7 "THERE IS NOTHING WHICH IS HUMAN THAT IS ALIE.N TO ME." Terence. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, DEC 14, 1889. NO. 20. VOL.1. T J I " V Notice to Subscribers. EXPIRATIONS. As the easiest a.n4 cheapest moan of noti fying subscribers ' the date of their expira tions we will marie this notice with a blue or red pencil, on the tJate at which their sub scription expires. We will send tire paper two weeks after- piration. I f not renewed by that time it wit 1 be discontinued. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Alliance! -oo- THE MMERS' OWH PIPER! -00- Magnificent Premiums ! -00- Ttie Alxianck has -beon started as Wte official organ of th-e Nebraska State "Farmers' Alliance. It has already taken a high place among the papers of the country, and is gaining patron age which promises to make it a bril liant -success. It will be conducted SOLELY IX THE INTEREST CXF THE FARM TAIS AND LABORING MEN OF THE 'STATE AND NATION. J. BURROWS, its Editor, is Chairman of the Ex- ecntive Committee of ers'lState Alliance. He the Farm has had long experience in newspaper work. He "will1 bring to his aid able men in differ ent spheres of thought, and will make 'Wins Aixianoe one of the ablest pa pers in the west. MR. THOMPSON, the Associate Ed itor, is Secretary of the Nebraska State Alliance. Tut: Alliance will be absolutely FEARLESS AND UNTRAMMELED in the discussion of 'all public ques tions. Its publishers will accept no patronage from corporations that will embarrass their free expression of opinion upon all topics. NO MONEY WILL BUY 'THE OPINIONS OF THIS TAPER. THE ALLIANCE will be found in the front ranks of the opposition to all trusts and combinations to throttle com petition, and extort from the producers and laborers the lion's share of the fruits of their toil. We shall advocate the free coinage ;oLsilver the same as, gold, and its re storation lo its old time place in our currency; The issue of all paper money direct to tlie people on land security, and an increase of its volume proportioned to increased production and population: Government ownership of railroads; The U. S. postal telegraph; The restriction of land ownership to the users of land, and its reasonable limitation; The exclusion of alien landlords: . The election of U. S. Senators by a direct-vote of the people; And all other reforms which will inure to the benefit of the Farmers and Workingmen. 23 ow Brother Farmers and Working men," it remains for you to prove that the often-made assertion that you will not stand bv your own friends, is false. "We appeal to you for support. Give us your support and we will give yoai a .grand paper. Every member of the Alliance, and every Farmer, should make the suc cess of this paper HIS OWN IXD1 VmUALGONOERX. We want an agent in every Alliance in the North. Term 3, Single Subscriptions $1.00 per vear, invariably in advance; or, Five yearly Subscriptions Four Dollars. Canvassers wanted. SEE OUR MAGNIFICENT PRE MIUM OFFFH in our advertising eolurnns. All kinds of Job Work Promptly and neatly executed at rea sonable prices. Particular attention given to Alliance work. Address., AxJla.xce Pub. Go., Lincoln, Neb. To Keturn to Marriage. Chicago, Dec. 10. A Tribune special from Beaver Falls, Pa . save:: The membsrs of the Economy society who occupy a settle ment near here are seriously considering the feasibility of returning to the institu tion of marriage. There are now about thirty members of the organization left in a quaint little town of Economy and they are all well along in y ia. For a long time the rule forbidding the marriage of members has been strictly enforced and time has so reduced their numbers that the question of disposing of the millions of dollars of treasure whicn the organization has accumulated, and of perpetuating the society itself, is becoming daily more im portant. At the opening of the coming year a dozen new members will be admit ted to the society. Several of these are married. About the same time a proposi tion to raise the bans so long placed on the marriage writ will be considered. It is learned that a majority of the present members favor the idea, and unless some thing appears to change their minds tne change is expected to De made. The so ciety lives in the town of Economy, on the banks of the Ohio, and has become cele brated for the frugality of its members, its enormous wealth, fine farms, quaint homes and good citizens. Jacob Henrici, its lead ing spirit, is a white haired patriarchal man just SO years of age. Afflicted Johnstown. Johnstown, Pa., Dec. 10. During the per formance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at the opera honse here tonight a cry of fire wa3 raised, resulting in a terlble rush for life down the narrow stairs. Ten persons were instantly crushed to death and probably five seriously injured. Among the killed 'were Mre. Neeter and George Fishern, the latter being a resident of Baltimore. It was found necessary to turn a stream of water ou the crowd from, the fire engines before the dead and wounded could be taken out. The people rushed from the outside up the narrow stairs and were crushed by the crewd forcing its way to the front NEBEASKA NEWS. Worried Farmers. Pender special: There hcs appeared for the past three issues of a local paper notice of a sale of several hun dred acre of Omaha lands, the sale to take place on the 