The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 15, 1890, Image 1

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Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapest means of noti
fying subscribers of the date of their expira
tions we will mark thianotice with a blue "r
red pencil, on the dateVat which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration, if not renewed
by that time it will be discontinued.
Subscribe for the
-r.-r, -M- 00
Magnificent Premiums !
Tdk Alliance has been started as
the official organ of the Nebraska State
Farmers' Alliance. 1't lias already
taken a nigh place among the papers
of 'the country, and is gaining patron
age which promises to make it a bril
liant success.
It will be conducted SOLELY IN
its Editor, is Chairman of the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Farm
ers' State Alliance. He has had long
experience in newspaper work. He
will bring to his aid able men in differ
ent spheres of thought, and will make
Tiik Alliancjc one of the ablest pa
pers in the west.
MR. THOMPSON, the Associate Ed
itor, is Secretary of the Nebraska State
Tijb Alliance will be absolutely
in the discussion of all public ques
tions. It accepts no patronage from
railroads or corporations, and its edi
tors have no free passes. NO MONEY
THE ALLIANCE will be found in
the front ranks of the opposition to all
trusts and combinations to throttle com
petition, and extort from the producers
and laborers the lion's share of the fruits
. f their toil.
We shall advocate the free coinage
f silver the same as gold, and its re
storation to its old time place in our
The issue of all paper money direct
to the people on laud security, and an
increase of its volume proportioned to
increased production and population;
Government ownership of railroads;
TbeJU. S. postal telegraph;
The restriction of land ownership to
the users of land, and its reasonable
The exclusion of alien landlords;
The election of U. S. Senators by a
direct vote of the people;
And all other reforms which will
inure tothe benelit of the Farmer
and Working men.
Now Brother Farmers and Working
wen, it remains for you to prove that
the often-made assertion that you will
not stand by your own friends, is false.
"We appeal to ym for support. Give
as your support and we will give you a
grand paper.
Every member of the Alliance, and
evry Farmer, should make the suc
cess of this paper HIS OWN 1NDI
"We want an agent in every Alliance
in the North.
Tei nis, Sinole Subscriptions $1 .00 per
year, invariably in advance; or, Five
' yearly Subscriptions Four Dollars.
Canvassers wanted.
MIUM OFFER in our advertising
All kinds of Job Work
Promptly and neatly executed at rea
sonable prices. Particular attention
given to Alliance work.
Address, Alliam:e Pub. Co.,
Lincoln. Neb.
- Passenger Trains Collide.
Ehmikgham, A!& Feb.12 A collision oc
curred this morning, en the Alabama A
Great Southen near Coaling, Ala , between
a special excursion train earrring over a
thousand passengers and an accommoda
tion train. Engineer Doolittle was ins' an o
ly killed and some the or fifteen persons or
the accommodation were badly hurt, but it
is thousht none fatally. None of the paB
eergers of the excursion train, which was
en route to New Orleans, are reported
idled. They -were from Chicago and points
in Ohio and Illinois.
Bi Strike in Sight.
PiTTSBTTBa, Feb. 11. Patrick McBride, ex
secretary of the Miners National Progres
sive union and member- of the executive
iicard of the United miners, -who is in the
i-iry for the purpose of making arrarge
; ients for the annual conference with the
prators, says that unless the operators of
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois
s'gn the interstate scale the greatest coal
miners' strike aver seen in this country
will take place. This will make 75,000
Tii?riPTB idle. As the operators of Indiana
nd IUinoln have virtually refused to go
i into a conference, a strike seems probable.
Corn Hates.
Kansas Cmr, Mo. Feb; It The Missouri
Pacific has reduced the rate on grain about
ten per cent from all Kansas points to Chi
The Gazette says Nelson is in need
of a first-class hotel.
Stanton's loss, caused bv the recent
fire, is estimated at $46,450.
Farmers are daily thipping two or
three loads of corn from Nelson.
A boys branch of the Y M. C A.
has been organized at We ping Water.
Thu new town of Blanche in Chase
county, is attracting conbider&ble at
tention. .
An Omaha baker hs been arrested
for Helluig loaves of bread three-sixteenths
fehort in weight.
The contract has been let for the
building oi a combination iron bridge
over the Republican river two miles
west ot Alma. ,
The new Methodist church at St.
Paul was dedicated Suudy, Bishop
Newman of Omaha preaching the ded
icatory sermon.
The Scotia sehools have bnen pro
vided with a 11 ig, presented by the
ladies' relief erps. It was hoisted
with appropriate ceremonies.
Several leading citizens of Oxford
have tortned a society known as the
Ananias club. Seances ar held regu
larly and he society is growing rap
iJly. There are now twelve farmers' alli
ance organizations in Harlan county,
with a ii tmbership of 780, and two
more organizations will be made next
Oalvin L. Madison, who shot and
k'lled James Prideinore at Scotia last
November, was acquitted of the
charge of murder, the deed being done
in self defense.
