A Symptom ofCerebral flletilnjrJtl. In a pnper on the tlmi-nosis of tnler- culnr meuinitia, Dr. Skeer, of Chicago, makes an interesting statement in re-' j: gard to a symptom of the disease. This j.-symptom is "a email circle which forma m me ma iionr fr mid completely but- I rouuuing: the ' pupillary margin. as first, it is very indistinct, and resem ! bles a wreath of white clouds, the eilge of which extends at first to the free border of the iris. In from twelve to : thirty-six hours the whole margin of the iris will be involved, having become of ! a yellowish or whitish brown color, and appearing irregular, thickened and i somewhat granulated." According to j Dr. Skeer, when in a case of cerebral I meningitis the wreaths of white clouds I - appear in the iris the question of diag nosis is settled bej'oud a doubt. I flow an America n Vetmel Wa Lot. "By the way," said an ex-naval offi ! cer, "I will tell you a queer tiling that hairpened down there rein. I have I. no doubt. you recollect the great tidal ", "wave of about twenty years ago. Tlio I United States storeship Fredonia was ; sunk and the man-of-war Wateree lifted - A A. ! land, crossing a railroad in its flight. "When it was proposed to get her to the j beach again, the natives wanted such an exorbitant sum for cutting out about i the railroad.that the scheme Avas abau : -cloned. Some time afterward another I earthquake took place, which again lifted the Waterree bodily, carried her I back over the railroad tracks, and deposited her on the beach. 'It was j found, however, that her condition was ! usuch that it would not pay to do auy ! thing with her, so she was left to rot i and be broken up by the inhabitants." Chicago Times. Our School of Science. Never before, according to the com missioner of education, have superior institutions of learning in the United States occupied so large a share of pub lic attention or given signs of such vig orous and fruitful life as at the present time. Among these institutions are -classed schools ol science, pure and ap plied, which, according to the writer of tnu report, "Have greatly increased ine provision for superior .instruction, ex tended its province and borne an im portant part in the adjustment of its processes to the demands arising from the extraordinary increase of .scientific knowledge and its application to tho leading industries of modern timeo. Chicago News. Itepubllea In South America. It will not be far in the next century when we shall havo at least two South. American republics on a par with tho United States in enterprise and pros perity. Chili has lately contracted , for 10,000,000 ties from Puget Sound, to use in the construction of a transconti nental railroad from the Pacific to tho Atlantic. American engineers and con tractors are in charge of the work. The aim is, in part, to connect the -silver mines of the Andes with business cen ters. Meanwhile tho Argentine states are increasing in population and receiv ing more immigrants in proportion to size than our own states. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. ' llnmnll Feel Were llliule to Yl'nltz. "Were human feet made to waltz? Al most every pair of feet recognize tho fact that lively music sets them in mo tion. From infancy up the propensity is to beat time, at least, to the strains of music that are set. to sedate or marching time, and to begin to gjTrate with tho son) inspiring and feet movimr waltz. With some feet it is impossilJfe to keep them still while the music laiyfs. There is nothing wrong or unnrttural about this. Even ostriches waltz. We are told that "this is the funniest thing they do. Tho leader of a fltjSck starts off by slowly but gracefully turning round and round. In five minutes all his compan ions are doing tho same, and it is quite a sight, their long plumes waving in the wind." The waltz is infectious. Shoe and Leather Review. A Ancient Souvenir. I saw a queer object in the window of a William street store last week. It was a barnacle-covered vase about two feet high, and though of an antique and ancient pattern, would not of itself at tract more than a passing glance. Upon two cards, which were placed near it, Hi history was told in English and Greek. The vase had been fonud at the bottom of the straits of Salimis, where the naval battle was fought between Themistocles, admiral of Greece, and Xerxes, king of Persia, 400 years before Christ. The poor sponge diver who found the relic received a slight reward for his tronble, and the vase was shipped to New York. Who knows but that it may bo a- reminiscence of tho great battle. New York Graphic. Ieclit the Eyes Ilrlglit. You want to make your eyes bright, clear, have them get rid oi" a feeling that they are wearing out? Very well, then. You must observe all the laws of health. You must be careful not to read iu either a dim or glaring light. If yon don't rest enough your eyes will look colorless, listless and expression less. When you bathe them as if they were made of cast iron they will revenge