OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA STATE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LLIANC PEK YEAK IN ADVANCE. A I THERE IS .NOTHING WHIC,H IS' HUMAN THAT IS ALIEN 10 ME." Terence. 1 SI. 00 A L xIJIIj -J Ao i I 1 ' i -t VOL.L Notice to Subscribers. EXPIRATIONS. As the easiest and cheapest means of notifying- subscribers of the date of their expira tions we will mark this notice with a blue or rod pencil, on the date at which their sub scription expires. We will send the paper two weeks after expiration. If not renewed by that time it will be discontinued. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Alliance! -00- THE FARMERS' OWN PAPER ! -00- Magniflcent Premiums ! -00- The Alliance has been started as the official organ of the Nebraska State Farmers' Alliance. It has already taken a nigh place among the papers of the country, and is gaining patron age which promises to make it a bril liant success. It will be conducted SOLELY IX THE INTEREST OF THE FARM ERS AND LABORING MEN OF TI I E STAT E AND N ATION. . i J. BURROWS, ! its Editor, is President of the National Farmers' Alliance, and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Farm ers' State Alliance. He has had long experience in newspaper work. He will bring to his aid able men in differ ent spheres of thought, and will make The Alliance one of the ablest pa pers in the west. MR. THOMPSON, the Associate Ed itor, is Secretary of the Nebraska State Alliance. The Alliance will be absolutely FEARLESS AND UNTRAMMELED in the discussion of all public ques tions. Its publishers will accept no patronage from corporations that will embarrass their free expression of opinion upon all topics. NO MONEY WILL "HIT' THE OPINIONS OF THIS PAPER. THE ALLIANCE will be found in the front ranks of the opposition to all trusts and combinations to throttle com petition, and extort from the producers and laborers the lion's share of the fruits of their toil. We shall advocate the free coinage of silver the same as gold, and its re storation to its old time place in our currency; The issue of all paper money direct to the people on land security, and an jiieseasetrf' its TOlume proportioned to increased production and population; i- Government ownership of railroads; ,- The U. S. postal telegraph; t The restriction of land ownership to t)ie users of land, and its reasonable limitation;. ) The exclusion of alien landlords: ' The election of U. S. Senators by a direct vote of the people; And all other reforms which will inure to the benefit of the Farmers and Workingmen. Now Brother Farmers and Working .inen, it remains for you to prove that the often-made assertion that you will not -stand by your own friends, is false. We appeal to you for support. Give us your support and we will give you a grand paper. Every member of the Alliance,, and every Farmer, should make the suc cess of this paper HIS OWN INDI VIDUAL CONCERN. WTe want an agent in every Alliance in the North. Terms, Single Subscriptions $1.00 per year, invariably in advance; or, Five yearly Subscriptions Four Dollars. Canvassers wanted. SEE OUR MAGNIFICENT PRE MIUM OFFER in our columns. t advertising All kinds of Job Work Promptly and neatly executed at rea sonable prices. Particular attention given to Alliance work. Address, Alliance Pun. Co.. Lincoln. Neb. Murdered liis Son. Chicago, Dec. 1. A Tribune Bpecial from Celina, O., says: About a mile south of here yesterday several men found John Tugar lying by the regains of a blazing fire and shot through the body. When questioned about a boy Been with him the night before Tugar replied that he was in the lire, point ing out where parts of the boy were still roasting in a log heap. Tbe men dragged the ashes andf ound buttons, buckles, bones and pieces of roasted flash all that re maied of a fifteen-year-old lad. Tcgar, whose bullet wound will not prove fatal, stated at the inquest held over the boy's remains that the lad was his eon, John. They had been tramping and Friday night he drove the lad out to b?g. The little fel low returned late -without anything. This incensed Tugar, who set the boy at work gathering a large quantity of wood, with which an immense fire was built Late at nigbt they quarrelled, and ho struck the be y, crashing his skuil. Alarmed at what he had done and thinking to destroy the evidence of his guilt, he flung the body into the flre and spent the balance of the time until daylight poking the body with sticks to destroy it fully. With the morn ing, alarmed at discovery, he turned his pistol, which contained but one load, against his breast and fired. The Champion Bicyclist. Chicago, Dec. 2. Tom Eo the bicyclist," completed his overland trip on his whaei from San Francisco to Chicago this after noon, arriving there at thirteen minutes to 2 o'clock and beating Tom Stevens' record by Twenty-four hours and thirteen min utes. The cyclometer attached to the wheel reeistered 2,777 milea This is 653 miles further than Stevens rodeinseventv three days. A grand parade of wheelmen wi'.i be given tomorrow night in honor of joe, to ne ioiiowea oy a banquet. A Squeeze in the Corn Pit. Chicago, Nov. 30. Corn sold away up on the market yesterday. The November op tion started in at 34 cents and advanced ceEts during the first hour. By 11 :oi the price had advanced to 55 cants. Ihe squeeze was headed by shippers for isew lork and other eastern markets, and is eaid to have caught "Old Hutch" imd most of the smaller buyers. NEBRASKA NEWS. Fire at Fremont. Fremont opecial : The most disas trous fire in the history of Fremont occurred