The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 18, 1890, Image 1

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    Ay Ay A
NO. 31.
in i
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapeBt means of noti
iyin subscribers -of the date of their expira
ions we will mm, this notice with a blue or
red pencil, cna the date at which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks aiter expiration. If not renewed
by that time it will be discontinued.
Subscribe for the
STagniflcent Premiums 1
'Tnc Alliance has been started as
the official organ of the Nebraska "State
Parrners' Alliance. It has already
taken a high place among the papers
of the country, and is gaining patron
age which promises to make it a bril
liant success.
It will be conducted SOLELY IK
its Editor, is Chairman off the
ecutive Committee of
ers' State Alliance- He
the Farm
has had long
experience in newspaper work. lie
will bring to his aid a,ble men in differ
ent spheres of thought, and will make
Tue Alliance one xf the ablest .pa
pers in the west.
MR. THOMPSON, the Associate Ed
itor, is Secretary of the Nebraska State
The Alliance will he absolutely
in the discussion of all public ques
tions. It accepts no patronage from
railroads or corporations, and its edi
tors have no free passes. NO MONEY
THE ALLIANCE will be found in
the front ranks of the opposition to all
trusts and combinations to throttle com
petition, and extort from the producers
and laborers the lion's share of the f ruits
of their toil.
We shall advocate the free coinage
f silver the same as gold, and its re
storation to its old time place in our
The issue of all. paper money direct
to the people on land security, and an
increase of its volume proportioned to
increased production ana population;
Government ownership of railroads;
The U. S. postal telegraph;
The restriction of land ownership to
the users of laud, 4tnd its reasonable
The exclusion ot alien landlords:
'The electfou of U. S. Senators by a
' direct vote of the people;
And all other reforms which will
inure to the benefit of the Farmers
and Workingmen.
Now Brother Farmers and "Working
men, it remains for you to prove that
' the often-made assertion that you will
not stand bv your own friend3, is false.
"We appeal to you for support. Give
us your support and we will give you a
grand paper.
Every member of the Alliance, and
every Farmer, should make the suc
cess of this paper HIS OWN INDI
We want an agent in every Alliance
in ih e North.
" Terms, Single Subscriptions $1.00 per
yea;,' invariably m adyance; or, Five
yearly Subscriptions Four Dollars.
Canvassers wanted.
MIUM. OFFER in our advertising
All kinds of Job Work
Promptly and neatly executed at rea
sonable prices. Particular attention
given to Alliance work.
Address, Alliance Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Excited. Spaniards.
London, Jan. 12. Madrid was kept in a
ferment cf excitement all day by repeated
Tumors of the young king's death. Many
believed that the monarch had really
papeed away and that tbe announcement
of the fact was being concealed for state
reasons. Euch things are not unknown to
hietory, and if ever a government was jus
tified by the situation in hesitating to pro
claim trie demise of a ruler the present re
gime in Spain is certainly in such a
po&ition. The reports of hostile coalitions
and plots are almost too numerous to te
counted and weighed. The republicans,
though as a matter of fact they are Icfb
active than the partisans of Don Carlos, are
bearing- the brunt of general suspicion. An
outrage committed u;on the passengers of
a railway train haviDg been attributed to
them, th-sir leaders have found it advis
able to issue a statement formally denyinsr
the truth of the charge and explaining
that the perpetrators of the crime were
banditti, who for some reason best known
to themselves probably out of Bheer
malignity boasted that they were repub
licans and that the offense was not an or
dinary felony, but the outcome of a politi
cal conspiracy. The affair, trivial in itself,
gives some indication ot the restless and
apprehensive state of the public mind in
the peninsula. i
. Alfred Samuelson of Clay Center,
who returned to Lis home frfm the in
sane asylum some months! ago, was
. again taken to the asylum lafct week.
Proceedings of the Nebraska State Alli
ance, at its Ninth Annual Meeting,
Held &t Grand Island, Nel-, J an
uary7th and 8th, 1890.
Jan 7, Morning Session Called to
order y Prest. J. II. Powers, in the hall
of the Knights of Pythias,
Prayer by the Chaplain.
