The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889, July 03, 1889, Image 1

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NO. 3.
r i
r .1.
v '
Editorial Notes and Clippings.
Clubbing Rates.
To those of our readers who might
wish to take a Daily newspaper one
whose opinions are its own, fearless
and outspoken, we would say that we
have made arrangements witn the pub
lishers of the Daily Call, of this city,
whereby we can furnish their Daily
and The Alliance at $6 per year.
Or, TriE Alliance and Weekly Call,
one year for $1,50. The weekly Call
is a 6 col. quarto well filled with good
family reading. This is an excellent
chance to get two papers for nearly the
price of one. - Sample copies of Daily
or Weekly Call will be sent upon ap
plication. ASSASSINATED!
Last Saturday night the 22nd, as
13ro. J. II. Plummet treasurer of Four
Points Of Industry Alliance, of Fur
nas Co., was returning home from a
mating of his alliance he was way
laid and shot dead from the road side
by unknown assassins. The governor
has offeiAl a reward of $200 for the
perpetrators of the foul deed ami we
hope to be able to give sometMng defi
nite as to who the assassins were and
the motive for their bloody deed in an
early number of out laper. Bro.
Waite, of Cambridge sends copy of
resolutions pass! by their Alliance
tipon the death "vf H3ro. Plummer which
will appear in itet issue of our paper.
They were received too late for this
The Farmers Voice, of Chicago,
says good wdrds for our paper wb'iiih
are highly predated
Thanks en-
We ar-efost merging into extreme
wealth anS extreme poverty She two
extremes ' drawing from the 'Middle
cronnd. Soon there will be ibat two
classes'i'onfro'nting each otlver- mill-
iionahs!ind paupers, "To firie rudder
any laiis, there's breakers .sfr.ead ! "
Sujose the farmers should become
tboorzghly imbued with rtlis idea of
'overproduction" and, -as a Kansas
' ' "'farrasr puts it, each resold for the next
seavsn to raise just enonigh tor "me
and tny wife, my son John and his
wife, us four and no more," what
lh. My! wouldn't there be a com
;raciion among the animals?
Rolling, tumbling, .plunging head
long over each other in the mad
eynmble for money.. Not satisfied
,,.-.wkh the legitimate la3 of business,
nve trample them nadir foot and set
up instead an artiftcialiEcticious stand
ard. Where are we iblindly rushing?
, -Where will we end? My country 'tis
.cf thee!
Before the civil war ushered rn the
"cra of combines, -speculation, cor
'' ,-nerr, and com2-?icial gambling,
there were only tw umillionaires in
tins country. Nov .there are 7,200.
Then there were ekd ctramps. Now
mercly 2,000,000 of ireen are reduced
to- the condition of vagabonds and
V Straws from one end cf the land to
the -ether, like the wo&ndering Jew,
"outcasts, pariahs, their i lives blasted
1 by: tfce-curse, of coreibiried capital.
.National Economist.
.T&:3 .great stir among; the farmers
:) vertthe country nieass something.
;i not attending meetings
,after,.a hard days work .en the farm
jut 3 lev . the sake of masting for a
. .njeijfhbprhood chat. Glua?. There
r..- ' vigorous overhauling of every
i .i'jvable question erTecuaigg the in
Serei. o the farmer going oan. Old
tnoticas.. are .fast giving a;ay to new
kla,t&d there is a new j?-rder of gaming.
Andiitiis time.
, When vl&e, farmers are once thor
cugtiij .organized and conceffiating
their e&tke, power in a given dlirec
rectioaeithqr in business or any
other tray ws&at:e . cciange will . o-ame
oyer thi5 Jan.of -Wthted hopes tof
ours. It jwilllthen'be one unanimous
exclamation, x'At your service, geia.-
tlemen." Letach anrl every farmer li
consider himself ;i comrnv ttee . of onel
,to bring about just such ,$ condition
of things as this .and the nd is ac
complished. Will you do jft? You
surely will have to if you eyes expect
to hfA-e anything different fronj what
you; now got. . i
Thes fellows who bob up sereaely
every tinjie anything is said publicfy
about far.;s mortgages in Nebraska
and yeii cran-k, lazy, liar, etc.: have a
Oholy horror of the truth afraid as
.l1 ,f it T-hfcare a good del
like the Irishman who was arraigned
before His Honor for some offense or
other. The judge noticing him
trembling, said: "Why Pat, do not
be frightened, you will get justice
here." "Faith, and bedad," says
Pat, "it's" justice I'm afraid ot.
