The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889, July 17, 1889, Image 2

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l)c gtUitmcc.
PUBUWHKD BY '','" . . ,
the alliance: PUB. CO.
Gen. bincim.vs's mau is large
enough c ich day to till a bushel bas
ket, - 7".. ;".
Lieut. Schwatka, of Arctic fame,
has returned to lh country after a
lomj tour fn Mexico. -
The Empress "of Germany has recei
ved a necklace value! at $150,000, the
gift of the Sultan of Turkey. -
m Julian Pauncefote has made a
good impression in Washington. He
is alw.iyjj good natured and ij inclined
to admire America and Americans, j
Kate Chase Sprag us is writing a
biography of- her father, the late
Chief Justics Chase. Sho , also con
templates publishing a volu me of per
sonal memoirs.
The Lord Mayor of London's dress
suit for ordinary evenings is of black
velvet, with a point lace frill, tights,
jsilk stockings, diamond buckle3 inv the
jshoes and a diamond-hilted sword.
England has received by the will of
the late Mrs. Beckett, of Torquay, six
valuable paintings by Murillo, Ho
garth, Rubens, Greuze, Cuyp and
Kuysdnel. They are worth $30,000
One of the handsomest women in
Washington is the wife of ex-Senator
and ex-Kegistor Bruce. Her face is fine
and oval, her features regular and her
complexion not near so dark as that
of the conventional Cuban or Spanish
beauty. Mr. Bruce himself is light
United States Consul Mason, ol
Marseilles, writes to the State Depart
ment that the effects of general and
unrestrained absinthe-drinking in
France are now recognized as forming
a basis of One of the gravest dangers
which threaten the physical and moral
f-the French people.
It is said that M. Guonod, the om
poser, who is a man of inteuse religi
ous convictions, once spent an hour
upon his knees praying for the conver
sion of Sarah Bernhardt, in that lady's
presence. Sarah's response was short
but not very sweet, and at last she
had to turn him out of her house.
The Emperor of China is seldom
.; disturbed in his sleep. ... A Pekin paper
! announces that "strict surveillance is
N-kept by the gendarmerie around the
palace to prevent the imperial re
pose being broken by firing of crack
ers, street cries or wrangling voices,
the blowing of horns or noisy mar
riage or funeral proces.3ion3.'?
The -Sultan of Morocco Is gradually
beginning lo understand that the world
is not afndd of him? A diplomat who
was received by him the other day
kept his hat on during the reception,
which t xk. place in the open air, and
ihe Sultan did not resent it. Hereto
fore he had compelled diplomats to
stand bareheaded before him while he
sat on horseback.
B king am Young, Jii.. has been fly
ing quilo high in Washington society,
having a pleasant home and an agree
able wife and o it3riainiag liberally.
Some . meddlesome people, however,
have investigated Mr. Young's matri
monial record, and ; society is shocked
to learn that lie has three wive3 and
families in Salt Lake City, while it is
darkly hinted that some of the back
counties are still to bo beard from on
the subject.
The many :;dmiiev3 of "Bill Arp,"
whose 'delightful contributions to .the
press Lave won for him well-deserved
fame, will be pleased to learn that that
genial cntUma: has had a stroke of
rare good fortune. Some years ago a
Georgia bank in which his means were
deposited failed. He took a piece of
land in Alabama belonging to the bank,
but supposed to be almost worthless at
the time. Iron ore was discovered up
on it and tho development of the same
has made him fairiy wealthy.
Wkitting of the late Professor
Chevreul, when he was a century old,
a correspondent said "There is a
strange, almost weird, look about his
personal appearance. His head is
large and powerful, forehead broad,
eyes bright and clear, but some
what given to blinking; "nose aquiline
and rather prominent, and the lower
lip droop3 just enough to show a per
fectly preserved set of teeth. With
the exception of a little round spot at
the top, his head is covered with a
thiok mass of perfectly white hair,
which stands up a3 stiff and prim as" a
Masachusetts militiaman.
Count Tolstoi, the Russian author,
like our own Mark Twain, can't write
in a "fixed-up" room. His study is de
void of carpets, paintings or statuary.
An old lounge, two unpretentious
tables littered with manuscripts of all
kinds, and two stiff-backed chaira con
stitute the only furniture in the room.
The room is divided into two compart
ments by an unpainted" wooden parti
tion, which runs half way up. to the
eeiling, and from which .depend two
wooden rakes used by Tolstoi in his
garden. In one corne r stands a wood'
en spade above it, hanging from a
wooden peg, Tolstoi's great evercoat.
