ALLIANCE DIRECTORY. NATIONAL ALLIANCE. President, -T. Burrows, Filler, Neb. rrA.k Vice President, H. L. Loucks. Clear Creek, Secretary, August Post, Moulton, Iowa. Treasurer Hon. J. J. FujionK, Austin Minn. Lecturer, A. D. Chase, Watertown, Dak. NEBRASKA STATE ALLIANCE. President. John H. Powers, Cornell. Vtee President, James Clark, Wabash. . Sretary-Treasurer, J. M. Thompson, Lincoln Tttirer. M. M. Case, Crelghton. Executive Committee f J. Burrows Riley; 11 FAUen. Wabash: Allen Boot, Omaha; Henty, Hansen; W. M. oray, North Loup. port Omci AT LincoLw, Neb.,. June 18, 1889. I hereby certifythatTHB Aixiancb, a week lv newspaper pulliehed at this place, has been determ" nearby the Third Assistant Post pias ter General to te a publication entitled to idrnlsion inUie mails at the pound rate of SctaS 2nd entry of it as such is i according y Sadeiipon the T books of this office. Valid whfle character of the PbUgon re mains unchanged BgBT mar. COPTY ORGANIZERS. The following is a list of the later appointed county organizers. Adams County, A. C. Tompkins, Hansen. Antelope " Banner " Buffalo " Cass " Chase Clay " Custer " Dawson " Frontier " Furnas " Gage Greeley " Gosper, " Hall Hamilton" Harlan " Hayes " Holt ' " Lincoln " Logan, " Loup " Madison " Nance " Nuckolls " Perkins ' Pierce " Bed Willow Sherman " York Jas. A. Butler, Ewing. . Wm. Clark, Banner. John A. Hogg, Shelton. - E.G. Cooley, Weeping Water. a. W. Norman, Lamar, L. McKeynolds, J.W.Hartley, P. J. Reese, : C. J. Mecham, W. J. Holley, Fairfield. West Union Lexington. Cambridge. Cambridge. J. C. Hetherington, Beatrice. E. A. Hadley, Scotia. H.G.Miller, Cambridge. ... L.. Henry, Hansen. - L. C.Floyd, Bromfleld. Sherman Stevenson, Alma. 'E. D. Glaze, Galena. - Rob't Gray, Inmah. F. J. Frederic!, North Platte W. A.Mansfleld, Gandy. ' Wm. Evans,' WarrenForsaith. Thomas Sinclair, Geo.'W. Felton, E. M. Harrison, S. J. Plymesser, J. F.-Black, - B. A. Draper, J. F. Harrison, Taylor. Madison. Fullerton. Angus. Venango. Foster. Indianola. Litchfield. York. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. This department is conducted by the Secre tary of the State Alliance to whom all com munications in relation to Alliance work, short articles upon various subjects of inter net to the Alliance etc., should be addressed. Write plain and only on one side of the paper. Sign what you choose to your articles but send us your name always. LETTER FROM HON. J. J. FURLONG. We publish the following letter from Hon. J. J. FukloNg, Treasurer of the National Alliance, and Secretary of the Minnesota Alliance Insurance Co. Mr. Furlong is one of our reliable and able leaders, whose whole heart is in the work, and no' man in Minnesota stands hijrher than hirin the estimation of his fellow citizens", i -j Austin, Minn., Sept. 25, 1889. Hon. J. liuRROws, Lincoln, Neb., Dear Sir:-A1Iow me to congratulate you on accepting the position of commander-in-chief, editorially, of the spicy and fearless advocate of the farm er's cause, The Alliance. I feel that I can clearly see a bright future for this organ, as I luuye interestedly read its pages since its first issue came to my of fice. The title, itself demands its peru sal. The term' "Farmers' Alliance" means farmers' cause, farmers' interests and the advancement of this country in the defense of the masses of the people. Especially do ,I welcome it to my state and office, when' my superior officer takes control of its management; a man whom I well. know to be a strong advo cate of the farmer's cause in this great country, where no wrongs should be tolerated, and the interests of the masses of the' people "Jionestly looked after. Through the columns of your farmer's paper I feel safg in saying their interest will be carefully looked into. I am also well pleased to see the list of names you fyvve selected is delegates to the National - Alliance cc nvention to be held in St. JLouis, as this is a matter of great importance to the farmers of this nation. This meeting I firmly be lieve will be the most important to la borers and farmers of any meeting ever held in the United States. I feel as though every one of our northwestern .states should make a special effort to be , well represented. I enclose you a list of the delegates selected by the execu tive committee of our State Alliance, to attend the National Convention, viz: J. J. Furlong, Hon. G. W. Haigh, G. W. Sprague, Hofi. J. S. Shields, J. J. Jones, Joseph Keenan, Hon. Chas. Canning. At that meeting we expect to take farmers of this -great commonwealth in one strong Union which will be a power in the nation to right the wrongs that are imposedupon us by the monied monopoly, j. ; 1 trust you Avill lose no time in im pressing upon,4ill the states under your jurisdiction the.