The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 08, 1890, Image 1

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    i u i iii iii jx i r a mw i v
NO. 34.
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest .Tid cheapest means of nrttt-Tving-
sub8cribersof the date of their expira
tions we will mark this notice with a blue r
red pencil, on tfce date at wbich their srf
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeksafter'expiratlon. If rrt renewed
by that time it will be discontinue.
Subscribe for the
Magnfflcent ftenramsl;!
; oo . :
Tira Reliance has been started ;3
the official organ of the NebraskaiState
Farmers' Alliance. It ihas already
taken :a bigh place among the papers
of tbe country, and is gaining patron
age which promises to make ita-bcil-liant-
. It Trill be conducted -SGEjELTY 'IN
its 'Editor, is Chairman df 'the 'Ex
ecutive Committee of be ilarm
ers': State Alliance Be 'has had long
experience in newspaper work. lie
Trill' bring to his aid blermei.-ingiffcr-Bt?pheres
of thought, and will nake
Tim .'Alliance one -of Abe .ablest, pa
per in the west.
ME. THOMPSON, the Ansoehvte' Editor,-is
Secretary of the Nebraska State
TPhe Alliance will Sse -abwftfntely
in the discussion of all publi; i ques
tions. It accepts no patronage! from
raiiroads or corporations, and its 'edi
tors have no free passes. NO MONEY
THE ALLIANCE will be found in
the front ranks of the opposition to, all
trusts and combinat ions to throttle com
petition , and extort from the producers
and laborers the lion's share f tbeii uits
f their, toil. - --
We sliall advocate the free .coinage
f silver the same as gold, and its , re
storation to its old time place in .our
The issue-of all paper money (direct
to the people on laud security, and au
increase of its volume proportioned .to
increased production ami population;
Government ownership of railioaJ;
The tI..S.i postal telegraph;
The restriction of land ownership to
the users .of .Land, and its reasonable
The ex-elusion of alien landlords;
The election of U. S. Senators by a
direct votef tthe people;
And all .other reforms which will
iauie to the .benefit of the Farmer
and Workiugmen.
Now Brotliex Farmers and Working
men, it remains for you to prove that
the often-made assertion that you will
sot stand by yoair-own friends, is false.
"We appeal to j.m for support. Give
us your support and we will give you a
grand paper.
Every member -of the Alliance, and
every Farmer, should make the suc
cess of ibis paper IlLB OWN 1NUI
We want an agent ui every Alliance
in the North.
Terms, Sinale Subscriptions $1.00 per
year, invariably in advance; or, Five
yearly Subsections Four Dollars.
Canvassers wanted.
MIUM OFFER in our advertising
All kinds of Job Work
Promptly and neatly executed at rea
sonable prices. J 'articular attention
given to Alliance work.
Address, Alliance Pub. Co.
Lincoln. Neb.
A Socialist Riot.
Bseltx, Feb. 4. During the socialist
electoral meeting at Staasfurt wMle Dep
uty Heine was speaking, an overflow from
the meeting- collided with the police and a
free fight followed. Krives and stones
were used. The police fired with blank
catridges without effect Bail oatrir?ges
were then nsed. and one woman was killed
and several wounded. A number of police
were stabbed
The Work of Tramps.
Decatub, Ind., Feb. 4. Twenty-one
tramps met in this city Sunday, ordered
meals at a restaurant and, after they bad
eaten, compelled the proprietor to accept
10 cents as payment in full. They then
made their way beyond the city limits and
camped. Yesterday a posse from Wiltshire,
O , a tewn about ten miles east of here
come i j quest of the persons who had
Sax urn ay night burglarized several stores
zX that ilftcj. Among those in posse were
Joiin t.imn, a clothier, who had several
suite of clothes stolen, and a hardware
merchant who had been robbed of about
wenty-nve revolvers and a lot of car
tridges. On visiting the camp. Seaman ob
served that his missing clothing was worn
by several of the tramps. On attempting
to arrest them thev produced the stolen
revolvers and defied the police. P nallv
three of those wearing the stolen clothes
were captured. No one was injured in the
fight except Policeman Smith, who receiv
ed a plight wound on the bead. Eighteen
of the tramps escaped.
That Swamp of Death.
JfilKClirleton in Harper's Veelly, Sept 17,
Yes,fo's straight and true, good preacher-, w
-'ry word that you have said;
Do"?ot think these tears unmanly ;t)beyre
.tltie first that I have hed.
Bd5t they kind of prespod and pounded eti my
achinjr heart and brain.
'Jtaed they would not be let -pa of, &tk1 they
gave me extra paim. ' .
jllPm an ignorant day worker work for oofi
; and raps and sleep
!-And I hardly know be rtj?t -oT fl5ke life vwe
slave to keep.