The ice above the pontoon bridge at
Nebraska City gave away and in going
out it carried awy part of the bridge.
It will be several days before the beats
can be replaced.
News has been received at Ouiaha
irom Sr. Augustine, Fla., to the effect
that Right Reverend Bishop O'Connor
ih improving in health and the doctors
think he may yet recover,
. " -
In the Wilcox Van Der Voort Rise
water libel case at Om i ha, the judge
found sufficient evidence to bold the
three defendants to the district court
in the sum of $500 each.
The tlefunct Weeping Water Fair
association held a meeting the other
day, and by the unanimous vote of all
present it seemed to be the desire that
a fair should " be held at Weeping
Water next tall.
H. Wilson was brought into Alma
for stealing a team of horses from Har
vey Partington, and without a mo
ment's delay pleadad guilty to the
charge and was sentenced to five years
in the penitentiary.
Seventy-three of the G. A. R. posts
have reported delegates to be present
at the state encampment, February 19
and 20, and the total number from said
posts is 352, says the Grand Island
Independent. If this ratio be kept up
in the 300 posts, it will be seen that
the body will be the largest of the
kind ever held in the state.
Saturday it - became known that
Uncle Sam had cancelled twenty-seven
of the claims that formed part of the
Harlem Cattle company's extensive
ranch along the Frenchman, and on
Mc nday a small sized Oklahoma rush
for the land ensued. Several citizens
of our town being among the rushers.
By night we believe about eighty men
had either tiled papers or commenced
work on the claims. Imperial Repub
lican. Another carload of machinery ar
rived during the past week at Weeping
Water, and will be placed in the sew
ing machine factory. It consisted of
machinery, for working in steel and
brass and machines used in the manu
facture of safe locks.
The new $20,000 hotel at Stroms
burg is completed and ready for busi
A Horrible Story.
NewYobk, Fb. It An evening paper
publishes a dispatch from Paris, which
states that a cipher message has just been
received by a Russian refuge in that city,
dated December 28. which gives the de
tails of a horrible tragedy in the political
prison at Kara, ea9ern Siberia. Ndyda
Sibida, of noble birth and a teacher in the
high school at Moscow, was found last
year with revolutionary pa ers in her pos
session and sentenced to penal servitude.
Oa her arrival at Kara the woman soon at
tracted the attention of the director of tee
prison, who took an early opportunity to
insult her. Mme. Sihida boxed the ears of
the director, who in revenge bad her
stripped and flogged in the presence of all
the men in the i rison. Such an outrage
had not been perpetrated on a woman of
rank since the da s of Empress Catharine,
and the unfortunate was bo apprehensive
of further shame and torture tnat she com
mitted suicide the same day fry poisoniDg
herself. Several other female political
prisoners, fearful of receiving similar
treatment, on hearing of the terrible
event followed her example. A few miles
from the women's political prison at Kara
is that occupied by the male political con
victs, who on hearing of the tragedies re
volted en masse. The troops were called
out and awful scenes followed, tha shoot
ing and flogging nd torturing going on by
the wholesale. Up to this time the Ras
rian authorities have been able to sup
press all news of the occurrence.
Voted to Unseat Pendleton,
Washington, Feb. It The house com
mittee on elections by a strict party vote,
decided to recommend that the house un
seat Pendleton and seat Atkinson as repre
sentative from the First WeBt Virginia
A Postal Telegraph
Washington, Feb. It Postmaster Gener
al Wanamaker, before the house committee
on poBtrffices and postroads today, dis
cussed fully the proposition in his annual
report for the establishment by the govern
ment of a limited postal telegraph. He sub
mitted a plan providing for the lease by the
government for ten years of wires for car
rying on the business and for the delivery
of telegrams by carriers in the first delivery
following the receipt of the telegram. The
Fchcme, he insisted, was practical and free
from objections.
Wanamaker proposes a union of the post
and telegraph on a basis that would not
interfere to any appreciable extent with
any existing rights, but offer incalculable
sprvio to certain classes not now enjoying
the u-h of the telegraph to any large degree
He asked that he be directed to negotiate
and secure leaded wires such as the great
newsoapero have from city to eitv, cr bro
& ers and bankers have connecting their of
fices nnd different cities, that the public
m ght commmiicate through their business
ffii?es (poptnffic s) from city to city, or by
mS'ites dropped in their mail boxes. Tho
people had now, he continued, in their
business offices clerks who could soon learn
the trick of the machine, carriers whotrav
d over the same streets traversed by the
t"legrph boys, and stamps for payment
that dispenses with bookkeeping, land all
that was needed to bu Id up the seavlce
was the autnoritv aad wire. He declared
empnticaily that such a service was the
legitimate wor k of the poatofflce and the
Deople were right in stoutly demanding
t If graph facilities a postal stations. Wan
amaker then stated the provisions of the
bill. Notuing in the act shall be so con
etrue'1 an o prohibit any telegraph compa
ny from performing general business for
the public, as the same is now done. Pos
tal telegraph charges in any state shall not
xc 10 cents for mesaagt-s of twenty
words or leps, counting the address and sig
natures, nor over 25 cents for any distance
under 1,P00 miles, nor over 50 cents for any
greater d stance, the rates and rules and
regulations to be prescribed by tho post
mstr general. The bill also provides for
the establishment ef a sjetem of postal tel
esraph money orders at a rate not to ex
ceed double the rate now charged in addi
tion to the double postal telegram charge.
