The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 01, 1890, Image 1

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, .. ., . , ..." ; -; 1 ' "THERE IS NOTHING WHICH IS "HUMAN THAT IS ALIEN TO ME."Terence. f
... - J' .'.-- i : ... " ' " . . . , .
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapest means of noti
fying subscribers of the date of their expira
tions we will mark this notice with a blue or
red pencil, wa the date at which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration, if not renewed
by that time it will be discontinued.
Subscribe for the
Magniflcent Premiums!
Ttie Alliance has been started as
the official organ of the Nebraska State
Farmers' Alliance. It has' already
taken a high place among the papers
cf the country, and is gaining patron
age which promises to make it a bril
liant success.
I will be conducted SOLELY IN
its Editor, is Chairman o'f the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Farm
ers' State Alliance. , He has had long
experience in newspaper work. He
will bring to his aid able men in differ
ent spheres of thought, and will make
The Alliakci one -of the ablest pa
pers in the west.
MR. THOMPSON, the Associate Ed
itor, is Secretary of the Nebraska State
TriE Alliance will Tse absolutely
in the discussion of all public ques
tions. It accepts no patronage from
railroads ox corporations, and its edi
tors have no free passes. NO MONEY
THE ALLIANCE will be found in
the front ranks of the opposition to all
trusts and combinations to throttle com
petition, -and extort from the producers
and laborers the lion's share of the fruits
of their toiL
"We shall advocate the free coinage
of silver the same as gold, and its re
storation to its old time place in our
The issue of all paper money direct
to the people on land security, and an
increase of its volume proportioned to
increased production and population;
Government ownership of railroads;
The LL S. postal telegraph;
The restriction of land ownership to
the users of land, Mid its reasonable
The exclusion of alien landlords;
The electiou of U. S. Senators by a
direct vote of the people;
And all . other reforms which will
inure to the benefit of the Fanner
and Workingmen.
Now Brother Farmers and Working
men it remains for you to prove that
the often-made assertion that you will
not stand bv your own friends, is false.
We appeal to you for support. Give
us your support aud we will give you a
grand paper.
Every member of the Alliance, and
every Farmer, should make the suc
cess of this paper HIS OWN. INDI
We want an agent in every Alliance
in the North.
Terms, Sinple Subscriptions $1.00 per
year, invariably in advance; or, Five
yearly Subscriptions Four Dollars.
Canvassers wanted.
MIUM OFFER in our advertising
All kinds of Job Work
Promptly and neatly executed at rea
sonable prices. Particular attention
given to Alliance work.
Address, Alliance Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Covered. With Ice.
San Fiuncisco, Jan. 28. Railroad offi
cials at Sacramento succeeded in having
communication for a short time Saturday
night with the Truckee office on the east
ern slope of the Sierra mountains, when it
was learned that snow was sixteen feet
deep on tke track between that place and
the station five miles west of there. The
late rains with the freeze transferred this
into ice, which will have to be chopped
out and shoveled away by hand. The rail
road company hat? endeavored to secure
telegraphic communication with Reno, in
order that a few, at least, of the west
bound trains that are there can be ordered
back to Ogden and their passengers trans
ferred to the southern route. From Co
lusa, m the western part of the Sacramento
valley, the report comes that for twenty
two miles farms are covered with water
to the depth of from two to six feet. The
loss throughout the state by the flood can
not be even approximated, but now it is
thought will not be as great as at first
Going For Oklahoma Lot Jumpers
Oklahoma City, I T., Jan. 28. Last night
a large crowd of Indignant citizens pulled
down the house of a lot Jumper and burned
the wreck. There is the most intense ex
citement and if the military does not inter
fere, blood is sure to be shed. Serious
fights occurred today over disputed lots
and an organization has been formed to
pull down every lot-jumper's house in the
An Arab Saying.
By Constantino, E Broolcs
Itemember three things come not back ;
The arrow sent upon its track
It will not swerve, it will not stay
Its speed ; it flies to wound or slay.
The Broken word, so soon forgot
By thee; but it has perished not;
In other hearts 't is living still,
And doing- work for good or ill.
And the lost opportunity,
That cometh back no more t thee.
In vain thou weepest, in vaim dost yearn,
Those three will nevermore (return.
All Over the State.
A board of trade with 125 members
has been organized at Superior.
The State bank of Shickley will in
crease its paid up capital to $20,000.
"Fourteen carloads of cattle were
shipped out of Wayne last Wednesday.
Delegates from township alliances
met recently at Alma and organized a
county afliance.
Strawberries have been placed on
the market at Fremont at the modest
price of $1 per box.
A Wayne man mourns the disap
pearance of hie affianced and $100 en
trusted to her keeping.
: Mr. J. D. White of York, suffered a
stroke of paralysis Thursday and his
recovery is doubtful. t
Grand Island gets the next state fire
men's, convention and the tournament
goes to Plattsmouth.
J. W. Williams of Milligan fractured
his arm wfcile showing the boys how to
throw a curved ball.
