The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889, July 10, 1889, Image 3

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r a is' si 1.1.
Mr. Tausill, the founder of tlio honse
of K. W. Tansill & Co., is still a yonng
man, although he h:is been in active
business for over a qnarter of a century,
and is now numbered among: those suc
cessful and prosperous business men of
Chicago who have acquired wealth and
independence through their own talents
and exertions. Mr. Tausill was born in
the State ofirarniia in 1844. His
mother died in 1846, and his father
being an offieer iu . the U. S. Marine
Corps, the duties of which required
cruises of tlnee years', duration, the
subject of our sketch was practically
left an orphan when less than two
years of age. In 1801 he accompanied
his grand parents, Weems,
to Illinois, where he decided to remain.
Mr. Tansill is the lineal descendant of
the Rev. Mason Locke "Weems, who was
at one time the rector of Pohic, General
Washington's church, and is familiarly
known as the historian of the revolution.
His works included, among many oth
ers, the life of Washington which con
contains the original hatchet
atory. On January 1, 1807
he married Mary E. Motter, of Clayton,
111., and it was in this town that he
first engaged in the cigar business. At
an early date he became convinced that
Chicago was the coming city of the
west, and in 18C8 he decided to remove
his business to that city, where, in the
great fire of 1871, his entire capital was
swept away. Like a great many other
of Chicago s young business men, he
was not crushed by this misfortune, but
making a fresh start in business, paying
his creditors 100 cents on the dollar, he,
,r a number of years conducted one of
the largest cigar factories in Chicago.
The enormous srrowth of his business,
covering ns it did the whole country, to
, gether with the increased demand for
' manufacturing and shipping facilities,
"caused him to transfer the manufacture
of his cigars to New York, the wisdom of
which move has been demonstrated by
the continued expansion of his business,
so that he now enjoys the distinction of
having the largest mail order cigar
house in America.
The causes of Mr. Tansill's success are
not hard to find. He is a man of orig
inality nnd action. In carrying out an
idea he has the rare faculty of adapting
the means to the end, and once satisfied
of the soundness of his plan, he exe
cutes it energetically. - These qualities
are perhaps best illustrated by his
unique achievement of building up and
maintaining a great business with
out drumming. It is needless to
say that this desirable result could not
have been brought about had ho not
possessed an intuitive genius for
advertising. It is Mr. Tansill's pol
icy to, in all cases, do better by his
f patrons than he atrrees to do, but back
of all this remains the fact that he is far
too shrewd to expend brain and money
, in pushing an article which lacks the
'merit to back up its claims. His good's
are never allowed to deteriorate, no
matter what the demand for them may
be. The wisdom of his policy is dem
onstrated by the enormous business
which he has developed.
Mr. Tansill is probably better known
to tho smokers of the country as the
originator of the celebrated "Tansill's
Punch." This braud he placed ou the
market nearly a quarter of a cen
tury ago. Its popularity was phe
nomenal from the start. Its sales
have been unparalleled in the his
tory of the cigar trade, and it is recog
nized to-day by the smoking public as
the leading 5 cent cisrar of the TJ. 8.
Denver Republican, June 30th.
Bird Instinct.
The French government has just been
warned that a creat ormtliolojrical ca
lamity is impending. The department
of the Uonche tin lihone lias hitherto
been one of the chief landing places for
swallows coming from Africa. Wires
connected with electrical batteries were
laid in hundreds along the coast, and as
the birds, tired with their long flight,
perched on these, they were struck
dead. The bodies were then dressed
and sent on to Taris for ornamental
purposes. This has beeu going on for
years, but tin's spring it has been notic
ed that the swallows have not landed
on the low-lying coast, but have gone
further west or east, and they are re
ported in other parts of Europe to have
come in larger quantities than formerly.
A plague of gnats and other flying in
sects would emphasize this warning,
. vhich comes from the Zoological So
ciety of France. Exchange.
I! you want a Literary, Normal. Musical,
Law or Medical education, go to Drake
Unirersity, D?s Moines, lows, gee "ad."
How to Avoid Pneumonia.
The best possible cure for pneumonia
is an ounce of prevention. Nasal ob
struction and enlarged tonsils should
receive immediate attention and radical
treatment when necessary. Tho nose
has within its channels elements for
clearing the air of foreign particles and
warming it for tho lungs. Any nasal
Seclusion compels the air to be taken in
by the mouth a most pernicious habit.
that ot necessity affects the general
health, causing narrowing of tho chest,
premature decay of the teeth, and limits
the air supply and lung capacity. Who
ever breathes through the mouth in
t vites pneumonia. It is of the greatest
- Importance that every inch of lung tis-
sue should be in a relatively perfection -
Vlition the sum of all the little spaces
where air meets tho blooa is equal to
- the enormous area of 150 square Yards.