28 th of this month. These lands are tracts which have once been sold to settlers and are supposed to have reverted to tbo government in consequence of a failure on the part of the purchasers to make full and proper payment, and in some instances this supposition is correct, but in many it ia not. Almost one-third of the land described in the notice of sale is today held by men who claim to have com plied strictly with the law in every re spect, and it support of that claim are ready and able to. produc9 receipts duly Bigned by the receiver at Neligh, and while the majority of those whose land is advertised for sale under these circumstances feel that it is a triv-il mistake on the part of the officials in describing the lands, there are many who are half scared out of their wits over the matter. Soon after the first notice appeared a regular "run" was made on the newspaper office in quest of copies of the pper containing the notice, and it has continued so inoe, many of them begging to see the original copy, hoping to detect an -error on the part of the compositor in placing the description in type. The 'most excited man of the numerous grangers was one -Charles G. Maimburg, an honest looking Swede residing near this place, just in the edge of Gumming county, who came in last night. He was next to insane over the matter, and to comfort him was impossible. He had four receipts, two rigned i y F. H. Gailbraith and two by Mrs B. Lambert, with the TJnited States seal, etc. He had bought another man's interest, paying $450, and the iour receipts from the laDd Office aggiegated $176, the whole amount being $626. Mr. Maimburg's case is only one of a great many, and while a majority of them feel quite certain that it will turn out all right in the end, they anticipate that it will be necessary for them to go through a long tiresome process known as the matters M 1 "red-tape act" before getting straightened out. The settlers at this state of indignation of affairs in this and Cumming counties is intense, and growing each day as some new man discovers hia home advertised for '"sale." Al 1 Over the fcJtat-. Superintendent Knapp of the Lin coin asylum for the insane reports 309 pa tients at the institution he represents December 2. Of these 157 are males and 152 females. Ho also furnishes the clinical history of Sarah Shattuck, a patient from Adams county, who died during the month. Superintendent Mallalieu, of the state industrial school at Kearney, re ports as follows : Family A, girls, 71 ; family B, boys, 43; family C, boys, 44; family H, boys, 44, and family F, boys, 47. Committed during the month, 9, and number parolled 8, making the total attendance December 1, 249. Mrs. Fenke Sehomerns died at Ne braska City Tuesday. Deceased was born in 1792, making her ninety-eight years of axe at the time of her death, and had long resided in this country. After the disastrous fire in Fremont came the trial of the notorious " Gypsy Queen" for shooting with intent to kill. She was found guilty of shooting with intent to wound. The penalty for this crime is imprisonment for from one to ten years. J. M. MeNeal, who was held at Hum phrey charged with stealing hogs, es caped from the officers by jumping through a window. He is said to be a bad man, and the officers are on the lookout for him. Andrew Teagle, his accomplice, is now in the loekup. Burt Gabbrat, a young man about nineteen years old, living at Rogers, was killed while out gathering corn by the accidental discharge of a gun which he had taken along with him for the purp so of shooting geese. The back part of his head was blown off, causing instant death. Plattsmouth special : The Woman's Christian Temperance union assembled in county convention in this city Thurs day evening, with representatives from each organization in the county. The convention was opened with music from the ladies' quartette, followed by prayer by Eev. Buckner of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. S. A. Davis delivered a cordial address of welcome, which was ably responded to by Mrs. Day of Mt. Pleasant. Miss Jennie Smith, the railroad evangelist, ad dressed the railroad men in an eloquent and pleasing manner. Kearney special : The committee that has been in New England the past month perfecting arrangements for the Kearney cotton mill returned home Thursday evening. They report that all of the requirements have been com plied with, and that plans for machin ery fere in the hands of mechanics in the TVhitingr Mass., manufactory of cotton mill machinery, and that it will be completed and shipped as fast as possible. The machines for the plant cannot be completed before the middle of next year. If an open winter favors .... - . . i this locality work will De pusnea as rapidly as possible during the early part of the year. Besides a number of New England cotton men, E. Marston "Whiting, the millionaire manufacturer of Whitmgsville, Mass., is largely m terested in the enterprise. Serious Dtssention. Philadelphia, Dec. 11. A private dis patch was received in this city today an nouncing the collapse of the barb wire trust It has been known for some time that there were serious dissentions in the ranks of the manufacturers who were to compose the trust, but the chief promoters asserted and reasserted that it was sure to bo a success. There were several points on which the manufacturers