THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE: LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, JAN. 11, 1890. HOW IT HAPPENED. X got. .to tliinkin' of her, both her parent! Ifiii(l and jrone, Ami ail hfr married off, and nouo but but her wnd John A-livin' all alone there in that lonesome eort of vrny, And him a blamed old bachelor confirmder every il.-iy. I'd known V-n all from children, and their dad dy from the time He settled in the neighborhood end hadn't ary a dime Er dollar, w hen he married, for to start housekeepin' on; So I got to thinkin' of her, both her parent dead and gone! I eot to thinkin' of her and o-wondern what she done That all her sisters kep' a gittin married one - by one, And her without no chances, and the best pirl of the i iu-k. Ad old maid, with l-.or hands, you might say, tied behind her buck! And mother, too, beiore she died, she used to jes' take on When none of 'em was left, you know, bit Evaline and John, And jes' dec!nre to goodness 'at the young men must be bline To Bee what a wife they'd git if they got Evaline. I got to thinkin' of her; in my great affliction - nhe "Was Rich a comfort to us, and bo kind and neighborly; Bhe'd come nnd leave her housework fer to he'p out little Jane, And talk of her own mother 'at she'd never pee ogaiu: May be sometimes cry together, though, for the most part, he Would have the child, so reconciled, and hap py like, 'nt we Felt lonesomer'n ever; she'd put her bonnet on And say fdie'd railly haf to be a-gittin back to John! I got to thinkin of her, as I say; and mere and more I'd think of her dependence, and the burdens 't she bore; Her parent both abein' dead, and all her sisters gone And married off, and her a livin' there alone with John; lou might say jes' a toilin' and a-flavin' out her H e For a man 'at hadn't pride enough :o get hisnelf a wife, 'Less some one married Evaline and packed her off some day; Bo I got to thinkin' of her. and it happened that a.-way. James Whit-comb Riley. ---az HIS STEPMOTHER. t "Ilush, Doras! is that rain? It ounds as if gome genii were dashing pails of water against the casements." "It's rain, Guy. The equinoctial storm, you know." "And that dreary moaning down the chimney is it wind?" The boy shivered a little, and drew the bedclothes up around his chin. The red flames from the blazing log on the hearth danced up and down like a magic lantern; the shaded lamp burned steadily on the table. Dorcas Wynter stitched quietly aw ay at her sewing without looking up. "It must be an awful tempest, Dorcas," uttered the lad, as a fresh gust of wind seemed to shake the octagonal tower to its very founda tions. "It is, Guy. I heard old Capt Lake ay that the tide had not been so high since the year the Royal Victoria was wrecked off Paine Point." "It is better to be here, even with a broken leg," said Guy Paley, slightly lifting his eyebrows, "than out ret sea In such a blow as this!" "A good deal better, Guy." "Not that lama coward, Dorcas!" cried the boy. "There are worse things than a storm at sea, and I have an instinct that I shall be a sailor yet; Hat this sickness has taught me, this sickness and you, Dorcas, that it's better to go for a thing in an honest, straightforward way, than to try to reach it by sneak ing. Put I always supposed it was a fine thing to run away to sea, or else I shouldn't ha ve tried the get-out of-the-window by-midnight dodge, and broken my leg. I'm wiser now !" Dorcas smiled at him with melting hazel eyes and rose-red lips, revealing a line of pearls. "Poor Guy !" said she. "It was a hard lesson, wasn't it?" "I think I need it, Dorcas. If ever there was a thorough-paced youftg ruffian it wTas I!" groaned the boy. "But, you see, nobody ever talked to me. Scoldings without end I got, X grant you, but no one tolhed common-sense to me before. You a re the only one who seemed to think me worth reasoning with; and you shall see, Dorcas that, I am worth the trouble. Once I'm up from thi3 scrape I'll tackle my lessons in real arnest, and try to do something better. And I say, Dorcas. " "Yes, Guy?" "You're the prettiest girl I ever aw." "Nonsense, Guy." "Oh, but you are! and the sweetest and most sensible. I can't think how you ever came to be a housemaid in a. place like this." Dorcas colored a little. "Shall I tell you, Guy? I came as governess to the primary depart ment, but I had no discipline, they told me. The younger boys did ex actly as they pleased. I've always thought that Mrs. Vail, who suc ceeded to the position, had some thing to do about the bad reports ol my management that reached Dr. Delfer's