It is all bosh to talk about the pub
licity given the fact that the larger
per cent of Nebraska farms are mort
gaged will frighted eastern loan com
panies away from the state and keep
others out. There is not a newspa
per fn the state making this state
ment but what knows better. They
know that every mortgage, real estate
or chattel, recorded in a county, is
known the next day by every bank
and loan agent in the county where
such mortgage is filed or recorded.
They know that any eastern company
or corporation contemplating coming
here is interested in looking this
matter up thoroughly, and the fact
that the books of record in every
county in the state gives them the in
formation, they would indeed be a
set of chumps to not find out just the
financial condition of the farmers.
But then this is not the point with
these fellows. If they can make the
farmers believe they have been gross
ly skndered by the Farmers' Alliance
and thus array them against their
Cft'ly means of ever getting out from
wnder their crushing burden of debt,
they have made their point- But
thank God they are not goi to be
able to do it.
Meeting of the South Ra&K&fc -'Alliance.
The second day of The meeting
was devoted to work connected with
the local interests df ithe territory
and the operations of the Alliance.
This part of the programme was of
great interest to visitors from the
states and territories, of which there
were quite & number. !It wras shown
that the psirchasiftg 'department last
vear fisrERsihed the members with
goods t the aHioaint of $350,000,
These goods are -sent to the local
agents f rtfhe Alliance in car lots di
jectly from the -tnanufacturers, many
of whom .are iim&king the Alliance;
their diedepos:tsry in the territory.
All Intarmediate profits are saved toj
the ocmsumer, fee -only having to pay ;
the factory .price ; for the goods and ;
act'safbeost oftidoing the business. I
The fbu$inessiis?done by the Alliance J
Briraiit5ss-&ssociation, nearly all mejsa
besrs.f' theAlliance holding a small
amount of 1 its stock.
Jnttlae insurance department it was;
; sfooAve that a large and successful
busmsssibad been done. I think I
atetdsdto'this in my former letter.
Therevening of the second dzy' an address by Prcsidesit;
Bui?rews, of the .Nr.tional Alliance, on
the subject of mcney. The opera:
housevsvas crowded, and the adien-oej
listened -with the t'.osest attention for
neailytwo hours to this address.
Thefforenoon ofsthe third day wasj
d.e.votdi to the approaching campaign!
ia Dakota. This i to be conducted:
by the Alliance oa a non-partiz2.n
basis; rtoat is, the members are to :
uioik.inttheir respect ve parties for die
objects cf the Alliauice. As four-
fifihs oftlhe people f the territory ;j
are farmers, this will result in the se
lection of.-Alhance nn for all the
of&ses ithey claim, Governor, !
U. S. e&ators and er'ep.resentatives, ;
and a fair proportion ()f the state
offioar-s. .
The meeting adjouciicd at noon
on the Adthafter a vei;- interesting
and liarmonijjus session.
An invitatien was sent :Uy r the citi
zens of Wateitown, Dak. ffor the
Alliance to vvisit it, and special
train was furnished to take sStje mem
bers to tloat place. But owiito de
lay on the part4of the R. Co.; an
impressioa got Q-zt that the excursion
would not take place, and two tfrain
loads of delegates ief t for their laeqaes.
The balance, abouft 160 in nustter.
started for WaterlQisrn on the spaoifil
.about 3:30 p. m. and arrived there &t
S.. They were met t the depot
tfce mayor and chize&i with a band
and carriages, and escqrted to the ho-!
teK After a wash and a little rest
they were- escorted to the opera
house erhere a splendid fcquet had
been spread, and where ke ladies
and citizens of the town re as
sembled to do the honors These
were most fittingly and becomingly
done, showing that the Watertown
people were adiairabie entertainers, j
After full justice had been d.qne t.o.
the banquet, two hours were devoted
to short speeches on the part of mem
bers of the Alliance and the citizens
and admirable music by a glee club
and brass band, and the delegates
were " then distributed as guests
among the beautiful and hospitable
homes of this lovely city. "
On the morning of the 21st the
delegates assembled at the rooms of
the Watertown Commercial club, and
the citizens assembled in carriages
from all quarters. The carriages
were soon filled, and the delegates
were shown all points of interest in
and about the town, and were also
driven to Lake .Mahaskia where
steamers and boats were put at their
disposal, and they enjoyed fully the
hospitality of the citizens.