The fallacy of the old saying "that
lightning never strikes twice in the
same place" is shown by the following;
Geneva Special: Samuel Blair, a
farmer living four miles west of town,
Had his windmill struck by lightning
one evening during the recent heavy
storms, and torn all to pieces, and the
following evening his wife, while
standing in the yard, jwas knocked
down by lightning and seriously hurt.
Three head of cattle and one valuable
horse were killed at the same time.
Sel'ctel Frcm Ocr Beit Autaon. --Lofty Labor
There is nothing stronger than hu
man prejudice. '
The honors we grant mark Itowhigh
we stand, and they educate the future.
No matter whose the lips that would
speak, they must be free and ungagged.
Right forever on the scaff .jld, wrong for
ever on the throne;
Bat the scaff jld swavs the future, and
behind the dim unknown
Standeth God within the shadow, keeping
watch above His own."
Let us believe that the whole of
truth can never do harm to the whole
of virtue. -"
The men we honor and ,the maxims
we lay down ia measuring our favorites
show the level and morals of the time.
The list lesson a man ever learns is,
that liberty of thought and speech is
the origin of all mankind ; that the
man who denies every article of our
creed is to be allowed to preach just as
often and just as loud as we ourselves.
We have learned this, been taught it
by prosecution on the question of labor.
If we lived in England, if we lived
in France or Germany, the philosophy
of our labor movement might be dif
ferent. For there stand accumulated
wealth, hungry churches and old nobles
& class which popular agitation, but
slowly affects. To these public opin
ion is obliged to bow. But not so
thank God in these United States,
we, the laboring masses farmers " and
mechanics are the public opinion, if
errors are made, we ourselves are to
' This is what the labor cause asks
of you, my friends, . and the moment
you shall be willing to do this, to rely
upon yourselves, that moment the
truths that you have often read from
the pen of Powderly,whom the country
regards as one of its greatest benefac
tors, will shine over your path, assuring
you that out of this agitation as sure
as the sun shines at noonday the fu
ture character ' of the American gov
ernment will be formed in keeping
with the wants of the many, not of the
"Worshipping the tongue, let us be
willing at all times to be known
throughout the communiiy as the All
talk party. The age of bullets is
over. The age of men armed in
mail is over. The age of thrones has
gone by. The age of statesmen God
be praised ! such statesmen as were in
the last Nebraska legislature is over.
The age of workingmen has come. "With
the help of God, then, every man we
can reach we will set thinking on the
subject of labormen's .rights.
They have put wickedness into the
statute books, and its destruction is
just is certain as if they had put gun
powder under the capitol. That is our
faith. That it is which turns our eyes
from the ten thousand newspapers,
from tho 60,000 pulpits, from the mil
lions of republicans, from the millions
of democrats, from the might of sect,
from the marble government, from the
iron army, from the navy riding at
anchor, from all that we are
accustomed to deem great and
potent, turns it back to the simplest
child or woman, to the first murmured
protest that is heard against bad laws.
W e recognize m the great future tae
first rumblings of that volcano destined
to overthrow these mighty prepara
tions, and bury in the hot lava of its
full excitement all this laughing pros
perity which now rests so secure on
it3 side.
- Wbei'3 e'er you meet u dozen earnest
men pledged to a new idea wherever
you have met them, you have met the
beginning of a revolution. . llevolutions
re not made ; thev come. A revolu
tion is as natural a growth as an oak.
It comes out of the past. The child
feels; he grows into a man, and thinks;
another, perhaps, speaks and the world
acts out the thought. And this is the
history of modern .society. Men un
dervalue the labor movement because
they, imagine you can always put your
finger on some illustrious moment in
history and say, Here commenced the
great change which has come over the
nation. Not so. The beginning
of great changes is like the rise of the
Mississippi. A child must stoop and
gather away the pebbles to find" it.
But soon it swells broader and broader,
bears on its ample bosom the navies of
a mighty republic, nils the gulf and
divides a continent.
We want the laborman and farmer
to turn their eyes from institutions to
men. The difficulty of the present day
and with us is, we are bullied by in
stitutions. A man gets up in the pul
pit, or sits on the bench, and we allow
ourselves to be bullied by the judge or
clergyma i, when, if he-stood side by
side with us on the brick pavement, as
a simple individual, his ideas would
not have disturbed our clear thoughts
an hour. Now the dnty of each labor
mau is this Stand upon the pedestal
of your own individual independence,
summon these institutions about you,
and judge them. The question is deep
enough to require this judgment of you.
