The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889, July 10, 1889, Image 4

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    i. ' BY THIS :l '. -'. '
Lincoln, -o -o- Nebraska.
be addressed to THE ALLIANCE PUBLISH
ING CO., aud all matters pertaining to the
Farmers Alliance, lncludit subscriptions to
the pape', to the Secretary. ,
H. 6. ARHITAGE, Editor.
President' J. Burrows, Filley, Neb.
Vice President, H. L. Loucks, Clear Creek,
Secretary, August Post, Moulton, Iowa.
Treasurer, Hon. J. J. Furlong, Austin Minn.
Lecturer, A. Bv Chase, Watertown, Dak.
President, John H. Powers, Cornell. .
Vice President, James Clark, Wabash.' "'"
Secretary-Treasurer, J. M. Thompson, Lincoln.
Executive Committee: J. Burrows Filley;
B. F. Alien, Wabash; Allen Boot, Omaha;
I Henry, Hansen; W. M. oray, North Loup.
Deputy Organizers Bobert. Gray Jnman;
Alva Tompkins, Hansen; James A. Butler,
Ewing; Win. Clark, Banner; John A. Hogg,
Sbelton; J. W. Hartley, West Union; P. J.
Reese, Lexington; C. J. Mecham,- Cambridge,
W.J. Holly, Cambridge; L. C. Floyd, Brom
field; Charles Wooster, Silver Creek; Herbert
G. Miller, Cambridge; Thomas Sinclair, Fuller,
ton; W. A. Mansfield, Gandy; F. J. Frederic!,
North Platte; J. F. Black, Indianola; J. S.
Kiddie, Arcadia; J. F. Harrison, York; Sher
man Stevenson, Alma; G. W. Norman, La
mar; J. Y. M. 8wigart, Fremont; E. M. Har
rison, Venango; Geo. W. Felton, Angus;
Louis McKeynolds, Fairfield; Jas. C. Hether
i ngton, Beatrice.
Dakota j.Tebkitoky: President, H. L.
Loucks, Cleur Lake.
Secretary, C. A. Soderburg, Hartford.
Minnesota : President, George W. Sprague,
Prosper; - , , -
Secretary. George W. Haigh, Mankato.
IowA:-President, Al L. Stuntz, State Centre;
Secretary, August Post, Moulton.
Illinois: President, ; Secretary, Da
vid Ward Wood, 158 Clark St., Chicago.
Wisconsin: President, N. E. Moody Viro
mia; Secretary, A. F. Sands, Fairfield.
Kansas : President, J. M. Morris, White
City; Secretary, T. J. McLain, Peabody. -
Washington Territory: President, J. M.
Reed, Oaksdale ; Secretary, J. W. Ar rowsmith,
ColfaX. ... ,-. ;' -
Ohio: President, A. M. Snjith, Climax;
Vice-President, W. H.Likins, Caledonia; Sec
retary, A. T. Goorley, Iberia; Treasurer, N.
C. Bader, Marits. Executive Committee:
Geo. C. Gruber, Marits; Wm. Brocklesby, Cal
edonia; D. N. Auld. Martell; Enoch Dunham,
Harwood; J. D. Armstrong', Mt. Gilead. .
Profoundly imnressed that we. the Farm
ers' Alliance, united by the 6tronsr and faith
ful ties or nnanciat ana nome miereeiB,
should set forth our declarations, we there
fore resolve:
To utrive to secure the establishment of
rigl and Justice to ourselves and our pos
To labor for the education of the agricul
tural classes in the science of economical
government in a strictly non-partisan spirit.
To endorse the motto, "In things essential,
unity; in all things chanty."
To secure purity of the elective franchise,
onH to induct all voters to intelligently exer-
i dii'tfor the enactment and execution of
ivb vtiirh will exnress the mo6t advanced
public sentiment upon all questions involving'
tne interests or laDorens auu laiuicm.
To develop a better state mentally, morally,
socially anu financially. : .
To constantly strive to secure entire har
mony and good-will among all mankind, and
brotherly love among oureelyes. ,.,,
To suppress personal, local, sectional ana
national prejudices; all unhealthful rivalry,
and all seJtish ambition. -
To assuage the sufferings of a brother ana
osstfr. hnrv the dead, care for the widows and
educate the orphans; to exercise -rd
offenders; to construe words and pur
jon oses In their most f avorable light gTant-
fng honesty of purpose and good intentions to
otfiersVand to protect the principles of the
Allianee unto death.
. ' . LnUr
Post Office at Lincoln, Neb., June 18, 1889.