Watertown is one of the most de
lightful cities in the North, having
Lake Mahaskia for a pleasure resort.
This is a sheet of water of unparal
leled beauty. It has a lovely beach
for a drive, abounds in pickerel,
trout and bass, and has on its shores
comfortable hotels and cottages for
summer stayers. If the citizens of
Watertown do not secure the loca
tion of the capital at their city they
certainly deserve it.
The tramp of today will be an an
archist tomorrow; it's only another
mile post on the way to barbarism.
Harry Tracy.
We have received an unsealed en
velope addressed "H. G. Armitage,
Editor Alliance," postmarked
Cowles, Neb., June 28. As this was
all there was to it nothing on the
inside, the sender will have to try it
over again. -
Never in the history of the move
of the industrial classes has there been
such a stir in 'Organization as there is
at tlx: present. This is specially so
with the farmers, and that too right in
the 'heart of lie season's work. This
spos&s volumes.
ISro. MMebrand, of the St. Paul
Press, sends us copy of his paper -all!
brtistling oxer with the neigtelrorly-X's.
2F course vre want to X with 'the
IBress. We mailed oopy of our ipE
per toitikst week and it sihould bwe
"had it, We'll try again.
By our ' Washington Texitory iSSter
irt will be -seen that oier people -re
ttiiorougiSy alive up theresi:nd aredo
ing some practical wok. The -Barm -rcrd'.Alhiaice
as a ms-tter'sf -course is
;cn annojnce to some rpeople -who
'canbegim to see the fount fromvhich
.'dll 'their blessings Mev fbaginning to
-show- signs of not giving. &Qwn.tBren
thetfatunen are begiisnin o sjquirm.
ECn other-words, the ""fat 4s iin the
5rej" tsp in the teirntccy, -3o to
a weak.
IVho Pays Tle TTafBS.
Editor f The ALLiA?i.GE4
Whyiis it that our awtcnakers t-I&e
,c.:Britiih-ryndicate baiter lhan tittey
doonrovn people? iFor t-earpple:
Hike U. iP. R. R. when ,btiit was . not
.good. enough for the Eititishiyndijcate
senile I.U. S. government -rvent 460
-worsk. and-made a siniiing ffejad-ffor
(the.ffoad. Then it v;as asU 1 right.
'WhenitheiJaws of NebaoJ-ia 2.r-e t not
juatiffiight for them the$- .raange . to
get rtrke, law, makers to mzke fthemall
right. iLastvrinter it sshoavji . to
the.vficaate.of .ITebraska t&aX tthe . in
dfibtedness ofcthe U. P. jR. iR. was
ictQjSffli? (per tmile. Tfce ;assGSsed
vaJLuatiion.of thetroad is on! 5opo
per anik. When, the average ;fa-ner
can -bosiaw jS5oo on his clacoi,, vi,:beje
he k&SjgQt$ioo ofimproTenasnts.,.i'jad
is assessed. out here;7.5o peraorejiud
100 00 his improvements, or in (.eth
er words jsays taxes to the ameamt c-f
13. .wfiile tthe U. P. jays on the same
amount -js.., and thj? same can ,be 3
said of the laborer of the cities who;
can borrow 4.00 on hit .home and is!
assessed fro sa gj, 000 to.i,ioo on iive
same, and the aame can be said ff
the merchant, It is time to wake up
and see where " are drifting. And
when the settler &f this sta& has to
pay that monopoly for hauutjf a car
load of coal from Omaha to North
Platte $50, while coal is offered from
Kentucky mines delivered in Oaaaha
At 1.30 per ton, twice the distance
in .their own cars, it is time the peo
ple -should make a law that all the
settleirs of the state will " make their
own Jaws by their own consent. That
all laws b& referred to the voters for
their approval. Get the people to
see to it that these matters are brought
up at the next session of the legisla
ture. In matters ot great importance
special elections might be called.
