3 - KENTUCKY COLONELS. How It Happens that They Are So Numerous In the . Blue-Grass , State. It Is somewhat hard for an outside barbarian to understand why "Col onels' are so plentiful in Kentucky. In the first place Kentucky furnished a great many soldiers, both, to the Northern and to the Southern armies, during the war, and naturally 60rae of these soldiers are sure-enough colonels by rank and service. Others who were minor officers, or perhaps , high pri vates, are now dubbed colonels by way of courtesy. Then we have a very few colonels who hold over from the Mexi can war, and there are other colonels of militia, like the Louisville Legion, who come by their titles honestly. The Governor, of Kentucky has the privilege of appointing persons on his staff with the rank of colonel. These oolouels are expected to look pretty and martial at the Governor's ball and to ride horseback when the Governor heads a procession. The last duty fre quently gives them great pain and anxiety. There are scores and scores of these Governor-staff colonels in this proud old commonwealth. Some executives have been more lavish than others in the distribution of these gilded honors. That kindly old gentleman. Gov. Luke Blackburn, M. D., was fond of creating colonels. During his term he made some sixty colonels in the city of Louisville alone, if I remember the figures correctly. There are various reasons which en title a man to this gubernatorial com pliment. Col. Will Hays is a colonel because he is such a gifted poet, while Col. Albert Dietzman was given his title by Gov. Knott because he was the greatest business manager on earth. I trust the acts,. will make, it some-r what clearer to the wondering North erner why colonels are so plentiful in Kentucky. But there are other reasons. Many prominent citizens are honored with this complimentary title simply as a recognition of their merit by the community. Thus every man who conducts a large distillery is ipse facto a colonel; for instance, Col. John M. Atherton, or Col. Tom Sherley. Every prominent railroad officer is also a col onel; for instance, .Col. Milton H. Smith. Every congressman is a col onel, as Col. Asher G. Caruth. Every man with a government office is a col onel; as Col. George Du llelle. Every great editor is a colonel, like Col. Hen ry Watterson. The chief of the police department is a de facto colonel, as Col. Wood. Then there other gentle men who are colonels because no other title fits them. But the law on the subject is a little vague and has never been formulated by the legislature. If a man has been a captain in the war, never call him captain; call him colonel. He is entitled to this promo tion twenty-four years after the war closed. The only men proud to be called captain are the commanders of steamboats, the captains of fire com panies, the conductors of railroad trains and the officers in a Salvation army. The title of mrfior is compara tively rare, and, therefore, is really more of a distinction than colonel Only prominent people who have seen actual service wear the title; for ins tarice. Major Ed Hughes and Major J. w sisningron wana. uut still 11 you call a major a colonel he is not likely to jret mad at you. By the observance of these few rules I have jotted down. .the stranger can get along in Kentucky TtfithmiT. cnmmiUiniT anvsnrimis hrpacm of etiquette. Louisville Post. - IN TWENTY-EIGHT BATTLES And Can Freely Say That He Nev er Cot "Used to It." 'Joionel James iu. inamp3on gave his opinion as follows: "The quality of courage in battle I regard as beingr to a large extent a physical attribute. I have he irda good deal of talk about the nonchalance of men in action and their eas3 and composure after the first gun was' firod, but I never took much stjOck in it I went through the war in the army, and it was-my, fortune to be in a portion of the service in Virginia, where there was a good deal of hard tigritinpr to do. and there wasn't any creditable way to get out of it, eithei I saw service in twenty -eight battles and. I can freely say that I for one never g-ot 'used to it. I never went into a light without an all prevading sense of d inger and was always glad when it was over. Of course moral courage, hijrh patriotism and the mili tary spirit kept the great majority of men right up to the mark, but there were notable instances of men whos physical natures simply .failed to re spond when called on. They could not possibly go into a fight. A clear head and a full conception of the enor mous consequences of cowardice to themselves failed to spur them to the staying point, and on the first whiz of a bullet their signals of distress were visible to all in sight. A well known Tew York colonel, a perfect gentleman, a scholar, a patriot, and a really noble fellow, wa3 so weak in point of cour age and his humiliation so great at really being afraid to face danger that he was forced to retire from the army, went to Washington, pined away and died in a few weeks. ; I knew another prominent officer whose friends, out of 1 consideration for his well known fail ing, used to manage, oa one pretext or another, to keep him out of engage ments and thus shield him from expos ure. Men like that are to be pitied, not blamed. They want to fight, but their bodies actually refuse to obey their will." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Salt For Moths. For moths salt is the best extermin ator. The nuns in one of the hospital convents have tried everything else without success, and their experience is valuable, as they have so much clothing of the sick who go there; and strangers, when dying there, often leave quantities of clothing, etc. They had a room, full of feathers, which were sent there for pillow makinsv and they were in despair, as they could not exterminate the moths until they were advised to try common salt. They sprinkled it around, and in a week or ten days they were altogether rid of the moths. They are never troubled now. In heavy velvet carpets sweep ing them with salt cleans and keeps them from moths, as particles of salt remain in the carpets and corners. Salt is not hurtful to anyone, and has no bad smell. Here is a little hint I add, which, perhaps, everyone does not know: For cleaning wash basins, bath, etc., use the same thing, common dry salt. Rub a little of the salt with your fingers on the basin. Often a sort of scum is noticed in the basins in a marble washstand in the' h room; the salt takes it off easily ar 1 leaves the basin shinning and clean. Phila ueipnia Tress. SUB ROSA. Coder the roso Is a thorn, we know, Ani ever in life we find it so, . . Under the sweetest flowers that Mow, Hides the thorn that hurts us so. tinder the row. but the rose is sweet; Fairest of nil the flowers we meet, Aid never in life will it seem less sweet, . For the thorn that pierces unwary feet. . tinder the rose that we pi nek in joy, , Is the sharpest thorn its one alloy, So pain and pleasure, jrrief and joy, If it were not bo would sweetness cloy? Under the rose that we pick today, , The rose that the months are speeding awny, : r , j The thorn lien hidden safely away. . Will we find that thorn some other day? Emma S. ThooM. A PAIR 0FJ3RACELETS. New York Epoch. Mrs; Horshaw Was unusually fond of her diamonds. Why not? She had not worn them long enough for usage to rob possession of its first sweet flavor. The power, pleasure and insipidity of her new life were, so to speak, in the swaddling clothes oi novelty us yet. In fact, about the only relic of old times left to Mrs. Horshaw was Mr. Horshaw, and he did not count for much in society's opinion, except as husband oi Mrs. Horshaw. Scarcely a year since the new lead in the "Little Jule silver mine had developed its Alad Jin-like qualities, Scarcely a year since the modest cabin iri Red Wood Gulch had been exchanged for the brown-stone sar cophagus on Prairie Avenue, whence Mrs. Horshaw,, after a few brie! preliminary flutters, had burst upon society like a golden butterfly, a little C7udo and glaring perhaps, yet genuine, very genuine. "Little Jule" wa? disgorging a five thousand in siit-w bullion per week. The mine h i been named after Mrs. Horshaw I her husband. Late in the morning after the Pronhet's ball, Mrs. Horshaw was surveying the contents of her jewelry- ens in the nrivacv of her boudoir. There was a ring at the front door and a house maid announced: "A man from Jacard's Mum." "Jacard's" was the well known jew elry, house. - Mrs. Horshaw was handling a diamond bracelet with tender solicitude. She glanced at her rose colored morning gown, felt her lace cap, and was conscious of a state of chaste and direct deshabille that might be exhibited with effect before a mere clerk or messenger. "What can he want?" she said wonderingly. "However "" send him up." Presently a gentlemanly young man entered, his hat in one hand and a small portmanteau in the oth er. .. ... ... . "Pardon," lie said, "but Mr. Hor shaw left word that you might want to make a selection, and as we had only a few, of this style left we at his suggestion concluded to submit them to you for inspection at once." He had opened his satchel and token out several sets of pearl jewel ry of a rather unique design. Mrs. Horshaw seemed astonished. "But I do not care for pearls' she said. "I cannot see why my hus band should have left such direc tions. At Jacard's they certainly know my preference for diamonds." "Perhaps there is some mistake," said he, with a Chesterfieldian bow. "It is no matt?r. And yet these pearls are really quite the a go, I assure you. "0, they will do-for pearls, I sup- .. r pOSe. Mrs. Horshaw fingered them care- lessly, then looked fondly at her real- ly find diamonds. The man adjusted an eyoglass and examined them critically. "I can easily see," he said gallant- care lor pearls. These are indeed perfection. But, if I mistake not, these bracelets now to be sure! That reminds me. Your husband desired us to match them with some earrings we have in stock." "Yes I do need another syle of earring. But it was very , good of Mr. Horshaw to think of that him self." Mrs. Horshaw looked at the man dubiously, whereupon, with another bow, he presented one of Messrs. Jac card's business cards. "I er suppose you wish to take one of these bracelets back?" "With Madam's permission, yes. For comparison, you know. As