disagreed, among which may be stated that about half of the men in the combine wanted to be president of tbe trust ; another was in fact that the owners of sime of tbe mills included in the combine wanted cash in stead of stock for their plants, and this tbe promoters wera nt willing to give. It is believed that this was the rock on wbich the combine split. Famous Jockey Club Dies. New York, Dec. 11. Jerome park has -ceased to exist as ' a race track. Its fa e was decided upon at a meeting last night of the Jerome Park villa Bite &nd improve ment company, which controls it It has lost $75, GC0 during last season's warfare with the new .Westchester truck and a mortgage of $1 00 has been ordered to be placed neon it and the land will be put upon the market. The American Jockey club Rtil lives, but without grounds or cap ital. Its fate is scarcely problematic il. Already 169 of its 80 memers have joined the New Ycrk jockey club, the successful rival of the Weetchefrter track, and some people prophesy that the rest of the indu cers will soon follow euifc and the Ameri can iockey club will fcoon cease to exist as such. The great stakes of the American jockey club, aggregating $59,000, will go to some other club. ,i A Liberator Gone. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 10. Oliver 'John son, the veteran editor and abolitionist, died this afternoon at his home in this city. With Johnson there departs from the werld almost the last figure of what was the greatest movement for the emancipation of mankind. With the aid of William Uoyd Garrison he organized the New England Anti-slavery society in 183 i. Tbe society led to the formation of the American Anti slavery society with its affiliating auxilla ries, causing a public agitation which ceased only with the aboUti of slavery. He was mobbed once in P jibs ylvania for lecturing on slavery, ani ntiro vly escaped being tarred and feathered. Mr. Johnson has been connected with various promi nent papers in New York, besides publish ing papers at different points in Massachu setts, Pennsylvania and other states in which he advocated abolition. Terrific Kxplosion. St. Louis, Dec. 10. A special to the Post Dispatch says: The entire town of Salis bury, Mo., was awakened at 5:30 d"cIock this morning by a terrific explosion in the nostofiice building. The interior of the building was almost entirely destroyed, the windows of Jboih. ndabeingbrcken-And.l the wall between the office and the Salis bury bank adjoining on the south shat tered. The grocery store of J. E. Fiber, in the same store, was nearly destroyed, and a drug hi d jewelery store on the north were greatly damaged. A man sleeping in the jewelry store was blown out of bed but not hurt,andthe iami'y of Squire Hilton.who lived over the postotace, were nearly para lyzed with fear, but escaped injury. Ic is not kp.own whether the explosion was caused by a keg of powder in Fiber'n store or whether it was the work of burglars, but the latter theory has the most advo catea. A Stupendous Scheme. New York, Dec The Herald says: A most stupendous enterprise is on foot. It is one that will create a profound sensation throughout the world. The people of America will receive the news with various emotions. The Universal association b&nk and trust company is tbout to be formed in this city under a special benediction of the pepe of Home, with a capital of $100, 00,000, to receive and eara for and invest not only the enormous revenues of the church, but private fortunes of members. Moneys of all other persons and sects are to be received and invested as welL" Eugene Kelly, who is said to have been offered and accepted the governorship ,of tbe New York end of the company, today told the reporter that the whole story was commercial and was worthy of Colonel Seller?. He admitted that early in the ppring several persons called upon him and mentioned such an enterprise, but he had no time to waste on any Buch gigantic bubble. A Narrow Escape. Des Mouses, la., Dec. 8. An exciting riot took place in the streets of the city tonight when a mob of seve. al thousand people started after constables Potts and Hamil ton, two noted prohibition searchers. They had arrested a man who was found in a gambling room and started with him for a iustice court. He resisted and they club ed him. As soon as they reached Walnut street, wbich was crowed, the man yelled Jiuraer ana tne crowd rushed after the constables, liopes were flourished and shouts of "Hang them" filled the air. The constables ran into the Utica clothing store ana look reiupe m tne vault. The crowd outside grew rger every moment and bricks began to tly. Meantime the police were coming up, and a platoon of a dozan men came to the rescue. They took the constables out and forced their way through the mob and started for the sta tion. The crowd followed, throwing mis sils and yelling like wild men. The consta bles were taken to the station and locked up in the cage for safety. It is predicted thai they will never make any more ar rests, for they were nearly frightened to aeatn. several leaders or the mob have been arrested. Big Potato Crop. New York, Dec. 10. The grand prize of $500 offered by the American Agriculturist for the best acre of potatoes has been awarded to C. B. Coe of Arrostock county, Maine. His crop was 723 bushels. The second prize was given to Alfred Rose of Penny an, N. Y., for