The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, December 21, 1889, Image 1

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NO. 27.
rrzrrTzm mzzzz
Ncrtrce to Subscribers. !
As the -easiest hii.1 cheapest means of nnti
?yinjr subscribers of the date of their fxpira- ;
tions wo will. mark this notice with a blue or ;
"Mil pencil, on the (lute at which their sui
M.Tiption expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration. If not renewed
by that time it will be discontinued.
TIie: 'Alliance!
Magnificent Premiums !
The.Alliaxce has been started as
the official organ of the Nebraska State !
Fanners' Alliance. It lias already ;
taken a liip;h place among the papers'!
of the country, and is gaining patron- ;
age vhich promises to make it a bril- j
liani success.
It will be- conducted SOLELY IN ;
its Editor, is Chairman of the Ex- i
eetitive Committee of the Farm- j
ei s' State Alliance. lie has had long !
experience in newspaper work. He
will bring to his aid able men in differ
ent spheres of thought, and will make
Tin-; Alliance one of the ablest pa
pers in the west.
MR. THOMPSON, the Associate Ed
itor, is Secretary of the Nebraska State
Tiik Alliance will be absulutelv
in the discussion of all public (pies
lions. Its publishers will accent no
patronage from corporations that will
embarrass their free expression of
opinion upon all topics. NO MONEY
THE ALLIANCE will be found in
the front ranks of the opposition to all
trusts and combinations to throttle com
petition, and e tort from the producers
and laborers the lion's share of the fruits
of their toil.
AVe shall advocate the free coinage
of silver the same as gold, and its re
storation to its old time piace in our
The issue of all paper money direct
to the people on land -security, and an
increase of its volume proportioned to
increased production ana population:
Government ownership of railroads;
The U. S. postal telegraph:
The restriction of land ownership to
the users of land, and its reasonable
The exclusion of alien landlords:
The election of L". S. Senators by a
direct vote of the people:
And all other reforms which will
inure to the benefit of the Farmers
and Workingmen.
Now IJrother Farmers and AVorking
rnen, it remains for you to prove that
the often-made assertion that you will
not stand by your own friends, is false.
We appeal to you for support. Give
us your support and we will give you a
grand paper.
Every member of the Alliance, and
everv Farmer, should make the suc
cess" of this paper HIS OWN INDI
AVe want an agent in every Alliance
in the North.
Terms, Single Subscriptions SI. On per
year, invariably in advance: or, Five
yearly Subscriptions Four Dollars.
Canvassers wanted.
MIUM OFFER in our advertising
All kinds of Job Work
Promptly and neatly executed at rea
sonable prices. Particular attention
given to Alliance work.
Address, Alliance Prn. Co..
Lincoln. Neb.
News From the New Republic.
New York, Dec. 16. The steamer Ilorrox
arrived here today from Bazil. She left
Rio Janeiro Ne vera be r 23. On the second
day of the revolution a cipher dispatch
was received announcing that there had
been an uprising in Bahia and that a fifct
had taken place between tne militia arid
the imperialists and thaf. 500 persons had
been killed. After that the government at
once stopped all cipher communication
and place! a strict watch on all ordinary
So complete were the arrangements of
the republicans that when the republic
w as announced ail of the imperial war ves
sels that tor weeks had been lying in the
harbor were so fixed it was impossible for
tbem to participate in any uprising that
might possibly have occurred.
Another rumor was one regarding the
fate of eight naval officers who had refused
to submit to the republicans. om
cers eecured a boat and rowed out upon
tha harbor bearing aloft the imperial flag.
A party of republicans gave cha?e and
Rome shots were exchanged. The naval
officers were captured and put in prison.
None of them had been seen up to the
time that the Horrox lef c, and the general
belief is that they had been secretly shot
while in piison, s.s tho noise of a discharge
of firearms had been heard in the prison
the next day.
Butler's Emigration Scheme.
Washington, Dec. 13. Thebillintroducad
by Senator Butler today providing for the
emigration of colored people from the
southern states nrovi -les that the head of
any family, or for himself if not married,
may make application to the nearest fed
eral commissioner under oath, setting forth
the fact that he desires to emigrate to a
foreign country for permanent residence
and citizenship and that he is too poor to
pay the cost of transportation. The ce riif
ioate shall be forwarded by the commis
sioner to the quartermaster general who
shall Auraieh to the applicant the necessary
transportation by the cheapest route. For
this purpose the bill appropriates $5,000,-
Foot ball is a boisterous game and
requires a violent exercise of lungs
and muscles. The victory generally
falls to the team with the longest wind.
An optician at Rochester thinks a
fortune awaits the man who can invent
a concave or convex class which
would conform to the shape of the
eyeball, and be made thin enough to
be inserted underneath the eyelid.