ears. But that can't be proved, neither can it be helped. I was alone here and friendless, and was glad to accept a vacant position under the housekeeper to mend linen, care for occasional cases in the in firmary, and make myself generally useful." "I knew you were a lady!" exul tantly cried the boy. "I could see it In your face." "I would rather you would call me a true woman, Guy, than a lady," eaid Dorcas, moving the lamp a few inches farther back, so that the light would not shine in Guy's eyes. "But I say, Dorcas, how old are you?" "Rather young, I am afraid, Guy only nineteen." "And I am fourteen, Dorcas. Will you wait seven years for me?" "Guy!" " "I shall be twenty-one then, and my own master," eagerly added the boy; "and I'll work like a slave to get a good profession, and if you will marry me, Dorcas, I'll make the best husband that ever was to you, for I'm desperately in love with yon, that I am." Dorcas burst into laughter. "Guy," she said, "what a child you are." "But you do love me, don't you?" "Yes, of course I love you; but not a bit more than I do Cecil Parker or little Frankie Gaines." "DorcasI" "Well, a trifle more perhaps, be cause I've had all the care of you these four weeks, and you've really behaved very decently, but " "I won't, Guy." "We're engaged, all the same," said Guy, with a deep sigh of relief; "It's a bargain. And now you may get me my gruel." "Yes, Mr. Paley," said Dr. Delfer, with a nod ot his spectacled brows, "that wild boy of yours is a different. And the infirmary nurse has done it all. Not to mention the credit the doctor gives her for keeping down the fever and managing the trouble some splints. He was the worst boy in the school. I don't mind admit ting to you now that I was contem plating expelling him from our mem bers." "Guy always was a wild sort of chap," admitted Mr. Paley. "But his aunts spoiled him. He never had any bringing up to speak of." "But this illness seems to have exerted a wonderful influence over his moral nature." added Dr. Delfer. "And I really think Dorcas has done it all. Her influence has been won derful." "She deserves a greae deal of credit .. am sure, said Mr. Paley. "I should like to see her and thank her. I've brought a few presents for her a warm shawl, a silver snuff-box and a black stuff gown." Dr. Delfer gasped a little. "She I don't think she cakes snuff!" said he feebly. "All these nurses do." "Yes but there she is now." The door opened and Dorcas Wyn ter came in, carrying a student-lamp, which she had just filled and trimmed anew. Dr. Paley dropped the silver snuff box in astonishment. "I beg your pardon, I am sure!" stammered he. And when the doctor suggested that the nurse had better accompany young Guy on the journey home she assented without remonstrance. "Nurse, indeed!" said Miss Sophro nia Paley, a guant high-featured damsel of fifty. "As if a pretty sim pering chit of a thing like that could understand anvthing nurs ing "She does, though," said Guy. "She's a brick, Aunt Soph. And I don't believe I should be alive now if it wasn't for her." "You are quite well enough by this time to dispense with services," said Miss Sophronia. "A boy that eats the quantity of muffins and plum-jam that you did at tea la st night cannot call himself an invalid any longer. She has been here a month, and " "But she's not to go away for all that, Aunt Soph," said Guy, who was devouring roasted chestnuts like a dragon. "Ask papa. She's to be Mrs. Paley one of these days and " "Mrs. Paley!" Aunt Sophronia turned green and yellow. "It's come to that, then, has it? Well I've sus pected it this some time. And all I've got to saj is " "Seven years from now," said Guy, with his mouth full of chestnuts, "I shall be twenty-one, and she will be twenty-six. Not enough difference to signify. And," he uttered with a grin, as his aunt flounced wrathfully out of the room, "you'll get your walking ticket, old lady, when I'm married! I'd as soon have a death's head and bones around the place any time." He was sitting curled up in the easiest chair in the library, reading a book, half an hour afterwards, when the door opened, and his father came in. Something in the paternal glance and movement struck the boy. "I never saw father look so young and bright before," he thought. "Something must have pleased him very raucii. rYTiiaps unat oph .is going to marry some old fogy or other, and the coast will be clear." "So you knew about it, Guy?" said Mr. Pa lev laughing. "About what, sir?" " "About my engagement." The book fell with a crash to the floor. "Your what, father?" "At least you told