The Cotton Crop.
Washington, Feb. 10. The cotton returns
of the department of agriculture for Feb
ruary giv8 local estimates of the propor
tion of the crop which has left the planta
tion. The consolidation irakes 93.4 per
cent, leaving 9.6 per cent still to go for
ward, and aoout nine-tenths of the crop
has therefore been reported in sight or is
in small stocks unreported in the hands of
country merchants or in transit The
s at averages are as follows: Virginia
87, North Carolina 89, South Carolina 90,
Ueorvia 9 , Florida, 93, Alabama 90, Missis
sippi 91, L miaaa 89, Texas 93, Arkansas
90, Tennessee 87. 1
i he average date of close of picking is
about the same as last .'year in Georgia,
Mies fsippi, Louisiana and Tennessee. It
i earlier . in the . Carolinas, Florida and
Aikaiisus'atd later in Alabama and Texas.
he average of the country dates is
D cen b r 1, ranging from November to
J binary. The proportion of seed sold to
oil mi ls has been feund difficult to esti
mate, but is apparently not much
over 25 per cent tf tne crop. The largest
proportion reported is in Tonit-iana, fol
lowed by Georgia, Arkansas, Texas, Missip-t-ippi,
Alabama, and the Crrolinas. Tha av
erage state prices as consolidated are:
The Carolinas and Georgia, 18 cents per
bushel ; Tennesee, 17 center Florida, 16
cents; Alabama and Mississippi, 15 cents;
L uiMana, 14 cents; Texas and Arkansas, 13
cents. The returns of quality are very high
except in Virginia and North Carolina and
in Tennessee aad Arkansas. It is superior
in the states of the gulf coast.
The percent ere of lint from seed cotton
is as follows: Virginia 30, North Carolina
SIX, South Carolina S2 1-10, Georgia 32 1 5,
Fertda 32 3-10, - Alt bama 32$, Mississippi
M 3-10, Arkansas 32 1-15, Tennessee 22. The
damage by insects was greater in Arkansas
and Texas. In Florida, Alabama, Mississip
pi, Texas and North Carolina it was general
but less severe in Georgia and Soutn Caro--ina.
The loss from the boll worm was in
G -orgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas
greater than that from the catipillar.
A Substitute For Cotton.
Washington, Feb. 9. Botanist Porte of
th department of agriculture is of the
opinion that a process has been discovered
by which the remie plant can be made in
to cloth at such moderate cost that it will
soon become a dangerous rival to cotton.
"About a month ago," said Mr. Porta in
conversation on this subject, "information
reached this department that Mr. Thomas
Mabbett, a Providence manufacturer, had
succeeded in dolrg with ramie what hun
dreds, I might say thousands, had tried
and failed to do. That js, he had at small
cose woven ramie fibre into cloth. The
ramie fibre which he had thus succeeded
in weaving had been prepared by a pro
cess c iscovered by Mr. Charles Topham, a
chemist of ftalein, Ma8t Mr. Topham by a
secret formula had turned the fibre into a
substance for weaving. Mr. Topham it
weems had been experimenting with ramie
for years, lik a great many other men,
and only succeeded after innumerable
taiiured. I wrh ordered by the department
to go to N-w England and investigate the
discoveries ot .Messrs. Topham. and Mab
bett. I did so and what 1 saw convinced
me that the problem of the utilization of
ramie has at iaft been satisfactorily solved."
Chambeblatn, S. D., Feb. 10. The loud
report of a cannon this afternoon was the
signal for the boomers to enter the Sioux
reservation in accordance with the presi
dent's proclamation. Hundreds ef teams
with great loads of lumber started on a
dead run across the river, and the hundred
or more Indian police, placed as a guard to
prevent any premature invasion, stood
dazed and helpleBs as they viewed the
great and irresistible rush lor the reserva
lion. A most novel sight was the moving
of a laige buildii g, under which had been
placed many heavy timbers and wheels.
This, like the other wasons, was pnlled
across the river by galloping horses. There
were a number of smash- ups in the rush,
but as yet no fatalities have been reported.
Houses are being erected tonight by the
light of lanterns and the morning sun will
shide on a score of rew houses, many of
them grouped in the new town on the west
side of the river.