-necessity ,of having a full delegation present at that meeting. I have been expecting you to call a meeting of the' Ex. Committee of the National Alliance as previously an nounced, but owing to the amount of business you have on hand I suppose you could not attend to it. I feel that it is very important for you to call a meeting of this committee previous to the Annual Meeting, so we can agree on all important questions. Again let me ivish you God speed in 3'our new and familiar adventure as an editor. I feel safe in saying this medi um will, in the near future, reach the character of a national reputation and je liberally patronized by the laborers and fanners of this great country. Truly yours, : . J. J; Furlong. Editor Alliance: Arrangements have been made with Rosenfield & Zun der, dealers in boots and shoes, 1520 Douglas street, Omaha, to deal with our people at wholesale prices for cash, the purchaser having the , privilege of ex amining the goods and prices, and if not satisfied with' both he can return the goods uninjured at their expense, and money will be .refunded. In ordering the lengths are ift No.'s and the width in letters, thus, A BCD Ladies No. 4. B is wider than A. Also state about the price you wish to pay. Allen Root, State Agent. CHEERING WORDS. The following words of cheer are from our esteemed friend Hon. N. K. Griggs, of Beatrice. While Mr. Griggs is a law yer, he is also a poet and musical com poser of a high order; and he practically carries out in his own life the fine prac tice he recommends for farmers, which we heartily endorse. We hope soon to give our readers some of Mr. G.'s best work - Beatrice, Sept. 30, 1889. Friend Burrows: I am glad to see that you are at the helm, and believe you will make a success of the venture. I most certainly hope so. I see you have inserted a pretty poem in the copy at hand. I am glad you in tend adopting this policy. Not only in sert such literary gems, but urge upon your readers to read them. Why should not the farmers and their families gam, of a long winter's eve, some of the inspi ration and happiness to be had by wan dering away from the remorseless real to the fairy haunts of imagination? To live in the atmosphere of pure literary unreality will make them better, happier and stronger, in , the true sense of strength. - You can put me on your list. My book 44 The Lillies," is done. Sincerely Yours, N. K. GRIGGS. FOR JOHN M. THURSTON. Sterling, Neb., Oct. 1, 1889. Mr. Burrows : I notice what John M. Thurston says about the corn raisers ac cumulating wealth, and what you said about it in your paper. I should like to have Mr. Thurston tell us just what kind of stock to put our corn into, so that we can accumulate a little of that wealth. Steers appear to be almost a drug in the market, and our cows and heifers wo can hardly give away. I saw a fine two year old heifer sold the other day by a constable for $8.00. I have been selling my oats for 8c a bushel. I had about 50 bushels an acre, which is a pretty fair crop. I pay $2.50 an acre cash rent, and 2c a bushel for threshing, besides the ex tra help I have to hire. Twine costs about 35c an acre. It is worth some thing to plow, sow, harrow, cut, stack, and haul to market ; but as I do that my self I take what that comes to for wages. Have you kept count of what I made on my oats Well, after my rent, threshing bill, and all these little bills are paid, I guess I'll take what's left and buy some steers to feed my corn to. I'll getabar- rell and save what the steers come to, and next summer, if Mr. Thurston wants to chip in, we'll start a national bank. Mebbe Mr. Armour will lend us what his shaie of the jteers come to. Then we'll have alittle corporation of our own. I'd like to tie to John and get in the swim." S. E. G. Y. S. Does the Alliance Business As sociation sell diamond necklaces? No. But it will have some in stock by the time the steers S. E. G. buys with that oat crop are fattened. Ed. The Sugar Trust seems to be pirat ing on the speculators as well as on the people. It worked its certificates up' to 126, and speculators loaded tip on the boom, as they always do. Now the trust people have worked them down below 100 and bought in most of it below that figure. They seem to be playing Jay Gould's tactics on the stock