it will take but a short while to match them, I will leave a set of the pearls until my return. Not necessary, of course," this with a fine renunciatory gesture, "yet there is no harm, and giving security is always more busi- nes-hke. Such rrrandilonuent deir.PA.Tinr wns quite overpowering to Mrs. Hors 13 i ... . haw's still virgin conceptions of east ern polite requirements. She declin ed to receive the pearls, but he, hav ing pockected the bracelet, would not hear of it and departed with a final bow and flourish, leaving her with a Pi..,. i. titillating sense of satisfaction, as of one belore whom the erreat of the earth have unbent themselves. Two hours later, Mr. Horshaw, coming home to lunch, was thanked by his wile for "being so unusually thoughtful." "Why, I haven't been , near Jac ard's," said he, when he caught the drift of her remark. Mrs. Horshaw felta fringe of alarm; then she remembered the pearls. "It is all right I cruess. The man is to be back directlv; besides he left ley's name is an ampleguarantee." a lovely set of pearls as security. Mr- Grumley bowed his thanks, de Thought I'd be more apt, to buy posited the bracelet in a capricious them, I suppose." wallet and rose to go. "Left pearls, eh!" "Come round to headquarters in Mr. Horshaw. tiiouo-h insio-nificanfc the morning, sir, he said. "I have as an adjunct of fashion, Had certain business instincts, and this procedure struck him as unusual, if not queer. "Well we'll see when he comes back." But he did not come back. They waited until four o'clock, then Mr. Horshaw. taking the pearls along went to Jacard's with many misgiv ings. One of the salesmen looked at the set and then shook his head. "The poorest grade of imitation. Hope you did not think them genu ine." '".-'- .; Mr. Horshaw gave his wife's ver sion of the whole affair. "Evidentlva case of gross swin dling," said'the salesman. "We have no such ' man in our employ, and goods like these," he eyed them con temptuously, "we never handle on any pretense." There seemed nothing ffff it but to inform the police, which Mr. Horshaw did forthwith. Then he went home and lectured his wife who, aside from grief over her loss, felt quite humili ated at haying given her husband such good grounds for asserting him self, a privilege he seldom acquired in bis present position as an append age of a woman of fashion. "Women are too easily imposed upon," he said. "Now what man, i d nice to Know, would, nave en trusted such a bracelet to a rank stranger, unintroduced at that?" Mrs. Horshaw faintly reminded him ot the pearls. "Paste, yoii mean," Hr. Horshaw ccolly lit a cigar in his wife's boudoir, a thing he never had the temerity to do before. "Very inferior imitations. too. What do you suppose would become of you without a husband to keep you straight Is a man ever more odious, she thought to herself, than when so shabby a small triumph inflates him? She sought consolation by shroud- ins: herself in a cloak of icy indiner ence. Yet the loss of the bracelet pricked her sorely. On the following morning Mr. Hor shaw was in the library writing let ters, when a servant handed him this "J. GRUMLEY, "Detective, ."Police Headquarters." "The great Detective Grumleyl Wants to see me, does he? Well, show him up. Ha, Mrs. Horshaw!" he soliloquised, "you've lost your brace- c i au Then a tall, grim looking man, rather stvlishly dressed in plain black, with an air something between a clergyman and a hotel clerk, entered the room. He looked at the wall, at the books, at the window, and final ly at Mr. Horshaw. "Mr. Horshaw, I believe," he said briskly. "My card informs you who lam. Your wife has lost a diamond bracelet. 1 am detailed to work up the case." Mr. Horshaw offered him a chair. Mr. Grumley seated himself, casting a keen glance under t he library table, as if, perchanee, the thief might have got entangled between the legs some how. "I suppose I can see the lady," con tinued he. "Must have full descrip tion of property and details of loss, you "know." "Mrs. Horshaw is out. She says the man has a slight cast in one of his eyes." "Cast m one eye. Good!" Mr. Grumley checked that point off on one finger. "And a I think she said his mus tache was waxed "Mustache waxed good!" Mr. Grumley checked off finger number two. "Let me see. I think he drawls his words had also a slight lisp, and then his nose his nose, now -" "Drawled lisped good! Mr. Grumley exhausted his two remain ing fingers with c check apiece and then slapped his thigh. "I think I know the fellow, sir well known crook, too. Now for tho property. Must know what the bracelet looked like, you see." "Ah yes to be sure." Mr. Horshaw cojritnted and Detec- tive Grumley, producing a formidable note dook, jotte, a iew points. , , "Now-you'd hardly think it, yet In mi era I've seen those nraceiets n I t.imps T rnn hnrHlvrlpsnrirui them, except that they are all spagle and glitter. If my wife were only here now." x uave it, ir, buiu me ueiecuve, "there s a mate to that lost bracelet. mcoma tacea squinu au in now "Certainly." Mr. Horshaw rose with a smile. "It takes a detective to thi nk of ways and means. By look ing at one you can spot that's the