THE FAKM.URS' ALLIANCE: LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1890. ALLIANCE DIRECTORY. NATIONAL FARMERS' ALLIANCE. President, H. L. Loucks, Dakota. , Vice-President, John H. Powers, Nebraska. Secretary, August Post, Iowa. Treasurer. J. J. Furlong, Minnesota. Lecturer, N. B. Ashby, Iowa. NEBRASKA STATE ALLIANCE. President, John H. Powers, Cornell. Vice President, Valentine Horn, Aurora. Secretary-Treasurer, J. M. Thompson, Lincoln. Lecturer, V. F. Wright, Johnson county. Asst. lecturer, Logan McReynolds, Fairfield. Chaplain, Ilex. J. S. Edwards, Wahoo. Door Keeper, D. W. Barr, Clay county. Asst. loor keeper, James Underhill, Syracuse. Seargeant-at-arms, J. BillingBly, Shelton. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. J, Burrows, chairman; B. F. Allen, Wabash ; J. W. Williams. Filley; Albert Dickerson, Litchfield; Frank II. Young1, Custer. Post Office at Lincoln, Neb., June 18, 1889. I hereby certify that The Alliance, a week ly newspaper published at this place, has been determined by the Third Assistant Post Mas ter General to be a publication entitled to admission in the mails at the pound rate of postage, and entry of It as such is accordingly made upon the books of this office. Valid while the character of the publication re mains unchanged. Albert Watkins, Postmaster. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE This department is conducted by the Secre tary of the State Alliance to whom all com munications in relation to Alliance work, short articles upon various subjects of Inter est to the Alliance etc., should be addressed. Write plain and only on one side of the paper. Sign what you choose to your articles but send us your name always.! TOR MONETARY REFORM. ' Palmyra, Neb., Jan. 23, 1890. Editor Alliance : A sample copy of the Farmers' Alliance duly re ceived, dated January 18. In it I ob served an article headed, "A Criticism on J. W. Iiaskel." The purport of Said article was on the usinjr of script for municipal purposes. Now to clearly illustrate the working of such a plan I beg to quote from Stanley Jevons', M. A. F. R. S., celebrated work, entitled: "Money and the Mechanism of Ex change," a case in point. The writer is a decided inonometalist, and does not favor paper money; therefore his testi mony will, or ought to, have weight with metallic currency men. But, recol lect, I am not a believer in the barbaric system of metallic coinage. It savors too much of Israel's ancient error in creating a golden calf. Now for Je vons' illustration: "Daniel LeBroc, the governor of the Island of Guernsey, determined to build a market in St. Peter's, but not having the necessary funds lie issued, under the seal of the Island, four thousand market notes (local arreenbacks) for one pound each, with which he paid the artilicers. When the market was finished and the rents came in, the notes (mark, Guernsey's greenback) were thereby cancelled, and not an ounce ot croiu was employed in tfie whole matter. There is no mys tery, however, in this advantage of ' paper money." One might write a vol ume on the subject and not elucidate the matter one whit easier than is done in this short quotation; and I trust the idea generated in your article anent Smith's communication will . be thor oughly ventilated. Your's for a mone tary reform. John S. Maiben. Farmers Shipping Their Own Products. Clarks, Neb., Jan. 21, 1890. Editor Alliance: I have shipped from this point twenty cars of corn and two of hay, and will load from one to two cars a day for the next week. We are getting from 1 to 2c more for corn than we could get here. We had a hard time at the start to get cars, but can get them all right now. One of the grain buyers said to a man, "Who bought your corn?" The man replied, "No one." "What are you do ing with it?" "I am going to ship it." Says the buyer, "The h 11 you are! What right have you to ship? We have the right to handle your corn, and I'll I see if you get any more cars." This man thinks he owns the state of Neb. Thank God he don't live in Clarks; but his elevator I think can be bought this spring for a ware house. It looks as empty now as my pocket book. 1 would like to say to the brothers of the different Alliances to roll up their sleeves and see how many names they can get for their next meeting. I have got thirteen for the last two meetings, and think I am safe for five more for next Saturday. Our Alliance is well pleased with your paper, and will give it their support. Yours truly, S. B. Cochran, Alliance Agent. ENTHUSIASM IX RICHARDSON CO. Shubert, Neb., Jan. 25, 1890. Editor Alliance: Probably a few words" from this part of the state would be in order. We are getting along well considering the luck we had by our or .ganizer being on the U. S. Grand Jury iit Omaha for twenty-six days; but he is in the field again. , We recieved a call from Verdon February 7 to organize a county Alliance. We have made appli cation for a site on which to erect an elevator. Old Richardson has been be hind