themselves on you by making you feel as if there were small lumps 'in them and as if they were full of tears that were only waiting for a cause to be shed. You never ought to let j-onr eyes get tired out, but when 3'ou do sponge them with very warm water and if possible go to bed. There is nothing that is grateful for care shown it as the human body and tho thought rriven to your health will cause it to express its thanks in bright eyes and a skin that is whito, clear and firm. The caterpillar nior. wears his furs all sum- A silver Grecian lyre is a new buckle 'or laaies' summer belts. An oddity in silver is a ladies' buckle shaped like a wishbone. belt A new cuff button is of vnriegated gold and imitates a fancy sea shell. Unlicensed peddlers in Delaware are fined 500 each. Krupp, the German gun maker, enmlovs 21.000 men. ; V ( There are 9,000 United States. woman doctors in the They say the Eiffel tower is a very small affair compared with the steepness of board and lodging in Paris. In China the iron per day. workers make 6 cents Up to this date 400 monuments have been erected on the Gettysburg battlefield. On 50 cents per week men and women marry and raise families in India. Quitman, Ga., with 2 500 people leads the worhl in fruit shipping. , Truth crushed to the earth will rise again, but by that time the funeral ol some one's character is all over. "When a man is "taken in" "put out." he is usually When the czar of Kusssia takes a trip he goes Kotnanoff. Bill Tell's boy ia remembered in history because he had an arrow escape. ,,D.a7? ,virtue and usefulness make Ivniglits of Honor. " HALL'S CATARRH -CURE is a liquid nnd is taken internally. Su!d by drug gists 7c. Aunt Janes Only ...Offer. The three Misses Tibbs were, without Joubt, in a fever of delight. Simply an event was about to happen, which, though it may more than onca in a woman's life, on its first happening ia especially fraught with excitement. One of the Misses Tibbs, the eldest, Jennie, a very pretty blonde of twenty two, was about to be married, and nat- nrallv the talk and thought all ran to matters matrimonial. Tiia three Misses TiDbs were very busy, intensely so, not really making up tho trousseau, for that important matter had been intrusted to the hands of Madame Lollipop, the eminent mod Lste of Fifth avenue and Twenty-third street, but in evolving the hundred lit- tie nothings that are supposed to apper tain to a wedding, and that must, in the majority of cases, emanate from the home circle or near it. At this employment the three misses were busy, assisted by their Aunt J ane, who. as far as a surname went, might as well have had none, for Aunt Jane ah a was to evervbodv. even those who could not even claim a ninety-ninth cous inship.though reallv, Aunt Jane's name was Hopkinson. The three girls Jennie, the eldest, named after her aunt; Josephine, the second, aged twenty, named after her Uncle Joseph, and Maud, the "baby," acred sixteen, and named after nobody, had often discussed Aunt Jane's charm- in e Qualities and how pretty she must once have been, but it had never occur rei to them to think of why Aunt Jane, ntm of. kha arra rf fifty, remained a remained maiten witu no apparent aspirations . , a1i tiat condition. But toward changing that now. brought forth bp what was soon to happen to one of the trio, everything that bore upon the subject came promi nently forward, and every acquaintance of tho femalo -nersuasion became sud iuct to discussion. "Do vou know" said Josio, "what was the reason that Tillie Smith did not marrv John Penn ?" "Noiw was Jennie's response. "I've alwavs wondered, but never knew. "I'll tell you. It was because when John went off, as he did after his en gagement, to Chicago on business, and, of course, had to write Tillie letters, for the first time she discovered that not onlv be did not write good grammar but did not know how to use the capital letter, and so she broke off the engage ment. You know Tillie is very partic nlar and teaches in a public school. "Whv. how absurd !" said Jennie. "I don't think mv Tom is perfect in his letters, but Hove 'em, and I'm as clad to get 'em as though they were clas- cal ly correct. I 'think it was a forfnnate e.rvi-e fnr 1Tr. Penn." ' "So do I," said Maud. Till never put on such nonsensical ah3 a:) that with anvbody. You know I'm tho in fantileso vou all say to thinlyjf get- J ting married, ana x, tannic s myself, buUL can't help it if I don't like every body that likes irrg.