On motion Bro. O. W. Clark of
Furnas Co., was appointed . Assistant
Secretary; John Civason of Hall Co.,
JJoor Keeper; W. J. Holley of Furnas
Co., Assistant Dour Keeper.
On motion Bros. &tanley,of Hamilton,
jKeister, of Boone, Hetherington of
Gage, Vaughn f Otoe, and and McRey-i
nolds of Clay, were appointed a Com
mittee on Credentials.
The credentials showed seven hundred
and fifty-six delegates in attendance,
and many additional delegates reported,
some even on the last day of the meet
ing. As the committee could not complete
their report for some time the balance
of the morning session was devoted to
short addresses by Bros. Burrows of
Gage Co., Wright of Nemaha Co., Hober
of Merrick Co., Horn of Hamilton coun
ty, and others, after Avhich a recess was
taken until 1:30 p. m.
Afternoon Session. Called to order
at the opera house by Prest. Powers at
Prayer by Chaplain J. S. Edwards.
Short addresses were delivered toy
Bro. A. J. Evans, of Custer Co., ami one
or two others, after which the Commit
tee on Credentials made a partial report.
The President now delivered his .an
nual address, a synopsis of which will
be found in another column.
The President appointed E. Van Vran
ken, of Hitchcock, S. J. Plym-essex, of
Pierce and G. W. Norman, of Chase Co.
a Committee on Jurisprudence, provided
for by the Constitution, to which all pro
posed amendments of the Constitution
had to be referred. By Constitutional
provision the President is ex-offlcio Chair
man of this Committee.
The President also appointed a Com
mittee oil resolutions," to which all reso
lutions were referred. Committee, V.
Horn of Hamilton, C. Laraaster of Cass,
and G. H. Tuttle of Custer.
On motion of Bro. Burrows, Mr.II. R.
Eagle, of Chicago, was invited to ad
dress the Alliance immediately on the
opening, of -the evening tmi&m&,'on mat
ters connected with trade. Recess.
Evening Session, Called to order at
7:30 p. m., Pres't Powers in ihechair.
Pursuant to special order, Mr. H. R.
Eagle addressed the Alliance for half an
hour, explaining the methods adopted
by his firm in dealing direct with con
sumers, and making some business pro
positions which were very well received.
About half an hour more was consumed
in - questions by members and explana
tions by Mr. Eagle on various subjects
of interest connected with the different
branches of his trade, and the hour was
considered profitably spent.
The President now announced jas a
special Committee on a request which
was submitted by Adams Co., Bros. S.
M. Elder, of , Clay E. Henderson, of
Platte; W. II. Stone, of Gosper; E. G
Bentley, of Gage; and J. L. Mahaflie, of
Hall Co.
Mr. Burrows, Chairman of the Fxeeu
tive Committe, now made a report of
the efforts and work of that Committee
for the year. It embraced their efforts
to obtain farm loans at lower rates, the
organization of a central business asso
ciation; the securing of an amend
ment of the insurance law; the work re
lating to the establishment of a State
Alliance Insurance Co., and the failure
of the attempt to introduce the insur
ance work of Dakota into this state; the
executive order placing Bro. Powers in
the Held as state organizer; the removal
of the State Secretary's office to Lincoln,
and the establishment of The Alliance
newspaper through the efforts of the
committee, and the causes which placed
it in the hands of Messrs. Burrows and
Thompson, and other matters connected
with the work which were of much in
terest to the Alliance.
After this report a special Committee
on insurance, consisting of Bros. Bur
rows of Gage, Allen of Cass, and Hitch
cock of Harlan, were appointed to re
port a plan for a Mutual Insurance Co.
Without tracing these matters through
their various stages Ave will say here
that the result of the Executive Com
mittee's report was that authority was
given to that Committee in fact it was
instructed to proceed at once to the
organization of an insurance associa
tion in connection with the Alliance on
the mutual plan, on a system that will
give its members a safe insurance at
the lowest possible cost. Also instruc
tions to open a state agency, in addi
tion to the one at Omaha, under a
competent superintendent, at some
central point having good shipping
advantages, for the purpose of promot
ing odirect dealing between members of
the Alliance and manufacturers. Under
these instructions immediate steps will
be taken by the Executive Committee
to inaugurate both the interprises.