1 hereby certify that The Alliance, a week
ly neSper published at this place, has been
Krminell by the Third Assiet tPwjM
ter General to be a publication entmea xo
admission in the mails at the pound rate of
rSe and entry of it as such is according y
made upnthe T books of this office. Valid
E?a?. VTc.V,ti- of the implication re-
mains unchanged.
wniiH I in:
Albert Watkins,. ,
i POSjtjTU"!'
This department is conducted by the Secre
tary of the State-Alliance to whom all com
munications in relation to Alliance work,
short articles upon various subjects of inter
est to the Alliance etc., should be addressed.
Write plain and only on one Bide of the paper.
Sign what you choose to your articles but
send us your name always.
Custer County and thB Alliance.
During the last days of the year 1888
the farmers of portions of the county
. began to discuss the aims, principles,
and purposes of the Farmers Alliance,
and on December 26, the Swiss Valley
Alliance was chartered with twenty
members. Then began, with the new
year, an era of organization never
equaled in the state, and" rarely, if
ever, excelled in any state in the un
ion. A. Stalev. who joined the Alii-
anceuwhile jUving, in Brown county,
was one of the most active workers in
the work here. Oii March 1st the Al
liances then organized met at Broken
Bow and formed the County Alliance
and elected efficient officers for that or
ganization. The state secretary was
present at this meeting and commis
", sioned J. W. Hartley as deputy organr
izer for Custer county. In the short
time of seven months the Alliance has
gone into nearly every township in the
county, there being now fifty-three
chartered organizations with a mem
bership ranging from ten to sixty in
i each Subordinate Alliance, and a de
gree of interest in all departments of
Alliance work equal if not superior to
that of any other part of the state.
"In union there is strength," and
let all members of our order remember
this fact. AVe must stand shoulder to
shoulder in this struggle for equal
rights, and no selfish personal ambi
tion must ever interfere with the per
f ormance of our every duty as mem
hers of the Alliance in Nebraska.
.Long live the Alliance in Custer
county. .
Mr. A. Hoslvins, of Elmwood, sends
'two subscribers.
J. F. Black, of Indianola, sends a
club of ten subscribers -
Henry Hogg, of Ansley, sends us a
club of five subscribers.
Secretary Geo. Foster; of Litchfield ,
" sends four subscribers. A
W. R. Ballard sends f our ' subscrib
ers from Bed Win? and Fullerton.
M. H. Severy, of Aurora, sends club
of nine subscribers from that place. :
II. C. Ficminger. of Clay Centre,
-. sends two more subscribers this week.
Geo. L. Sipes, of Emmet, sends ap
; plication for charter fori Eagle Alli
ance which is No. 642. This Alliance
starts in with nine charter members.
CWilson WlBsloW bl BerixancU
8 subscribers from his place and El-
wood. ;:. .;.;;-. . -:-
Chas. Humphrey, of Indianola, sends
two subscriptions to the paper from
his place.
Secretary E. Goble, of Lamar, Neb.,
sends a club of seven subscribers to
the paper.
Bro. Chas. Wooster, of Silver Creek,
sends a club of five subscribers from
Clarks, Neb.
A. B. Burden, Clarion, sends club
of seven subscribers from Battle Creek
and Madison. " ;
J. P. Hack, of Belgrade, sends in a
club of six subscribers from Belgrade
and Fullerton.
C. R. Kirk, secretary of Alliance
No. 543, sends three yearly subscribers
from PJainview,
Bro. S. J. Urwiller, of Cherry Creek,
sends a list of five subscribers from St.
Michael and Nantasket.
Wm. Evans, of Taylor, Neb., sends a
club of ten subscribers and says he
expects to send more soon.
Secretary, J. F. Kiser, of Pleasant
View Alliance, sends three subscribers
from Merna, Dale and Cliff.
J. A. Gilson, of Grant, Neb., sends
application for charter for an Alliance
with fifteen charter members. .
A list of ten subscribers it received
from Indianola, but we have forgotten
the friend's name sending them in.
M. II. Severy, of Aurora, sends in an
additional club of 7 this week. This
makes 17 for Bro. Severy this week.
Secretary F. W. Hammond, of Cen
tral Alliance, reports a gain of forty
four members during the last quarter.
Secretary Wm. II. Welch, of Wild
Horse Alliance, reports six applicants
for membership at their next meeting.
C.S. Wilson, secretary of Liberty
Farmers' Alliance, sends four sub
scribers for the paper and says it fills
the bill.
Bro. II. C. M. Burgess, of Cam
bridge, also has need for blank appli
cations for membership and sends for
a supply.