'Each breath may bo bringing in from
the external atmosphere all manner of
deleterious material, seeking some weak
spot to gain a foothold. This weak
place cannot exist without danger to the
health. The entire blood current comes
,o the lnngs to obtain from the outside
world the life-giving principle. This
jou square yards ol tissue requires a
supply of pure oxygen over 1,000 times
every hour. When children play, race
nnd romp the lungs are filled in every
part, and this very exercise of filling
them strengthens their substance. Brisk
. walking, with deep inspirations and the
mouth closed, helps sweep out the rrod
nets of waste. Everything that expands
ine cnest, as tennis, powling, rowing,
iencing, etc., is an antidote to possible
pneumonia Medical Classics.
Progress and
car at $1 a day.
poverty Driving street
A. M. Priest, druseiatsf Shelbv ville. Tnrl.
says: "Han's Catarrh Cure gives the beat
oi sawpiacuon. Can get plenty of test!
raomais, as it cures every one who takes
it." uruggists eellit, 75c.
0150 OUT 13fb C0M1SA 1
Going out to huy ns clothing, out the bills to pay;
Coming in so very bIowIj, -
Coming in each working day? j
Going out irom ns so easy,
Coming in ho hard to win
Ceaslees stream of little pennies
Going oat and coming in.
Through the many wants ofhome-Hfs, ,
From beneath our humble cot;
To the butcher and the baker
Where the meat nnd bread are bought.
From the old and much-worn wallet, -
To t be cruel world of greet;
Going out with sighs and sadness,
' To supply each lamily need. ' -
Through the wants that crowd us daily,
Through the bllie that must be met,
Through the runny needs of children,
Where the family "h growing yet;
To the busy world about us.
With its he.irtWs woe and sin,
RfHf lens Btream of little pennies,
Rushing out into the din.
Coming back so -cry slowly,
Though we try to toil and save;
Coming to the dear old homestead,
Coming in to keep us brave; -Weary,
are we very oftn, '
Weary, when we try to win,
From the world the little pennies, !
Which are elow in coming in. ;.v.:"
Going out to pay the taxes,
Coming in our hearts to cheer;
Going out to pay tor schooling,
Coming in to family dear?
Ceaseless stream of little pennies,
Which we find so hard to win, ",
From the doorway of the homestead, ,
Going out and coming m.
Portland Transcript.
Kitty was a flirt. Everybody said
so, so of course it was true. But she
couldn't help it. &he wasn't to
blame for her glorious beauty, or - if
from the daik, bewitching eyes did
dart tons of Cupid's arrows straight
into that region of the body where
young men's hearts are supposed to
be located. And I told her so, and
that those persons who censured
and annoyed her with such disagree
able lectures were old maids, too old
to remember when they were t young
Kitty seemed to have her doubts
about all of them being old maids
for she said one was her brother, who
had been talking to ner tnat. very
day. I told her it was to bad: that
I didn't blame her, and . that she
might flirt with me all she liked.
"Oh. may I?" she asked. "And
won't you blame me, and won't you
"Never," I answered. "I have al
ways been your friend, Kitty, and
always shall be as long as I live."
"Oh, won't that be splendid?" she
cried; and she looked as if she would
like to hug me on tho spot; and I, if I
remember correctly, did not offer the
least objection but she didn't.
After this perfect understanding
Kittv and I were the best of friends
We rode, we sang, we danced, we
sailed on the lake in short, we were
so much together that people began
to talk worse than before, and said
that Kitty was flirting more desper
ately than ever, and warned me: I
looked with undisguised contempt
upon these busybodies, as I termed
them, and told Kitty not to mind
what anyone said.
She readily promised she wouldn't,
and I continued to be her constant
escort. "What harm could it do?"
I asked myself. What, if sometimes,
when I saw the lovely face watching
for me through the bars where we
often met, and she gave me her little
hand, and such a smile of welcome
that I felt my heart give a sudden
thump against my ribs; or if the lit
tle curl of soft brown hair she had
given me, and told me to keep al
ways "for her sake," was resting in
the left breast pocket of my coat over
my heart, and that thepicture of the
beautiful face was shut up in the
ocket that hung on my watchchain,
and that somehow I had acquired
the habit of opening quite often of
ate? "
It was nothing; it was all under
stood. Kitty was only flirting.
Perhaps things would have gone on
this friendly manner to this day but
for a young man in town who was
my partciular aversion. Augustus
Lapham. had finished his college
course, and after a year's travel had
returned home.
I shall never forget the feeling with
which I surveyed him when I met
himfor the first time after his return.