Aunt Sophronia about it. Well, I'm glad you are pleased, my boy, and Dorcas says she will always love you as if you were her own son. As a general thing, I don't approve of stepmoth ers, but you and Dorcas love each other so dearly that Why, Guy, what is the matter?" for the boy had rushed out of the room with an odd suffocating sensation in his throat. He met Dorcas coming up the gar den path with a bunch of scarlet hol ly-berries in her hand. "Dorcas," he cried, "Dorcas, you are as false as the serpent woman! You beau " She comprehended him in an in stant, though his voice was choked into silence. She flung away the scarlet cluster and put her arms tenderly about him. "Dear Guy," she whispered, "I love him; but if you are unwilling if it takes away any of the home feeling for you, it only remains for you to say so, and ', Her voice died away, her head dropped on his shoulder. There was an instant's silence, and Guy said bravely: "Well, so let it be. My father is a trump, and you are the only woman alive who is worthy of him. And I suppose people would say six years wras too much difference in our ages, although how they're to get over the fifteen years between you and father I don't know" he added, with a forced laugh. And then and thee Guy Paley learned his first lesson in self abnegation. Dorcas picked up her holly berries and went into the library, where her promised husband stood. "I have just seen Guv," she said. "Isn't he pleased?" " "Yes, I think he is," hesitated Dorcas. "Guy is a strange boy a noble nature. I am not sure, Horace,1 ' she added, with a dimness in her eves "that T uould have married you if I could not always have had Guy with me." "And my true wife will be Guy's true mother!" said Mr. Paley, draw ing Dorcas tenderly to his side. He Tries Their Courage. Professor Cook, of Harvard Col lege, is one of the most popular in structors in the university. Every freshman has a course in- chemistry under the venerable scientist. But if the course were not prescribed it is likely that his class would be fully as large as they now are. An hour in his experiment room is like "at tending an entertainment. Hemakes things livelv in the most approved "college celebration" fashion with his explosions,- burning chemicals and other fireworks experiments. The professor has spent a good many years over his crucibles, retorts and receivers, and his hand trembles visibly when he picks up any one of his apparatus or instruments. One of his lectures is devoted to dangerous ex plosives, and a stir always goes over the room when he picks up a bottle la beled nitro-glycerine. Hissmileisas innocent as a child's and it reveals the most genial and sympathetic na ture in Harvard College. When he picks up the bottle and holds it up, the yellow liquid stirring with the shaking of his hand, he always says something like this: "Now, gentle men, it is commonly beheved that if I were to' drop this little bottle we should all be blown to the skies (his hand trembles a little more, and timid freshmen look longingly at the door), but if this compound is pure, perfectly pure, mind you, I can light a match -with perfect safety and thrust it downtheneck ofthe bottle." Here he feels for a match. "But," he instantly adds, "I am free to con fess that I have not enough confi dence in its purity to try the experi ment." (Many sighs of relief and one of the Professor's divine smiles.) A Chimpanzee's Joke. In a recent lecture M. Romanes is reported as having strongly denied the existence ofevenatrace of any feeling of the ludicrous in the renowned chimpanzee "Sally." It may be worth while to record a small fact observed by me lately, te!idinr. I think, to fa vor an opposite view. Being alone with a friend in Sally's house, we tried to get her to obey the commands usually given, by the keep er. The animal came to the bars of the cage to look at us. and, adopt ing the keeper's usual formula, I said: "Give me two straws, Sally." At first she appeared to take no notice; although she had been eying us rather eagerly be fore. I repeated the request with no further result; but on a second or third repetition she suddenly took up a large bundle of straw lrom the floor and thrust it through the bars at us, and then sat down with her back to us. Our request was perhaps unreasonable, seeing that we had no choice morsels of banana with which to reward her. She did not, however, seem ill tempered at our presump tion, and the next instant was as lively as ever. It seems to me that her action on this occasion certainly came very near to an expression of humor. Rather sarcastic