- J2Vy you know, you wanted me to explain why it was that I wouldn't come down stairs the other evening, when young Charley Keeler called. Well, I'll tell you. It was because when he came list Wednesday evening, just a week ago to-day, he leaned back in his chair against the wall, over in that corner, and he left that grease spot that you see there from the back of his head. Now, girls, even if I was ten years old er, I wouldn't want anybody coming to seo me that greased his hair so as to leave a spot on the new wallpaper. "Well, I don't know, Maudie, but what vou may be right, " said Jennie, thoughtfully, "but I don't think I would send my Tom away for that. I'd try and clean the spot, and if I couldn't I'd show it to him, and tell him he must be careful the next time." "Aunt Jane," said Jennie, impatient ly, as if the idea had just reached her, "how was it that you never married?" "Perhaps it was because I had no of fer," said the old maid with a smile. "Oh, that's impossible, " said the three Misses Tibbs in chorus. "Why impossible, my dear girls? Everything is possible," replied Miss Hopkinson gravely. "Yes, auntie, but I know that you had everything attractive about you to draw the best of offers. Mamma says that you were one of the most charming girls she ever knew." "Your mamma, my dear, is very kind, but you must remember that she speaks with the prejudice of a sister, and be sides that a woman does not look upon these things with the eyes of a man." "Oh, but, auntie, I know for myself. I can see how very pretty you have been, and I can see that you havo not lost it yet. One can grow gracefully old, and keep all their good looks to those who love them, even though they be a little shaded by age." "Yes !" put in Josephine, "and there's one thing ordained by Provicence on that point, which is that we do not see those we are with every day getting old. We never notice age creeping on them unless our attention is particularly called to it." "I think that may be so in some cases," said Aunt Jane, smiling, "but it could hardly be, girls, in your cases with me. I havo watched you from the cradle np. and could almost count every day. It may hold good with those who are about the samo acre as yourself. Now, I confess that I" have never thought of age as regards your mother, and yet I am seven years older than she is." "Oh, no; mamma is just as voung and beautiful as ever," said "The Baby," enthusiastically, "and I remember her for twelve years. No. I think we no tice the advances of age upon ourselves more than we do on others. I know that I think of it every day I look in tho glass and recoguize that I am get ting old." . They all laughed at this, and Maud had to laugh a little herself, but she turned it off with : "Well, this isn't what we were talk ing about, girls. Jennie you Just asked auntie how it was that she never got married. Let's hear about that." "Well girls, " said Aunt Jane slowly, "that seems an unanswerable -question, but I'll try to answer it. j.aps it was upon the same principtx . iat some men never get rich no matter how much they try, it is so ordained that they shall always be poor, while others reach wealth and honors, not only without ef fort, but with positively everything against them." "Well, I don't think I made any very great e3brt to get my, Tom," said Jenny thoughtfully, "andre.ally, when I come to think of H, I don't thiukhehas asked me right out. . I believe it was under stood between us perfectly before any thing was said on tho subject, and vhen we did talk about it I took it as a matter of course." I believe that is tho way ia a majori ty of cases," said Aunt Jane, laughing, "and this mythical idea of popping -the question is somethuig that very rarely occurs. As Jenny says, its all under stood without it. " Now, for myself, I've been the same as engaged three or four times, and yot I never received but one formal offer in mv life. "Oh! tellns all about it, auntie, said the three Misses Tibbs, hitching their chairs nr a little closer to Aunt Jane. "Well, it's hardly anyunng to leu, girls, but if vou desire to bear it, j. must tell it. But to explain what I say about being engaged without receiving a formal offer, 1 will cite a case or two within my own experience. My first was when I was seventeen, and, as I then thought, as much a woman as I urn now. I waa snendincr the summer on the seashore with my Aunt Margar et, and Aunt Margaret, having made a successful marriage, iinanciallv speak ing, herself, was intent on having her neices uo ue rams, lor sue liau no children, and fo every summer she took to fashionable places, and every winter to all tho balls and parties. This particular summer she chose the Reashore, and there T met Harvey Gray, who, though seven years my - - -i m senior, ana wno naa neen traveling ior three vears in Europe, was, really, as innocent as a child. We fell in love, as it i3 called, at first sight, and were in fatuated with each other. Of course, out of this grew tho usual sweet com munings, moonlight walks, boating, euitaring. singing, and ail the inevit able things appertaining to lovers, ever Since the world began. . c "Aunt Margaret recognized tho mat ter. and it suited her too well, as I afterward thought. Gray was rich, hiarhlv connected, handsome and of ir reproachable character, therefore a very desirable match. I say it all suited Aunt Margaret too well, and 111 ex plain that by saying that while men are alwavs readv to take advantage of being left by the parents and guardians of the girl they are in love with alone and