Ax astronomer says that in the moon
the days and nights are each a fort
night long". Tramps who have to sleep
in 10 cent loindgg-house3 would like
the moon days but not the nights and
lovers would like the nigh t3 but not
the days.
France is the greatest nation for the
consumption of snuff, and a few years
ago it averaged seven ounces a year
per inhabitant. Alter the Franco
German war the amount was reduced,
until now only five ounces per inhabi
tant is used.
In ancient times oratory was the only
channel of communication between
men, and the only method of dissemin
ating intelligence. It filled the place
which is now tilled by the daily press.
People did all their thinking through
the orator, just as many now do
through the newspapers.
A ditsilleuv at Lynchburg, O., had
in store tli9 other week just an even
million gallons of whisky. If you have
a piece of chalk and i barn floor you
can perhaps figure up the number of
drunks, murders, lights, cuss-words
and family rows such a quantity of red
eye is capable ef producing.
The countries of Europe, taken on an
average, spend dollars on food investi
gations where this country spends
cents. In this comparatively thinly
settled country it should not be neces
sary to spend a' proportionate amount;
but as a matter of fact, the propor
tion of adulterated to the pure food
sold here is higher than in any Eu
ropean country.
Washington is certain to have one
piece of statuary which will be thor
oughly representative of the best
French talent in sculpture, and that is
is the statue of Lafayette, on which
the sculptors Mereie and Falquierre
have lavished their best skill. Mercie
is a man of genius, and Falquierre is
considered--as certain to bo one - of the
glories of French art.
They have an effective way of deal
ing with habitual druukards in Norway
and Sweden. They put them in jail
and feed them entirely on bread and
wine. The bread is steeped in wine
an hour before it is served. The first
day a man will take it, but before many
more he will hate the sight of it
After an incarceration of this sort many
become total abstainers.
A St. Louis woman thinks thnt mar
ried men ought to wear rings on their
lingers, sis the ladies do, indicating
their social status. She says that if
they did there would not be so many
wounded hearts lying around. AVhen
a gentleman approached a lady she
could readily determine whether or not
he is in or out of the matrimonial
market, and demean herself according-
The citizens of Windham, Me., are
laughing" at a newly married man of
that town who went to Portland, shop
ping, taking his bride with him, but
who forgot her when he started for
home, and had nearly reached Wind
ham before the uneasy consciousness
that he had forgotten something fin
ally resolved itself into the realization
of tho fact that it was his wife who
was left behind.
A "penny famine" is what threatens
the large cities of the west and south
west The people have learned to use
the long-despised 1 cent coin, and the
needs of circulation have increased far
beyond the power of the government
machinery to supply tbem. The Phil
adelphia mint is two months behind
with its orders for these pieces, in
spite of keeping at work night and day
turning them out.
Dk. Kkafft-Ebixg, an eminent pro
fessor in the University of Vienna,
says that GO per'cent of all cases of in
sanity inherited a predisposition from
their ancestors. In 20 per cent of all
cases, intemperance is found to be the
sole or chief cause, and in 30 per cent
more one of the causes of mental dis
ease. Ho advises legal measures to
combat the habit of intemperance, or
the formation of societies to counter
act it.
Tins is simply awful. The 1890
almanac of the Paris Illustration pre
sents a good half-face portrait of
Grover Cleveland and labels it 'M.
Harrison, le nouveau president des
Etats Unis," and one of Mr. Thurman,
which has underneath it the legend,
"M. Morton, le nouveau vice-president
des Etats Unis." This is worse than
the same paper's publication of a
portrait of another American presi
dent, with the legend, "M. Arthur
Chester, president, etc."
A Thousand. Miners Strike.
Rcchestek, N. Y., Dec. 17. A thousand
coal iuiMera in the Waist n and Adrian
mines struck this mcrnirg.
Nebraska Editorial Association.
Kearney special : The annual ses
sion of the Nebraska Editorial associa
tion will be held here January 23 and
24. H. M. Bushnell, president, and
F. G. Simmons, secretary, were in the
city today completing arrangements
and getting up tbe programme. The
editors of the state and their wives
will be present, the guests of the city.
The first day will be devoted to a busi
ness session. In the evening there
will be orations, poems, literary and
other exercises. During the second
day there will be a discussion of busi
ness topics and improvements in news
paper work. In the evening a grand
banquet will be held in the Midway
All Over the State.
There are now fifty-eight local
granges in the state with a member
ship of over 2,000.
A prairie fire in Rock county de
stroyed about 100 tons of hay and con
siderable obher property.
Several parties living on the
Niobrara rivor intent to do some pios
pecting for coal this winter.
In attempting to get into a buggy at
Gering, a, young lady named Thorn
burg fell in such a manner as to cause
instant death.
Ex-Governor Furnas shows his faith
in the Billings theory by having his
hogs inoculated for the prevention of
swine plague.