humor per haps it was, but she certainly ap peared ottake pleasure in the .specta cle of something incongruous, and this surely lies at the base of all sense o.1 the ludicrous. Nature. A Spot That Is Wetter Than This. The weeping tree is situated about one mile east of this place, in a cow lot owned by Rube Harroid. Mr. Harroid stated to the Newrs reporter that this phe nomenon commenced three years ago, and it has been actually raining under this tree incessantly ever since. In cloudy weal her there is always a heavy mist falling iroin the tree, but in hot. dry, sunshiny weather large drops come down, which would soon come down, whirl) would soon wet one's clothing through and through. The tree has always been a promse bearer of leaves until this spring, when it did not bud out at all, and now has every appearance of being dead, although the rain, or whatev er one may please to call it, contin ues to tail from the dead branches as usual. Howe (Tex.) Cor. Galves ton News. Condition of London Ceme tries. The recent official return on the condition ofthe London cemeteries is unsavory readingenough. In Bromp- ton cemetery, with an area of 28 acres, there have been buried within less than fi ty years. 155, ()(4 bodies, while in the Tower Hamlets cemetery, .with twelve acres less, in about the same time thj number is 2-17,000. When it is remembered that these masses of subterranean corruption are accumulated in llie midst of pop ulous districts; that the soil is pe-ul-iarly unfited for the purpose, and that in adition, every artificial means is adopted for prolonging the natural process of decomposition, surely it is clear that the time has come lor a practit al efiort to be made topnfore a reform ot the svstem. London Truth. Prosperity and Honesty. , Joaquin Miiler says that in Spo kane Falls, at the Grand hotel, Isaw a little box with a lew dollars o change in it on the end ofthe counter in the midst of a dozen or two ofthe daily papers from various places. No one, solar sleversaw. wnsin charge ot either the papers or the money. Any man who wanted a paper took it, tossed the m on ?y into the box, and took whafr-ver change was his. I set this down as an incontestable sign of prosperity and let us admit ns we bow our heads in humility to the need of that portion of the Lord's prayer which says 'lead us not into tempta tion' of honesty, which is the first born of prosperity." THE HOUSEHOLD. IHnN for the Home. Pulverized soapstone is beneficial to chafed feet. When traveling a good precaution is to have your written address about you, to serve in case of accident. Those whose dislike to see the arms uncovered when evening dress es are worn, will be glad to know that sleeves are again a feature of full dress toilet. English ladies wear broad veils, about a yard in length. The centre ofthe veils are of spotted net.andthe borders of real lace in beautiful pat erns. Brass and copper article. can be given a coat of lacquer at a foundry, after which no polishing will be need ed, but dusting only like any bric-a-brac. All the girls in Philadelphia's upper tendom are now wearing silk stock ings with their monograms worked on the instep, where, with low slippers and dainty raised skirts, they are made to show to advantage. A two letter monogram costs $2. The woman who, six months ago, was wild to have a garden, is now crazy to have her husband bury a small pile purchasing a green flower stand and a lot of Roman hyacinths, to freeze as stiff as the kitchen boiler during the next cold snap. A reader's position should be such that the light may fall on the page, not on the eyes. Reading by insu fficent light, whether natural or artificial, is very damaging to the sight. The best wash for inflamed eyelids is a weak solution of salt and water. Half long sleeves of black or white lace are trimmed with ribbon epaulettes, bands of velvet laid upon the sleeves diagonally, arrangements which give the effect of inserted puff ings of lace, and embroidered flaps with pendent bead fringes. Not only lamp chimneys but glass dishes will be much toughened by boiling. Place in a kettle, with a folded towel to keep them from con tact with it. fill with cold water .and heat to boiling, let cool before re moving the ware. Factors in Colds. In every case there are two factors, an irritant and a susceptibility of the system. Among the irritants are microscopic germs taken in without, as in influenza, and certain poisons which are developed from nutrition or imperfect assimilation within the body, and which it is the office of the liver to destroy. Indeed, the effects of the two