J v r,-
''But I know when days re cbeiry, or ray
J heart is made of lead
I know sorrow when I ee it raifl I'knowmy
i . child is dead. - . - . . . - r
No, she isn't much to look t, sst a :jtlsfinish
bit of clay, '
Of the sort of perisbed 'diffldren -you 'aire flee
ing every day; i
And how she could txreatk a'd -he
Blow to understand; .
But she held MiNE,Mr.PpeaO0or,:in that:lIltle
- withered hand.
I am just a laboriTigiBBa'n. sir.of the'fcind'ttaat
: digs and delves, , .
But I've learned that hirma-m natures cannot
6tay in by themeeives;
They will wander out tfor :somettiing, be :it
good or be it bad, -And
my heart with ber'e bad -settlefland the
girl was all I had.
There are lots of pretty M9den,wJth;a form
and face more fine; '
Let their parents Ioto aixS pet them 'but this
little one was mineJ ,. t . ,
There was no one eteeo3ajg to rthen wetwo
1 were cut apart, "
And it's rough this ainputsiition'Ctf tthe strong,
arms of the heart!
'Ti8 consoling, Mr.Preacheir,anQilt8imavybea6
you've said
i God loves children wihile tbeylne 'living, -and
adopts them when they're idead;;
But my brain won't quit eontwringvdo rthe
very best I can, -- -
That 'twas not God's mercy toot :ber, tout the
. selfishness of man. ,
Why, she lay here, faint and sapingmoaning
for a bit of air,
Choked and strangled by the ion 1 :bree)thof
the chimneys over there;
i for it climbed through every window, ftnd it
crept beneath the door,
And I tried to bar agingt it, ixmd sbconly
choked the more.
She would lie here with the oM Qook tkat poor
children somehow get;
She had learned to use her patfcraoe, and -she
did not cry or fret;
But would lift her pale, pinched face up, full
of early grief and care,
And would whisper, "I'm dying 5or a little
, breath of air.". t,r-;-' & ' " ; : '
If she'd gone out with the zephyrs, twouldn't
have seemed so hard to rue,
Or among the cool fresh breezes that come
rushing from the sea;
But it's nothing less than murder when my
darling's everr breath
Chokes and strangles with the poison from
that cursed swamp of death.
Oh, it's not enough that such men own the
very ground we tread,
-And .the Bhelter that we crouch in, and the
tools that earn our bread ;
They must put their blotted mortgage on the
air and on the sky.
And shut out our little heaven, till our chil
dren pine and diel
NYes, we wear the cheapest clothing, and our
meals are scant and brief,
And perhaps those fellows fancy there's a
. cheaper grade of grief ;
iBut the people all around here, losing chil
dren, friends and mates,
iGan inform them that affliction hasn't any
Qh, the air is pure and wholesome where
ome babjes crow and rest,
Aind-they trim 'em out with ribbons, and they
feed 'em with the best;
Bart the love they get s an insult to the God of
love on high,
If o earn those children's living some one
else" child must die.
I'm aa grumbler at the rulers of this "free
and thapny land,"
And I don' go 'ronnd explaining things I do
not understand ;
But there must be something treacherous in
the steering of the law
When we get:adose of poison out of every
breath we draw.
I have talked too much, good preacher, and I
hope you won't be vexed,
But I'm going to make a sermon, with that
white face for ray text ; .
And I'll preach it, and I'll preach it, till I set
our people wild
'Gainst the heartless, reckless grasping of
ColoreU lrrl
Washington, Feb. 3. The colored men's
convention began its eei?ion here today.
Colonel Perry Carson called the couvntion
to order and said that, amorg other 'h'ngs,
the suppression c f the negTo vote in the
scuth has become the prime object of
those who were in the late rebellion
and they had sue needed in their
nefarious work so well as to
give the democratic party three m re
eit choral votes than It wrg entitlea to.
E. P. McOall was elected t mporary presi
dent and Calvin Chnse of Washington, D.
O , temporary secretary Bf?order Town
send of the general land office delivered
the address of welcome, in the course of
wbict he attacked Senator Morgan and
Butler for their course in seeking the de
portation of the negroes from this country
and predicted a brignt future for the col
ored race. - -
Ten Persons Burned to Death.
Bostok, Feb. 2. Shortly after midniprht
this morning the dwelling house, 259 261
North street, occupied by Mauxioe Rubey's
clothing store on the first floor and by
lodgers, chiefly Italian families, on three
upper floors, was gutted by fire, which is
supposed to have originated in the store.
The flames ppeedily oat off escape by the
stairway and the Inmates of the building
had no means of faring their lives except
by jumping from the windows. Nine per
sons were burned to death, three were
fatally inlured and six were .seriously If
not fatally injured. Beforo the fire was
discovered it had reached the starcase and
was feeding upon the dry wooden stairs
and rapid. y spreading toward the roof.
The sleeping lodgers were aroused in con
fusion and some were bewildered and at
once succumed to the deadly smoke.