Mr. M. Mauring, of Inez, Holt coun
ty, sends application for charter for an
Alliance at his place with eight char
ter members.
Secretary John M. Samuelson, of
No. 602, reports a gain of thirteen new
members to their Alliance since char
tered, which was recently.-
Bro. C A. McKinley, of No. 204,
Riverton, sends $1 for the paper and
says there are a number of others in
his locality who will subscribe soon.
A. B. Chatterton, secretary of Blue.
Valley Alliance, reports his Airliance
in a flourishing condition and'an addi
tion of eighteen mem5-'during last
quarter. ' '
Bro. E. M. .Harrison, of Venango,
Sends seven subscribers from his place
and Big Springs. He also reports a
gain of fourteen new members to their
J. W. Dorland, of Elgin, sends club
of nine subscribers, and says the farm
ers are thoroughly awake in his county
and he expects to send us as many
more soon. '
Bro. H. G. Wheeler, of Underwood,
sends three subscribers to the paper,
and asks for blank charter applications,
indicating that the work still goes on
in Hall county.
Secretary David Tappan, of Tappan
Valley Alliance, Broken Bow, reports
the outlook for crops good in his couu- .
ty, and no three per cent per month
money. Straight 10 per cent.
W. R. Ballard, of Red Wing, Nance
county, sends three subscribers and
says the paper is just what they want.
He also reports his Alliance in good
shape and still better prospects ahead.
Bro. E. A. Draper, president of Mt.
Olive Alliance, Litchfield, Neb., sends
his subscription to the paper and says
they will send in seven subscriptions
from his Alliance' after their next
meeting. -
Bro. D. L. Hackett, of Bromfield,"
still continues his custom of sending
two or three subscribers with each
letter he writes. Bro. Hackett, is a
zealous, untiring worker, and is in the
field to win.
Clyde E. Clement, secretary of a
newly organized Alliance in Furnas
county, named Jones Alliance, reports
the following officers elected : Presi
dent, Arthur E. Miller; Vice-President,
S. B. Roue; Secretary, C: E.
Clement; Treasurer, T.C. Jones.
Secretary fellows, of Sargent Alli
ance, sends three subscribers from
Sargent and says he thinks we will re
ceive a large list from there as soon as
the paper is known. He reports the
membership of his Alliance at thirty
six, with new ones coming in at every
Jacob Ivindscher, ol Guitle Rock,
sends two subscriptions to our paper,
and says: I like the paper and will do
all I can to introduce it. That is what
we want to do to wake one. another up.
We have slept too long. Had a good"
rain here tonight. Crops look fine,
but will we . get anything gor them if
we receive a big crop?
Secretary J. W. Goheen, of No. 5S8,
says: The good work goes steadily on.
The great need is to get the constitu
tions into the hands of the people, it
dispels their fear of the order land
teaches them what they want to know
and should know. The ones you sent
me done good work. Two Alliances
are the outcome of them being put in
the hands of the farmers.
ter, says there is a great deal of in
quiry in his section of the country in
regard to our paper, among farmers
who have not seen a copy of it, and
asks for samples which we mail him
with pleasure.
Mr. John Leis, Vice-President of
the Holt f County Farmers Alliance,
sends $1 for the paper and says: I
shall do my best to get subscribers for
The Aixiancb just as soon as I can
find time to spare. I want to do my
best toward helping your list roll up.
Success to The Alliance.
Charter and other supplies received.
Our Alliance is progressing nicely
with a membership of twenty-nine,
eight applicants to be initiated at next
meeting. They are very much inter
ested in the work. Long live the Alli
ance, and may the good work go on
until the farmers are free from op
pression. Eva Dole,
Bro. M. S. Drennen, president of
Cairo Alliance, Hall county, sends for
sample copies of our paper and , says:
We have a good live Alliance here of
sixty members, and I tnink the Alli
ance is going to be a success. There
are sevi-al good Alliances here in this
part of the country and I would like to
see a great many more started, as I
think the better organized we are the
better work we can do. '
Bro. W. E. Murry, of Aurora, sends
us in a club of ten subscribers, and
says: "Please excuse this small list
as we had but a few moments time to
introduce -the paper. These names
were all taken in five minutes, or less.
Will do better with next order." Cer
tainly we excuse Bro. Murry, and
would like to go right on excusing
folks for making such breaks at us as
this one.
Bro. T. G Rowley sends six sub
scriptions to the paper from North ,
Platte, and says: I received sample
copies of the two first issues of The
Alliance. I like the square, plain
way in which you put things, very
much, and I believe it will be a great
belp to us farmers in giving voice to
our sentiments, and in showing our
neighbors that we have a right to live
and intend to. Hoping that TnE Al
liance may prosper and be a power
for great good to the farmers, I re
main, - Yours fraternally, etc.
