers
through legislation, Avith no patchwork
measures. This means politics; there
fore I tell them that if they are afraid
their old party will be hurt they are bet
ter off out than in the Alliance, and we
are better off Avithout them. As an or
ganizer. I Avill not imbue them Avith the
idea that, "raising yaller corn and big
potatoes, Avith fat pigs and sausage too,
make money enough to pay your taxes,
is all that Hayseeds ought to do."
I have seen some of our very best men
come into the Alliance, shake hands and
declare their readiness to take a neAv de
parture, throw old parties to the rear
and move forward on the lines laid
doAvn by-the Alliance, and work for our
mutual benefit. My experience is, that
none but the old party strikers object to
the political features of the Alliance,
and they are bad material to use in the
structure. Yours for justice,
E. Beaver,
Organizer for Richardson Co.
Encouraging Letter From Otoe County.
Brothers: I have voluntarily commit
ted myself to the Avork of securing sub
scribers for The Alliance, for the rea
son that thegreatest good to be ob
tained through our organization is by
educating and enlightening the farmers
in the work to be accomplished. For
brothers in one. part knowing what
brothers iii other and distant parts of
the state are doing; for interchange of
ideas and opinions, thereby securing
unity and concert of action. To secure
this there is no better medium than
through a paper devoted to our inter
ests, and Ave have that medium in Tiie
Alliance. Then let us work for our
oAvn good and the good of others equal
ly oppressed by sustaining and building
up our paper, lhen, Bro. 1 armers,
lay off your coats, roll up your sleeves,
and go to Avork. I ask no recompense
for the effort of securing readers for the
paper beyond the fact of knowing that
people Avill be benefited by reading it,
and be induced to take hold and help
us to carry to successful accomplish
ment the principles of our organiza
tion. Very truly yours,
II. P. Farnsworth, See. 842,
Unadilla, Neb.
Endorsing the Attorney-General.
Pleasant Hill Alliance, No. 636.
February 11, 1890.
Resolved, That this meeting endorses
the vieAvs of Attorney-General Leese in
holding that no reduction less than ten
cents per 100 should be accepted, and
that unless it is peaceably granted a
war on local freight rates be vigorously
prosecuted until just and equitable
through rates are established.
Resolved, That we hereby give notice
that no person will receive our support
for state or legislatiye office who does
not pledge himself to use his best ef
forts to secure reasonable and just lo
cal and through freight rates, and
whose past record does not prove him
to be earnest and fearless in the right,
and strong enough to carry out such
pledge. R. A. Patterson, Pres.
L. M. Balcom, Sec.
The next meeting of the Furnas Co.
Alliance will be held in Hendley on the
first Saturday in March at 10 o'clock Al
m. It is hoped that a full delegation
will attend. C. B. Bachelder, See.
February 1st, 1890.
17. C. T. U. COLUMN.
Edited by Mrs. 8. C. O. Uptow, of Lincoln,
Neb.r of the Nebraska Woman's Christian
Temperance Onion.
The editor of Thk Alliance places the re
sponsibility of this column in the care of the
above editor.
Henry W. Grady's Pathetic Appeal for
the Boys A Thrilling Peroration.
The late Henry W. Grady, in his fa
mous speech against the repeal of prohi
bition , in Atlanta, closed with these
words: : --V
"I assume to keep no man's con
science; I assume to judge for no man;
I do not assume that I am better than
any man, but thait I am weaker. But I
say this to you, I have a boy as dear to
me as the ruddy drops that gather
about his heart. I find my hopes al
ready centering in his little body, and I
look to him tonight to take to himself
the work that, strive as I may, must fall
unfinished from my hands. Now, I
know they say it is proper to educate a
boy at home; that if he is taught right
at home he will not go wrong. That is
a lie to begin with, but that don't mat
ter. L. have seen sons of some as good
people as ever lived turn out badly. I
accept my responsibility as a father.
The boy may fall from the right path
as things now exist. If he does I shall
bear that sorrow with such resignation
as I may; but I tell you, if I were to
vote to recall bar-rooms to this city, when
I know that it has prospered in their
absence, and that boy should fall
through their agency and this convic
tion has come to me in the still watches
of the night I could not, wearing the
crowning sorrow of his disgrace and
looking into the eyes of her wnose heart
he haa broken I could not, if I had
voted to recall these bar-rooms, find an
swer for my conscience or support for
my remorse. I don't know now any
other father feels, but that is the way I
feel, if God permits me to utter the
"The best reforms of this earth come
through waste and storm and doubt and
suspicion; the sun itself when it rises
on each day wastes the radiance of the
moon and blots the starlight from the
skies, but only to unlock the earth from
the clasp of night and plant the stars
aneAV in the opening flowers. Behind
that sun, as behind this movement, we
may be sure there stands the Lord God
Almighty, master and maker of this
universe, from Avhose hand the spheres
are rolled to their orbits, and whose
voice has been the harmony of this
world since the morning stars sang to
gether." Ex.