: A Job for Fifteen Hundred Men. '
Rosebueo, Ore. Feb. 9. It is estimated by
the Southern Pacific officials here that it
will take l,f 00 men one month to repair
the railroad track c'amaged by the flood be
tween here and Athland, a distance of
about one hundred and forty miles. Six
miles of track were carried out. ,
Reservation Opened.
Washington, Feb. 10. The president has
signed a proclamation opening the Sioux
reservation in Southern ' Dakota. He has
also issued an order establishing land of
fices at Pieire and Chamberlain.
... - i- -
The Senate 1 '
Washington, Feb. 7. As the Journal
clerk had been busy preparing the new
code "of rules for publication the journal
of yesterday's proceedings was not ready
for presentation to the house, but would
be later, therefore the usual contest for
the approval of the journal Jid not take
place. -. - '
The bill increasing the pension ot Gen
eral Daryea to 9100 per month was passed.
The senate bill was passed authorizing
the construction of a bridge across the
Missouri river between Douglas or Sarpy
county, Nebraska, and .Pottawottamie
county, Iowa. ' .
On motion of Gear of I ma the senate
bill was passed extending lor two yearsthe
time in which the bridge across the Missis
sippi river at Burlington. la., previously
authorized, may be conetru-jted.
Pending action on the bill appropriating
$25,000 for a monument for General Knox
at Thomas town. Me., the house adjourned
until Monday. f ; ,
Washtsgton, Feb. It At 1 o'clock the
senate resumed consideration of the bill to
provide a temporary government for Oklo
homa. .
' The pending question was the amend
ment offered yesterday by! Plumb to com
prise No Man's Land within the limits of
the proposed territory. ' Alter a lengthy
discussion the bill went over until tomor
row without action on the amendment. '
The following bills were proposed: The
senate bill appropriating z$ 100,000 for a
publio building at Burlington, la, and $100-
00 for a public building' at Beatrice, Neb,
The senate bill for the relief of certain set
tlors on pubdo lands was also passed. It
provides for the legalizing of land claims
filed during the vacancy in the land office.
. Among the bills introduced and referred
to the senate are the following:
By Edmunds-Establishing a publio school
system in Utah; also providing for the in
spection of meat for exportation, prohibit
ing the importation of adulterated articles
of food or drink, and authorizing the presi
dent to make a proclamation in .certain
cases"''-" - a
By Pierce To create an agricultural
commission to investigate the present de
pressed condition of the agricultural inter
ests of the country.
Washington, Feb. 12. The senate today
unanimously passed the resolution con
gratulating the people of Brezil on the for
mation of the republican form of govern
ment. '' ' ..
The resolution is in t':ese words:
"That the United States of America con
gratulates the people of Brazil on their
just and peaceful assumption of the pow
ers duties and responsibilities of self-government,
based on the free consent ot the
people, and their recent adoption of the
republican form of government." The
resolntion Inviting the ' king of the
Hawaiian islands to send a delegate to the
Pan-American congress was also passed.
At 12! 30 the Benate went in te executive
session.1'',' f. -'.-. '".',,,''; -
In executive session the senate finally
disposed of the nomination of Morgan to
be commissioner o2 Indian affairs. . The
case was discussed for .neatly five hours.
. The roll call on confirming- Dorchester's
nomination disclosed the lack of a quorum
and then the senate adjourned,
- The Mouse.
Washington, Feb. 7. As the journal
clerk had been busy (preparing the new
code of rules for publication, the journal
of yesterday's proceedings was not ready
for presentation to the house, but would
be later, therefore the usual contest for
the approval of the journal did not take
place. - , y
The bill Increasing the pension of Gen
eral Duryea to $100 per month was passed.
The senate bill was passed authorizing
the construction of a bridge acrosB the Mis
souri river between Douglas or Sarpy
county, Nebraska, and Pottawottamlo
county, Iowa.
On Motion of Gear of Iowa . the senate
bill was passed extending for two years the
time in which the bridge across the Missis
sippi river at Burlington, la., previously
authorized, may be constructed.
fending action on tho bid appropriating
$2:i,000 for a monument for General Knox
at Thomas town, Ma, the house adjourned
until Monday. : ' : .
Washington, , Feb.' 10. The . journal of
Thursday's proceedings was read and al
though the democrats did net demand the
reading of that document they insisted up
on a yea and nay .Vote on its appovaL It
was approved yeas, 149; nays, 1; the speak
er counting a quotum.
Connor of I linois, reported from the
committee on rules the new code of rules,
and the house proceeded to con aider them.
Cannon explained the provisions of the
code. He critiBizedthe rules that previous
ly governed the house. In last congress,
he said, the business of the people wasp.led
up on calendars and not 5 per cent ot that
bueinees had been considered by the house.