The Indian saurder case now being
tried at Wayne on a change of venue
cost Thurston county $2,624.
A Pender paper tells of a little game
of poker at that place where there was
$1,700 on the table at one time.
Three children of Mr, and Mrs. W.
F. North, living at Harvard, have died
within the past week of diphtheria.
The faculty of the Fairfield school
have decided to discontinue school on
Saturday and have it on Mondays as of
Tha Chinese unions of Omaha show
that there are sevanty men and no
women of that nationality living in
that city.
Since toll is no longer charged at
the pontoon bridge Sioux City topers
can drink a glass of beer, at Covington
for five cents. - - -
Lew Irwin and Asa Bates, inmates
of the Dakota county jail, were sent
after a bucket of water the other day
and failed to return. They had but
twenty days to serve.
Three Weeping Water hunters went
out the other day and succeeded in
bagging two wild cats, one weighing
twenty-eight pounds and the other six
teen pounds.
Kearney is now looking forward to
the presidency of the United States.
She now furnishes presidents for the
following state associations : State ag
ricultural, firemen's and poultry.
The Brady Island bridge, which is
the longest that spans the Platte river,
measuring 4,702 feet, was completed
last week and turned over to the com
missioners of Lincoln county.
A recent survey .shows that since the
original survey made in 1857 over
10,000 acres of land along the Missouri
river Dakota county and 1,000 town
lots in Dakota City have wandered off
in the direction of St. Lous, It was
also found that much of this property
had been carried on the tax books and
the object of the survey was to correct
any such errors.
Ed. Keal a section hand at Carroll,
Wayne county, was found unconcious
in his c abin about a week ago from the
effects of coal gas. The physicians
were unable to save his life and he
died three days afterward without re
gaining conciousness.
The pupils of Weeping Water
schools wanted a vacation the other
day and obtained it by assembling
early, opening the windows for a few
moments and treating the themometer
to a snow bath. When the teacher
arrived he took his customary look at
the mercury, condemned the heating
apparatus and dismissed school at
Creighton special: William Fields,
a young man at Jessup postoffice,
southwest of Creighton. Saturday re
ceived a deathwound at the hands of a
companion. The young men were
about to start home from a small store
at Jessup. Young Fields was standing
at the rear of the sleigh, and a shot
gun was leaning against the sled point
ing backward, and in some way his
companion, in climbing into the sled,
accidentally touched the trigger and
discharged the gun. The charge en
tered Field's breast near the heart. He
started to walk into the store, but fell
at the door step, and lived but a few
hours. He was about 20 years old,
and leaves an aged father and mother
and an elder brother almost heart
broken. Quarterly Meeting.
Wj lkesb abbe. Pa. ,' Jan. 28. The quarterly
meeting of district assembly 16, Knights of
Labor, at Pitfcston today adopted resolu
tions favoring the Australian ballot system
and advising members of the order to cease
traffic with foreign peddlers. The senti
ment of the meeting was favorable to a
formation of an anthracite district assem
bly covering all the anthracite coal fields
of Pennsylvania. Delegates were present
representing over 4.0G0 organized workers
of the Knights of Labor.
Non-Partisan W. C. T. U.
Cleveland, O., Jan. 25. The ladies of
America who are meeting here for the pur
pose of organizing a national temperance
society adopted another name this morn
ing. The first name agreed upon was the
American Woman'? Christian Temperance
League. Yesterday afternoon, however,
the title of the society was changed to the
National Crusade. This morning another
change was made and for a time at least
the orgaaf zation will be known as the Non
partisan Woman's Chistian Temperance
Union. After the opening of the seesion
this morning Mra Ellen J. Phinney, the
new president, said she had decided to ac
cept the responsibility, but she wanted
the pledge that the ladies would "stand by
her to the last." Nxa. Campbell of Penn
sylvania said "the women of her state
would do so." "Praise God." said Mrs.
Aldrich of Iowa. Mrs. H. M. lignum and
Mies F. Jennie Duty of Cleveland were
nominated f er general secretary and the
latter was elected by a unanimous vote.
Mrs. Florence Miller of Des Moines, la.,
was elected recording secretary by ac
clamation. Mrs. E J. ShortJedge of
Pennsylvania was chosen financial sec
retary without anyone to oppose ber.
Mrs. C. Corndia Alford of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
was the unan'mous choice of the delegates
for treasurer. The heads of the five de
partments of work were then elected.
When Mrs. M. J. Aldrich of Iowa was ncm -nated
for evangelistic secretary e he said:
"I em a believer in muscwlar Christianity
and cannot consistently accept the posi
tion." The election then proceeded, with
the following results: Evangelistic secre
tary. Mrs. Mary J. Aldricn of Iowa.; educa
tional secretary, Mrs. Joseph D. Weeks of
Pennsylvania; legislative secretary, Mrs.
Lidia H. Tilton of the District of ColnmMa;
literary work, Mrs. Florence Porter of Gid
town. Me ; young women's work, Mrs. J. B.