York has had another failure, the
jewelry stock of Wes Pisher having
been taken to satisfy the claims of two
of the local banks.
John Jones, living seven miles riorth
of Box Butte, died last week from the
effects of a wound made by running a
rusty nail into his foot several days
Mrs. Larson, wife of the man mur
dered near Julesburg last August,
died recently at her home in Deuel
county, having been demented from
the effects of the tragedy since its
Hake and Borchwingle, the Banner
county cattle thieves, were sentenced
at Cheyenne, Wyo. , to a term of seven
and five years respectively, in the pen
itentiary. After reaching a depth of 198 feet
workmen employed on , the town well
at Harrisburg were compelled to stop
work on account of gas which rendered
it dangerous for anyone venturing in
side. A new national banking house has
been organized at Albion , and will
open up for business in a few days
with a paid up capital of f 50,000. Tbe
officers are: M. B. Thompson, presi-.
dent; Loran Olark, vice-president;
Willard Baker, cashier; D. V. Blatter,
assistant cashier.
Dakota City Special : A bold at
tempt was made to liberate the pris
oners in the jail here Tuesday evening at
about 8 o'clock. There was only one
man guarding the jail, and on some
small pretext he was sent down town.
As soon as he wa3 gone a crowbar was
handed to tho prisoners by a brother
of one of the men confined in jail.
With this they broke out some of the
bars of the steel cage and then pushed
out the part of the brick walls where
some prisoners had made their escape
before. Only three got away, as the
deputy came just then and prevented
the rest from escaping. Tke three
that escaped are held here on a charge
of highway robbery. The sheriff has
a large posse in pursuit of the escaped.
A well dressed woman with a little
baby in her arms alighted from the
train at Dorchester la3t week and at
once went to a hotel, where she em
ployed a nurse and left the little one in
her care after liberally providing for
it3 keeping. The mother boarded the
next train, and where she came from
and whither she went is still a mystery.
Qaite a sum of money was found in the
child's clothing.
A few days ago a citizen of Ainsworth
went down to Long Pine, and the
Piners, thinking to have some fun with
him, drugged a few of his drinks. They
had fun for a few minutes, says the
Ainsworth Graphic, then it came his
turn. He pulled a wicked looking pop
out of his pocket and started on the
war path. In fifteen minutes he had
the whole town to himself, and it was
broad daylight the next morning before
the prominent citizens of that burg
dared venture out upon the streets.
J. J. Nelson, living near Newman
Grove, died last week from the effects
of a kick received from a horse abcut
six weeks ago.
That European Plague.
New Yobk, Dec. 17. Dr. Edson of the
health board today reported that there had
been a discovery in this city of eight cases
of foreign influenza. The first victim, a
young lady, was taken down Thursday
last. It is supposed she contracted the
disease from a family who returned from
Europe a few dayB ago. Hr first symp
toms were vertigo, speedily followed by
headache and chills. Then she became
deadly sick, with pains in her limbs and
muscles. This was succeeded by bronchial
catarrh, soreness of the throat and cough
ing, followed by a high fever and an ex
ceedingly rapid pulse, which at times
reached 130 to the minute. Since then
seven other members of the family
have been attacked by the disease. The
health oflicers say it is not dangerous, but
if it tends to become an epidemic all cases
will be quarantined. The treatment is the
spraying of the affected membrane freely
with a solution of quinine, and an internal
administration of quinine, belladona and
The Cronin Murderers Sentenced.
Chicago, Dec. 16. Jury has just entered
and taken their seats I Verdict as follows:
"Coughlin, O'Sollivaji and Burke guilty of
murder, penalty, life sentence; Kunze three
years, Beggs not guilty."
The verdict of the jury was as follows:
"We, tho jury, find thq defendant, John F.
Beggs, not guilty. We, the jury, find the
defendant, John Kunze, guilty cf man
slaughter a charged $n the indictment and
fix his punishment atjimprisonment in the
penitentiary for the term of three years.
We, the jury, find defendants Dan Cough
lin, Patrick O'Sullivan and Martin Burke
guilty of murdf r in the manner and form
as charged in the indictment and fix the
penalty at imprisonment in the peniten
tiary for life." I
Forrest, of council for defense, nt once
requested that the jury be polled. To tach
juror the question was put by the clerk of
the court: "Was this and is this now your
verdict?" Foreman Clark was first to rise
nnd answer firmly in the affirmative.