Bro. Seeley made a short explanation
of the workings of the Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co., of Grand Island, and
several short statements were made by
members familiar with it, after which
the Alliance adjourned to 8 A. M. Wed
nesday morning.
Wednesday, Jan. 8 Morning Ses
sion Alliance convened at 8 A. M.,
President Powers in tire chair.
Prayer by Chaplain Edwards.
The report of th special committee
on insurance was now made and adopt
ed. Mr. Bowen, of Hamilton Co., made a
short address in regard to the unfair
treatment of farmer shippers in his
On motion, and after discussion, it
was ordered that a standing Committee,
to be known asthe Grievance.Committee
be appointed, whose duty it shall be to
investigate the grievances of members,
and to aid in prosecution when it shall
be deemed advisable. It was made the
duty of the Executive Committee to de
termine what cases should be prosecuted
and the amount of money which may
be appropriated for that purpose.
The annual report of J. M. Thompson,
Secretary-Treasurer, was now made, a
synopsis f which will be found in
another eohanin . ,
The Chairman of the Executive Com
mittee reported that the Auditing Com
mittee appointed had. examined the
hooks and vouchers of the Secretary-
Treasurer, and had found the same cor
On motion $250 was added to the sal
ary of the .Secretary for the ensuing
year, and fifty dollars was donated to
him, it being considered that he should
have been paid that amount in addition
to what he was paid for the past year.
On motion it was also ordered, after
discussion, that the Executive Commit
tee be authorized to pay for necessary
clerical help in the Secretary's office.
report of state agentroot.
State Agent Root made a verbal report
of the business and operations of his of
fice, which Was accepted. It showed
that Mr. Root had been earnest and zeal
ous for the good of the Alliance, and
that while having many diflicuties to en
counter, he had been successful in ac
complishing much good.
Afternoon Session Vice-President
Clark in the chair.
On motion, the Alliance proceeded to
the election of officers for the ensuing
The election resulted as follows:
President, John H. Powers.
Vice-President James G. Clark, of
Cass Co., declining re-nomination, Bro.
V. Horn, ? of Hamilton Co., was elected
Vice-President. .
Secretary Thompson was nominated
for re-election, and was unanimously
The following named gentlemen were
unanimously elected as Executive Com
mittee for the year 1890:
J. Burrows, Chairman; B. F. Allen,
of Cass Co.; Albert Dickinson, of Sher
man Co., Frank H. Young, of Custer
Co.; John W. Williams, of Gage Co.
Lecturer, W. F. Wright, of Nemaha
Chaplain, Rev. J. S. Edwards, of Saun
ders Co.
Doorkeeper, D. W. Barr, of Clay Co.
Ass't. " Jas. Underhill, of Otoe.
Sargeant-at-Arms, Joseph Billingsley,
of Buffalo Co.
1. We are opposed to land monoply
in every form. We demand that all un
earned land grants be restored to the
government and held for actual settlers.
We believe that every citizen should
have the right to the use of 80 acres of
agricultural land free from all taxation
and execution for debt; and that lands
in excess .of that amount should be taxed
cumulative, until the holding of lands
for speculative purposes shall be impos
sible. Money.
2. We demand the prompt payment
of the public debt as fast as it becomes
due; and we protest against refunding
or maintaining any part of the same in
existence to afford a basis for the issuing
of money. And we also protest against
the use of municipal, state or corporate
bonds for the same purpose, as being a
return to an unsound system, and de
mand that the government issue its full
legal tender money in sufficient volume
to transact the business of the country
on a cash basis.
3. We demand that the next legisla
ture of this State shall enact a law fix
ing rates of transportation no higher
than those now in force in Iowa, which
have been voluntarily accepted by the
Iowa roads. And Ave also demand that
all discrimination in the furnishing of
cars, elevator sites and privileges, and
all facilities for shipping products, shall
absolutely cease, so that all citizens
shall have equal rights in these matters.