at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning, resulting in the entire loss of the line two story brick block belonging to Franklin Ward of New York city, to gether with its contents. The build ing was occupied by Goldgraber Bros., dry goods, and N. Tampler, clothing, each being among the heaviest mer chants in the city. It is thought the origin of the fire was from the explo sion of a lamp which was let burning in Goldgraber'a store. Both the pro prietors and two or three clerks were sleeping in the second story and their first knowledge of danger was when they wero wakened by the stifling scioke. The fire had gained such headway before being discovered that it was impossible to put it out, though the fire department did good work in confining it to the one building. The loss is estimated to be from $50,000 to $GO,000, of which aoouc $9,000 was on the building and from $20,000 fo $25, 000 on the stock of each of the firms. An Elephant on a Rampage. West Point special : The usual loun gers at tne depot Thursday morning were more than ordinarily surprised when the up-freight train, No. 4, backed in on the sidetrack and ail hands were called to assist in unload ing the local freight. To the great surprise of all, Station Agent Drebert called for one elephant. All was com motion at once, but the animal was safely landed on the platform and wdrd sent immediately to Messrs. Sonnen schein & Valentine, the parties to whom tbe animal was billed, to come and receive their freight. Sonnenschein repaired to the depot and was lost in admiration of the fine points of the ani mal, but when the freight bill was pre sented, which was about $500, refused to pay the same. Word was at once sent to headquarters at Omaha to find out what was to be done. In the meantime the elephant had broken out of the crate in which he had been con fined and had started up tbo principal street of the city. His first objective point was a livery stable, which front ed on the street, evidently in search of a Thanksgiving dinner. From here he made a raid upon the front of Craw ford & Draho's new brick block, smash ing in the entire plate glass front. Crossing the street he entered the drug store of Thompson Bros, and demol ished one entire side of their elegant store building. His career of demol ishing was stopped here. Cons of rope were . . thro wn arouud Jbim and, J followed by the entire populace of the town, -was led back to the depot in triumph. It seems that Sonnenschein & Valentine had ordered the anfmal for advertising purposes some time last spring, but not hearing from their order, had given up all thoughts of ever receiving him, and are not pre pared to care for him. In the mean time Agent Drebert is anxiously await ing orders from headquarters, while sixteen men are employed for the night to gr-ard the animal. Wod was sent to the agent here to hold the elephant received yesterday until all charges are paid. He at o ce sent word to the people to keep their children at home and ordered forty tons of hay and three hundred bushels of corn. A petition is being circulated asking the governor to order the ani mal removed from this vicinity. La3t night about 12 o'clock the fire bell rang and the people turned out in force, but upon examination it was found that it was nothing but an electric disturb ance in the elephant's hair. At the same time all of the electric lights in town went out. The people are anx iously awaiting the next freak. All Over the State. Gushing, the democratic nominee for mayor of Omaha, was elected by about 1700 majority. A move is being made at Sidney to secure the erection of an extensive but ter and cheese factory. Jake Elvers of Fremont was assess- j ed $84 for dispensing poker chips and enticing minors to gamble. A mighty mathematical wonder has just figured out that the real estate transfers of Fillmore county for the past three 3 ears foot up to a round million of dollars. The letter found in a bottle on a sand bar near Plattsmouth, supposed, to have been written April 4 by an Omaha man just before committing suicide, turns out to be a fake. An industrial school where common sewing, knitting and darning is taught has been opened at Beatrice. The at tendance of girls from three to forty years is solicited. Joseph Corrigan, an incorrigible of Plattsmouth, has been taken to the Kearney reform school. David Landrigan, the young man who was accidentally shot through the lungs while out hunting near Alliance, died Saturday from the effects of the wound. . Charles Landholm was struck by a locomotive while crossing a bridge near Ashland and knocked into the stream below. Besides a severe shak ing up he was uninjured. Messrs. Sager, Bawerman and Booth of Fremont each had a child bitten by a supposed mad dog. They have con suited pnysicians ana win take every known precaution against hydropho bia. . The Hastings hole in the ground is now below the salt strata, which is es timated at fifty-five feet in thickness, and the drill is now working in sand rock similar to that overlying the east em oil fields. 