Eleven others followed in turn and gave
the same answer. Simultaneous with the
announcement of the verdict, Coughlin,
O'Sullivan and Enrke turned deathly pale,
while Kunze started suddenly from his
reat ana in h, moment dropped his head on
his breast -and broke into tears; whi-e
B eggs was luminous with joy and immedi
ately after tne polling of the jury he ar.?se
from amid the prisfcners, walked over to
the jnry box and during tne breathless lull
that followed, si.oolsl Foremen Clark's hand
and paid:
"Gentlemen, 1 thank yon. I trust that
the future may confirm your judgment up
on mo and that you will never regret that
you found me not 'guilty of this terrible
charge." As he shook hand with the jurors
each juror bowed his head in acknowledge
ment of tne grateful words of a liberated
man. The only sound that broke the still
ness were the deep sobs of the little Ger
man, Kunze. He burst out with "God
knows 1 am innocent. I never was in
Lake View that night. Oh, God knows I
am innocent, gentlemen."
O'Sullivan was the nly one of the other
three men, who found refuge in tears. 'For
a moment they trickled down his cheeks,
but a momant later his black eyes flashed
with defiance on the revival of courage
and dashing his hand across his brow he
braced up in his seat and cast a glance
around the court loom. The only evidence
of horror to be perceived in Coughlin
was increased pallor that overspread
his face, as he folly reahzjd tho sig
nificance of tbe sentence to life imprison
ment and his lips wiched nervously the colloquy that followed between
the attorney aua the court relative to a
motion for a new trial. Martin Burke was
unquestionably the least affected of all the
prisoners. His usual florid face took a
slight pallor as the verdict was announced,
but a minute later Lis jaws began a method
ical mastic.ition, a3 regularly as at any
time previous during the trial. As the ver
dict was announced the large audience con.
templated Kunze's grief. Beggs turned to
a reporter and paid : "It is a shame to sen
tence Kunze, poor little fellow, is as inno
cent as I am. It is a d d shame to put
him in the penitentiary for three years.
He had bo more idea of being found guilty
than you had of being declared an accom
plice in this crime."
Quite a Sensation.
tC.EXCioovPecUpA Tribune special from
Bismarck, N. D., says: In the senate yes
terday. Senator Lamoure of Pembina coun
ty made a savage attack on ex-Governor
Ordway, charging him with bribe-giving,
bribe-taking and other misconduct. Dur
ing the recent contest for the United States
senate ex-Governor Ordway was bitterly
opposed by Lamoure, who now claims that
since the senatorial fight Ordway has been
making all manner of charges against him.
Having defended himself against Ord way's
charges, Lamoure sailed into Ordway, ex
claiming: "I charge him here as a biibe
giver and bribe-taker, and ft neceesarj I
can prove it." He continued in this vein
for some time, creating consternation in
the chamber and lobby. He said he could
prove that in the organization of Ramsey
county Ordway sent blank commissions to
his agents and effected a deal with Judge
Palmer to locate the county seat of Ramsey
county. He then alluded to the governor's
son, George Ordway, whose appointment
as territorial auditor, he claimed, was
forced by the governor against the wishes
of the council. "All who knew him knew
that he was an unreliable, drunken sot,"
exclaimed Lamoure. He said further that
Ordway's administration of the office of
auditor left no record of his dealings with
the insurance companies, and closed with
the remark: "You can draw your inference
as to tne cause of silence."
A motion to expunge the entire proceed
ings from the records cf the senate was
lost, and it was referred to a committee of
five. Ex-Governor Ordway, who had heard
that he was to be attacked, sent a letter to
8enator Worst requestiug that he be in
formed by telegram to Fargo on the action
of the senate, and if granted the privilege
to speak he would return at once. Tne
senate has thus far taken no action on the
request, but it is understood that he will
return today and demand the privilege of
the floor to reply to Lamoure's assault.
In all probability an investigation of the
Unit ad States senatorial contest will now
be demanded, especially as regards the
claim of Mr. Johnson that he refused a
$10,000 consulship and $25,000 ir cash. The
sensational developments have evidently
jast begun.
Republicans Itetnrn to Power.
Mebidan, Conn. Dec. 17. The republi
cans elected all their tieket today except
city clerk, and are returned to power after
being out three yearp. Ben Page, republi
can, for maycr, has 243 majority. Herman
Hess, democratic, wins the ciiy clerkship
en his persenal popularity The council
will stand tweuty one republicans to nine
democrats. The fight was not a political
one, the point at issue being a proposed
increace of city taxes, which idea will now
be abandoned.
Reducing the Duty on Sugar.
WysHiNGToN, Dec. 15. General Browne
of Indiana, who was a member of the com
mittee on ways and means in the last three
congresses, and who would have been next
to Chairman McKInldy en the committee in
this congress had he not requested Speaker
Reed to put him upon some other commit
tee owing to the delicate condition of his
heal th, will upon the first call of the house
for the introduction of measures introduce
a bill that will carry sugar a long way
toward the free list. He says he would
favor the placing of sugar on the free list
directly if it were not for the fact that in
sections of the country efforts are being
made to cultivate sugar, whieh should be
encouraged by the government His bill
will anticipate the collection of a revenue
sufficiently large to pay a liberal bounty
upon domestic sugar. The duty not col
lected upon sugar now is equivalent to
about 7Sper cent ad valorem. General
Browne will propose that this duty be cut
down to 25 per cent ad valoretn. Reducing
the present duty more than two-thirds
will provide for a bounty of 1 cent per
pound upon sugar produced in this
country. .