"A dude of the first water," was my
mental comment as I took him in at
a glance.
A path starting from the course of
the low ioreneaa anarunnmgup back
among the "bumps" of self conceit,
which showed a remarkaole healthy
state of developement, separated the
yellow hair into exactly equal parts;
an eye-glass ana chain, a waxed
mustache, a diamond ring upon one
finger of a hand that held an apology
for a cane, and trousers so tight they
required his anxious attention when
ever he rose or sat down this conr
siituted what appeared to me to be
merely a walking fashion-plate.
Perhaps another reason for my
dislike may have been that he boldly
disnlaved his preference for Kittv.
the onlv voung ladv in the place he
would notice.
I was surprised that she did not
repel his advances. Indeed, I some
times thought she encouraged his at
lmentailv declared he would re-'
ceive little sympathy from me i
someone did make him the victim o!
a serious nirtation. it would oe a
wholesome lesson, and take down
his conceit a little, but I did not ex
actly relish the idea that Kitty should
be the one to visit punishment upon
Judge of my astonishment when
one day, about sunset, while on my
way an for evening visit to her house, I
met him driving his handsome phae
ton, with Kitty tucked in by his side
She greeted me with her sweetest
smile. He did not see me. In fact
he hadn't seen me of late when he
met me not since I had devoted my
self so exclusively to Kitty.
I watched the carriage till it disap
peared down the road, then began to
homeward plod my weary -way."
Jt is strange how suddenly tired one
can become oflife, ot everybody and
everything. -
1 sat down that night and tried to
use what common sense nature had
bestowed upon me, and looked the
matter calmly and squarely in the
face. ; . '" . ';
1 had no claim upon Kittv. She
possessed the right to ride with whom
she pleased: but this conclusion did
m 11 - A . JT J I
not tend to soothe my ruffled feel
ings, and I made up my mind the
time had come for some definite un
derstanding. The next day when I called upon
her I noticed no difference in her man
ner. She greeted me as cordially as
ever, making no allusion to what
transpired the night before; but she
seemed to notice a difference in me,
and anxiouslv inquired if I were ill.
ies, i m ill eick of everything,
I replied, more decided perhaps than
tho fwv0ainn Minn 1 I
the occasion required.
"Why don't you call a physician?"
she suggested. "Does your head
trouble you, or have you aheart difficulty?',-,'.;
I did not look at her, for I knew
she waa laughing at me, and when at Coaxing proving of no avail, an
lastldid turn toward her the brown lnthmnioTi tra tri.l- n. In
eyes were brimful of mischief.
"Kitty," I cried, impatiently "will
you ever stop flirting?"
"Why, Ned, I'm surprised!" with
an injured air. "You said there was
no harm in it, and that you wouldn't
care, and that those who did blame
me were old maids," she reiterated
emphatically, repeating what seemed
to me then very foolish speeches of
mine, with a wonderful memory.
"You said," she continued, "I might
flirt or I liked.
"Only with me," I replied.
"You didn't say that."
"Well, I meant that."
"I don't know what right you have
to dictate to me," and she raised the
little head haugiitily.
"Will you give me the right, Kit
ty?" I burst out, driven to despera
tion by her manner.
The question was sudden, and she
was hardly prepared for it, I think,
for she seemed to catch her breath.
and the blood rushed to cheek and
brow. I had never seen her so agi
tated before. She turned and walk
ed to the door of the summer-house.
In a moment she came toward me,
her old smiling self again, and said,
"Mr. Lapham said he should call
for me to ride this morning."
H A it si cr irrf-iii nrrrf iilaf 1--vTr?TV "f-v
Tr;ff,;M itnf
niunnn. "Yrm mnr. cW
between us.
brainless fop
If you prefer that
"The girls all think he's hand
some," she interrupted.
"Handsome!" I sneered.
"And a great catch," she went on.
"I admire their taste."
"And he's rich"
This was the last'straw. I could
endure no more.
"Good-by, Kitty. I never thought
it would all end like this. I shall go
rom this place to-morrow, and lea ve
the fiehl clear for you to win your
treasures a fool and his gold! and
dashed out of the Summer-house.
There is an old saying, "It makes
a great difference whose ox is gored."
never so fully realized till then
what a difference it did make. I had
told her I did not blame her when
she flirted with others; but now that
the bitter cup was held to my own
ips it was quite a different matter.
After all, I could not condemn Kitty.
She had only done what I told her
there was no harm in doing, and
promised not to blame her. And
now it was no worse lor me than
for others she had caused to suffer,
said to myself, trying to see the
matter bravely. I would leave the
place, and forget her.