Others attempted to flee down the burning
stairway and fell victims to the flames,
while still others leaped from the windows
to meet death or mutilation from contact
with the pavement
J . ..' CGHTNTY.
7 "There mill be a county meeting 'held
afc Creigbfeon on the 14th nd 15th of
Feb., 18y, for the purpose of 'eftganiz-
inor n "ifWintir. AlFm.nifi nnd .nnnointint?
kjommit9s'to look after the senatorial
distridt. -All tire Alliances are 'request
ed to end alfull delegation. Every
one iu -sympathy with the -ftlliance is
norrliallv in vtmc . Th Stv.ien Ifrresident.
John Jti.ipiwrs, will address the meet
ing. -By order of J. Matm-makley,
,f Count!r(Organizer.
Vh Lnrj;est in the United States. .
"Nebraska City special : Gaorge L.
Woolsey, who purchased tbTe plant of
the old Nebraska distilling company,
will leave this week for New York to
ecure;the neceasarymachinery, for the
?enal mills, into which the distilling
plant will be converted. There is no
;lopgr any doubt about the sincerity
t)f thdfal with the trust, and it is
certain-that the new enterprise will be
in active operation within a few
months. It is sail that for two rea
sons the trust wad as willing to sell as
Mr Woolsey was to buy. It was con
sidered5 the easiest way out of the
ipefiding suit against them and at the
wa met time get off their hands a valua
bleipieceof property in the possible
vent-of probipition this fall. Mr.
xWolsysay s the cereal mills will be
the largest in the United States.
State House Notes. ,
The state 'board of transportation
held a shortsession Monday morning
and denied the applications of the
TJirion Pacific a rehearing in the Os
ceola elevator -ease. ..;!
Thesi-'cretaries of the state board of
transportation-are preparing a set of
rrnbtS'Of practice for the government of
ihe board. ; -
The -state board of transportation
left on the -Burlington flyer Monday
for Chicago to qneet the managers of
the rail roads in this state and discuss
tb pro posed reduction on corn rates
from Nelirattka .points to that city.
They go prepared to make an impera
tive and unconditional demand.
Ij. Morse, treasurer of Dundy
-county, settled with the auditor Mon
day and pid iito the state treasury
Che sum of $i -a9i80. Adam laches,
treasurer of Cheyenne county, made a
tike settlement and paid into the
bauds of State Treasurer Hill the sum
ot -$4,31.45.
Ab.-ac Schlegel, the draughtsman in
fee .office of the commissioner of pub
lic lands buildings, left for the
north we t to locate for the state the
indemnity school lands. He will be
gone about ten days.
rill Over trie State
Tbece as a fmoveaaent on foot to or
ganize Knights of iPvythias lodge in
Work has. been resumed on the
Hasting g - s well and the new hole is
down about 200 feet.
County Attorney Fair -has begun
proceedings against some of the law
breakers of Covington.
Humphrey's new $.,000 school build
ing was completed last Week and
tamed over to the school board.
A proposed new eounty in Wyoming
is to named "Weston" in honor of Hon.
J. B. Weston of Beatrice.
The farmers' elevator at Edgar is
paying nearly 2 cents a bushel more
for corn than the ruling price at sur-.
roundincr towns. j
Delos Kearnes is Mead's aiew post
mater and he expects to commence
business next week by beginning the
erection of a post-office of his own.
The Edgar Times says: N. J. Hen
gin has been placed under ax rest by
Sheriff Teel. on cbare-e of forfferv.
preferred by T. H. Smith of Pekin,
Residents of Superior and vicinity
who formerrv resided in Iowa nr or
ganizing a"Hawkeye club" and pro-
A 1 A- - J . 1 .
pose ai an eariy uaie to give a banquet.
A common item in Hyanni's newspa
pers: Ed Fickler killed a buck ante-
i ' r1 i .
iope on ma way irom iuwn to in
rxumer rancn a iew mgnts ago.
There are twenty-seven farmers' al
liances in Buffalo county, with an aver
age membership of thirty. Applica
tions for over tomy more applicants for
organizations are on Hie.
A Guide Bock man who evidently
has much faith in Nebraska, offers to
sell railroad lands on ten years' time
and guarantees the purchaser 10 per
cent on all money invested.
The Ogalalla Irrigation and Water
Power company has changed hands.
The prospects now indicate a scheme
which will be of far creator benefit to
Keith county than the other could nos-
sibly have been.
Seward special: Hon. Henry Bick
was buried Sunday in Seward. He
was elected to the Nebraska legisla
ture in 1880 and again in 1886, and
was always a Van Wyck man. He
was forty seven years old and a native
of German, coming to this country at
tne age oi ten. Me served through the
war in a Wisconsin regiment.
hamuli aTiTAwm jt-M v. 4 t
to impress the following facts upon
residents of their districts : Any per
son over twenty years of age who re
fuses to give a census enumerator in
formation asked, is guilty of a misde
meanor and can be fined not more than
$100. Any president, secretary or
agent of corporations who refuses to
give information can be -fined not more
than $10,000 and imprisoned net more
than one year.