a crop of 669 bushels. Snail ar prizes are offered for the coming year. The Sisseton Reservation. Sisseton Agency, S. D., Dec 10 The great Sisseton reservation containing near ly 1,000,000 acres of land, is to be thrown open to settlement. The Indians held a special council late this afternoon, and amid much excitement voted 147 to 111 to sell their lands at S3 per acre The gov ernment agrees to pay annuities of $360, 000 at once, with a bonus of $18,400 per year for twelve years, and ratifies a bill of $2,600 for right-of-way against the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road. Every resident Indian, regardless of sex or age, is to have 160 acres after the allotments are complete. The interest at 6 per cent of the fund from the sale of the reservation together with such portion of the principal as congress deems necessary shall go for the support and education of the Sisseton Indians. CONGRESSIONAL. The Senate. Washington, Dec. 5. Among the number of memorials and petitions presented to day was one asking that tae nation's title be changed to thai of the United States of Columbia. Among the bills introduced and referred were the following: By Beck For the retirement of United States legal tender and National bank notes of small denominations and the issue of coin certificates in lieu of gold and eilver certificates; also to repeal laws relating to a pinking fund. By IngaUs To aid and secure the com memoration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. Yoorhees offered a long preamble and resolution in reference ! to tariff taxation, which he asked to have laid upon the table for the present. It declared that . all existing tariff taxes on foreign merchan dise should be ' so revised, repealed or amended as ts provide: First, for the co.lectjon of a sufficient amount of revenue to pay the expensas of the government, economically adminis tered, principal and iatcrest of the public debt as they fail due, knd for liberal pen sions; but tot a dollar more. Second, for the taxation of all articles of luxury at the highest practicable rates and for.a reduc tion of taxes on all the necessaries of civil ized life to the closest possible rates con sistent with the tariff for nothing but rev enue. Third, for the curtailment and over throw, as far as possible, of all monopolies in trade by the enlargement of the free lst to the fall extent that the same can be done without impairing the necessary revenues of the government-, having in view at all times and under all circumstances a liberal policy of trade with the people of foreign countries, and the establishment of equal and exact justice amongst our citizens, with exclusive privileges to none. Washington, Dec. 9. In the senate today a large number of petitions and memorials were presented and referred to appropri ate committees. A large number of bills were introduced, many of them providing for the admission of Idaho and Wyoming as states. ' - 34andereon offered a preamble and reso lution (which was agreed to) instructing the committee on agriculture to report ou the production of sujrar from beets in the United States and what legislation, if any. is necessary and desirable to promote and acoelerate tbe industry in this country. The senate then proceeded to the consider ation of executive business and at 2:10 adjourned till tomorrow. Washington, Dec. 1 0. Among the bills introduced today were the tollowing: By Evatts Providing for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by holding an international ex position in the city of New York. It wasi read the first and second time. ' By Chandler To amend ; the laws rela tive to the elective franchise and providing under certain contingencies' for the con duct of elections by federal officers on the petition of a certain jcenWyre -of -voters that they believe the elections will be un fair if held by tbe state officers. : By Spooner Making it the duty of the proper officers of the treasury and interior departments to adjust and settle claims by the state against tne United States that were included in any great swamp or over flowed lands of such scate. Uy Hawley For the selection from the national guard and military schools of civilians to be appointed second lieuten ants in the regular army. By Squire For the erection of public buildings at Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane Falls, Wash., each to cose not exceeding $300,000. . By Spooner A memorial signed by twenty of his former constituencies pray ing that boards of trade, (racket shops and other mercantile bodies and individuals be prohibited from fixing the value of the produce cf American farms by sales for future delivery. By Morrill A bill to provide for the re lief of telegraph operators during the war who although not performing strictly military duties, lost their lives or were im prisoned. The resolutions offered yesterday by Turpei as to trusts were taken up and Turpie proceeded to address the senate upon it. He said trusts were the gigantic sin of this age and generation; that the trust was a nuisance was au open and no torious fact, but it could not be grappled with and suppressed as other nuisances, and such legislation as was proposed in the bills introduced by Sherman and George (in conjunction with his own proposition lor tbe confiscation of trust good?) should be enacted and enforced. The senate