in the past, but she will not be in the future. We have been waiting for something to turn up, now we propose to turn something up. Pull down the statue of King George. "We worship ,no more at the shrine of Kings." Kindle watchfires upon the hill tops, light up the flames upon freedom's altars, illu minate your dwellings from floor to dome, hoist up the American flag and let us swear the farmers will be no long er slaves. Yours for universal emanci pation, W. li. Wells, President No. 837. NEMAHA COUNTY ALLIANCE. Johnson, Neb., Jan. 27, 1890. Editor Alliance : Nemaha County Alliance was organized Saturday, Jan. 25, at Auburn, with J. M. Wright, Ne maha City, Pres.; Wm. Clark, Talmage, Vice Pres.; A. B. Taylor, Johnson, Sec; Fred Parker, Johnson, Treas.; Wm. Gordon, Johnson, Lecturer; J. II. Ell more, Talmage, Chaplain. Executive Committee John Ashley, Glenrock; Geo. E. Dye, Nemaha City; Geo. Peter son, Talmage, The county organization moved off in good shape, every delegate being pres ent, besides a goodly number from the subordinates. Next regular meeting second Saturday in March. W. F. Wright, Co. Organizer. Wilson's Catalogue. We have re ceived a very attractive illustrated price list and catalogue of Seeds, Trees, Shrubs, etc', from Samuel Wilson, Me chanicsville, Pa. A glance at its pages makes one desire to buy and test the novelties in vegetables and plants with which its pages are filled. See Mr. Wilson's advertisement in another col umn. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Under the existing laws of Nebraska in -townships, under township organization, are xownsnip otncers ana supervisors elected at the general election in the fall, or at township meeting in the spring? J. W. Z. . They are elected at the general elec tion in the fall. Q. Who is a wrecker, or one who tears down values on the Produce Ex change? A. The seller of futures. The short seller. The gambler. The discounter of future values. GENERAL LEESE'S OPEN LETTER, The Document Forwarded to U. S. At torney General Miller. GROSS VIOLATIONS OF LAW. The Tnion Pacific Company Charged With Misappropriating: Funds and Other Breaches of Faith With the Government. Attorney General's Office, Lin coln, JNeb., Jan. ai, 18U0. Hon. W. H. Miller, Attorney General United States, Washington D. C. My Dear Sir: desire to call your attention in an open letter to a subject which is oi vi tal importance to the people of the United States, and more particularly to the west, especially Nebraska. It is ml regard to the gross violations of law by tne union 1'acihc railway company. You will remember that section 5.256 of the acts of 1873, United States stat utes, pacce 1.017, forbids the Union Pa cific railway company from making any mortgage on, or giving pledges of its property or future earnings, without the consent of congress. The law is plain and readily understood by any one who will read, and notwithstand ing this positive law, the Union Pacific railway company has grossly violated its plainest provisions; for, without the consent of congress, it issued in 1879 collateral trust bonds amounting to $4,852,000. In 1883 another like issue was made of $4,500,000. On January 12 it issued and guaranteed Oregon Short Line bonds, $14,800,000. This guarantee cost the Union Pacific annu ally $300,000. In 1886 it issued and guaranteed St. Joe & Grand Island bonds for $7,000,000. This guarantee cost the Union Pacific road in 1888 $14,0 000. In 1888 it issued and guaranteed the Union Pacific, Lincoln & Colorado railroad bonds, $4,400,000. This guar antee cost the Union Pacific railroad that year $11,000. It also leased and guaranteed dividends on the stock of the Oregon Railway and .Navigation company. This guarantee cost the Union Pacific railway in 1888 $349,000, and in 1889 $700,000. And it now pro- ia,s ,crIU oc South Park railroad bonds to tne amount of $2,200,000 last mentioned road was purchased for $4,000,000, and the road has never earned its operating expenses. In 1888 its earnings fell short of the operating expenses $172,000. Under the act of 1878 the assets and net earnings of the Union Pacific railway have been made subject to the lien of the government, and the president of the road, in his testimony before the Union Pacific rail way commission, tries to excuse the violations of law in wasting the assets and net earnings, bf saying that he acted under the advice of counsel; that is, under the advice of counsel that he employs, he has used the money that should have been applied to the pay ment of the government debt for the purpose of construction and the pur chase of about 2,500 miles of branch lines that fail to earn the annual inter est on their bonds, by $1,500,000. This deficiency is paid by the Union Pacific railway from its net earnings. When we come to consider these branch line transactions, and the participation of some of the directors therein, it looks suspicious to say the least. Then, again, I find on examination, that $9,000,000 have been paid on land