. Charles Shepherd, who murdered
Carlas Pulsifer at Crowell on the
night of December J10, was convicted
Saturday, tbejurr "bringing in a ver
dict of murder in the first degree.
Sentence was deferred. Furst, who
was with Shepiberd, will be tried -at
Fremont in March.
Beatrice special : Mrs. A. J. Tan-
Buskirk, and old lady subject to epi
lepsy, was turned to death at Blue
Springs Sunday night. She was alone
in the house at -the time and fell for
ward into the 'fire, probably during
nt. wtoen found her ciotnes were
burned off and her body 'literally
baked. She is the mother of a leading
shoemaker at that place.
Cozad special: Influenza is putting
in some disastrous work in this com
m unity. Bunday the country nvas
thrown into excitement over the report
that S. S. MoKelvey, a prominent
farmer living about ten miles north of
Cozad, iaas lostihis reason and is a rav
ing ; maniac. The marshal and five
deputies brought him to town. Mc
Kelvey and his family were taken with
the grippe several weeks ago and he
tried to conquer the disease, but failed.
He will be taken to Lincoln immedi
ately. r
Grant special : 'Nels Olson, a set
tier living eiglit miles nortnwest of
here, was pursued Tuesday morning
1 2 1
oy a pace oi agnt grey wolves, ui
son mounted a horse and escaped to
his cabin.
Dakota City special : Mrs. Hazon
Hicks, wife of a farmer living about
ten miles from here, disappeared very
ruddenly Saturday night and no trace
of her has been found yet. She left
the house to g-et an armful of wood,
and that is the last time she was seen.
Her foot prints were 'traced to an air
hole in the Missoon -river, where all
trace of her was lost, ilt ' is thought
she has committed suicide, as she is
slightly domeuted at times.. She was
in an asylum once, btrt was sent away
as cured. She leaves her husband
with a family of four -small children.
Alaska's FisberiesBill.
"Washington, Feb. 4. A trill was reported
in the senate today relating ito tke Alaska
seal fisheries. It authorizes the secretary
of the treasury, after advertising for
thirty days, to lease for twenty years from
May 1, 1890, the right to engage in the bas
iness of taking fur seals on the islands of
St Paul and St George. The annual ren
tal for this rurht shall not be less than $50.
000 per annum, and in addition a revenue
tax or duty ot not less than t-LSO on each
sain snipped irom tne islands.
, Broken Out Afresh.
Wobubn, Mass., Feb. 4. The labor trouble
has broken out . here egain on the ques
tion as to what shall constitute a day's
work under the state board of arbitration
list of prices. The workmen held meet
ings last night to discuss the situation and
today brought the matter to the attention
of the manufacturers. The latter refused
to listen to the men and therefore about
three hundred men in several of the
leather factories have quit work. The
strike will probably extend to all the fac
tories and another general locxout may be
the result.
Decided to be Constitutional.
WASHXNOTon, Feb. 3. The supreme court
of the United States today rendered an
opinion affirming the constitutionality of
the Edmunds-Tucker Idaho test oath in
tended to prevent the Mormons from vot
The court, in the opinion, says: Bigamy
and polygamy are crimes against the laws
of the United States and Idaho They tend
to destroy the purity of the marriage rela
tion, to disturb the peace of familief. to
degrade women and debase men Few are more pernicious to the best in
terests of society and receive more general
and more deserved punishment - To call
their advocacy a tenet of religion is to of
fend the common sense of mankind. To
extend enemption from punishment foi
such crimes would be to shi ok the moral
judgment of the community. It is as
sumed by the counsel of the petitioner
that because no mode ot worship can be
established by law on the religious tenets
enforced In this country, thereforo any
form of worship may be followed and any
tenets, however destructive f society,
may do held and advocated if assented to
by part of the religious doctrines of those
advocating and practicing them. But
nothing is further from the truth.
While legislation for the establishment
of religion is forbidden, and its free exer
cise is permitted, it does not follow that
everything which may be so called can be
tolerated. Crime is not the less excusable
because sanctioned by any particular sect
who may designate it as religion.
The court also rendered an opinion di
recting the court of claims to enter a
1'idpment of 11,783 in favor of John &
Cosby in his suit against the U cited States
or consul fees turned over to the govern
ment which he claims belonged to him.
Destitution in Oklahoma.
Kansas Crrr, Ma , Feb. & A morning pa
per is in receipt of an appeal for help from
the people of the newly settled Oklahoma.
The communication authorltively asks
that the condition of the people of the new
territory be at onoe made public. "Ia a
section about twelve miles fquare about
A-.nnessey the farmers are actually starv
ing," avs the letter. They are almost
without clothing, many of them wearing
the thin garments of the summer months.