I started homeward, but as 1
reached the little brook that ran
through the grounds I stopped, for I
saw in its clear depths the reflection
of a man minus his hat. I began to
tear l was s becoming a brainless as
my despised rival. I had left my
hat in the Summer-house.
Believing Kitty had gone to ride
with her new victim, I hurried back.
As I neared the place I heard someone
sobbing and crying. I stopped where
could not be seen nnd looked in.
Kitty was not gone, but sat there
alone, weeping bitterly, and, if
ears did not deceive me, I heard
speak a name that sounded very
much like mine. In a moment she
looked up, and seeing my hat on the
seat near her she snatched it up, and
as she bent over it I saw her tears
spotting the lining of my hat; and
well, did 1 approve of such things,
and were I a betting man I would
have been willing to have wagered
my whole fortune that she kissed that
pink satin lining
1 started for the scene of action.
Hearing footsteps, she instantlv
wiped her eyes, and fearing, I sup
pose, lest the telltale hat might
betray her secret, she looked hastily
around, and seeing no place to con
ceal it she rose quickly from her seat
and sat down upon it, and bv the
time I was "well within the Summer-
house she had assumed a cool, in
different air, and was carelessly tap
ping the ground with her little foot.
"I thought I would not go with
out my hat," I began. "Didn't I
leave it here?"
"I don't see it," she answered, with
an innocent look around. "Perhaps
you left it outside?"
"Perhaps I did," I repeated, as I
i ii i ii
stepped iorwara ana tooK her in my
arms, and my new silk hat fell to the
I picked it up and held it before
her. She did not laugh at the sorry
spectacle, as was her wont, but hid
her face in her handkerchief, and I hid
both upon my shoulder.
"What made you flirt with him,
Kitty?" I whispered
"I wanted to see if you cared," she
I never did like storms, in doors or
out, so I kissed her tears away, till
smiles shone through the rain.
"I shall always like that hat better
than any other," It said to her soon
after, "because" and I whispered the
reason in Kitty s ear.
And I think she must have liked it,
too, for she has always kept it as if
it W3re some curiosity or precious
treasure. iot even tne children are
allowed to touch it. 1 has already
been'sufficiently demolished by her
self, she says to them.
And she keeps it still; and, dear
reader, if you will call and see us,
Kitty will show it to you any day.
True Flag.,
:-- Instinct of the Elephant,
Among the other animals that
have shown a most remarkable in-
stinct, the" elephant ' should have a
place. James M. Davis, secretary
of the Congdon Brake Shoe company
relates an incident that happened at
Jamestown, N. Y., some years ago
when he lived there, denoting the
great sagacity of that animal.
There was to be a circus in that
town and as usual the procession
was making its grand march through
the streets. To reach the ground it
was necessary to cross a bridge' of
- mi
glowly OTer with no stop or hitch
. . . -
some lengtn. 'ine caravan moved
until the elephant reached the bridge,
when he stopped, , hesitated, put out
one ponderous foot, and tested the
. . . . ' -1 1 J
nrst pianK uj pressing on ir, out was
apparently not assured ot its saiety,
for he refused to budge an ' inch.
fraction engine was found in the
town; it was fired up and run slowly
up alongside the elephant. Pausing,
there for an instant, it was again
slowly moved forward on the bridge,
the animal watching every motion
made with , a critical eye. As the
engine proceeded an encouraging
word was spoken, and the elephant
r j.; ' a J -
followed up the machine rather gin
gerly, it is true, but he did not stop
again until the bridge was crossed.
The big engine gave nim courage to
make the attempt. Chicago Herald.
' " i
A Declining Race.
An interesting exhibition of; Ice
landic handicraft is now open in
London. A pathetic interest must
attach to these products of skill, for
the people who made them are not
prospering in their far northern is
land and are sorely tempted to give
up the struggle and seeK nomes
where nature is more lavish of her
favors. Rigorous Win tens, scanty
crops, and poor fishing returns are
the main items of news we have o
late years had from Iceland. The re
sult is that the island is gradually
loosing its people, not by extinction,
but by dispersion to other lands.
The Canadian Land Commissioner
speaks highly of the thrift and pro
Ss of the Icelandic immigrants
who, in the past two or three years,
have settled in Manitoba along the
Canadian Pacific and the Manitoba
and Northwestern railroads. Sun.
Contagion Carried on the Hands.
Cases of infection that could be ac
counted for in no other way have
been explained by the fingers as a
vehicle. In handling money especi
ally of paper, door knobs, banisters,
car straps, and a hundred things
that every one must frequently
touch, there are chances innumerable
ot picking up germs of typhoid,
scarlatina, diphtheria, small pox, etc.