1 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, An Edgar firm advertises to give a sack of flour with every 50-cent can of taking powder. The Times of that city well says that the profit on bak ing powder must be very large or tne quality of the flour very power. The Sisters of Visitation academy at Hastings has been completed and prep arations are being made for its occu pancy. The structure is three stories high, 60x184 feet, constructed of Colo rado sandstone and is considered an important acquisition to tht city. During the past week several acci dents occurred at O gal all a. John Eick- berg received a broken leg and arm while handling cattle, A. Fisher fell from his wagon, breaking his arm, and J. M. McCarthy had a cellar bone broken by his horse falling on him. While Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Yost were returning to their home five miles southeast of Harvard, the team be came unmanageble and .threw the oc cupants from the wagon, Mrs. Yost striking upon her head and shoulders, inflicting injuries which caused her death three days later. The deceased was only twenty years of age and had been married less than a year. A dispatch says When Superin tendent Backus took charge of the Genoa Indian school he fourd it in about as bad shape as it well could be. Nearly one-half the pupils' time expired the following June and the school was so nearly bankrupt that he had to put the employes on half pay and also sell off stock, etc., to pay the running ex penses for the rest of that fiscal year. But he was evidently the right man in the right place, for although he has had charge of the school but ab.ut nine months, he has doubled the quota, suc ceeded in getting the school graded and a high school established, a grade in which only four schools in the coun try enjoyy and thus in nine months he has succeeded in taking the school from a fourth place and placing it in the front rank. A large number of building are to be built to accommo date the increase of pupils the coming season. Mr. Backus deserves great credit for lm untiring efforts in behalf of the school, as all this has been ac complished by hard and persistent work. The pupils. school now has over 350 Burned to Death. Phiiadeijhia, Pa., Dec. 2 The bakery of Gu&tave Gross of this city was totally burned at 3 o'clock this morning. Gross escaped fxom the flames half dressed, but his wife and four children were burned to death. Tneir bodies have bsen found in the rains. Another f ainUy consisting of three persons occupied a rear portion of the house and were rescued with difficulty by the firemen. They were removed to the hospital and are eaid to be in a precarious condition. A Terrible C clone. NawYoek, Nov. 29. A Charlotte, N. C., special says a destructive cyclone passed over a portion of Buford county yesterday, doing great damage. The residence of a farmer near Washington, the county seat, was blown down and the whole famuy,c3u sisting of the father, mother and four chil dren, were instantly killed. A factory near Washington was blown down and two per sons kiiled, while a dozsn others received serious injuries. The reports are very meagre and i& is impossible yet to get ail the names of the killed. No Help Wanted. Takkton, S. D.t Dec 1. Large quanties of flour, clothing and provisions have been contributed in this city to aid tho drouth suffers in Sanborn and Miller counties. South Dakota people are abundantly able to take care of their few drouth sufferers and will do it, and they brand as infamous the falsehoods being circulated in the east about the total crop failure and the univer sal starvation in Dakota. Large shipments of hogs, cattle and sheep are going east from here daily, and the Yankton fl uring mill makes frequent shipment of flour to Earope direct InlSSOthe Dakota Wheat crop was 44, 00,000 bushels, corn 23,000,000 bushels, oats 22,COO,O00 bushels, potatoes 4,010,000, enough of all to keep the people and to spare. Let the eastern money bags look out for the starving poor of their own communi ties and Dakota will take care 01 nerseir. He ttot the Whisky. Kansas City, Nov. 3 Rsv. H. H. Russell of this city went to Kansas City, Kan., Mon day evening to deliver a lecture at Ban croft's tabernacle. The reverend gentle man having learned that it was possible to purchase liquor In a prohibition town, ex perimented somewhat. Stepping into a grocery house on Minnesota avenue he asKea it he could get the desired article, and was furnished with a balf pint. The next place visited was a blacksmith shop. Here he was tola he could get whisky if be had money with whieh to nav for it. He put uplhis fifty cents and got another half pint a snort distance up tne avenue he stepped into a well known restaurant and bought another half pint. Mr. Kussen s purcnases are all on exhibi tion at the tabernacle, labeled with the name and place of fcuiness of the seller. An Independent Movement. Buffalo, N. Y.,Dec. 1. "Has the rumored removal of the Washburn-Crcseby mill from Minneapolis to Buffalo, as contem plated, anything to do with the Niagara River company, which was incorporated to construct a tunnel from Buffalo to Niagara Palls in order to utilize the current tf Niagara?" was asked General Jewett, one of the incorporators, this evening by a United press reporter. "No. it is an entirely independent move ment." When questioned as to the probable cost of the tunnel project Mr. Jewett said the company had estimated the cost as $4,000, 000 and that the money would be raised in the east within four months' time. Mr. Jewett added that the route had been selected and plans for tie tunnel prepared. They Curried Him. Indianapolis, Nov. 30. A special from Jeffersonville says the Harrison county white caps arc at work again. Their latest victim was a worthless fellow who worked a broken-down old horae incessantly with little feed. The white caps caught him, hitched him up and made him do his horEe's work one whole night. When they brought him back to the stable he endeav ored to be facetious and remarked that he always curried his horse after working hin-. The obliging white caps took him at his word and with the coarsest curry comb