Webster of Illinois. All these ladies with
the exception of Mrs. Miller were present
and took seats on the platform. It was de
cided that the presidents of the state
unions should be delegates at large to the
national convention. The meeting- finally
agreed to adopt the Non-Partisan Wi .man's
Christian Temperance Union as the titJe of
the society at the request of Mrs. Aldrich
of Iowa and Mrs. Core of Pennsylvania. A
circular will be issued showing the differ
ence between the old and the ne v organi
sation. Deckled to Consolidate.
Columbus, O., Jan. 25 The ties that bind
the mine workers and the Knighcs of Labor
have at last been amalgamated, both or
ganizations made their report today. The
constitution presented was taken up by
sections . and adopted with, a few slight
amendments. It provides that the name
of the new organization shall be the united
mine workers of national division assem
bly 13 K. of L., and the national progres
sive union. Thus the names of Koth or
ganizations are preserved. The national
officers will consist of a president or
master workman, vice-president or worthy
foreman, secretary-treasurer, and an ex
ecutive board composed of seven -members.
The constitution further provides that
any member in good stanoing of either
the progressive union or N. D. A. 1S5, K. of
L., shall be eligible to office under the
amalgamation providing he becomes a
member of both organizations before quali
fying. This provision is occasioned by the
fact that the'N. P. U. is an open organiza
tion and N. D. A. 135 a secret one. The
time of the annual convention is fixed on
the second Tuesday in February of each
year, the place to be voted upon at each
preceeding convention. Thit practically
settles the whole matter and the remain
der of the session will be occupied in
routine business and fixing a natioaal scale
of prices.
Three Men Killed.
PrrrsBUBO, Pa., Jan. 29. A special to the
Times from Charleston, W. Ta., says: A
horrible boiler explosion occurred at the
saw mill of A. B. Leech, on Falling Bock
creek, twenty-five miles from here, yester
day, which killed three men. The mill had
stopped to tighten a loose belt. Eight men
were working in and near the mill when, a
few minutes before noon, a terrifie ex
plosion occurred, demolishing the mill and
machinery. Joe Wright, aged twenty-fiye,
was fitting a saw when the explosion oc
curred. The saw wai broken to pieces.
One of the pieces cut Wright's throat; from
ear to ear. He leaves a widow and child at
Welston, O. Morgan Hoover was blown a
hundred yards distant and driven feet
foremost into a hollow log up to his waist,
horribly torn and mangled and killed
instantly. He leaves a widow and seven
children. Bud Mulllns, aged twenty- three,
single, was cut in the abdomen, and had
his eyes and fact scalded. He lived only a
few hours. The cause of the explosion is
not known. The engineer says there was
plenty of water in the boilers. The mill
had only started operations Monday after a
shut down for repairs.
Brazil Formally .Recognized.
Washington, Jan 29. The formal recog
nition of the United States of Brazil by
this government was completed this after
noon, when the president received the
credentials of Senor Valente, the new min
ister accredited by the provisional govern
ment. The president, in receiving Valente,
"Mr. Minister: I receive
sentative of a new rennhlir on ui ornva
grateful duty of the government of the
tt j a a. . mi
unibeu otaies. iue peaceiui course Ol
evenfcR that transformed t.h
Brazil into the United States of Brazil have
been observed with deep interest by the
government ano people oi tma country.
It is a source of profound satisfaction to
the Ampriffnn TlpnnlA thn": f ho tirnTriolnniil
government ol the Brazilian republic came
into power without bloodshed and vio
lence. I trust this circumstance may prove
a nappy augury ol i eace, progress and
prosperity in the career which now opens
to the United States of Brazil. Speaking
for the people of this country it will be my
relation with your government, increase
. j a. . .
peiHuutu interest ana emarge commercial
exchanges between the two republics."
Petition for Their Rights.
Washington, Jan. 25. The committee ap
pointed by the convention of colored peo
ple held in Richmond, Va., December 17
last was before the house committee on
election of president and vice-president to
day to talk about the operations of the
election laws in Virginia. A written state
ment was submitted showing at length the
manner in which it was alleged the regis
tration laws of Virginia have been evaded
and manipulated in the various federal
elections. Tae address says that on th3
Saturday before the last election, registra
tion day, 30,000 legal voters were disfrau
chlsed in Virginia. The address earnestly
appeals to the lawmakers of the nation so
to change the existing national election
law that it shall no longer be in the power
of any registrar or other election officer to
disfranchise arbitrarily any voter to whom
is given the right of the ballot by the con
stitution of the country, and to remedy
the wrongs and evils of which they com-plain.
The Senate.
W ashing ton, Jan. 23. The credentials of
W. A. Clark and Martin Maginnis as senators-elect
from Montana were presented.
They were read and referred to the com
mittee on privileges and elections, a
number of bills were then reported and
placed on the calendar.
As 2 o'clock approached the seats In the
galleries rapUly filled up, and whenlngalls
rose to address the senate in opponitlon to
Senator ButieiV bill to encourage the
emigration of the colored people from the
United See tea the chamber was crowded to
the utmost.