Yet some persons actually put such
things in their mouths, if not too
large! Before eating, or touching
that which is to be eaten, the hands
should be immediately and scrupul
ously washed. We hear much about
general cleanliness as "next to godli
ness." It may be added that here,
in particular, it is also ahead of
health And safety. The Jews made
no mistake in that "except they
washed they ate not." It was a
sanitary ordinance as well as an
ordinance of decency. Sanitary Era.
Color of the Hair and Eyes.
Mr. Topinard had been making a
statistical inquiry into the colors of
the hair and eyes in r ranee, and
from his 180.000 observations he de
duces many interesting results, one
of tho most curious being that where
the race Is formed from a mixture oi
blondes and brunettes the hereditary
blood-coloring comes out m the eyes,
and the brunette element reappears
in the hair. To this tendency prob
ably is to be attributed the rarity of
combination of light hair with dark
eyes. Several observers have assert
ed that the American people, who are
pre-eminently a mixed race, are bo-
coming a dark-haired and blue-eyed
nation, and if this be true, such a de
velopment must be owing to the
working ot the law formulated by
Mr. Topinard.
The Gnm to Chew.
a good plan lor those who
wish to improve their throats to chew
pure spruce gum or that of the com
pass wood of the western pineries, for
the exercise of the jaws develops the
throat, and the resinous qualities of
the gum strengthen digestion. I
don't mean to recommend the habit
of chewing gum, as practiced by its
devotees, but there never was an un
sightly habit which had so much to
be said for it. Rank dyspeptics,
with the coating eaten off their
stomachs, as the doctors say, find
relief in their cravings by chewing
pure spruce gum, and all agree that
the lungs are better font. The com
pound of paraffine and sweet stuff
sold for gum has nothing to recom
mend it. St. Louis Republican.
Need the Yankee.
South America presents many good
opportunites for young America just
now. That portion of the great
western continent is settled by form
er, residents of Europe who bring with
cnem tne preiuaices ana conversa
tion of the fatherland. The English
3peaking portion of the population
is principally drawn from Great Brit-
am, and, of course, these people lack
tne Jorce and persistency of the Yan
kee. As an instance of this conserv
atism, my brother, who is in Buenos
Ayres, had great difficulty m indue
ing a railway company, with which
he is employed, to make use of the
typewriter. They finally brought
one from the United States, and have
obtained several more. They say
they would not .do without them
aow. Kansas City Journal.
He Killed Him.
Mr. J. R. Gilmore relates that
one occasion i during the civil war,
be was riding in a railway train, and
had fallen half asleep, when some
body laid a hand on his shoulder
and said: "Don't want ter sturb
yer, stranger, but there aint nary
nother sittin' place in the . whole
kear." The speaker was a man of
about 50 years, whose strange cloth
ing at once attracted Mr. Gilmore's
attentionthe gray uniform of a
Confederate officer, and in the coat,
just over the heart, a round hole
scorched at the edges and stained
with blood. He proved to be a
Union scout.
"How could you manage to live
with such a hole there?" asked Mr.
"Oh, I waran't inside of 'em just
then, though I warrant he was a
lively feller, that war. I ortent ter
'a done hit, but I hed ter. This war
He took out of his pocket a small
miniature. It was a plain circlet of
gold attached to a piece of blue rib
bon. One side of the rim was slight
ly clipped, and the upper portion of
the ivory was stained with blood;
but enough of it was unobscured to
show me the features of a young
man, with a full, frank, manly face.
With a feeling akin to horror, I
was handing the picture back to the
scout, when, in low, stammering
tones, he said: "Tother side, sir.
Luk at 't other side." -
I turned it over and saw the por
trait of a young woman, scarcely
more than seventeen, a most, beauti
ful and engaging face.
With intense loathing I turned up
on the scout, and exclaimed;. "And
killed that man?", ..
hit. But I couldn't holp hit. He
had me down; he'd cut me. thar,"
turning up his sleeve and showing a
deep wound in his arm, "an thar,"
removing the bandage and display
ing a long gash back of his ear. ?
"His arm wus riz ter strike agin; m
another minute he'd hve cluv my
brain. I seed hit, sir, an' I fired.
God forgive, me, I fired! I wouldn't
'a' done hit ef I'd knowed thet." and
he looked down upon the face of the.
sweet young; girl, and the mvsture
came into his eyes. "I'd hev shot
'im somewhar but yere, somewhar
but yerei and laying his hand over
the rent in his coat, he groaned as if
ne felt the wound.
With that blood-stained miniature
in my, hand, and listening to tne
broken words of that ignorant scout,
I realized the horrible barbarity of
war. -Youth's Companion.
Ho Crawling Now in Slam.
There was a commotion some time
ago among the conservatives of the
powerful Asiatic Kingdom of Siam.