It seems to us the dea of our civil
ization underlying all American life is
that men do not need any guardian.
We need no safeguard. Not only the
inevitable but the best power this side
of the ocean is the unfettered average
common sense of the masses. Institu
tions, as we are accustomed to call
them, are but paste board, and intended
to be, against the thought of the
street. Statutes (law) are mere mile
stones, telling how far yesterday's
thought had travelled, and the talk
of the side walk today is the law of the
land. " You may regret this, but the
fact stands ; and if our fathers foresaw
the full effect of their principles, they
must have planned and expected it.
With us, law is nothing unless close
behind it stands a warm, living public
opinion. Let that die or grow indif
ferent, and (law) statutes are waste
paper, lack all executive force. You
may frame them as strong as language
can make, but once change public
feeling, and through them or over
them rides the real wise of the people.
"We are blamed for the bitterness of
our language and the personality of
our attacks. -It results from our posi
tion. The great mass of the people
can never be made to stay and argue a
long question. They must be made to
fvel it through the hides of their idols.
When we have launched our spear into
the rhinoceros' hide of a Burr, an Im
hoff, a Sawyer, (ex-mayor.) a Brock,
or a Sheldon and show how false and
dishonest are their assessments ; and
with what brazen impudence they avoid
paying their just portion of the com
munity's taxes every one of this igno
rant, but lately grown rich cod-fish
aristocracy feel it. Well can they af
ford to be leaders of society, give grand
entertainments, etc., etc., God gives
us great scoundrels for texts to labor
sermons. ; Let us see to it, when na
ture and rotten laws have provided us
with assessment list monsters, that
we exhibit them themselves a
whole menagerie to the tax
payers throughout Lancaster county.
Frandnlent Assessments. -U
laboring Men Should Look at Some
of the City Assessments and Com
pare Them With Their Own.
Divea as Usual Gets the Bnl?e on Lazarus
"Bum" for Assessors not Bight--The City
Assessments Should be Published
V How' Long, 0 Lordl
QQohanan ros, made a display of
their livery on the streets on last
Wednesday. A person would think at
first sight that Barnum had entered,
grand and costly equipages, with two
elegant and costly hearses made up this
pageant of which QQohanan ros. are so
proud the reporter of the Laborer
concluded he would ascertain what as
QQsessment ohanan ros. gave in to the
city, thinking of course that it would
be up in the thousands. Laboringmen,
clerks,yes all we poor mortals that have
to pay a poll tax, because we are too
poor to own a home. Even on the in
stallment plan what do you think it
was? Just $30.00. Presumably an
error, as you no doubt will hear when
this article is read. Eut right here
the Laborer will say, errors are al
ways to be found in favor of the rich
man as against the city. The trades
council of this city should insist on
the assessment lists of this city being
published in our city papers. Mayor
Graham and the city council should
pass an ordinance to that effect, then
every tax payer could see for him
self, and it is useless to attempt a
proper adjustment in any other way.
The assessors f this city should be
first class men, not "bums," to whom
a large salary should be paid, then
this city would not lose millions
of honest assessments, as is the case
Be Acquainted With your Power, Control
Tour Icflutnce. and Exert Both fcr tae Good
of Your Bsc.
What domestic or social bliss can
you anticipate with the intemperate ?
A tender companion he cannot be.
The master passion that consumes him
has burned up all that softness, all
that makes man an affectionate friend.
Experience, univeisal as suffering from
this cause answers, that intemperance
and domestic peace and good dwell not
under the same roof. You will De held
in the most servile bondage. In your
weakest and feeblest moments, when
you need all the sympathy that the
warmest and truest love, can impart,
the intemperate husband will leave
you for the haunts of noisy revelry,
and drown all thought f you in the
maddening bowl. He will lavish
on the dissolute the love he
has pledged to you alone; and
from the scenes of noisy mirth and
boisterous glee, he will return to in
flict upon you curses and blows. Bet
ter, young woman, will it be for you
to have a millstone about your neck
than to be united to an intemperate
But yuu can reform such a man, you
say. If the man of your choice now
indulges in the cup which hurls reason
from its throne and drives affection
from the breast, he will be pursuaded
for your sake to dash the poison from
his lips. So thousands have thought,
and ou this hope, this Cape Expecta
tion, have wrecked their happiness
forever. Will it not be wise to try
your power before you put yourself
wholly in the hands of the intemper
ate? If a young man will not reform
to gain your love, he will not, be as
sured, when you have less influence
over him. If he changes not at yo jr
entreaty this side the altar, he will not
on the other.