Almost as much time had been given to the
obstruction of the minority as to the con
sideration of the business of sixty millions
of people. He defended the proposed
change prohibiting the speaker from enter
taining dillatory motions. He denied that
the proposed rule was tyranlcal, but if it
was, then it was sustained by a majority of
the house. . Discussing the rule permitting
the speaker to count a quorum, he eaia,
that it the democrats wanted to go to the
country as against tne principle contained
iu the rule, toe republicans were ready to
meet them aud let tne people chooee. Can
non then . proceeded to review the other
changes in tne code, maintaioing their cor
rectness and arguing uaatthtlr effect would
be to facilitate the iran&actisn of the busi
ness of the people.
Milis cf Texas said the proposed code
would revtrse legislative action and run
back upon the track upon which the gov
ernment had been running forward for a
cen ury. It was founded upon the propo
sition that the minority had no rights The
great object of the government as pro
claimed by the declaration of independence
was to secure inalienable rights to the citi
zen. The mineiity had asked for rules, but
tor rules whicti, while providing . for the
procedure of business, would preserve and
protect the rights of tie minority.
Bayne of Pennsylvania j aBtified the com
mittee on rules in bringing in the proposed
code, arguirg that it would facilitate the
tratsacuonof business and prevent the
minority f rum nullify irg t tie will of the
majority of the representatives of the
Blount of Georgia mde argument in op
position to the proposed rules, dwelling
with special antagonism upon the clause
making 100 memoers a quorum in commit
tee of the whole. -
: Pending discussion the house adjourned
Washington, Feb. It After discussing
the adoption of the rules agreed upon in
caucus the house adjourned without any
definite result. '' v, : ,
Washington, Feb 12. The house met at
11 o'clock this morning in continuation of
yesterday 's session. The" debate on the
proposed code of rules was continued with
great spirit by both parties and the dis
cussion was kept up tid late in the after
noon, when the house . took a recess, to
meet at 8 o'clock in the evening, when tfce
discushioa was continued till 11 o'clock,
though no agreement twas reached, and
the house adjourned.
- A Disgraceful Occurrence.
Ottawa, Feb. 11 Tonight the city of
Hull, across the OStawa river from here,
was the scene ot one of the most disgrace
ful riots ever cronlcled in Canada. A
small band of protestant evangelists irtra
Ottawa were attacked by a howling mob
of nearly two thousand French Canadians,
who were armed with revolvers, shotguns,
sticks and stones. Five persons were
wounded, three seriously. It appears that
the evangelists, some twenty in number,
including four or five ladles, some time
ago announced tha. they would hold evan
gelical services in Hull, which is inhabited
almost entiroly by French Roman Cath
olics. They were warned that serious
would result, but in spite of the warning
visited that city this evening and began
religious services in a small mission hall.
- In another portion of the dry a cro vd of
the roughest characters in the city congre
gated and marched through the n reels,
armed with, revolvers, shot guns and all
kinds of missiles. The crowd increased in
numbers with great rapidity until tbey
reached the street In front of the mission
hail, where over I,0u0 of the infuriated
crowd bung about the building, swearing
vengeance ou the little band inside. Th
police were powerless to suppress the
mob. The mayor and two aldermen who
tried to addrens the crowd were stoned
and severely in jured.
The appearauce of one of the evange
lists at a window was the signal for a
shower of stones. Doors and windows
were demolished and the howling mob
rus. ed in, firing their revolvers as they
went. Six of the evangelists, includir.g
two ladies, were seriously it not fatally
injured. The remainder escaped through
a back window and beat a hasty retreat to
Ottawa. The outrage has created tremen
dous xsitement here and the prompt ac
tion of the police alone prevented an
armed force of prominent, citizens of this
city from wreaking vengeance on thb
French Canadians. The matter will be
brought up la parliament tomorrow. Tne
militia have orders to turn out at a mo
ment's notice to prevent farther trouble.
To Be Reviewed.
Springfield, I1L, Feb. 7. The famous
case which culminated in the hanging of
the anarchists, is to be taked before the
United States supreme court , to review.
Lawyer Solomon, of Chicago, who has
been identified with the ease from the be
ginning, has been working for a long time
to get Neebe, Fielden and Schwab out of
the penitentiary. When he returned to
Chicago last night, he carried with him an
order from the chief justice of the su
preme court granting a writ of error from
the United States supreme court to the su
preme court of Illinois, for the purpose of
allowing the ease to again go before the
court for re vitw. The lawyer's contention
is that the prisoners were deprived of
their constitutional right by not being per
mitted to be present when the court passed
sentence upon them. The ease will come
up for hearing at Washington during the
October term of court.
Dakota Ixttery,Blll. f
Bismarck, N. D.,Feb. 9 In the 'house
yesterday 1,434 persons presented petitions
against the lottery bill, while 1,878 others
indorsed it. A resolution was introduced
and adopted for the appointment of a com
mittee to investigate the rumors of bribery
in connection wita the bilL The lottery
bill did not reach its second reading and
was not referred, whtchdeiay is weaken
ing. There are not two-thirds for it in the
house and Seiiatoi Winship, the. leader of
the opposition claims three accessions to
the senate minority, making eleven in that
body, a sufficient number to defeat its pas
page over the governor's veto. .