then proceeded to the con sideration of executive business and soon adjourned. The House. Washington, Dec. 5. The speaker laid before the house the following communi cation from J. P. Leedom, late sergeant-at-arms of the house: "I regret to report that C. E. Siicott, late cashier ef the sergeant- at-arms, hat departed from this city with out settling his accounts and I have been unable to ascertain his whereabouts. There is a deficiency in the csh of the office. In viw of these circumstances I respectfully request an immediate investigation of my accounts under such action as the house may take in the premises." Adams of Illinois thereupon offered a res olution, which was adopted, setting forth that the deficiencies amounted to $73,000, and r roviding for the appointment of a se lect committee to examine leedom's ac counts and report to the house. The com mittee was appointed as follows: Adams, Stowart of Vermont, Payne, Reed of Iowa, Holman, Blount and Hemphill. Washington, Dec 9. McKlnley has been appointed chairman of the ways and means committee. Cannon, chairman appropria tion committee and Kelly chairman man ufacturers committee. On appropriation Messss. Cannon, But- terwortn. mcuomas, nenaerson or lowa, Peters, Coggswell, Belden of Michigan, Randall, Courtney, Syres, Breckenridge of Kentucky and Dockery. Manufacturers Kelly, Burroughs. Tay lor of Ohio, Arnold, Morse, 8anford, Wat son or West Virginia, iiynum, Williams of Hlinois, Grime and Flower. Election Rowell, Honk, Sherman, Dal zell, Rergen Greenhalge, Comstock, Crisp, Gferrell,Oatkwaite, Maish, Moore of Texas, Wike of Illinois, Cooper and Han gen. Ways and means McKinley, Burroughs, Payne, Dinley, McKenna, Payne.Lafallette, Gear, Carlisle, Mills, McMillen, Brecken ridge of Arkansas, and Flower. Mileage Lind, Townsend of Pennsyl vania, Williams of Massachusetts, Clenic and Pennington. Washington, . Dec 11. In his opening prayer Chaplain Milburu referred to the approaching ceremonies and returned thanks that after 100 years the government framed by our fathers stood more firmly compact, more proudly erect, more divine ly beautiful and bountiful in all its benefi cence than ever before. Cnmmmgs (New York) from the centen nial ceremonial committee, reported the order of arrangement and it was adopted. un motion oi uayne a resolution was adopted directing the clerk to inform the senate that the house was in session and ready to proceed to the ceremonies. At the request of the speaker the members then retired to the seats assigned to Viem. Upon the conclusion of the centennial ceremonies ths house was called to order, but Immediately adjourned. Ijibby Prisoners Reunite. Chicago, Dec 10. A national reunion of ex-prisoners of war opened at the Libby prison this afternoon with a large attend ance, Chaplain Mcu&be, General Powell : addresses. At to-: uigait 8 meeune au ttiwuuauuti oi several thousand is expecte J. J I- 1 t J3 . - . . American Sabbath Union. New York, Dec 10. The second annual convention of the American Sabbath Union opened today at Broadway Taberna cle. Col. Elliot Shepherd presiding. The anpual report showed that; the cause of Sabbath observance is making great pro gress. - , A Bad Man. Chicago, Dec 10. Officer William Davis of Cottage Grove avenue station - was shot and probably fatally injured by burglars thip morning. Officer IL C. Thomas of the same station, in attempting to arrest the assailants of Davis wan wounded la the arm. The condition of ofiicer Davis lis critical. William Zaett, identified as the man who did the shooting and who has served two terms in the penitentiary, has been arrested. Jefferson Davis Dead. New Orleans, Dec , 6. Jefferson Davis died at 12:45 o'clock this morning. No ar rangements for the funeral have yet been announced. Jefferson Eavis, LLD., was born June 3, 18u8, in Christian county, Ky., graduated at West Point in 1828, served as lieutenant of infantry at western posts 1828-83 of First Dragoons, as adjutant 1833 34 and on front i r service 163 V. After resigning June 30, 1835, he became a cotton planter in Warren county, Mississippi, 1835-46; presidential elector from Mississippi 1844; member oi tbe United States house of representatives 1845-46; t colonel of First Mississippi rifle volunteers in te war with Mexico 1P46-47 engaged at Monterey and Buena Nlsta (se verely wounded); member of the United States senate 1847-M and chairman of the committee on military affairs 1849-51: sec retary of war in President Pierce's cabinet 1853 57; member of the United States senate and chairman cf the committee on military affairs 1857-61; president of the southern confederacy February 4 till captured May 10, 1865 at "Drwinviile, Ga., and prisoner of war 1865-67 at Fortress Monroe, Va. Striking Longshoremen. Savanna, Ga., Dec. 10. Two hundred 'longshoremen went on a strike today. Not a bale of cotton was loaded. The trouble had its origin in the determination of the stevedores to stand by the ship mer chants as sgainst the owners of vessels as to tbe custody of fees. The British steamer Thalia caught fire last month be fore the cargo was loaded and tho steve dores having finished the contract ref U3ed, on Saturday last, to load i the ' hold from Which the damasred cotton was taken. The master -ehveselbegaw'loadinfr-rith non union men on Monday and the 'long shoremen's association today ordered a strike. The nev men quit work