The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 22, 1890, Image 1

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3 '--f
NO. 30.
ft. ...
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapest mean of noti
fying subscribers of tbe date of their expira
tions we will mark this notice with a blue or
ed pencil, on the date at which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration. If not renewed
By that time it will be discontinued.
Subscribe for the
Magniflcent Premiums !
Tije Alliance has been started as
tb official organ of the Nebraska State
Farmers' Alliance. It has already
taken a high place among the papers
of the country, and is gaining patron
age which promises to make it a bril
liant success.
It will be conducted SOLELY IN
its Editor, is Chairman of the Ex
ecutive .Committee of the Farm
ers' State Alliance. He has had long
experience in newspaper work. He
will bring to his aid able men in differ
ent spheres of thought, and will make
Tnic Alliance one of the ablest pa
pers in the west. '
MR. THOMPSON, the Associate Ed
itor, is Secretary of the Nebraska State
The Alliance will be absolutely
in the discussion . of all public ques
tions. It accepts no patronage from
railroads or corporations, and its edi
tors have no free passes. NO MONEY
THE ALLIANCE will be found in
the front ranks of the opposition to all
trusts and combinations to throttle com
petition, and extort from the producers
and laborers the lion's share of the fruits
f their toil.
We shall advocate the free coinage
f silver the same as gold, and its re
storation to its old time place in our
The issue of all paper money direct
to the people on Ind security, and an
increase of its volume proportioned to
increased production ana population;
Government ownership of railroads;
The Jf. S. postal telegraph;
The restriction of land ownership to
the users of land, and its reasonable
The exclusion of alien landlords;
The election of U. S. Senators by a
direct vote of the people;
And all other reforms which will
inure to the benelit of the Farmer
and Workingrnen.
Now Brother Farmers and "Working
men, it remains for you to prove that
the often-made assertion that you will
not stand by your own friends, is false.
We appeal to ym for support. Give
us your support and we will give you a
grand paper.
Every member of the Alliance, and
every Farmer, should make the suc
cess of this paper HIS OWN LN1U
We want au agent in every Alliance
in the North.
Terms, Single Subscriptions $1.00 per
year, invariably in adyame; or, Five
yearly Subscriptions Four Dollars.
Canvassers wanted.
MIUM OFFER in our advertising
All kincts of Job Work
Promptly and neatly executed at rea
souable prices. Particular attention
given to Alliance work.
Address, Alliance Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Fraudulent Use of the Mails.
Chicago, Feb. 16. United States Commis
sioner Hoyne this morning held David
Gallagher, George E. McFadden, jr., William
J. McFadden and Hiss Annie Burns to the
federal grand jury on the charge of using
the mails for fraudulent purp oses, Galla
gher is tbe proprietor of Tbe Home Journal
and eight other monthly pubiications of a
cheap order. In these print s he adver
tlees gold wat jbes for $5, and the victims
he has caught are said to run up into the
" hundreds. The watches in reality are not
worth 10 cents a dc zen. All the defend
ants waived examination and gave the re
quired security.
French Elections.
Parts, Feb. 16. E'ections were held in a
number of divisions today, for members of
the cn amber of deputies. Naquet and
Merg, tbe t vo Boulangists whose election
v as quashed by the chamber last Decem
ber, again headed the poll in two divisions
of the Seine department, but ppcond' bal
lots were necessary. Three Boulangiets
were re-elected In the divtt-ions of ftt
Denis and one in the first division of St.
"Won by an American.
' PrrrsBUBO, Pa, Fb. 18 A special dis
patch from Sheffield, England, annmnoes
that the great annual snrintinsr bannican
in that city was won by Collins, the Ameri
Cleopatra's Tomb.
By George Hor ton.
Ah, what is this? Here in the morning's pa
per, . ,- '
Which knows so well its readers to amuse
With tales of many a human crime and ca
" Per ; '
Its dally batch of ordinary news
I read how some old scholar, scratching, nos
V lng .'
Amid the sand heaps of Nile's overflow, .
Has found a tomb which he will ope, suppos
ing That far-famed Cleopatra sleeps below.
Ah, Cleopatra! Fierce, imperious charmer!
' No ideal thou, no symbol, fiction-limned;
Thy, name to-day makes sluggish blood flow
Those lustrous eyes still shine, unmatched,
Hellenian seed of sturdy Phillip's sowing,
The fairest flower that Time e'er looked
- upon;
Goddess of Greece with Koptic passion glow-
. ing;' : a, ' '
Fancy of Phidias waked by Egypt's sun
No master hand has traced those faultless
Yet Caesar's fame beside thine own grows
' dim;
All souls to him save thee were silly creatures,
Thy potent beauty witched and vanquished
him. ...
