The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889, October 26, 1889, Image 1

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NO. 19.
Lincoln, - - - Nebraska.
J. BURROWS, : : Editor.
J, M. THOMPSON, Associate Editor.
All communications for a5f' ?25&d
be addressed to THE ALLIANCE PLIlLISH
1NG CO., aud all matters pertaining to the
Farmers Alliance, includitg subscriptions to
the papc. to the Secretary.
Notice to Subscribers.
As the easiest and cheapest means of noti
fying subscribers of the date of their expira
tion? wo will mark this notice with a blue or
red rencil on the date at which their sub
scription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration.. If not renewed
by that time it will be discontinued.
The Alliance!
Magniflcent Premiums !
Tiie Alliance has been started as
the official organ of the Nebraska State
Farmers' Alliance. It has already
taken a high place among the papers
of the country, and is gaining patron
age which promises to make it a bril
liant success.
It will be conducted SOLELY IX
its Editor, is President of the National
Farmers' Alliance, and Chairman of
the Executive Committee of the Farm
ers' State Alliance. He has had long
experience in newspaper work. He
will bring to his aid able'men in differ
ent spheres of thought, and w ill make
The Alliance one of the ablest pa
pers in the west.
The Alliance will be absolutely
in the discussion of all public ques
tions.- Its publishers will accept no
patronage from corporations that will
embarrass their free expression of
opinion upon all topics. NO MONEY
the ALLiAJSUJi win be lound in
the front ranks of the opposition to all
trusts and combinations to throttle com
petition, and extort from the producers
and laborers the lion's sharelof the fruits
of their toil.
We shall advocate the tree coinage
of Bilver the same as gold, and its re
storation to its old time place in our
The issue of all paper money direct
to the people on land security, and an
increase of its volume proportioned to
increased production and population:
Government ownership of railroads;
The U. S. postal telegraph;
The restriction of land ownership to
the users of land, and its reasonable
The exclusion of alien landlords;
The election of U. S. Senators by a
direct vote of the people;
And all other reforms which will
inure to the benefit of the Farmers
and Workingmen.
was the first man to officially propose
the union of the Northern and South
ern Alliances into one body; and the
first to propose the formation of a Na
tional Business Committee.which prom
ises to develop into one of the large st
co-operative enterprises in the world.
" Now Brother Farmers and Working
men, it remains for you to prove that
the often-made assertion that you will
not stand bv your own friends, is false.
We appeal to you for support. Give
us your support and we will give you a
grand paper.
Every member of the Alliance, and
every Farmer, should make the suc
cess of this paper HIS OWN INDI
We want an agent in every Alliance
in the North.
Terms, Single Subscriptions $1.00 per
year, invariably in adyance; or, Five
yearly Subscriptions Four Dollars.
Canvassers wanted.
MIUM OFFER in our advertising
All kinds of Job Work
Promptly and neatly executed at rea
souable prices. Particular attention
given to Alliance work.
Address, Alliance Pub. Co
Lincoln. Neb
A .new Trinity. Church Howe,
rp n r i -r rt
J.OH1 .aiajors ana John b. btull are
stumping Nemaha county together. Tom
Majors has been considered heretofore
half-way respectable. He has most of
the time been in onnosition to Clmroh
J. x
Howe. In this campaign he is sand
wiched between two of the vilest politi
eal knaves in the country, and expects
" to benefit by the association. ' A viler
political trinity was never organized. If
these men elect a treasurer the public
funds of Nemaha county will be at the
service of the corporations in the next
state campaign. The people of Nemaha
county know this well enough, and
therefore will vote with their eyes open.
Our Ships That Can Never Come In.
Ob, wondrously fair are the Islands of Rest
The islands we never have seen
But we know they are smiling out there in
the West,
The! r valleys all glowl ng 1 n gree n.
No cloud ever crosses their tropical sky.
They know naught of sadness or sin,
At rest in their harbor, all peacefully He
Our ships that can never come in.
There dwell thefair faces our fancies may see,
With eyes of the tenderest blue,
That come in our slumbers to you and to me.
In dreams that can never come true.
We joyfully greet them, nor wish they were
Midst earth's ceaseless sorrow and din.
They are blissfully guarding the hopes that
are dear
Our ships that never come in.
Manderson's Melancholy.
Good-by, certificate, Good-by! i
This parting brings a deep-born sigh.