uninterrupted in their wooingr, yet there is such a thing as overdoing this, so as to rather turn him against it. He would really be bet 3r pleased witli a little opposition. I think Aunt Margar et slightly overdid it. "However, the summer passed, . and we were happy, and I felt as much en gaged to Harvey as though the actual words had been spoken, and I am as sure as we can bo of anything in this life that Harvey felt the same way. In fact we talked freelv of what we were to do in the future, and there was nothr ins: wanting but the setting of the day, when Aunt Margaret stepped in, which I have always thought was unfortunate, to sav the least of it, for I am a decided advocate of early marriages.' Well, we were to start 'for tho city early tho next mornimr, and for what occurred the previous evening I am indebted to Aunt Margaret's own recital. Iwas detained in mv own room packing, but was to meet Harvey on tho piazza at 9 o'clock He was to go With us to the city the t-,A-t rl0"0, ?. l 7 left him after dinner promenading with my aunt, w nen j. returned at 9 o'clock, he was not there, and Aunt Margaret made his apologies by saying that he was indisposed and had retired. The next day when he did not appear to go with us to the city, Aunt Margaret was forced to an expla nation. She had asked Harvey what hi3 intentions were, and he had re volted. "I thought my heart was broken, but Aunt Margaret said she had done right, and that the man who after three months of unlimited courtship, as she looked upon it, that could not explain his intentions had better be got rid of. I never saw Harvey again until he was married, three years after, when we met, as they say in France, with elevat ed politeness. He married one of the great belles of society, and in two years he was living a bachelor life in Paris and she was living in New York City. Perhaps Aunt Margaret was in the right; I do not know." But the three Misses Tibbs declared that Aunt Margaret was not Bight, but emphatically wrong, and after discuss ing the matter a while Maud said : "But, auntie, you haven't told us about the one real offer that you did have. " "Very well," said Aunt Jane, laugh ing, "I'll bkip the offers I didn't have then, and tell of the ones I did have, if you say e: You all remember Under wood, of course. Your grandfather bought it, Jennie, when you were a baby, and we all spent our summer's there. That's twenty years ago, and I was then what society calls passe in fact, 1 had before that made up my mind to a life of old. maidism. "One day I had taken a fancy to go into the kitchen and make a cake. I did thia because everybody' except the hired wien and one of the chamber maids had gone to the city, even the cook being away for the day, the hired men off in the fields, and Mary and ' I the only occupants of the house. I had begun my cake-making when I discov ered the want of certain spices, and Mary volunteered to go to the store to obtain them. She had hardly got away when I heard a step, and raised my eyes to see a man standing at the kitchen door, which opened into the path that led to the road. "My heart was in my throat in an in stant, and I remembered" how utterly alone I was. We were not afraid of tramps in those days as now, but 1 think a better specimen of that genus I never saw. He was dilapidation itself , and as I looked at him in a dazed, frightened way, he whined : " 'Lady, I'm very hungry. Won't you give me something to eat V "As scared as I was I reasoned. 'I would feed him and talk to him until Mary returned, and I would theff send her for the hired men, and so K bade him come in and I sat before iim the contents of tha kitchen pantry with an abundance of warm coffee ifrom the stove. ' He ate like one whet had not seen food for over a month, Mnd as he ate poured forth the tale of lUrroubles. He had been a prosperous l-maker, having at one time had as rfusi as $400 in the savings bank ; but, arf I bclared, he had been ruined by a bsL e, who would not bear with his hi loibles, one of which was his convivositii-. and so she left him, and he becan0 wan- UCX CI. "Of course I sympathized wt li him in his troubles, "and under tifts the stimulation of the coffee, as soon as he could eat no more, I found him on his kneeabefore me, pouring out his ad miration. Oh, if he had but such o wife as I was, what a different man .he might have been. A millionaire, 'r- haps. -Oh, will that girl, Mary, Vr return? irat it vras not too late yet; His wife was not dead, but he was not' afraid of her. Would I marry him ? "I don't know how: 1 found word,. m my fright uut x saw that 1 must temporize, and -1 told him that the offer was too sudden, that 1 was un able to .decide at once; that at any moment my father or brothers i tight come down stairs, and I would rather keep it a secret from' them. If he would go away now and return the next day at the same hour he should have mv answer. He promised he would, and very candidly confessed that he did not know where he should sleep that night, whereat I