market; and meantime they are absolutely controll ing the pi'ice of one of the prime neces saries of life, and extorting from every poor man an unjust tribute. That these men are amenable to law as criminal conspirators we have not the least doubt. But who will prosecute, and follow them to the court of last resort? This trust controlls nearly all the refineries in the country, and its capital stock is placed at $50,000,000. MURDER IN A SALOON. The brutal murder of a young man named Jackson in a prize fight at St. Louis last week was an exhibition of cruelty and murder w hich very natur ally took place in a saloon, where- a passion for sports of all kinds, fights and murders and theft are developed. Even after his victim was dead upon the floor, the murderer had to be pulled from him. The proposition is now made to the people of Iowa to welcome back the saloon, to sanctify it by the authori ty of public law, to make the business of dram-selling with all its murderous and demoralizing consequences, as re spectable as that of selling groceries; and all this legalization and sanctifica tion is to be bought and paid for by money wrung from the wretched vic tims of the saloon. Iowa Tribune. And the proposition is made to per petuate the saloon in Nebraska. Voters will soon have to decide how to vote on this question. SAMPLE COPIES. Persons receiving copies of The Al liance which they have not ordered need not think we have placed their names on our list. We do not want a list made up in that way. No one will be asked to pay. for the paper unless they subscribe for it. But when you re ceive a sample copy please consider it a polite invitation to subscribe and get up a club; and if you cannot do it yourself please induce some one else to do so. See our liberal cash commission to can vassers. ALLIANCE JOB WORK. We have been adding job facilities to our office, and are now prepared to do all kinds of job work needed by Alli ances. We can also furnish bill-heads, letter-heads, envelopes, cards, circulars, small bills, etc., etc., at as low prices ns any. Brothers, send us your work, and so give The Alliance a lift. Bro. Swigart sendus an account of the Saunders county meeting of Sept. 24th, at Wahoo. Delegates were pres ent from every Alliance in the county. President Powers of the State Alliance delivered an address, and the following officers were elected: Pres., G. W. Nor ris; Sec'y, W. O. Rand. When you answer advertisements mention The Alliance. V7.C. T. U. COLUMM. Edited by Miss Frances E. Townslet, of Fairfield, Neb., of the Nebraska Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The editor of The Aixi ance places the re sponsibility of this column in the care of the above editor. Doing Its Best. Br GEORGE COOPER. I am but a tiny cricket. Living in a summer thicket, There I take my rest. Many songs are arayer, prouder, Many a voice is sweeter, louder, But I do my beet! " In my song there's no complaining1. Even when the sky is raining; Birds fly east and west, Silent hide In leafy covert ; But I chirp till all is over, Doing still my best! When the leaves are 'round us flying, When the birds and bees are hying On their autumn quest. You will find me in the stubble. Though the clouds look full of trouble, Singing still my best! Clad In garments dark and sober, Here I linger till October; Sunshine warms my breast. While the wintry days you number, Sweet aud quiet is my slumber. For I've done my best! - 'Sunday-School Times. The following bits are from the Union Signal: Unhappily for the homes that lack it, the blessed "family altar" has never been as popular outside of New England as it should have been. It has been much commended if not much observed, J and it w ould be hara to say anjimng new in its favor. A hint of its literary value is given in President Eliot's re mark at the dedication of the new Li brary building in Cambridge: "I firm ly believe ten minutes a day given to one good book of the highest class, such as the Bible or Shakespeare, or to a book of the second class, like Virgil or Homer or Milton, will make a man cul tured in a very few years." Who can tell how much of that mental vitality and culture for which New Englanders are famous, is due to the morning and evening "chapter." One of the fifteen saloon keepers of Champaign, 111., offers to pay the li cense of all the saloons, amounting to $7,500 a year, if the city will gaurantee him the monopoly of dram selling. Ev idently that saloon keeper sees license eye to eye with us! Much of the drunkenness of to-day