I never wanted you at all ;
Still I'm regretting your recall.
And to my mind the thought will come,
Four thousand is a nice little sum.
I've always had a gnawing fear
I eouldrit read my title clear;
Still, bad the public shut its eyes,
I might have caught your pretty prize.
I very frequently have pressed
The inside pocket of my vest,
And wished with tintings of despair
I had the smn you called for there.
Thoujh Tanner meant well, I confess
He's made a rather sorry mess;
And since this thing began I've feared
My popularity is "queered."
But Tanner's honest so is Ben
We all of us are honest men.
And thus I gladly let you go,
Because the people will it so.
No one our motives dare impeach.
Chicago Herald.
Taxation on the
Lines of Least Resist
ance. While a surplus revenue is accumu
lating iu the treasury it would not seem
necessary to seek new points upon
which to apply taxation. But it is de
sirable to impose all taxes upon the
lines oi least resistance that is upon
lines wnere they will he least ielt as a
burden by the people. The principle
which seems to have become quite firm
ly established of taxing a portion or all
of the people for the benefit of another
portion of them, through the tariff, is
un-American, inasmuch as it is unequal
in its operation. As it is stimulated by
special interests it becomes unjust and
oppressive; and the day will never come
when a fair system of. taxation, which
will bear equally upon all classes, can
be evolved out of it.
An income tax is advocated because
it tends to place taxation upon those
who are most able to bear it. But it
cannot be fully commended as placing
taxation equally upon all classes ac
cording to their wealth and the protec
tion they receive. When lines of resist
ance are considered its objectionable
teatures are at once seen, it is an
odious and inquisitorial tax, and would
cause immense friction in its collection.
-me uwiav scneme 10 lay au laxes
upon land values is under discussion
If it would accomplish half that its ad
vocates claim it ought to be adopted at
once. lint it is not clear that it would
do so. The tariff tax is imposed to nro-
tect. The single land tax would be im
posed to destroy private ownership of
and. Both of these motives are for
eign to the legitimate purpose of taxa
tion. This is to raise a revenue for the
actual necessary expenses of govern
ment. The single land tax will prima
rily transfer all taxation upon consump
tion, and to that extent diffuse it equally
through all classes. Under that system
if a citizen could get along without
consuming anything he could evade all
. 1 - 1 i
taxation, uniess ne happened to be a
tiller of the soil. But as all taxes are
paid out of current business and cur
rent production, and not out of accu
cumulated capital, ultimately the single
tax would fall upon production. Car
ried to its final analysis, it would rest
upon .the actual producers of wealth
from the soil. Hence this tax. instead
of being levied upon lines of least re
sistance, would impose an unusual aud
unbearable burden in fact all the bur
aen oi taxation upon one class, viz:
the actual soil tillers.
We . will not deny that the land be
longs to the community, and that its
value is created by the community, and
that in an abstract sense it would be
just for the community to confiscate this
value, as the single-taxers propose. But
there are other values which the ' com
munity have created, the right of the
community to which is undisputed, and
which could be taxed, or retained and
used for purposes of revenue, with per
fect justice, and without radically chang
ing long-established institutions. These
values consist of franchises. The value
ot franchises arises exactly as rent arises, Casper for member of congress, and in
from aggregations of population and the state vote for John H. Ames for su
their growing needs. The state of Illi- preme judge. If you cannot do this,
,nois affords one excellent example in
the Illinois Central railroad of revenue
uerivea irom a irancnise. isy the re-
A J 11
teniion oi a small per cent oi the gross
receipts of that road, Illinois is almost
relieved from a state tax. There can be
tax devised that would diffuse its
burden so equally and so imperceptibly
over all classes of the people as a tax
upon the gross receipts of railway, ex-
press and telegraph companies. Like
Mr. George's land tax, it would collect
itself. : Unlike that tax. it would not ho.
necessary to impose a great burden to
gain a small revenue. Its extent couia
be graduated according to need; and as
business increased ks burden could be
diminished. With the Henry George
tax increase of values must increase the
imposition. The purpose of the tax be
ing to destroy speculative rent, the vol
ume of the tax must all the time ad
I vance as rent advances.