took out my purse and gave him what money I had, about two dollars, and lie departed, and that's the only direct offer, girls, I have ever received in my life." "Oh, Auntie" went up in chorus from the three girls. "How terrible ! Did he comeback?" "Oh no I I never saw him again, and as I did not know, his name, you know, girls, I could not hunt him np. When Mary came back she found me stretched upon the kitcnen noor, wnere l naa chosen to drop in a faint, and alter sne had brought me back to life she wanted to send one of the hired men after my visitor, but I refused to allow her, for what had the man done? Nothing! He was civil and quiet, and had gone away at my request, and had left it in my power to say that I had received one offer at least in my life." Experience. There is no educator like experience. It ia the stepping stone in life's stream, and the man who does heed its lessons slips into the creek and gets drowned. Yes, experience is an ex cellent teacher, although it often charges high wages. , Its lessons are always valuable and firmly fixed in the memory stamped there by the force of circumstances. The little child that gleefully tries to mash a wasp on the window pane under the delusion that he is going to have some fun' with a fly never makes that mistake a second time. AH through life we learn a great deal by merely finding out things we don't know." In the language of the great apos tic to the Gentiles, Carl Pretzel, "Oxberience vas bully deacher. Der only trouble mit him vas clot he gives his "knowledge oud vhen it vas pooty late." Very olten experience is a physican who never comes until after the dis order is cured. The old and those who have mixed largely with the world comprehend the fact that no education is available that is not practical. ' These are the men who, when thev go to New York, are cold and unsympathetic when the bunco man calls them by their right names and asks for information about the old folks and all the neighbors. On the other hand, the man whose life has been spent in study is easily taken in, and has to telerraph home ior money to uay liianua'i bi,i",m;.r he returns to his quiet study in the romantic little country village, he is the mark for ridicule and the uncon scious butt of men who do not pos sess one tithe of his learning. There are men who utterly fail to profit by the lessons of experience. For instance, there is a man in Illi nois who is living with his ninth wife. The other eightattemptslooklikeex periments that have failed, but from which he has derived no wisdom. To such men experience is like the stern light of a ship, which illuminates only .the track it has p.assed. Texas Sift- angs. TVhy Dr. Hawkes Declined, Washington Post. North Carolina probably never produced an abler preacher than Dr. Francis L. Hawkes, who a quarter of a century ago was pastor of Grace Episcopal Church, New York. Short, thick set, swarthy, black eyed, and black haired, he was a striking per son age. He was not only a great pulpit oi ator, but considered the best reader in the New York Episcopacy. His rather luxurious family deterred him from accepting a bishopric, which would have been otherwise tendered. One day a delegation from a Buffalo church waited upon andin .vited him to accept a pastorate in that city. "Well, gentlemen, other things be ing satisfactory, the question of ac ceptance narrows down to a business matter," said Dr. Hawkes. "What salary do you offer?" "Dr. Hawkes," said the spokes man, "we recognize that you have a high reputation and are willing to be liberal. One recent pastor has receiv ed f 2,500, but on accjjunt of your standing we have decided to offer you $3,500." : "My good man," cried the doctor; fasping, "do you know what salary am receiving here?" ; "No sir." : "I get $15,000 and this parsonage, and as I have an expensive family I do not see my way clear to accept your offer." The spokesman looked rather sheepish, but made another essay. "If we had known that fact, sir, we would undoubtedly have looked else where; but you should remember that the work of the Lord must be done, and as for providing for your family, you know the story of the ravens." , "Now, my friends," responded the clergyman, quizzically, "I have made the Bible my study ever since I was 28. I have read it through carefully and prayerfully over a hundred times. 