word, isn't it? Yes you can spot the other." Mr. Grumley leaned back with a Napoleon like nod of approval, while Mr. Horshaw bnrsted up stairs, mut tering to himself: ''Sharp man that. Lucky I was at home to help him out." He rummoged.about his wife's bureau and dressing case until he found the object of his search. "Now, Julia," he thought, as he returned to the library, "we'll see who recovers your bracelet." "Avery peculiar make," said the well known detective, handling the article very much as if it were a handcuff. "Very fine, too. Gad sir! I wonder the lady let the fellow walk off with it, but aheni! women are rather " "Gad. yes! They are weak and easily imposed upon. But we men I r 1- ". i.!. .J. T C can t help that. If we get them out of these scrapes, that's all we can do." . "Precisely. But this bracelet,now the pattern is quite complex. Diffi cult to remember all the points un less " The detective, scrutinizing j closely, shook his head discourag "'.y- "I see," said Mr. Horshaw, "the police will need this one to as I might say detect and verify the oth er. Mr. Grumley 's brow cleared in- stantly. "Itwifl facilitate matters," he said. "Makes the recovery almost certain, in fact. Shall I give you a receipt in behalf of the a the a force?" "Not necessary. Detective Grum- little doubt but you will then be hold, not only the theit. but the plunder, too. By the way." He ap peared to ieflect severely. "These movements are sometimes necessari ly costly. In short, we may have fco use some money not for ourselves, understand" this with a grim re nunciatory air "but to inveigle the rascals into a trap of oar own setting; see?" : Mr. Horshaw saw, or thought he saw, which amounted to the ... same thing pecuniarily. The pleasure of triumphing over Mrs. Horshaw must not be delayed for a few paltry dollars"--' ' '" ' " "How much?" "Two tens will do I think." Detective Grumley stored away two of Mr. Horshaw's bank notes, much as it they were waste paper, then took his leave with n mighty show of official ceremony, after whieh Mr. Horshaw rubbed his hands and smiled shrewdly to himself. When Mrs. Horshaw returned, her husband rose to the heighth of the occasion and his own dignity, there by impressing her with such a sense of her own wifely weaknesses as she had not felt since the primitive davs of Red Wood Gulch.' - "You may regard yourself as a shining ' light, my dear," said he, "yet how egregiously you were im posed upon. Grumley intimated that such verdancy was accountable only because you are a woman. He's the most noted detective we have. His name alone will give a kind of eclat to your a silly lapse of discretion. "And you let him have the other bracelet?" "Of course. I likewise have his word that the stolen one is quite as good a! recovered. "I hope so," said the lady weakly, yet dubiously. Hope so!" Mr. Horshaw surveyed his wife with a Websterian air. The sensation of having her at his mercy was so new and pleasing quite ir resistible, in fact. Well, 1 should smile. Wait till we go to headquar ters in the morning. Keep up your hopes till then, my dear. "Well I I'll try." This meekly and without the least enthusiasm. Promptly at 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Horshaw presented themselves at the inspector's office and inquired for Detective u rum ley. "The diamond bracelet affair, you know," the gentleman said, explan atorily. "I didn't know Mr. Grumley had charge of it; but he just happens to be about. Ana the blue-uniformed police clerk turned to a dry, quick movinsr, wooden-faced man who had just come into the office. "Here you are, John. Some one to see you." Mr. Uorshaw leit something gripe his heart and impart a tingling sen sation alona: his spine. There must be some mistake here. "I mean Detective Grumley of the secret "Yes, yes," said the man sharply at the couple as he laid some papers on the desk. "I'm Detective Grum ley. What can I do for you?" "V hy you he ris not this your card?" "Don't use cards. What the deuce do I want of cards!" He began to sharpen " a pencil vig orously. . ' . "And you are Grumley?" Mr, Horshaw stared at him, as if ho might have been the sphinx, or a museum freak, or an ichthyosaurus come back to life. "I am Grumley, sir." "Julia," Mr. Horshaw turned to his wife, upon whose face an "I told you so" expression was mingled with one of renewed dismay, "this this isn't my man at all. 1 I fear we have been humbugged again." "We!" said' his wife cuttingly, de spite the conviction ofa second swin dle now forced upon her. "Wo! 1 don't know anything about Detective Grumlev, but I do know that some men are very weak and credulous creatures so easily imposed upon!" Mr. Horshaw sank dejectedly into a chair, while Mrs. Horshaw proceed ed to explain. "I fear it is a gone case," said the real Grumley, when he had heard all "Now they've got em both they'll melt the gold and spout the dia monds seperately. But, good gra cious, are you not aware, sir, that in large cities every stranger who makes up to you is presumably a rascal until he proves the contrary?" "Julia," said Mr. Horshaw when they were baek in their carriage, "as a woman of fashion you. may be a