The Senate.
Washington, Dec. 12. Petitions were pre
sented from various parishes in Louisiana
in favor of a national election law by la
gs lip, Sherman and Evarts.
Among the bills introduced and referred
By Butler For the emigration of persons
cf color lrcm southern states.
Gorman For an international exposition
at the national capital in 1892.
Stewart For the free coinage of gold and
silver and the issue of coin certificates.
Gibson cffeied a resolution (which was
relerred to the committee on foreign rela
tions) instructing the committee to inquire
into the expediency and practicability of
acquiring or setting apart territory for the
occupation of the negro or colored citizens
of the United States, and also to lc quire
how far and in what manner the govern
ment of the United States can and ought
equitably to aid freed men of the United
States, their families and descendants to
emigrate thereto and settle thereon, and
establish a system of common school edu
cation. Ingalls offered a concurrent resolution
(which went over) for a holiday recess of
the two houxes from December 19 to Janu-!
Washington, Dec. 16. Among the various
petitions and memorials presented in tho
senate today were several for the passage
of a petsion law as prepared by the pen
sion committee of the G. A. R. ; one from
Iowa for the selection of Chicago as the site
for the exposition of 1893; one for the ad
mission of Wyomirg as a state; oi e in fa
vor of the Blair educational bill; one from
the Chicago beard of trade for 1-cent poet
age, and several for the passage of the Sun
day rest bill.
The house joint resolution for printing
the agricultural report for 1889 was passed
with an amendment fixing the number of
copies at 400,ti00 and appropriating gCOO
for the cost.
Among the bills introduced and referred
were the following:
By Ingalls For the allowance of cumula
tive pensions.
Mandereon For woman suffrage in all
Mitchell offered a resolution, which was
agreed to, instructing tha judiciary com
mittee to inquire and report whether Chi
nese laborers who have never been in the
United States, or who, having been here,
have left the country, may, under existing
legislation, be permitted to enttr the
Uaited States for the Bole purpose of tran
sit across the same, either with or with
out authority frum tlui secretary of the
The senate then proceeded to the consid
eration of the executive business.
After the doors were reopened the con
current resolution offered by Inealls for
holding a recess from December 19 to Jan
uary 8 was agreed to yeas 47, nays 13.
A message from the house announcing
the death of Representative Gay of Louis
iana, was laid before the senate, and on
motion of Gibpon the senate adjourned in
memory ard respect to the deceased.
tAbtiiMiTuh, Deo."l7. Among the bills
reported from the committees and placed
on the calendar were the following:
To relieve the treasurer of the United
States from the amount now charged to
him and deposited with tbe several states;
to increase the pensions of pensioners who
are entirely helpless.
Hale, from the committee on appropria
tions, reported back the deficiency bill of
$150, 0( 0 for public printing and binding
and $350,000 for ihe preliminary printing
of the eleventh census. The bill was
A communication from the president to
congress in regard to the international
maritime conference now in session, and
recommending earnestly that a further ex
tension of the limit of Its continuance for
two months from the first of January, 1890,
be authorized wes presented and with the
accompanying papers was referred to the
committee on foreign relations.
Manderscn offered a resolution, which
was agreed to, calling on the secretary ef
the interior for information as to the dis
position of lands comprised within the
military reservations that have been re
linquished bv the war department.
Mitchell c tiered a resolution, which was
referred to the post-office committee, call
ing on the postmaster-general for esti
mates of the increased cost required for the
extension of the free delivery system to all
towns and cities having not less than 3.000
inhabitants, and where gress post-office
revenue is at least $5,000; also to cities and
towns of ,C0M inhabitants and with a gross
post-office revenue of $7,000.
The House.
Washingtoii, Dec. 13. Butterworth of
Ohio, rising to a question of privilege,
offered a resolution providing for tha ap
pointment cf a committee of five to make
a full and thorongh investigation and re
port without delay of their findings to con
gress, on an allegation, a copy of which
appeared in the Cincinnati Commercial
Gazette and other pablic journals last Oc
tober, and to which the alleged signatures
of several members of congress were at
tached, which was declared by the papers
to be a scheme to defraud the United
States in the matter of a proposed purohaee
of certain ballot boxes.
Washington, Dec. 16. A resolution re
ported by McKinley, from the committee
on ways and means, for the distribution of
the president's message among appropri
ate committees was adopted.
McKmley'sreFolntion for aholiday recess
from December 30 until January 6 was re
ferred. Henderson of Io wa, from the committee
on appropriations, reported a bill appro
priating $ 1C0,000 to meet the deficiency in
the appropriation for public printing and
burling and f25'000 deficiency in the ap
propriation for census bureaux.