they could find in the stable groomed the unfortunate wretch's back until the bloo t ran. CONGRESSIONAL. The Senate. Washington, Dec. 2. After the swearing in of the new senators the senate at 12:85 aljourned. There was little or no excitement attend ing the opening of the fifty. first congress on the senate side of the capitol. Public curiosity seemed to be largely with the house side. Several of the foreign deleg ates to the maritime and Panama confer ence and a number of ladies occupied seats in the diplomatic gallery. Sir Julian Pauncefote, British minister, and Admiral Kozinkoff of Russia were among those present. Tbl interest on the floor was de voted largely t the senators from the new states They had had seats assigned to them on the republican side of the cham ber. On the democratic side are two Beats so far unassigned. Washington, Dec. S. The reading of the presidents message was concluded at half past one, having occupied an hour and twenty-five minutes. It was listened to with apparently close attention by senat ors on both Bides of the house. On motion of Sherman it was laid, on the table aid ordered printed. The senate then at 1:30 adjourned till tomorrow. Washington, Deo 4 The credentials of Messrs. Pierce and Casey as ssnalors from North Dakota were presented, read and placed on file. The two senators the a ad vanced to the desk and took the oath of office. . ; - Various executivr reports and communi cations were presented and referred to the appropriate committees. Several petitions were also presented and referred, among them the following: ; By Cullom for the Short Horn Producers' association, in favor of subsidies for e team ships to SDuth and Central America and in favor of Chicago as the site for the next world's fair in 19A v By Cockrell, of the Kansas City commer cial exchange, in favor of SC. Louis as the site for tbe world's fair, with Chicago as second choice; also in favor of a 1 cent let ter postaee. I r Manderson of Nebraska to increase the efficiency of the infantry of the army, pro viding that each regiment shall consist of twelve companies, with certain specified officers, and increasing the number of en listed men to 30,000. Manderson of Nebraska, providing for the payment of iorfeiture of lands not patented or paid for of the Pawnee reser vation of Nebraska; directpigthe secretary of the interior to file and proceed to the consideration of all claims for Indian depredations, whether they were sub mitted before or after the act of March v, 1SS9; the bill introduced by him in the last congress to prevent tho summary can cellation of pension certificates and to pro vide for hearing in cases relating thereto with slight modifications; requiring trans cripts of judgments obtained in United States courts to be filed with county officers having charge of records in certain cases; requiring Uniied Scates circuit and district judges to Instruct juices in writing in cer tain cases . . ; ' Paddock cf Nebraska, to provide poetof fice buildings at places where the receipts for three years preceding have exceeded $4,00. annually; relieving the railway mail service from the operation of the civil ser vic3 law; to proviue for the disposal of the Fort Sedgwick military reservation in Col orado and Nebraska under the homestead law; to amend the national banking law so as to provide for the organization of na tional banks with less capital than $50,000. The following public building bills were introduced cniong others; By Senator Spooner, building at Eau Claire, Wis. , $100, 000; Manderson, Hastings, Neb., $300,000, and Norfolk, Neb., 20O,OU0; Vest, Kansas Citv,. $2,500.C0C; Ingalle, Atchison, Kis., $100,000. The House. Washington, Dec. 2. At 12 o'clock, sharp, the clerk called the house to order and pro ceeded to read the roll of members. The roll call showed the presence of 327 mem bers, three absentees, being O'Neal of Indiana, Randall of Pennsylvania and Whitehorne of Tenncs3ee. More than a quorum having been disclosed, nomina tions for speaker were in order, and Reed was placed in nomination by Henderson of Illinois. Mention of Reed's name was the signal for applause from the republican tide, wl ich wao renewed by the democrats when McCreary of Kentucky nominated Carlisle for that position. The vote result ed, Reed 166, Carlisle 154. Reed having been declared elected speaker was escorted t the chair by Meeys. McKinley and Car lisle, and the oath of office administered. On assuming the chair Speaker Reed made a short speech thnnkiog the members for the high honor bestowed upon him. In closing he paid : To the end that I may be successful in carrying oat tout wishes I invoke your considerate judgement and the cordial aid of all members of. thin house." (Long and continued applause) The next step in the organization of the house was the swearing in of the members elect, the oath being administered by the speaker. Faced a Fearful Doom. MrxNEAPcios, Nov. 30. The Tribune building is burning. Sevaral lives are lost. At least six men are killed. Those known to be dead are Harry Colwoll and Mc- Cutcheon, printers in the Tribune compos ing room, who were killed by lumping. Professor Olsen, president of the Vermil lion, Dak., university, who was in one of the editorial rooms on the sixth floor, fell from the fire escape and was Instantly killed. He was spending his Thanksgiving here with his brother and made a friendly call on a friend connectd with the Tribune. One unknown man lies in Circle r's drug store. He prcbably worked on the Eixth floor of the building. Minneapolis, Dec 1. All night long the steamers threw water on the