And how those old wild scenes rise up before
us' , .
Who is yon slave at Caesar's palace door?
He enters in. Apollodorus,
And what a load upon his back he bore !
"Set down thy bundle, slave. Thou seems to
find it
A heavy rug and one that tires thee soon;
There's mystery here.- I prithee now un-
windit," i
Bloomed e'er before such moth from such
And oh, that sail on Cydnusl Years may wi
But still she lolls there, luscious, Cupid
fanned, For have not Shakespeare and melodious
Dryden ,
Told all tbe ages of that merry band?
Mark Antony, thy life had little glory,
And sadder end one would not wish to see;
Yet every honest man who reads thy story,
Small pity and much envy feels for thee!
Old scholar, scratching, delving, poking, nos-
' ins. ' '
If thou hast found our Cleopatra's tomb,
We would not see the thing within reposing
I charge thee leave it for the day of doom !
Thou wouldst make show of Time's most
high perfection, '
Parading Sin as victor in the strife;
Of bones and shrouds thou art the resurrec
tion, . ; .v
Christ is the Resurrection and the Life I
Save Your Soul, Save Your Soul!
By Alice Cary.
I am siek of the preachers only strain,
'Save your soul, save your soul, save your
I am tired of hearing forever and aye
The same old song from the pulpit roll.
It seenas to me like a selfish cry,
This telling a man that the only thing
Of any importance here below
Is saving himself from a future sting.
Far nobler, far better, it seems to me,
To tell a men to save some other,
To send him up and down through the world
Seeking and helping some fallen brother.
To put him off from the beaten track.
Out into the hedges of sin and shame,
To teaeh and to tell to the captives bound
The beauty and glory of virtue s name.
To rescue the starving from sin and death,
To rescue the sinning one from crime,
To preach the gospel of present helps
To the weary ones on the shores of time.
To seek out those whom the world forgets,
To plant a flower on a nameless grave,
To hide the erring one in the heart,
And strengthen it with a purpose brave.
To do to the little ones of God
The things which He does to the great
To walk the world with a purpose grand,
And with eye on the final good to wait.
If a man do this, I dare affirm '
Tnat he can afford to forego all care
About going to heaven, and give his whole
To the work of getting his neighbor there.
Si l ike; t roubles.
Nashua, N. H Fdb. 18. There were about
500 people around the mill gates when the
operatives quit work this evening and se me
disorder oomrred. Snowballs vere thrown
and a few asu t were nude. Two per
sons were arrested, one a workman, who
assaulted a woman for calling him a scab,
and the other an intoxicated outsider. The
strikers say they had no psrt in the affair.
Agi-nt Rhnw of the rompary has called en
th mayor to protect h mill and see that
the employers are not molested tomorrow.
The mayor announce that he will pre
serve the peace at. all h- z vrds.
A Substitute K-porteCl.
Washington, Feb. 18 Tbe senate com
mittee on egiiculttue today reported a
substitute - for the bill introduced by
Faulkner for tbe establishment t a pure
food division in tbe department of agricul
ture, to provide for the inaction of live
stock, eto, and to prohibit the in trod ue
tion of adulterated or mipbran.led food or
drues. t-to. Tl bdl as amended provide
tnat the eor-try f agriculture thill or
gat lze a "food diveiin" and aj point a
chltf at a palary of $3. 00 per year; procure
and anaiyza amilt-H of food and rtu'f
sold m nv h ate other than ttat where it
Is manufactured. . All manufacturers of
good inunrifd for phipmen' from one
state to another shall mak application for
license to the secre-tary of agriculture, cer
tifying that tbe anicles are not dele
terious. Tbe bill striken out the second, third and
fourth f-ections of ' he original Mil, rela'ive
to the slaughter of animal, and with the
xceptiens noted is ih fame an the old bill.
Ic was recommitted to the committee on
agriculture. j v
-The Presicit-m's PmctamatiOD,
Washingtom. Ftb. 18 Tne president this
afternoon issued a proclamation directing
the removal of all cattle fiom what is
known as the Cherokee Outlet in the
Borthm part, of Indian territory by the
first day of October nxt, unless neuotla
tlons now pendi g for the cession of
that territory io me Urited Spates shall
have ben completed sooner, then the
cattle mist be removed forthwith upon
notice. He a io directed that no additional
horses te permitted to enter the territory
after this date.
The Improved. Stock: Breeders.
The Improved Stock Breeders' asso
ciation began its annnal session at the
university chapel Tuesday afternoon J
with a good attendance. The address
of welcome was delivered by Hon. N.
S. Harwood, response by J ohn B
Dinsmore, president of the association.
