The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889, November 30, 1889, Image 3

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Presiilent.J.Ruirows, Fiiley, Neb. ''
Vice President, H. L. Loucks, Clear Cree
J akuta.
Secretary, August Post, Moulton, Iowa.
Treasurer, Hon. J. J. Furlnner, Austin Minn.
Lecturer, A. 1). Chase, Watcrtown, Dak.
President, John If. Towers, Cornell.
vice rresiflent, JauiesciarK, vuuitsn.
Secretary-Treasurer, J-M-Thompson, Lincoln
."Lecturer, M. M. Case. Creighton.
Executive Committee: J. Uurrows Filley:
n. V. Allen, Wabash; Allen Root, Omaha;
L. Henry, Hansen; W. M. Gray, North Loup.
Tost Office at Liscot.n, Neb., June 18, 18fl.
I hereby certify that The Alliance, a week
ly newspaper published at this place, has been
-determined by the Third Assistant Post Mas
ter General to be a publication entitled to
..admission in the mails at the pound rate of
postage, and entry of it as such Is accordingly
made ufion tbe books of this office. Valid
while the character of the publication re
mains unchanged. Albert watkins.
This department is conducted by the Secre
tary of the State Alliance to whom ail com
xnunications in relation to Alliance work,
short articles upon various subjects of inter
est to the Alliance etc., should be addressed.
Write plain and only on one side of the paper.
Sign what you choose to your articles but
fcend us your name always.!
About a Sew Tarty.
Siielton, Neb., Nov. 20, 1889.
"Ei. Alliance: The article in The
Alliance of Xov. 9, by Clark Orvn, of
N. should be endorsed by the Na
tional Alliance. The union of all labor
organizations on the line mentioned by
Ilr. Orvis would secure to reformers of
very creed nearly what they are work
ing for. Perhaps prohibition would be
an exception.
1 do not think a new party ought to
be organized at St. Louis; but there
should be an understanding among all
delegates, and all the reformers present
;it that meeting, and the principles that
-will lead them all into one party should
be united upon.
Every influence possiWe should be
used with the southern delegates to get
them to cut loose from the democratic'
.party. (I used to vote the democratic
ticket.) The new party should be or
ganized and named later. Perhaps a
good way to form the party, and a good
lime would be at Chicago, at the meet
ing of the Union Labor party called for
the purpose, of reorganization. '
Whatever the principles of the party,
reformers should not strain at a gnat
on principles,, the name should be Peo
ple's Party.
A year from now this state can be
swept by a people's party with almost
any kind of a platform, if the proper
work is done the coming winter.
The election here in this county shows
that the people are. willing to go into a
people's party, and I think they have
been in 'off political years for 'several
years past. But the trouble 1ms been
that the people's party has not had a
state or a national organization; conse
quently in a state or national election
they, the people, had no where to go
except to the two old parties. Could a
few states be carried for the party next
year, the members of the party could
hot be whipped back to their old par
ties in a presidential campaign.
The National Alliance should take
i . ' i c ii. .. i.
Mroug grounu m ia oi oi me jujiueni.
of the national debt coming due in '91,
as congress will endeavor to refund the
eominsr session. The tariff issue should
be left entirely out of sight by the Na
tional Alliance or the coming party
Ihere are strong reasons tor tins course
which I will not urge here.
1 he coming winter where there is a
county Alliance, the reform element, or
active element of the county Alliance
should organize a county committee of
the people's party, and also town com
mittees should be organized. Of course
this work should be done outside the
Where.the Knights of Labor are ac
the they should be asked to join in the
party move. Perhaps each county Alii
iinee should elect a committee to confer
with the Knights of the county.
John Stebbins.
ANCE. We prize kind words from all quar
ters; but especially do we prize the fol
lowing letter from our dear old brother
way off in Washington Territory.
Thinking of him, our memory goes back
to boyhood's years.
"And old time friends, and twilight plays,
And starry nights, and sunny days,
Come trooping up the misty wa3rs."
), the old years, and the the old faces,
-and the old play-grounds! It is quite
hard to realize now that to see the best
half of life we must look backward.
But nothing does us more good than to
remember that we were never better
than when we were children, and that
we have never seen and never will see
better days than those of childhood.
The sentiment that awakens those mem
ories, swelling the heart and dimming
the eyes, is a good sentiment, and
should be cherished instead of re
pressed. So,
'Let down the bars, let in the train
Of long gone songs, and flowers and rain,
For dear old times come back again."