ca uses are essentially the -same, for the germs act by generat ing certain violent poisons, which ir ritate the mucous membrane of the nostrils, pharynx, lungs, stomach or bowels. Yauth's Companion. Cocoa Mid CliocoUte. Cocoa and chocolate are both de licious and nourishing drinks which the average housekeeper rarely makes well. The trouble in many cases is that there are not enough of the material used? and it simply makes the milk taste sickly. Choco late requires more care in making, and is rather more expensive than co coa. It is really no trouble to make the latter, as put up by a well-known English firm, and it is an excellent thing for the children's breakfast during the winter. It must also be most highly recommended to nursing mothers, providing additional nutri ment for the extra strain on the sys tem. And impotant to lean and ang ular girls, it is a great thing for rounding out curves and giving a generous covering of flesh. The "Old Baby's" Grief. What a curious thing it is to think that that wonderful new baby will turn into a common-place old baby in a year or two that with the ad vent of number two his reign is over. A little girl, though she is only two years old, takes an interest in that new baby, feels that she must help take care of it, goes about maternally airing its garments and holding the pin cushion for nurse, delights in its baths, and boasts about her baby brother before she can talk plain. But the boy that is another matter. He scowls when that wrinkled piece of humanity is presented to him and he reluses to kiss it. He wants none of it. Why should it have his place on mamma's shoulder? Why should he be told to go away? He thinks as ill of it as his limited knowledge of mundane affairs will )ermit him to think of anything. He ins been known to request that it might be "frowed away," and to call it "nassy sing," and indeed, his trials are very great. Life has altered signally for him. He feels it to . his heart's core, if he is made ofsensitive stuff. It is all very well for Bridget to take him into the kitchen and tell him to "be a nice lad an' she'll make him a cake.'' He wants his mother. He was never turned out of mother's room before. His heart is full. Well tor him at this time if he has a grand mother ready to make him her idol, a little jealous for him as the first born. Then , indeed , his ways shortly become the wayscf pleasantness, and life assumes a holiday, cake, candy, gingerbread and toy aspect. But in any event that old baby has a very unhappy day or two before it, a sea son when knowledge of the bitterness of life comes to him prematurely, and he understands the feelings of a de posed emperor. . Red and Hoard. Table-mats are again in fashion, and this is sensible, as they protect the table-cloth. Crocheted mats are the most. useful, easily washed and durable. Hemstitching on both table and bed linen is universal. With the former the housekeeper can choose be.ween pla'.n hemstitching, drawn work, and fringed borders. Tray cloths, napkins and square and centerpieces lor the table are finished to match the cloth. Some linen sheets are hemstitched at both ends, and the piilow and bolster cases match them. An upper sheet for the guest chamber, besides hemstitching at the end which is to fold over, has open work and fine embroidery extending nearly half a yard from the hem. The shams aredonein the same pat t rn. A bolster sham is less trouble than the embroidered sheet, as it can beeasily removedwhen the bedisabout to be occupied. When the same pillows are to be. used, plain cases are first put on.and the embroidered ones are taken off for the night. Jnst a Trifle Forgetful, From the Brunswick Breeze. Elliot Dunn gave the Breeze the details of quite an amusing incident that happened on board the train while on his way to Atlanta. Shortly after the train pulled out of Brunswick he no ticed a Sa vanah man on board with an unusually happy smile on his face. The man seemed wrapped in silent meditation on some pieasing subject, as he would occasionally chuckle to himself, and Mr. Dunn was quite amused at watching him. Presently, much to the surprise of Mr. Dunn, he sprang suddenly to his feet with the exclamation: "Great Scott! I've forgotten to get a health certificate and won't be admitted in to Savannah without it." The 'conductor coming through, the man explained his dilemma to him, and the urbane official intro duced him to Mr. Dunn, who regret ted his inability to furnish him with the desired certificate as he had neith er blanks nor pen and ink. "Butmv dear sir." said the Sa van nah man, "I'm