I have known the young wife and
mother endure almost everything from
the husband and drunkard. I have
known the bride of yesterday, on whom
the sun shone brightly, cheered from
the shore as she began the voyage of
life, by the warm wishes and kindly
congratulations of many friends; and I
have seen her return suddenly to the
home she loft when she became a bride
to hide herself from the cold scandal
of th woild in the bosom of her mo
ther ; but never have I known an in
stance in which reform in after life
t hrough theiEfluenceofawife. If you
are confident that power of persuasion
is great, and that you can succeed, try
that power before the bridal tour is
taken. Publius.
Last year 140,000 sheep were fed for
market at Fremont and 160,000 head
have already been contracted for this
Lrxcoii, Neb,
CATTLE Butchers' steers.. $2 50 S 50
Cows. 2 00 2 75
HOGS Fat 3 25 (53 7J
Stackers 2 fO (&2 2
SHEEP............ .15 (52 10
WHEAT No. 2 spring 65 (3 80
OATS No. 2 18 1 20
RYE No. 2.. 30 ( 35
juii mo. new IV On 21 .
FLAXSEED 1 35 01 40 '
APPLES Genetin, per bbl... 3 CO (33 50
HAY Prairie, bult.... 4 0 5 CO
v Omaha, Neb.
CATTLEPrime steers ...... $3 70 Jc3 &5
Cows 1 75 (d2 25
HOGS Fair to heavy 4 10 04 15
Mixed 4 CO 4 10
Kansas Cot, Mo.
CATTLE Corn fed..........S2 SO 3 85
Feeders 2 CO 3 10
HOGS Good to choice 4 05 4 30
Mixed 4.00 ($i 10
. Chicago, Iix.
CATTLE Prime steers. .. . . .93 35 04 25
Btocsera and f eeders 2 25 03 30
HOGS Pac Woe.. 4 25 04 50
SHEEP Natives 3 50 05 10
WHEAT $ 83
oobn ;;; $w
It can hardly be considered strange
if there is a large and general decline
in the revenues of all Irish associa
tions in America, as a consequence
3f the charges of robbery that have
been made public since the death o
Dr. Cronin. '.,: M- .: .
Pkince Alois Schwabzenberg, the
victim of the latest fatal duel in Vi
mna, owned 23 breweries, four sugar
refineries," one oil manufactory 23
saw mills, one bakery, four water
mills, 46 brick kilns and a host of
farms, cottages and manufactories.
The bulk of the water of the ocean
has a low temperature. It is ice-cold
at the bottom, even tinder the equa
tor, but on the surface within the
tropics there is relatively a thin film
of warm water, with a temperature
of from 70 deg. to 84deg. F.
Fort Keogh, Mont., has the
widest range of temperature of any
place on earth. Last summer the
thermometer ranged from 120 to
130 degrees above, while last winter
it marked 65 degrees below zero a
total range of 195 degrees.
Chauncey M. Depew has invita
tions to deliver Fourth of July ora
tions in nearly all the states. It
has been suggested that he fire a
soaring speech into a phonograph
and have it ground out simultan
eously in every patriotic center.
A little messenger boy brought a
note to the office of Mayor Fitler, of
Philadelphia, and was waiting for a
reply. Mr. Fitler was taking his time
about the answer, when the boy ex
claimed: "Hurry up, mayor; I can't
wait here all day."
The Joneses are at the head of the
English clergy list with 450 represen
tatives, while the Smiths follow with
318. After them come the "Williamses
with 295 and the Evanses with 164.
The Smiths make such an unexpected
showing, because of there being
almost none in Wales.
In Holland an unmarried woman
always takes the right arm of her es
cort, and the married woman the
left. At a church wedding the bride
enters the edifice at the right arm of
the groom, and goes out on the leit
side of her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Lair of Kentucky
have seven sons. Mr. Lair is 6 feet
2 inches tall and Mrs. Lair is G' feet
3 inches. The largest son is 6 feet 8
inches; the smallest is 6 leet 5 inches.
Of the others two are 6 feet 6 inches,
two are 6 inches, and one 6 feet 7
It is strange, but true, that the
laws of Connecticut fa vorthe dishon
est. If a man is hungry and begs a
slice of bread the lawwill send him
to state prison for one year; if ho
steals a whole loaf he will only get
thirty days in jail. It is safer to
steal than to beg in Connecticut.