Mr. M. E. Bowlin, of Bromfield, Al
liance shipping agent for Hamilton
county, says: I have shipped about
30,000 bushels' of grain for the Alli
ance in the last two months. I sold to
Coombe & McClemen, of Lincoln, but
the elevator men wrote to them that
we were not regular dealers and they
refused to buy of us. The Business
Association has my best wishes and I
will do all I can to make iT a success.
I can see very clearly that our only
hope is in the State Business Associa
tion. We have organi zed a Business
Association at Bromfield to handle our
grain and stock.
Bro. John II. Brown, president of
Cat Creek Alliance, writing to the
state secretary says: ,1 send in eight
new subscribers to the paper and shall
stay in the field and send more from
time to time as I can gather them in.
Our Alliance is prospering finely in
the way of taking in new members.
We started iu with seven charter mem
bers and now number about fifty. Our
Fourth of July celebration near Mason
City was a grand success, and showed
those outside that the Alliance of Cus
ter county was stronger and more in
numbers than was anticipated. It
was generally estimated that there
were at least four thousand people
there. Hope jou will hear from me
often in the way of sending in new
subscribers to the paper.
Litchfield, Neb., June 30. By
request I will send you a report of the
organization hi the Sherman County
Farmers' Alliance. In response to a
call issued by Mount Olive Alliance
No. 572, the delegates from the Subor
diuate Alliances in Sherman county
met at the United Brethren church,
seven miles west of Loup City. Dele
gates were present from six of the
Subordinate Alliances now in Sher
man county, representing between 125
and 150 members in this county. Af
ter a committee on credentials were
appointed, the election of officers was
held, and Albert Dickerson, of Litch
field, was elected president, and J. W.
Zink, of Loup City, secretary. After
the election of officers speeches were
made by a number of those present,
and a good deal of enthusiasm mani
fested, and it was resolved that Sher
man county keep up with the proces
sion and march shoulder to shoulder
with the other counties of this state.
Resolutions were adopted to try and
organize the balance of 1 this county
and double our membership if possible
inside of the next, two or three months.
Our state paper wa3 commented on
favorably and all decided to use their
influence to try and secure liberal pat
ronage for the paper as it is just what
we need most in thi3 county where
the work is new, and the amount of
interest manifested by both members
and thoso desiring to become mem
bers to get a correct , insighjt into the
objects of the society can be easily, ob
tained through the Alliance paper.
The meeting was conducted in har
mony and all were well satisfied. Ad
journed to meet when there should be
a necessity for so doing.
E. A. Drapek,
Pres't Mt. Olive Alliance Mo. 572.
FOR INSURANCE. See or address Swifrart
& Bush. Mead, Neb., Special Agents Far
mers Union (Mutual) Ins. Co., Grand Island,
Foully Wardered A Short Sketch of
the Murdered Han's Life Resolu
tions of Respect, Ete.
The Unknown Assassin Still at Large
And For Whose ? Apprehension
$700 Reward is Offered.
Joseph Horace Plummer was born
on a farm in Whiteside county, Illi
nois, near the city of Sterling, on Feb
ruary 19, 1849. He came to Nebraska
in 1867 and remained until 1871, when
he went to Texas where he remained
for eight years, with the exception of
one short visit home. During this
time he was for two years a
ment scout. The rest of the time he
was occupied at freighting, hunting,
and fighting Indians. He had several
narrow escapes. Once he was tied to
the stake to be burned, when the ap
pearance of troops scared the Indians
away, but the soldiers failed to hear
Joe shouting and he remained tied up
for three days and nights, until his
comrades returned from the. hunt.
When they came to him be was so
weak that he could not sp eak. Once
while out hunting he had his horse
shot from under him and escaped , by
running and hiding, and was finally
rescued by a party of cow boys, ne
had other adventures such as are com
mon on the frontier. He settled per
manently in Nebraska in 1880, in Otoe
county, where he engaged in farming
and stock raising until 1887, when he
removed to Furnas county and settled
on school section 16-3-24-w, where he
opened up a farm of about 300 acres
and fenced a pasture of &bbut 160
acres. Here he lived with his mother,
devoting his time to farming and
stock raising until the night of June
22, when he was shot dead from his
horse while returning home from an
Alliance meeting and when within
three-quarters of a mile of home.
So far as we know there is no clue to ,
the murderer.