The winter Is quite severe and stormy and
the suffering is almost past comprehen
sion. If aid does not come at ones the
death list will run high. Taere are already
a number of fatalities from exposure and
lack of food, and without medicine and at
tention the death rate will become enor
mous. Bolts of course cloth skirt goods,
heavy boots, flour, meal anp ceffee are
needed, and astfe from these things aui
nlne, calomel and aconite are needed.
This demands attention in the name of
suffering and starving humanity
Ite Senate.
Wabhtnqtok, Jan. 29. After seme routine
business Mr. Mitchell took the floor and
proceeded to address the senate on the bill
for the free coinage of silver. After the
conclusion of the address the senate went
into executive session and at 3 o'clock
the doors were opened and the senate ad
Washington, Jan. 30. In the senate to
day the house bill as to the duty on silk
ribbons passed without a division; also the
senate bill instructing the euoerlnteiident
of the census to gather Information about
mortgages on homes and farms.
Yance t jen addrettsed the senate on the
nearro emigration bill.
Yance sarcastically characterised la
gad's recent speech as oratorical pyro
technics, concealing tne paucity ot nis
ideas; acJcnowieugea tnac the miiieaium
had not yet dawned on the south and
that the land of reconstruction was not
yet the land of perfect righteousness. He
referred to the northern gerrymandering.
the blocJts el five, the ejection or colored
children from the white schools, eta. and
hoped that in time some accomplished
slack man might be sent to represent the
country in some other land besides Hayti
and Li be) la. Bef erring to IngauV remark
that the south was standing on a volcano.
he said the south needed no help. It could
wage the war without assistance frcm any
body and could easily manage and over
come the uprising of v.ouo.ouo of negroes.
Then there would come the solution of the
negro problem, . which would stay
solved. With a given, high spirited.
cultivated, dominant race oeeupyluff the
free states, and with that race a race of
manumitted slaves of recently barbaric
origin, how should the two be made to
dwell together in peace and fraternity? It
Is a fundamental principle of American law
that ths majority shall rule, within the
limits, but it is a principle of natural law
that tne stronger must rule without limits.
The negro is not incapable of civilisation.
but is Incapable of keeping nn with the
civilisation of the whole race. His Ynces)
solution of the nroblem was simDlv "HaimIs
off." In conclusion he said, addressing
himself to lagans: If you cannot help
either black or white, common decency re-
auires that you should hold your peace.'
e could not, he said, support the emigra
tion bill. It did not reach the case. Hamp
ton spoke briefly. While in full accord
with the proposed measures he did not
think the remedy met the requirements of
tne case.
After an executive session the senate ad
journed. Washington, Feb. 3. In the senate this
morning. Immediately after the reading
of the minutes, Cameron announced the
recent deaths in the families of two mem.
bers of the cabinet and moved an aljourn
ment, which was agreed to unanimously.
Washington, Feb. 4. Among the bills re
ported ani placed on the calendar were
the following:
For a public building at Burlington, la..
and Eau Claire, Wis. , to cost 1100,000 each.
Among the bills introduced and referred
was one by Walcot for the admission of the
state of New Mexico, and one by Plumb for
tne protection or tne American Olson.
Iogalls presented a petition asking an
appiopriation or f iuu per capita lor emi
grants to Liberia. Bef erred.
Plumb offered a resolution, which was
agreed to, calling on the secretary of war
to zurnisn copies or tne various reports or
the military officers in relation to affairs at
untune and Oklahoma city since the open
ing and settlement of the territory
After an executive session the senate ad
Washington, Feb. 5. In the senate to
day the bill provide a temporary govern
ment for the territory of Oklahoma was
taken np, and the clerk commenced to
read the bill, but had -not completed it
when at 2 o'clock the bill to aid in the es
tablishment and temporary support of
common schools was taken np as unfi?
lshed business. Blair, after speaking a
iew minutes in advocacy oi it, temporarily
y elded the floor to Sherman, who, from
the committee on foreign relations, re
ported the following folnt resolution,
which was placed on the calendar, con
gratulating the people of the United States
ef Brazil on their adoption of the republi
can form of government :
Besolved, That the United States of
America congratulates the people of
Brazil on their just and peaceful assump
tion of the powers, duties and resoonsibill.
ties of self government, based npon the
free consent of the governed, and on their
recent adoption of the republican form of
This lolnt resolution is reported as a sub.
stitute for that of Morgan, which was re
ferred to the committee on foreign re.a
tions. It omits the wojda "exnressed in
their repudiation of monarchic rules." It
omits several parngraphs declaring the
recognition of the United States of Brazil
as a lawful and rightful government, and
directing the president to require the peo
ple and officer of the United States to
recoaro za the flag of the United 8cates of
Brtz 1 as the fla of a free, sovereign and
independent state.
Blair then resumed his argument. He
declared the constitutionality of tho bill
oeyonu question, and spoke at some length
in support of his favorite measure.