is traceable dhVetly to the cider barrels of fifty years ago. The first generation drank cider; its ah-ohol called for more of the same in the next generation, so that the cider drinkers' children wished a stronger liquor, and "their children, the drunkards of to-day, demand "whis ky straight." An appetite for drink does not by any means exhaust the inheritance be queathed children by the drinking hab its of parents. Strictly speaking, what is transmitted by alcoholic heredity is a diseased nervous organism which may show itself in hysteria, epilepsy, St. Vi tus' dance, idiocy, or various other forms of nervous impairment. In this way it is that the daughters of drunk ards suffer for the sins of their fathers. Women are so shielded and guarded against temptations to drunkenness that the hereditary taint has little chance to show itself in that direction, but its power is felt in the various forms of nervous diseases which make life a bur den to thousands of women. Mrs. Abby P. Hinkley, a former pres ident of Wisconsin W. C. T. U., has be come a Congregational .paster at 'For rest City, Iowa. The. New York Inde pendent says: "We hope she will be ordained," and all white-ribboners say "Amen!" THINGS FARMERS DON'T KNOW. Five small boys, Andy Murray, Willie Tolfiver, William Gray, John Gollovan, and Richard Callihan, were arrested by an officer last night, having been caught drinking beer in an alley. The officer said that one of the boys was drunk, but he did not know which boy was the culprit. The .'youngsters, none of whom are over twelve years of age, stood up before Justice Eberhardt this., morning and acknowledged that what the officer said was true. "This is terrible," said the court. "Ev ery one of you ought to have been at home with your mother after dark, in stead of drinking beer on the: street. Why were you not at home?" AH five were quiet for a minute. Then spoke up one of the little chaps: "Please sir, I don't think we had any home to go to. I know I didn't." '"Then you should be-put in some place where you will get proper care, and not be allowed to drink beer. Which one of you was drunk?" Four pairs of eyes were turned to wards nine-year-old Richard Callihan, but not a word was spoken. "Was it you, Richard Callihan?" asked the court in tones that made all five of the boys tremble." "Yes, sir," came the faint response.. The court took off his eye-glasses, wiped them, put them 6u again, pushed his hands through his hair,' and then thrust them into his pockets. Finally, after due meditation, he said: "I am not decided as to what should, be done about this affair, but I will continue the cases until to-morrow." Chicago Daily News, Aug. 13. . Farmers don't know how toso treat of fenders against the law. Four little boys arrested, and the scoundrel who sold them the intoxicant alloweo to go untouched! Farmers would reason from effect to cause find out who fur nished those poor homeless Waifs the beer take away his license, (paid for daily in just such pitiful scenes as the above and w orse,) and punish him to the very extent of the law. Farmers are not hardened to such pictures a3 the above. Oh, that we could have some granger justices of the peace! LINCOLN INTERESTS. THE FURNITURE TRADE. Under the head of Lincoln Interests we intend to publish a series of arti cles on all the different branches of trade and manufacture carried on here. These articles will not be at all in the nature of paid-for write-ups, but en tirely in the interest of the city. We will be obliged to any one for informa tion which we can use in them. Ed. Alliance. The furniture trade of Lincoln, while represented by but few houses that carry a complete line ot new goods, is second to that of but very few cities of the west. The lines carried include everything from the ordinary cheap setts to the most magnificent and ex pensive to be found in the entire coun try. As a place to buy furniture Lin coln ranks .first among western cities, as goods are sold at .a smaller margin of profit than in any other town. As a result the trade extends over the en tire state, and particularly throughout the South Platte country in Nebraska. Mentioned below will be found the houses carrying a full and complete stock of new goods. Besides these are numerous houses carrying stocks equal ly as good but not on so large a scale. The only exclusive wholesale and jobbing house in Lincoln is the WISCONSIN FURNITURE AND COFFIN COMPANY, which carries a complete stock of fur niture and undertaking goods. This firm draws