The King made an alarming innova
tion upon the ancient customs of the
country by issuing an edict for the
abolition of crouching, crawling, and
prostration at his court. It is not
now necessary for his ministers, at
tendants, or visitors, to enter his
presence on their knees, with their
hands joined in the form of worship,
and their elbows on the floor. VV uile
the King read his edict the dignita
ries of Bangkok were prostrate on
the floor of his palace; but, when he
got through with it, and ordered
them to rise, and, though they trem
bled when they tried to stand up in
his presence and .look at his royal
face, his command was law. The ar
istocratic society of the country was
especially disturbed by that part of
the edict prohibiting superiors of any
class to lie prostrate or crawlin their
presence, for the custom of doing so
was of immemorial antiquity, an es
sential part of the social system, a
deep religious symbol, and had been
regarded as a political necessity.
Under the circumstances it is no won
der that the conservatives of Siam
were horror-struck by the edict of the
King, which, however, is enforced up
on all concerned.
The Difference.
Willie M., an Ayrshire farmer, was
somewhat remiss in attending divina
service, and his parish minister, on
one of his pastoral visits, took oc
casion to refer to it in rather a point
ed manner. Willie excused himself
on the score of advacing years, but
his spiritual guide would not con
done the oflense on that ground.
"That will scarcely do, William, for
observe you are very regular in
A 1 1
your attendance at marKet every
"Oh,ay, sir," replied Willie, "but
that's easy explained! You see when
we gang to the toon we can
get what we like, but when we
to the kirk we hae just
tak' what thou likes to gia us."
Scottish American.
Edison Explains Friction.
A gentleman who thought he knew
a thing or two aoout electricity,
and was doing his best to convince
Edison that he did, advanced a the
ory about how electricity was pro
duced. "Oh, fudge," said Edison,
"Do you want to know how electric
ity is produced? Why, by friction
of course. It flies off a, wheel as it
goes round. What makes it fly off!
Why, the resistance of the air". All
the electricity in the air is caused by
friction produced by the atmosphere
as the earth turns round. When you
get higherup there is no electricity,
because there is no friction." Pitts
burg Times. ' "
The Divorce Question.
From the Dee Moines Register.
Whatever relief can come must
come through the voluntary efforte
of the states themselves to reach
some common plane upon which all
can stand. If Congress could legis
late upon it the trouble would have
been settled long ago. But as long
as any legislature in any state can
upset the existing law, and at the
instance ot any interested party
make a new divorce code, there is
likely to be endless conflict nnd trou
ble, unless the Rtates will by com
mon agreement decide to adopt uni
form laws on this subject and make
no changes except by consent of a
majority of the states.
What W Kiwff of Color.
All that ire know of color, its causes
And effects, is in connectiou with the
w rive theory of light. Color depends
upon the number of light waves re
flected from any object impinging upon
the retina of the eye. In red there are
40,000 waves to the inch, and these will
Btrike the eye at the rate of 447 millions
of millions of pulsations per second. In
violets there are 57,000 waves to the inch,
and 690 millions of millions of pnlsations
per second. The other colors have wave
lights intermediate between these two.
Color does not, therefore, exist either in
the object nor in the brain nor in the
mind of the observer. It is an effect.
There can be no appearance of a fire on
a desolate island where there is no eye
within seeing distance. The . chemical
process called combustion goes on, but
there is no appearance of the flame save
when ita waves strike upon the retina of
an eye.
. i .
Earl? In th Field.
A theatrical manager was one of the
first persons to visit Oklahoma, expect
ing to establish houses ha the new
towns of Guthrie and Kingfisher. He
found the towns had grown in a day
from nothing to fifteen thousand in
habitants, with but few of the neces
saries and none of the conveniences.
He at once built houses to fill, orrather,
relieve his great want, and being emi
nently nttea to conduct tuera was sure
of success. Ten cents admission was
charged, and the take was very large;
but on the third day the people de
manded a reduction of rates, allowing
at least three for a quarter. This being
refused, the population rose a one man
and expelled him from the country.
Is it probable that what a million women
say after daily trial is a mistake? They
pay they know by test that Dobbins dec
trie is most economical, purest and beat.
The? have had 24 years to try it. Yoi
give it ono trial.
Points In Corn Culture.
Better two vigorous stalks than four
weak: ones because crowded and spar
ingly fed. .
For cut worms try a mixture of one
part salt to two parts land plaster, drop
ping: a little at each hill, select seed
carefully, and keep selecting. Build
up. Pedigree in corn is as valuable as
pedigree in animals.
A study of the methods by which
three times the average yield of corn
was made shows that in all there was an
unusual amount of work expended in
preparing the seed bed. V
"ine piano caugnc moderate is a sign
on a house m .London.