Dennysville, Me., a town of 522
people, has no debt and has $1,000
to her credit. There has not been a
fire for 80 vears. One Peter E. Vose
has been first selectman 29 years,
treasurer 23 years, assessor 31 years,
overseer 24 years, and town agent
20 years.
Tim with the Hose.
A limp rubber hose With a trick
ling stream of pure water running
from it is a temptation to the thirs
ty passer-by if it lies upon the walk,
and it is very different from the
writhing, spurting pipe with a press
ure upon it of 160 pounds to the
square inch. A rubber hose in re
pose, delusive and tempting, laid up
on a Main street walk Friday when a
thirsty strangei'picked it up and. let
the cooling water slowly running
Irom it enter his mouth. - The boy
who had charge of the hose recog
nized arid appreciated his opportuni
ty, and let on the water at full head.
The man's mouth took the first
spurt at a twenty-gallon-a-minute
speed and volume. Ie was heard to
utter a mild, deluged cry before the
pipe humped itself and threw him
across the street and gave him more
water than he could take care of.
He scrambled to his feet and looked
around to see who had assaulted
him, but he could see only the pipe,
full of glee and full of business. He
was mad but did not know who to
tackle. "He jumped, on the pipe, in
formed it he had a poor opinion of
its proprietor, and walked away
wetter and wiser than he was when
he began to quench his thirst. Nor
wich Bulletin.
Sand Showers and Drifts.
Dry, loose sand, wherever it oc
curs, is constantly being shifted by
the wind, and often buries cultivated
land3, buildings and forests. On the
shores ot Lake Michigan are drifts
100 feet deep, and those of Cornwall
reach 300 feet in depth while the
drifts of the Gobi desert are 40 miles
long and 900 feet high in places. On
the shores of the Bay of Biscay the
drifting sand travels inland 16 feet a
year, in parts of Denmark 24 feet,
and in southern India 17 yards. In
some places walls and barriers of
vegetation have been created to stop
the destroying drifts. Fine sand is
taken up to a great height in the air,
and deposited many miles away. In
1882 Iceland wp visited by a re
markable sand "storm, lasting two
weeks, which hid the sun and objects
a few yards off like a dense fog, aud
caused the death of thousands of
sheep and horses. New York Tele
gram. -
An Intelligent Shark,
"Several well-spun sea yarns hn re
been told bv old shellback rprnid
ing what they had seen at sea,' paid
Chief Officer James Brown of the Pa-cificMailcompany'ssteamerAcapu'.c-o
to a San Francisco Chronicle man,
but there is one, thing certain, and
that is I have reason to believe that
fish not only have instinct but also
reasoning power."
"How do you come to these con
clusions?" was asked.
- "Well, let me tell yoiv-Now, everr
seafaring man who has frequented
the port of San Jose, at Guatemala,
knows that old San Jose Joe has
been in and about that port .or the
last thirty years. Joe is without ex
ception one of the hirgest sharks
ever seen in the waters pi the oceaa.
He is over 30 feet in length. This
was ascertained beyond a doubt by
the officers of the Acapulco on the
trip before the last, when a spar
measuring 30 feet had fallen over the
ship's side, and old Joe came along,
and after smelling of it floated along
side, measuring exactly its length.
As to his age that is not positively
known, but the barnacles on his back
indicate that he has been a
resident of San Jose waters for a
number of years. The barnacles are
so old and crusty as to repel a rifle
ball with the same respective force as
a sheet of steel on the side of a man-of-war.
Capt. Pitts of the Acapulco
has time and again shot at this
monster and without effect, so far
as his back is concerned. The balls
glance off the old fellow's back with
out doing him any damage. Yet
Old Joe carries enough lead in his
carcass to sink an ordinary whale,
as almost every officer whose vessel
anchors in the waters takes a whack
at him when he runs his sides and
belly upward, but the bullets don't
seem to do him any harm."
"Well, about his reasoning capa
city?" "Oh, yes. Some years ago an En
glish man-of war, while lying at an
chor, undertook to destroy the old
brute by firing a charge of dynamite
into him. Joe was hit on the side, and
about fifty pounds of shark's flesh
torn away, but the shot -failed to
kill him. But now, mark you, since
that time he will not make his ap
pearance in the anchor near where
a man-of-war is anchored. But
just as soon as these . vessels
leave Joe comes to the surface again.