burning and smoking ruins of the Tribune building without cessation The force that was on 1 duty during the night was relieved by an other, and tne good work went on uncaas ingJy. A few spectators stood around the entire night and as soon as light began to dawn in the east others came, so that as early as b o'clock there was a considerable crowd on hand. Dark and forbidding the walls of the wrecked building loomed up in the gray light of early dawn, and as the spectators gazadupon them the awful fact that frerzled human beings, half stifled with smoke and Binged with flames, hod but a few hours before made the death plunge from the giddy height to the hard. cruel stone pavement below, seemed to dawn upon them afresh with all its terri ble force. Charles A. Smith, the elevator man on the night service,did very creditable work. Ha was a new man, having only been in the place since the first of the week. After the fire broke out he made five trips, the last when the shaft was actually on fire, and saved a number of people. Smith says he smelled the fire for three-quarters of an hour before he could find its location. After looking on all the floors he finally felt the heat on the third floor and was about to break in the door of the fateful room when the transom burst and the flames sprang up. He is confident that the fire c riginated in E. A. Harmon's office, and worked through two partitions before breaking into the hallway, but this seems well nigh impossible. Smith is sure that more people were burned than have been reported. He savs that about five mlnnten before the fire was discovered he carried a heavy. dark complexioned lady to the sixth noor. bhe asked for the editorial roomc or the Pioneer-Press. He did not tate ner Dack in the elevator, and he is sure she could not have gone down the stairway. Smith also eays that a tall young man, with a black moustache shot himself DEC 7, 1889. on the seventh 11 ior near the composing room door. Smita was up ou his last trip and called to tbe young man to come into elevator, but Jre emed lazt by the heat and smobe and deliberataly drew a revol ver and fireu into tuo v u had, failing, as 8mith supposes, quite dead. Just before he fired the shoo he exclaimed: "My God, my wife and" Then the bullet did its work. The list of the dead Brilton P:ckett, as sistant city ditor or the Pioneer-Preea James P. Igoe, Associated ipress operator. Edward Oben, president of the university of South Dikota at Vermillion. Jerry Jenktnson, a printer. Robert McCatcheon, a printer. W. H. MiUman, commercial editor cf the Tribune. Walter E. Mle, operator and vgent of tbe Associated press. The Injured William Lawn, printer, burned ou hands and face. CL E Andrews, printer, burned on hands and face. George E. Warden, printer, burned on hands and face. - Frank Gerber, a deaf mute printer, hands and face burned. Adam Weioshemier, printer, hurt about hips. Charles A" J. Williams, 'managing editor of the Tribune, burned badly about the head and face. W. H. Williams, foreman of composing room, badly burned about the face and hands. ft H. Jones. Pioneer-Press reporter,hands and face slightly burned. Frank Hoover, printer, burned about the neck. ; Another Terrible Fire. LATEBPABTICXTLABS. Boston, Nov. 9. The loss by today Vs fire is estimated tonight at $10,00 ',000. The fire raged for six hours and the burned dis trict extends over two acres of ground which was covered by structures cf the best class. The fire was first seen bursting from the top of the Brown buiJeting at Bed ford and Kingston streets. It was over the elevator shaft. The blczi was discovered by a letter carrier who Informed a police man. The officer turned in tee alarm at the same box from which the great fire of 1872 was sounded. The latter lire started at Kingston and Sammor streets. There was about 2;0 firms burned out and 100 agents of New York and western firms have had their headquarters destroyed. The seventy-nine Insurance companios known to be interested carry an aggregate insurance of $2,600,000 on the binned prop erty. This fire, coming as it dees on top of the great blcza at Lynn, is a crushing blow to many of the smaller comnanies, and it is not at all unlikely that it will causa the suspension of not a few of them. Boston, Nov. 33. The burned district to day presents a scene of desolation. A por tion of the fire department spent the entire night and this forenoon in quenching the remnants of the big blaza, wjile a cordon of weary officers are stall guarding tne ruins. Incoming trains this morning wero packed with people, who have come to see the rums. The walls of some of the burn ed buildings are in a dangerous condition, and the owners are contemplating the razing of tbem the ground to uevent tbe possibility of an accident. Gangs of men nave already begun to tear away the debris. The wholesale small ware business of B 08 ton is, with a single exception, wiped cut, but all the firms will resume business as soon as suitable quarters are secured. This morning an attempt was mode to find the missing firemen, Tokeer and Buckley, in the ruins of the Brown, Doreli & Co. building. Their hats were found buried beneath the bricks and this seems to settle their fate. A further at tempt to fiad the bodies will be made this afternoon. Grandmother Gets Him. Kansas Crrr. Mo.', Dec. 3. The Kansas City court of appeals handed down a de cision today in the famous suit of O. F. Garrison against Caroline Lyle. Tho suit was over the possession of an infant son of Alice Lyle, who Is heir to part of the Gar rison estate, which will net him some day more than $500,000. The