President Dinsmore delivered the an
nual address, after which there were
reports from the secretary and treas
urer and other miscellaneous business.
In the evening R. W. F reman read a
paper, H. E. Heath spoke of the VAlue?
of records, John Bertram of farmers
advancement and S amuel Lichty on
scrub farming and scrub care of im
proved stock,
The improved stock breeders' associ
ation met in regular session again
Wednesday morning. The following
papers were read: "The Holstein Cow
as the Future Diary Cow of the West,"
by H. C. Palmer; "Notions on Breed
ing,'' by G. B. , French ; " Shorthorn
cattle," by James W. Baton; "Corn
stalk Diseases,", by S. C. Bassett.
Interesting papers were read as fol
lows : "The Jersey cow in Nebraska,"
by O. Oompton; "Raising Draft
Horses," by M. M. Coad; "The Per
cheron Horse," by Milton Doolittle.
Tho paper upon "The Shire Horse,"
prepared by Mr. Burgess, was read by
Mr. H. S. Keed, on account of the un
avoidable absence of the former gen
tleman. "The Coming Horse," by Hon,
W..P. McCreary;"Howto Feed and
Handle the Draft Geldings When Fit
ting for Market," by F. W. Upton.
Discussions in which many of the
members took part followed each of the
Letters of regret for being unable to
be present were read from Governor
Thayer, R. O. Adams, William Bur
gess and J. H. Boston.
At the evening session the first busi
ness taken up was the election of offi
cers, which resulted as follows :
President, Dr. Frank S. Billings.
Vice Presidents. C. M. Sears, J. R.
Lowades, Milton Doolittle, and James
W. Easton.
Secretary and "Treasurer. H. : S.
Reed. ,
After a lively but good natured fight
Beatrice was determined upon as the
place of holding the next annual meet
ing. Hastings was the next best com
petitor. It was agreed that the next
annual meeting should not be held on
the third Tuesday in February as here
tofore, but at some earlier date, which
will be fixed by the vice presidents and
a report - mader' Tne meeting will
probably be held in De-cemrer, just
before the meeting of the legislature.
All Over the State
Hastings now has eigh ; newspapers,
with prospects of another.
The contract has been let tor $4,000
worth of improvements at Fort Robin
son. Triplets were born a few days ago in
the family of Charles Jarrett, near
Several Indians at the Winnebago
Agency died last week from the effects
of la grippe.
Mrst James Mahony and child were
thrown from a wagon at Ashland and
both badly injured.
Fairbury stockmen are making large
purchases of cattle in the western part
of the state for feeding purposes.
Mrs. Julia D. Morton of Nebraska
City, mother of Hon. J. Sterling Mor
ton, celebrated her seventy -eighth birth
day Saturday.
Harding Brothers of Wisner have
purchased the Madison creamery and
taken possession. It will be running
by the first of March. m
Captain F. H. DeCastro of Sidney,
has been tendered the appointment of
colonel in the Nebraska brigade, uni
form rank, Knights of Pythias.
The village board at Crawford sus
tain Marshal Connelly's action in
shooting the negro soldier last week.
The wounded man's recovery is doubt
ful. W. J. Kinsey of Hastings, was stab
bed and seriously injured by two high
waymen at Grand Island. The thieves
secured his watch and $24 in money
and escaped.
About four weeks ago the F. E. &
M. V. company gave the residents of
the northwest the benefit of a through
sleeping service. It ran about three
weeks and was taken off.
Robert Baker of Wood Lake was
bound over to the district court and
placed in jail at Valentine upon the
charge of tape preferred by his. fourteen-year-old
step-daughter, Ida Shaw.
A young man who had been married
about five minutes ereated a sensation
among the bachelors at Bushville" by
walking do n th street with his arm
around the bride's waist.
Farmers in the south half of Clay
county and organizing, not only in a
political Imt a business way. and are
preparing levators at Fairfield and at
Edgar wherein they will store their
own grain and do their own shipping.
Kearney special: The stockholders
and others interested in the Kearney,
Hutchinson and Gulf railway had a
meeting here this evening and decided
to htrt out a surveying party from
here on Wednesday of this week to run
a p tliminary survey to the Kansas
line via Minden and Riverton. The
work will go ahead rapidly and the
fecheme is backed by capitalists who
mean business. - - ' .
Friend special : A. serious fire
broke out in the kitchen of the Orien
tal hotel, owned by F. Ii. Supdith, at
11 :30 Monday night, -which completely
destroyed i. The furniture was saved.