Mr, logalls delivered quite a lengthy
speech. In conclusion he said :
The citizenship of the negro must be ab
solutely recognized, His right to vote
must be admitted and the ballot he casts
must be honestly counted These are es
sential preliminary conditions precedent
to any conditions of the ultra and f unda
menial questions of the race supremacy or
race equality in the United States, north or
south. Those who treed the slaves ask
nothing more.; they will be content with
nwthing less. The experiment ut be
fairly tried. This ts the starting point and
this is the goal, i he longer it is deferred
bhe greater will bo the exasperation and
the more doubtful the final result.
At the conclusion of Ingall's bddress the
senate adjourned until Monday.
Washington, Jan. 27. In tbe senate to
day Mr. Hoar presented the resolutions
adopted at the recent Boston, Mas., meet
ing on the subject of election difficulties in
the south. Referred.
The bill heretofore passed for a bridge
across the Missouri river in Douglas
county, Nebraska, was reconsidered and
amended, providing that the bridge shall
not be located within one-third of a mile
of any existing oridge, and the bill was
again passed.
. Mr. Chandler's resolution calling on the
attorney general for a report concerning
the maltreatment of Henry Faunce at Aber
deen, Misa, was taken up and Mr. WnithalJ
addressed the senate. He said it could not
be possibly pretended that congress hart
any jurisdiction of the subject. Referring
to the hanging in efflgy of Secretary Proc
tor at Aberdeen and tne assault n Fauuce,
he said it was pimply the wanton conduct ot
a few persons and was disapproved by tie
community. Speaking for himself and
representing the sentiment of the people
of Mississippi, he condemned those out
ruges and telt that the people of the United
States would not hold an entire community
responsible for the action of a few per
sons. Mi. George spoke of the resolution as un
paralleled in the history of legislation in
thif country.
Mr. lcgalis spoke forcibly on the matter.
Mr. George cnallengtd the senator irom
Kansas or any senator on the republican
bide to put his finger on that clause of the
constitution which authorized the federal
government to punish or take jurisdiction
of a crime committed within a state and
not against the laws of the United States.
Mr. Wilson of Iowa referred him to sec
tion 2, article 4 of the constitution, in these
worda: "Citizens of-each state shall be - en
titled to all privileges and immunities as
citizens of the several states."
Mr. Reagan condemned the outrage, but
denied the right of the government of the
United States to take jurisdiction.
Mr. George again took the floor and the
resolution went over until tomorrow with
out action.
Wabhzngtok, Jan. 28. Among the memo
rials presented and referred was one from
Augusta, Ma , board of trade for the selec
tion of New York as the site for the expo
sition of 1-89 .'; also one presented by
Chandler for the establishment of a repub
lican form of government in the state of
Mississippi. .
A resolution was offered byMcMillen and
adopted instructing the library committee
to inquire and report as to the propriety
of purchasing the Stanley collection of
Indian historical paintings i ew in the cus
tody of the Smithsonian institution.
The committee on public buildings and
grounds reported the bill appropriating
$2,50 :,O0O for a building at Kansas City,
Mo. , and it was placed on the calendar.
The senate then took up the Chandler
resolution, referring to the Aberdeen out
rage. After considerable discussion the
resolution went over.
The House.
Washington, Jan. 23. A resolution was
adopted calling on the secretary of war for
information as to the present condition of
the government works at the Rock Island
arsenal and asking for an opinion as to the
desirability of utilizing the works for a gun
The report of the committee on elections
in the contested election case of Smith va
Jaekson, from the Fourth district of West
Virginia was submitted and recommitted.
It declares the contestant elected and en
titled to a certificate. The minority was
granted leave to file a minority report.
The house then went into committee of
the whojeion the customs administrative
bill. Pending action the comraitee rose
and the house adjourned.
Washington, Jan. 24. On motion of Gros
venor of Ohio the house insisted upon its
amendment to tho senate bill for the re
moval of the obstructions from the Mis
souri river, and a conference was ordered
The house then went into committee of
the whole for the further consideration of
the customs administrative bill.
After some discussion several amend
ments were agreed to and the committee
On motion of Perkins a joint resolution
was passed appropriating $75,000 for the
purchase of food and clothing for the In
dians at the La Point agency.
Peters introduced a bill to promote the
interest of agriculture by irrigation Re
ferred. Washington, Jan. 27. Mr. Lawler of Illi
nois presented a petition of citizens of Chi
cago protesting against the reimposition
of the duty on crockery, china and glass
ware packages.
Mr. Mason of Illinois introduced a bill ap
propriating $2,0C 0,000 for a postoffice at
Chicago. '
By Mr. Struble ot Iowa For the appoint
ment of a commissioner of immigration;
also prohibiting the transportation of in
toxicating 1 quors from one state or terri
tory to another state or territory in viola
tion of the laws thereof.