But suppose, instead of relinquishing
its own property, the public franchises,
into the hands of corporations or indi
viduals, and then taxing them, the com
munity retains original possession and
uses them for the purpose of defraying
the expenses of the government. The
city of Lincoln has granted that is
given away franchises which, properly
administered by the city government,
w ould defray all its expenses, and in
time lay out parks and adorn them, es
tablish libraries and endow schools.
These franchises go to enrich a few fa
vored individuals, and build up monop
olies which are grevious burdens. Cer
tainly, with'all our boasted progress our
; methods are full of unreason, and far
behind what our intelligence and our
civilization demand. The same is true
of the state and the nation. If they
used their own wealth for the benefit of
the whole people, instead of conferring
it as a bounty upon special classes"
much of the injustice of privilege would
disappear, and the burden of taxation
be lifted.
. This is the time of year when great
solicitude is felt about the welfare of
the farmers. In the opinion of most of
professional politicians and all of the
candidates, it is important that the
farmers' interests should receive more
looking after by our legislative solons,
and that he is entitled to a much higher
place in the government than he actu
ally receives; and each one of these can
didates and professionals is just the
man to accord these high privileges if
he can get the opportunity. And he
will remain steadfast in that opinion
until after election. But as a prelimi
nary to entitle the farmer to this char
itable consideration he must "stick by
the party" and "vote the straight ticket."
President Elliott, long a republican,
then a. mugwump,
and now declaring
his adhesion to the democratic party,
declares that every man should join one
of two leading parties, and his failure
to do so is evidence that he is without
political convictions. -A fervid republi
can county boss in southern Kansas de
clared last week that a desertion of his
political party wras as much a crime as
a desertion of his colors in time of bat
tle by a soldier. Both of these posi
tions are radically wrong. With all
men of honor adhesion to a party im
plies acceptance of the rule of the ma
jerity in, that party, and a support of
the candidates and principles which
have the approval of that majority. The
man wrho remains in a party, and at the
same time stabs its candidates and op
poses its declarations, is a traitor in the
house of his friends, and will receive
the contempt he deserves. If corrupt
men and bad counsels are approved by
the majority, the only manner in which
a self-respecting man can assert his
manhood is by withdrawing from the
party and opposing it until better coun
sels prevail.
Nearly all the corrupt practices, credit
mobilier steals and vile judicial decis
ions have been made possible by en
forcing the dogma that men must vote
the straight ticket, no matter if a yellowr
dog was nominated. Per contra, every
reform that has been accomplished, and
every advance that has been made to
wards a higher civilization and better
political methods has been brought
about by men who broke the shackles
of party and repudiated the domination
of the caucus. If the opposite principle
nau prevailed L,oveiov would have re
mained silent, and Wendell Phillips and
Wm. Loyd Garrison been smothered
beneath a party majority.
.No. Xrue manhood and the sturdy
independence that makes a free people
demands the independent voter. JS'o
man who is imbued with the spirit of a
Hampden can subordinate his con
science to a political caucus. approaching election oners a case
peculiarly in point. The republican
candidate for Supreme Judge is the
creature of the railroad power of this
state. Were he pure as the driven snow.
and as deaf to the voice of corruption
as the sphinx, no self-respecting citizen
who is opposed to the domination of
corporate power can give him his suf
frage. Such men owe it to 1 themselves
and to their state and county to rebuke
the power that placed Mr. Norval in
nomination. Though their rebuke may
have no practical effect, they will at
least preserve their own self-respect.
In the Second district vote for C. D.
abstain from voting, and then you will
have no blood on your skirts.
All Eights Reserved. Senator
Stewart says that when the government
DC" BCluw a qua.. sauuu w iu.u
it ought to guarantee him enough water
for irrigating purposes.
So it had. Turn about is fair play, j
That is what it has been doing in the
case of franchises given to corporations
I for the tast twentv vears.
"The New York money market has
been a little tight. I , Notwithstanding
Bradstreet's improving business, money
on call has brought from 8 to 20 per
cent of late. Mr. Secretary of the Treas
ury went down to New York the other
day, and just to ease the money market,
bought seventeen mijljon dollars worth
of bonds, for which he paid twenty mil
lions of dollars. Every little whipper
snapper of a machine paper in the
country has been laading Mr. Windom j
for this transaction. "What splendid j
financiering," etc., etc.