grant bonds from the earnings of the Union Pacific railway instead of from the proceeds of the land grant sales These lands,' as far as Nebraska is con cerned. were sold to a iavored lew at a nominal price, when, by a little judi cious advertisement, the lands would have brought their full value. The re mainder of the lands are being used in paying off, before maturity, the third mortgage, or sinking fund bonds, when the act of 1878 covers the assets of the road and makes them subject to the government lien (Section 9, chapter 96, act of May 7, 1878), and should be pre served for that purpose. Some two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in bonds inferior to the lien oi tne government nave Deen pant on in 1889. It is true that the United btates su preme court has held that the govern ment had no right to the income irom lands as net earnings, but the earnings of the road have been used to pay the land grant bonds. Again, the directors have also used the assets and earnings of the Union Pacific railway to partly construct a rival read, consisting of the Oregon Kailway and .Navigation company, the Oregon Short Line railroad, and the Denver & Ft. Worth railroad, and I am strongly inclined to the belief that the traffic which properly belongs to the Union Pacific railroad through Ne braska is being diverted over the rival road. If such should be the case, the object is plainly visible. It is that the government lien on the Union Pacific railroad will be rendered valuless should the government be forced to take fore closure proceedings. ine lact is ap parent that the directors of the Union Pacific railroad cling to the belief that the branch lines have been created out of the net earnings of the road that should have been used as dividends and paid to the stockholders, claiming their dividends having been diverted into branch roads they, by rights, should own such branch roads. This is the claim that will be made when the gov ernment calls for a final accounting. These facts are mentioned, and, should you conclude to act promptly in the matter, a large amount of valuable as sets belonging to the government lien would be preserved that are now being diverted. m - T -1 1 1 hen, again, iseorasKa is groaning under extortionate ireighto charges. Our granaries are overflowing with a bountiful harvest, but our farmers are unable to send the same to market on account of the high rates of transporta tion. The Union Pacific railroad, being a creature ot congress, retuses to obey the orders of the transportation board of this state, regulating the local freight rates, and claiming federal protection, which is cheertully given. Under this state ot tacts, their local rates are unjust and unreasonable, and oppressive to the people, but are pro tected by our federal courts. The un subsidized roads make their rates a tritle lower and then turn to the rates charged by the Union Pacific as a prece dent for their authority. It is needless to call your attention to the political revolution in Iowa, brought about by excessive freight charges, and if the rates in Iowa which caused this great change of sentiment were oppres sive, what can we expect of Nebraska, that pays from 100 to 350 per cent greater rates than are now charged in Iowa tor similar services. These are facts that the present ad ministration must meet. Should con gress pass the extension bill it w ill en tail upon the people of this state the payment of that enormous debt that will last for generations to come. And I solemnly protest, in the name of an outraged people, against the extension of the government debt, until these vio lators of the law have been brought to justice. In June, 1886, a resolution was offered in the house calling on the attorney general to enforce the law against the Union Pacific railroad. The resolution was reported favorably by the juuiciary committee, but lor some reason un known to me the subject matter was dropped. Now, I will ask what reasons have we to believe that these same persons who have so grossly violated the act of 1873 and 1878, will comply with the new act? Will they not act in the same manner under the new law, if it should pass, arid then say that they acted under the advice of counsel? It seems to me that the advice of such counsel should be approved by the attorney general of the United States, or some higher power than themselves, when the security of the government lien is at issue. The new act, if passed, will confer a large subsidy on the Union Pacific road, and rob the government of a large amount of property due it, as well as all secur- ity for the final repayment of the prin cipj ipal. All this will certainly be secured to the government, should an investiga tion and prosecution precede the pas sage of the act. It will give confidence to the western people, that the present administration will do its duty without fear or favor. It will inform the people of the east that no more tribute in the way of freight charges will be levied on tnose who desire to locate in Nebraska. Yours very truly, Wm. Leese, Attorney General of Nebraska. Wise Words. By Wm. Hunt, of Ancora, X. J. When our public men have reasona ble assurance of appreciation and sup port, many of them will take an ad vanced position. If we learn to be po lite and respectful, from a spirit of modesty, charity and good will, we can draw attention and support to anything that is rational and useful. If we can only get right with God and man, we can save the world from evil, and bring in a better paradise than Adam and Eve ever lost. There is a serious error prevalent in parties and sects, namely: regarding party more than principles, and sect and denouncing all who seek social jus tino .i,.,-..