success: as a man of business I am so; but at present 1 leel as green as a sucking babe. Let's pool our issues compromise, and snub each other no more." For answer Julia kissed her hus band for the first time in six months. Then both were silent for awhile. ' 'They were such lovely diamonds," she couid not help saying at last. "You shall have a finer pair," he said. ".Little Jule has touched 280. Thieves can't carry the mine off, my dear." "Mrs. Horshaw contemplated her unbraceleted wrists for a moment and then rewarded her husband with an other kiss. His Blasphemous Prayer Fulfilled. From the St. Louis jiobe-Democrat. Several days ego Patrick Gallagher felt in his inside pocket for his pipe. It was not there, and its absence caused him to make a terrible wish.' His wife reproved him. "Well, I don't care," he said: "here, with uplifted hand to Heaven I pray that my Creator Trill paralyze the man who has my pipe." Before the utterance had died away Gallagher felt a severe twitching of the heart and complained of feeling unwell. A doctor was hastily dis patched for, and said that he received a stroke of paralysis. As Gallagher was in straitened circumstances it was deemed best to remove him for treatment to the Home of the Aged Poor, where death ensued in less than twelve hours. The grief-stricken family were at a. loss to understand his sudden death. In looking recently through his clothes, removed at the time of the paralytic stroke, they were filled with superstitious horror, for . in one of his outside poekets was found the missing pipe, which had worked its way into the lining. WINCED MISSILES Rom Elizabeth Cleveland now publishes her own novels. Senator Ingails Is said to be engaged on a novel of Washington life. Marion Crawford, the novelist, says he can walk forty miles at a stretch. Christian science is said to hare gone quite out of fashion in Philadelphia. Jay Gould has an orchid in his conserva tory at Irvington that is valued at 95,00 Thirty million books in the British museum and the cry is, "Still they come." The Grand Duke Constantino, cusino to the czar, has recently published a book of poems. A man can attract more attention asleep than awake, if he will only sit down in a public place. This country is afflicted with what a col ored brother would call a "surplus of poor white trash.'? y v. . Mr. Selah Chamberlain, of Cleveland, gave his beautiful niece $10,003 as a wed ding present. ;. An English lady has left $50,000 to be de- devoted to the photographing of stars, planets and nebulae. . , Too many of us want to reap the reward of success before we have earned the title to a fair beginning. M. Barbediene, the famous bronze found er of Paris, exhibits at the Exposition a clock that is valued at $70,0J0. Gen. M. C. Meigs says that we shall be found by the census of 1890 to have 67,240,- 000 people in the United States. ' The Emperor of Japan has just taken pos session of a new palace, furnished in Euro pean style. It cost him $4,000,000. ; 1 Frightened mouse color" is the latest fashionable shade. It is probably a little paler than the ordinary mouse color. While women are generally more intense ly partisan thaa men, they are less apt to be influenced to it by selfish motives. Lady Mandeville threatens to go on the stage unless her father-in-law, the Duke of Manchester, pays her husband's debts. Some one who knows what he is talking about says that his idea of success in life is to be an American artist and live in London. Mr. Edwards, United States Consul at Berlin, is a queer fellow. He is actually charged by the Germans with being too olosely devoted to his duties. Compressed air is being used as a motive power in some of the cities of France. V has started a new industry in the manu facture of plant for the purpose. Queen Victoria's recant visit to Wales brings out the statistics that during her reism of over half a century twelve days ODly have been spent in Ireland. An interesting discovery is stated to have been made in India. This is nothing less than the lost books of isuclid, oi which a Sanskrit translation is said to have been found at Jeppore. . The Alpine cow-bell has become the rage among visitors to Switzerland this year and enterprisincr dealers have flooded the bazars with miniature cow-bells in gold, silver and enamel. Max Strakosch, who brought some of the most brilliant singers to this country that ever left the other side of the Atlantic, is in the Home for Incurables at Fordham, Y., a paralytic. V An American system of police alarm boxes has been put up in London. A small district has been served with it as an ex periment, which.if successful, will probably be repeated all over the great city. It has been estimated by men of science who have investigated the subject that the rock of Niagara is being worn away by the waters at such a rate that in a few thou sand years the cataract will work up to Lake Erie. Mrs. E.D. E. N. Southworth, whose blood curdling novels thrilled our grandmothers, is still living in undiminished vigor at Yonkers, N. Y and is now writing a novel which, it is said, Will surpass all her previ us works. Charles Henry Butler, who died recently In