Let's see about it. In considering
financial transactions it is proper to be
gin at the beginning.- - If the purchase
of seventeen million - dollars' worth of
bonds for twenty million dollars would
relieve a stringency, the leaving of the
twenty millions in the hands of the peo
ple would have prevented it, would it
not? If this twenty million dollars had
been left in the hands of the people,
where it belonged, instead of paying
seventeen million dollars of three per
cent debt, it would have paid twenty
million dollars of ten, per cent debt.
The actual loss to the people in this
brilliant financial transaction includes
the three million bonus given to bond
holders, and the unpaid 7 per cent on
the unpaid .twenty millions of ten per
cent debt, and amounts in all to about
eight million dollarsdead loss.
From the financiering that creates a
stringency by locking up the people's
money, and then relieves it by paying
twenty per cent bonus on bonds on
which the government has an option,
- New Decision Bearing on the Beef
The Iowa supreme court has just de
cided a whiskey case in which the prin
ciple embraced by the decision of the
Minnesota court in regard to the beef
inspection lawr is involved. The decis
ion is that the constitutional right , of
the United States government to regu
late inter-state comme"ce ceases as soon
as the goods reach their destination at
which point the state Iniay at once take
the goods out of the hands of the car
rier and destroy them. This principle
must apply to all goods as well as whis-
key. It is in accord -'with common
sense and sound principle! It is exactly
in accord with the position we took a
few weeks ago, when commenting on
the Minnesota decision. " The opposite
principle, which it was claimed by the
Bee that the Minnesota: decision estab
lished, would absolutely destroy every
vestige of state power to regulate or
prohibit the sale of any article, or to
protect its citizens from adulterations
and frauds.
Under the Iowa decision an inspec
tion of cattle on the hoof at the place of
slaughter may be made legal, and the
importation of dressed beef indirectly
prohibited. While the state may not
prohibit its importation, it has the un
doubted right to regulate its sale, or
prohibit it altogether if it so chooses.
The prominence which leading pa
pers are giving to the currency ques
tion fully justifies the memorial on that
subject which was issued by the State
Alliance last winter. The position of
this memorial wras that a large and con
tinuous increase of population and pro
duction demanded a corresponding in
crease of money, the agency for ex
changing products; and it showed that,
instead of such increase a large decrease
had taken place
The bankers' convention at Kansas
City practically admitted the truth of
these propositions, and that the country
had reached such a condition of pros
tration from that cause that relief was
sorely needed. But it did not possess
smncient statesmansnip to lormuiate a
plan of relief. The scheme that, was
proposed by Mr, St. John, of retiring
the greenbacks and increasing the sil
ver coinage to four millions per month,
has been rejected by the Central Execu
tive Committee
So, this great combination of bankers
these men of "brains" who, with their
money, rule this country these men
who have fought silver, and by their
policy of contraction have brought the
country to the verge of ruin meet in
convention and fail to offer the country
any plan of relief. .
The Bee, in an article on "silver and
greenbacks," in its issue of the 21st,
makes some statements which. Avhile
fully in accord with the Alliance me
morial, will strike the average gold-bug
as rather startling. Speaking of the
proposed retirement of the greenbacks,
it says, - in the nrst piace it is not nec
essary to an improvement of our cur
rency to do so, and in the second place
the legal tender notes are a part of the
circulation which costs the people
TnE circulation." The Bee goes on to
say that there is no good reason Avhy the
legal tender notes should be retired to
give piace to anotner iorm of currency
T .1 l
which would increase the taxes of the
people. 4
This is exactly the
greenback people on
ground of the
this question
Thfi. ft h1imir.0d o,i
million doUars of greenbacks supposed
to be in existence. They cannot be re
tired without a law by congress author
lzmg it. No one wants them redeemed,
as it is called. The people prefer them
to gold. In fact they redeem gold
with them every day, if exchanging gold
for them is redeeming it. And yet su
preme folly the government exchanged
its interest-bearing bonds for one hun
dred million dollars of gold, as a green
back redemption fund, and holds that
gold locked up in- the treasury idle,
while all industry is languishing for it.
If the Bee would progress just a little
further, and advocate the release of
gold from its idle imprisonment, it
would show considerable intelligence.