By Mr. Kelly of Kansas To pension the
widows and orphans of people killed for
political purposes since the close of the
late war.
The house went Into committee of the
whole to consider the bill appropriating
$1,500,000 for the erection of three United
States prisons and for the imprisonment of
United States prisonera
An amendment was adopted providing
that there shall be such arrangements in
the construction of the prison buildings
that prisoners under twenty years of age
shall not in any way associate with the
prisoners above that age.
The committee rose, reported the bill to
the house and it passed.
A motion to reconsider the vote by which
the bill was passed was made and also one
to lay this motion on the table.
On the latter motion, no quorum voting
and Mr. Holman having raised his point,
the house, without further action, ad
journed. .
Washington, Jan. 28. E. B. Taylor of
Ohio called up the motion made yesterday
to table the motion to reconsider . the vote
by whichthe house passad the bill provid
ii g for the erection of three United States
prioons. The motion to table was agreed
to yeas 122, nays 112.
Dorney of Nebrasfc a, from the committee
on basking and currency, reported the b ll
to provide for the Issue of -circn ating
notes to national banking associations
Bland of Mist-ouri, and Anderson of Kan
sas, Lane of Illinois, and McRae of Arkan
sas onoosed the bill, and Pendleton of
W't Virginia, favored It.
C mnon of Illinois, gave notice cf a pro
posed snbsticute.
Tbe bill then went over.
Peters introduced a bill, which was re
ferred, setting apart curtain lands in No
Man's Land for the propogation of buffa
loea Adjourned.
The Long Trial Ended.
Holtokb, Neb., Jan. 25. The notable
White Cap case that have been on trial
here for the last eight week closed today
and resulted in the conviction of fi7e of
the defendants. Judge Ritt en house of
Denver closed the argument for the de
fendants at 6 o'clock last night in a very
able and forcible manner. At half past
seven District Attorney Garrigan began hie
closing argument for the people and spoke
until about 10:30 last night, when tbe case
was given to the jury. During the fore
noon all kinds of rumors were afloat as to
how the jury stood. At about 4 o'clock
this afternoon tbe jury was eea marching
to the court room, where ibe wildest ex
citement prevailed. The aouse was soon
filled and standing room could not be ob
tained. Wagons were drawn in front of
the windowM and filled wicu eager specta
tors, all anxious to eaten wiat tne verdict
would be. The verdict was passed to the
court and there was a deathlike still nesss
when Judge Glenn, in a firm tone, read the
verdict of the jury, which convicted fire of
the defendants upon four separate charges.
Those convicted were Lee Witherbee, Lon
Wliherbee, Swan Clent Nelson, George
Paine and Oswald Herslg. Those acquitted
wore McPnerson. Spaher and buarks.
Those couvicted will receive sentence on
Monday morning. They will appeal the
case to the supreme court.
A Fatal Kxplosion.
Sunbubt, Pa Jan. 28 A gang of Italians,
Poles and Hungarians who were employed
in widening the railroad bed of the Shamo
kin, S anbury & Lewisburg railroad, today
set three blasts, and then retired to await
the explosion. For some unexplained rea
son only two of the blasts exploded. ' The
men did not know this, however, and had
returned to tiieir work when the third ex
ploded, and they were hurled in all direc
tions. One of the men was instantly killed,
tour fatally injared, and a dozen otoerH
more or less injured, the recovery of two
of them being doubtful. . Three Italians
are said to be missing and are thought to
be under the debris, althouga it has been
almost cleared away without revealing
their bodiea Two dead bodies were taken
from the debris this evening.
Laborers Imported.
PmsBUBG, Pa, Jan. 28. A special to the
Times from Panxtmtawaney, Pa, says:
"Ninety-six men and six women, Poles and
S redes, arrived from the Anthracite coal
region today and were taken to Walston
mine, where they are expected to go to
work tomorrow. The strikers collected in
large numbers tt look at the new arrivals
and probably would have made trouble but
for the presence of the Pinkerton guards,
who dispersed them. There were five
evictions today. Many of the miners, how
ever, voluntarily left their houses. Rev,
Mr. Dill of Cieaifield visited tbe miners to
day and promised to go to headquarters
and endeavor to effect a settlement of the
A Noted Case
Washington, Jan. 23. One . of the noted
cases before the supreme court is that of
Munchraft, who was convicted of being
connected with the Haddock murder at
Sioux City, and was sentenced to a few
years in the penitentiary. He has suc
ceeded in keeping out of prison on bail all
these years since he was convicted, and is
exhausting every legal expedient to escape
entirely. He was not the man who fired
tbe fatal shot, according to general opin
ion, but is supposed to have been one of
the conspirators who planned the assault
upon Mr. Haddock. But he is the only one
of the crowd who was ever convicted and
he is possibly tl-.e least guilty of all who
were indicted. He is petitioning the su
preme court for a rehearing on the ground
that the jury in the last trial was not prop
erly selected. His argument ras made to
the supreme court last Friday and the
court now has the case under advisement.
Damaging Wind Storm.