and left the vessel. It is a fi?hc to break up the custom of custody fees and 2V per cent value of the cargo to charterers of vessels, the 'longshoremen siding with the char terers. Ic is not believed that the strike will last longer than a day or two. Big Steamship Pier Burning. New York, Dec 8. Fire broke out at the river end of the National Steamship com pany's pier on North river at 2 o'clock this afternoon. About twenty five men were at work near the spot Some of theui re mained to assist ia putting one tho flames, others fleeing to the street. Of those who stayed behind many were badly burned and four lost their lives. Their bodies have been recovered. All the injured were taken to the hospital. At 2:30 o'clock the whole length of the pier was burniog. It is 600 feet long and cost $230,000. The pay roll and the n oney of the employes have been destroyed. Death of Colonel liathbone. Cincinnati, Dec. 9. Colonel J. H. liath bone, founder of tae order of the. Knights of Tythias, who has been lying ill for sev eral weeks at Lima, O., died there this af ternoon. Indianapolis, Ind. , Dec 9. Upon being apprised of the death of Justice Rathbone General Carnahan issue v orders that offi cers and fcir knights of the uniform rank Knights of Pythias will wear tbe badge of mouning for sixty days and divisions will drape their lodge rooms in mourning for a like period Dissatisfied with Hyppolite. Nkw York, Dec. 9. The steamship Alene arrived today from Haytlen ports. The commander reports that there ia an illy concealed feeling of dissatisfaction with the rule of Hyppolite manifest upon his visit to the northern ports. The Haytiens evidently live in great fear of their new president, whom It was alleged would put unjust taxation upon his subject?. A Misplaced Switch. Chesterton, Ind., Dec 6. A misplaced switch at a sand pit a sand shipping sta tion on the Lake Shore & Michigan South ern railroad, thirty-five miles east of Chicago, wrecked the limited expie-sn, west bound, at 8 o'clock tonight The locomotive was totally wrecked and the three front cars crushed to pieces. One railroad employe was fatally hurt, tvo others sustained serious injuries. Confirmed. Washington, Dec 10. The senate this afternoon confirmed the following nomi nations. Robert P. Porter, of New York. to be superintendent of cen?us; Lewis A. Grf ff, of Nebraska, cemmiesioner of gen eral land office; Wm. M. Ktone, of Iowa, assistant commissioner of general land office: James M. Townsend. of Indiana, re corder of general land office C. J. McCard, of Wisconsin, has been appointed messen ger in the house postoffice. A Monstrous Crime Charged. St. Louis, Dec 8. A special to the Re public from St Paul says: Char let S. Ostrom, until last Friday night cashier ar.d bookkeeper of the Minneapolis d apartment of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, is suspected of having started the fire which consumed the Minneapolis Trsbune building on the night of November SO, and in which seven men lost their lives. He was charged on Friday night with having stolen $2,200 of tha Pioneer Press funds and placed under arrest He admitted his guilt and desired to do all he could to help his employers straighten out the books. A terrible ru mor was soon abroad that Ostrom fired the Trioune building to hide the evidence of his guilt He was seen in jail and strenu ously denied the story. He evinced much emotion and said he was sure he could establish an alibi. Ostrom's downfall is due to gambling and is a great surprise to all his friends. He has been married about three months. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. AN ENGAGEEMENT. Zanzibar, Dec. 11. The Germans under Lieutenant Schmidt attacked the Bushirls Monday. Twcmy-eifihs Bushiris were killed. COLONEL BOOTH ARRESTED. Genena, Dec 11. Colonel Clybourne Both of the Salvation Army was arrested here today for violation of the decree ex pelling salvationtits from Switzerland. SEEMS to be osneiul. Stockholm, Dac. 11. Inliaenzi has be come widely prevalent here Thousands of people arc suffering from the disease. NAMES HIS SUCCESSOR. Vienna, Dec 11. It is reported that the emperor has signed the decree investing his brother. Arch Due Charlen Louis, with imperial power in the event of the em peror becoming incapable of reigning from any cause whatever. influenza spreading. Paris. Dec .11. Influenza is extending widely throughout the city. One hundred and thirty employes of the central tele graph offica are now ill with it There is a great deal of public alarm about it. socialists on trial. Berlin, Dec. 11. Daring the trial of so cialists at Elberfeld today one of the pris oners, named Roettlnghoff, revealed the existence of three clubs of Barmen, of which he himself was treasurer, whtse object was to defray the expense of print ing and issuing socialist propaganda litera ture, the work being done at Zurich. Prices of Farm Products. Washington, Dec 10. The December re turns of prices of far m products to the de partment of agriculture are lower than ever before Tbe lowest average estimate value of corn in former years wasSl. 