Walla Walla, W. T. Nov. 18, 1889.
My Dear Bko: I have received a
number of copies of The Alliance,
.iind now take pleasure in sending you a
j)ostal order for my subscription, and
aiIso for one copy to be sent to George
Campbell of this place. Campbell is a
democrat, and likes your paper, as he
-says, in all its parts. I am a republi
can, and like your paper in everything
except the free trade notions. I don't
see how any American can believe in
free trade. That the tariff sorely needs
revision and readjustment is Aery ap
parent, but well 1 won't argue the
point, as I have not time or ability to
lo it justice.
I hope you w ill keep pounding away
. .at the money question. Free and un
limited coinage of silver as well gold is
the true and correct principle for this
. country; and as for the government is
suing money at its cost to the people,
that will come; but it will require a
, long time to reach-it, and will probably
be preceded by great sofial Convuslious
possibly to the extent of a great revolu
tion or rebellion against the present
system. Our fanning community, that
i' those in this locality, have little to
complain of. Many of them are money
lenders and holders of large amounts of
city property; but it is clear to any one
who will look into the financial ques
tion, that the present system is making
the great mass of producers work, al
most without compensation, for the non
producers. Sooner or later a change
must come.
I shall circulate The Alliance and
may send you some more subscribers.
Your affectionate brother,
C. E. Burrows."-
Palouse City, W. T. Nov. 18, 1889.
Alliance Pub. Co.:
You will fin enclosed $2.00 for which
please send two copies of your estim
able paper to L. C. Crow and F. W.
Vaughan. "Wishing you the greatest of
success in your enterprise we will be
glad to lend you any assistance in our
power towards furthering the Alliance
cause and work. I remain
Yours fraternally,
Li. C. Crow.
To Emancipate Labor From the
Tyranny Of Capital.
Fikst Abolish Land Monopoly.
By means of a graduated tax on ex
cessive holdings, sufficiently high in
city or country to prevent land being
jought for speculation, or permanently
leld for rent. This will srive all the
competent an opportunity to labor,, se
cure homes and become better citizens.
Second Supply Money at Cost:
By amending the law which now re
quires our government to loan money
to bankers on bonds at one per cent, so
that loans on small landed estates say
to the extent of half their cash value-
can be obtained at the same rate.
Third Supply Transportation at
By authorizing our government to
arraduallv purchase the railroads and
anage them in the interest of the en
tire people, as the post ohice is now
conuuereu. iiovernmeni snouui unau
thorized to construct competing lines
"I I 1 1-1 lit.
when existing roads -refuse to sell at
what it would cost to build and equip
equally good roads.
JK" Nominate and vote for congress
men of any party who are pledged
to make these united measures the
first and dominant legislation
in congress.
''Ignorance the Evil; Knowledge the
Note Large placards to hang in pub
lic places, containing the above matter,
can be , had for 25c a 100 post paid by
addressing "American Liberty," Hamp
ton, Va.
A Widow Woman Tells Her Tale Con
cerning: a Chattel Mortgage Fiend.
According to the statements contain
ed in a petition filed in' the district
court yesterday afternoon, Octave
Bouscaren -is a large, soggy octopus,
with tentacles reaching out every way
that is open. It is Mrs. Lillian Frost
wiio makes the allegations which serve
as a foundation for this belief.
Mrs. Frost says that on August 7 of
last year she borrowed $100 from
Bouscaren, who was lunning the peo
ple s Financial exenange. Toe money
was alleged to come from G. Conalline
aud she was to pay 6 per cent a month.
The note for the principal was clinched
by a chattel mortgage on $1,500 worth
of furniture.
Mrs. Frost paid the $6 interest regu
larly to June, 1889, having paid 300 in
terest on $100 in ten months. About
this time she became sick in confine
ment and was unable to pay the accru
ing interest. Bouscaren came to her
house on August 25 .with an express
wagon with the avowed purpose of tak
ing her furniture. However, on her
executing a new note to the amount of
$126, to cover the old principal and
lapsed interest, together with $8
charges for the wagon, he permitted
her to retain the turniture. Twelve
dollars have been paid as interest on
this new note and now, with $72 inter
ests paid on $100 for one year and with
the principal $126 still due, Mrs. Frost
feels inclined to worry some, for she
believes Bruscaren meditates again de
cending upon her and this time really
taking the stuff. In such an event she
says herself and her three children, the
eldest of which is not 4 years old; will
be leit destitute or shelter or clothing.