Gobbled by a Starch Trust.
DxsMorsEB, la Feb. 9. The two starch
factories at this place have been sold to a
syndicate that has bought with one excep
tion all the starch factories id the country.
The Gilbert starch works, the larger of the
two. is sold for $500,000. The Sleeper
starch works sells for $12 ),000. It is under
stood that the purchasers are backed by
English capital and the factories will be
controlled by the trust. It is probable that
one and possibly both of the factories will
be closed. The Gilbert factory has done a
business of $500,000 annually and employs
over one hundred hands. It has been
owned heretofore chiefly by Buffalo par
ties. The 3Ieeper factory is a new institu
tion controlled by DetMoines people and
employs fifty hands.
Only Two Ballots Taken.
Des Moines, la., Feb. 11. In the house
only four pairs were announced, and a re
cess was taken to allow the republicans
time to consider the democratic proposi
tion. No ' conclusion was reached and tne
house was called together again in an
boar. The roll began, the vote standing 46
to 46. Only two ballots were taken. A res
olution was adopted author a ing the tem
porary speaker to certify mileage and lipt
the employes and the house adjourned.
Bith parties at once went into caucus.
In the senate resolutions on prohibition
and railway legislation, and one irom the
Farmers' Alliance at Neola, asxlng the
election of Allison, were introduced.
An Entire Family Drowned. .
Kingston, N. Y., Feb. 9 The our chil
dren of Jacob Slater were skating on the
lake at Binnewater, about six miles from
here, this afternoon, when the ice, which
was but a few inches in thickness, gave
way and the little ones were precipitated
into the water. Their shouts were heard
by the members of the family, who live
near by, and the father and mother rushed
to the rescue. By the time they had
reached the lake tha four children had dis
appeared beneath the ice. The mother,
frantic with the thought of her drowning
children; rushed upon the ice, which gave
way with her weighs and she sank beneath
the surface. Mr. Slater then attempted to
reach his wife and he too was drowned.
The entire familyjs wiped out Of existene.
Tonight hundreds of people are gathered
about the lake searching for the bodies.
All Sorts of. Preacbers.
Des Moines, Feb. 9. The legislature Is no
reepector of persons in the matter of devo
tions. It invites clergymen of all creeds
and colors and sexes to pray for it. It has
had for chaplain men preaohers, women
preachers, negro preacbers, and an Indian
preacher. The latter, who officiated a few
days ago, is a full blooded D srr Indian.
Hisrameis Peter O. Matthews. ' He has
had quite a career. During tha, rebellion
he served in the Union army us a member
of the Fortieth Iowa infantry. AfDex the
war he was an Indian scout for the. regular
army and went through several memorable
campaigns on the plains. Then he became
converted and began. to work for an educa
tion. He went through an Iowa college,
been me a minister, and for several years
has been a teacher in Indian ec ools. He
lived for many years ii? Marion county, and
coming here on a visit the other day he
visited the legislature and was invited to
pray for the statesmen. From a Digger
Indian In California to chaplain of the
Iowa legislature is quite a large step even
in these rapid times.
London, Feb. 9 At today's mass meet
ing of dock laborer, called for the pur
pose of oonider nj the question ef a
strike, John Barns, who successfully man
aged the former strike, urged that the men
delay action until tho dockers' nnlon Is
strong enough to enforce a demand for an
additional penny an hour. Instead of strik
ing now on a question of the employers'
bad faith. Bums' advice will doubtless
have great weght with the men.
Pabis, Feb. 9 Counsel for the Dae
DOrlans will argue that the new recruit
ing law abrogates the claune of the expul
sion act which foibade members vt xh
former royal families from entering the
array, and that the duka is therefore tot
liable to any penalty for his action.
' i
Berlin, Feb. 9 The Emperor William U
about to fend' Captain Piueskow to Con
stantinople with twenly-frur drums una
pr senc to the sultan. ' Huheno drums
have been unkr own in the Otconiau army.
Pabis, Feb. 9. The rq ht of the Duo
D'Orlesns to be remanded m order to have
time to prepare his tie etise is believed to
have epoilet hi criano tor purdou. Hi
proper course, it is said by hi adhervrt,
would hav b-en to allow a huuiuirry til
position of the case.
A Fraudulent Penaion.
Cincinnati, O., Fab 1C AxHistaac Ua;vd
States Attorney Harry Probanoo has gone
to Garden, O., to investigate a case of
fraudulent pei.slon that rests upon very
curious circumstances. S mo time ago s
pesion was granted to Nannie Smith be
cause she was the widow of soldier. Nut
long ago it came to the ears of the district
attorney that this same Nancy Smith was
not the widow of the soldier, but had been
divorced from him for many years before
his death. Mrs. Smith was at onoe called
to time. She denied absolutely that sue
had been divorced frem her husband. Tueu
the records were searched and the decree
of divorce was found and she
was confronted with it. Then she
made a curious - statement, which re
sulted ii the present Investigation.
