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About The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1889)
THE ALLIANCE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY U0RNIK6. BY TUB 1 ALLIAHCE PDBLISBinG CO. BOHANNAN BLOCK, Lincoln. -o- -o- Nebraska. All communications for the paper should T Bd1rftfiftd 1f THE ALLIAN CE PUBLISH 1NG CO.. aud all matters pertaining to the Farmers' Alliance, includitg eubscriptions to the paper, to the secretary. H. 0. ARMITAGE, Editor. ALLIANCE DIRECTORY. " NATIONAL ALLIANCE. President, -T. Burrows, Filley, Neb. vice rresiaeni, n. ij. ijvub, yjivai vici Dakota. Secretary, August Poet, Moulton, Iowa. Treasurer, Hon. J. J. Furlong-, Austin Minn, lecturer, A. D. Chase, Watertown, Dak. NEBB ASK A STATE ALLIANCE. President, John H. Powers, Cornell. Vice President, James Clark, Wabash. , Fecretary-Treasurer, J. M. Thompson, Lincoln. Lecturer, M. M. Case, Creighton. Executive Committee: J. Burrows Filley; B. F. Allen, Wabash; Allen Root, Omaha; L. Henry, Hansen; W. M. Gray, North Loup. Deputy Organizers: Robert Gray tinman; Alra Tompkins, Hansen; James A. Butler, Ewing; Wm. Clark, Banner; John A. Hogg, ghelton; J. W. Hartley, We6t Union; P. J. Reeee. Lexington; C. J. Mecbam, Cambridge, W.J. Holly, Cambridge; L. C. Floyd, Brom field; Charles Wooster, Silver Creek; Herbert G. Miller, Cambridge; Thomas Sinclair, Fuller, ton; W. A. Mansfield, Gandy; F. J. Frederici, North Platte; J. F. Black, Indianola; J. S. Kiddle, Arcadia; J. F. Harrison, York; Sher man Stevenson. Alma; G. W. Norman, La mar; J. Y. M. Swigart, Fremont; E. M. Har rison, Venango; Geo. W. Felton, Angus; Louis McK eynolds, Fairfield ; Jas. C. Hether ington, Beatrice. Dakota Territory: President, H. L. Loucks, Clear Lake. m Secretary, C. A. Soderburg, Hartford. MlS2fEI?OTA : President, George W. Spragxie, Prosper; i . Secretary, George W. Haigh, Mankato. - IowA:-President, A. L. Stun ii, State Centre; Secretary, August Post, Moulton. Iiaikois: President, Secretary, Da vid Ward Wood. 1 Clirk St., Chicago. WISCONSIN : President, N. E. Moody Viro fiua; Secretary, A. F. Sands, Fairfield. Kansas: President, J. M. Morris, White City; Secretary, T. J. McLain, Peabody. - Washington Territory : President, J. M. Reed, Oaksdale; Secretary, J. W. Arrowsmith, Colfax. , , ''',' Ohio: President, A. M. Smith, Climax; Vice-President, W. H. Likins, Caledonia; Sec retary, A.T. Goorley, Iberia; Treasurer, N. C. Bader, Marits. Executive Committee: Geo. C. Gruber, Marits; Wm. Brocklesby, Cal edonia; D.N.AUld, Martell; Enoch Dunham, Harwood; J.D.Armstrong, Mt. Gilead. , DECLARATION OF PURPOSES. Profoundly impressed that we, the Farm ers' Alliance, united by the strong and faith ful ties of financial and home interests, 'thouldset forth our declarations, we there fore resolve: , , ... . ; - To strive to secure the establishment of right and Justice to ourselves and our pos- To labor for the education of the agricul tural classes in the science of economical irovernment in a strictly non-partisan spirit. To endorse the motto, "In things essential, unity; in all things charity." To secure purity of the elective franchise, and to induce all voters to intelligently exer ciffc'tfor the enactment and execution of laws which will express the most advanced public sentiment upon all questions involving the interests of laborers and farmers. To develop a better state mentally, morally, socially and financially. To constantly strive to secure entire har mony and good-will among all mankind, and brotherly love among ourselves. To suppress personal, local, sectional ana nauonai yrfjuuicee, on. uuutnn"-. . ., , and all selfish ambition. To assuage the sufferings of a brother ana sister, bury the dead, care for the widows and educate the orphans; to exercise charity to ward otTenders ; to construe words and pur purposes in their most favorable light, grant ing honesty of purpose and good intentions to others, and to protect the principles of the Alliance unto death. Post Office at Lincoln, Neb., June 18, 1889. 1 hereby certify that The Alliance, a week ly newspaper published at this place, has been determined by the Third Assistant Post Mas ter General to be a publication entitled to admission in the mails at the pound rate of postage, and entry of it as such is accordingly made upon the books of this office. Valid while the character of the publication rer mains uucsuukcu. .x",, ALONG THE LINE. This department is conducted by the Secre tary of the State Alliance to whom all com munications in relation to Alliance work, short articles upon various subjects of inter est to the Alliance etc., should be addressed. Write plain and only on one side of the paper. Sign what you choose to your articles but send us your name always. 