Her husband, she states, has been un
employed for six months past, and the
family has been living with the parents
of Mrs Frost, they themselves being in
poor financial condition. Mrs. Frost
savs she has instituted inquiries for
Conalline, can find no one but Bouscar
eu who ever heard of him. She be
lieves he is a myth and that the name is
employed to frighten debtors She asks
for an injunction to restrain Bouns-
car en from seizing her property. The re
training order was granted by Judge
Wakeley, to be argued November 23.
Mr. Burrows left for St. Louis Mon
day morning. By letter from him we
are enabled to state for the information
of delegates to meeting of National
Alliance, that their headquarters will
be at the Planters Hotel. Also the
prelimmary meeting of Monday evening
will be held at the same place.
In answering advertisements always
mention The Alliance.
Edited by Mrs. S. C. O. ITptox. of Lincoln,
Neb., of the Nebraska Woman's Christian
Temperance Union.
The editor of The Alt.iance pLice3 the re
sponsibility of this column in the eare of the
above editor.
This principle of the right and duty
of legal legislative prohibition, that is
of defence by law and constitution
against the liquor traffic, is simply
the Christian and moral life of the
church, of embodied Christianity, tak
ing on its ligitimate and providential
form. .It is Christian prayers and Ta
bors of the last sixty years coming to a
head and becoming realized. It is en
thusiasm for humanity and moral re
form condensed and formulated into
constitution and law.
The prohibitory law,- constitutional
prohibition, is no foundling, Without
father or mother. But it is the nor
mal birth, the legitimate offspring of
the Christian life and principle of New
England. That spiritual life that
solid principle virtually overthrew
and abolished . American slavery,
Strongly intrenched in the constitution,
entwined with the laws and usages of
the land, thousands of good men under
the prejudice of their proslavery train
ing, thought it to be right, pleaded for
it as a divine institution, and vould
neither prav nor vote against it.
But the life of Christ in men wrought
on and developed. The eyes of the un
derstanding were opened. Ears that
had been deaf became sensitive to the
sighs of suffering. The motto and the
picture of Garrison's Libkatoic, a
kneeling slave in chains and saying:
"Am I not a man and a brother?"'
touched the sensibility. Conscience
was quickened. Remembrance was had
of them that were in bonds as bound
with them. The churches of the North
were urged to refuse fellowship with
slave-holders. The Church Anti
Slavery Society was instituted on that
foundation, and did its work in educat
ing public sentiment, even as Prohibi
tionists are now helping to make the
public opinion of the nation upon the
question of prohibition.
National emancipation came, in the
course of events, an absolute necessity
to the continued life of the nation. The
voice of God was Either American
slavery or the great American Republic
must die the death. The immortal de
cree went forth, wrested only by ulti
mate necessity, that made Lincoln the
liberator. The monster abomination
was slain forever, by war, by law, by
constitution; and and all the world said
So now, in the moral war of intem
perance, after years of unavailing yet
preparatory skimishing with argu
ment, moral suasion only, and regula
tion for our weapons, but all the while
getting into close quarters with the de
testable rum traffic and manufacturing
itself, we have at length reached the
conclusion which Lincoln so slowly
reached in regard to slavery, that our
war must be a Christian war of anni
hilation. To abolish liquor-selling by
law, constitution, and by pablic opin
ion, as we have abolished slavery by the
same means, must henceforth be our
determined effort and aim.
To that great end our moral and re
ligious principle, so far from being laid
aside at the ballot-box, is to go with and
guide us in all our political actions.
We have found that politics are corrupt
because Christian men have not carried
Christian leadership, Christian princi
ples, Christian methods, and Christian
usages into them; because they have
not infused the saving salt of religion
into the pool of politics. Hence its im
purity, hence its offensiveness. . .
But now henceforth and forever, is it
too much to say? Principle is to pre
vail over policy. Should 1 not rather
put it, principle is to become policy.''