Garrison family of St. Louis is one of the oldest and wealth iest in the state, and when Cornelius K, Garrison of Si. Louis married Miss AUce Lyle of Sj. Louis, about twelve years ago, the union of the twa old St. Louis families was heralded throughout the country. The infant eon, born in 1880, t ound the families when it was given the name of Lyle Garri son. Bat this child has been tbe ccasion of a general family row. During his event ful career of nine years he has been twic3 kic napped. IalSS2 the mother died, leav ing the infant son heir to property valued at $50,000. Cornelius K. Garrison was ap pointed executor of the oh Id by the St Louis Probate court. In 1S87 Garrison re moved to Jasper county, where he had mining interests, leaving little Lyle Garri son in the charge of Mrs. Rlcharoson. a sis ter of Mrs. Garrison, living in St. Louis. Cornelius Garrison died, leaving the child a large fortune. Caroline Lvia, the boy's grandmother, was then appointed guard ian by the St Louis probate court. O F. Garrison, his uncle, wanted the appoint ment. One day while little Girrivon wa playing in the fiont yard, his uncle, O. F. Garrison, and two masked men drove up and carried him away His uncle took him to Jasper county, and was by the probate court f that county made guardian. Car oline Lyle appealed to the Jasper county circuit court to have the gardianship granted by the Jasper probate court set aside. Tnis the circuit court did and Gar rison appealed to the court appeals. The court today decided that the probate court of Jasper county was in error in appoint ing A. Garrison guardian, as the residence of young Garrison was in St Louis, so was the residence of his father, his trip to Jas per county being only a temporary one on business connected with the mines. Mrs. Caroline Lyle, the boy's grandmother, was accordingly awarded the . custody o2 Lyle G&rrisou. one of the wealthiest young lads in the state. Storms in Indiana. Fobt Watke. Ind., Nov. 29. Traffic tm the roads centering in this city was greatly de layed and in the case of the Nickel Plate line entirely suspended last night by the heavy fall of snow. Drifts four feet high near Knox, west of this ity, stopped all trains on the Nickel Plate road uiitil 10 o'clock tbis morning, when the track was cleared. Two unimportant wrecks occurred on the Pennsylvania road. West bound freight No. 95 was derailed at midnight near tbis city by a broken frog and ten cars were piled up in a heap. Freight train No. 89, also west bound, was wrecked at 3 this morning near E'Jda, 0.,and several cars were ditched. No one was injured, but passenger trains were delayed for five hours. Declared Void. Topaea, Kas., Nov. 30. Judge Brewer yesterday rendered a decision that that part of the Topeka a eat inspection ordi nance which provides for the inspection of the animal before slaughter within a mile of the city limits be made, is an obstruction of interstate commerce, and therefore void. This opens Topeka to the product of the packing houses of Kansas City and Chicago. Judge Brewer also rendered another de cision by which the Stevens county men under indictment; for the murder of Sheriff Cross and. his deputies in No-Man s-Land are to be sent to the United States court for the eastern district of Texas for trial Judge Brewer declared to be constitutional the act of congresn known as the Muskogee act, which places No-Man's Land under the jurisdiction of the Texas court Twelve in dicted men will be at once taken to Paris, Tex, fcr trial. A Prohibition Trust. New Yosk, Dec. 4 A draft cf certificate of crgan z itlon by toe leading prohibition ists of the Uaitt d Slates was 3 esterday sub mitted to Judge Lawrence of the supreme court for bis approval. It was proposed to incorporate what ehou'd be known as "rhe prohibition trust fund association." The object was declared to be to secure prohibition and the suppression by law of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverage?, and to that end to hold in truir, for the national prohibition party all property ths.t it may rtceivo or acquiiv, ana fay the same as the Inwnio toeieit may acciU9, to tbe treasurer of tho nation al committee of the paity, or to sucn per son as said commit' e may designate. The nm?8 of th proposed incorporators are William T. WaidelJ, W. Jenniog Demo rest, Horace Wateis. John Lloyd Tuomas Kosewell S. Chevep, Isaao K. Funic, William Jay Groo. Fraud Crawford, bamuel D cle, C inton B. Fitk, John P. St John and A. Hopkins. After carefully inspecting the document Judga Lawrence declined to approve the certificate. The act of 1875," he stated, in giving his reason for the refusal, "Joe not authorize, in my opinion, incorporator!! of a rociety to receive and to.d proptrty in trust lor a polit cal pafty nor to pay over tho income of such property t tha treas urer of the national committee , of such parly." - . A Nebraska Moonshiner. Beateice, Neb., Dc. 3. Deputy Andy Kerr of the internal revenue department of this section of the state succeeded yester day in breaking 'up an illicit still house about twenty miles 'southeast of t!Us city. Tiie moo" shining concern was run by a maa 'nemed iiutchins, an experienced moonshiner frcm South Carolina. HutoU ins learned that the revenue officers were after tia. and skipped our. His apparatus was discovered in an oat bin and brought to this city last night and today shipped to Collector Peters ao Omaha. The still was of sixty gallons capacity. Iiutchins had been doing a thriving business among the farmers in taat vicinity and along the edge of Kansas. The still house was concealed in a thick growth