1 remember the raven, incident per fectly, but nowhere can I find any re ference to the Lord's providing . for young Hawkes." Strawberries from Febrnarj to An ?nst By starting from Southern Texas in February, and traveling northward by slow stages into British America, a man might have ctraw berries every day until the end of August. When rapid transportation Is further perfected, he may have them during' the sam period and stay at home! Bailroads have almost annihilated the "fruit season.' Topeka State Journal. HOUSEHOLD. Hlntt for th Homtb Tepid water acts promptly as an eitetic. Horse-radish, as a poultice, is rec ommended for rheumatism. Never allow fresh meat to remain in paper; it absorbs the juices. When sponge-cake becomes dry it is nice to cut it in thin slices and toast. Fresh boiled milk with cut sugar will soothe a cough when other things fail. - - Cold tea is the best thing with which to clean grained wood. Never use ammonia for this work. In some forms of headache a towel or a napkin wrung out of hot water as hot as can be borne and wound around the head affords relief. Cultivate onougnnuiness. to say we iorgot is no- excuse. It is our busmess to remember and not tolor- get. - To extract ink from wood, scour with sand wet with water and am monia, then rinse with strong saler- atus water. To clean chamois, wash in ammonia water, or tepid water and castile soap, rinse-in clean water, squeeze, and stretch to dry in the shade. To exterminate moths from trunks and chests, wash well with borax water, and alter drying use benzine. Air and sun well before using. The safest and Most pleasant remedy for gastric hejtnorrhage is said to be water, drank as hot; as can be borne, in quantities of a half tumblerful to a tumblerful. Cocoanut Drops. One grated co coanut, one-half its weight in . pow dered sugar, the white of one egg beaten stiff. Drop on buttered pa per. Bake in a slow oven. . The latest variation of the Irish peasant cloak is the accordion cloak, which is merely a velvet collar, into which is sewn five straight breadths of double or ten of" single-width croods. accordion plaited, and long enough to- reach the foot of skirt. the ri Among the new shades are rouge cupidon bright red; , rose cupidon, bright pink; cythere, a moss green; gris vapeur, light steam gray; bleu savon, dull grayish blue; ecurenil, a brick-dust red, the tint of the red squirrel's coat; andronge marocain, bright crimson. An effective heading for a Spanish flounce on the front of a net, skirt is a puff of net with ribbon drawn through, and coming out to make three large bows. The puff is merely a tuck two inches wide, which is turned upward intwWssTna" the ribbon, and rests erect against the skirt. Powdered re3in is a good dressing for a cut. Pound it until fine, and put it in an empty clean pepper-box with perforated top; then you can easily sift it out on the cut, and put a soft wloth around the injured member, and wet it with cold water once in a while. It will prevent in ilammation and soreness. Sulphur in sciatica is of marked benefit. Use it locally. Apply the medicament liberally to thelimb,and keep it in place with a bandage. Sev eral cases of rebellious sciatica cured in thia simple way are reported. Keep the patient in bed during the treatment which ordinarily does not extend more than a few hours, as the patient becomes free of pain in six oV ten hours. Conditions in Town Boys who entered upon city life will find in town severe strain, con flict, uncertainty. It will yield the excitement of a battle. The lads who realize all this and go to the city as knights in old days entered upon a crusade hoping lor a king dom and prepared to find a grave will not be disappointed. The merely sordid who really seek money, may very likely find more of it in the fields at home. The idle boy who dislikes work will be most sorely dis appointed. Industry is the law of the city. The idler will soon be a beggar. The severity of city labor partly explains " city pauperism. There is no compromise between work and beggary in the city; there is a good deal of room ior com promise in the country. If a man is content to satisfy primary wants, he may do a great deal of resting in the country. In the city, even these wants may demand ten hours of every working day in the year. Central Christian Advocate. Saise the Kitchen Stote. We have made a discovery lately, which it seems now we ought to have made sooner that the top of the average kitchen stove is too little elevated above the floor, and that theie is in consequence a good deal of backache and other discomfort in flicted upon the cook because so much of her work has to be done in a stoop ing posture. Rather we should say, perhaps, that we have discovered remedy for the trouble which we have borne for many years, and which we hasten to make known to others in the hope of lessening their troubles. Our remedy is simply lifting the stove upon a platform," which will raise it cooking utensils, when on the stove, within easy reach to" one standing in an erect or nearly erect posture. In our case this required a platform about nine inches in depth, and to save the trouble and expense of procuring a carpenter to build it we secure an empty packing box o"f the requisite size from the grocer, at a cost of only ten cents. Bushed over with some staining material ... A Quick fnrc for. Df ppl.; Said a watch repairer: "It is wonder ful and r.t times astonishing how little it takes to mako nome men happy. The other lav a middle nued man. well known on Wall street as a chronic dya- pentic a man for whom I had done a srieat deal of work entered tho store and asked mo in his usual surly manner to n ace a new crystal in