Temperance in its double right as a po
lical and moral question planting itself
at the polls, is there to stay till it con
trols everj man's political action
The true Christian life, swelling full
and strong in the temperance reform,
is to impregnate the conscience, inform
the judgement, energize the will, con
trol the conduct, till men are ready to
become martyrs to principle, enthusi
asts for humanity, as John Brown was
martyr to his Christian hatred of slav
ery; as honest John Bright was martyr
to his Christian hatred of war, so as to
abjure office with all its high honors
and emoluments, and break with the
Premier of Great Britain himself, and
his dearest friend, Gladstone, rather
than countenance for a moment Eng
land's part in the Crimean war, or Eng
land's bombardment of Alexandria.
So will this en thusiasum for a prin
ciple necessitate with us the breaking
of old party ties and friendships. This
will cast off the fear of . the party lash
when political parties have become re
creant to right and purity. This will
lead its possessers in solid phalanx to
stand and be counted, to speak and to
vote constitutional and statutory pro
hibition against the traffic in rum, as
they once did against the traffic in
slaves .
Let us therefore join with patriotic en
thusiasum to raise an effective break
water against the high license tidal
wave that is rolling in from the doom
ed distilleries and breweries of Massa
chusetts, Pennsylvania and New York;
hose potent producers ot distilled
death and liquid damnation, that are
fast passing into the hands of foreign
un-American syndicates, and are be
coming the most perilous political men
ace to this American Republic.
Nay, more, is it too much to say that
this self same liquor traffic, now com
manded so largely by foreign capital,
and the secrjst combinations in the
land, have in them the pregnant ele
ments of a possible Reign of Terror,
more dreadful than France or any na
tion has vet known? A Reign of Ter
ror that may prove to be the Almighty's
way of punishing us for licensing so
long the pernicious traffic in rum as the
Rebellion was his way ot punishing us
for the toleration of slavery.
Let us then cease tempting God to
let fall such a dire disaster, that will
be a historic horror incomparably worae
than the late fall of the millionaire
pleasure pond upon the Valley of the
Conemaugh! Let us make haste while
it is in our power to preclude such a
catastrophe, by a popular vote for the
legislative constitutional prohibition of
the manufacture and sale of strong
drink! Tract tor the times by Rev.
Henry T. Cheever.
The butcher's slaughter-pen is much
less a public nuisance than the saloon
keeper's slaughter-house.
No dying man ever edorsed the sa
loon, why, then, should the living?
T '
Without for moment thinking tff re
commending such a single-handed war
fare as- the following, we have often
woundered that women denied even a
right to vote against the saloon, did not
take law into their own hands and visit
the home destroyers with summary
Mrs. Thomas Woods of Warsaw.
Ind., has begun an ative war against
the saloons of that place. Some time
ago she served notice upon the proprie
tors of several saloons forbidding them
to sell liquor to ier husband, who is an
ex-county clerk and prominent in the
business world. These notices were
uniformly disregarded, and a few days
ago she entered one of the drinking
places aid smashed a costly mirror.
Next day she went into Rosseau's sa
loon, threw a hammer through a large
mirror, and broke the front windows
of the place. She was not arrested, and
public sentiment is in her favor. She
says she means to keep up her peculiar
style of warfare till the sale of liquor to
her husband is discontinued.
. The Union Signal publishes a fac
simile of Vice-President Morton's Ho
tel bar license, taken out in the name of
his manager, James C. Keenan. Tem
perance republican ! newspapers have
various explanations for Morton's con
nection with the business, but none
that fail to reveal the open iact that the
Vice-President lor whom many Christ
ian men voted and for whose election
they even prayed,dares to give the sanc
tion of his great personal influence and
of his high office to the liquor traffic,
and to place himself in the position of
a liquor seller, saving his dignity only
by having an agent do the selling. -
The Arkansas Negro Riot.