its supplies from Oshkosh, Wis.; Mansfield, Naponee, Chicago, New Haven. Clevelaud and St. Louis. A great deal of this stock is drawn from factories in which the firm is part owner. This house occupies a large and well arranged storeroom and ware house. Its trade is very great and ex tend i over the entire state. As to the amount of business done annually the proprietors refuse to state, giving as a reason that they do not desire to invite competition by giving figui-es. The natural inference is that their business is a big thing, and that they, as long as possible, wish to enjoy the monopoly of Lincoln's wholesale trade in the fur niture line. HARDY & PITCHER. This firm leads in the retail trade, and is the pioneer furniture house of the city. It wras established in 1870, by H. W. Hardy, when Lincoln was but a village, in the old Veith building, on the south side of the postoffice square. As trade grew in extent the store was removed to Tenth street, and still later to their magnificent quarters at 211 South Eleventh street, where they now are. On Jan. 1, 188&; II. W. Hardy re tired from the business and was suc ceeded by his son, who was previously interested, and Mr. Pitcher, under the firm name of Hardy & Pitcher. This establishment now occupies ten large floors upon which are arranged in fiue order one of the most magnificent stocks of furniture ever brought to the west. There are to be found everything in the line of furniture and upholstered goods. In parlor setts, everything from the ordinary cheap setts to those elegant ones costing $250 and $300 each. This is the second largest establish ment in the state, and' during the past twelve months has done a business of upward of $100,000. This firm draws its goods principally from Chicago, and from different factories in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana, New York and Connecticut. While their city trade is immense, it is not upon Lincoln alone that they look for support. For the past year more than one third of their trade has been in or ders from country towns, throughout the entire South. Platte country. Phis trade has been confined more pai'ticu larly to their higher priced goods. AUG. THEO. GRUETTER Jt CO. This firm is also one of the pioneer firms of Lincoln, and is the second largest retail establishment in the city. A. T. Gruetter first opened his place of business on the west side of the postoffice square, where he remained until 1883, when he sold out and re moved from the city. In 1885 here turned, and the firm of A. T. Gruetter & Co. opened business with an elegant store at their present location at 1 118 N street. Here the firm occupies five large floors, wrhich are stocked with a full and complete line of furniture and upholstered goods. To show some thing of the amount of goods on these floors, we mention that one order of 4,700 when filled and shipped last week showed so little diminished space that one could iiardly tell that anything had been taken from the store. Their goods are drawn principally from Wis consin, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illi nois and New York. Last month, be sides their open freight received, thev received twelve carloads of goods, and on the first day of October they have in orders for srx carloads, besides numer ous orders for open freight. Some of the very finest setts may be seen in this establishment, and m addition to their large city trade, they do a heavy busi ness filling orders for country towns throughout the south half of the tate. SHELTON Jt SMITH. This firm opened its business estab lishment March 1, of the present year, and already have a very large and con stantly increasing trade. Mr. Shelton informs us that it exceeds his most sanguine expectations. This estab lishment is located in spacious and ele gantly fitted-up rooms on the ground floor of 234 and 238 South Eleventh street, with the two basements as ware rooms, nere,, too, is t be found every thing kept in a first class furniture store, from the cheapest of goods to I the most magnificent parlor betts. The firm draws its goods principally from Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and New York. They have a fine city trade, also an excellent busi ness in all Nebraska towns as far west as Kearney and McCook, in this state. J. D. Anderson. Ansley, in letter with list of subscribers, writes: ''I f '. they will like the paper, for I tJmk should be in every Alliance man s house. We all like the way it comes out on the railroad tools such as Laws, who aspires