-!, n ar. other party, or moral and spiritual righteousness through any other channel than their own sect, lhe sect should be the servant of religion. not tne master, rarty snouid nave no claim on us only so far as it can help .iii -r i i i i the end we seek justice. We ought not to care through what channel any good work is done, and we may find that a good thing can come out of Naz areth. The tendency to forbid all to cast out devils who do not walk with us must be overcome if we ever accom plish our task of educating and emanci pating the people. When the people are educated to see where the real trouble lies they will readilv unite in demanding the essen tial laws requisite to establish justice. And when thus united in demanding specified laws, legislators of all parties will, generally, unite in carrying out their wishes. The Knights of Labor have recently set us a good example. They started (-r.ixi.-t.u:,, : with the purpose of "establishing in- dustry on a scienunc basis." Alter a long struggle, they have been educated to the point of seeing and demanding the three essential measures necessary to establish industry on a sound basis, namely: Abolition of land monopoly. Money at cost. Transportation at cost. lhe Anights ot .Labor do not require their members to vote with any partic ular party, but instruct them in the duty of nominating and voting for legisla tors who are pledged to work and vote for the necessary specified laws. If the J; armers Alliances and other industrial organizations will adopt a like wise and liberal policy, and unite with them in voting for men so pledged, without regard to party, the necessary statutes can soon be secured, and the producing and debtor classes be eman cipated from the tyranny of capital without real injury to any. iteducing prices oi products, by con traction of the currency, practically amounts to the same thing as adding an equal portion to all debts, public and private, and a proportionate in crease of rate of interest. After the war closed, and till 1873, it was as easy to pay twelve per cent interest as now, with a contracted currency, to pay six. v e can succeed it our watchword is Excelsior. Any reactionary policy is fatal. The result of the last presiden tial election may delay u financial col lapse till the people can be educated to see where the real trouble lies and ap ply the remedy. Eet us educate the people on three cardinal principles of political economy. First Abolition of land monopoly. Second Money at cost. Third Transportation at cost. Let us concentrate on these three es- Jt AA. sentials and commence the eammiern now. If we can do this in the right spirit we shall find plenty of good ma- tenai coming to our aid irom all par ties. Enough to insure either the en actment of the needed laws by the pres ent congress, or to elect the next con gress in 18U0 and the president in 1892. LOUP COUSTY ALLIANCE. Taylor Republican. Pusuant to call delegates from Local Alliance in Loup county met in Taylor on January lb, 189U, anil perfected the organization of a County Alliance bv electing the iollowing olticers: Pres. Wm. H. Sweet; V ice Pres., O. Mover; Secretary, v . m. lay lor; Treasurer, Wm. Stevens, Lecturer, Wm. Evans; Sergeant-at-arrns, Jos. Dills; Door- koeper, J. E. lolen; Executive Com mittee, John Hesselgesser, C. A. Worth- lngton, Win. Evans; Business Agent, W. 11. Sweet, lime and place of next meeting, Madison Square school house - baturday, lebruary 15, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m. Members shipping stock to Allen Root, care of Bell & Co., Omaha, will get all there is in it. Give the agent notice when shipped. Mr. Root is state agent for the Alliance. W. R. Bennett fr, Cn. will saII crrnrprips ntn tr the Alliancft at iohhfvr's rates SpthI nil nrrlern to Allen Root. Shipments of vegetables, fruits or poultry, should be billed to Mr. Root, care of Bowman, Williams & Howe's, Omaha. Price List of Oils to Allances. 150 test, medium -white coal oil, 1Y cents. 