St. Louis, Nov.- Lft. The first authentic
account of tbe recent negro xlo near Little
Book ia published today, Sunday General
Manager W. R Doddridge; of the St. Louie,
Arkansas & Texas railway received the fol
lowing telegram from Little Bock, which
he had returned immediately for the infor
mation of Governor J. P. Eaglee "A riot oc
curred on our train between Lttle Bock
and Pine Bluff last evening. There has
been a set of negroes riding on this train
for some time past, and several fights have
taken plac a. Yesterday they were very
vicious and attempted to intimidate the
crew. The express messenger, anticipat
ing trouble, called on the sheriff for pro
tection. The sent three deputies
besides deputizing the train crew. Soon
after leaving Argenta a negro attempted1
to set a brake. Brakeman McGollough
tried to stop him, and the negro struck at
him and backed him into the door of the
car, where the deputies were. At this
juncture the fight became general. One
man, Sam Hustou, was shoe dead. An
other, claiming to be wounded, got off at
Scott's Bayou. The conductor understands
that another man was shot. The conductor
and crew expect the train to be wrecked
Monday, and that ail the whites will be
killed. The United States marshal has
baen notified of the condition of affairs "
There was a general uprising of the
negroes along the line, and every train
that goes out now has to be protected by a
guard. The road is in the hands of a re
ceiver and the United States will protect
it. the court at Little Bock today having
issued sweeping orders to everybody warn
ing them not to interfere with the fc aim
Immorality Denounced. .
Newabk, N. J., Nov. 24 Dean McNulty of
St. John's Roman Catholic church, Pater
son, at mass this moznlng preached in vig
orous language on the immoralities of men.
In regard to the South worth shooting case
he declared that if Pettus was a libertine
and roue, a charged by Mrs. South worth,
he deserved his fate, as he had transgressed
all laws, humva and divine, and if the old
aws were in xorce he would have been put
to death for his alleged crimes. The ser
mon has created a sensation.
Diphtheria Six Hundred Cases.
Moorkhkad, Minn., Nov. 21. Tn the vil
lages of Middleton and Georgetown, about
eighteen miles north of here, there pre
vails a violent form of diphtheria. There
are about six hundred cases, forty-four
new cases having developed yesterday.
Nine deaths occurred Tuesday. Both
E laces are quarantined and medical aid
as been furnished by the state board of
The Navassa Rioters ,
Baltimckh, Nov. 20. In the Navassa
rioters' tiial today some negroeB testified
as to a plot to kill the bosses, and also to
the existence of a deplorable species of
slavery on the - island. The bosses were
very cruel and much of tine food was not
nt to eat.
A Bad Wreck. .
Chicago, 111. , Nov. 25. The Minneapolis
Journal's Fort Dodge special says there
was a bad wreck today on the Iowa Cen
tral, at Applington, about seventy miles
ease of there. Two men killed.
A Bad Wreck.
Caicago, Nov 25. The .Minneapolis Jour
nal' j Fort Dodge special says there was a
bad wreck today oa" the Iowa Central, at
Appmgcon, about seventy wiles east or
there. Two men killed.
Pendleton Dies.: ,; "
London, Nov. ,25. George Pendleton,
United States minister to Germany under
uieyeiana, aiea at .Brussels last evening.
Six Hundred Children Die of Meas-
: les. ; s:
SN Fhancisco, Nov. 20. Advices received
by steamer to October 20 say a eerious epi-
aemic oi measles in Chill carried of up
wards of 6 JO children in July and August.
Pendleton Dies.
Lojtdox, Nor. 25. George H. Pendleton,
Unite! States minister to Germany under
ujevsiana, aiea at .Brussels iwr, evening.
1 m
Fun in the Kitchen.
Parents if you have children at hrme,
you shou'd plan to nuke fun fr them.
Real, solid, sensible fun. D n't treat your
ch'ldren as you would If they were fifty
years old. Jast thick bck when ycu
were children, whit kicd of fun you uvd
to e j)y. No parent is fit to bring up
children unless he ia willing to provide
fun as well as food for his children. Sto
ry te'ling and story read'ng are the best
kinds of fun for children. Rad new
stories and then tell thrm to your child
ren. They will want to Imr the same
story told over and over agaio. It is one
of the easiest aid best methods of impart
ing instruction. . It : will instil facts and
principles into children's minds tint will
never become effaced. You can weaye in
historic facts about men and events that
will be of great use in after years. :
; men there are other kitchen er joy-
ments, such as providing something l are
to eat in the evening around the kitchen
stove. Don't think your children must
come in and 9pe&d tbe whole lag wine
evenipg without rfirrlncr. talking or. augb
ing. The best th'oir Tr an t-vnlng enter
tainment with children is a plate of apple?
We sy get a barrel of apples If yru hav'
to trade three barrels of corn for t'lera. Bu
if the app'es can't be had you can eet pip
corn. Popp?rg corn is just grand fun f.
children. They will r jiv it two or thr
evenings in a week. Everybody can hav
popcorn in th's state. If you did rc
raiee aEy at home, go out, boys, and earn
a sack, brink it home and preserve it f
winter use. 8craping flit tnrnip wss a
fuu for us once that we used to cnjiy.