3 , - - Orville Alliance, of Hamilton county reports ajrain of 8 new members. Secret; ly H. W. Fellow, of ngtn sends us a list of three subscribers. Secretary W. T. Ronan, of No, 633, sends club of five subscribers from Aurora. ' Bro. I B. Fielding, sends in a club of 9 subscribers from Lee Park, Mason City and Huxley. Bro. W. T. Filbert, of Stratton, re ports two Alliances waiting to be or ganized in bis locality. Bro. Clyde E. Clements, of James Alliance, Furnas County, reports a gain of three members. Stark Valley Alliance, of Pierce Co., started May 1st with seven members and now has twenty-six. Secretary I. N. Goar, of No, 638, sends us a list of eight subscribers from Callaway and Lodi. Bro. John II. Brown, president of Cat Creek Alliance, sends us a list of six more subscribers this week. Bro. L. S. Orcut, of Hansen, sends club of 8 subscribers and says he will try and get more in a short time. Bro. ; C, A. Criswell, of Sunshine, sends us two subscribers from that place and reports more to follow. Geo. A. Land, secretary of No. 556, Frontier County, sends club of nine subscribers from Russell and Orafino. Secretary G. TV. Way, of Adams County, sends three subscribers from Hastings, and reports more to follow soon. , Philip H. Brown, secretary of Pleas ant Hill Alliance, Keith County, re ports an addition of ten new members' recently. '. Robert Gray, the efficient organizer for Holt County, sends us a list of 7 subscribers from Inman and Lambert, this week. . Secretary Geo, F. "Walker, of No. 579 reports their Alliance progressing nicely and prospects of a strong organ ization soon. John Daltori, secretary of Cascade Alliance, , Weeping Water, reports an addition of three new members at their last meeting. J. B. Clegborn, of Inavale sends us two subscribers from his place and has our thanks. He reports their Alliance in good working order. ; - E. II. Ball secretary of No. 532, writing from Phillips, says: I hope you will pardon my neglect in. not re turning report ere this, but I hare been very busy, both on farm and in Alliance work. I must say it is grati fying to note the interest the farmers all over these broad prairies are mani festing in the grand effort for right and justice. To listen to the speeches made by the so-called 'clod hoppers" is evidence that the fanners are think ing, and in the right direction. We may expect mistakes, but we Mill hope they may be few. In our coifnty we are taking steps to ship our own pro duce. At our neighboring town of Bromfield they have incorporated and propose to buy or build an elevator. Their laws are patterned after the State Association. We meet at Phil lips on July 8 for the same purpose. Are we moving in the right direction, and should no the state take steps in this matter and become the father of such business associations, that we may better take care of our products as well as buy from first hands? . I like the move of Dakota in these- mat ters, especially in politics. Let us do likewise. Crops are promising well. Will send you a list of subscribers soon for our noble state paper. Stockham, Neb,, July 13, 1889. Dear Sir and Bro: Find enclosed quarterly report and cash ior dues. Have received copies of Alliance paper; we think it lias the right ring: to it. Haye canvassed some for it and will send in names as soOii as wo can get the money. The farmers need more light and if we would all read the Alliance and Western Rural I think we wouid begin to shed some of the moss. Hoping to see a success of the Farmers Alliance and its paper, I am fraternally, E. G. Lyndon, Sec. Alliance, No.581. Brother Powers was here the 10th and gave us a fine address. He made a good impression on all who heard him. We had a very respectable audi ence for this new county and consider ing the busy season. I am sorry that we could not have had every farmer in the county hear him. He gave us new courage and infused new life into the cause. You will hear a good report from Loup county as soom as the har vest is taken care of. Wm. Evans, Organizer for Loup Co. Mrs. Joseph Billingsley, secretary of Bluff Centre Alliance, Buffalo County, writes an interesting letter giving an account of their fourth of july picnic which was held under the auspices of the Farmers' Alliance, They all had an enjoyable time and the principles of the Alliance largely advanced in the community by their exercises. Mrs. Billingsley also sends us a club of eleven subscribers for which she will please accept our heartv thanks. Truly the work is moving on grandly. Grand Island, July 12. Am . just returning from my northern trip. Since I last