150 " prime " " " 104 " 175 " Y. L. " " " 13 " 74 stove gasoline " lift " These oils in barrel lots. The best harness oil in either one or five gallon cans, 70 cents per gallon. Pure Neat's foot oil in one to five gallon cans, 60 cents per gallon. In barrel lots, '50 cents per gallon. Axle grease, thirty- six boxes in case, $1.8o. , Aixen Root, State Agent. Flax Seed Wanted for Seed. Addr38 Allen Boot, Omaha. State Agt, W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Edited bv Mrs. S. C. O.JJPTOX, of Lincoln, Neb., of the Nebraska woman 8 Christian Temperance Union. The rxiitny nr Twk Alliance places the re sponsibility of this column m me care or the above, editor. THE SCHOOL HOUSE CAMPAIGN. Are there not many schools in the state where the teacher or the older pu pils would like to work up interest in the prohibitory amendment by having a debate on the subject by local talent, or by having a meeting at which tem perance songs may be sung, temper ance essays read, and someone induced to make a temperance address? Much good may be done in this way. If the agitation of this question can be begun in the country school houses it will be spread all over our state, and may result in carrying the state for pro hibition. Even if that result did not follow, the work is still worth attempt ing. Many stanch temperance workers received their first impulse to work in the cause by being drawn into local de bates and discovering how all just argu ment and right-feeiing supports the cause of prohibition. President Lincoln was induced to sign the pledge in a temperance meet ing in a country school house, and him self testified, years afterwards in a tern- perance speecn, tnat nis pieuge tau been strong to keep him trom making a wreck of his life, as did many of his early companions. Win the cause, menus, by every means possible. No effort in that di rection will be lost. The Demorest medal contests are good to call out the people and awaken interest. Anyone may arrange for a contest, and Mrs. E. A. Blair, of Creigh ton, Nebraska, is ready to furnish all instructions regarding them. Get up a contest, mends; have de bates; set the state ringing with facts and arguments in support of prohibi tion and home protection. it you have questions, want help or suggestions as to programmes, the ecu tor ot this column will be glad to hear irom you, and will aid as tar as possi ble. Educate, agitate, convince! WASHINGTON AND KANSAS. The Presbyterian president of the United States serves an elegant dinner at the executive mansion and furnishes wine in abundance to his guests In Kansas, where the sale of alcoholic liquors is an offense punishable by im prisonment, Presbyterians see the wine drinking habit in another light, and are so entirely convinced ot the excellence of prohibition that a presbyterian meet ing in Emporia, representing a mem bership of many thousands, declares that they will "oppose with all the pow ers God has given us any man or meas ure or policy that shall favor the resub mission ot this question." Comparing these two statements leads to the conclusion that a national law, like that in Kansas, would act as a quickener of conscience, and relieve of the shame ot seeing an elder in an hon ored church bow down before the man date of popular political sentiment, for get the precept of his bible, and deliber- nttlv "nut the Lrttl tr Tii neicrhiinr's ately "put the bottle to his neighbors lips," even when the eyes of the millions over whom he rules are upon him Surely, "Law is an educator," and now is the time to work, that its educative force may be felt in Nebraska in favor of temperance. When twenty -nve in stead of seven Of the states shall con demn liquor selling by law, no prcsi dent will outrage their sentiment on the question. Magistrates rule even the public conscience, and too often the consciences of public men. One of the most remarkable utter ances made at the recent state conven tion of temperance people atDesMoines, Iowa, was the declaration of the outgo ing governor, Larrabee, that his expe rience as governor of the state had!mad him favorable to prohibition. He said that he had formerly oppossed it as im practicable, but that in eighty counties in the state the jails had been emptied, and the number of persons in the state penitentiary reduced by one-half dur ing his administration, and that court and people were agreed that the cause of this was prohibition. He said that the taxes were less and the markets better, and that observing all these things in the administration of the affairs of the state he could not help but become a prohibitionist. Governor Larrabee was distrusted by the temper ance people when elected, lest his known opposition to prohibition at the time of its submission should lead to the use of his - position as governor to belittle and defeat the law. But his conversion to prohibition while admin' istering a law contrary to his own per sohal convictions, is not less a compli ment to the character of the law than to the sincerity and candor of the convert. union Signal. A convention of Nebraska prohibi tionists is to meet in Lincoln leb. 19th and 20th, 1890, for the purpose of per fecting methods and means for conduct ing a vigorous campaign lor the adop tion of