As Bro. Plummer was a , man re
spected and liked by all his neighbors
and acquaintances, it was always in
order to go to Joe Plummer 's for any
thing you wanted and did not have,
and if Joe had it you were sure to get
it if it were not in use Jty himself or
others. : ' , -
Our resolutions show the feeling of
the neighborhood as well as the. Alli
Whereas; Some unknown person
has removed from our midst our
worthy and esteemed Brother J. II.
Whereas; The brotherly relations
held by him with the members of Four
Points ol Industry Alliance No. 515,
makes it fitting that we record our
brotherly appreciation of him; there
fore . :-.:r -
Resolved, That the wisdom and
ability which he has exercised in our
lodge work' by counsel and service
will be held in grateful remembrance.
Resolved, That the sudden removal
of such a brother from our lodge in
which he has held a leading position
leaves a vacancy and shadow tha,, will
be deeply realized by all members of
the Alliance and will prove a grievous
loss to the Alliance and its members.
Resolved, That with deep sympathy
with the afflicted relatives and friends
of the deceased we expiess an earnest
hope that even so great a bereavement
may be overruled for their highest
good. -
Four Points of Indus
try Alliance No. 515,
Fcr an act to amend Sec. 40, Chapter
43 of the Compiled Statutes of Ne
braska for 1887, entitled Insu
rance Go's and to repeal
said original section.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of
the State of Nebraska:
Sec. 1. : That section 40 of, chapter
43 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebras
ka for 1887, entitled "Insurance Com
panies," be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 40. Nothing in this act shall
be so construed as to prevent any num
ber of persons from making mutual
pledges and giving valid obligations to
each other for their own insurance
from loss by fire, lightning, tornadoes,
cyclones, wind storms, hail or death;
but such associations of persons shall
in no case insure any property not own
ed by one of their number, and no life
except that of their own number, nor
shall the provisions of this act be ap
plicable to such associations or compa
nies. Provided, Such associations or
companies shall receive no premiums,
make no dividends, or pay in any case
more than two dollars per day to any
of their officers for compensation, and
then only when actually" employed for
the association or company, nor shall
they hire any agents or solicitors. Pro
vided, further. That no such company
or associations shall eyer make any
levies or collect any money from its
members except to pay for losses on
property or lives insured, and such ex
penses as are herein provided for.
Sec. 2. That said original section
40 of chapter 43 of the Compiled Stat
utes of Nebraska for 1887, as the same
now exist, be and the same is hereby
The way to do this is to ship your Butter, Epgs, Poultry, eal, Hny, Gram, W ool, Hides,
Beans Breoia Com, Green and Dried Fruits, Veg-etables, or anything: you have, to us. Iho
fact that you may have been selling these articles at home for years is no reason that you
should continue to do so ifyou can find a better irnrket. We make a specialty of receiving
shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS, and probably have the largest trade in
this way of any house in this market. Whilst you are looking around for the cheapest mar
ket in which to buy your poods and thus economizing- in that, way, it will Certainly pay you
enmo oHnnHnn n tUa. hrst nnd mnet Tvrrfitnlilf wf of (HsDOSiniT Of VOUT produce. V e
Irvirito rnrrpsnondence fmn INDIVIDUALS.
who desire to ship their produce to this market. If requested, we will send you free of
charge our daily market report, shipping directions and 6uch information as will be or ser
vice to you if you contemplate shipping. Let us hear from you.
REFERENCE: Metropolitan Nation Bank, Chicago. Mention The Alliance.
A Short Story About Hansen.
In one of the most fertile parts of
the Platte valley, directly on the line
between Hall and Adams counties,
lies the little village of Hansen. As
a village no interest attaches to it,
for it has always been inclined to
sleep placidly unless aroused by some
passing farmer, and its business has
been principally in grain and coal; it
is as a farming community that our
admiration is challenged. '
In-the spring of '87, J. H. Powers
1 . . - - . , - . -. 1 .
( now president of the State Farm
I . 1
Stat Allianre ronvention with his
brain full of the wrongs being daily
practiced upon the farmer, v and the
utter helplessness of the farming
class, called a meeting for organized
resistence to oppression. So full was
he of his subject, and so enthusiastic
in his work, that three Alliances
were formed at once. The Alliance
meetings were universally attended
for every farmer was earnestly desir
ous of finding how to better his con
dition. Methods and plans were in
telligently discussed, and mutual aid
given and received in many ways. .
-During the fall and winter sufficient
progress had been made to prompt
the farmers to buy in clubs. A be
ginning was made in coal, and in
this a saving was effected of from 50
cents to $2.00 per ton. But this im
mediately brought down upon them
the wrath of the "legitimate deal
ers, and the first effort of the latter
was to prevail upon the mine owners
to refuse to ship to the Allianee.