We also demand that the Government
shall take possession of the Union Paci
fic road under mortgage foreclosure,
and operate the same in the interest of
the people; and we favor government
ownership of all railroads and tele
graphs. . Taxation.
4. That we are opposed to granting
bounties or subsidies by either state or
government to any corporation or indi
vidual. That we favor the placing of
salt, coal, iron, sugar and lumber, and
all raw material upon which labor may
be employed, upon the free list; and be
lieve that taxation should be imposed
upon the luxuries instead of the neces
saries of life. .t
Australian Ballot System.
5. We are unqualifiedly in favor of
the method of voting known as the Aus
tralian system; and we demand of our
next legislature the enactment of a law
for the establishment of that system in
the state of Nebraska, without any re
strictions or modifications that will im
pair its efficiency."
Alliance Papers.
6. That every Alliance member
should heartily support The Farmers'
Alliance, our State paper, and encour
age non-AUiance'men to introduce said
paper in their homes, together with all
Alliance papers, and papers published
in our interest, j ... ,
Co-operative Committee.
7. That the Executive Committee
and the officers of ;; State Alliance take
measures to form a District Co-operative
Committee, composed of representatives
from the States of Kansas, Nebraska,
Missouri, Iowa and Illinois
Dealing in Options and Futures.
8. That this Alliance demands that
the present Congress shall pa,ss penal
and restrictive lawl to prevent the deal
ing in options in wpeat, corn, and pro
visions, or any ki nit of gamblingin agri
cultural products jon . so-called Boards
of Trade. ; I
Evening Session Convened at 8. P.
M., Pres't Powers in the chair.
The farst business of the evening ses
sion was the reception of a committee
of the citizens of Grand Island, headed
by Major Piatt. The gentlemen called to
apologize to the Alliance for the appar
ent want of courtesy of the Grand Island
people in not before extending any hos
pitality to the delegates. Their apolo
gies were very ample indeed; and if
apologies would amend for the absolute
neglect which the delegates at first en
countered, the amende was certainly
sufficient. Speeches were made by May
or Piatt and Ex-Lieut. Gov. Abbott, and
a response was made by Bro. Burrows,
who by honeyed words endeavored to
assuage the chagrin and vexation of
the Mayor and his committee. After they
retired the Alliance indulged in a broad
smile, and resumed it regular husiness.
The Committee on jurisprudence re
ported several important amendments
to the coiwtiuthyrl'lrMch were adopted
with some trfling modifications. The
State Secretary will have the amended
constitutions printed and ready for de
livery in a very short time. The amend
ments will be found in another column.
. A eordial invitation was received
from the Knights of Labor of Grand Is
land to join with them in a meeting,
which was as cordially accepted.
On motion, it was recommended that
the next annual meeting be held at Lin
coln. On motion, a vote of thanks to Pres't.
Powers for the able and impartial man
ner in which he had performed the
duties of presiding officer, was adopted.
A similar vote was extended t5 all the
other officers, and the Alliance then ad
journed sine die, after a very harmon
ious and useful session.
We give below an abstract of the re
port of State Secretary Thompson, omit
ting those portions relating to the
organization which it is not thought
advisable to give to the general public.
In presenting my report for the past
year I must offer an apology for its
incompleteness. Owing to the increased
labor of the office during the month
of December it has been impossible, to
find time for a complete classification
of the records.
At the meeting of the executive com
mittee in February it was recognized
that the Alliance was going to becomo
the strong organization among the far
mers societies of the state, and meas
ures looking toward better and more
complete organization were decided
The state president was authorized
to go into the field personally and take
charge of the work, visiting the various
counties and not only organize local
Alliances, but provide for further or
ganization by commissioning deputies
for the counties visited.
By the first of May over 150 local
Alliances had been chartered and the
secretary's time was fully occupied in
answering inquiries, supplying the
organizers and other office work.