on my way to get married, and if I'm detained I shall be ruined." "If you get me pen and ink I'll write vou a certificate," said Mr. Dunn. The conductor said there was none on board, and that it would be im possible to detain the train until it could be obtained at Jcsup. "But, My dear gu-I, the preacher and the guests will all be waiting and wondering why I do not put in an appearance," said the man. "Telegraph her," suggested Mr. Dunn. "I can't! Shelive.3 some miles from Cavi.nnah, where there is no tele graph slation," he replied. Finnally Mr. Dunn gave him his own certificate and told him to see if he could pass on it. This morning Mr. Dunn received a letterstating that the certificate had passed him all right, and after get ting married he had added the words "andwi.e" to it, so that read, "Elliot Dunn and wife," under which alias the happy couple had gone on their bridal toiir. TI:c Rot-Water Cure. Hot water is by all means a pre ferable drink for some persons suffer ing from dyspepsia, gastric catarrh, inflamed stomach, etc. And this is the condition represented by the great mass of invalids who have stomach derangements. Hot wafer is soothing to the mucous membrane. It cleanses it also, and promotes ac tivity of the secreting vessels. Its influence upon the stomach is not. however, more beneficial than upon t he general system. The stomach is the great organ of sympathy, and whenever it is warmed theWhoV body sympathizes, and so by warm ing the stomach we promote circula tion and nutrition, and fhe develop ment of power. Cold water is con traindicated in a'l cases of invnlid-L-vai, ur.le.s-; it be in aev. fevers. In saying this we do not prohibit it. use, but only give preference to warm water wherever there is a debilitated condition of the stomach without real fever. Invalids should heguided, however, somewhat by their sensa tions. If the use of cold wafer warms and comforts them, there is no rea son why it may not be used moder ately. Iced water is always injurious and frequently dangerous. But drinking at or soon after meals either of hot or cold water is bad pract'ee. We should do our drinkingsometime before eating; but alter digestion has begun, abstinence from drinks should he maintained for three or four hours. If patients will refrain from free use of common salt, water-drinking will not be so necessary, and wa ter is the only proper drink. Who ever would have good health would do well to avoid all other forms o beverage. Milk is food, not drink, and may be eaten with other food, but should never ba drunk. The Laws of Health. aailiOM A Man Whom l!aisdcu!fs Cannot Holsf. A young man named Miller step ped into the a(e ofthe Casino New York, and engaged in conversation with Detective Heidelberg. Purine the chat he incidentally remarked that he had yet to find the pair of handcuffs which could hold him. In an instant .Heidelhergerexhibited the pair he used recently while playing gendarme in Belgium. They were iormidable-looking objects, and. once placed on a man s wrists, could ho'd him securely, whether he had his hands before or behind his back. Miller put his hands behind his back, the handcuffs were drawn tight, and the detective demanded an illustra tion. Even while he was talking Miller exposed his wrists, free ofthe irons. Heidelberg was amazed but not convinced. Miller then crossed his wrists in front and the "derbys" were fastened so tightly that it seemed as though they woufd cut through the skin. Slowly th flesh seemed to shrivel and then quick a a flash the braclets were removed. The wonder then explained that when he is ready to have the irons placed he clinches his hands and the wrists expand. New York Sur. THE FARM. Short Notes. A late estimate places the average yield of wheat per acre in France the past year at 14 bushels, against an average of 16& bushels for ten years. Last year 10,000,000 bushels' of peanuts were imported into Mar seilles, France, to be pressed for oil, very little of which was sold under its proper name, most of it beingput on the market as olive oil. The re sidual pomace is employed in adul terating chocolate. Indian corn, says ProfessorHunt, of the Illinois College Farm, is the most economical pork-producing ma terial during the Winter months in regions where it isextensivelygrown. Undoubtedly, but better pork is made with at least an admixture of other grains. The tns.e for solid fat is passing away. Good butter cows will make a pound of butter to every 14 or Hi pounds of milk. "General purpose cows" want lrom 22 to 31 pounds, and some cows would require 50 pounds of milk to make a