The total loss is $3,000; partially in
sured. By heroitf efforts of the citi
zens the adjoining buildings were
saved. -
Norfolk special. A proclamation
was issued by the mayor of this city
Tuesday ordering all'dogs found with
in the the city limits after the 19th
inst. without a muzzle i on, to be shot
and has so instructed the city marshal.
All this excitement comes fromthe fact
of a horse belonging to G. Ii. W hitham
of this place having died; Friday night
of hydrophobia. Monday morning a
d-g frothing at the mouth bit several
other dogs and tore the clothes off of a
little girl, and in consequence the tim
id ones are quite exercised over the af
fair. , ';;''! :, ' '"'". '''71
Lew Brunnel, an eighteen-pear-old
colored boy of Nebraska City, was
locked up in the city jail because he
expressed an insane desire to kill Ru
ben Brunnel 'and then wanted to
burn the house in order to destroy his
mother. . ?
Nebraska City special : A gentle
man from Cass county- has identified
the Wyoming suicide at Aaron Ander
son, a young man employed at the
Nehawka stone quarried and married in
this city last December but a dispatch
from that place fails to yerify the ident
ity. Some insists that the suicide
answers the description of Neal, the
Omaha murderer. j ' .
Fremont special. Judge Marshall in
district court TuesJ ay refused to grant
a new trial in the case of Minnie Rey
nolds agaimt the Fremont, Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley railroad for damages,
and entered judgment against the com
pany in the sum of $4,000. The mo
tion for new trial in the case of Charles
Shephard, who was convicted for the
murderof Carlos Pulsifer which was
not argued because of the absence of
the defendat's attorney. The motion
will be heard at the adjourned term, to
commence on the 28th of the month.
Liberty special : The : funeral - of
Mrs. Elizabeth Wymore, aged seventy
two years, wife of Fred Wymore, one
of the oldest residents Gage county,
having located herein 1859, took place
at the old homestead Monday after
noon at 3 o'clock. La grippe was the
cause of death.
Settlers in the northern part of Holt
county have made arrangements to sur
vey enough of the Sioux reservation to
locate their claims, and also to protect
each other's rights in case any difficul
ty should arise.
A strong company has been formed
here among our business men and a
few parties from a distance to sink a
shaft in the rilver fields and push
work in that line. That there is silver
and gold in quantities sufficient to
make it pay is no longer doubted. - We
have not as yet learned how many
shares of stock has been issued, but
the stock has already been advanced
from $1.00 to $1.50. This is a pretty
good indication that those who know
most about the find have confidence in
its reality , as they are among the ones
who are corralling as much of the
stock as possible. Atkinson Enter
prise. Two women in Hay Springs have
brought suit for $5,000 damages each
against the saloonkeepers of that burg
for selling liquors to their husbands,
thereby rendering them incapable of
supporting their families.
According to the Rushville Standard
the people or northwest Nebraska are
enjoying fine winter weather. They
are not overstocked with money, but
they are breathing just as much pure,
fresh air as anybody.
An alliance man of Thurston county
has a scheme of his own to overcome
the tax difficulty in that county. He
proposes to make the United States
pay taxes to the county on all Omaha
and Winnebago lands.
The new building for the accommo
dation of the canteen at Fort Robinson,
which is now being erected, will be
20x30 feet in size and a storage cellar
20x24 feet has been dug, over which
the new building will be placed.
At a mass meeting held in Sidney,
resolutions were passed to the effect
that the appointment to the receiver
ship of the United States land office at
that place should be given to some per
son who is a resident of the district
. ....
Tipplers in the vicinity of Niobrara
Mills are becoming alarmed. Uncle
Sam is now running the saloon at the
fort and the poor civilian who wants a
drink has his choice of going to Valen
tine or enlisting in the regular army,
thereby gaining access to the "can
teen." The Illinois State Pair.
Chicago, Feb. la The Illinois state board
of agriculture is at work In earnest to make
the state fair of 1890 excel all those of pre
vious seasons. 1 The awards aggregate
nearly 926,000 in round numbers, and will
be made of the "single judge" system, a
departure from the old common style.
Trotting and pacing races will receive
"peotal attention and liberal purses will be
hung in this department There will be a
$5j0 purse for a trotcincr dash of two miles
and one of f300 for a pacing dash of one
and one-half miles. Intended as Induce
ments to breeders who have paid particu
lar attention to the development of endur
ance as well as speed.
Hamilton Ejected Speaker.