This threatened to be successfull un
til the determined stand of the farm
ers brought companies to a sense of
who their patrons were.
The actual experience acquired by
the farmers in this - way soon led to
the formation of a permanent organi
zation for the transaction of business.
Three Alliances together formed a
stock company with an authorized
capital of 55,000. A little over $2,
000 was subscribed in shares of $10,
60 per cent of which was at once
paid in. A store room was rented in
Hansen, a general stock cf merchan
dise put in, and a competent man
hired to conduct the business. He
to sell to all alike, for cash only, and
at a price that would pay for the
goods and the expense of shipping
and handling. The whole was to be
in the charge of a board of directors
consisting of five members elected
This was just a year ago. The or
ganization has met every conceiveable
form of opposition from dealers in
the neighboring cities, but it still
lives. It not only lives, but it flour
ishes. Sometimes it has kicked back,
but never without great provocation,
and, too, nerer without some effect.
The farmers have received their
goods fairly and for something near
their real worth. During the last
three months the store has done an
average business of $30 per day.
fJot least among the accruing ben
efits is that of a cash system of. busi
ness. The Hansen community is no
richer than the average, and the
greatest cause for apprehension at
first was that the farmers would be
unable to pay cash. This impedi
ment is fast disappearing as they now
lay their plans with reference to their
actual needs. This they could not
be able to do if they did not control
the business themselves, and thus be
able to know just what they can get
and what they can get it for. Ar
rangements are now being made by
which they will be able to deal di
rectly with the State Alliance in
wholesale lots, and success in the en
terprise is assured.
Such experience demands the care
ful consideration of farmers every
where. This is the legitimate field
of the Alliances throughout the state,
and the benefits are more than can
be enumerated in a short article.
What our Alliance has done, all ban
do; it only remains to be up and doing-
Job Printing For Alliances.
We are prepared to do any and all kinds
of printing for Alliances. Letter and
note heads, envelopes, cards, by-Jaws,
circulars, handbills etc. Send in your
orders and we will do the work at pri
ces as reasonable as it can be done.
Kenfsaw, Adams County, Nebk.
Breeder and Shipper of Recorded Poladd
China lloge. Choice Breeding Stock for
gale. Write for wants. Mention The Alliance.
ALLIANCES. CLUBS, and all organizations .1
Tha British Nobleman's Trip to th
Icy Rofflons of the North.
Lord Lonsdale, bronzed by Arctic
suns, arrived in this city a few days
ago says the New York World, after
his tramp of over 12,000 miles in the
frozen reigon of the north-
"I left here, he said, "on the 7th
day of March of last year, and while
away I've traveled 12,000 miles. I
started with a valet and favorite dojr,
but at Green lake, 500 miles north of
Winnipeg. I had to send them home
home on account of the Cold. The
purpose of ray trip was to obtain speci
mens, information as to localities, spe
cies of birds, and varieties of game in
the northern latitudes. Though I
went in the interest of the Scottish
Naturalist society it was virtually a
sporting trip. - My reasons for return
ing by the way of Montreal were to
collect the specimens I had left at dif
ferent points on my way out These
specimens I found at Montreal weighed
over two tons. I had no thought of
reachlnsr the north pole. It was not a
polar expedition. All that I wanted
was to go as far as I believed animal
are existed or as lar as 1 could see
signs of animals."
"Do you think the north pole can be.
reached?" asked the reporter.
"Certainly I da" was the prompt
reply. lf a man wants to reach the
pole he can do so, but he must not
travel with a large party. The voyage
must be made by sleds and not by open
sea. Tho great trouble has been that
large partie3 have boen sent out only
to fail. To reach the pole the party
must not number above three."
What do you think of Alaska?" .
"The southwestern part of Alaska I
found very valuable in seal, timber,
and minerals. I don't balievo the re
ports that gold-fields abound in great
"Did you suffer from the cold?"
No, not as much as I expected.
There was one thing that annoyed me
more, than the cold. That was the
mosquitoes. In the Arctic seas they
are simply dreadful. They are so
thick at times that the sua is darkened
by them."