At the meeting of the state, executive
committee, held May 3, when the de
cision was made looking to the estab
lishment of an official state paper, it
was made a part of the conditions on
which the paper was to be established
that the headquarters of the state sec
retary be changed to Lincoln. Conse
quently on June 1st the office was trans
ferred from Underwood to Lincoln, and
the first issue of the state organ appear
ed June 12th, as published bv the Alli
ance Publishing Co., with II. G. Armi
tage editor.
Up to this time much of the organiza
tion had been cautined to the western
part of the state; but we now made ar
rangements for work in the eastern
counties : Saunders, 5 Otoe, Polk,
Platte, Butler and later Saline, Rich
ardson and others were visited in turn
by the state president or other workers,
ami an interest awakened, resulting in
largely increasing the membership and
greatly strengthening our fighting ca
pacity, if you please, and extending the
Alliance influence in all narts of the
state. By reference to my books I find
that 450 Alliances have been chartered,
and four charters reissued during the
yuan jf cm . x ne year ueiore us promis
es to be one of greater activity than
that we have just left behind.
J. ne plan adopted the past vear of
keeping the president of the State Alii
.1J.1V.C m uj iieiu 10 assise in organiza
tion is unquestionably a good one and
&11UUIU ue continued.
Dear Friends and Brothers of the
Alliance: It is with sincere pleasure
and heartfelt gratitude to God that I
greet you here today. One year ago a
few compared to the meeting of today,
met to compare their feelings of discour
agement, and their vague hopes for the
future. Everywhere those who tried to
do something in the cause were met with
the accusation "You have some Political
Axe togriid"or "you are trying to break
down our Political Party," and so potent
were these scare -crows that the majox--ity
of farmers looked with suspicion on
our movement, though they were forced
to acknowledge the purity of our pub
lished principles.
It was felt and acknowledged by all
that some new departure must be made,
some new measures instituted to rouse
the people,and some enterprise inaugur
ated that could offer some definite
and tangible means of relief to the
laborer from the financial burdens which
were pressing him down to bankruptcy
and ruin.
It was determined to place an organ
izer in the field to vieit the different
counties in the state as rapidly as prac
ticable, encourage the work where it
was begun, and begin it in those that
had as yet taken no steps forward, and
as soon as possible to deputize an effici
ent worker in each county.
It-was also thought wise to attempt
some method of co-operation in selling
the products of the farms, and in pur
chasing needed supplies.
During the previous year successful
attempts had been made in some local
ities in the state to ship and sell the
products of the farms by the farmers or
agents employed by them, also in pur
chasing coal, oils, lumber, salt, etc., by
the same means. This encouraged
members of Alliances situated near Han
sen in Adams County to form a Joint
Stock Association and incorporate under
the laws of the state.
Pres't Powers gives here a brief re
view of the origin of the State Alliance
Business Association with recommen
dations in regard to future action which
were in the main adopted by the meet
ing. We condense for want of space. J
The adoption of some economical and
safe plan for Mutual Insurance I think
is very desirable.
It should be confined to members of
the Alliance and be under their complete
The relation of the Alliance to political
action is a subject on which there seems
to be unhappily, differences of opinion.
And 1 think instead of trying to ignore
this fact, we ought rather" by free and
full discussion to try and arrive at cor
rect conclusions, and thus obtain a
willing and complete cO-operation of all
our members. Without this we can
never succeed in accomplishing any
permanent and satisfactor3r reform.
Complete co-operation in wisely plan
ned business enterprises, may do some
thing, aye perhaps a great deal,towards
equalizing the burdens which our laws
and the lack of righteous laws compel
the honest and industrious masses of
our people to bear, but the burdens
will still remain. And one of the chief
aims of the Alliance is to effect a re
moval of these burdens.
No business that involves trade of
commodities on any large scale can be
transacted without money. And so Jong
as a few men have the legal right to, or
are not restrained by law from, monop
olizing the whole business of furnishing
the money for the wages of labor, and
the transactions of trade, and fixing the
price or rate of interest on the same, so
long will the products of our industries
go to build up the great centers of com
merce at the expense of the whole
country, and to increase the unearned
fortunes of the rich by steadily and
surely robbing the poor of their earn
ings, and the honest industries of
their just rewards. The railroad cor
porations too are continually using the
immense advantage which accrues from
holding all the avenues through which
trade is carried on in this country.and es
pecially in this state,with the almost un
restrained privilege to tax the business of
transmitting the products of our people
at their will, and are thus sapping our
prosperity and hastening our ruin.