wrote you I have visited Madison, Pierce, Nance, Loup and Greeley counties, and appointed the following named deputies: "Warren Forsaith, Madison, Madison county; Samuel J. Ply messer, Foster, Pierce county; Wm. Evans, Taylor, Loup county; E. A. Hadley, Scotia, Greeley county. Will write you further as soon as I reach home. -v Yours in haste, J. II. Powers. The poorest lightning we ever heard of started from Litchfield Neb., the 8th inst., and did not reach this office until Tueday last. In other words Bro. Dickinson of that place started a telegram to the state Secretary on the above named date but it was all out of date when he received it several days old. It must have put up nights at the farm houses along the road. Bro. J. W. Zink, of Loup City, sends us the names of the officers of the Sherman County Alliance, recently or ganized, as follows: President, Albert Dickinson; Vice-President, Walter Smith; Secretary, J. W. Zink; Treas urer, John Vanderiff; Lecturer, A. Zink; Chaplain, Geo. Zimmeran; Sar-geant-at-arms, Scott Sawyer. .' Bro. John C. Spencer, secretary, of Mount Pleasant Alliance, hits us with a club of fifteen subscribers from Ma son City this week. Bro. Spencer evi dently goes on the principle that if anything is worth doing at all it is worth doing well, and accordingly does well. He has our grateful thanks. Unity Alliance, of Frontier County, have got so thick in their hive that they are thinking seriously of "swarm ing" and making two Alliances in the territory now covered by the one. There are no drones in Unity Alliance's hive. A. B. Schoenauer, secretary of Eden Valley Alliance, Plainview, sends us a list of eight subscribers from his place. He also reports his Alliance composed ol enthusiastic workers and prospects for a large membership soon. ; President Powers keeps us posted as to his whereabouts by sending in a sub scriber every few days. Mr. Powers is in the field a greater portion of his time and his untiring" labors are fraught with good results. Brother W. A. Holderly, of Aurora sends us in a club of 8 subscribers from his place. Aurora has filled one whole page of our subscription book and still they come: Our thanks, Bro, Holderly. . Bro. J. A. Porter, of Plainview, sends us two subscribers from his place. CUSTER COUNTY. The Great Bird of Freedom Screamed For the Farmers' Alliance of That County on July 4. A Monster Alliance Procession Sweeps Through Ansley Sacking the Whole Town Into Its Wake and Bear ing It Away. a. b. o. T. Mason City, Nets., July 7. The above may seem as Greek to you but being translated means a big old time. The Alliance of South East Custer concluded to have a 4th of July cele bration at Covers Grove, 3 miles North West of Mason City in Custer County. So they went to work with a will, and such a time and such a crowd has nev er been seen in Custer County. In spite of opposition And under handed ness of thejenemies of the Alliance there were upwards of 5000 people present. You ought to have seen them come in, there was one procession that came to the grounds over a mile long. mere were sports and speaking, the speakers were Messrs. Kem aud Staler. of Broken Bow, they told the nngsters some truths that gagged them to swal low. We were a little-disappointed as we expected to hear Mr. Root on the occasion but he failed to materialize. Ansley a little one horse burg up the road 3 miles said the v would bust ud he Alliance celebration or break their peck (I guess they did) so they got up a big celebration and put up their post ers, advertised in their local paper that the Alliance celebration was a failure; they worked hard to get the story out but they failed. A large number of the Alliance people gathered a short distance from the town and formed a large procession and drove through the town and the crowd followed and left Ansley without a smell. Mason City joined hands with us and turned out en masse. F.B.Fielding. Bro. D. L. Hackett sends us two more subscribers from Bromfield again this week. S. E. Spalding, secretary of No. 448, sends a club of four subscribers from Neligh this week. Bro. Alex King, of Emmet, Neb., sends us a list of four subscribers from his place and Atkinson, Bro. J. V. Dawson, of Farnam, sends us a list of four subscribers from his place this week. Secretary A. L. Hawley, of Fairview Alliance sends us in a club of five sub scribers from Lamar and Winchester. Bro. D. L. Hackett, of Bromfield, as usual, sends in two new subscribers in a letter he writes the Secretary. Bro. Hacketfc-ltaSIa J winning custom about him. Bro. Chas. Wooster, organizer . for Merrick County, sends in application for a charter for an Alliance to be call ed Clarks