Dxs If onus, la., Feb. lft The democrats
in the house1 wanted time this morning to
consider the republican proposition made
yesterday, so adjournment was taken un
til 2:30 this afternoon.' The democrats at
once went into caucus. They decided to
accept the republican proposition il the
republicans would concede them two mere
committees. The republicans at 1:21 went
into caucus to consider the matter. '
The democratic caucus asked the repub
licans, in addition to conceding two com
mitteeB, to give up 'the assistant' post
masters, two doorkeepers and eo grossing
clerk. The republicans answered that they
could make the modifications desired and
present them to the republican caucus as a
give or take proposition, and the republi
cans would bind themselves to accept one
Bide or the other.
When the house was called to order at
2:30 a recess of an hour was taken to give
the democrats time to consider the matter.
. After the announcement that the demo
crats had accepted the republican preposi
tion there was a scene of great activity in
the house. ' A general let ling of relief pre
vailed. Up to date, in the five weeks and
three days of the session, ninety-one b Al
lots have been taken on temporary clerk,
and 136 on speaker.
When the house reassembled at 4 o'clock
adtournment was taken until 7:3iX The re
publicans immediately went into caucus
to nominate persons to fid vacancies on
the the ticket i and determine what com
mi t tees they would have.
At the evening session Luke introduced
a resolution embodying the terms, of the
agreement. On motion, of Beer (dem.),
seconded by By era (rep), the resolution
was unanimously adopted.. On the one
hundred and thtrty-Beventh roil call Ham
ilton " dem ) was unanimously elected
speaker. Chuttley of Mills and Johnston of
Dubuque, members who were in the dead
lock tf 1874, were appointed a committee
to escort the permanent, speaker to 1 the
chair. - The oaths of office were adminis
tered, and after a few remarks Hamilton
announced the duties of his ofhee. The
election of the remainder of the officers
was proceeded with, resulting as follows:
Speaker pro tern, Silas Wilson; chit f
clerk, Henry S. Wilcox; first assistant, W.
B. Bobb; engrossing clerk. Miss Olive Con
ger: enrolling cltrk, Miss Luoy Parsons ;
sergeant-at-arms, 8. P. Zenor; bill oierk.
Miss Kittle Jordan; file clerk, E. E. Stover;
doorkeeper, B. O. Sheldon. The officers
were sworn in and the rules of the Twenty
secoird general assembly were adopted
until the rules can be reported upon. A
joint resolution calling for a Joint session
tomorrow to convass the vote tor governor
and lieutenant governor was adopted. Ad
journed. In the senate this afternoon Horsh intro
duced a joinu resolution asking for the ap
pointment of a commission to investigate
trusts - and combinations. Wooleon pre
sented the report . of : the committee on
rules, f It was placed on file and will be
acted upon 1 tomorrow. Petitions on the
senatorial question were introduced. Ad
journed. i "1 ' " '
; J Female. Suffragists.
Washington, Feb. 18. The twenty-second
annual convention of the national Ameri
can woman's suffrage association opened
at Lincoln music hall today. Mrs. E iz v
beth Cady Stanton, the president, called
the convention to order and gave a long
and interesting sketch of the woman suf
frage movement, in which she predicted
that within ten years women would be
voting in very state in the union. Re
ferring to her going abroad Mrs. 8 San ton
said tnat in going to England as the presi
dent of tbe association she felt it a gx eater
honor than if she had been sent as minister
plenipotentiary to any court in Europe
Mrs. Stanton, at the conclusion of her ad
dress. Introduced her daughter, Mrs.
Blatch, who gave an account of the woman
suffrage movement In England. William
Dudley Foulke of Indiana followed in a
long address on crimes against the suffrage
crenerally, earnestly and forcibly pleading
for suffrage to women.
At the eveninsr session - Miss Susan B.
Anthony presided. The ball was well filled
with spectators, mainly of the weaker sex.
Mrs. Isabella Beecher Hoeker - made a
speech and told of the difficulties experi
enced in pushing the couse in Connecticut,
her native state. Mrs. Mry Seymour
Howell of Albany. N. Y., and Mrs. Laura A.
Chant of Xagland also made speeches.
Story of the Crime.
Washington, Feb. lft The report of
United States Marshal Mlselle of Florida
regarding the recent killing of Deputy
Marshal Saunders at Qaincy, that state,
was made public today. It is substantially
the same as the story given in these dis
patches the night of the killing, being in
substance that Saunders was invited out
to arive by two men named McFarland and
Mitchell, the former of whom he had be
fore had trouble with over the eerving of
writs. In the afternoon Mitchell brought
back Saunders' dead body, but would make
no statement as to who aid the killing be
yond saying that it was not himself. Mo
Farlajd had disappeared. Mlselle had
heard in the mernmg the report that an
attempt would be made to kill some of tbe
party, and bad warned Saunders not to go
out. After tbe murder he received intima
tion that it would be well for himself and
Langford to leave town and they did so
that night. The attorney general said this
afternoon that no steps will be taken In
the iratter until the president returns from
Allegheny City.