After an executive session the senate ad
The House.
Washington, Jan. 29. Mr.. Dalzell of
Pennsylvania called up the election case
of Smith vs. Jackson from the Fourth West
Virginia district
Mr. Cripp of Georgia raised the question
of consideration
On this vote the democrats, with the ex
ception of Messrs. Buckalew, Covert and
Cowles, refrained from voting. While the
clerk was calling the roll the speaker was
carefully noting the names of those demo
crats who were present and not voting.
Before the announcement of the vote Mr.
Rogers of Arkansas, who had inadverdently
voted on the affirmative side, decided to
withdraw his vote, but he was met with
strong objections from the republican side.
Mr. Bogers endeavored to secure a ruling
from the speaker on the question, but the
speaker declined to rule. The speaker
counted as present the members refusing
te vote and declared a quorum present.
The house was immediately in great tur
moil, but presently quiet was restored and
the speaker made a long statement In jus
tification of his cause. He quoted prece
dents to maintain the correctness of his
position and his remarks were from tiro?
to time applauded by the republicans.
Mr. Covert changed his vote from tfco
negative to the affirmative. Mr. Rogers
was then given permission to withdraw his
vote, as was also Mr. Cowles of South Car
olina. The vote was then announced as
standing, yeas 161, nays 2.
jar. unap nusea tne point OX no quorum.
Tie speaker The chair directs tne clerk
to record the following names of members
present and refusing to vote. This state
ment was tne signal for a burst oi ap
plause from the republicans and jeers from
the democrats. The speaker then pro
ceeded to read the names of the demo
crats whom the speaker had lotted down as
not voting.
When the name of Mr. Breckinridge of
Kentucky was called he stepped int j the
aisle and in a resounding voice f aid:
"I deny the right of the speaker to do
this and I denounce it as revoi u lonary."
Cheer after cheer (character? zd y the
republicans as "the rebel yelt) went up
from the democratic side, and U wax sev
eral minutes before sufficient order was re
stored to enab'e the cleik to continue thj
reading of the names. But the oruer was
only comparative, for while the o'erk wan
proceeding with the reading half a ri z ;n
democrats were on their teat denouauiug
the action of the speaker.
Several members of the democratic side
denied the right of the speaker to couut
them as present, one or two saying they
had not been present when tueir uatnt-s
were called.
Mr. Crisp uosired to appeal frtm the de
cision of the chair.
The uproar continued for some time.
Finally the speaker paid : "Geu'Jemen. y u
must not mistake the situation. The chair
must proceed, and the gentlemen s mem
bers of the house will undoubtedly allow
the chair to proceed " The speaker ti n
proceeded to make a satemeut. The
cierk, he said, had announced member-
voMug 161 yeas and 2 nyx. The oba r,
herefore, having heard their nam' s called
in their presence, had directed that n reo
ord be made of tiis fact. Aooorilngly a
question was before the !nut ani the
cnalr proposed to give a statement ao
coipanied by the rutin?, from whxh ap
peal could be taken If unv gentleman was
dipsatfefied therewith. The npikr con
tinuing gave precedents sustaining hi
action. After a heated debate of considerable
length, Mr. McKinley, who took the floor,
yielded to a m-jtlon to adjourn.
Washington, Jan. 3). The galleries of
the house were crowded to their utmost
capacity long before noon today by specta
tors anticipating a resumption of the con
test of yesterday. Nor were they disap
pointed, for when the clerk read tne
journal in regard to the manner of omit
tng the detailed vote by yeas and nays on
the question of oonsidfraHo.i of the non
tested election case, Breckinridge of Ken
tucky Hrose and demanded the reading of
the full yote. Af' er a moments hesitation
the speaker directed this to be done.
The rest of the proceedings were a repe
tition of yesterday's work, and the house
Washington, Jan. 3L The third day of
the conflict between the two great parties
finally requited in the consideration of the
Smitl-Jackson contest d election oae,
which developed the present trouble. No
ultimate action being taken in the case,
the bcuae adjourned.
. Washington, Feb. 1. The public seems
to have taken it for granted that the great
parliamentary struggle in the house is
practically over and that the exciting and
turoulent scenes of the lact tew days are
not to be kept np because the galleries,
while pretty well filled at the meeting to
ri ay, uiu not present tne jammed appear
ance of yesterday. .
The tactics of the past two ' days were
followed by the democrat. who were
finally induced by the ruling! of the
speaker to allow the consideration of the
contested ele tion case, both parties agree
ing that each side be allowed three hours
for debate Monday, but none as to the
time or taking the vote. The house ad
Washington, Feb. a The journal having
been read in extenso at the demand of the
democrats, O'Ferrall of Virginia and Mc
Kinley of Ohio were upon their feet, the
former with a motion to correct the
journal and the latter with a motion to ap
prove that document. The speaker recog
nized McKinley, but subsequently, on
O'Ferrall's statement that he was acting in
god faith, recognized that member, who
stated tnat tne journal oontamed no refer
ence to the fact that the SDeaker Satnrdav
last would not allow him to read the evi
dence in the election case as part of his re
The speaker said that was not exactly
the form of the ruling, but that the journal
would be amended to show the fact.