Alliance, with forty-five members. . Secretary II. B. Headiy, of Ryno, Custer County, writes for blank appli cations for membership and says they have eleven applications for member ship to their Alliance. Secretary W. C. Clifton, of Garfield Centre Alliance says: Our Alliance is-more than pleased with the paper. I think it is just what we want. Will send quite a list of subscribers soon. Forty-three Alliances, have been chartered since June 1st. This, right in the busy summer months, speaks well for the organization and the feel ing towards it by the farmers of the state. S. E. Stevenson, secretary of Alma Alliance, Harlan County, reports a good feeling in his county toward or ganization, and four Alliances ready to organize as soon as "the present busy spell is over. Bro. James Slote, of Litchfield, re ports the work moving in Sherman county. At the last meeting of their County Alliance it was decided to or ganize the county as speedily as pos sible. L. McReynolds, secretary of Fair field Alliance reports his Alliance in good working order with an addition of 10 new members during last quarter, The outlook he says, is promising for some earnest work in the County this fall. . Bro. Hawley, of Lamar, writes a good letter to the state secretary but as it is not for publication, we do not take the liberty to publish it. Bro. Hawley is certainly an energetic work er in the Alliance cause and is exactly on the right track. Such staunch workers are bound to make the cause of reform win even if it does take hard knocks to do it. We shall be pleased to hear from him at all times. Bro. Chas. J. Wells, secretary - of Logan Alliance, sends us a club of 7 from Gandy, this week, and says: Our Alliance is growing rapidly, and will soon send you another list of subscrib ers for the excellent paper that advo cates the farmer and laboring man's interest. All that have had the pleas ure of getting a copy speak of it in the highest terms. P. S. We have now about 40 mem beas. - FOR INSURANCE. See or address Swigart & Bush. Mead, Neb., Special Agents Far mers Union (Mutual) ins. vo., urana island, xsebraska. Job Printing For Alliances. We are prepared to do any and all kinds of printintr for Alliances. Letter and note heads, envelopes, cards, by-laws circulars, handbills etc. bend m your orders and we will do the work at pn ces as reasonable as it can be done. We received several communica tions from Custer county, this week, descriptive of the celebration near Ma son City, which is reported elsewhere in this issue. All report a glorious time and there was nothing to mar the pleasure of any one who attended. There is no good reason why a patriot ic gatheiing composed of farmers and producers should not be an interesting one, without the appearance of the Hon. so and so, lawyer &c. as orator of the day, and we are glad to know this meeting was such a complete success. Our County Alliance met at Broken Bow on June 11, holding two days. Delegates were present from forty- three Alliances. Officers were elected as follows: President, J. G. .Painter; Vice-President, J. D. Troyer; Secre tary and Treasurer, S. M. Dorris. The preliminary steps have been taken toward the establishment of a pur chasing and selling agency; articles of of incorporation having been filed and officers elected. Jos. Severyns, presi dent; W. C. Luce, vice-president; Isaac Ewing, treasurerer. The county secretary is also secretary of board by provision of articles ot incorporation. : S. M. Douris. From Grant, Neb. . Editor Alliance: The south sur rendered to the north and' the north surrendered to the capitalists. Which is the most profitable, rais ing grain and hogs, or loaning money; and which should be? Not until there is money enough in circulation to pay off the debts of the producer, to allow him the comforts of his surroundings and leave for him a home in his declining,years will the true basis of a medium of exchange be reached. Here lies the bed rock upon which to build a just government, and not until it is reached will the grand day dream set forth in the Declaration of Independence of our forefathers be realized. - JonN B. Osler. Washington Territary Moving. Colfax, W. T. July 3, 1886. Ed. Alliance: As pecretary of above mentioned Alliance I have to request that you send us a sample copy of your paper, our Alliance is young; just organized, with 22 members, will short ly number 50. We begin to realize that if we are going to continue to be men, and exercise freedoms rights, that we must be up and at work and what a task is before us. The inumer able trust Co's protection tariff, mon opolies, R. R. discrimination aud ex tortion and land grabbing policies all combined