'But it was a jolly trip withal," went
on his lordship. "I have had to eat
some pretty - hard stuff, sleep in odd
places, and take considerable abuse
from the natives, but I have learned a
great deal, and I hope my report on
this trip will prove of interest to the
Scottish Naturalist society. I've been
in camps where the natives told me no
white man had ever been before, and
I've crossed a peninsula with the cold
30 degrees below zero, that the natives-
said could not be done, and to attempt
it would be to give up my life. But I
did cross it, and here 1 am. When I
reached the PaciQc slops I learned for
the first time that the report had gone
out that I had met with a savere - acci
dent which was likely to result in my
death. The report came about in this
"I was traveling with a party of In
dians whan two of them got lost. I
spent two days looking for them and
when found one of them had fallen into
a crevice and had broken his .leg. I
brought the fellow back to camp and
by some means or other it went out
that it was I that had met with the ac
cident." Lord and Lady Lonsdale, with two
sons of Arctic curiosities, sailed for
England on the Celtic.
Atchison ian Philosopy.
The worm that turns is only trodden
an more, heavily than before.
The average man never looks up
without seeing something he hates.
An enemy can always do you harm,
but a friend can not always do you
Vfou might he r many strange things
were it not for the fear that you 'will
tell. ,
Do not offend. Every offense a man
commits makes one more defense for
for his enemy.
There is some excuse for the man
who has no conscience; it is said that
sonscience only makes a man coward-
iy- :
The worst passions are occasionally
ot use to society; jealousy has caused
thieves to fall out and tell on each
Death to a man does not seem sad
iest in extreme youth or in extreme
xge, but at the age that is nearest to
ais own.
The Bible says that the Lord made
man in his own image; we can there
Fore beieive the statement that the
Lord is jealous. Men are.
Man thinks that if he ever gets out
Df one trouble ho will never get in
another, but a week of good luck
makes him us foolish as ever.
We all dislike the dentist who insists
that wo look cheerful while having a
tooth pulled, but it is a fair sample of
the good advice going liround.
Doing your best all the time is like
wearing your Sunday clothes on a
week dav; people soon forget that they
are your best clothes and expect you
to wear something better.
Success brings in its train a great
number of additional cares. The presi
dent is the busiest man in the United
States, and his troubles are eo numer
ous that he tossea about at night and
moans in his sleep.
The same instinct that causes all
dogs to chase a stray cur from the
country ca uses the men to say mean
things to amiable people. When a big
bull dog walks down the street none of
the dogs long to attack him; men are
the same way. Atchison Globe.
Early Iudlscretions.
"It is stmnge how a man is obliged
krpay for his early exposurers or indis
cretions," said Senator Davis, of
Nlinnesota, recently, while lying ill in
Washington. "When I was young I
was strong and vigorous. During the
war I constantly exposed myself to all
sorts of weather and to numerous
!atigues. I laughed at sickn-oss, even
is a possibility. But I'll tell you that
within the last ten years I've boen pay
ing up for it. My physician says that
ilfth3S3 twinges and almost unbear
able ache5t and pains are the result of
thoso exposures of moi than a quar
ter of a century ago."
Appreciated Ability.
"Well, sir," said an old gentleman,
Indignantly, "what aro you doin?
round hero again! I thought the deli
cate hint I gave you just as you left
the front door last night would give
you to understand that 1 don't like you
very well," and the speaker looked at
his boot in a reminiscent way.
"It did," said the young man, as a
look of mingled pain and admiration
cume over his face. "But I thought I
would come and ask you "
"Ask me what?"
"If you ".would come and join our
foot ball association." Merchant
Brar.ll-.BollvIa Partxur.
South American war of considera
ble proportions is likely to break csk
The contending parties will he Para
guay and Brazil on the one 'side, and
Bolivia on the other.
Some years ago, when Brazil waged
a protracted and expensive , war with
Paraguay, she almost exhausted the
resources of the empire in men and
money in her efforts to subdue Para
guay. The neat of war was thousands
of miles from her base in Brazil, and
it required an immense strain to cap
ture Paraguay. But Brazil did succeed,
and she finally obtained a treaty from
Paraguay, under which concessions
were made, and Brazilian rights and
interests were protected. In truth th
treaty formed a sort of defensive alli
ance between the two countries.
Latterly Bolivia and Paraguay have
been drifting Into a conflict sprinsing
from claims to a portion of territory
heretofore supposed to belong to Para
guay. Bolivia has raised an army
which is marching into the disputed
territory. In this crisis Paraguay ap
peals to her ally. Brazil, for protection
and aid. Brazil feels the necessity of
sustaining her treaty stipulations, and
has marched quite an army to the de
fense of Paraguay. Under these critic
al circumstances the Journat de Com
mercio of Klo de Janeiro declares that
war is imminent betweeu Brazil and
Bolivia. It says that it will be a fra
tricidal war, because it will bo between
brothers of the same race. And it
will be verv expensive, because
Bolivia is so situated, on
side of South America,
on the coast, that it will
the west
but not
bo very
difficult to reach her with the Brazil
ian army. It is a mountainous country,
almost destitute of roads, and there
fore it will cost enormously to move an
army with its material. Brazil is bo
strong that if she can get at Bolivia
the conflict will be very short; but the
transportation over deserts and through
mountain fastnesses is the serious ob
stacle. Wo trust that some moans will bo
found to prevent this conflict. Secre
tary Blaine's object in convening a
congress of the South American 6tates
at Washington in October next was to
secure an instrumentality to meet just
6uch a crisis. Our government has in
sisted that war between the South
American states was to be and could be
avoided by arbitration. The possible
waste of treasure and blood which such
a conflict would involve would be a.