It Was Simply Treason.
Boston, Feb. lft Joseph Cook devoted
himself to the southern question again
las! evening and among other things he
said: " "An eloquent southern orator, in a
misleading and almost treasonable speech,
recently carried a Boston audience off its
feet, though he asserted that if you fill
every election district with federal
soldiers the south will yet find means to
nullify the fourteenth and fifteenth amend
ments. For one I think Boston ought not
to cheer treason. (Great applause. Mr.
Grady was a man of genius, and be Is in
his grave, but his principles are not in
their grave, and therefore I take occasion
to say that since a southern senator threat
ened to call the roll of his slaves on Bunker
Hill, nothinc has been said much more
atrociously intu'Mng to northern senti
ment than the affirmation of a southern
orator before a Boston audience that even
if the nation were to put forth its whole
military power, the south would yet tram
ple on the newest paragraphs of the con
stitution, (Applause) lb is calling the
roll of slaves on the loftiest eminence of
another political history on tbe heights
of the constitution itself and the slaves
are those who cheer such treasonable sen
timents." (Great applause.)
A Sticky Combine.
Cincinnati, Feb. 18. A National starch
manufacturing company hat been inoor-
Iiorated in Covington, under the Kentucky
aw. The company embraces all starch
factories in the United States to the num
ber of thirty, with the possible exception
of one.
4.- ml 1 ).',, .";.j ; J ,,;
Tne Senate.
Washtnoton. Feb. 14. In the senate to
day a number of bills were passed: includ
ing the following: A house bill for the re
lief of sufferers by the wreck of the United
States steamer at Samoa; a bill appropriat
ing 25,000 for the relief of tne Sioux In
dians at Devil's Lake agency. N. D. ; provid
ing for an assistant secretary of war at a
salary of 4,500; for the relief of soldiers or
bailors who enlisted or served under as
sumed names; to prevent the obstruction
ct navigable waters and to protect public
works against trespass; to provide for the
disposal of the Fort . Sedgwick military
reservation in tbe states of Colorado and
Nebraska to actual settlers under the pro
visions of the homestead law; appropriate
lng tl00,0(0for a public building ac Eau
Claire; to prevent the introduction of con
tagious diseases from one state to another;
a concurrent resolution for international
arbitration. Tbe bill to deolare unlawful
trusts and combinations in restraint of
trade and production having been reached
on tbe calendar, it was laid aside for the
present, Alltogether there were sixty bills
passed. ,. 1 ' .
After an executive session the senate ad
journed. Washington, Feb. 17 Dawes presented
over 240 petitions from Massachusetts stat
in that more than 800,000 gallons of intox
icating liquors are annually exported from
United 8tates to Africa, demoralizing the
people there and being detrimental to all
legitimate commerce with that people and
praying that under that section of the con
Btitution whloh authorizes congress to reg
ulate commerce with foreign na ions tha'
that sort of thing shall be stopped.. He
asked that the petitions be referred to the
committee on education and labor and ln
mKAd thn earefnl consideration of the
committee on the subject.
. unanuier preseoieu . several . pbuuum
from Mississippi complaining of the sup
pression of the republican vote of that
tttate, and representing that . the so-called
legislature of Mississippi had recently
enacted a law for establishing a new con
stitution for the state on the. 12th of
August, 1889, the same not to be submitted
to the people for ratification.
Washtnqtos, Feb. 18. In the senate this
morning, among the bills reported from
the committees and placed on the calendar
were the following: Making an appropri
ation for a deep water harbor at Galveston ;
to establish a port of delivery at Sioux City
la; appropriating 100,0(0 for a public
building at Grand Forks, N. D., and to pro
vide for the admission of Idaho into the
union. M-' K ;
Hale, from the conference committee on
the bill to require the superintendents of
census to ascertain the number of people
who own their far mi and homes and the
amount of the mortgage indebtedness
thereon, made a report recommending that
the house amendment be agreed to. - '
Piatt inquired whether the bill made all
farmers and' others who should be called
upon to answer questions as to their debts
supject to fine and . imprisonment if they
refused to answer. -
Hale answered that all census questions
were placed in the same category, but the
penalty did not include imprisonment, it
only extended to fine of S1U0. The confer
ence committee did . not think it wl to
make a discrimination between the differ
ent classes of questions. The conference
report was agreed to. ,
The House.
Wi shznqton , Feb. 14. Not more than two
dozen members were present when the
house met at 11 o'clock in continuation of
Thursday's sessioa. After several speeches
in opposition to the new code of rules, the
session of Thursday ended and that of
Friday began. ! '
Mr. Bynum of Indiana offered an amend
ment, providing that when any bill for the
increase of pensions or for the granting of
pensions not formerly provided for is
pending, it shall be in order to offer an
amendment, providing by taxation for the
payment thereof.