Bland's amendment appropriating $200,
000 to enable the superintendent of censss
to ascertain the number and amount of
farm mortgages, etc. , was rejected and the
bill passed.
A resolution authorizing the sergeant-at-arms
to offer a reward of 5,000 for the ap
prehension of Silcott was referred.
A bill by Springer to organize the terri
tory of Oklahoma and one by Baker of New
York on the same Bubject was referred to
the committee on territories.
Washington, Dec. 18. Mr. McKinley of
Ohio, from the committee on ways and
means, reported the concurrent resolution
for the holiday recess from December 2i
until January 3 agreed to.
Mr. Payne of New York, from the Silcott
committee, reported a resolution authoriz
ing the sergeant-at-arms to offer a reward
of $5,000 for the arrest and delivery to the
marshal of the District of Columbia of C.E.
Silcott, the absconding cashier, the reward
to be paid out of the contingent fund of
the house. Adopted.
Under the call of states the following
bills were Introduced and referred:
By Mr. McRrae To define and tax trusts.
This bill provides for a tax of 25 per cent,
with no drawback.upon products of trusts.
The bill authorizes the president, when he
is satisfied that a trust has enhanced the
price of any article, to 'issue a proclama
tion suspending the collection of all cus.
toms, duties or import taxes on like
articles brought from for foreign
countries, whick shall remain in force un
til revoked by tha president. To repeal
ail luv.'B providing for the accumulation of
gold tor tne redemption of treasury notes;
the direct tax bill; to provide for the free
coinage of silver.
By Mr. Morrow. For the development
ana cncoursg-emenc or silk culture in the
United States, under the supervision of tne
becretr;ry of agriculture.
By Mr. Traccy of New York For the en
forcement of the ehjht hour law on goveru-
i meiit premises.
By Mr. Bucbanan To establish tonnoga
; dues on American shipping; to prcVfcno
the importation of convict muue goods.
By Mr. Bowdeu of Virgina To abolish
the internal revenue tax upon tobacco in
ail its forni9 and upon spirits daaiiled
lrcm fruits. Mr. Brown of Indiana intro
duced a similar bill.
By Mr. Post of Illinois A b 11 to reduce
letter postage to one cent per ounce.
By Mr. Williams of Illinois To place
hemp and substitutes (for htnip, jute and
sisal grass and twine made from tne same,
inwhclecr in tart, on the lree list; to
place suear on tne tree list.
By Mr.'Sprlrger cf Illinois To provide
for tb.3 reclamation of the arid landg in the
United States and their settlement under
the homesteal laws.
Bp Mr. Tayson of Illinois Appropriating
$75,000 for tne payment tf the unpaid sal
aries of the roemDers of the honse of the
Fifty-first congress caused by tfileott'a em
bezzlement. By Mr. Conger Transferring the United
States signal service bureau to the depart
ment of agriculture.
Mr. Docktry of Missouri introduced that
part of the Mills bill reducing the duty on
lumber, salt in bags, barrels, etc., woolen
and worsted cloths, r-lothing ready made,
end on all carpets and carpetings.
Bp Mr. Moree of Mapsuctmsettf? To estab
lish a postal telegraph syttetw.
The deaths of James Laird, Nebraska,
S. S. Cox. New York, and II. W. Towns
Bhend, lLlnois, were announced to tho
house which as a ,mark of respect to the
memory of the deceased, adjourned until
Three AVere Killed.
Wateetown, N. D., Dec. 13. A mixed train
cn the Manitoba railroad ran off tbe track
yeeterdaj- near South Shore, twenty-two
mil?s from Watertown. Six cars and a com
bination car were precipitated down an
embankment, instantly killing Engineer
James P. Haines, Fireman John Kivlaun,
and Brakeman John Rocney, all of Benson,
Minn. Conductor Blake was alBO injured,
but not seriously. Tne train was running
at a low rate cf speeder the accident would
have been more serious.
Four Killed.
Indianapolis, Dec. 16. The pay car of
tho Ohio, Indiana & Western railroad with
General Superintendent Wilson and J.
Cummings, train master, on board, was
wrecked near Covington, Ind , early this
morning. Bath Wilson and Cummings
were killeo. The pay master and engineer
were also killed, it l believed, but details
are rather meegre.
Judge Brewer Confirmed. ,
Washington, Dec. 18. The following
nominations were confirmed by the senate
yesterday: .
David J. Brewer of Kansas, assoclcto jas
tice of the supreme court, by a vote of 5 i
to 11; William Walter Phelps,, , minister to
Germany; Thomas H. Anderson of Ohio,
minister to Bolivia; Frederick Dougla?,
minister to Hayti; A. Loudon Saowden of
Pennsvlvanta, minister to Greece; Robert
S. McCormick of Illinois, second secretary
of legation at London; Frank W. Palmer
of Illinois, public printer; Evans Blake of
Illinois, consul at Ore ii ild.