Chicago, Jan. 25. A special to the Trib
une from Denver, Col., says a terrible wind
storm raged in eastern Colorado all yester
day and Friday. Denver streets were
almost deserted from morning till night
and reports from the divide country show
it to be the worst storm in year?. Trains
on the Santa Fe, Rio Grande and Fort
Worth roads were moved yesterday only
by gangs of section men clearing away the
sand, which fills the cuts, froni tho rails.
The path of the heaviest 6torm is down the
mountains through Monument, Colorado
Springs and Manitou. A telephone message
f roru Monument at 8 o'clock last evening
said that many outbuildings had been de
stroyed and citizsna were moving frm
their houses and taking refuge in the
orueh. It reached a hurricane at Manitou.
Buildings are reported wrecked and side
walks lifted bodily and hurled through the
Another wreck occurred on the Central
Pacific near Berthoud, Col., in which Eagi
neer John French and Fireman John Rich
mond were roasted to death. The hurricane
fanned the flames to a furnace intensity,
but by heroic efforts the train men
succeeded in extinguishing them. They
were pulling a freight train and the storm
was so blinding they did not see that the
sand had c" rifted a foot deep in the cut.
The locomotive jumped the track burying
the engineer and fireman. A telegraph line
repairer was found unconscious under one
of the cars, Dut will recover. The conduc
tor in attempting to reach the nearest sta
tion to telegraph for help had to crawl on
his hands and knees anc hold on the rails.
Even then be could hardly face the tempest
of wind that swept over the mountains,
threatening to dash him down to death.
Trains on all roads were delayed for the
sand drifted like snow.
Justice W. B. Ammerman of Coving
ton continues to sentence prisoners to
ail for robbers and other crimes, not
withstanding he is bound over himself
to the district court for a felony al
leged to have been committed.
Twenty Persons, Injured.
Bloomtngton, I1L, Jan. 28. Twenty per
sons were Injured at 2 o'clock this after
noon In the high eohool at Lexington, in
this county, by a terrible explosion, which
was heard all over the city. While Profes
sor Jess, surrounded by pupils and teach
ers, was conducting an experiment in
chemistry in which oxygen waa being gen
erated into a retort composed wholly or in
part of iron, with iron pipe connections,
the retort suddenly flew to pieces and
nearly thirty persons were hurled in all
directions ana twenty of them more or less
mangled. To add to the horror ot tho
scene a can of gasoline, through which a
piece of hot iron had been blown, took lire
and for a few moments it looked as though
the building and some ot tho wounded
victims might be consumed. Tho burning
gasoline spread rapidly over the floor, but
the flames were extiaguised after a hard
fight in which several students were slight
ly scorched.
Iowa Legislature.
Dbs MorsKs, Jan. 23. In the senate this
afternoon a resolution was introduced by
Kelly requesting congress to pass a law
authorizing the president to suepend the
tariff laws in cases where it comes to his
kno pledge the Bale of certain goods
protected thereunder are controlled by
trusts. Adjourned.
When the house convened this afternoon
the contest for permanent speaker was
taken up. Rich man of Muscatine nomin
ated J. T. Hamilton of Linn countv on be
half of the democrats, and Lake Dominat
ed Wilson of Cass for the republican". The
first roll call resulted: Hamilton, 41; Wil
son, 41. Hamilton voted for Wilson and
Wilson for Hamilton. After tho call many
in the loby left, satisfied that the deadlock
was on once more. After five ballots the
house adjourned.
. $
The Great Northwest.
Euxurn, Minn., Jan. 29. Thursday morn
ing a train consisting of fifteen carload of
flour, appropriately decorate -1 and in
scribed with mottoes, will start over the
Duluth, South Shore k Atlantic railway for
a through trip to Boston. Iu many re
spects this train will be the most unique
in ihei history of any city. The entire
train of cars Is the product of the great
iron car works of Duluth, the iron for
which wis taken from Duluth's mines and
the timber from its forests. The flour is
the product of the Duluth Imperial mill,
the finest flouring mill In the world, and it
was ground from ttie celebrated Duluth
No. 1 hard wheat, which commands the
nighetjfi price of any wheat grown in the
world in the great markets of Europe and
America Tho cars will be lnsciibed with
various mottoes and statistical data,
among them being: "The great unsalted
sea to tc salted sea, good morning, old
Neptune," "The Zanith City to the Hub,"
"Receipts of wheat at Duluth for the last
four months 15,220,447 bushela" Every
thing about the train smacks of the uu
salted sea and this train and its lading will
no doubt waken up the sleepers of the
effete east to the golaen possibilities of the
new golden nortnwest.
Distillers' Trnst.
Chicago, Jan. 27. Although it was given
out at the time of the recent meeting of the
trustees of the distiller's trust that nothing
but routine business was accomplished, it
now appears that an important change was
decided upon in the matter of organization.