Mr. Thomas of Wisconsin opoosed the
amendment,declurlng that its object was
to bury all pension , legislation in the
Mr. Spinola of New York controverted
this proposition and asserted that th
democratic side of - the house would be
found true as steel to the real Interests of
the veterans of the country, but believed a
tax should be placed especially for paying
Mr. Allen of Michigan was glad that this
heinous amendment sprang from the brain
of a gentleman trained in Indiana politics,
belonginsring to that class of men who
were peace men in war and war men in
peace. This proposition, disgusting as it
might be, was Intended to thwart any at
tempt to alleviate the condition of soldiers
by any further pension legislation.
Mr. Clements of Georgia, in supporting
the amendment, expressed his belief that
the soldiers did not demand extravagance
in the granting of pensions.
Mr. Grosvenor followed Clements, and
stronsrly opposed the amendment, and on
vote it was rejected yeas 96, nays 164.
Mr. Outhwaite's motion striking out the
clause constituting 100 members a quorum
in committee of the whole was rejected.
He pointed out that rule 23, which reads,
"motions or propositions originating
either In the house or senate, eto would
by implication, and against the constitu
tion, acknowledge the right of ' the senate
to originate revenue bills. He mved an
amendment of this wbioh was adopted, the
speaker stating that there had been no in
tention on the part of the committee to
make such acknowledgement.
Motion by Mr. Crisp to strike out th
clause conferring upon the speaker the
power to count a quorum, and by Mr. Mills
to strike out the clause that no dilatory
motions be entertained by the speaker,
were lost
Five o'clock having arrived the speaker
stated that the previous question was or
dered on adoption of tbe rules. Mr.
Springer inquired whether a motion to re
commit witn instructions was in order,
and received a negative reply. The rules
were then adopted by a strict party vote
yeas, 161; nays, 145; and the house ad
ourned. Washington, Feb. 15. In the house today
the senate bill providing for the ascertain
ment of the mortgage indebtedness of the
country was taken up in the house and
amended so as to provide 1 ecaltle for any
person who refused to answer any ques
tions propoundeo. After considerable de
bate the bill rs amended was passed.
Eulogies to the memory of the late Hon,
Blobard Townsend of Illinois were then
listened to. Addresses were made by
Messrs. Holman, Hooker, Compten, Cutch
eon, Henderson of Iowa, McMtliao, Will
iams, Henderson of Illinois, Cannon, Iane
and Springer, and then as a mark of re
spect to the memory of the deceased the
house adjourned. '
Washington, Feb. J 7. After the reading
of the journal. Carlisle arose and said that
since the 29 Jh of January, His side of the
house had been protesting every morning
against the approval of the Journal, on the
ground that it contained the names of cer
tain members present and not voting.
Last Friday the house had adopted a code
of rules providing for such practice.
Against this the democrats had protested.
and would protest as an unconstitutional
practioe, But it was a question that could
not be decided in this house, and when
ever proper occasion arose it would go to
some other forum. -
It was the purpose of. this side of the
house to see that this occasion should be
made in such shape as would permit it to
be finally and decisively passed upon.
Washxxqtoit, Feb.lS. There was so ob
jection from the minority side of the house
this morning to the approval of yesterday's
journal. Saturday afternoon, M irch 1&.
was set apart for the delivery of the eulo
gies upon the late Bepresentatlve Kelley of
The house went into a committee of the
whole on the Oklohoma bilL The general
debate was limited to three and one-half
hours despite the appeal of Barnes and oth
ers for five hours time, and in retaliation
for the enforced limitation they called for
the reading of the original senate bill and
the house substitute, altogether fifty-nine
printed pages. One hour and twenty nun. -utes
was consumed In the reading and it
was 3 o'clock before 8truble of Iowa, took
the floor in support of the bill. ' He criti
cised the senate bill because it failed to in
clude all the Oveek and Seminole land pur
chased under the last administration. The
house bill embraced all of the territory not
occupied by the five civilized tribes. This
tract in area compared favorably with the
surrounding states. It was in the heart of
tbe country, well watered, with 1,300
miles of railroads. With business enter
prises, coal lands, agriculture, industries
and a population of 9),000 people. The
houe bill proponed to organize it into a
territory. The first part of the bill related
to the territorial officers and was similar la
that of the senate bllL- - For convenience,
six counties were to be established. Pro
visions were made for the establishment of
a supreme court and for the trial of caaea.