The negative vote, on Judge Brewer's
cornrmation is said to nave been casr. by
Blair, Wilson of Iowa, Clcquitt, Allison.
Chandler and Tettierew. Senator Ed
munds, it is said, declined to vote.
Iowa as a Horse State.
Des Moines, Dec. 15. The phenomenal
success of Axtel has attracted considerable
attention to Iowa horses and awakened
great interest in horse matters in the state.
The cemmercial exchange of this city took
the horse for its subject at its last monthly
lunch. A plan is being discussed to build
a first-clas mile track near this city and
make Des Moines the leading horse market
for the narthwest. It is proposed to hold
a great horse fair and sale here during tbe
latter part of August, which shall attract
the noted blooded horses of the country
and bring buyers here from all over the
United States. The Euperioriry of Iowa's
climate and pasturage for raising fine
horses has been demonstrated in a number
of instances, and it is belinvf d that Iowa
might divide honors with Kentucky in this
matter. Mr. Williams, ot Independence,
the late owner of Axtel, nd the man who
has raised so many fine horses, also expects
to make his little city a great rrsort for
horsemen. He is now building a mile track,
which it is claimed will be the fastest in
the country. He will open it with a great
trotting meet next summer, five stables ot
$1,500 each have already been guaranteed.
There is constantly increasing interest; in
the breeding and raising of fine horses all
over tho state and there is no doubt that
Iowa will become as famous for its horses
as for its dairies or its corn.
Federation of Labor.
Boston, Dec. 14. At today's session of the
American Federation of Labor the discus
sion on the report of the committee on con
stitution wes resumed. The debate was an
imated, and great intereBt was manifested
in the arguments of the ppeakera. The rep
resentatives of the International Typo
graphical union and a number of printers
from the central organizations were decid
edly opposed to the question ef assessments
to meet the expenses of the expected strike
May 1. The following section was adopted :
The executive council shall have power
to levy a strike assessment of 3 cents per
member on June 1, 1690, on all national and
international bodies under the jurisdiction
of the federation.
Another amendment was adopted giving
to the executive committee power over af
filiated bodies to levy an assessment not to
exceed 2 cents per week to continue at the
discretion of the executive council, unless
otherwise ordered by a vote of all national
and international unions.
Towards the Knights of Libor the feder
ation states its position as follows:
1. That the Knights of Labor shall dis
countenance and revoke the charters of all
trades assemblies in the order.
2. The American labor and trade unions
will urge their members and encourage
working people to become members of
mixed assemblies of Knights of Labor. The
time has arrived when trade unions should
claim their own, the trend of organizations
shows the wsge earners of America are
weary of having their interests adjusted by
the measure of the huckster or yard stick
of the merchant We assert the natural
right of trade unions to occupy trade un
ions territory. When this right is conceded
discord will end and organized labor be
more closely united."
The election of officers resulted in the re
election of Presideut Samuel Gompers of
New York ard Secretary P. J. Maguire of
New York. Final adjournment was then
taken. Detroit will be the place of the
next meeting.
The Xavassa Rioters.
Baltimoke, Dec. 17. The evidence for tl
government in tho case -f CaMar Fiphraol
Henry Jones for the murder of Thorn-i N.
Foster ea the Ward of Navassa wn con
cluded this Rff.ernoon. and the r'tfenc
openel. John Mcgg toll the jury that i.a
heard Alfred Jones, alias "Texas yhorty,"
say he was going to kill Mahon. .T?-rry
French swoto he heard lleury June- ho
was sorry he killed Foster, but, ho bed to di
it for fear l e miht come to Balt'wiore arid
eppear apaUisc him. He saw Fisher Rtrlko
Foster with stones amlsawJoncn cut fclm
up. He heard "i?now" and Jones laythty
better kill all hands to prevent their testi
fying. Henry Jones, tho accused, then tcck
tne stand and confessed to the killing of
Foster, j istifyirg the cc ty stating thct he
(Jones) was frightened. Fofcterwes rnnnJng
towards him and he thought he would be it
"gono coon" if ho did not kill him. dun.
acjourued until tomorrow.
The Two Replies.
London, Dec. 15. Mr. Gladstone, reply
ing to a request to throw his great influ
ence in favor of an eight hour movement,
declines, on account of h's great pgo and
the engrossing character of the Irish ques
tion, to initiate the agitation of the sub
ject. He says that be vi ill difpaff-'lrnrit'y
"consider the matter whenever a bill em
body inw the Ideal presented.