8 ceuts in 1878, since that date, 32.8 in 1885. The average of wheat estimates is 70.6 cents. This is not the lowest;, as the average in December, 1884, was 61.5. The average price of oats is lower than ever before re ported. In 1878 it was 24.6 cents per bushel ; at tbe present time 23 cents. Prices of barley, rye and buckwheat are also very low. The returns on the condition of wheat seeded this autumn are generally favorable. There is no serious Impair ment from the standard of normal devel ofment in any state, except Michigan. In the east seeding uas delayed by wet weather; in the west by drouth. In both sections tec latter conditions have been more favorable In the south tho seeding seasou has been propitious and the seed in good conditiou for germinatioa. Ia Texaa wheat has a fine growth and in many field1 the plant is "nigh enough to hide a rabbit" In the west the growth is generally small but tfcrltty. Tho general averoga of con dition is J5. The area appears to be slight ly increased. A full breadth i3 reported in the southern Atlantic states, with some increase in North Carolina and Gaorgla. A marked tendency to increase is reported in Texas. A slight increase appears in In-diana-and Illinois, and a -still stronger ten. dency to enlargement of area in Missouri end Kansas. Massachusetts Elections Boston, Dec 10. Municipal elections we're held today In Boston, Lowell, Salem, Worcester, Newburypcrt and Lynn. In Boston, although the uatu vuLo for mayor was nearly 8,00. loss t'lan a year ago, Hart (republican and citizan) is elected by a larger majority than any mayor has re ceived for thirteen years, with the excep tion of that given to O'Brien (i'.mocrat) in 1886. The republicans will also have a majority in both branches of the city gov ernment Isaac S. Burrell is elected street commissioner without opposition. In Worchester Francis II. Harrington was elected mayer today by a vote of 5,365 to 5.019 for George Bullock, citizen-democrat, and 474 for Henry u. tiruton, pronation. Tho city votes against license, 5,19i to 5.1-5. The two democratic candidates for aldermen on tho citJzenh'-dernocratic ticket were elected, one republican being on both tickets, aud the republican on the straight ticket was elected over tbe reimb- i lican on tho mixed ticket. The new common council ia Boston will stand: Forty-eight republicans, twenty. j five democrats, as against thlrty-soven re publicans anc thirty six democrats last var. Vote on license: Yes, 26.930; no, j 18,761 Majority for license, 8,17-i, a- against 17,651 last year. The votes for I school committee are not yet counted. Revised footiuprs give Hart for mayor 31, 11 J, Gal vin 5,996. Hart's plurality, 6.116. The Situation Serious. London, Deo. 10. The attitude of the coal handlers in connection with tbo threatened strike of the gas workers adds an extremely alarming feature to the already serious situation. Ostensibly in sympathy with the gas stokers and others employed by the gas companies, but really in furtherance of their own cases, the coal handlers have issued an ultimatum to the masters, giving tnem the alternative of ad vancing wages or suffering the lnconven ienca and pecuniary loss of a determined strike. The action of tbe coal handlers, as we 11 as the movement of the gas workers, is well timed as a means of spreading dis comfort and even distress, s'nee they, who diractly su . ply every house and factory in the metropolis with coal, seiza the oppor tunity to enforce their demands at tbo be ginning of the busy season. The threat- enea stoppage ox toe supply oigas nas ere- j . a. t a i ated a baom in tbo petroleum trade and the demand for lamps is the greatest that has ever before bsen known and almost beyond the capacity of the dealers to fill. Tbe London Gas Light company ia flooded with applications for work and has already engaged 100 men to take the places of any of their men who may go out on a strike. The number of competent hauds standing ready to fill the vacant places has greatly encouraged the belief of the company in its ability to win a decisive victory, henca its stubbornness in refusing to a?re- to any terms short of compliance with the present order of things. Heavy Bains in Arizona. Prescott, Ariz., Dec Tho heaviest rain storm ever known in this section has just ended, the rainfall for five days being four and seventy-six hundredths inches. The bridge across the Verde river on the Pres cott &, Arizona Central railroad went down yesterday as a passenger train was cross ing it. The engine and one car went into the river. No one was hurt The dam and ditch of the Etta Mining company was washed away and the foundation of the mill badly damaged. The loss is $80,000. A number of head of stock U also reported drowned in the Verde valley. Tho Syndicate Active. t Macon, Ma, Dec 6. An English syndi cate has purchased for $2,000,000 all the coal mincB, nine in number, on the line of the Hannibal & St. Joseph i Macon county. Still a Deadlock. Chicago, Doc. 10. A Tribune rpecial from. : Helena, Mont., says the republican sen ; ators have definitely decided to refuse tbo ' proposition of the democratic senators to investigate the Tunnel precinct election : case. Riving as a reason that it would l discourteous to the house of reprenenta ! tives lor tlie pen ate to interfere in a qu f tion which related to the seats of rr.eru lxrw of the latter body. It is stated that tbo I same sort of proposition for investigation j was made by the democratic fcemn to tho : republicau house. Tbe latter proposition ! was kept secret until yr swrdiv. The. deadlock s tan 3s ou the tires day ofih ses sion. t. Fifteen Thousand Detcctlvceii Chicago, Die. ft