to live off of the farmers and miners and toilers with their millions to sustaiu them, and enslave us. I ask can we longer remain idle? I am told that you champion our cause of truth, honesty and humanity, that is the reason I ask for a sample copy. I shall present it to our Alliance that all may subscribe who wish. Let on the light, urge union, make one vast trust Co. of the 8,000,000 farmers of America ot bust up all other Trust Co's. Chas. Hak. S tate Agent's Notice. It is very desirable and will save some expense, and be better in every way, if the Alliances will bulk their orders so one shipment will do for many parties. It is found that little or nothing can be saved on groceries at retail. If orders are in unbroken packages can be had at , jobbers' rates. Price lists are of little account only in a general way. The price on sugar changed three cents in one week not long since. Many other things the same. Allen Root, State Agent. Another Voice Crying in the Wilderness. George J. Jones, of Washington, D. C, is out with a call for the reorgani zation of the defunct greenback party which was buried alive in 1880. The democratic and republican parties prayed earnestly for its early death. In its youth it gave promise of vigor and great strength. The poisonous breath of calumny and the direct at tack of d mocratic and republican lies killed it never to live any more. If some one, it matters little who, will make a call for a national conven tion of congressional district delegates and demand a full demonitization of silver, coinage unlimited, and free to the extent of our own production on a basis of sixteen to one of gold, and, if this within one year does not furnish a circulating medium available at all times of $50 per capita of the popula tion of the United States, then the de ficiency shall be made . up by issuing direct from the government in pay ment for all official salaries full legal tender paper money, which shall be re ceived for all debts public and private on a par with silver and gold, with these perpetually maintained and in creased with the increase in popula tion to that amount as near as possi ble. 823.000 of the most intelligent voters OBTAIN CHICAGO gj PRODUCE The way to do this is to ship your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Veal, Hay, Grain, Wool, Hides, Beans, Breom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, or anything you have, to us. The fact that you may have been selling these articles at home for years is no reason that you should continue to do so if you can find a better rosrket. We make a specialty of receiving shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS, and probably have the largest trade in this way of any house in this market. Whilst you are looking around for the cheapest mar ket in which to buy your goods and thus economizing in that way, it will certainly pay you to give some attention to the best and most profitable wcr of disposing of your produce. We Invite correspondence f roi INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and alL organizations who desire to ship their produce to this market. If requested, we will send you free of charge our daily market report, shipping directions and such information as will be of ser vice to you if you contemplate shipping. Let us hear from you. SUMMERS, MORRISON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 S. WATER, ST., CHICAGO. REFERENCE: Metropolitan Nation Bank, Chicago. Mention The Alliance. in 1880 stood together for a reform in our monetary system. They stand there now with many more who are convinced that the direct result of this svstem is making the few millions and the many poor and dependent. The turning point is already passed and we are confronted with the condition that has immediately preceded downfall and destruction of the best govern ments and nations that have existed Something of this kind must be done or labor will continue to live upon less than 40 per cent of what it earns ana pass over more than 60 per cent of it to those who manage and control cor porations and combines. ' These men manage and control the making of all laws, and they are all made and con trolled in the interest of money. This, by all odds, is the most powerful agen cy that exists in any nation today. The sooner the people at large learn this fact the better. R. Bro. J. W. Dorland, of Elgin, Neb., again comes forward this week witli a list of four more subscribers from his place. Bro. Dorland says good words for our paper which are highly appre ciated. . Bro. J B. Carnes, of Pr,ecept, Neb., writes for the necessary blanks and in formation to complete an organization of the