ma waicn. While I was complying with his request he sat at tho end of the counter content rlatin? mv work with his habitual scowl. t . . . . - v hen I nassed him the timepiece and received tho twenty cents I had asked him his whole bearing seemed to change. He departed with his whole face wreath ed in smiles, and it was evident that he was in an exceedingly happy frame of mind. I marveled greatly at the time but it was the next day before I could com prehend the change. I had charged him but twenty cen,ts for the work that I had previously done for not less tnau twenty five cents. I Penny wise aud pound loolish" are those who think it economy to use cheap soda and rosin loans, instead of the good old Dobbins' Electric Soao: for sale by all erocera since 1864. Try it once. Be sure, buy genuine " How a Cat Fall. A cat is not hurt by falling because owing to the power it has of balanciug itself when snrinsrinir from a height it almost invariablv lands on its feet. The anatomical structure of a cat's back and snine is extremelv flexible, the muscles of its lesrs are extraordinarily stronj and numerous, and further it has elastic pads or cushions consisting of a mass of fibrous tissue and fat on all feet, seven in each forepaw and five in each hind- paw. When it falls from a height a cat nearlv alwavs alights on these pads, which, bv reason of 'their elasticity, break the force of its fall materially. If bv anv chance, however, a cat falls on its back or side it is very easily mjured. New York Telegram. "Itally Hound the Flag, Hor-P The Grand Army Reunion to be held at Milwaukee (August 2Gth to 31st inclusive), will, in many respects, be one o! the most noteworthy o! commemorative events. There will be ro lack of .distinguished SDeakers. But the moat attractive iea tures will be the "tie that binds" men who have fought, starved and bled for a sacred cause, the renewal ol old-time associa tions, the rehearsal of war experiences and the rekindling upon the altar or pa triotiam of undying devotion to "one flag and one country.'1 Veterans and their friends will be pleased to know that from all stations on the Chicaoo, Rock Island & Pacific Railway on ita main line and branches BOTH EAST AND WEST OP THE MIS SOURI RlVER. the price of tickets has been placed for this occasion at one pare for the round trip, while children under twelve and over five years ol age will oe cnargea only one-half this excursion rate, or one- quarter the regular fare lor the round trip. Tickets will be on sale at all princi pal stations on the Rock Island Route August 21 to August 28, 1889, inclusive, good for continuous passage to Milwaukee at any time between these dates, and good for ieturn passage leaving Milwaukee on any date between August 27 and Sept. 5, 1889, inclusive. Holders o! such tickets who desire to make side excursions from Milwaukee to points beyond in anj direc tion, can, by surrendering their return coupon tickets for safe keeping to the joint agent at Milwaukee, have them honored to original starting point where ticket was purchased (by proper indorsement), on any date not later than Sept. 30, 1889. A Georgia man lias a red bat which he captured a lew days ngo. When Baby was sick, we gave Iier Castor!, When she was a Child, blio cried for Castorla, When she bocamo Miss, sho clung to Castorla, When clio had Chilc'.ren, she gave them Castorla, The "ticker" is a great moral instrument, And niupt not be suppressed. It trans forms gambling into "business." The tombstone is about the only thing that can stand upright and lie on its face at the same time. August Gth and 20th, Sept. 10th and 24th, and October 8th. the Fremont, Elk horn and Missouri Valley Railroad Co.. "The Northwestern Line, " will run a series of "Harvest Excursions" to points on that line in Nebraska, the Black Hills and Cen tral Wyoming at one half regular rates, and if you desire some further informa tion, communicate with J. 11. Buchanan, General Passenger Agent, at Omaha, Ne braska, who will fully adviso you. Sands make the make the years. mountains moments Spare moments are the gold dust of time. icoijs Oil cures 4l At Druggists axd Dbalirs. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., BalUmors. Md. CARTERS Positively cured lj iieae inline nils. They alo relieve IX tress from rTpepU. In CllTTLE digestion and TooHearty Eating. A perfect rsui-i IVER edy for Dizziuess.Nftuseal Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth. Coated Tongue.Pain in the Sid. TOKPID LIvEK. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Price 25 Cents; CASTES imiCniE CO., NEW Y0& Small PillSmall Dose, , Small Price. ASK FOR THE OLD RELIABLE I V "X r- JvJO tr ri Tls l"l a- OAOIsE 1 f SOLD EVERYWHERE V I :i09llit for Out, Sniltsf, )j r iyjzrz "ir"! , Save Tbtt Sweet ttlrl f , Don't let that beautiful ttrl lade and droop into invalidism or sink into an early grave for want ot timely care at the moit critical stane ol her life. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Frescription will aid In regulating? her health and establishing it on a firm basis and may save her years ot chronic i suffering and consequent unhnppiness. A more pleasant physio You never will find Than Pierce's small "TeHets, The Purgative kind. It you note all the details you have not ' seen the whole. For two two-cent stamps we will semi ti you one oi tne nanusomesc aimana: ia ... -v k k the country, "lloinesteau, ' uinauo, rco. Deliberation. too far prolonged, defeats its own ends. He who is devoted to everybody is de-j voted to nobody. k your druggist (or TansM ranch. A baker kneads to be well bread. Habit renders wrong-doing ot any kind '. a sort ot second nature. livinsr at a distance from a physician' should at all times be prepared to treat such common but by no means simple complaints as Diarrhoea, Cholera Mor4 bus and Cramps. , The Best Remedy for such disorders Is Perry Davis' Pain-KUler, which never fails to afford relief. A single dose will do moro to drive away pain and promote tho natural action of tho stomach than any . remedy you ever tried. Tho virtues of PAIN-KILLER are not confined to tho human race , it is used with equal success either ex ternally or internally for , HORSES CATTLE. It cure3 Lameness, Sores, and Cuts, while for Colio it is the best remedy iu tho market. Sold by all Druggists at 95c. 50c, and $1.00 a BOTTLE SMITH'S . for the Sick, For Malaria, For Chain, For Had I.Iver, For Weak Stouiac For Fever, FOR THE DEBILITATED. or the lilaerf. For the Hile, For the Com ' nlexlon, For Neurala-la, For Colds, For Indigestion, For ConttU patlon, For Dysentery. Act on th Bile. Act on the Liver.' Heal medicine to prevent many dUetie as well shai'cl Lotties. B to cure them in small wfticu l'rlce 3c. J. F. SMITH A. CO., Props St. Louit, Mo. what work GREAT you wl.ii ma do with well machine. ALT, OKDER3 K1M.KO ntOMlTLT. TUBULAR WELL AND PROSPECTING MACHINE famous for micreedlncr wrhor others have failed. SELF CLEANING. -J" 60 to 90 U m mlniA CATAL0BUE FREE T ft All 10 9i WHIM TIFFIN OHIO. TOfJT oldest. Iarxl ami bent known Nur nerles in the Went. Kxp'rtnce nut tiecearjr. lr positions. ooa pay. wru ionr. un to work NO V. wbll it In eT to sell ana iTrtiorr iinworkeri. HT IIAUDY borl fur tt XOKTK - prclUy. STARK BRO S NURSERY CO., Louisiana, Missouri. The Largest and Bwt Equipped School la th West. Thorough Practical Department Send for College Journal. DUTCHER'G FLY KILLER . Makes a clean sweer. Krerf rheetwill kill aqunrtof ti c. Mops buixingt riu'd ears, dlvlnir at eye, tickling your noso, skips hsrdwi.rdsi-nd se cure r.-Areattrlflho; oxpmn.C Pend'i-'irenlsfor.j lie?tte V. DUTCHKK, St. AlUaiis, VU IRRIGATED LANDS'? I stone soil; abundance of pui lUo Peooa Vallev. Southeastern New exlco. Choice lime ful clli re water; a delight ate all the year; almost continuous sun shine; altitude 3,600 feet; healthiest locality m the U. 8n no consumption, no malaria. BO mere will yield a competency. Write r particifltrs. naming this paper, to Pecos Irrigation te In veslmeut Co., 84 Monro Ml., Chlcaa-o, 111. joiin w. moit II IS, ).ate Principal Kxuir.iu.-t U.S. l'eutioii Iturcau. Ait'f at I .aw. U'ushlnc ton. Ik. I!.. KucceHAiullv Pro-eenira ,lliu original, increase, re ruling, widows', children an" dependent relaitve Experience: yrs. in las war, 15 yrs. In Pension Bureau aud attorney Since. &TX Oni-eoCfl on A MONTIIcaabe mal4 $ I WS---IU i.UUi" 'working tor u. Ae:it preferred who can turniitli a lnri mid g;tettieir w ! time to the InlKine. hpar moment may le prorHabiy employed nlso. A few vai-ntiirie in towns and cui,t U. V. JUH N80.V A CO., KWJ Mslu St.. Hlrhmond. Va. K. 11. 1'leaso mate asr and btiSiii' experience. Xe erinind about setidinc stamp for reply. B. J. DETECTIVES Wanted In every couniy. blirewd men to net uoJer ItiKtructljn In our becret berrlco. K'prrtnce n. necessary, hend 2c. stAinn. liritnnn lletrctlf liureau Co., 44, Arcade, Cln Inaati, . Jownstown Horror! Our New Book. The .lohnit wii Horror or Valley of Dentil. ti:e 11)01 thrllUnir book ever Issued. AGKKlei WANTK1J in erery townht. Terms 50 per cent. Out fits M cents. KatUnis! ruin. Co., 218 ClarK Street. Chicago, III. DRAKE UNIVERSITY,"- ota. a Hi of the West ICoileirei, 53 Teachers, tw 8tu4ti 8 Graduates. AUinntavcoa ftuuerlor. .1 -w. Kead for l alalovne. . X. CAltrK.yrr.U. cLnooellor. find PIho's Cure for Consumption THE ,-N-lJEST remedy for clear the throat. LADIES 8AI! AV1A, the (treat Mexican Itemed?. Doalilvelr and Kerinanentlv cures :i reniale irregularities. A valuable medicine.- IteHef Immediate. Price l. Send for circulars. VUCATAM MKD1CJXE COMPAXr. 18 W. Htu St.. New Yotk. $ft loSS day. Samples worth 1 S FKK K. HflLioei not uniler horses" feet. Write lirew UVstsr Safety Rein Holder C0..H0U vili ' flud that PIho's Cure for CouKumptinn Pot only PKHYLNTe. tut alao CUlttt llearte- Lincoln N. U. 7231 a-ap a-as lAl I tZLlX ATTORy-r. Washington, P. C. WILL OK T VOU PENSION' without delay. E BV ALL DRUGGISTS. t z"ini "ML V k 1H -Trs ed.il RL111 WlnJlY If PENSION flRIPBS -4 - kl Ul LJ.U aJ U U kJ M 11 14 Ui