She said that her husband was a
worthless iellowand was wasting her prop
erty in disslppallon. She consulted with
lawyers and tney In some way enabled her
to administer the property as a single wo
man, She ti ought it mlgtit be possible
that they haa obtained a divorce for her
without her knowledge. Sae remembered
of testifying in court to the character of
her husband and to his treatment of her,
but of any talk of divorce she had no o rec
ollection. A- proof of this she states that
she lived on witn this man iwhcm she sup
posed to be her bmband, keeping him as
straight as possible and treating him In
every way as her husband
This case is probably without a para' I el
in the records ot pension cases which eon
tain many curious things. The question is
whether the government will be able to
prose cut elts case and obtain the money
which has already been paid out if the wo
man's story is found credible, which is
more than probable.
The Color Lrfne.
Washington, Feb. 10 The victory of the
plate printers In their fight against the
introduction of Bteam presses into the
bureau of engraving and printing last sum
mer has spade them very saugutne and they
have now undertaken another crusade
which seems likely to result In a general
strike and perhaps the temporary suspen
sion of business in that Institution". The
administration is placed in a position
where it must either recognize the color
line in the government service er offend
the printers' union. An octoroon named
France 8 Flood, from Buffalo, who is de
scribed as a very pretty aud genteel girl of
twenty or twenty ne years, who was for
merly a school teacher, passed the best ex
amination before the civil service commis
sion and was certified to the superintend
ent of the bureau of engraving and print
ting with two other gins to nil vacancies
among the plate printers' assistants. Their
duties are to lift the sheets of bond and
bank note paper to ana from the printing
presses and tney stand all day beside the
printers. For this service they receive $45
a month. No colored girl was ever before
assigned to this work although there are
several among the "countesses" as the
women who count the sheets are called.
The printer to whom she was assigned, a
man named Johnson, refused to accept her
and was dismisited from the bureau by
Superintendent Meredith with the ap
proval of Secretary. Windom. She was then
assigned to another printer named Levy,
who also declined to receive her, ana im
mediately tendered his resignation on the
ground tra he would not work with a
"nigger." His resignation was not accepted,
but he was likewise dismissed. That lfii
no other vacancy, but the girl is still on
the rolls and will be ass'gned to duty when
ever a vacancy occurs.
Yesterday tne executive committee of
the printer' union called upon Superin
ter cent Meredith and Secretary Windom
and made a formal demand for the privi
lege of seieo ing their own helpers, which
was denied fur obvious reasons. Tills
branch of the service is under the civil
service commission and vacancies have to
be filled according to the law, like all other
positions in the executive department.
They did not raise the, question of color,
but simply insisted on choosing their own
assistants, and were willing to select from
any number of candidates certified by the
commission. The secretary declined to
yield and the printers' union held a meet
ing last night at which the executive com
mittee was intr acted to draft a formal
protest and given power to take such ac
tion as in their discretion was proper In
the case. The department declined to
accede to their demands. The printers
will nut say what the action will be, but it
ts well understood that if the secretary of
the treasury declines, as he must do, a
strike will be ordored.
He Gets Two Years.
Pabis, Feb. 1?. Duo de Orleans, son of
the count and countess of Paris, arrested
last week on the charge of violating the
law extlirg from France all pretenders to
the French throne, was today adjudged
guilty and sentenced to two years impris
onment. '
The court room was crowded with spec
tators who had gathered to watch the pro
ceeding. When the prisoner was arraigned
the crowd broke out with loud cries for the
army, Duo of Orleans and the republic.
T.,ey became so de-nonstratlvs that the
gendearms were compelled to clear the
Before judgement was announced the
duke addressed the court in his own be
half. He said: "I came to France to serve
as a cemmon soldier. I have nothing to do
with politics, which only concerns my
father, whose obedient and faithful servant
1 8m. I know that by entering France I
rendered myself liable to the law. but that
knowledge did not stop me. I love my
country and wish to serve her. I am guilty
of no crimo."
Strange and Fatal Disease.
Ulair dispatch: J. S. Stewart, a
prominent bnnnees mau of this place,
has a large farm just outside of the
city limits. For the last two or three
weeks he has been troubled with his
cows dying off. .He has now lost
twenty-one head. The disease seems
to be confined to cows and heifers with
calf, although steers running with tho
eviws in the same yard and eating tho
sme kind of food are not affected.
Mr. Stewart has tailed to find a veter
inary yet, who can tell what the couso
of the disease is, or what tho disease
is. He has not Wen able to cure a
ose after they hd once got sick. For
the benefit of the other farmers Mr.