The Bee truly says:
"It is necessary to material progress
and to the prosperity of the masses of
the people that enterprise shall not be
checked and curtailed by a contraction
of the currency, and the next congress
will have no more important matter to
consider than that of providing against
any reduction in the volume ofthe cur
rency." This is all right as far as it goes. But
we invite the attention of the Bee to the
fact that an enormous contraction, both
absolute and relative to production and
population, has already taken place,
and has nearly throttled all legitimate
industry. This contraction must not
only be. stopped; but a corresponding
expansion take place, to restore pros
perity and do justice to the producing
Monday evening last we had a oosy
ride with a district judge. He is a genial
gentleman, with a high sense of probity
and honor. The conductor came along,
and we contributed our paste-board,
bought with cash. The judge looked
up, the conductor asked his destination,
made a memorandum, and passed along.
The judge was riding on a pass. This
pass is worth to the judge probably
. . . i 1 i -a
about $300 a year, or upward. .Now we
now that judge pretty well, and it is
our opinion that if we had a case in his
court, and should put $300 in ah envel
ope and hand it to him, marked "com
plimentary," we would very speedily
get into jail. But the other fellow the
corporation probably has a case in his
court every term. And the sheriff who
serves the process, the clerk who makes
the docket, the reporter who makes the
ecords, all have that little "compli
mentary" $300. Add the juror, the as
sessor, the legislator, each during his
term, and every other business and pro-
essional man In the community "bend
ng the supple knee" to that artificial
person the corporation suing for the
same favor. Is it any wonder that the
moral sense of the community is blunt
ed, and moral standards lowered, when
these' tHings are permitted? .
The Kansas State Alliance held its an
nual meeting at Topeka, Oct. 2d. One
iiundred and thirteen delegates were
present. The secretary's report shows
the Alliance to be in a very flourishing
condition. He says:
"The outlook for the Alliance in Kan
sas is very encouraging indeed, Since
our former report one hundred and forty-five
new Alliances have been char
tered, and county organizations have
been effected in Morris, Bourbon, Otta
wa, Norton, Phillips, Rawlins and Chey
enne counties; and many other coun
ties will organize soon. Our members
in many places are reaching out for sub
stantial benefits, and co-operative asso
ciations and joint stock companies have
been formed, and business operations
begun. ,
The state meeting adopted some ring
ing resolutions. Among them was one
in favor of the Australian voting sys
The officers for the ensuing year are,
President, I. M. Morris, White City;
Secretary, T. J. McLain, Peabody.
The delegates to St. Louis are, Pres't
I. M. Morris, Secretary T. J. McLain,
Dr. G. Rohrer, of Chase; Col. Percy
Daniels, of Girard; and Henry Shapcott,
of V ellington.
The delegates were instructed to fa
vor the union of the .Northern and
Southern Alliances.
It would be supposed that a confer
ence of all the American states to pro
mote trade relations would propose
some scheme to remove restrictions
upon trade. If there was some natural
barrier between this country and South
America plans would be suggested to
remove it. But as God has established
a free water way between them, arti
ficial barriers in the form of import du
ties have been established, which are
as effectual restrictions upon trade as a
chain of mountains or an impassable
river. And now, instead of removing
these unnatural restrictions,and letting
trade establish itself, the restrictions
are to be preserved, and men induced
to surmount them by bounties and
subsidies. ; Having taxed commerce to
death by a 45 per cent tariff, Jim Blaine
proposes to resuscitate it by more tax
ation. No comment necessary.
Farmers Meeting at Weeping Water,
A meeting of the farmers of Cass Co.
will be held at Weeping Water on Sat
urday, Oct. 26, at 2 o'clock P. MM under
the auspices of the Cass County Alli
ance. Hon. C. H. Van Wyck and J
Burrows will address the meeting. We
are informed that a large turn out is
expected. .
The Lincoln Call (rep.) says, "The
grand old party is a grand old fraud i
it allows such cheap tools as Norval and
Laws to be its favored sons."
Winfield, Kansas, Oct: 19, 1889.
In response to an invitation from the
Cowley County Alliance I left Lincoln
Friday morning last to meet with that
Alliance here this afternoon. Crossing
the state of Kansas from north to south,
m a V
or vice versa, is a devious tasK, wincn l
will not undertake again until the Gulf
harbor is completed, whei time cards
will be arranged for connections north
and south as well as east and west. Be
tween Lincoln and Winfield there were
four lay-offs, making vexatious delays,
viz: at Manhattan, Abilene, strong uy
and Newton. ' A zigzag route. Long
before reaching Winfield I felt like the
old time fox of Kinderhook, didn't know
whether I was going on or coming back.