of timber in that locality and was only discovered some days ago by some hunterp. Hutchlns told the farmer on whose prem ie he hid his still that it was all right and that he was going to open up a government distillery there. Hutchlns was formerly engaged in a distillery at Deer Creek, t. is state, and it is stated that he shot or stabbed i man there and had to leave to escape lynching. This is the second illicit still ever known to ba in operation in taiB sctte. The First Bill. Washington, Dec. 4. The first bill intro duced in the senate this session of congres cams from Senator Sherr- an and it wa aimed at trusts. It is identical ' v 1th the anti-trust bill reported by him last year for the co ' mittee on finance. It declares all trusts unlawful; gives persons power to re-' cover in the courts wherever articles are advanced in value by combination?, and declares the officers of trusts guilty ot mis demeanors. Public Debt Statement. Washington, Dae 2. Following is the debt statement issued today: Intercut bearing debt, principal and utf-ret,$ 851,Sti4,060 00 -Debt om which interest has ceased sinue ma tnrity l,9tt.22 On Debt bearing no interest. 74,0ti!.0l5 00 Total debt, principal 1.608.5t5,."y3U no Interest 8.778,83i 00 Total $1.U7,372.419 0 Total debr, less available cash items $l,00ti,3W,t32 00 Net cash in treasury 40.Z4M8J 00 Djcrenee of debt dnring the mon h..... 4.863,67iO0 Decrease of debt since June SO, 18811 ao,Mi5,C16 00 Total cash in treasury as shown by treasurer's general aocou at $G17,22 1.504 00 Victim of Christian Science. Kansas Crrx, Dec. 2. Mrs. James Lythe, wife of a wealthy farmer of Livingstone county, died at her home yesterday from lack of medical attention. Mrs Lythe was a believer in Christian science and relied for her recovery upon faith cure. Her sister, Mrs. White, a wealthy widow, is dy ing, and she, too, will aliov no physician to bee hr, trusting like her sister to faith cure. Both of the ladies belonged to "holinesis settlement" here, the leaders of wnich attend them during their illness. "Holiness doctors" will be prosecuted for malpractice. ' Kxplosiou in a Brewery. Newark, N. J., Dec. 2. At 2:30 th s after noon an explosion occurred at Trefzz's brewery on Rankin street An instant after the explosion a great flood of beer iru&hed through the rear windows of the building and ran in streams across Rankin street to the houses below. Then the air in the vehole vicinity became Impregnated with ammonia. Wnat caused the accident is not known. It is thought that one of the ammoria pipes forming a part of the Ice machine bursi. The escaping gas expand ed In tne ice cold air and blew up, making a wreck of the interior of the building. The accident occurred ut a time wnea tne men were all at dinner. The building in which the accident occurred is In the rear of the old brewery. It is built substan tially of brick, is three btories high and recced about throe years age. la it are "resting" and fermenting depar.ments. It contained a score or more of the great vats containing thousands of gallons of beer. The brewery was rurcaased about six months ago by the Eaglish syndicate tor $800,00 . The walls are now standing, bat there is danger of tnelr falling. The loss is 'istimated at $125,000. Keed the Next speaker. Washisoton, Nov. 3D. Gen-ral Hender son of Illinois havln? b?en chosen chair man of the caucus of republican members of tho house of. representatives, a roll call was begun to determine how many were present It was decided that the balloting for speaker should bi open. The first bal lot resulted: Raed, 7S; McKlnley, 89, Can non, 22; Burrowj, 10; Henderson, 1. Reed was nominated on the twentieth ballot, receiving eighty-six votes. Mc Pherson of Pennsylvania was then nomi nated for tbe clerkship. A. J. Holmes, ex-representative from Iowa, received the nomination for ser-geant-at-arms. Robbed the Pacific Express Safe. Fobt Wobth, Texas, Nov. 29. Monday night some one having a key to the doer and the combination of the safe in the of fice of the Pacific express company in the union depot opened the safe and took therefrom 10,800. There is no cine to the robbers. The employes known to have the combination are not suspected. News From Stanley. NewYobk, Dso. 3. A London special to the Telegram says the Herald correspond ent has sent the following dispatch, dated November 29: "I have Just met Henry M. Stanley, Emin Pasha, Casite, Lieutenant Stairs, Mr Jephson, Dr. Bark, Nelson and Bonny and 530 women and children. I Lave founa Stanley looking exceedingly hearty. I presented 'him. with tbe American flag, with which I was intrusted, and it ia now flying from Mr. Stanley's tent. Tho great explorer's hair ia quite white and hi? mus tache is quite gray. - NO. 25. National Ijive Mock Dealer. Chicago, Die 4 E. P. Hivage cf 0.uh wad made oh&Irmau ot the Ptcobd t'n session ot the Live Stock DealeiV conven tion. The committee on eonntltutlin an i by-laws for the proposed orgnn tlon pre sented itr report The flrui ec'iu, pro Idioy that the organlz ttlon be known & the Nitional Live Stock Exjhang, wan adopted, as was aUo tie second, defiu'nr its objscts to b tbo development and pro tection of the live pfock industry through out tho oountry. The third ctlun, pro viding for f. basis - f repr-se ntnt un lu ha exenange, showt-d Chicfuo entitled to thirty-four ous of a toial of nftr-"evMi iu tu bers. Thero wa a litely kick on thi irom K&nsas City and Ooiaha' and a rt-ots wat finally taken. When the mf tingreconvenc-d the matter wa Fmnothed ver and tb Motion wa finally adopted, Kinsas City, however, vot ing no. J. A. Hake, of