At the opening of the Cronin trial this morning Forrest resumed . his address to the jury In behalf of ths de fense. He proceeded at length to arguu spon the unreliability of ciroumstau:il evidence and danger of using it to convict, the prisoners. He declared that ttia de fense had worked under disadvantji'ji'M throughout the trial. The proseeutioa Uait fit teen thousand detect! van in Its employ who wero members of the C'an-na (lae throughout the country. Coming West. Dewer, Col., Dec. 8. Some of the manu facturers whoso shops were burred at tho Lynn fire are looking for locations iu tb west Omaha and Kansas City have alrestdy made overtures to them, and it is piobablo that the real estate exchange and chamber of commerce of this city will make an ef fort to locate them here. Some oorro'poit dence on tbe subject has already btxni done. 1,000,000 Acres oi Arid Land. New yRk, Dec 6. Major rowell, chief, of the federal commission to report upoi , the best method of Irrigating the ari lands cf the country, read a paper upon the subject before tho chamber of co-.n- -merce this afternoon. He began with the statement that al out one-half of the lands of tbe United Scutes, exclusive of Alaska, are arid. These lands, he said, eo far .s they can be brought under cultivation by irrigation, are tho bet lands in t;e country bucauso tho crops are certaiu of not being subject to the changes of extreme wet and x'reun dry seasons, as in ca?o of lands dtptirident upon rain. Of 1,H'0,0 0.H0 aero of axM land in the United States, about 0,0ou.u ore now under cultivation ty irrigation and about rJ0,00lV00 altogether can bti rendered arable by that method. Mj"r Powell estlmuttis that tbe construction of reservoirs, canals and other works necen rary wHI cost at the rata of 110 per aorc. Assuming 100,1 ul,t 00 acres are to be re deemed in this way the coet will figgregat $1,000,000,00 Hats Black Spiders. New tore, Dec. 9. John Blake, one of the ! Inmates of the Long Island City jail, eat- J b!ack spiders. The morning alter his com ! inittal about a month b go, be was urn- moned to breakfast with the other j ri-"-ers, but said that ho uM ret want anytruag to eat He ate nothing all day nnd on tbe following morung refused iovd. l;.ike frequently asked the keepers If hi w:ft had called and senmed very (injected when inform', d that she had not. Ou the third morning of hia imprieoume.tt. during which time not a morsel of food had passadhis lips, Mrs. Blake came to the jil' and asked to see her husband. When nixc was being searched a email t!n box UUed, ith black spiders was found in her pocket. She said she had brought them for her hus band and t-aid be, would tiaive t death t unless he obtained some Lluck spider. A ccnsuliation by tbe jailors wa held and it was finally deemed to give L-m un tr I fiem and sno what r fleet It w ouJd Lave. A ; keeper took one. cf tho ppintjH "ut ot lht j box, gate it to b;s wife nid ulowtd her to take it to her buhl arid. Ho Uk k tbe spi ier. a very large one, niJo vd it to crawl uvti I his band, pressing it betw liic fpe, j ofcllberateiy put it in bis ititb and &in it. j Re said that he ate tofplden- before ech j meal, after wbich he couid eat any kind of 'food without endangering bin dtsetlvc ! organs. Mrs. Bluko bun calied et Dim pi i sen almost every other day t-ince. b r bu-laml I was committed and brought a Lox cox t ua ! insr from 6ix to eight snidei. Blake. !.- a 1 nun-ber of eor has l:eeu a "craiik" on te subject oi tvaK j and always declared thai all food whlea ! the people of tho present ncneraH.m et, contains a eertaiu amount or poi-onou matter, and unices somQthing i eateu to counteract it, a person' Jif? will bo great ly shortened. He finally cauie to the con clusion, aftei various experiment, that spiders contained the depired uritRice. A nnmb r of phvticians will examine BluVe with a view to learning if he i mentally sound. , Strange Situation. Dallas, Tex,, Dec. 9. Under a decialan recently rendered by Judge Bom man, the marriages of white persons in the Indian. Territory were declared void, and, a many people in northern Texas have been in t!i babit of using the Indian country a.- a. Gretna Green, there was wH consterna tion over the decision, and a gjaeral bustling for remarriage. There ariivedin the city Siturday a youn? man and haisd- some woman iroiu Der:lon, wbu illustrate mo wotKing or the ot oihou, lir ,usbAud is an ex-alderman of Der.iKin, tnd t he re fuses to live with him unii .-.Lother iuar- rjatre ia had. whlctl hfi Tt,,naf (i Ut ,kPrtlli. - The WAtr.im'a mrunt. 1,,,- .! K . . " I. he woman's parents live here, and she iv well known. A great many north Texs people wcra affected by the decision. T1IK MARKETS. Lincoln, Neb, CATTLE Butchers' steers. . 12 .V) (23 uu Cows l r0 (ei i HOGS Fat S K0 US 5u Stockers ..... 3 00 (8 25 SHEEP 3 00 (,r.l WHEAT No. 2 spring M (, OATS No. 2 io & 15 RIE-No. 2 5 ( 7 CORN No. 2, new is (,t Iv FLAXSEED 1 02 ( l 4a POTATOES is (t APPLES per bbl 1 75 (a h 25 HAY Prairie, balk iw wj w , Omaha, Ne3 CATTLE 3 at) (,4 4v Cows l K) ,,f2 at nOGS Fair to heavy 3 W u4 ou Mixed 3 90 (j4 u CmcAoo, III. CATTLE rrime steers 3 50 (,H Stockers and feeders. 2 IV) U ft HOGS Tacking 3 M) oti O SHEEP Natives U 50 i.co 00 WHEAT Ki sow; CORN o2 Kansas C:tx. Mo. CATTLE Corn f ed ......... J2 ii jr ;5 Feeders l m - HOGS Oood to choice 8 0 (,i t r. Mixed 3 b'J (4 uv ii i i