The Saloon Gone.
A Chicago Tribune reporter asked Mr.
F. P. Baker, of Kansas, who was for
tAventy-five years the editor of the To
peka Commonwealth, for an opinion
about the anti-prohibition movement,
and here is his reply:
"I fought prohibition for years. It was
adopted in spite of my best efforts, and
I have now seen it work. Let me tell
you Kansas will never go back to the
open saloon. If the question Avere re
submitted today prohibition would have
a majority of 50,000 votes. The eastern
people talk about prohibition not pro
libiting. It doesn't. If I want a drink
n Topeka I can get it. But the saloon
las gone. I have a grandson growing
up Avho has never seen a saloon. Isn't
that a good thing? The saloon and its
crowd of ward workers are no longer a
political power. That alone is Avorth
all prohibition has cost. Thousands of
men who fought the measure the hard
est have been converted as I have been.
There isn't a possibility of a repeal of
the law."
Another reliable witness tells us that
he asked a boy of twelve, in a Kansas
city, where he could find a saloon, and
the boy replied that he kneAv of none
and confessed that he had never seen
If prohibition does not prohibit, still
mothers Avant to see such prohibition as
they have in Kansas, where boys may
grow up in ignorance of the vileness
red in the saloon, in blessed freedom
from its temptations.
A boy of six, the other day, in a Ne
braska village, returned from Sunday
school and made this remark to his
mother: "I saw men going into the
alley by the harness shop, mamma, and
I caught on to what they were doing;
that is the Avay to the back door of the
Which is the better place to educate
boys, .either in temperance or in obe
dience to law? '
The following is from an artiple by
Mrs. Helen M. Gougar, on "An Unre
stricted Ballot:"
"A college-educated brain is not .the
sure sign of a clean heart or a just con
science void of offense. The man or
Avoman has never been born, and doubt
less never Avill be, sufficiently just to
have unlimited control of any other
human being, therefore self protection
is the only kind , to be trusted in the
many vicissitudes of life. Without the
ballot the non-voter is the victim of any
Avhim or injustice that the voter may
impose upon him. This is seen today,
and most keenly felt, by the mothers of
this nation. They are subjected to the
horrible tortures of the rum traffic, as
they see annually 100,000 of their boys
led to this fiend, Avhile the fathers of
these boys juggle with party and sell
their very blood , for place and poAver.
Though these mothers could not write
their a, b, c, they knoAv periectly tne
alphabet of love and the. protection, of
their offspring, and should be given
the ballot of seif-pi'otection."
W. C. T. U. Speakers for Nebraska..
Tecitmseh, Neb., Jan. 16, '90 -The
following is the list of speakers who are
now at Avork under the auspices of the
W. C. T. U. for the prohibition amend
ment, or are ready to do so at any
time: . ;. .
Mrs. C. M. Wood war, d Seward.
Mrs. L. E. Bailey, Ncav York City.
Maj. E. T. Scott and wife, Ocean
Grove, New Jersey.
Rev. Geo. H. Vibert, Boston.
Dr. H. P. Fitch, Hastings, Neb.
C. J. Holt, Decatur, 111.
David Tatum, Cleveland, Ohio.
Rev. M. A. Gault, Blanchard, Iowa.
Capt. Van Etten, Dakota.
A majority of the above speakers can
be secured on such favorable terms that
every union in the state can have one
or more for a series of meetings. For
terms and dates address Jennie F.
Holmes, Tecumseh, Neb.
Draw the Cheese Knives.
Hale Neb., Feb. 11, 1890.
Ed. ALLTANC!F.! Havincr hnn maA
president of Schoolcraft Alliance, Mad
ison county, thought 1 would write you
-icT uuro, ll c uuy UO.VC JlilU iuur
meetings and have twenty-one mem
bers, and more to come in to-night. As
there is no one in our vicinity who
takes The Alliance I should like to
have a copy. I would suggest that vou
call through your paper the attention
of every Alliance in Nebraska to take
such action as to authorize the secre
tary of our State Alliance to urge our
senators to present a bill, and urge its
passage, 10 loan money direct to farm-
ers, secured by mortgage
Senator Cullom, of 111.,
e on their land.