The Times today publishes a letter signed
by President Green haul and Secretary Gib
son of the National Wnlsky trust and ad
dressed to "certificate holders" all over the
country, stating that the trustees of tbe
distillers and cattle-feederb' trust at a re
cent meeting voted unanimously in favor
of changing the present organization into
that of a corporation under the laws of
the state of Illinois, awd directed that a
special meeting of thoso holding certifi
cates be called at Peoria for February 11,
1890, for the purpose of considering the ad
visability of changing the present organiza
tion into a corporation and to take such ac
tion as may be deemed udvlsable. The
Timis says that a prominent member cf
the trust said last night that the continued
talk of national and ' state legislation
against trusts madeltobligatotyupoa them
to protect themselves by organizing as one
vast corporation.
An Awfnl Calamity.
Columbus O., Jan. 24. An explosion oc
curred at the double residence of Messrs.
Michael Bowers and John Marriott, at the
earner of Wall and Noble alleys. The cause
of the calamity was an accumulation of nat
ural gas In the cellar of the house referred
to. The city has recently been supplied
with natural gas and leading past the house
occupied by Marriot and Bowers is one of
the mains through which the commodity is
furnished to the public The pipes had
leaked aud the explosive fuel had found its
way through nssures in the ground to the
cellar which was the seat of the horror. It
became ignited in some mysterious man
ner and exploded with terrific force, wreck
ing the building and filling the air with
idrs Marriot was blown out of the house
and a man named Goulding, who was
standing near the structure, was blown
across the street Mra Marriot was carried
across the street to the residence of Wil
liam James, a bookkeeper for the book firm
of Glock fe Beck. Dr. Wissinger was called
to attend rer lnjurlea The house where
tho injured lay was soon crowded with
people attracted by the accident and it was
sotn necessary to close tbe doors that no
more might enter. Little knew those
scores of spectators huddled around the
eulierer that they were standing In a death
trap which was then on the verge of carry
ing them into eternity. Suddenly th air
w.s rent by a tremendous exp!o3ion which
made the earth quake and filled the air
with flying timbers, bricks and debris cf
all kinds. Darkness ersued and then a
death-like stillness reigned for a lew
It was broken by ihrieks and death
groana ' The house in which lay the pow
erless form of Mra Marriot had been blown
to atoms, and its occupants buried beneath
the wreck. Hundreds of spectators who
lined the sidewalks were knocked violent
ly down by the shock and laid powerless.
Then to cap the climax a team of spirited
horses attached to the fire depart ment lad
der trucks became frenzied by the explo
sion and dashed away into the crowd, car
rying death in their waka They ran over
and injured scores of people. A beautiful
little babe was knocked from its mother's
arms, and falling beneath the merciless
wheals of the vehicle was crushed to
As soon as the maddened steeds had
disappeared in the darkness many of the
spectators and firemen whe had been un
injured bj either of the horrors turned
their attention to digging out the persons
buried beneath the ruins of the house.
Guided by the cries and moans of the
mangled and dying, men groped in the
darkness, pulling out a dead body here, a
mangled yet living form there, and con
veying them to resting placea Groups
of men, women and children gathered
around the prostrate forms and blood
curdling shrieks made the awful scene
more revolting as friends recognized
friends, injured or dead. Parents fomd
their mutilated children and vice versa. It
required several hours to remove all the
dead and wounded from the ruins, and it is
not yet known who or how many are the
The Work of the Car Stove.
Indianapolis, Jan. 27. The passenger
train on the Menon route which left Chica
go Sunday night was wrecked at 7:-r0 this
morning a mile above ,Carmel village, six
teen miles north of here. The train wan
running at a rapid rate and was approach
ing a long trestle ucrcss Wilkcrsoa creek,
when the tender of the engine jumped tho
track. The engineer reversed his engine
but before the air brakes could check the
speed of tho train the locomotive and Lug
gage car had cleared the trestle, but four
coaches went over into tbe creek. Tho
ladies' coach immediately caught tiro and
in a short time was reduced to ashes.
Fortunately for the occupants of this coach
train No. 2, which left this city for Chicago
at 730 had been ordered to meet tho
wrecked train at Caimel, and as soon as
word of the wreck was received tho pas
sengers hurried to tho scene and went to
work rescuing the occupants of the burn
ing car. A terrible scene met their eyes.
In plain view of all were two boyri and a
woman. They wero dead, but iholr bodie
were being rapidly consnmed. The arm ot
one projected through the side of tho car
and could be touoheu by thode of the out
side, but opening was iiot large enough to
draw the body through. Immediately in
front of the boy was a lady who got on
tbe train at FranKfort and is as yet uniden
tified. Her body was enveloped In flames,
but there was no possible way to get her
out of the burning coach. Across from
this lady was Mrs. Eubank s of Broad
Ripple, Ind. Her head was horribly
crushed. A brakeman and a paseenger
seized her by the arms and by desperate ef
forts pulled the body through the window.