MoKinley then demanded the previous
question on nis motion to approve the
lournal. The vote resulted yeas 154, nays
none, and the speaker entered upon the
journal tne names of a dozen democrats
present and not voting. He then declared
the previous question ordered.
Oa the motion to approve the journal the
same practice prevailed, the demoorats re
fraining from voting, and the motion was
carried by a vote of yeas 18, nays none.
The Smith-Jackson contested election
case was then resumed after the speaker
had refused to entertain a dilatorv motion
and O'Ferrall of Yirginia was recognized to
continue bis argument in support of the
claims of the contestee.
Both sides having spoke on the matter
the previous Question on the adoDtlon of
the report of the committee on elections,
and lb was ordered veae If ft. nava none.
This is the first time since the meeting of
congress that the representatives have had
a quorum voting and the result was re
ceived with applause. The only absentees
on tne republican side were Caswell and
Wllber. both of whom are siok. Four roll
rails were required before the vote came
final 'y on the seating of 8mith, the con
testant, but at the end he wa declared en
titled to the seat by a vote of yeas 116, nays
Amid republican annlause Smith ap
peared and took the oath of office, where
upon Springer sarcastically lra-iired
whether this was the proper time to make
a motion to adj -urn.
With a similar indication of sarcasm the
speadur replied in the affirmative and the
house accordingly adjourned.
Washington, Feb. 4 That the demo
crats did not consider themselves yet van
quished, and that they proposed io throw
in the way every obstacle to the transac
tion of business until some rules were
adopted for their government, was shown
by their demanding the reading of yester
day's journal in fniL
The reading have been completed, Mc
Kinley moved that the journal be ap
proved and demanded the previous ques
tion. The previous question was ordered
Teas 145, nays none, a number of demo
crats being entered on the journal as pres
ent and not voting. The vote of the ap
proval of the journal was then taken, re
sulting Yeas 163, nays none.
Springer moved to adjourn, suggesting
that this was the proper time to enter suoh
a motion, and on this occasion the motion
was entertained by the speaker, only to be
defeated by a vote of yeas, 114; nays, 16L
The speaker then proceeded to lay bef ore
the house various senate bills for refer
ence, and among them was one to relieve
the treasurer of the United Sates from the
amount now charged to him and deposited
with the several states. This bill the
speaker referred under the rules to the
committee on ways and means.
Bland moved that the bill be referred to
the commit tea on appropriations.
The speaker at first declined to entertain
Brand's motion, but after debate said that
for the present the chair would follow the
ruling of the last house.
Springer demanded the reading of the
bill and expressed his ability to show by
parliamentary Ikw that the demand should
be oemplied with.
The speaker ignored 8prlnger, but the
latter was indefatigable and finally the
speaker directed the reading ef the bill.
Bland's motion was defeated yeas 9,
nays 151, a quorum being counted by the
Flower moved that the bill be referred
to the committee on judiciary. Defeated
yeas 94, nay 135. For the first time in
several days this was not a strict party
vote. When toe result was annonnoenl Mo
Kinlev moved the referno4 of the bill ta
tse committee on wa s a ad means and up.
on that motion demanded the previous
McCreary then moved to adjourn, but the
speaker declined to enterttm the motion.
The seik-r said that orrtlnaiily a motion
to adjourn was In order, bu the situation
of the house was suou a-t to render It im
probable toat the' houe oeelred to take
tha- Motion.
M -Ore try then rose to a question ot per
sontl privilege.
Speaker There dBnot be a qttion of
personal privilege when the u mind for
the prevlons question is pending.
Alter com - lartber dionsslon a vote wai
taken n tne demand for th previ' nt
question and it wa& dtrfaated yeas 157,
u tys noihing.
During the cilling of the Toll Springer
held a consultation with M K'nley. tan re
sult of which was that the d m wrats made
no further opposition and the Dill was re
ferred to the committee on wajs and
mnns withouc division.
I h-n on motion of McKinley the house
a jouraed.
It 1 expected that the ode of rules will
be reported tomorrow. '
Washington, Feb 5 .V largo number of
the members having gone 'to attend the
funeral of Mrs. and M s Tracy, tho clerk
wa permitted to rea-t tha journal in its
abridged form O the yean and nays be
ing riem inded bv the demoorats in wm ap- ,
proved. The houe then at 13:45 ad
journed. a republican oauous was announce! to
be held immed'at-tly and a democratic cau
cus to be held this evening.