has struck
about the right thing, only ho does not
tell how it is to be brought about. Why
could not postmasters act as loan
agents' for the government in loaning
money. It seems this money can be
had for two per cent per annum
A plan of this kind would help
the farmers and do away with the
damn cut throat bankers and loan
companies and furnish sufficient reAe
nue to run the government. The farm
er is the tail end of all creation at the
present time, and have been for the
past forty years, and if they do not rise
in their might they are a set of damn
fools, so to speak in plain English. In
two or three years we could reverse the
thing aftd place their nose on the grind
stone. Please stir up the people, and
wake from the dead the . sleepy, rusty
farmers. Let us get up and shake off
the dust and defy the world to hold us
down any longer, God help them to
stir up and get a move on themselves
and join in mass the Alliance. Give
this for what it is worth.and send me a
copv of The Alliance if you never get
a cent for it. The battle is on. Let us
ive them shot and shell; yes, and
raw the old cheese knives if no other
mode will do. I write this for the
cause. Overlook and correct mistakes,
From a comrade. Respectfully,
H.E. Chuech.
t As I am a member of the Farmers' Alliance
I will make a discount of 20 per cent from list
prices on all orders sent through Secretary
or Business Agent. Address
CROP OF 1890.
Buying Farm & Garden Seeds
Can be made by Alliances by addressing'
Write at once. (3m31)
On farms in eastern Nebraska and improved
property in Lincoln for a term of years.
Lowest Current Rates.
R. E. & T. W. MOORE,
Corner 11th & O Streets. Lincoln.
Lightning ITell-Siiikins Machinery,
alakera of Hydraulic, Jetting, Revolr-
i i'k. ai it-imi. aiiiui r, 1uunono. loom,
e 1 1 h oc 1 rospeoi 1 n .nmact. Boilers.
Wind Hills, minips, etc.. Sold on
ir.iAL. An nuxciiOFBDlA oi
i.OOO Enervinfrs.K."irtta 8tra title-
. uon, lHiterimuauon orMiner-
ais ana vitality 01 water.
iGives Light, finds Gold.
niauea ior cts.
as book 25 cts.
The American
. wen works,
Kkxesaw, Adams .County, Nebr.
Breeder and Shipper f Recorded Poland
China Hosts. Choice Breeding: Stock for
sale. Write for wants. Mention The Alliance.
Lincoln, - - Nebraska.
Will be pleased to quote prices for grain to
members of the various Alliances, and all
parties Interested. He has been engaged in
the grain trade in Lincoln for about eighteen
years, and knows all the best markets. He
will handle
Will pay sight drafts for all reasonable
amounts on consignments. He will also clean
grain at his elevator in Lincoln at reasonable
prices. His references are First National
Bank, American Exchange Bank, or any
bank in Lincoln. He will be pleased to cor
respond with all managers of Farmers Alli
ances, and solicits the same. S3tf
The only Fearless Anti-monopoly Paper
Among Nebraska's Metropolitan Journals.
, ' -o '
The only Independent and Mssidized Po-
litieal Newspaper in the State. .
;. -V O '
With no political or corporation entangle
ments, the Call holds itself free to speak with
utter fearlessness on alt subjects touching
the welfare of the people of the state. Look
ing to the producers of the ate for its pat
ronage and not to politicians or corporations,
it watches the administration of the city,
county and state governments with a jealous
eye, and allows notning to pass uncriticised
which It believes to be contrary to the best
interests of the people of Nebraska.
Alliance and Call will be sent one year
to any address for $1.50.
' To those who prefer to receive tickets en
titling them to participate in
which will take place March 31, the Call will
be sent for f 1. The list of premiums is as fol
lows: -.
One Lincoln City Lot -Marseilles
Power Sheller -Celebrated
Deering Mower -Pekin
bulky Plow - -Bonanza
Planter - -- -
Singer Sewing Machine -
Tin Top Cultivator . -Victor
Cultivator -Avery
fctalk Cutter -Bradley
Road Cart -
Sulky Hay Rake - -Grand
Detour Plow -
Improved Harrow -
f 300
Subscribe and get your winter's reading and
a chance In the premium drawing. Send sub
scriptions and remittances to -
Lincoln, Neb.
. w a n t-tt
42. i- BIA'
-7 M M 71
1 in rui-TieTsau
JOHNSON, NEMAHA CO., NEB. - - - W, F. WRIGHT. I- rietor.
I kef p on hand a full supply of all kinds of Fruit Trees and Small Fr.:u. Thirty yrara
experience in arrowing Fruits In Nebraska enables me to make selections adapted to Ne
braska climate and soils. Dispensing with agents entirely I deal directly with the people,
thereby saving my patrons all agents' commission. Send for Price Lists for Spring of 190.
Correspondence solicited. 35t . W, F. WRIGHT.
CVD G A T .17. Until the 15th of A
head of registered A.
oows. heifers and calves, to suit purchasers. A
J. C. C Bulls at a bargain. A good working herd.
Febrary 15, 1WC
C. B. BACHELDER, Cambridge, Nob.
Published Weekly by the
J. BURROWS Chairman State Alliance Ex. Com.; Editor.
J. II. TnoUPSOIl, Sec'y State Alliance, Business Manager.
BLY IN ADVANCE. Or, five subscriptions,
in one order, one year for $4.00.