Farmers' Alliance in his county. They have fourteen charter members. Farmers as a class have been always looking toward some professional man as a guide, as a leader or as some great unimaginable Mogul. Always forgetting Burns immortal poem. "The rank is but the guinea stamp, The mans the gold for a' that." Year after year the honest granger is visited by the above class of men and the same old story poured into his ear, with, of course, slight variations, to suit pending issues, and gain selfish ends. They remind us of the Miss issippi boatman, whose boat stuck ori a sand bank near a town on that fam ous river. The . boatman known as one of Satan's imps, told his crew to scatter- up town, telling religious people the boatman had got religion and was desirous to hold a prayer meeting on his boat. The scheme worked to a charm. A general rally for the boat was made, our boatman, very serious, getting a crowd of good people into his boat, and towards the end already well into the water. As the other end raised his boat quietly slip ped off the sand bank. And now was the boatmans prayer. "Get off from from here, the meeting is out," with an oath. So, as a class, we farmers have been gulled 'from time to time with our pretended professional friends and now, Cromwell like, we purpose to disolve the long parliament, shake up matters and things, enquire into the mystery of the immense bills our legislatures cause us to pay, reason to gether why our taxes are so fearful high, have a thorcgh understanding why we pay i7cts. per lb Tor binding twine, with the price of sugar still get ting higher, in our beautiful land and and cheaper and cheaper in the lands that purchase all our surplus and govern the price of all produce here. Coujd some of us grangers not manage to trade pork, wheat, corn cr beef with our regular customers, for jute, sugar &c, and bust a few of the trusts, quietly letting some of our "professional pretended friends" down? Depend upon one solid fact a little taste of "Free Trade" would open a loop hole of rejoicing for the sons of the soil. . With cheaper trans portation we would not grumble. Gentlemen do not try the dodge of "Prohibition Submission," nor a simple majority to bond a county for court houses, nor appropriations for silk worm culture, . with thousands of dollars for' extras" on state houses.Be fore us are the facts. We as a class have willingly helped the other fellow. Now let us look to our own interest, demanding only, our just and honest dues, asking no more and accepting no less, and our interest can and only will be looked after by men whose interest are identical with our own. In other words by men of ourselves, re membering in present as well as past history the "Commoners" of the land have ben the great leaders in reform and liberty. H. B. jr. m. RO3nsrsocT, K enesaw, Adams County, Nehr. Breeder and Shipper f Recorded Poland China Hogs. Choice Breeding- Stock for 6ale. Write for wants. Mention The Alliance. PRICES FOR YOUR ? I TTh a Briton Thinks or America. You have recently drnvrn V"chN tention to the attempts .which the Americans are making to develop n powerful miv.v.snys a writer in the St. James's Gazette, and you have hinted that in a few rears an addi tion may be made to the great po tential fighting states of the world. I have passed a good many years in America, and from what I have seen there I have come to the conclusion that rou, in company with most Englishmen, entertain much too high an opinion of the possible offen sive power ot the United States. Xow, for one improvised cruiser that the Americans could put on the ocean or the lakes it is certain that we could put at least twenty, and better ones at that. Their "cruisers" would be simply cargo steamers armed and manned anyhow, just as thev were, during their civil war. The array of 300,000 or 500,000 would be composed of our old friends, the "men with muskets," totally "unamenable to discipline," to whom plenty of good excuses for mutiny would be supplied by the army con tractors. ( The overgrown republic is always, from different and jarring interests, naturally disposed to split halves and quarters, and the "shaking up" which a foreign war would give its rather crazy institutions would be an excellent opportunity for malcon tent states to "get loose" from one another. The vast' southern and western ci-devant seceding states have not forgotten what followed the war, or the fact that they have been bled ever since for the benefit of the northern capitalists and manu facturers, who conquered, plundered, and trod them down. Then, there is the barge and increasing negro population, who feel that the end is not yet, and live in alarm