pound of butter. Average dairies require somewhere about 25 pounds of milk to make a pound of butter. Mirror and Farmer. Subsoiling should be done in a manner so as not to turn under the top soil. It is simply to follow the plow and loosen the hard pan, in or der to permit the roots to extend lower. Subsoiling should be accom panied with thoroug draining, which permits the a ir to enter, thereby hart ening chemical action, as well as to carry off excessive moisture and in crease warmth of soil." A correspondent of the Country Gentlemen says as a weed-killer no crop surpasses Hungarian grass or milet, and that no crop except lu cerne will surpass it for soiling or hay. But it must be cut for hay while the heads are green, just before the seeds forms; a crop of both hay and seed cannot be secured from the same straw. Grown for one purpose, on prop.?r soil in a drv season, Hunga rian grass is profitable. Care of See;l Pctatnes. 'If seed potatoes are in the cellar, or where they can be readily seen, it will pay to watch them closely to prevent sprouting. If possible, they should be spread thinly, and exposed to light and air at a temperature only a little above freezing. If put into a tight barrel the potatoes will almost certainly be too warm. Empty them upon the floor. The more they dry out in alight, cool place, the more vigorously the eyes will push when the seed is placed in right condition for growing. Frosted Bits. No horseman who regards kind ness to his charge as a virtue will use bcire iron bits in cold weather. It is very easy to cover them with leather,' thus preventing ulcerated mouths and sore tongues from con tact with frosted iron. It is always a protection to warm the bit before putting the iron into the mouth. In driving during the severest weather the iron be omes chilled outside the mouth, and sometimes will make sore the flesh whh h it touches where the breath does not warm it. Lime lit Cellars. Lime is a good disinfectant. It ?s especially valuable to place in cellars where vegetables ha ve been stored, es pecially such as have been put in wet or showed signs of decay. The past Fall has been so wet that more than usual attention must be given to eel lars to prevent losses. Bvabsorbin- superfluous moisture the lime pre- eats tne rising or loul odors that dampness with warmth is sure to generate. Most vegetables in cellars sire better if covered with earth and the lime sprinkled over the top of the neap. Suffolk Kreed of Tigs. The breed had great popularity thirty or more .years ago. It wases- pecially a favorite in England where Prince Albert introduced it, which was a sufficient recommendation to loyal subjects of the queen. The nreeu is to some extent still popular in England, whose climate favors it The Suffolk pig has short, thin hair' as far removed as possible from the bristles of the wild type of hog. But the pigs scald in our hot Sumifier suns, and freeze unless give especial care in Winter. Hogs for American use must have more hair than the Suffolk. . Pure Bred ( altle. There are 50,000,000 cattle of all kinds in this country, and but 200, 000 of the pure breeds. The latter have done good service in not im proving the common stock by the in fusion of pure blood; but as the Weekly Times suggests, it should not be thought a waste ot time and la bor to improve the common stock within itself as far as possible, be cause the better this can be made, the more valuable it becomes as a foundation for improvement by pure breeds. It has been cleaily demon strated that the same care which is given to valuable pure breeds will very greatly improve tin quality of the native cattle, both the yield and richness ofthe milk befing largely in creased. Good Advice. The -Farm, Field ind Stockman says: Now that the "long days" of work are about over for a season, the farmer besides reading for his own benefit, and planing for his next year's work in the field, should give his attention to the teaching of his l)'.ys. This is the most important work for nil concerned, and fihouhl', be entered upon without fail. When fully occupied with the active dutie.