The Alliance is the official organ of the Nebraska State Alliance. It is
conducted solely in the interest of the farmers and laboring men of the
State. It is absolutely fearless and un trammeled in the discussion of all
FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE. In the above particulars it is a new de
parture in Nebraska journalism.
We confidently appeal for support to all who can appreciate the value of
such a paper.
THE ALLIANCE one year and Edward Bellamy's great book, Looking
backward, $1,30.
THE ALLIANCE one year, and Labor and Capital, by Edward Kel
logg, $1.00.
Those books may be ordered from this officeLooking backward, 50
cents; Labor and Capital 20 cents.
Money sent by bank draft, Express or Post Office order, or Registered
Letters at our risk. Stamps and Postal Notes at risk of sender.
All officers of Alliances are requested to act as agents. Address.
Alliance Publishing Co., Lincoln, Neb.
I will offer my entire stock of
200 Cleveland Bay and Ire MM,
3 and 5 years old, and 50 pure bred mares, sound, vigorous and fully acclimated
An opportunity rarely offered to secure such high class stock at the prices and terms
I am prepared to offer. Send for pamphlet giving fnll particulars.
GEO. E. BROWN, Aurora, Kane Co., 111.
The way to do this is to ship yourButter, Eggs, Poultry, Veal, Hay, Grain, ool, Hids,
Means, Breom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits, vegetables, or anything you have, to us. , The
ract that you may have been selling these articles at home for years is no reason that you
should continue to do so if you can find a better n?rkot. ' We make a specialty of receivinjr
4hipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS, and probably have the largest trade la
;his way of any house in this market. Whilst you are looking around for the cheapest mar
kfit in which to buy your goods and thus economizing in that way, it will certainly pay, you
to give some attention to the best and most profitable WB7 of disposing of your produce. Wo
Invite correspondence from INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all organization
who desire to ship their produce to this market. If requested, we will send you free of
;harge our daily market report, shipping directions and such information as will be of ser
eice to you if you contemplate shipping. Let us hear from you.
REFERENCE: Metropolian Nation Bank,
1. J. THORP & Co.,
Manufacturers of
Rubber Stamps, Seals,
Stencils, Badges and
Baggage Checks
:;r Kverv Description. Established 1880.
as S. Ilta St., LINCOLN, NEB.
40,000,009 FORES! TREES,
200,000 Grape Vines.
We have a complete Stock of everything in
the Nursery Line, which we offer to Nurse
rymen, Dealer and Planters at
Bed Rock Prices.
100 tl.00 Collections by Mail.
20 to 50 per cent discount on List Price
to Alliances.
Send for Price List. Address
(3m31) YOUNGERS & CO., Geneva, Neb.
25 Million Nursery
Grown Forest Tree
No agents. Deal direct with customers. Save
commission middle-men. Bend for price list.
6m31 Brownville, Nebraska.
The Most Improved Breeds of
Poland China, Chester White, Small Yorkshire
and Essex Hogs. Satisfaction guaranteed in
all cases. P. O. Address. BEATRICE T
Freight Fid.
Warranted or 5 Tears
AeaU Wanted. Bead for Tcrau.
Hra mmi Warckrae Settle.
J09E3 OF BIHGXXAXXTOH. SiasfcamteaiXT, Y,
about 20 TODOPV fi A mmr
J. II. 11. u jujxvw J. wai, AUX4
few young bulls fit for service, and thrfelA.
First check gets them. Correspondenett
Send ior full Descriptive
Catalogue for 1890.
Tndtall, Rspttltfs & Alba,
1426-1428 St IiOttla Atenu,
Mention The Alliauc
S. F. McCOV.
Bell, SMy & McCoy
(Successors to Bell & Co.)
Live Stoci: Commission
Room DO Exchange Building. Cash Advanc
on Consignments.
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
Nebraska. tfS3
Covingtox, Ohio. Established 1887.
20 Apple Trees, 1 year, first class - $1.0(1
50 " . . 2.ihi
Sample Grape Vine, by mail, e
Concord Grapes, per 100, - 3 (u
" ' " m - uu
Fine descriptive cataloprue and our whol
sale trade list to every farmer or farmer'
son who names this paper in ordering.
3m33 MESH CASSEL, Prop.
Great Western Feed Steamer
Cooks one to three barrels feed at one filling.
Fire box surrounded with water on top and
sides. Any kind of fuel. Easily managed and
cleaned as a box stove. Send for Circulars.
Agents wanted. BOVEE H. M. tXJ..
Bmltt Tama, Iowa.
B CNTI "ELY r-y '
few 4 SSyl - 1