But I reached Winfield at last, and
found a beautiful little city of fiye or
a .m 1i j1 11
six thousand people, built or tne ngni
limestone rock common in that part of
Kansas! (The city, not the people,
built of the rock, I mean.) Broad
streets, electric lights, street railways,
three great railroads, a surrounding
country of unsurpassed fertility all it
needs to abound in wealth is a system
of irrigation to make it independent of
hot winds and brassy skies, and an im
proved financial system whichy will
make good prices for products. Trade
is dull, extremely dull, the weight of
debt, forced by low prices and .several
years of bad crops, bears heavilj upon
the people of this region, as on other re
gions where the same conditions exist.
But in spite of the load the Kansas farm
ers are struggling under, that villianous
little devil Jay Gould is in thirstate
making propositions for more bonuses
for railroad . improvements. At . Fort
Scott he wanted right of way through
one of their streets, and right of way
or a belt line around the city, and one
mndred and fifty thousand dollars bo
nus, tor which he would make a new
connection and build, or let some one j
else build, the belt line. When his sa-
anship wants to make a trip out west
le just picks up one or two such schemes
to pay the expenses of his party, and
scoop in a few hundred thousand in ad
dition. And the poor deluded town
boomers fall into his trap, and load their
town with bonds so that high rents and
axes more than neutralize the doubtful
benefit of new railroads.
At Winfield I found a large gathering
of Cowley county farmers, with their
wives and daughters, all members of
the Alliance. There were many from
neighboring counties also.. President B.
i. Clover, of the State Alliance, was
present, and presided at the meeting,
and the pleasant beaming face of Mrs.
Clover added pleasure to the occasion.
An unexpected pleasure also awaited
me in the meeting with Hon. Ben.
Terrell, National Lecturer of the South
ern jurisdiction. This gentleman had
come straight across the country from
North Caaolina to attend this meeting
and others in Kansas. He is a man of
medium height, with blue eyes and
sandy complexion, and a pleasing and
cordial address. He was moulded ex
actly lor a national lecturer, lie is a
most admirable talker, clear, cogent,
smiling, humorous. He meets the farm
ers on their own level, and pleases, con
vinces and instructs them. His whole
soul is in the Alliance work, and good
will result from his labors wherever he
goes. I look forward to the time when
he will make a tour of Nebraska.
I have never met a more intelligent
audience than at Winfield. These Alii
ance men and women understand the
situation, and fully realize that they
must pool their issues and stand together
for their interests, unless they would be
come entirely subordinated to the inter
ests of other combinations.
Mr. Terrell made an instructive lec
ture in the forenoon. In the afternoon
Mr. Burrows spoke, followed by a brief
address from Mr. Terrell.
All these people are looking forward
with great hope to the St. Louis meet
ing, when they expect to see the North
era and southern Alliances joined in
one body.
In the southern half of Kansas fal
rains have been plenty; the winter
w neat is most sown, and much oi it is
up and looking fine. J. B
A Cereal Mill at St. Joe Over the
The manufacturers of cereal pro
ducts, such as hominy, pearl barley
cracked wheat, etc., apaear to have
trust. A friend informs us that a pri
vate enterprise for making these pro
ducts was formed at St. Joe. This
would be a nice thing for the town
and a nice thing for the farmers. When
the building was about ready for the
machinery jt was found that its manu
facturers had been absorbed by a trust
No machinery was to be had iu the
country. Well, they would go to Scot
land for machinery, though it was not
as good as the American. But on ex
amining into this matter it was found
that there was a duty of 80 per cent on
such machinery. The building at St
Joe is rotting, the labor it would have
employed is idle, the farmers have lost
their market, and the capitalists have
lost their money. Tally, one for the
trust and tariff.
' We invite attention to our Specia
Premiums for ladies. See advertising
Corporation-Republican Lying.
uThe democrats of Iowa fixed up a
little plot with a recent president of
the state farmers' alliance to raid the
reputation of Senator Hutchinson, the
republican candidate for governor. The
republicans however nipped the scheme
in the bud. They produced document
ary evidence showing that the ex-president
had within a few weeks strongly en
dorsed Hutchinson as the friend of the
farmers and all that could be desired,
and they made the fact of his purchase
by the democrats so patent that he and
his allies are covered with general con
tempt as with a garment."