She lived only a few minutes after being
taken out Another of the rescued whu.
has since died was Mr. Doming ot Sheri
dan. He was pinioned to the floor by tim
bers and horribly crushed. Some men
seized him and after a minute's work cut
away tbe timbers that held the body,
which was removed to the north side of
the track. There was no medical aid pre-,
ent and the man died In a few minuter
Buckets having been secured from f aim.
houses near by the flames were soon sub
dued and prevented from communicating
to the sleeper and other coachos. As noou.
as It was possible to do so search wat
made for the other dead. The body of a
woman identified as Mra. Lizzie Fli zpatrlck
of this olty was noon jound. Ic wan bun ed
to a crisp. The Oldham children were
f ound eldo by side, a heavy stove lying;
acrosB their bodies.
Six are known to be Li lied and a luge
number seriously injured.
One of the heroes of Ue awful iff air in J.
P. Alteizer of Chicago. He Is at tbe Grand
hotel suffering from a badly bruised
shoulder and a cut on tho luce. His in
juries are not serious, however. Mr. Al
teizer said: T was on my way to this city
on business aud was in the third seat from
the front end of the ladies' coach
In front of me sat a lady aad near her iu a
seat running lengthwise were tw o chil
dren close to the stove. Thero were tiev
eral ladies around us aud all of them woro
laughing aud talking The children wero
looking out of tho window and laugbicg In
glee. The jar of tbe car told me it was off
the track aud a moment later it plunged
forward and fell on its side. I staggered to
my feet the first man up and soou found
1 was net seriously hurt Near mo were
three women piled in a heap, one
almost doubled up, and anotier par
tially under a fceat The car was full of
dirt, gravel and smoko. I grabbed tho
woman who was on top of tho heap
and dragged her through the debris to tho
other end of the car, pus tied my wny out
fide tnd carrying her to tho bauk laid her
down. I ran baok to the car and we
joined by a brave feliow whose came I
don't know. I caught up another womau
and carried ber out and started baok after
another. I found tho conductor abous
midway in the car vnier aseatanddrtgged
him out. But I could do no more the car
was on fire. When it k truck the bank the
front end flattened out and took fire The
little children who five minutes beforo had
laughed so gleefully, wero held down by
the roof and the upturned etovo rensted
them to death. I was the most horrible
thing I ever witnessed, and I was the only
one in tbe front end of the car who es
caped. The train was runnlvg very fast,
and the tender ot the engino leaving the
track caused th rati to r pread, whlau
threw off the cars."
American Dressed Meat.
Oitawa, Ont., Jan. 25. In the housj of
commons this afternoon the member for
Westmoreland drew the attention of the
house to tho enormous increase in the con
sumption cf dree Bed American meat in the
maritime provinces. Nine years ng tbe
importation amounted to 3X),UX) pounds,
bat Chioego houses have sinoe worked op
a trade there representing 400,000 poundli
annually. The Canadian farmes, unpro
vided with refrigerator cars, cannon com
pete with the American producer, and the
member uiged parliament to double the
duty. His petition will be duly considered.
Train Wrecked.
Indianapolis, Jan. 27. A passenger train
on the Monon route which left Chicago
Sunday night was wrecked , at 7:50 this
morning above Carmel village, sixteen
miles north f here. The train was run
ning at a rapid rate and was approaching
a long trestle across Wilkeraon creek when
the tender of the engino Jumped the track.
The engineer reversed his engine but be
fore the air brakes could check the speed
of the train the locomotive and batrgacu
cars tad cleared tbe trestle, but the sleep
er and tmoklng coach went over iuto the
creek, taking fire almost immediately aud
beiog consumod in a remarkaoly short
time. Those who escaped unli jurt d bur
ied themselves in dip-gmg the deud r.ud in-
Iured from the wreck, but before ttm could
e accomplished tbe heat of the buruirg
cars became so intense they bad to with
draw. As far as known at this hour three
are killed, and a large number n riously
Lincoln, Nxb.
CATTLE Butchers' steers .... $3 00 a 3 IK)
Cows 1 50 a I 75
HOGS Fat . . . . H 8 (W) a 3 i
Stackers 3 00 a 3 2T
SHEEP 3 CO a 3 t6
WHEAT No. 2 Bpring 60 a Gr
OATS Ne. 2 12 a 18
RYE No. 2 25 a 27
CORN No. 2, new 17 a lb
FLAXSEED 1 tf a 1 iXi
APPLES Per bbl 1 75 a 2 15
HAY Prairie, bulk 3 50 a 4 50
Omaha, Nka
CATTLE 3 20 a 4 40
Cows 1 50 a 3 00
HOGS Fax to heavy 3 50 a 3 75
Mixed 325a350
Chicago, III.
CATTLE-Prime steers 3 SO a 4 80
Stock ers and feeders 1 90 a 3 15
nOGS Packing 1 50 a 3 75
SHEEP Natives 3 GO a 5 80
WHEAT 79tf
Kansas City, Mo
CATTLE Corn fed f 3 SO a S 10
Feeders 1 60 a a SO
HOGS Good to choice (V a 3 75
Mixed 3 55 a 3 60