Slice eff the top and scrape with a tahl
knife and eat as you scrape.
Then you should remember the holi
days and gala days such as independence .
tbankpgivintr, chriatma?, oewyear an
Aprilfool. Have pome thing out of tbe or
dinary course of vear s that will kef t
your children t home. Better let then
invite other children to come in, than tba
yourchi'dren be urder the necessity ot
going out uoon the street to look for fut
on their own account.
If you are a, a loss bow to manage you
children as some old maid or bachelor
they can tell you at one. Children r
mind us cf apples, thote that are careful Ij
picked and laid away will keep, but thop
that are shook eff are full of bruises arc'
will not keen half Wtr.
Wm. Daily & Co.
Cattle, Hogs, Sheep
and Horses;
MENTS. ROOM 34, Exchange Building,
Union Stock Yauds, South Omaiia.
References; Ask your Bankers. 18tf
J. C. McBItlDE H. S. BELL.
Real -Estate,
X-.oa.rL and. Insurance
Office, 107 S. 11th St.,
Agents for M. K. &Trust Co. nouses Bunt
on t.u years' time. Debt cancelled In case of
Death. Anything to trade let us know of it.
"W" CD 3R. 3SI J3 .
CHA'S NEIDHART, Proprietor.
EstsLlolisliecl 1868.
Branch Yards, Brownville and Rock Port, Mo.
Kenesawy Adams County, Nebr.
Breeder and Shipper f Recorded 'Poland
China i:Hogs. Choice Breeding Stock for
sale. Write for wants. Mention The Alliance.
For Sale or Rent,
A Roller Flouring mill with water
power, one mile from Lincoln.
Great Western Feed Steame
Cooks one to three barrels feed at one filling.
Fire box surrounded with water on top and
sides. Any kind of fuel. Easily managed and
cieanea as a dox stove. sena tor Circulars.
gents wanted. ROVEE H. M. CO..
Uml6 Tama, Iowa.
J. THORP & Co.,
Manufacturers of
Rubber Stamps, Seals,
Stencils, Badges and
Baggage Checks
r" Everv Description. Established 1880.
8. ilthS?" P UNCOLNHNE&
3S 1 I
i (til :T"
Will be closed out at Cost. MUST BE SOLD.
Examine Goods and Prices. This is your op
portunity to buy cheap. Try it.
Magnificent Premium Offer!
oo :
In order to compensate our friends for their aid In extending the circulation of Th
Alliance we make the following UNPRECEDENTKDLY LIBERAL OFFERS of Premiums:
History of the Johnstown Flood. '
Illustrated. 450 pages. Cloth binding, elegant print. RETAIL PRICE SH.S0. We will cn4
The Altarrce one Year and this book, post-paid, for $1,76. Or, we will send the book for
Seve new names for one year at one dollar.
Magner's Farmers' Encyclopedia.
Profusely Illustrated. Beautifully bound in muslin and gilt. K10 pages. This is a well
Known Standard work. It embraces a full compendium of veterinary knowledge In all
branches of farm husbandry, and a va.t amount of information which Phou'd lo in every
farmers' family. RETAIL PRICE $2,75. Wo will send this rook, post-paid, and The Alllanc
One Year for $2,60. Or, we will send the book for twelve new names at one dollar.
Stanley's Wonderful Adventures in Africa.
Prof usely Illustrated. Beautiful muslin and gilt binding. 687 pages. This is a book of
absorbing interest, aud no one will regret its purchase even at much nioro than our price.
RETAIL PRICE $2,75. We will send this book, post-paid, and The Alliance one year for $2,73
Or, we w ill send the book for twelve naw names at one dollar.
We are enabled to make these unparatieiea oilers because of wholesale contract mad
with jobbers. '
Labor and Capital, by Edward Kellogg.
This work read by every ,'man who is interested In the financial problem. We
will senct a copy, post-paid, to eyery subscriber
Club Terms with the JOmaha Weekly Bee:
We will send The Au-.lANCK5and?the WeeklyBoo with Premium, one year, for $2. SO.
Or, The Alliance and the Weekly Bee without Premium, one year, for $1.75.
For our Lady Friends.