the prohibitory amendment to the state constitution. It is expected that some of the most distinguished temperence workers in the nation wil address the meeting, among them John P. St. John and Miss Frances E. Wil- lard. Among the attractions of the conven tion of February 19th and 20th will be an entertainment by Miss Daisy Stod dard, the gifted young elocutionist who won tne uiamonu meuai in tne uemo- rest contest held by the National W. C T. U., at Chicago. n 4 A recent number of the Chicago Lever contains testimony in favor of the pro hibition law that should be overwhelm- ing. inty-eignt prooate judges and a large ' number of district judges and officials declare over their own signa ture their approval of the law. FREIGHT OUTRAGES. We copy the following article from the Chicago Tribune of Jan. 4, in which paper it appeared as editorial, under the above caption. I will be seen that the reduction of 5 cts. a bushel on' corn f-asK'a for by the Governor will not equal the advance which has taken place. But the Governor does not ask for any reduction except on corn; while the charges on stock and other grains are quite as outrageous as upon corn. The .Lincoln letter alluded to bv the Tribune was written by T. W. Lkw ery. Following is the article: A letter from Lincoln, Neb., tmblish- ed in another column, states emphati cally a conditiou of things to which the Tribune has called attention more than once within the last few months. While corn is selling in this market at about the lowest prices known m the last quarter of a century the Burlington road is charging more for transporting it hither than it did previous to the pas sage oi me inrer-otate Commerce law. The present rate for 541 miles is 22 cents per 100 pounds. This leaves on- o cents per bushel ar. me mniai snip ping point il the gram granes sso.z on its arrival here, and three cents less ban that if it be passed by the inspec ors into the next lower grade. And out of this small sum the dealer at the country station takes his profit, while he farmer has to stana ine cost oi hauling to the depot. In the seven years next preceding the passage of the aw the rate was not at anyume nigner than 20 cents, and was once as low as i4 cents per 100 pounds. The injustice of the present imposition is all the more apparent when compared with the act that corn is being nauiea irom that point to St. Louis for threft cents per bushel less, though the distance is a few miles greater. The rate to Chicago is 30 per cent more man mat to St. Louis, though the amount of service performed is practically the same in the two cases. A similar discrimina- ion is made on packing-house products, he rates being 21 and 16 cents respec ively. The point made by the correspondent that corn should be carried for less be cause it is worth less than one-sixth of an equal weight of flour is not a sound one. The principle that should be in sisted upon is that the railroads ought to charge what the carrying service is lonestly worth on the cheap article as well as the dearer one. There is no more reason tor discriminating in ra vor of corn as against flour than in favor of the poor man versus the rich,St. Louis as against Chicago or the contrary. The true rule should be to serve all alike, without preferences as to com modities, persons, or places, a greater charge being permitted only in case ot a larger amount of service. Under such a rule other matters might well be trusted to regulate themselves, between the relative production in one set of places and the prices paid in others by consumers, nut he cannot too lorcioiy express the indignation which is de served at the hands and mouths of all honest men by the giossly unfair dis criminations which he mentions in the interest of the public. It should be about time to discover some means of causing such iniquities to cease.whether perpetrated in favor of lines which hap pen to be controlled by Jay Gould or any other person. Such enormities too strongly invite a popular uprising - vhen long continued to make their practice consistent with the peace and good or der of a community, to say nothing of its prosperity. Why do not our granger friends take up such abuses as impera tively demand a reform and press the issue to a speedy solution NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Scandi navian Mutual Insurance Co. will be held at Marquette, Neb., on February 22, 181)0. All members are requested to be present. Members of Hamilton County Mutual Insurance of the Farm ers' Alliance are also invited to attend. Oscar Gunnison, Jan. 27, 1890. Marqutte, Neb. A NEW PREMIUM. LOOKING BACKWARD. We have made arrangements to fur nish our patrons with that wonderful book of Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, as a premium. All who wish this book can get it in this manner at about one-half the retail price. Every person interested in progress and re form, and every student of the social problems which now claim so large a share of public attention, should