to fill Laird's vacant chair. gjjg You were not so dissipated be fore we were married." He "Indeed I was, my dear; but when anybody told you so then, you wouldn't believe it." Life. V We have a letter from Mr. Stebbins, of Shelton, which we expect to insert in our next issue. THE COMING CROP. Bv Wm. Hunt. What shall the fruit be, order and progress, or confusion and anarchy? Shall the birth be in peace and good will or in strife and blood? We hope and believe it will be in peace. And it is the imperative duty of all who do not think that .anarchy is the normal -condition of humanity, to pray and work for this end. In this emergency, the only way to avoid destructive anarchy and secure peace is to embrace the present period of probation to enlighten, educate and convert the people, (the public man aud private citizen, the debtor and creditor, and all who desire right to prevail,) to a knowledge of truth, justice and duty. If the few already enlightened .will unite in the true Christian spirit of peace, charity and good will to all men, this can surely be done. Enough can be converted from all classes to save civilization from impending anarchy. The plain people need converting as much as the eminent. And if we may' judge the future by the past we have as good a nrospect of converting the wealthy and eminent people as the hum ble and plain people. Some of our most successful and wealthy bankers advo cate government loans oi money direct to the people at as low rate as to bank ers. But they say, "If the people will be horses for somebody to ride, we might as well have the good of the ride." Peter Cooper, the father of the peo pie's party, and of the agitation and ed ucation that saved the 346 millions of treasury notes for the people, and se cured the decision of the supreme court that said notes are constitutional cur rency, was an eminent., man . in every sense in intellect, culture, morals, fame and wealth. Judge lliurman, late can didate for vice-president, is an eminent man, and has done much to save us from the destruction of the greenback and the demonetization of silver and consequent financial ruin. Senators Beck, of Kentucky, and Stewart, of Xe vada, are probably doing vastly more to educate our legislators and the whole nation in financial science than they could ontside of their respective parties and hence retired to private life. Many other prominent men in and out of congress, belonging to the two old parties, are equally deserving commen dation and encouragement. If they are not able to do all that is needful, they are doing much to check the power and influence of the wreckers and their or gans, and to preserve the present status till the people can be educated-to de mand full justice. Voice. Orders for coal must be sent in dur ing September to insure the price and certainty ot having orders filled. Van Dyke, Wyoming, coal, S1.75 per ion. iut or egg coal - $i. Jb reight on any lines of U. P. in Nebraska" $4.25 per ton; on li. Jc M. $4.65 per ton. Cham berlain plows, good as made, shipped from Omaha, 14 and 16 inch, $14. By one-half car lots, 12.25. Champion self-dump steel wheel horse rake $21.00 Centerville, Iowa, coal, at the mine, $1.25 per ton. Can be shipped direct to all points on the Hock Island It. It. at regular tariff rates. Points on U. P. add $1.60 to Omaha, rates; by St. Joe $1 to regular rate. Tnis is one of the best Iowa mines. State Agent's Notice. It is very desirable and will save some expense, and be better in every way, if the Alliances will bulk their orders so one shipment will do for many parties. It is found that little or nothing can be saved on groceries at retail. If orders are m unbroken packages can be had at jobbers' rates. I'rice lists are or ntue account only m a general way. The price on sugar changed three cents in one week not long since. Many other things the same. Allen Koot, State Agent. Stock shipped to Allen Root, care of uen, uomns oc .McCoy, umana, by members of the Alliance, will realize from $4 to $5 more per car for their stock. Give the agent notice when shipped. Mr. Root is state agent for the Alliance. W. , R. Bennett & Co. will sell groceries, etc., to the Alli ances at jobber's rates. Send all or ders to Allen Root. Shipments of vegetables, fruits or poultry, should be billed to Mr. Root, care of Bowman, Williams & Howe's, Omaha. Price List of Oils to Alliances. 150 test, medium white coal oil, ll'J cents. 