Ox. aha, ol-airman of to committee on organ 1 rut ion, ubmitl u resolution aeklng that tbo rules and by laws bo submitted to the low exchange for ratification, to be reported back by 1) oimber 15, and if adopted by all to take ef fect January J. Kantas City opposod thin. The Omaha delegation voted for It, and Colonel Peters cf Kansas C.ty treated tbo O naha gentleman to a rather pointed talk. Finally a substitute was adopted that tho rules and by-laws bo adopted by the e x changes voting for them. It was decid d that tho first annual iu tot ing shall be beld in Chicago on the first Thursday in October, 189 X The committee to name the officers re ported the following list, which was unan imously adopted: President, W. H. Thompson, jr., Chcag; vie 3 J residents, M. D. Schruirtrs, Kbukhh City; J. A. Hake, Omaha; E. J Seneeuec, Sr. Louis; J. V. Vincent, Peoria; A. J. Parsons. Sioux C ty secretary, C. W. Baker, Chicnvo; treasurer, Levi Djod. Chicago; executlvu committee, Charles P.Charlen, Kansas Cl y i J. B. B'anchard, Omaha; W. L. Caildv. wt. I-ouie; J. Rosenbanra. Chicago; M.V WLK, Peeria; Thomas Corobine, St. Louis. Al journed nntll tomorrow. The Kansas City delegates think their exchange will refuse to ratify the conven tion's work and it it does endorse it it will be simply because of tbe satisfactory set of men selected for officers. The report set afloat that the organiza tion of the exchange meant a new live stock trust is emphatically denied by all the delegates. President Thompson says tbe new body possesses only advisory power, and the essential feature of n trustis there fore lacking. He added: "Thera are oils enough in the Uvettock business, and if we corrupt them, which is our only cad in view, we shall accomplish a gool thlrg for everybody, from the producer to the coa sumer." Shields' Opinion. Washington, Dec. 4. Assistant A'torncy General Shields of the Interior department has given the secretary of tbe laterior an opinion a. to the effect of tho 89ven',eeuth sec'ior cf the act admitting the new start-K whicV refers to the net of 1811 Aha original pre-emption aol) and repua's the sa-no n aoplioibleto the nsw tite. He hold. that taking the whol sect on together tins intent was not to repeat the pre-emption Jaws, but to make a grunt of Uq-'k ia lieu of the eighth section of tbe act of 18 U, gen erally known as the internal improvement grnt, and torpal that section as to th uev&tateB; that th act of 1811 was carried in" the revised statues and repea'ed ia 18i5; that if congress find intended to re peal the pre-iuuptioa lows it could bav done bo by lepeuling the sections ot the revised statutes appertaining tlireto i .I not by the repeal of the old aefipf 184', and that tne pre-emption lawd so centime! ia th revised statutes, excepfas to the inter nal Improvement grants, are Btlll ia foroft in the new Btatep. National Wool Growers. Washtnoton, Dec. 3. Tbe Na'iosal Wool Gio wet's meeting organlz id todiybythe election of Hon. Columbus Delano of Ohio as president; Q. IL Wallace, president of the MisHOuri Wool Growers' association, secre tary There wa a large attendance. An informal diciFsion on the present condi tion and need of tho wool growing Jn1u try showel the concensus of oolnion to that while the rate of dcreae f rorn fi0.iM)t 000 head of sheep in 18S to 4 J,O00,0W hr-l In 1888 had been arrested, no uppieolabln advance had as yet been made. A commit tee on reorganization ami resolutions wak appointed. This atWnoon the members of the convention called in a rody on rcre tary Windom and Atwltaat Secretary Tich enor. Several congressman from the west ern ftates callel i.1 the convontion today and expressed themselves as thoroughly iu sympathy with tbe wool growets. The Knglish Land Syndicate. Ashland. Wis!, D c. a Within the last few weeks a gigantic Eaglish syn lloato has been quietly, but rapidly and very systematically, bayiug up alt the acreage property in Ashland county and the entire norther portion of the stat i that its agent can get an option on. Everything ha been done with the greatest secrecy and not a single deed has bsen filed in Ashland county. Register Fennelly s-iid he h4 been luformed tha' a large number of the deeds wore in a Njw Yor x bink, and wheu tbe syndicate hat accomplished a'l tbo purcaustis would be recorded la a bu&cfr. Thousand of Hoinps. Tucson, Ariz., Dec. 3. Surveyor General Johnson has transmitted to the general and office an adverse report on tht Purlta grant claimed by James Addison Reevies on the ground thftt his wifo in a lineal dc- soendintof the original Spfm'.Hh grun'ue. The claim 1 alludes 5,000,000 acreMoflaod, n wil.'h is loca'rd th- cltien ofPta:nx, Fioience asd Silomfvill l! is valued jt a loW etmatj at $2.r.0i)u.U0. The urvej or general holds tba tiitro is prjof cf for pery and fraudulent n;rtion of poptir. He recommend t'-iat the ciim be not al lowed and nrgrs rfgorous proneoutiou of the parties gud:y of fabricating it. TliK MAltKirrs. L"tj.c tx, Neb. CATTLE -Batchor' 6ters....i Wa3 00 Cowb 1 5 J a i 75 HOGS Fat 3 matt 2.) 8 oker 3 Wa "S S"HEEP 3 0&3 05 WHEAT No. 2 pri uy 0 a . OATS No. 2... 12a Hi RYE -No. 2 vra 27 COUNT No. ne 17 a IS FLAXSEED 1 mi a I IS POTATOES 18 a 2u APPLE 4 r r Ob 1 7 a 2 15 HAY Pralrir, bulk 3 5 J a 4 S ) Omaha, Nxk. CATTLE ...$3 20 a 4 4) Cjws 1 5) a 2 t HOG8 Fa4r to heavy 3 t o a 3 7."i Mixed 3 25 a 3 5o Cbicaoo, Iu- CATTLE Pxtme stoers $3 .TO a 4 K) Stackers and feeders 19) a 3 15 nOGS Picking 1 5) a 3 75 BnEEP Natives 3 0) a 5 8) WHEAT , 79J CORN Kansas Citt. Mo. CATTLE Com feJ. 2 30 a 3 00 Feeders 1 01 a 2 :) nOGS 'J: o.l to choice 3 B a 3 75 Mixed 3 55 a U CO 4