Stewart gives the symptoms of the
disease as follows: The first indica
tion is noticed by the animal's tail
twitching and jerking. After a while
they rub their hips and lick their hind
legs. After a while, as they grow
worse, thuy will bite their hind lgs
and tear the skin off. Ho is feeding
his well cows some powders as a pre
ventative, but whether it will do any
good remains to be seen. Other
farmers will do well to watch their
cattle carefully for the symptoms de-seriled.
Attempted Royalist Uprising-.
Pabis, Feb. t By prompt action the gov
ernment today ninped In the bad what wan
apparently Intended t be a oonp 'd etat
modelled after Louis Napoleon's mad de
scent on Boulougne, and the only oonse
quenoe is that the Duke ot Orleans, eldest
soa of the Count of Paris, Is tonight In
custody. The duke arrived In Paris today
bearing a letter written and signed by the
Count de Paris, announcing to the faithful
and to all others the count's abdication. Ho
also had him a manifesto addreisud
to the people of France. Nominally, ivn4
according to the theory ef the pretenders,
a pretender is always a king, and there
fore, in virtue of the abdication ot all
claims, rights and titles descend to his
eldest son, the yo'ing gentleman now In
1 he hands of fi authorities, Phillip! Louis
Robert, Duke D' Orleans. This gen tl em in
is therefore not merely one of the mnr
vagrant princes, but aa actual pretender
to the throne in virtue to his claims as the
heir of the old Bourbon line. His coming
into the country In violation of the law
banishing all heads and direct heirs of the
reigning family ts a rah escapade, if It
stands alone. The fact that he was equip-
Ed with an appeal to the nation shows
is intention, and may make the escapade
serlsus for him.
Refused to Oo to Work.
Libahix, Wyo., Feb. It The colored
miners who were brought from the east to
work In the Union Paclflo coal mines at
Dana have refused to go to work. Thirty
of them went east this morning and the
remainder of the 400 will follow them.
They are union men and claim that the
mat'er of wages was misrepresented to
them by one Clapson. the agent who
brought them here, and at one time their
altitude toward him Was quite threaten
ing. The miners claimed tnat he prom
ised 80 cents a ton before the coal was
screened, but that the coal wit screened
before being weighed, and they could
average scarcely $1 a day. O apson de
nies taathe promised them 80 cents oa tho
conditions claimed. It Is said that the
railroad pays more at Bock Springs and
Carbon than it is willing to pay at ' Dana.
The white miners nearly all lf t there on
aooount of dissatisfaction. Many of the
colored miners are reported to be in desti
tute circumstances.
It is reported here that the Hopkins
mine at Back Springs has been sold . to
Omaha parties for $15,000.
Statement ef Finances.
Topeka, Kas., Feb. 12 Judge Sutton, re
ceiver -of the defunct Tooeka Insurance
company, has filed a report which shows
that the liabilities of the company are
f24,C60, The assets are $22,000, but tbey
consist of notes whloh are deemed practi
cally worthless. The report further states
that when President Hlnes and Secretary
Fuller made their annual report to Secre
tary Wilder they manipulated the figures
in such a way that the concern appeared
solvent when 11 was in debt. In swearing
to these false reports Hin"s and Fuller are
liable to imprisonment and warrants have
been Issued ior their arreut.
Ity the breaking of a scaffold at the
Grand Island beet sugar factory,
Steve Oostello and four other work
men were injured. Henry Schlnter
and Otto Springate will probably die.
"A Kearney merchant is making his
competitors green with envy by exhib
iting a wine glass which he claims was
once the property of Napoleon the
Maisland wants a first-class shoe
maker to locate there.
The court house bond election in
Fillmore county has been postponed
on account of an error made in tho
wording of the original notice.
Shut Down.
Ashlasd, Pa., Feb. It The Philadelphia
& Beading company's North Ashland col
liery shut down indefinitely today, throw
irg five hundred men and boys out ot em
ployment THIS MARKETS.
' Lincoln, Neb
CATTLE Butchers' steers.... $2 00 a 8 00
Cows 1 50 a 1 75
HOGS Fat 3 On a 3 1TJ
Stackers 3 00 a 8 25
WHEAT No. 2 spring 60 a 65
OATS N. 2 12 a 16
RYE No. 2 25 a 27
CORN No. 2, new 17 a IS
FLAXSEED 1 00 a 1 02
POTATOES 13 a 2)
APPLES Per febl 1 75 a 2 15
HAY Prairie, bulk 3 50 a 4 50
i Omaha, Nkb.
CATTLE...;....... .....$3 20a 4 40
.Cows 1 50 a 2 00
HOGS Fa'x to heavy 3 50 a 8 75
Mixed 325a350
Chicago, Zu.
CATTLE Prime steers.. $3 80 a 4 80
Stockers and feeders 1 90 a 3 15
BOGS Packing 1 50 a S 75
SHEEP Natives 3 00 a 5 80
WHEAT...... TtX