He regularly meets the Acapulco
about fifteen miles outside and pilots
her in. Once anchored he is satisfied
and seems to delight in feeding from
the offal. But no matter how well
you bait a hook Joe's reasoning
qualities tell his to leave it alone, and
he invariably follows that line of
reasoning. As to his capacity to
stow away grub, that was proved on
one occasion when the vessel was
taking aboard some hogs. One of
ten hogs, weighing probably about
eighty pounds, fell overboard, and
old Joe, who is ever on the watch,
saw the prize and with one
plunge and a pair of ex
tended jaws, the porker disappeared
as though he had gone into a hole.
On another occasion we had a lot of
mules on board for the government
and one of the number died and was
thrown overboard. Joe made the
acquaintance of the defunct mule,
and after the lapse of six hours the
mule was safely stowed 'thwart ships
in Joe's locker. Yes, Joe is the larg
est shark known to us seafaring men.
We have tried to kill the monster
by all possible means, but so far have
miserably failed."
How Hot Water Saves China.
The entire absence of sanitary
arrangements in Chinese towns and
villages being well known, it goes
without saying that the laws of
hygiene are utterly and entirely
neglected. There is no isolation of
infectious diseases, and no attention
is paid to causes of death unless
there is supposition of violence.
According to our ideas, therefore,
Chinese cities ought to be hotbeds of
disease, subjected regularly to
terrible epideaiics which, with us,
are invariably associated with the
neglect of sanitary laws. Stio nge to
say such is not the case. Epidemics
come and go without any apparent
reason,appearing, perhaps, suddenly,
causing a heavy mortality for a
short time, and then as suddenly
disappearing again, thus affording
an endless field of speculation to the
foreign savant. But, speaking
Generally,- Chinese towns enjoy an
immunity from these dangerous out
breaks almost as complete as that
of well-drained European commu
nities, and the cause of this puzzling
and curious phenomenon has been
variously explained. The fact is all
the more striking when taken in con
nection with the contaminated water
supplies of Chinese towns, the effect
of which on Europeans has been
manifested over and over again in
the heavy mortality which overtook
them previous to the adop
tion of precautions enjoined
by modern eanitary science. The
healthiness of Chinese cities has been
ingeniously attributed by some peo
ple to the universal habit of fanning,
a practice which is said to keep the
atmosphere in constant circulation.
How far this explanation can be
deemed to suffice we must leave to
experts to decide, but, so far as con
taminated water supply is concerned,
be believe the real secret of immunity
from its evil effects to lie in the uni
versal custom of boiling all water in
tended for drinking. Asa matter of
fact, the Chinese never drink cold
water. The national beverage, which,
in a true sense, may be said to cheer
but not inebriate, is tea, and this is
always "on tap," even in the houses
qf the very poor. The native aver
sion to cold water is undoubtedly
carried to extremes, and certainly
induces diseases which might easily
be avoided by a judicious system of
outward application. In the matte
of ablutions it must, however, be ad
mitted that the Chinese enjoy facili
ties which, however little they are
taken advantage of, 'are far in ad
vance of anything within the reach
of the poorer classes of our own fav
ored land. Every little hamlet in
China has a shop where hot water
can be bought for a trifling buk at
any hour of the day or night. Even
in a small fishing village on a remote
island in the Gulf ofPechili, where
the writer spent, six weeks under verj
unpleasant circumstances during n
severe Winter, thJs was the case, and
a great convenience it proveu. xne
National Review. N
A Surprised llnrglar.
You cau't tell what a woman will
do in the case of "a burglar. The
speaker was an ex-police captain,
and his eyes twinkled as he thought
of the many stories told him by the
victims of burglars and by . tie
burglars themselves, sayi the Chicago
Inter Ocean. "A burglar," he con
tinued, "is lost when he gets rattled,
and a woman in the case of a burg
lar raid is apt to do the unexpected
thing, and in this way disconcert
even the coolest professional. To
the unprofessional who desires above
all things to conceal his indentity
the impulsive woman is a holy terror.
"Not long ago it happened that
the wife of one of our prominent
physicians was alone on the parlor
floor of her residence. Thehouse had
never been burglarized, and no one
thought that it would be or could
be. On the night in question the
lady was awakened by sounds in the
porlor, and calling out to ask who
was there she heard retreating foot
steps. Half awake and wholly under
the influence of the thought that one
of her servants or some member of
the family was in the parlor, she
jumped out of bed, and without a
moment' hesitation, started .in
pursuit, intent only in learning what
was the matter. In the hall she
came face to face with a strange man,
and even then she was not wide
awake enough to be afraid. The
thought that the stranger was a
burglar did not come to her until
she had asked, in an anxious way,
what was the matter.