- ofthe busy season on the farm, the family was more or less neglected, but from now until spring, around the cheerful fire, or com fort able Ktove,', the family circle should nightly gath er, and an hour or two be profitably spent in social conversation, study and reading. There is something very attractive about winter even ings thus spent, and every farmer should look forward to the coming' of such occcasions with pleasure, and a determination that they shall ho made profitable to himself and each member of his family circle. How Xot to Hate "Cholera. - In his report on the swine plague. Frank S. Billings lays down those rules: 1. Don't leave a well hog in n place where a sick one is or has Uvu a moment longer than can Lehelp,i. 2. Pon't fail to examine sm h ej nrated well hogs twice a day, and to remove any that may become ill. ii. Don't allow the same person tc take care of the a flee ted and well hogs. 4. Don't alio .v any intercourse of men, dogs, or hens between the pons of either lot ot hogs. 5. Don't put anew lot of healthy hogs in a pen or upon land where swine plauge ha a been for less than three years, unless the same has teen thoroughly cleansed of all ret.ise. plowed or dug up several times, and exposed to the air for an entire sum mer season. . (5. Don't forget tlint closed pons, sheds, straw stacks, and aeenmu lated litter are more dangerous than open country, when swine plague has prevailed in suc h places. 7. Don't water hogs from rur.nii! streams. 8. Don't plae your hog pens, or runs, so that they can drain inn running streams. 0. Don't forget that all su li places should be well drained and kept as dry as possible. 10. Don't bury dead hogs when you can burn them up. 11. Don't buy or h ell sick hogs. 12: Don't visit your neighbor s hogs when sick or allow him to viit yours if well. 13. Don't forget that watchful ness, carefulness, and diligence will do more to prevent swine plague than all medicines. 14. . Don't forget that without these things being adhered to the most practical vaccine will ever prove next to useless. 15. Don't forget to keep to these rules. Surprise-Party. The accounts given in rural pajK'rsf of village and country merrymakers, carry many a city man back to t he days f his own youth on the farm, with its freedom from many oft he things that vex and fret him now. A correspondent of a rural paper ofone of these merrymakings: A surprise-party at I'ncle Peter Pilgrim's was the social event of the week in the neighborhood. At about 8 o'clock in the evening some thirty- five or forty of the friends and neigh- bors of Uncle Peter and Aunt Can dace slyly drew near the house, and when the door was opened, in re-, yponse to a thundering knock, pour ed into the house. The affair had been so carefully planned that it was a complete sur prise to Uncle Peter ami his lmmmI wife, who soon recovered therufelve! sufficiently to play the part of host ami hostess in their usual hospitality stvle. After a couple of hours hpent by the young people in plaving game, such' as "The Woevily Wheat, ' "Ol.l Quebec," and "Sister Phn'be," and by the older ones chatting in cuev corners, Uncle Peter set a husuei basket of Ids famous Bellellower ap ples in the center of the room, with an invitation to all to lK!p them selves. Aunt Candanco put a pot of molasses on to boil for taffy, while " the young people were set to work popping corn. This was followed by ( ping, in which all joined, after whicU Miss Betty Biennis favored the company with a solo, "The Old K!m-Tm."and Mrs. Nancy Prky sang "Young" Charlotte." Henry Pilgrim then fa vored the company with some violin music, accompanied by his Ki'stei Harriet on the accordion, which was. highly enjoyed by all. All went home at the reasonable hour of halt-past ten, with a cordial invitation from Uncle Peter to "siu prise him again." The affair was it genuine success in every particular- A War Shin Sent fcr a TrnnU. From the London Truth. When the Duke and Purhoss of Edinburg went recently to (irveve it was discovered, on arriving at . t hens, that a trunk, containing certain in disiienstiblearticlosofattirobolonginy to the Duchess, had bivn left I-hitui at Malta. A telegram ordering Un said trunk to be sent by the net day's steamer would have been tin cheapest ami readiest way of obtain ing it, but the Duke of Edinburg act ually dispatched one ofthe vessels of squadron all th way to Malta t bring back the trunk ami its con tents, thereby saving him about ;t sovereign for telegrams and carriage by steamer. The trip of her Majes tv's ship must have involved a cost to the tax-payers of some hundreds- of pound3. The transaction is alto gether a Kcamlelous one. What ist the use, I should like to know, of the pudding economies in the dock yards, when a royal admiral is .sufferetk wantonly to wa te a large sum of money in this idiotic fashion? An Absurd Theory. The idea, of the Chicago poliei that theexplosion at the Snufehlt distillery was the work of anarchists is absunl. Nobody else would suspect anarch ists of tn ing to blow sip anvthir." to drink. -JlUwaukeo J ournal.