To iheG. A R. National Encampment,
Milwaukee. U'l., August 26tU to
The facilities afforded by the Burlington
Koute for reach inn the Grand National
Encampment of 1889 are second to those
of no other line. Through official trains.
Bearing ine several department command
ers, with their stalls and accompanying
peiegauons, wm run through the varins
states ana territories traversed by the
line of the 'Burlington Route. Remember
the Burlington Route is always the favor
ite Liine with comrades traveling to the
National and other Eneampments, both
on account oi its admirable train service
and its unequalled equipment
J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Stilts are no better in conversation than
in a foot race.
The city conncil of Joliet, 111., has fixed
the saloon license at $1,000.
At this season of the year there are at
vw . T
ways many aeatns, particularly among
children, from summer complaint, diar
rhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cramps,
etc., but this season the cases aeem to be
unusually frequent and fa'al, and every
one ought to boow that a sure and speedy
cure can easily be obtained by taking a
teaspeonful of Perry Davis Pain Killkh.
in sweetened water (hot water is the best),
every nan Hour until relieved. This rem
edy has never been known to fail. Full
directions are with each bottle. It is kept
by every druggist.
This year's graduating class at Vassar
college numbers forty-nine young ladies.
Slierlfn Sale.
8moke the Sheriff SaleSegar. A straight
10 cents Havana Cigar for 5 cents.
"Grandma Sarah" is what they call the
Bernhardt in Paris now.
"Stick to your business," is very good
advice, but still there are a great many
people in the world who have no regular
and profitable business to r'ick to; and
there are others who are following a line of
business which is manifestly unsuited to
them. Now, when such is -the case, you
had better write to B. F. Johnson & Co.,
Richmond, Va., and see if they cannot give
you a pointer. They have helped a great
many men and women along the way to
fortune, and now stand ready to assist
you, too.
Pennsylvania will be known from now
on as the whiskeystone state.
For two two-cent stamps we will aend
you one of the-handsomest almanacs in
the country. "Homestead," Omaha, Neb.
A bust of Susan B. Anthony h being
modeled by J. Scott Hartley.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorfa.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria
When she became Miss, she clung to Castor!,
When she had Children, she gave themCasterla.
Many an object in life must be attained
by flank movements.
Clironic eirralgia,
Permanent Cures. Jui 11, UST.
SaCerad ft loaf timi with, araralgt la tbm h4;
tu proitrtUd at tlmas; gar St. Jacob OU a trial;
kav beaa coraa; no r.tarn.
JKaEMIAH EMET, Ilia W. Loatbard it. , Balta., UA.
Permanent Cures. Octabar IT. lilt.
My wife was paralysed Brass nsuralgtk; aha coal
aot walk ft atap; Z bongnt Et. Jacobs Oil; after one
bottl. was need the walked about: continued ma
completely tared aw. J P. MUKFHT,
Spring field, Tsma.
Permanent Cure. June IT, HIT.
Tears ago had BearaJgla; not subject to attack
aow; the car by nee at St. Jacobs Oil was pern
aent; there has been as recurrence of the palatal
aflictloa. K. W. BfAHQLEJt, York, .
Uncoln N. U.
C9 28
1TP"' ii a T T-fT " i
J .a X "
A ...
Cllma for Coaaimtptl
The several eUmatt of Florida. Colora
do and California lave each boon much
prescribed for offerer from long disease.
yet thousands o! the natives in thoee state
die of this fatal malady Afar more relhv
bie remedy is to b had .ta every drorf
tor In the land, and one that ea b oel
at home: a remedy which is okt. by drug
gists, under the manufacturer'
guarantee that, if taken in time and siren
a fair trial, it will enact a cure, or money
paid for It will be promptly returned, W
refer to that world-famed remedy for coo
sumption (or lung-scrofula) known a Ir.
Fierce Golden Medical Discovery. It ia
the only remedy for this terrible diseaa
possessed of such superior curative proper
ties as to warrant its manufacturer in
selling it under a guarantee. ,
Don't hawk, and blow, and nit, but us
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Of drufs'tata.
ii in i 1 1 i i ! nmm 0
The onlv way to get a hen out of the gar
den is to go slow but shoo'er.
Oae tT one the rotes UVL but TsntilTs ranch" So.
Cigar outlive tUem
Poker has taken the lead in society
games .in Boston, local paper state.
mm i
You want a pood Liniment for Burns.