These must be restrained and complete
ly controlled by law.
But Ave cannot expect to obtain the
enactment just Lows by passing a feAv
resolutions, or signing and presenting
petitions. Experience has taught us
that our resolutions are looked upon as
safety valves for our excited feelings,
and our petitions have been rejected
Avith scorn.
"We've prayed our servants to be just;
We tell them now, they must, they must.
The tyrants grapple by our Aote.
We'll loosen from the laborer's throat.
With Washington we here agree.
The vote's the weapon of the free."
But here again, as in business matters,
Ave are met by obstacles which seem
almost impossible to surmount.
Some say "Work in the old parties
which already have obtained a place
a'nd influence in national affairs."
Others say "Let us combine our en
tire strength on some one of the new
parties which haAe been founded on. a
platform of reform."
And yet others "We must form a neAv
partv on the principle of equal rights
for all."
We have faithfully tried voting with
the old parties lo! these many years,
and although in some localities one has
been triumphant and in other places
the opposite; and although they have
jointly or severally controlled congress,
or filled the executive chair, the result
has always been the same, the foster
ing of the rich at the expense of the poor
and the sacrifice of principle for polit
ical success. We have attended caucus
es, and have found that they Avere often
packed by corrupt politicians; have
entered conventions and found that the
money of dishonest corporations had
been effectually used to blind the dele
gates to their duty, and to blunt their
sense of right, and to cause them to
disregard their promises to act for the
public good. And have finally gone to
the polls and voted for men in whom
we had no confidence, solely to defeat
the nominee of the other Party, who
probably deserved none. Neither of
the two old parties were formed on
issues which hav e anv existence today,
nor do they seem willing to commit
themselves to the principles of equal
rights Avhich the interests of the people
But otherparties exist. Why not vote
Avith some one of them, Avhiehis formed
on some great central idea of moral re
form, or on some pure platform for
political guidance? Phis too has been
tried. But it has been found that peo
ple have not confidence ,.. that the
declared central moral principle of a
party is right and just is a sufficient
guaranty that the Government in other
matters Avould be conducted by them to
the advantage of the people, or in the
interests of humanity.
Nor does the formation of a neAv party
on the broadest general principles of
righteousness' and truth secure the per
manent triumph of these principles in
the Government, even though it should
speedily and uniformly be supported by
a majority of the votes of the people.
The underlying principle of our whole
political system tends to loster corrup
tion in the means used for success, and
induce the most vicious results, though
founded on a platform as comprehen
sive as the Decalogue, and as pure as
the Golden Rule. That principle, that
the majority of a party have the, right
to control and coerce the votes of the
majority, is destructive of the very first
and dearest of our rights as free men;
and from it naturally follows the cor
ruption and prostitution of every polit
ical party that is strong enough to
succeed, or has a prospect of success. A
political party consists of all those who
vote for the nominees of the party.
And although at first they may comprise
only such as conscientiously hold to
its platform of principles, a prospect of
success always attracts the unprincipled
politician arid the Aenal trafficker in
votes, and by their influence and
Avire pulling the platform is manipulated
Avith the sole object of catching- votes,
and the caucuses and comentions put
up to the highest bidder, Avhich soon
changes the party from purity to cor
ruption, and arrays all its strength and
influence on the side of the greedy cap
italists and the oppressive and heartless
corporations. Then again, it seems to
of become an inseparable part of our par
tisan political system to vilify and abuse
the members of all other parties, and
thus a Avail of rm?judiee and dislike is
built up, Avhich effectually prevents the
success of new political parlies, unless
they are immediately thrust into power
by some sudden and mighty convulsion
oi -popular feeling. Political success
can only be obtained by a majority of
votes, and the rash projecting of new
parties is usually attended by such an
offensive attitude toAvard other parties
as to cause their partisans to bristle Avith
opposition, like the attacked porcupine,
and to render their Yanks as inA'ulner
able as the ancient' Grecian Phalanx.