150 " prime " " " 104 175 " Y. L. " " " 13 " 74 stve g-asoline " lll4 " These oils in barrel lots. The best harness oil in either one or five gallon cans, 70 cents per gallon. Pure Neat's foot oil in one to five gallon cans, 60 cents per gallon. In barrel lots, 50 cents per gallon. Axle grease, tldrty six boxes in case, $1.85. Allen Root, State Agent. Official Notice to Alliances. All Subordinate or County Alliances wanting coal the coming season faom the state agency should send in the number of cars wanted, the grade of coal used, and be sure to state what railroad they are tributary to. This matter must be attended to at once and reports sent in promptly to the secretary of the State Alliance. wool a ithle to eive us the producer, A nti fC, fif,ntnnai welhafrcSniparativcly independ: rat of fore'?11 supplies. That is what Jre have to look after.Rural World. AU along it had been Been f by the more far-sighted American cattle men that northern Mexico offers, in its win terless climate and its excel lent grass, the best country for breeding purposes on the North American continent; and it is for this and the foregoing reasons that renewed attention is being given at present to northern Mexican lands. Colts should be halter-broken when following the mare; it helps to subdue them, and supercedes the necessity of breaking them over again when grown up. "Once broken, always broken," is a axiom as old as the art of breeding. It is advisible to break them to harness at 2 or 3 years old. They receive no injury from careful usage in light vehicles. . Prof, Sanborn .thinks that there in a sharp demand for a decided change in our methods of growing hogs. He thinks the food can te taken to the pig cheaper than the pig can scoot around and get it, and that advant age should be taken of home feeding to procure the manure for increasing the production of the land. This aim will more than justify swine feed ing. A very large part of the crops grown upon the farm in the shape of grain should be turned into meats and butter and cheese before it is sold. In this way the land is kept in fertility and the product is very much more valuable and concentrated. The farmer who ra ises crops through the summer and feeds them through the winter has double profits. The scarcity of feed in . the fall is often the cause of great losses to farmers, mainly clover. This is the dearest of all feeds. A clover plant cropped in August or September has its growth so checked that it cannot stand the winter, and will not grow so vigorously next spring. It is bet ter to buy grain for cows, and feed pretty liberally of the growing corn crop rather than turn stock on young clover. There is just one way, says the Western Rural, to make a good fin ished beef animal, and only one. That is to understand the science of feeding, and to practice it every day, feeding so as to make every ration count, and to continue feeding in that way, until the full purpose is accomplished: If the feeding n? reck less and the care indifferent, do not expect to get the best ruling price for the cattle. The roadsides, fence corners, rub bish, thickets and weeds should be completely cleared up not only for the advantages of the appearanco but because such are used as the har boring places of insects. Destruc tion to crops will follow neglect to clear out the growth in inaccessible places where the plow, cultivator and harrow cannot go. Then the hoe should be used, and fire niado to consume everything that is u nui sance. Fowls that are confined to yards and kept warm in cold weather will give better results the entire year than when they are allowed to roam at will, sensibly remarks on experi enced poultry keeper. The hens that have free range will sometimes lay more eargs in summer than will those that are confined; but the hens that are properly cared for during the cold season will lay at a time when the highest prices for eggs are usually obtained. There is no question whatever about the benefits to be derived from a well . conducted e.reamery, says a Dakota farmer, not only to the farm ers, but to everyone within the limits of its operations. It gives the farm er a cash market for his cream, and enables him to pay cash for his sup- Elies. It gives him an inducement to etter his stock, and to employ bet ter and more profitable methods of caring for them, in addition to many other benefits. Experience has shown that it will provomore profitable to establish stock farms where cattle may be fed the year around, and so diminish or cut off altogether the loss from tem pests and starvation; and years as agriculture pushes its way toward the Rocky Mountains, land grows too valuable to be utilized for ranges, and this appreciation in the value of the soil will tend to discourage the formation of great companies and the pasturing of huge herds on ex tended tracts. Exchange. produce a nav:-o8o AURORA, KANE CO., 111., IMPORTER AND BREEDER OF Cleveland and Shire Horses. 