a camp near Nahma, Delta Co., Mich., was the owner of Henry Ward Beecher' place at Peekskill, known as "BoscobeL" He paid $83,000 for it, but had only, lived there since May. Richard Watson Gilder, the editor of the Century, is a dark, poetical, melancholy looking man. Why he should be melan choly with an income of $40,003 from his magazine it is hard to understand, unless, like Byron, he thinks it poetical. An enterprising firm has offered the British Government $1&,0D0 a year for the privilege of placing a soap and pill adver tisement on the postage stamps, the adver tisement to be put on at the time the can celing is done and by the same machine. Col. Dan Lamont is said to have accept ed the presidency of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railway Company at a salary of $10,000 a year. Col. Lamont and ex-Senator Piatt, of New York, control about $1, 000,000 of the company's stock and direct its affairs. Berezovdki, the Pole who tried to avenge his country's wrongs by shooting at the Czar Alexander IL during that monarch'a visit to the Paris exhibition of 1867, is now a white-haired old convict in the French penal settlement of New Caledonia, off the coast of Australia. The queen's inevitable bridal gift of an Indian shawl is explained by the state ment that one of her tributaries, an Indian prince, is bound by treaty to pay her an an nual subsidy in which are included three pairs of the best cashmere shawls and twelve perfect shawl goats. There are only two royal scientists living at the present time worthy of the name. One is Prince Albert, of Monaco, well known for his deep sea researches, and the other is the Archduke Ludwte Salvator, of Austria, a courageous traveler, and a by no means contemptible naturalist. Sol Smith Russell's wife is a small, intellectual-looking woman with a Bostonese face. She is the daughter of Mr. Adams, known to fame as "Oliver Optic" Mr. Russell is the owner of several fine build ings in Minneapolis besides his handsome residences. He takes care of his money. Capt. L. G. Shephard, commander of the revenue cutter Rush, the seizer of the Behring Soa, has been in the Revenue Marine Service since 1S66, and has served through all thi grades from third lieutenant tocxptain. He is a native of Massachussetts and is regarded as a cool and brave officer. Emily Paxton, of Pike county, Mo., has permission from the governor of that state to wear a man's dress "anywhere in Mis souri outsicte of cities of 10,030 inhabitants." She works on a farm and her favorite oc cupation is breaking horses to harness. Of these she herself owns three and has charge of thirteen. One of the cannon used by the American colonists in 1763 in defending their settle ments from the attacks of the Indian chief Pontiac, is imbedded in the foundation walls of the residence of J. Samuel Krause, of Bethlehem, Pa., where it was placed by the officers of the Moravian Church, to pre vent young America from firing it off on liberty days. , v An enormous tarantula invaded a New Yerk police station house a few days ago and routed all the officers. It was finally killed with a club and when measured was found to be nine inches in circumference. It is supposed that the tarantula got in by means ox some banana wagons which wero housed in the station house yard alter a raid on some fruit peddlers a few days previously, , Hark, the sound of many voices, Jubilant in gtdwt son?. And full many a heart rejoices As the chorus floats Along: "Hail the Favorite Pre-.cn ptifn.M IIow the hnppy voice Mend. "Wonderful beyond description Woman's best and truect friend." T7I1 may it be called woman's heat friend, since it does for her what no other remedy has been able to do. It cures all tnose delicate aeranxmeuts nwi weak- isses peculiar to females. Cures them. understand. Other preparations may af ford temporary relief, but Dr. Pierce' Fa vorite Prescription effect a permanent cure It Is guaranteed to do' this, or the moner naid for it will be Drnmntlr refund ed. It Is the great remedy of the age. s. The worst Nasal Catarrh, no matter of how long standing, is permanently, cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. . How Cltroni Iron I ltlnde. A Norwegian engineer. Herr O. Olson, of Christiana, has obtained n ten year' patent, for a new process for I he lnnnu- focture of chrome iron.- In Ins iroceM a well mixed proportion of finely pul verized chrome ore; potrdered rhurcoal and tar are heated to red heat in a clos ed vessel, then allowed to cool, and finally remelted in a crucible; together with a certain proportion of pulverized iron ore, powdered charcoal, lorax, ground glass and cyauide of iotnssium. The proportions of the mixture are nat urally kept a secret. rsew York Tele- gram. -: - i , . All that we can say as to the merits of Dobbins' Electric Soap, pale into nothing ness before the story it will tell you itself, of its own perfect quality, if you will give it one trial. Don't take imitation. There are lots of them. . A woman without whims in the kind ofa lndy we are all afraid of, but seldom meet. Man will never be a free agent so long as woman chooses either to rule or bam boozle him. A sure