- We must haAT?7rbvtter ioriticat system
of nominating and Aoting, so that nom
inations may be made -'without party
conventions, and have equal advantages
of legal protection, and so that Ave may
have in deed Avhat Ave noAV haAe onlj in
name, a Secret Ballot. :.'"-'
It seems to me that the only plan
which is feasible, consistant Avith our
principles and sure to sucoeed is to fix
on a few clearly defined principles, so
just that they will commend themselves
to all lovers of comprehensive
that they can be applied practically to
all the affairs of law and government,
and to systematically and thoroughly
discuss them until all our ovn mem
bers and all those Avho may be influen
ced by them are brought to thoroughly
understand and adopt them. Then if
Ave are true to our pledges success Avill
be invertable and permanent, and our
class and country will be redeemed.
Without this preparation, any seeming
success must end in disaster and defeat,
and in the end lead the .more speedily
to anarch' and confusion.
The growth of our order is steadily
and rapidly going forward, but much
yet remains to be accomplished. I
would respectfully recommend that
measures should be adopted, not only
that the Avork may be introduced speed
ily into every precinct in the state; but
also that every organized county may
be frequently visited by competent lec
turers Avho by suitable addresses shall
stir up the membership to renewed zeal,
and instruct them more perfectly in the
free principles of the Alliance.
The subsidized newspaper press is one
of the most potent means used, and is
relied on by the monied corporations
and capitalists to mislead the people as
to their true interests, and thus to effec
tually oppose the successful maintain
ance of their rights and the triumph of
justice and truth.
This mischevious inllueuce can be
most certainly and successfully opposed
by able and reliable newspapers, Avhich
by persistently advocating the truth,
and exposing the sophistries of error
may fortify the people in the right and
accomplish much towards the salvation
of our commonwealth. -
To this end the local county papers
Avhich have espoused our cause should
reeerve the generous support of our
members. But especially our State
Organ, The Alliance should be taken
by every alliance family, and so far as
possible be introduced to every fireside
in the state. Mr. Burrows, the editor
m chief, has been a leader in the move
ment ever since the first attempt at or
ganization in the state; and his ability
and devotion to true Alliance principles
are second to none in the country.
His assistant, Mr. J. M. Thompson,
our present Secretary, is also an able
Avriter, and an earnest Avorker in our
cause, and Avorthy of our implicit com
fidence. t ,
Let us by a generous and efficient
support enable them to make the paper
a mighty engine for urging forward the
car of reform, and accomplishing the
redemption of our state and nation.
The question of consolidating our Nat
ional Alliance with the National Alli
ance and Industrial Union is one that
should receive our serious consideration.
And, though the reckless expenditure
of money Avhich seems to prevail in
their organization, and the high salaries
paid to so many officers Avould seem, to
dictate prudent consideration before Ave
! commit ourselves to an organic union,
Ave snouia certainly strive to accom
plish full and hearty co-operation in
business enterprises and political action
and influence, and also as soon as it
shall appear to be safe and expedient to
form a more perfect union. .
Some feAv amendments seem to bo
necessary to adapt our constitution to
the immense increase of our member
ship. The basis of representation in,
the State Alliance should bo increased,
as a full delegation on the present basis
would form so large an assembl, as to
bo very expensive and too uinvh hliy for
efficieut deliberation and discussion. I
Avouid suggest that perhaps to return
the plan which Avas first adopted by our
Alliance, of representation to the Slato
Alliance from the County Alliances, in
stead of Subordinate, might Ik found tho
best means to remove-' the difficulty.
Some slight changes would seem to bo
desirable in other points, but none so
necessary as the one mentioned.
I would not recommend the adoption
of the usual long Resolutions that are
expected of such assemblies.
We are organized for action; and our
best influence can be exerted by quietly
forming and maturing our plans. m
that they shall be made known !v re
sults, rather than declarations. Earnest
and frank discussion of such method.
and means as are deemed best to secure
the sitccess of wise plans, should I think,
be the business of this meeting.