"The burglar, who it was afterward
discovered had made preparations
to carry off the silver and certain
articles which he had collected, was
so confused that he made a single ex
clamation, stepped to the front door,
opened it and walked quickly away.
He said afterward that the idea of a
small, delicate-faced woman follow
ing him up closely made him shiver,
and when she spoke to him with the
commonplaced manner of one asking
his welfare, his senses deserted him,
and there was nothing for him to do
but to get out."
The (.'host of Gniteau.
Guiteau still lingers at the District
Jail, says a Washington letter. That
is what the superstitious prisoners
say, for they claim that they see him
every night, and if you were to bring
any amount of testimony to contra
dict them they would still adhere to
their theory that the assassin stalks
around the corner every night. Tho
cell in which he was located when
Sergt. Mason shot at him has been
unoccupied ever since. The bunk has
been removed and the apartment is as
bare as it was left by the builders.
The marks ot the soldier's bullet are
st ill plainly to be seen. The missile
entered the window of the cell at a
slight angle and struck the wall op
posite to that upon which the mur
derers bunk was located, from which
point it glanced and flattened against
the wall in the rear. Had Guitean
been standing at the window the bul
let could hardly have missed him.
Gen. Crocker, the warden of the jail,
says he has great trouble in getting
prisoners to remain content in any
of the cells in which Guiteau was con
fined. The assassin, after being shot
at by Sergt. Mason, was confined in
a cell in the opposite corridor, the
same being separated by a brick
partition, and. notwithstanding the
fact that so many years have
elapsed since it was graced by the
wretched occupant, every prisoner
knows which was Guiteau's cell and
begs not to be confined therein. The
ghost of the assassin, so the prison
ers say, roams about at all hours ol
the night, and the guards are fre
quently called by prisoners who fancy
they see the apparition.
A Long Hunt for Happiness.
Albany Times.
Amsterdam, N. 1'., is somewhat
noted for matrimonial eccentricities,
the latest being the record of one
lady, given in the Recorder, as fol
lows: She eloped with her first bus
band when sho was 18 and he 16.
His father followed the pair and
waltzed the young man home on his
ear. Then he secured a divorce for
his son on the ground of undue in
fluence. The wife never saw him
again. Her second husband was a
widower 60 years old, wealthy and
consumptive. He died in a year. She
loved her third husband, but he mar
ried her for her money. It did not
take long to discover this, and then
sho paid him for letting her get a
divorce. Her fourth husband mar
ried her for love, but she merely
wanted a companionship. They
lived haDDilv together until he wsis
killed on the railroad pear Albany a
few years ago. She married again
about a year ago, and only recently
became a mother. It was her first
child, too. Her present husband
seems to love her and she him, and
maybe she has found her affinity at
A Charitable Lady.
A very charitable lady in town,
wishing to help the Johnstown suf
ferers, picked out from the ward
robes of herself and husband all the
suits that could be spared. Into the
pockets of each suit fpr men she put
in a jackknife, a hair brush, and a
comb. Into the women's gowns she
put a pair of stockings, a comb and
brush, a tooth-brush, and a cake ol
soap. She sent several gowns that
she had been saving to wear this
summer herself. "I did not hesitate
many minutes," she said, heroically.
"I decided to let the sufferers iiave
them, and let my husband get some
new ones. That was combining
charity and self-interest." New
York Sun.
A Gentlemanly Hobocr.
Now that the days of your roman
tic stage robber and Western hold-up
are gone and almost forgotten, ex
cept in the romance which some in
teresting but fanciful writer has
een fit to cast around the hardest
and most exacting of accup.itions,it
may be interesting to recall the ad
vent of one of tho most highly edu
cated and gentlemanly robbers who
ever got tho drop on the unsuspect
ing driver of a Western four-in-hand.
In 1876 Charles E. Holies deserted
his wife and children in a little town
in Southwestern Missouri and went
over the Rocky Mountains with the
f-ager flood of farmers and' mechan
ics who had left the plough and
work-bench to engage in the fasci
nating but elusive game of hide and
seek with tho gold diggings.