detriment to all the South American
states, and the cause seems the more
unreasonable because it is the posses
sion of a little le3s or a little more of
unoccupied land. Brazil knows how
severely she suffered from the Para
guayan war. She has just recovered
M .1 Al 1 . rt o-
lrum mat snocK io ner nnances. oiio
does not want war, but she feels con
strained and in honor bound to obey
her treaty stipulations with Paraguay;
and, however reluctantly, she -will do
it if Paraguiy and Bolivia cannot come
to some settlement of their respective
claims. .
The fathers of our republic, and
especially Washington and Jefferson,
warned our countrymen never to make
a treaty constituting an offensive or de
fensive alliance with a foreign country,
lest we might become involuntarily in
volved in a war. For by such treaties,
we are no longer our own master, but
subject to the whims and caprices of
another country. This advice was both
grand wisdom and true prescience; for
an adherence to it h is saved us from
countless troubles. In 1847, when Mex
ico lay at our feet, it was suggested by
some of our statesmen that the United
States should establish u protectorate
over Mexico. Wisely that was not
done. Had that protectorate been es
tablished by treaty stipulations we
should have become involved in awar
with both" Austria and France when
their armies invaded Mexico in 1863.
Milwaukee Wisconsin.
How She Conquered.
George Paul, a young civil engineer,
while surveying a railway in the Penn.
sylvania hills, met a plain, lovable lit
tle country girl, and married her.
After a few weeks he brought her
home to his family, in New York, and
left her there while he returned to
samp. Mar i -in had laid many plm to
Vvin the affections of her new kinsfolk.
She had practiced diligently at her mu
sic; she was sure they would be pleased
to hear her stories of her beautiful sis
ter and her brother; sheimaginod their
admiration of her new blue silk gown
and winter bonnet. But the Pauls, one
and all, were indifferent to her music,
her family and her gowns. They gave
"George's wife" a friendly welcome,
and then each went on his or her way,
and paid no more attention to her.
After the first shock of disappoint
ment, Marian summoned her courage.
"If I have nothing to givo them,
they have much to givo mo," sho
thought, cheerfully.
She listened eagerly while Isabel
sang, and her smiles and. tears showed
how keenly she appreciated the music.
She examined Louisa's painting every
day with unflagging interest, discussed
every effect, and was happy if she
could help mix the colors or pronaro
tho canvas. She questioned grandma
about her neuralgia, advised new rem
edies, or listened unwearied to tho ac
count of old ones day after day.
When Uncle John, just returned
from Japan, began to describe his ad
ventures, Marian was the only auditor
who never grew tired nor interrupted
aim. After a two hours' lecture, . in
srhich her part had been th it of a
dumb, bright-faced listener. Uncle
Jolvt) declared that George's wife was
the most intelligent woman ho had
ever mot.
When George came homo the whole
family was loud In her praise. ho
was a fine musiciau; sho had unerring
asies in art; sne was cnarming, witty
tnd lovable; but George soon saw that
sho had won them unconsciously; not
by displaying her o;n merits, but by
ippreciating theirs.
I'his is a true story in fact, but tho
truth of its meaning is repeated wher
ever a woman is found who has tha in
tangible quality calleJ "charm." Sho
may b3 deforinolor pock-markeJ, but
vill win friendship and lovo by tho
ack of self-ca.--iselousao i.vby her quids
sympathy with other..
Many an unaltractiva 1 girl would
savo hoi-self much anxiety, and vain
effort at her entrance into the world of .
society If sho understood that it was
made up of individuals each of whom
desired to find not the btjauty, wit or
talent of others, but tho cordial recog
nition of their oWn.
" If you can honestly forget yourself
aud take an intercut in others, you will
soon find yourself surrounded by host
Df friends; but if you dishonestly affect
Mils interestyou will deceive no ono.
Cour dullest companion w Id I recog
nize you as a snob and a toady.--outh's