sign that your girl will go by when you are smoking an old pipe. Buenos Ayres is to have a world's fair. Buffalo, N. Y claims a population of 250,000. h Millions of small corn fields of Texas. black rats infest the Utah has a colony composed of natives of the Hawaiian Islands. . A, Good. Samaritan. "I am a merchant and planter." write Mr. T. N. Humphrey, of Tennessee, "and it gives me great pleasure 1o rht that lor severe Loughs and Colds Allen 'at Liung bal sam is the best remedy now offered for sale. I have induced many to try it, with tbe best of results." " The chrysalis Is like 1 lie hired man they both make the butter fly.' , linrsesit In Hie' Wrat. To any of our readers who have any thing that needs cleaning or 'coloring we would call their attention o (ho Lincoln Steam Dye Wbrks. Office 1 10."( O St.. Lin coln, Neb. They clean nni color all kinds ot ladies' and gents' clothing and guarantee first-class work. Send to them fur price list. Goods sent by express r mail. Natural gas saved Pittsburg 7,000.000 tons of coal per year. Fin lilt lire. Hardy fc Pitcher of "Lincoln. Neb., have one of the largest stock of Furniture in the state. : They are shipping goods nil. over the state constantly, so can Me cure good freight rates. Anyone wanting furni ture will find it to their advantage to call on or write to Hnrdy & Pitcher. , The Texas cotton crop tin's vear is esti mated to be worth $84.U00,00. Old smokers prefer "Tansill's runch" Cigar. The oldest man in the world lives in Hun gary and is 121 years old. Buy Union Soap and make a gue6s. Ask your grocer about it to-day. Bismarck has intimated to the pope that he must not leave Home. Oregon, the l'arall l FMrmcf. Mild, equable cMinste. certain and nltuivHnt crop. Best fruit, grain, grass and sux-.ic country In rhn world. Full Information free. AdJredi t!ie Or go l luimlgratiou Board, l'ortlaiid, Oregon. Capitalists are investing large .'sums cl - ney in West Virginia. When Baby xres sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was & Child, clio cried for Castorla, When she became Hiss, Clio clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, When a man longs to whip an enemy, lie hears that he has had long training in ath letic sports and boxing. A Juniata county. Fa., woman publicly flogs her husband every time lie comes home drunk. To4iy cured Yaterday Crippled f At Druggist and Deat.krs. TKZ CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. K- roaltlvelyrured by these Little PHI. They 1ro relieve Dis tress from Dyspep.in.In digestion and TooHeartj .Eating. A perfect rem edy tor DlAitiMfl.Nauscs Drowsiness, Bad Task- in the Mouth. Coated Tongne.Pain in tbe Side. TOKPID ZJVElt. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Voce table. Price 2S Cents; CAET23 UEIICUTE CO., HEW 7042. Small Pill: Small Dose. Small Price. IE VAII are out of employment write to us We lr IUU make the finest enlarged Oil Portraits In existence. No capital required. Sample and terms free. N. M. Friedman Co., Martlnsburg. Mo. fjl M IT STUDY. Book-kecplnjr, Penmanship, al f Iwl LI Arithmetic Shorthand, etc., thor. oMffhly taught by mail. Lowrates. Circulars free. - Lincoln N. U. 8241 CARTERS KITTLE 1 1 I iwi-r II JOSEPH H. HUNTER, ILlEiTSLUNS BALSAM ALWAtS CORES. . .. PHAWfllHTUO.O.. AlHT I. Mprs. ,T. N. ffAHUtft A VAK-fJrntUmrn.- rmlt ma to y that lor xntnl week 1 . miffr rd wiib ercrecotiKh. I flrat liil'a Cough IUIhi, nrt ( r tuat -rrl other prepAratlona. ciwh of which I krv fair trial, which trailed me not h In. Furttieaucct-etltnif atx dnya I uaod no medicine. Br thaltinie 1 waa thought in the tint aUireaof Co atiiupiloii. Mr cinikli tMlnK more sever iban erer. J thenrotnrHfnrfrinninii AU.Wn I.NO BALAAM, which has effectually cured me. I conaclenl.loualr believe it to be an ex-iint medicine, end can a ure you that It will afford me the bluheat poaolblo era 1 1 Meat Ion to command It to mnt nwraon ;nn mar refer to me. Yours truly, KuW'lol ULiLfUl. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM Is Cold by All Medicine Be&lers. Mothers will find It a safe and rare remedy to elve their CIIILDKEN WHEN AFFLKJTEiS WITH CROUP. It 1 harmless to the most delicate child. It contains no opium in any form. . It cures when other remedies fall to give relief. CAUTION. Call fr ALLEN'S LUXO BALSAM, antt shun the use of all remetlie without merit 'and established reputation. - As an Expectorant it has many rivals, btit no equal! rilcc 5! .")cts.,50cts., and $1 per Bottle. OR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S-.GOGOA- BREAKFAST. "By thorouprh knowledge or the natural laws whlcu gorern the operations of digestion and nu trition, and by a careful application of tbe flne properties of well-selected Cocoa. Mr. Eppe has prorided our breakfast tables with a dellcatlr flavoured bevernge which may save us many l.t'ity doctors' bills. It s by tbe Judicious use ot sui-U articles of diet that a constitution fifty be gradual ly built up until strong enough resist every ten dency to disease. Ilundredsof subtle noalail li s are floating around us ready to attack wherever thera Is a weak point. We mar esoapemeny a rata I shaft by keeping ouraelvrS