300 YOUNG AND VIGOROUS STALLIONS AND MARES, OF CHOICEST BREEDING NOW ON HAND. LARGE IMPORTATION RECENTLY ARRIVED. I will make special prices and liberal terms to parties buying before winter. 200 High-Bred Holstein-Friesian Cattle. When answering Advertisements mention Thb Alliance. 16m OBTAIN CHICAGO The wav to rin thtn in to hMt vour Hotter. Eircs. PRODTJGEI Beans, Broom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits. Vegetables, or anything you have, to us. The fact that vou mar have been sellinir these articles at home for years Is no reason that you should continue to do so if you can find a better irrket. We make a specialty of receiving shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS, and probably have the largest trade in this way of any house in this market. WhHst you are looking around for the cheapest mar ket in which to buy your goods and thus economizing in that way, it will certainly pay you to give some attention to the best and most profitable wc- of disjnosing of your produce. We invite correspondence frojti INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all organizations who desire to ship their produce to this market. If requested, we will send you free of charge our dally market report, shipping directions and such Information as will bo of ser vice to you if you contemplate shipping. Let us hear from you. , SUMMERS, MORRISON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' REFERENCE : Metropolitan Nation Bank, W. D. NICHOLS uukekal dealer in Real Estate BEATRICE, NEIL ' Httvo some Fine Harpuins in Improve Farm. Lot For Sale In Every Addition in th. city OFFICE, COURT 8T. TKLK. K. Ur.t'f. PUBLIC SALE IT? Of Short Horn Cattle at HASTINGS, NUB. TUESDAY OCTOBER 8tH, 1889. I will sell to the highest bidder : 11,-udor Thoroughbred Short Hornn. These Cm tie have been bred und raised In Nebrnaka, are suited to the climate and lined to the kinl of food produced by our Boil, and if inTly handled ore certain to frlvc satlnfactlon. The offering will consist of Ten Younif Hull and Twenty-Five FcmaleB. All females old cnmiKh have been served by the Ciuikshank Hull Golden Antiquary RT61 or ltoyal Varna S.1 KH.-,7. Terms: A credit of Eight montli'H time on good bankable paper. Sale Ikk1iih at 1 1. M. J. RUSSELL LOWNF.S, Frop. Col. F. M. WOODS Auctioneer. T. J. THORP & (',., Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Badges and BaggageChecks Of Every Description. Established l.-wo. 8. llth St., LINCOLN', NEH. vOftEAT.WCSTERNE0-STATlbCj large: FIRE- BOX. 3 FEET LONG TOP fit0 SI ENTIRELY OVMEOWATE Great Western Fe6d Steamer x AND TANK II EAT Kit Cooks one to three barrels feed at one lining. Firebox surrounded with water on top and sides. Any kind of fuel. Easily tiianuyed and cleaned as a box htove. Send for Circulars. Agents wanted. ihnlli Tama, Iowa. J. C. McBKlDE. II. S. UK LI i MoBRIDE & BELL DEALERS IN Real Estate, Loanand Insurance AGENTS. Office, 107 S. llth St., Basement, lincoln, nebraska. Agents for M. K. JtTrust Co. Houses Uullt on ten years' time. Debt; cancelled in ense of Death. Anything to trade let us know of It. NOTICE TO MILLERS For Sale or Rent, A Roller Flouring mill with water power, one mile from Lincoln. A. t. sayvyi:r. h. c. STOLL, - HHEEDElt OF r X The Most Improved Breeds of Poland China, Chester White, Small Yorkshire and E88C.V Hops. Satisfaction jruaranteed in all cases. P. U. Address, BEATRICE, Nb. An Imported Shire Stallion for SALE. Six years old, perfect temper, first clasK pedigree registered IntheEnKlish Shire Herd Book. Can show as g-ood colts as In the State. Owner having' to leave.'the faun, will hell or exchange for desirable property. Carriage and new harness wanted. Inquire at Tiik Alliance olllce. j. m. K.OBi2srsoisr, Kexesaw, Adams County, Ne;k. Breeder and Shipper ef Recorded Poland China Hogs. Choice Breeding Stock for sale. Write for wants. Mention The Alliance FOR INSURANCE. See or address Svijrart & Bush. Mead, Neb., Special Agents Fai mers Union (Mutual) Ins. Co., Grand Island, Nebraska. . Deep Milking Strains at Low Prices. PRICES FOR YOUR Poultry. Veal, Hay. Grain. Wool, Hides. 174 S. WATER, ST., CHICAGO. Chicago. Mention The Alliauc e. i r 9 I 7 1 I U i