Bolles was after gold, too, but he
did not believe in digging for it. Ho
was a clever, well educated fellow,
but the fact that the money in his
belt belonged originally to his de
serted wife would hardly serre to
raise him in tho estimation of anv
one who admired his talents as well
as his coolness and nerve.
After Bolles crossed the divide he
was, for the time being, lost to sight.
But he did not permit his candle to
flicker under a bushel very long, lor
on August 3, 1887, as big Jack
Holmes, the driver of tho regular
mail coach from Fort Ross to tho
Russian River, California, swung his
leaders around the sharp curve of a
bluff in the Sierras, the figure of a
man, grotesquely attired in jute bags
and linen duster, with a white linen
flour sack over the head, arranged so
that sight was possible out of two
holes cut at a convenient distance
apart, stepped from behind a conven
ient bowlder and presented a double
barrelled shot-gun with the danger
end pointing at Jack said, in tho
most pleasant and polito manner
"Will you be kind enough to throw
out the box and mail bags."
The "box" referred to was Wells,
Fargo & Co.'s shipment of treasure.
Jack was kind enough to do as re
quested without turther parley and
finally when asked in the same polito
and urbane manner if he wouldn't
please drive on, obeyed with alacrity,
as any far-sighted and experienced
Western man would.
The sheriff of the county was noti
fied, and with a posse went back to
where the box lay. It had been brok
en and rifled, and all that the strange
robber had left was a bit of doggerel
which read:
Now I Iny me down to slep.
To wait the coming morrow;
Terhapa success, pprliapa do'eat.
Or everlasting Borrow.
Let corne what will, I'll try it on,
My condition can't ho worse,
And if there'8 money in the box,
'Tia money in my purt-o.
The lines were written on the back
of a way-bill belonging to the express
company, and at the bottom was
the signature: "Black Bart, the To
8 "
'"Black Bart" was the E. Bolles of
Missouri, nnd while the other fellows
were breaking their back at the
washings and diggings, he was mak
ing a barrel of money by enrcking
tho treasure boxes of Wells, Fargo
& Co. After he had succeeded twenty-three
times he was arrested in San
1 rancisco, where he had been living
as a gentleman should, by means of
a laundry mark on a cuff which he
had left near the scene of one of his
robberies. Among his effects was
found his family Bible with numer
ous marginal notes which he had
made from time to time.
On the 17th of November, 1883,
Bolles was sentenced to si years'
imprisonment, und was immediately
taken to the famous old jail at San
Quentin to serve out his time, his
captors reaping an accumulated re
ward of $18,400.
He was discharged from San Quen
tin on New Y'ear's Dav, 1888, and
promised to reform. He had leen a
model prisoner and spent six years of
confinement with profit to himself,
for he became an expert chemist.
Some months after his release I
met him in Denver, Colorado, and
while still a powerful man physicial
ly, he was aging fast, and his hair,
mustache and imperial were plenti
fully frosted with the white of ad
vancing age.
How the Jailer Kept Informed.
Texas Siftings.
A gentleman who has recently re
turned from quite a long trip through
the "Land of the Aztecs" has been
giving some interesting details of
his experiences to his friends.
Among other things, he said that
when he was in the City of Mexico he
was shown through some ancient
buildings, convents and jails that
were erected by the Spaniards (sev
eral centuries ago. In tho wall of
those ancient edifices he saw a small
opening, so he naturally inquired of
his Mexican guide what purpose it
served. He was told that it was one
of those buildings in which criminals
were walled up alive. "J5ut what
was the use of the hole in the wall?"
he asked. "Well, senor," replied the
guide, "as long as the prisoner lived
is food was banded to him on a
plate, and he handed back the
empty plate through the hole, but
when the prisoner handed back tho
plate with the food on it untouched,
then the jailer knew that ho was
dead already, and didn't give Lim
any more."
Wllkle Collin's Dire Enemy.
It is sad to think that many of the
novels which have won tho admira
tion of the world have been produced
by Wilkie Collins while he was endur
ing agonies which would drive' a
weaker man to the hospital. That
gout, as exquisite a pain as tooth
ache, but more continuous, attacks
him, not only in the hands and feet
where it is bad enough but in tho
eyes. It is impossible to imagino
such tortures. But in spite of them,
and sometimes during them, Wilkie
Collins goes on with his work, and
finds relief in forgetting himself in tho
scenes of fiction. Never once has he
failed to keep his contracts with the
publishers. Never once has his copy
been delayed. Philadelphia Time3.