Sprains and Bruises. No family should
pretend to keep house without a Lini
ment. Let us name a remedy.
by thousands, who bear willing testi
mony to its virtues and action when
applied externally. Persons of every
degree of intelligence and every rank
in life use
Perry Davis' Pain-lf illflr
If any of our readers doubt the magio
f this old standard remedy, we ad vise
them to buy one twenty-five cent bottle
and give it a trial.
Persons Traveling
should Jways hav a bottle of Pain
Killer with them, as accidents aro
liable to occur.
Soli Ewiwhere il Ik, 55c and 11 t 8oU
Posltlvelyetirrd by
inrae Mine ruin.
They alao relieTO Di
tress from Dyspepsia.In
digestion and TooUeartv
Eating. A perfect rem
edy tor Dizzlneas.Nauseit
Drowsiness, Bad TaatH
in the Month. Coated!
Tongua.Pain in the Rids J
regulate the Bowals
Pnraly Vegetable.
Price 2B Cents;
castes UESxenm ca, new yoak.
Small Pill: Small Dose. Small Price.
la aloneRtde of the counter of IlTSOV COMPANT
MUSIC! STOKE. A few hour of a summer lour met
be profitably spent In examining; our exceptionally
good new publications, and selecting tor the tail
From our Cl-pnjce. list of book fwhtctt pleas ask
ivt), wo name a lew oootcs out or many.
UxhiiImi for Sinking and L'hortts Clae :
Song-Harmony. (60 cts. 6 dos. Emerson.
Hoyal Niiicreir. Mc:s. tS ilo. Emerson.
American Mlo Choir. (1 or 9 dor. Tenney.
Jehovah's l'rle. ( or s dor..) Emerson.
Concert Selections. (i or $ dox.) Kiuersoa
Or our excellent Cantatas:
Dairy Malrt'a Supper. ('JO cts. ai.flO doi.) Lewis
KalnbcviT Festival. (20 ct. SLdoa. Leal.
MCxatnlM our tuperior tinhool Af Male Mtook) J
Sons; ' Manual, llook 1. (30 ets. 3 dor.)
Hone Manual, Book J. ( cts. l. dos.)
Kone Manual,. Book 3. (30 cts. i.M Aot.)
United Voice. (V) rts. 94.m a on.) Kmerson.
Kintlr;artu and Primary Scnara. (.30 eta.
i doz.)
MSjeattUn our hm Piano Collection.
Popular Piano Collection, (al) 27 piece.
Popular Dnnce Music Collection. (l )
And many others. Also,
Popular Song- Collection, fit.) 87 Song.
Konsr Claxsics. (Sop. U) Alto si.) ws-itm,
Claaaio Tenor bong;. (l.) Harlton
Songs, (1.)
Any booh tnalted for rot mil prlre,
LYON & HE ALT, Chicago.
Lessens Piwr'.timjfe or
Makes clean swesp. Ercry
sheet will kill a quart of flies,
htopa busxtng around oars.
otTinjr t eyes, tlcklin your
nose, skips hard words and se
cures pcaoeattrlfllnaexpcn .
Rend'iarcntsfora sheetsta
K. DliTCUKK, St. Albans, VU
aftitYrrs a sat
la Rio Pecos Valler.
BHHBMvnwam Mexloo. Choice lltne
atone soil: abundance of pure watert a del la; hi
fail ell ta all the year: almost continuous sun
shine; altitude &400 feet: healthiest looalUy ia
the U. 8w no consumption, no malaria. 0 aeres
wilt yieid a competency. Write for partlcnlara,
oarotna this paper, to Pecos Irrttle All
weeaaatema Co., 84 llaaroe Ml., cateavgo, 1U.
Beet Cough Hrrap. Tattcs pood. Use
rf in time. H11 ny dmpirlota.
Jownstown Horror!
Our New Hook. The .lohnstown Horror or
Valley of Death, tne moat, ilullllnn book ever
Issued. A6EN1H WANTED In every townnhlp.
Term AO per cent. Outfit :u cents. Rational Tub.
Co.. 818 CUrK Street. Chicago. HI-
la the
fttie Weat 8 Colleges, M Tcachera, 740 Studeaia.
46 Graduates. Adianlafra Hnperlor.
V Loir. BVeaid for Calalacu.
T. C Attract a i;u, Chancellor.
HA IT STUDY. nookkeeprnS7Penmanhlp,
J 11 tmm Arithmetic. Shorthand, etctlKr
enchly taiiiiht by ninil. Inw rates. Circulars free.
BUY A NT'S COI.I.EUK,:l Main bt.. Buffalo. N. V.
letSsday. Samples worth . 1 A I RCK.
Lines not under horses' feet. Write
star Safety Rein Holder Co-Holly. Mica.
Delicious Biscuit
. - - - - J- f
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"ii -r-V..'i
tat-.-. ', 'r
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