read this book. The sale it is having is al most unprecdented. Since the phenom enal sale of Uncle Tom's Cabin no book has had so wide a sale. We will send The Alliance one year, and a copy of Looking Backward, paper covers, for $1.30. Or, we will send the book for two new sub scribers at $1.00. Or, we will send the book post-paid, for 50 cts. The Iowa Steam Feed Cooker. The most practical, most con venient, most economical, and in every way the BEST STEAM FEED COOKER MADE. A glance at the construction of it is enough to convince any man that it is far superior" to any other. For descriptive circu lars and prices apply to N. F. SPEaR, Omaha, Neb., or MAR- TIN STEAM Iowa. FEED COOKER CO., Manning, r 20m6 W. Jewktt Henderson, McCredie, Mo. D. Henderson, Fulton, Mo. W. Jewett Henderson & Co. BREEDERS AND SHIP PERS OF PUKE BRED POLAND CHINAS f the most popular strains Pigs furnished in pairs and trios not akin. Prices the very lowest. Personal inspection invited and correspondence solicited Kenesaw, Adams County, Nebr. Breeder and Shipper f Recorded Poland China Hoc-8. Choice Breeding Stock for sale. Write for wants. Mention The Alliance. BEATRICE "W" C3 3riL ZESZ G CHA'S HEIDEART, Proprietor. 618 EAST COURT STREET, N. E. OP POST OFFICE. EstaTolislieci 1868. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, HEAD-STONES, TABLETS, VAULTS, SARCOPHAGI, & CEMETERY , WORK OF ALL KINDS. 20tf Branch Yards, Brownville and Rock Port, Mo. JOHN M. STEWART, H. F. ROSE. Ass't Atfy Gen'l. STEWART & ROSE, ATTORNEYS. & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Rooms 15 8c 16, Montgomery Block, Lincoln. 8pecial attention given to Railroad, Insur ance and Corporation Law. We attend personally to litigation In any county in the state. If desired. Correspond' ence Solicited. Reference: Judges of the Su preme Court, Attorney Gen. Leese. Sltf s inn & Is .r bo A CURE for HARD TIMES PUS loviug otaoioa loam, Wftin lowing lmpi or of tba TATO, Sample and beat M a bright, .m r - - Wl It It'll s ;.- vw it AlWffttntmh -y RRPit&r;DisnMi:si fi.?; ci line TTir A FVVCtklfct 1 IgpwHnvi. int. rvwiykijiii i WSaHUNDREiBllSfiElk. 0n JlFi 'IT retail 1'lrt li v0nv k I'llllMUIIIji'l MfllL IIIDPL agaJCULTIVATlNO.and ONE who! POTATO fcr I eUV V OOFl'LL OAr.TL YSILGON. r.iechanicovlile, cC Pa.,."?. THIS 1STIIEI IMPROVED DURING 1880. Grinds finer, runs lighter, is Also Manufacturers of Hand aV fin JUXIIVJJIL RhPiifln. Post-Hole Diireers. Send for Catalogue Dcrore Duyimj. Agent wanted in unoccu pied Territory. 3ml8J SPBINOriEU IMPLEMENT Co., Springfield, O. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ALLIAICE! THE FARMERS' OM PAPER. -00- Magnificent -oo- In order to compensate our friends for Alliance we make the following UNPRECEDENTEDLY LIBERAL O.ifiERS of Premiums: History of the Johnstown Flood. Illustrated. 450 pages. Cloth binding, elegant print. RETAIL PRICE f I.M. We will send The Alliance one Year and this book, post-paid, Save now names for one year at one dollar. , Magner's Farmers' Encyclopedia. Profusely Illustrated. Beautifully bound In muslin and gilt. 630 pages. This is a well- ten own standard wonc. it emuracw u iuu branches of farm husbandry, and a vast amount oi inrormauon wnicn enouiu w in farmers' family. RETAIL PRICE $2,75. We One Year for $2,60. Or, we will send the book Stanley's Wonderful Adventures in Africa. Prof usely Illustrated. Beautiful muslin and gilt binding. 687 pages. This is a book of absorbing interest, and no one will regret its purchase even at much more than our prio. RETAIL PRICE $2,75. We will send this book, post-paid, and The Alliance one year for $2,Tfc Or, we will send the book for twelve new names at one dollar. We are enabled to make these unparalleled otters because Of wholesale contracts made) with jobbers. Laborand Capital, by Edward Kellogg. This work should be read by every man who is interested In the financial problem. We will send a copy, post-paid, to every subscriber Money sent by bank draft, Express or Post Office order, or Registered Letters at our risk. Stamps and Postal Alliance Publishing Co., Lincoln, Neb. TO PREPARE FOR A CHANGE IN MY BUSINESS, I will offer my entire stock of 200 Ctelani Bay 3 and 5 years old, and 50 pure bred mares, sound, vigorous and fully acclimated AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 150 DEEP MILKING MUST BE SOLD DURING THE NEXT THREE WEEKS. An opportunity rarely offered to secure such high class stock at the prices and terms am prepared to offer. Send for pamphlet giving fnll particulars. GEO. E. BROWN, Aurora, Kane Co., 111. OBTAIN CHICAGO The way to do this is to ship yourButter, Efrgs, Poultry. Veal. Keane, Broom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits, ract that you may nave Deen selling mese arcicies at nome ror years is no reason that you should continue to do so if you can find a better iptrket. We make a specialty of receiving shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS, and probably have the lartrost trade la .his