SILK CREPE SHAWL, 33 inches square xusiue of fringe, which is 3 knot .1 inches deep,
Thi3 is a very beautiful and dressy shoulder shawl. Colors, block, cream, pink, cardinal,
light blue and lemon. We will send The Alliance one . vent and this shawl post-paid Tor
$3.75. Or, we wl! send the shawl for fourteen new names at $1.00 a year.
With heavy all over hand embroidery: size inside of fringe 3 inches square, with S knot
heavy tyt inch silk fringe. A very rich and dressy shawl. Colors, old gold, pearl, cream, nlnk.
white, light blue and cardinal. Wo will fend
post-paid for $7.25. Or, wo will send the shawl for 32 new names at one dollar a year.
Persons competing for these premiums and failing to obtain enough names totuvuro
them, will receive our regular cash commission, viz: we send five papers one year Tor f 4 H.
Our Lady friends can easily obtain these beautiful shawls by spending a portion of their
.uisure canvassing for The Alliance. Address,
Alliance Publishing Co., Lincoln, Neb.
BaT" Money sent by bank draft, Express orPost Oflice order, or Registered
Letters at our risk. Stamps and Postal
Cleveland and Shire Horses.
I will make special prices and liberal terms to parties buying before winter.
200 High-Bred IIolstein-Friesian Cattle. Deep Milking Strains at Low Prices.
When answering Advertisements mention The Alhance. I6n
The way to do this is to ship your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Veal. Hay, Grain,. Wool, Hldwi.
Xeans, Breom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits. Vegetables, or anything you have, to us. Th
tact that you may have been selling these articles at homo for years is no reason that you
should continue to do so if you can find a botter nrket. We make a specialty of receiving
diipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS, and probably have tho largest trade in
:his way of any house in this market. Whilst you are looking around for the cheapest mar
ket in which to buy your goods and thus economizing in that way, it will certainly pay you
to give some attention to the best and most profitable wr' of disposing of your produce. We
invite correspondence from INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all organization
who desire to ship their produce to this market. If requested, we will send you freo of
;harge our dally market report, shipping directions and such information as will be of ser
vice to you if you contemplate shipping. Let us hear from you.
REFERENCE: Metropolitan Nation Bank, Chicago. Mention The Alliauce
Grinds finer, runs lighter, is
aIro Manufacturers of Hand
Rhlom PnettTol Diirsers. Sscna ior taiaiogue ueiore ouyiug. akvuh nnuicumuvu-
pied Territory.
C. W. MCCOY. . S. F. McCOY.
BELL & Co.
(Successors to McCoy Bios.)
Live StockCommission
Merchants. .
Room 39 Exchange Building. Cash Advances
' on Consignments.
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
, Nebraska. tf33
Shorthand, and Typewriting, ia the best and largest
College In the West. SO Students in attendance last
year. Students pmoared for business in from 8 to
months. Experienc . d faculty. Personal instruction .
BeautiTui illustrated taloKiie, colletce Journals, and
specimens of pr&mauhlp, sent free by addrt-HSing
, LILLI BRIDGE & BOOSE, Lincoln, Neb.
H. C. S T O L Ij,
- .1 ... :
The 5Iost Improved Breeds of
Poland China, Chester White, Small Yorkshlro
and Essex Hogs. Satisfaction guaranteed in
all cases. P. O. Address. BEATRICE "-
for The Aixianck at $1.00 per year.
The Alliance one year and tlio above sliawi
Notes at risk of sender.
For Corn and Cobs, Feed and Table Meal. It
more durable thun nuy mill on the market.
ft Self-Dump Hay Rakes, Cultivators, Corn
In our effort to be Independent of the Trust
we have gotten somcsugar, nice bright yellow
like the old-fanhioned Plantation, Clarified.
They really have more sweetening quality
than the Refined White. WILL YOU HEL
THIS MOVEMENT to get ahead of the Trust?
Packed In Linen bags of about 100 lbs. Priow
$5,75 per bag.
Write for full Catalogue. Sent Fret-.
H. It. EAGLE & Co.,
Farmers Wholesale
Supply House,
Real Estate,
Have somo Fine Rargains in Improved
Lots For Sale In Every Addition in the City.
m i . - -
beam c:x IIRT
Freight 1-ald.
Warranted for & Years
Aeats VTaaled. Head for Terms.
Bar and WarcfcoMa (teal.
, -.r?r.