well fortified with pure ttlomt and properly nourished f rame." " Civil metric Gatette." Made simply with boiling water or milk. 8-ld only In half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS& CO., HomcsopatfciQ Chemists, . London, England, AND ORGANS Retailed at Wholesale! Prices. Write for catalogues and prices, for we can .save you from $5U.OO to $15U.UO. XTirm Xi 1 ljt Send us names of friends who U J 1. IXjxj, expect to purchase a IMitno or Orean soon, and If we sell to them within one y par. we will pay you (10 on each l'lnno and to on each Organ, oSniLuooii FOR 50 CTS. This Card end CO cents In stumps, will pay for 19 pieces of clioice vocal or instrumental sheet hiuhio, same as Is usually sold for fkl to 10, of your own selection, from our 1888-l catalogue of pieces, i'alalefiia mniled fee. This offer good only until Jan. UU S. 11. 11UYUTT, St. Joseph, Missouri. J3fAD FIELDS PFRlH'ATfll? MENSTRUATION OR MONTHLY RICHNESS lr TPWf.N OVIRVNG CHANCE Of Ull, 6rtKT MKOtK" SU? T ERIHB WU. BE. KV ClDtll J3COK TO" W O M HU'uuam' BSADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA fil SOLO MYAU. PMUMSI$Pk j THIS IS XW Write no TUB GREAT wna.t x or It yoa wtasj to dowlth o weil machine. AIJ- ORPKU3 rHOMPTLT. TUBULAR WELL AND PROSPECTING MACHINE famous for succeeding where others have failed. SELF GLEAMING. Prill drops CO to 90 tlwei n minute. CATALOGUE FREE. LOOMIS & NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. JEl O IP S "2" TllKATED FIIKI2. for-lti vcly Cured with Vegetable llemedlea. IInrecutl aiany idOuiiiiJ Cfc.tn. Cure patients pronoun cod hopeless by the best physicians. Front first dove symptoms raillly disappear, and In tea, Cays aHi!Ht two-thirds of all ayniptom are remov d. Send for tree book of testimoniHls of mlraculoue tittiOs. Ten days treatment furnished free by wait, if you order trial, send 10 cents in stamps to pay postage. Lfli. U. 11. UKUUN A SONd. Atlanta. Ua This) Trad Mark Is on Tie Best Waterproof ' Coat In the world. t.J.Tow?r,Boto, MUSIC I EM THE AIR Hc.-ulqnartcrs for Band Instruments, Drum porps On, fits Accord eons. Violin. Banjoa, Mandolins, Oultara, Zithers Hai raonieaa.Htrinff for every inatrumant mad. Full stock of Sliect Mnxle, Miislo Dooks, Band and Or. rhrstra Hnaio Hand FoIUm. lnlruAlon Books fo? all lnittrumentH. Anyone sending in an order wlU reoeiv a copy of Music FREE. Write to ns for prices and cat alogues, stating what kind of (roods wanted. t.X .M1CYUH HIIO., OittMltn, Neb CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL P1LL0. l&etl Cross lliaiuond llntnd. Tb enlT rel labia pill fur sal. Serosa sore. Ladle, mmk lraaa-at for U Ola. laond lirand, in red oUiUo boaaa. aaaU4 wtm Wu ribbon. Takes ether. tra4, iitampn) for particular and UrUcf fe Chichester Chemical Co., Alndlsea to lhU, fs JOHNW.TTIOIUIIS. I Ate Principal Kxauilnet; US. Pension Bureau, Attf at Law, U'aslitniitoB, i f rn,rnf r I ; I M 1 m a original, increase, re-ratlnt;. widows', children's etxt 4,3.Ti4.nt Mimiwi1. iCxDerlence: S yrs. in lass war, 15 yrs. iu pension Bureau and attorney alnoe. TR OOfOKn on A MONTKcss be oisle )f9a-"l(l a.OUt""""wor!Uii- lor us. A rente preferred who ran furnUli a hora and tf' their l time to tlia btialnaas. Hpara momenta mar I prontaola employed aixo. A few vacnnoie in towns and etUeav 15. f . JuHNriO.V 6z Co., 1001 Main St.. Richmond. V. K. B. Pleaae tau aira and busiua xk-i-iiio. Wes er mind about aeud iu,r aUtiup for repi. U- ' J. A MONTH and more is earned by tirauuaiea wnu spent w unniii v, at tbe Culleue. 8nd address of SB friends snd sat circular and an' fnl in.rlni.nl nf tiinranshlD sliKil. Both sexes attend. Hnorthand tuuyht by wait. BtSIK IvVV 1'VI.IJ.UI. Slrilinf, ass. nntr nni I chadwick's manual ttUOlC DULL IiR.MV-'.n ..-. on npnil ano i eiftlosmK one SENT FREE C'c-l Biainii. o eu'iresaius. TIIEO. HOLLAND, P. 0. Box 1ZU PhiUL, P4U SIIDClfn frtl who know WHAT'S WHAT -II llCW U litt.il wanted to handle our sxtra fine engraved goods. yuiet workers can make n po of money without rink. Particulars free to riirht parties by express only. N ame your nearest eiprrno office. Addrea," KXCELH10lt LNUKAVlNtf CO., 200 8. Clark Street, Chicago, 111. COnSTI MANAGERS Labor Savins; Aeooaa Book. None like It. Iispl 1 seller. Kxrluslre terrl lory to state and county maiinger. bularr or eotn mission. Write nt once and secttre asreney Nkbbaska PuDLisniNO Co., Unootiv Nebraska I AtVOlt'o flUUlUv oh salary or roinmlHsloru Our Hooks, Bibles and Albums la cieniami. ena simr for catalogue aud circulars. KxuuasKa Publish iso to, Lincoln, Nebraska. . llaWlTlHO iNi?lwlcielt!i Jvaidiest r ruits for tbe KbKTnWKilT. Beak Trees. Beat Terms. Best Plan, feeat Outfit rcucs r-twH-lal Aids to Beginners. Imoi BI XCUMtJltY CO.,lnlalsvnm,afs. OPIUM nbli, ThaenlyertAlsa and easy cure. Dr. J. La. Stephens, Lebanon, Okie MAGIC REMEDY VVlit cure lilooi 11.oii where mercury talis. -Owned and toe tale oniy by Cook ltemt-ay Co.. Omaha, .Keb. Write. 35 l 99 s day. Samples wurui Hi. ii 1C .... Lines not under horses' leci. Wriieti - v ster Safety Reiu Holder C0..H0II v. II Arroney. WsJhlnjrtm l. C. W1LC. OKT VOU 1'liNSlON without dala. FE,MUE iAMLU ..TaiKV 3D PENSON Yinn