The lying effrontery of the above
from that brass-collared sheet the Lin
coln Jouanal is only equalled by the
depth of its ignorance about the Iowa
Alliance. The Alliance of Iowa, like
that of Nebraska; is a non-par tizan
body. Its support of or opposition to a
candidate is based solely upon his rec
ord as a friend of the farmers, or other
wise, and his personal fitness for posi-.
tion, and not at-all upon his party affili
ations. The railroads of Iowa defeated
Gov. Larrabee in convention, and nom
inated Mr. Hutchinson. Investigation
of the latter's record showed that
through all his public career he had
been a facile, though obscure, tool of
the corporations. Mr. Ashby, never a
president, but now and for some time
past, state lecturer of the Iowa Al
liance, published this record, and ad
yised the members of the Alliance to
defeat Mr. Hutchinson; and defeated
he will be.
The railroad organs have no resource
in the truth; so they are covering Mr.
Ashby with abuse, and spreading the
a a tm m 1 J 1 A . 11 A.
vile taiseuooa uiai ne nas ueen wouguv
by the democrats. In other words.
they appeal to the partisan tie and party
fidelity to save their caudidate, in a con
test in which no partisan issue is at
stake, but where the fight lies solely be-
ween the corporations and the people.
Will the people be hoodwinked any long-
by this kind of stuffy
These lying Railroad-republican vil-
ains can rest assured mat tne Mate
Alliance of Iowa is back of its State
ecturer; and they had better pull Mr.
Hutchinson off the track, and put a
reputable man in his place; for salt
petre won't save him.
Snoirr of Cars. A Chicago dis
patch of Oct. 21 says:
"A careful canvas failed, to-day, to
find a solitary Chicago road, bound in
any direction, which was itot com
plaining of a scarcity of cars. The
least shortage was 500 cars on any line,
and the Pennsylvania was 2,500 short.'
In view of the fact that the grain re
ceipts last week were over 3,000 tons
short of the receipts for the corre
sponding week of 1888, and the gross
receipts at Chicago almost exactly the
same, this shortage of cars would seem
remarkable. It proves that railroad
officials are interested in buying grain ,
and that they are in a conspiracy to
force the price still lower. They know
that the farmers cannot haul their
their grain to Chicago in wagons, and
the take this method to glut the eleva
tors and make money scarcer, so as to
buy the grain at still lower prices. And
every paper that helps spread this lie
about the scarcity of cars is either the
willing tool or ignorant dupe of these
plundering operators.
The following from the Iowa Home
stead is exactly applicable to Nebraska.
Therefore we adopt it, and recommend
action in accordance with it.
A great many Alliances should be
organized before the winter sets in.
The counties that have county "Alliances
should at once put an active, energetic
man, who is enthusiastic for the Al
liance, Id to the field as county organizer.
The local Alliances should always have
their eyes open to find favorable local
ities in which to organize new Alliances
es. When they find such a neighbor
hood they should appoint a committee
to arrange the time and place for the
meeting, and should instruct the com
mittee to call the meeting and prop
erly notify those living in the locality.
If there be a county organizer, he should
be notified of the meeting and invited
to be present Mid help in the work of
organizing. But no locality should
wait to be orgrnized. Let the man who
feels an interest in having a good, live
farm organization in his neighborhood
call a meeting for the purpose of organ
izing. Then let him send to the State
Secretary for constitution, blank appli
cations, etc. If there be an Alliance
near enough invite some of the mem
bers to assist,orif there be a county or
ganizer, send an invitation for him to
be present. But do not wait for anyone.
Go ahead. Elect a chairman and sec
retary as temporary officers. Have the
constitution read and such other litera
ture as you mav have bearing upon the
organization. Call upon those present
for a brief disscussionof the benefits of
organizing, and the advisability of or
ganizing then and there. Then let the
secretary enroll those who will become
charter members. If sufficient names
be obtained to secure a charter, proceed
to elect officers, chooe a name, and fill
out the application according to the
blank. Adopt the State and local con
stutition by a vote. Appoint such a com
mittees as may be needed. There is no
civil township in Iowa where an Alli
ance should not succeed, and succeed
well. Where an Alliance succeeds it
means a bettering of farm conditions iu
every line. Therefore organize.
It is said that natural gas has; been
discovered at Chicago. Probably the
World's Fair Correspondence Commit
tee has sprung a leak.