In conclusion, let me bespeak from
you a hearty co-operation w ith me, in
earnest endeavors to make this meeting;
of our Alliance a success; not only by
the exercise of courtesy and kiuuncs
towards each other, but also by tho
earnest effort of each member to make
all our plans, and all our deliberations,
conduce to the one great end, the vindi
cation of the rights of the farmers and
Let us consider that to a great extent
it depends on us whether our children
shall bo sovereigns or scrfa;whether our
homes shall remain our own. or pass,
into the hands of legalized robbers; iui
Avhether the civil rights which w ere
queathed to us by our fathers shall tx
perfected and perpetuated, or swallow
ed up by tyranny, and destroyed by
Let us remember, too, that God sits
on the throne of the Universe, ami that
without His aid our best efforts will Ik?
iu vain; and that those av ho trust in Him
shall mever be put to shame. Invoking,
then His blessing, and relying on Ilis.
assistance, let us one and all press,
right on through all discouragements,
and opposition that mat lieset
our paths. Let the love of
our families, our homes and our country
impel us to zealous and persevering ef
forts, and Ave shall succeed, justice shall
triumph, equal rights sliall b estab
lished, and true liberty, now so obscured
by oppression, shall appear in pristine
beauty, cherished in our government
and shrined in the hearts of 'th people,
as enduring as time, and as tirm as tin;
eA erlasting hills.
PaxtoiK& Gallagher.
We publish the following letter from
Paxtoir&-Gallagher, wholesale grocers
of Omaha, to one of their customers in
Nebraska. The letter explains itself:
Omaha, Dec. 2(5, 183V.
II. C. Creech, Esq.,
Oak, Neb.
Dear Sir: Wc have jiM U vn in
formed for the first time that you are
operating a grange store. This being
the case, Ave cannot fill any more order
from you, as much as we would like to
do business with you. If the informa
tion Ave have received is not right,
please let us hear from you.
Truly yours,
The following reply was sent:
Asu Alliance, Dec. 2:. lsU.
Paxton & Gallagher.
Sirs-. Your letter Avas presented to
Ash Alliance, numbering fifty members,
and they passed a resolution that they
would not patronize you or any mer
chant that bought goods of you.
Signed by Secretary and President.
The above letters were read at the
State Alliance meeting at Grand Island
before seven hundred and fifty delegates
from all parts of the state, and excited
much interest and attention. Beside
that, Ave insert it this week in ten thous
and cojues of the Farmers' Alliance.
Copies of the edition will go into every
Alliance, and every town and hamlet in
the state. It is safe to nuy that Paxton
& Gallagher, Avholesale grocers of Oma
ha, never before had so extensive an
advertisement for nothing. We shall
be delighted to extend the same cour
tesy to any other Avholesale grocers who
Avrite the same kind of letters t. Alli
ance or Grange storekeepers. On tho
other hand, Avholesale grocers md
others Avho are Avilling to deal direct
with granges will find our latch siting
We do not make anv reeomendathms
as to the treatment of Paxton & Galla
gher. It H to le presumed that they do
not Avant the patronage of men they
refuse to sell to, s naturally the "seals'
will not run their feet off to- find mer
chants who sell Paxton & Gallagher's
The Farmers' Alliance is the let
advertising medium west of the Missis
sippi river. Send in your ads. gentle
The Storm's Work.
Olkky.IH., Jan. 1. At the village ct
Machburg Sunday night, a cjclone over
turned dwelling1 houses, barns and out
buildings and wrought great damage. The
house of Pblllii. Nicholson wan destroyed
and Mrs. Nicholson was Instantly killed
nd her daughter seriously injured. Aaron
MoWllliams and family of seven were
caught in the wreck of the house and two
chiidrea sustained serious injuries. The
M. E. church and parsonage were de
stroyed. Quails aud other fowls were
found dead stripped of their feathers.
Many large trees were up-rooted
Eighty acres of land in Dodge
county has been advertised for sale for
taxes for the sum of 1 cent per acre, cr
80 cents. Said land was appraised at