National banks could be ' established. No
Man's Land to be opened to settlement and
town sites to be reserved. 'A section of the
bill provides for the speedy settlement of
the controversy between the United States
and tbe etat of Texas respecting the
ownership of Green county. :
What might be called the second division
of the bill related solely to the Indian ter
ritory, exclusive of Oklahoma, and created
a supreme court and three district courts
to administer the law of Arkansas, so far
as applicable to that territory.
' The . committee rose before the debate
had concluded and the hous adjourned.
Enterprising Guatemala.
Chicago, Feb. 15. While in Chicago to
day A. M. Bannister, the civil engineer
who constructed the line of railway in
Guatemala from San Jese to Guatemala
City, said he had' Just received advices
from there to the effect that tho line is
soon to be completed to Port ' Barries, near
the mouth of the Mataqula river. This
means that Guatemala is to have a line of
railroad from ocean to ocean, which may
, seriously complicate the Nicaragua and
Panama canal projects. .. Trans-shipment
of freight across the country will save
many days and many en route from
New York to the western part of South
America A steamship line -from Tampa,
Fia, to Port Barries would sbortea the dis
tance still more. , Aooordlng to Ban n later,
the eighty miles already oullt is the meat
difficult part of the roadwsy.
A Pioneer Gone.
- Milwauaxk. Feb. 14 Christopher Latham
Sholep, one of the early settlers of Wiscon
sin and one of the , best known citizens of
Milwaukee, died yesterday. He gained a
national reputation as the Inventor of the
first successful typewriter. ' He was one of
the earliest of . western newspaper men ,
had been state senator, member of the as
sembly and held several federal positions.
His death resulted from slow consumption.
Disastrous Fire.
Wichita, Kan., Feb. 16. About 4 o'clock
yesterday morning J. .W. Kerr, a farmer
living twenty miles southeast of here, was
awakened and found his house on fire. He
was in the second story and on the lower
floor were his three children. Ii the dense
smoke he carried his wife to the window
and dropped her to the ground. Kerr fol
lowed her and found that the children had
perished. Everything was burned. Ha
put his wife in a carriage and took her two
miles to a neighbor's- They had only nig..t
clothes on an 1 tbe expure, it is feared,
will prove fatal to Mrs Kerr.
Tbe Treaty Ratified.
" Washington, Fab. 18. Th senate today
ratified the British extradition treaty. No
extradition is to be had for a political of
fense, nor shall any person surrendered by
either party be tried for any other offense
than the one for which he Is extradited.
The treaty does not apply to any crimes
committed beft re its ratification. The
discussion lasted two hours and two changes
of lmptrtanoe were adopted by the senate
The word "voluntary" was Inserted before
"manslaughter" thus limiting the degree
of that crime made extraditable. The par
agraph relating to the crime of obtaining
money or goods under fatso pretenses was
substantially modified, if not stricken out.
With these changes the treaty 1 said to
havo met the approval of the democratic
senators, and the vote in its favor is unler
etood to have been praotlcjUy unanimous.
Fatal Railway Collision.
MrrcHKLii, Ind., Feb. 14. The north
bound morning passenger train on tho
Louisville, New Albany & Chicago railroad,
collided with a freight engine two miles
norrh of here at 10 o'clock this morning.
W. EL Dlllard of Louisville, engine!, and
J. B. Gudingerot New Albany, fireman of
tbe passenjyrer eng'ne, were Instantly
killed, and Gnarles Wright mail agent of
Orleans, Ind., was fatally injured and died
in a short time.
Lincoln, Neb.
CATTLE Butchers steers. .12 50 ($3 0"
Cows 1 50 a3 OC
HOGS Fat 8 30 i3 5
Stock ers 8 00 S 2
SHEEP 3 00 C3 05
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 60 ( 65
OATS No 2 10 U 15
BYE No. 2 2b (ft 27
OOltN No. 4, new .; IS ( 19
FLAXSEED 1 02 (abl 04
APPLES ...perbbl 1 75 3 25
HAY P-airte, balk. 5 00 ( 00
; Ouaba, Neb.
CATTLE........ 3 20 (4 40
Cows 1 80 (cfj 00
HOGS Fair to heavy 8 90 (rk 00
Mixed . 8 90 (44 00
. Chicago, Iix.
CATTLE Prime steers 3 50 (34 b5
Stookers and feeders. ..... 3 00 (&2 00
HOGS Packing 3 90 (. M 05
8HKEP Natives .... 3 50 (45 00
L. Kansas Crrr, Ma
CATTLE Corn fed ........ .2 90 4 35
Feeders 1 60 3 15
HOG 8 Good to ohoioe 8 8U (4 11
Mixed m (4 00