and uncer tainty, dreading the final issue, per haps enslavement, perhaps massacre and deportation; anything in such a country and under such conditions being on the cards. Again, the agri cultural population, two-thirds of whom are foreigners from every na tion in Europe--Germans preponder ating would not admire being con scripted, io fight the English in or der to please the politicians and oblige their Irish pat rons. Then the Indians (reinforced by considerable numbers of half-breeds and "Indian white men" who have married squaws and become affili ated with the tribes, or adopted into them) would be very likely thoy are all well armed with repeating wea pons to take to the warpath, having been mercilessly cheated and swin dled lor the last thirty 3'ears or so, in violation of the most solemn treaties. Some people maintain that the cowboys, who, as Gen. Sheridan remained, "Fight pretty well 'when they are drunk," and are regul&r no mads, as averse to dicipline as a kurd or a bedouin, would hold the Indians in check; but t his js doubt ful. The interests both of cowboys and Indians are identical, as are their pursuits. Both hate the "grangers," or agricultural squaters, who con tinue to pour in from the eastern states, encrouch upon and break up cattle runs and reservations, and are a growing danger and menace both to red men and cat tl?-owners. A big foreign war would leave the latter a free hand, and the grangers might possibly as they fay in Texas "hear something drop.'? The numerous socialists and an archists of ,the great cities might want looking after during the war. and the great labor associations might probably take t he opportunity to put themselves aggressively in evidence. Finally, if defeated, humil iated, and discredited by a foreign power, especially if that power were Great Britian, it is all but certain the republic might disappear. Getting Rid of an Unwelccme Gnest. AVashington has been long notori ous for a small class of ha rd-faced, per sistent people, who make the rounds of fashionable entertainments and receptions without either invitations or the acquaintance of the people upon whom they intrude. They are of both sexes, and are alike marked for brazen audacity. One was well done up last season and taught a lesson he will be slow forgetting, says the Washington Post. A certain club in the West end is noted for its exclusiveness. At a dance given by it this bold intruder put in an appearance fault lessly at tired and somplacent in prospect of a pleasant evening topped off with a fine collation. Several of the floor, mangers happened together and at tention was called to the conspicu ous stranger, whom none of them knew. By a comparison of notes it was quickly discovered that none of the authorized persons had issued him an invitation, and only one knew even his name. Tliat one approach ed him and asked: ! "Will you inform me whose guest you are this evening?" ' The intruder hemmed aud hawed, but did not afford the desired infor mation. "You will . have to pardon me," continued the gentleman, "but it-is! necessary to know the name of the lriend who invited you here." i Not receiving any satisfactory re sponse the floor manager continued: ! "You fail to see what 1 am trying to make plain to you. You are one ;of a class in this city who force them selves into the society of people with whom they are not acquainted and !who come to exclusive entertnin 'ments without the formality of an invita tion. Now, if you take my arm, I will conduct you to the cloak-room. If you should go alone it would cause comment, but if you will take my arm people will think you art an ac quaintance." : The interloper took the proffered arm and vanished from the room. ; To Lack of Xerrei In announcing the selection of Rev. C. J. Howes, of Louisville, as chief deputy to the United States Marshal of Kentucky, a dispatch says: "His chief duty will be to assist in the capture of moonshiners in Eastern Kentucky, u difficult and dangerous pursuit. Air. Howes has given un doubted evidence of his courage and muscular power. About ten years ago a crowd of toughs disturled one of his meeting by throwing . stones at the. building. When ho heard the missiles pattering against the walls, Mr. Howes, who was in in the middle of his sermon, stopjed short announced that the exercises were over until next Sunday and stepped out of the pulpit. , He walked quietly down the aisle. When he reached the door he threw his coat off and rushed outside. The gang, composed of about a dozen persons, were standing fifty fet away. Mr. Howes was upon them in a moment. He seized the surprised leader by the neck with one hand, and with the fla nlantiul