Trac y'a Sad Loftf
Washington, Fab. 8, 9:30 a. m. Tbe
house of Secretary Tracey oaught fire at
6 45 this ' oming and was complete! de
molished. The bodies of four white fe- -males
were taken oat, two of whom are
known to be Mrs. and Miss Tracey. Tne '
other two are as yet uniiemided Sco c
tary Tracey whs taken from the house by
means of a ladder. In an unoonsoiuus con
dition, out the extent of his injuries are
not known.
Later The wildest oonfuslon ensued
when it was known that all the m mers
of the family w r in the house. Tu fire
men showed themselves ht-roes in the
emergency and went through the fl" and
smoke searching for them in the u ff -rent
apartments. Mrs. Wdmerding, the secre
tary's daughter and- Miss Wllm.-rditg
forced their way through the b lcoing
smoke and lumped from the second story
front window. Ladders were stretched for
tbem, bui In their excitement they failed
to i-ee them Mrs. Wllmerdmg btoks her
wrist; and was severely injured. Her
daughter wa severely injured about tbe
lower limbs, but broke no bones. Both
suffered severely from the shock. They
were at onoe taken to tae residence of Dr..
Baxter near by and restoratives applied.
Assistance came too late. WhUe this"
soene was being enacted lu the front ot the -house
the firemen were engaged in remov-'
ing the other members ot the family from
the rear. - Chief Engineer Parish found his
way into Mrs Tracy's bed room, wh .rn he
found her lying overcome by the umoke.
With the asslstaroe of others he carried
her lifeless body down the ladder and'o
the home of Mrs Rhclm. She was then
entirely unconscious, and although every
effort was used it was impossible to save1
her life. She died In almost a few minutes
after her rescue. Her body was not
burned, death resulted from stiff jcation.
Almost at the same time two more bodies
were taken from the burning building.
One was that of the secretary's, daughter.
Miss Marie, aged about fourteen, and the
other was that of one of the servants.
Both bodies were burned to a crisp ana
were unrecognizable. Miss Tracy's body
was distinguished from the superior tex
ture of wrat remained of -her stockings.
The charred rtnirni were taken to an un
dertaking establishment In the vicinity,
where thev were joined soon after by the
remains of Mrs. Tracy.
Miss Tracy, the secretary's unmarried
daughter, occupied the third story front
room and met a terrible fate. The young
lady could be seen at the window, clad la
a white robe, her hands In sn attitude of
prayer and her face uplifted to heaven
T e flames gradually hemmed her la and
she finally sank to the floor, and when
found her remains were a charred mass.
Her French maid. Josephine, met a sim
ilar fate In an adjoining room, where her
charred and blackened rt mains were
The fire originated in the parlor near an
open fire place. Whether It origfnatod
from the grate or the bracking of the pipe
is not known. The furnace is In the base
ment directly beneath where the fire start
ed and the pipe 'leading to the upper.
stories passes in the reai of t e woodwork.
The firemen generally think that the
wood work caught fire from the heuted
Relief fur Dakotas.
Chicago, Fdb. 5. The board of trade di-
rectors today appointed a 'committee of
three to canvass for subscriptions to buy
seed for the destitute farmers ot South
Dakota. This action was taken on tbe re
ceipt of a communication from Governor
Melette saying that in nineteen counties
such relief as needed. The state caunot
appropriate money or levy taxts tor the
purpose owing to constitutional ot J mo
tions. The governor is eudeavoring to
raise a fund of 15 1,000 and believe H will
be the means of retalniug 1.00. f amides In
South Dakota who would otherwise be com
pelled to leave the state undf-r circum
stances ot Increased destitution resulting
from the sacrifice of property left behind.
It is estimated that there are over
200 car loads of corn waiting trans
portation on the Noith Solomon
branch, and over 235 car loads on the
South branch.
Lincoln, Nxb,
CATTLE Butchers' steers.... 92 00 a S 00
Cows 1 50 a 1 75
HOGS Fat 3 On a 8 25
Stackers 3 00 a 3 23
SHEEP 3 00 a 3 00
WHEAT No. 2 spring 60 a 65
OATS X. 2 12 a 18
RYE No. 2 25 a 27
CORN No. 2, new 17 a IS
FLAXSEED 1 00 a 1 02
POTATOES 18 a 20
APPLES Per bl 1 75 a 2 15
HAT Prairie, bulk S 50 a 4 50
Omaha, Nra.
CATTLE... 3 20 a 4 40
Cows 1 50 a 2 00
HOOS Fa4r to heavy 3 50 a S 75
Mixed 3 25 a 3 50
"' CmcAoo, Iuu
CATTLE Prime steers 3 SO a 4 80
Stock ers and feeders........ l 90a3 15
HOGS Packing 150a3 75
SHEEP Natives 3 60 a 5 80
Kansas Crrr, Mo,
CATTLE Corn fed. ..S3 SO a 3 00
Feeders 1 60 a 2 80
HOGS Good to choice 65 a 3 75
Mixed S 55 a 60