Lord Randolph Churchill, In tr
a similar invitation, says that rm of
eipht hours sleep, e'ght hours for Ibbor t.ut
eight hours for recreation suonvd hi r-e an
ideal toward which democrUm legislation
may wisely and profitably aim. It, would
diminish tho number cf unemployed and
also the profits of the capitalist-'; hut th
latter disadvantage, if such it be. wcnld l
largely outweighed by the incrrrerd com
fort and contcncmcst of the laborers.
AVorld's Fair Plan,
Washington, Deo. 18. Committees repre
senting Chicago, SJ. Lcuis. New York and
Washington met tonight for the purpose
of agreeing on a common plan to be pre
sented to congress for the work;,' fair,
leaving tho question of site to be deci b-d
in congress. A senator said that it wa tlio
purpofe of tho renato to pans on th
world's fair site within sixty days. Konte
fear was expressed that the bome commit
tee might not be appointed bfcre th
holiday recess and it was finally airncd to
urge the speaker to aonounce the commit
tee before adjournment. The question cf
the siza of ihe committee nrovoki a
lengthy dlsciiHsion. The New Yorkers fav
ortd a committee in which euenof ttx con
testing sites should have threo memb-r.
frieudJy to them with tho chalrmnn un
committed. Judge Walker of CLlcso
thought each city should have the selec
tion of only one member. Congrr-ffnian
Springer expressee his willingness to leave
tho vholo matter with the sj taker, wbemu
fairness could bo relied upoD. Finally the
motion offered by Springer carried that a
committee representing each cf the lonr
cities be appointed to wait on the speaker
and repuesb him to fcecure a int etioguf the
committee on rules wltn a view to hating
it report on resolutions to create a com
mittee on the world's lair on Saturday
next and that the speaker be requested to
appoint tho committee before tl.e adjjum
ment for tbe holiday recess. 1 he commit
tee is os follows: Commissior'tr Diniultn
of the District of Columbia. Ooepr-SMiian
BeldenofNew Yok, Mr. Iiiu of Minors
and Mr. Frank vt Missouri.
Cheers and Circa ns.
London, Dec. 17. rarnell.'who iatospeak
in reply to the speech made by Lord Sain -bury
at; Nottingham, arrived there today
A great crowd at the railway station fcrcei--ed
him, amid 1 ud cbacrs and gronua
Must Read and Write.
New York, Dec. 13. The papers brought
from Rio Janeiro by tho steamer Bes.el
contain many proclamations issued by the
new government of Brazil regarding the
temporary transaction of business. (.
of the most important of there relate to
the election which the revolutionists prom
ipd to hold at an early date, when thi
question of a constitution and permanent
officers of the new republic were to b sub
mitted to the people. Tbe fir-t clause f
this decree shows that even in the revolu
tionary body which deposed Dom Pedro
and sent the imperial lamily out cf lh
country, there Ik au active conservative
element, for universal suffrage is rJecte,1,
and only such voters as are bl to rend
and write shall be entitled to citizenship. leaves all the freed elavf-s cut and a
large part of the white people 8 writ, and
confines the power of tne government to
the educated and moderately well-'o-do.
The Dead Toet.
London, Dec. 13. When stricken wi;M his
last illness the poet Brown ir g had jast re
ceived the freedom of the city of Av!,
Italy, whither he proposed goirg. The
dean of Westminster hai rifercd a sepul
chre for his remains in Westminster abbev,
but it id probable that it will be decided to
bury him in the grave with bis wife.
Another Reef Combine.
Chicago, Doc. 17. It is a settled fact that
two of the largest beef and cettl flmn in
tho country, the Munrose of Boston a:i
Hammond company of Hammond, lad.,
have united. For several yearn the Mun
rose company has purchased live crM1
here and slaughtered nt Albany and Bos
ton Their Boston dressed be ci plant, it U
understood now, has been tarr ed Into n
new company ana Mnroso wi.l bi one of
of the eastern representatives of the Ham
mond company, which is a member of the
ubig lour."
Lincoln?, Nan.
3 50 ($.1 0'
1 50 (r3 o;
3 ao 5 i
3 00 (ifci 2 2
CATTLE Butchers' steers.
WHEAT No. 2 spring.
OATS No. 2....
RYE No. 2
CORN No. v, new
APPLES per bbl
HAY Prairie, balk.
a w MS
(2 35
C4 00
. Omaha, Neb.
CATTLE ..,.$3 30 Jr4 40
Cows 1 SO M3 M
HOGS Fair to heavy 3 W) (,r4 00
Mixed 3 90 (&4 00
' Chicago, Iix.
CATTLE Prime steers $:i .V) -4 sr
Ol 1 a .4 . 3 - . - V.- ,
obocKers una leeuers. s vo
HOGS Packing 3 tt)
SHEEP Natives rS 50
(ci3 00
QM 05
Kansas Cttt. If o.
CATTLE Corn fed - $3 W M 35
Feeders 1 CO (rS 15
HOGS Good to cb aice S M) (.i t r
Mixed 3 60 c4 tXJ