way of any house in this market. Whilst you ore looking around for the cheapest mar ket In which to buy your jroods and thus economizing in that way, it will certainly pay you to give some attention to the best and most profitable WE7 of dlKposlng of your produce. We invite correspondence from INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all organizations who desire to ship their produce to this market. If requested, we will send you free of sharjre our daily market report, shipping directions and such information as will be of ser vice to you if you contemplate shipping. Let us hear from you. SUMMERS, MORRISON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, REFEREN CE: Metropolitan Nation Bank, J. TIIORP & Co., Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Badges and Baggage Checks :yt Kvei v Description, JKCJ S. ilth St.. Established 1880. LINCOLN, NEfl. 25 Million Nursery Grown Forest Tree SEEDLINGS. No agents. Deal direct with customers. Save commission middle-men. Send for price list. Also GENERAL NURSERY Stock. ROBERT W. FURNAS, 6m31 Brownville, Nebraska. H. C. STOLL, BREEDER OF 'iter The MoBt Improved Breeds of Poland China, Chester White, Small Yorkshire and Essex Hogs. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. P. O. Address. BEATRICF JONES, HE PAYS THE FREIGHT. TOM WACON SCALtS, eJOU, SEAXSOX 1 eiu r . Freight Paid. Warranted for & Yean AccaU Wanted. 8ed for Ten FARMERS' Haua ! Warka S-ialea. JONES 07 IUfGHAUTOlf. Binghamton, .T, r Send (or fall Descriptive Catalogue for 1890. i Trnmbull, Reynolds & Allen, 1426-1428 Bt Louia Avenuit, KANSAS CITV, MO. AT YOUR DOOIt AT WHOLESALE IMMCICM. Havinc mwi ft larra anutttf ml Ik rwi aud valuable amda lh pul muto, aaU In orter to tatrndae oar wonaerrui new roma, imo ntu.wu iobh, wi maaa am a ll.l'KGlw.i'Kni bU uiimm r or i.w in ! mooej, wo wiu araa a dox poavpaia. mwauii nom -i-rl tanfc rollowlog KGw AHi urnuviii mod one Mrdlaa. thorreatool dlKWTorr 01000 mr aavenloi too KARUT Hi-HK. ABE TI BEST WIlMira t.mrlr Hlnoa Aairnip Jtrx-i, wrum tni Mo I. Kan. tlan'o lUlf.Lonat WUter Ueet, at tarietj. U Uono Itmt of All loi Iltwaa, food tor map bono la winter. U 1 1 ', Ifeat or All Haach Ucaaft, "on, woaer, and battorr. Hmrir Adraacw Cabbam, boot anil oarllook Wilson's Preadaaa Flat itutcb. Cabba-, boat ariotv. Karlr lima 1'laater Oavaaibcr, best for tahl wo. llwa'i I mmst Vrtm Caeaaiberv boot for ft0!'"- New (rf faitr vorn, too oarueoi In toe world. llaoa . lircw l.nw fiw Haejar Cera, owoet and dellntou. Vallraralaow ttoldea Pop Cora, boot variety. Mow Vlf-UlaarbUc 'elery, extra miaUty. need do bankloc op. M lleaa'. Kxtra Earir Lcttiam. beading - Jordaa'a link Monarch Wa ternieloa, Tory largo, twert, and lucer. MUleVa Cream Nutate Mrlon, tmtnatered la eaa. tiTitloo. Improved lloand Yrltow Dan V ere Oatoaw NEW ftPAMMI K1NU ONION, I powud onoafro ed flnt rear. Abbot 'a Improved Masai l'araala. Kaby K(ng Pepper, Unnl, larirwt, owocuet lfV - ceo. J UMBO, of CALIKOKMA, the Urent pumr.aj. In the world; bai weighed 400 lb. V.arly ltoay Kadlab. beet and oarlleot. New 'b artier Had Ue., baa dimmer variety. White Pineapple rHiiianb., roo"! forr.Ua. keepi all winter. Early Numamer Hatter Hanaaa. Tar. ner'a Ilvbrld Tnmiln. h.1 nA Bneot ever latrodaoad. NEW ZEALAND VIU TOMATO, ex-ltcnl for prMtT ing: cured and dried, eanal to the beet Br. Manleb Ptrap LearTaralp, tonder. tweet. Ooldea fJloba Kate, llama, beat ft table ute. VEGETABLE PEACH, oaaily greoa ta eed Bret veari makoa nloo or nraaorvae eanal La the beat aeeoaoa. packet of Wllaoa'a True Learning Cora, the eartteat field corn la cultivation. New Maaaaaoth Zlaala. aeabto Dahlia, brlabt aa a roaa. Waalilaataa Aateeau vor tare, all beautiful oolore. tJlaat Geraaaa Paaaleo, beat Milled, taait RIZKD PACKETS, with DIRECTIONS PO gt4 afa 1 For Corn and Cobs, Food and Table McaL H more durable than any mill on the market. At Self-Dump Hay Rakes, Cultivators, Cora Offer! their aid in extending the circulation of Tb for VI, 7 o. ur, wo wm seuu iuo uw ur uumuuiuiu v uai will send this book, post-paid, and The Aiuanc for twelve new name at one wuw. for The Alliance at f 1.00 per year. Notes at risk of sender. and Shire Stallions j PRICES FOR YOUR Hay, Grain, Wool, IIMps, ilnar you have, to us. Th Vegetables, or anything ; 174 S. WATER, ST., CHICAGO. Chicago. Mention The Alliaue GEO. C. W. A. BELL. MCCOY. T. C. SHELLY. S. F. MrCOY. Bell, HI? & McCoy (Successors to Bell & Co.) Mod Co Merchants. Room 39 Eichanere Building. Cash Advances on Consignment. references ask your bank. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Nebraska. U23 GENEVA NURSERIES. 40,000,000 FOREST TREES, ALL NURSERY GROWN. 200,000 Grape Vines. We have a complete Stock of everything in the Nursery Line, which we offer to Nurse rymen, Dealers and Planters at Bed Rock Prices. 100 11.00 Collections by Mail. 20 to 50 per cent discount on List Price to Alliances. Send for Price List. Address . (3m31) YOUNG ER3 t CO., Geneva, NeU CITY GBfflD If ILL mission