a Vtlrknr lirtrtn Yia jmnl that made him see stars and tumble over in a heap. Jumping over him Mr. Howes grabled another, and, dealing him a half dozen kicks and blows, hurled him to one side. The members of the gang were so sur prised that they offered but little ' resistance and took to flight, not es caping, however, before half a dozen were soundly trounced." A Drummer's Yarn. "Ted" Itylcy, of Bridge, -leach & Co., one of the handsomrst drummers who runs out of St. Louis, telU of a very exciting time that he had in Texarkana, Texas, on his last trip. "Every room in the hotel was occu pied," said Ted, "and they put me in a room with a stranger,but I thought nothing of it, as I had slept with strangers before. We retired togeth er, when the fellow, who was a wild eyed, sallow complexioned cove, turn ed to me and said, 'you must not be surprised to bo awakened in the night. Sometimes I have fits and may threaten your life, but don't get excited. Talk to me gently, and if I have a knife or revolt er, take it away from me." I thought the fellow was jesting, and only laughed. But in the night I awoke, hearing n strango noise in the room. I looked for my companion, but he was not in bed. Peeping out from behind the bed cov er, I saw him. He was standing in the middle of the room, and as I opened my eyes he laughed, I thought, diabolically. Pasted on the center of the dooy was a common playing card, and he was enjoying himself by throwing bowie knives at it. Every time he struck the card he would' laugh. Of course, I didn't sav a word. I thought it best to let him go ahead. But when he pinned the card on the bedstead just above my head I was frightened. I determined to take his advice, jumped up and clutched him. One of the knives fell from his hand. We grappled, I holding the hand that held the knife. The struggle must have lasted an hour, when I wore him out, and he lay exhausted on. the floor." The Lad)- Lost Her Heel. A dapper little man stepped into a Woodward avenue car, nnd as ho did so picked up a tiny pyramid of brown leather. "Now look at that." ho said with several inflections to his voice, as ho showed his treasure trove to the gentlemun next him. "What is it?" asked the other man, adjusting his glasses nnd tuking tho object in his hand as if it might be alive and bite him. "It's the heel from some fool woman's shoe. Now try to think how she must have wob bled for she could not have walked on that French heel. I'd give something to see her getting home without it." "I suppose the effect on the size of the foot, said the other handing it back; "that looks as if it came off a pretty neat shoe, hey old fellow1'.'" "It's a barbarism a wicked shame to wear such a thingl" retorted the other indignantly. "Why the doctors say that more cases ot curvature of the spine are oc "If you have no fuither use for it I'll thank you for ray heel," said a sweet-voiced, pretty little lady oppo site at this moment. The indignant individual has just dropped it in his pocket, but he plunged in after it and gave it back to its owTner, and talked to his com panion about the weather. Detroit Free Press. A Disagreeable Bed-Fellow. One night theson of Colonel Dodge, while sleeping in camp upon the ground next to his father, and lying on his stomach, was awakened by a disagreeable cold tremor running through him. Ho celled to his father and said: "Father, there is some thing the matter with me. I think I have got chill. I have a cold sensa tion in the small of my back, very strange, unlike anything I ever felt before, and I am frightened." To this, the father, suspecting the truth, raplied: "Lie perfectly still," then jumped from his own place of repose, stood a few feet away from the boy with his pistol in his hand, and said to him: "When I count three, I want . you to jump!" The boy replied: "All. right." The Colonel then counted' , three, and Frederick jumped to his feet, dislodging from his back an enormous rattlesnake which had coiled there for warmth, and the "Colonel shot the serpent before he could strike the boy. The Right Man Knew the Secret. I was calling on a cultured bachelor friend the other evening, one of thoe fortunate fellows who know how to load every car on some one else' shoulders, according to a literary gossip. There were' two book cases in his parlor, both quite full of what seemed to mo to be fino books. I say "seemed," for, mirabile dictu, his books were all lying on their sides. Titles outward? Not a bit of it!' Ends outward! "But, my dear frb low." I exclaimed, "I can't tell one book from the other!" 4,No neces sity of it,"-he leplied, nonchnlantl v. as he lighted a fresh cigarette- "I can!'' New York Star. ' Y