Henry FacA, North Platte.
The Alliance Soldiers in : the Field Do
ing Yalicnt Work.
But we Need a few More Just
Moves all Along the Line.
Push All . Together at the
Wheel, Boys,
And the Farmers of Nebraska Will Have
a Champion Thoroughly, Established
iu the Field That Knews the
Foundation Upon Which it is
L. Henry, Hansen, sends a club of
23, at from three to twelve months
each. .... ' v
Chas. A. Price, of Adarns, Nebraska,
sends club of six, three, six and
twelve months, and says: "I wish it
was more." -You have done well, 15ro.
Price, and have our hearty thanks.
Jas. Slote, Litchfield, sends eight
from Litchfield aud Hazard.
J. A. Carter, sends two; yearly sub
scriptions from Indianola. "
John Daltori, of Weeping Water,
sends a club of six yeirly subscribers.
V. E. Thatcher, Shelton, sends club
of seven. . . '" j-. . :
J. F. Kiser, Merua. sends three
yearly subscriptions.
Jas. OTallon, Meadsends a club of
II. G. Rominger, Clay Center, sends
club of five, and ore to follow."
D. L. Hackett, of Bromfield, sends a
clubs of 17, a?3d is still in the field.
C. J. Mecham, Cambridge, sends
three yearly subscriptions. Bro. M
is the man who gives us fits in this is
issue, and isn't half as bad a man as
he thinks he is.' 1
II. IB. McGaw,: of Hastings, sends
club 01 hve. liro. jlcGaw is among
theolll Alliance war horses, and when
ever Cie sees a chance to do something
goo& he gets there at a rate that makes
the moss rattle. We shall hear from
hita again. " . i ,
President Powers sends in a club of
Efine from Cornell and Trenton.
J. M. Sanford, of Adams comity,
isends in two subscriptions.
Bro. J. W. Zink, of Loup Citv, sends
club of 10 from Loup City and Austin,
Thanksr'":Jrt'" : : : ' '.
J. F. Black, of Indianola, sends a
club of ten. Bro. Black is pulling 'on
his end of the string all rigfct.
Bro. John Long, of Baa15ey, sends &
club of five, and says: lam opposed
to patronizing any paper Sfimt will ot
stand by the farmer ,and 1 Relieve if
farmers and laboring cnem would ipat
r onize no papeas hut those publishes, in
their iuterest it wsreild have a
good bearing ki the ove3throw of aaon
opoly, and tle estatblishiaent of sriglit
and justice. lOkro, ILoag strikes the
key note. j
John Cram3C,of ILocfewood, wsnds a
club of eight from Cbapmau, -"iNeb.
Gocxi for.Ba'O.Tolrn.
I. X- Wli$tse,of BlaSen, eniis two
subscribers, w!llaear'from 2Nute
BesMes iSiejsibovere have-reeved a
large iramborvcf voluntary !siagfli -sub
scriptions, nE 4ill, wit?i 'less Hi an a
dozen exeejatioineethe'lastiiesue of
our i&per. Kstty .gad -shoviae: ifor
one week. lTefsuedia.circulaT.2to the
Alhanees m the -state s about tn - days
ago teiling thorn -that; five .-fiubrccsp tion s
from eaeii AHiance woslld ;plaee .the'
paper a a pesmanent footing. VWe
neglected mailing a copy to eaCh .Alli
ance in the stale," but tlise ;to hom
we did send liaimediat&Iy tresponded
with the alx?vSsesults. sVVTe noar call
the attentama -of ihe .Allkmoes srhom
we failed in enfiing this -.circular let
ter to, thatfir :STabscribetti from -oacb
$1 them PLAsnrs ninrs , iwtaeu :8t&iD,
.gid built sqjiaiiciLyaipcn their shoulders,!
ikj only uiissioB is to serve them ,f oath
fully and well- ICiiis is tlk3ikindag; .a
paf er we want, aiidvthis is 6he.kina.of
a ptper they meeL Let ttlie god
wosCigo on.
Br. Facka. of North Platte- wvrit-
ing to the secretary of the State
Farmecs' Alliance says, I wouSki like !
to see mill in eveiy county owned!
and operated by Alliance fanners. ;
iVe are going to start oee. I wrote
ito the Richmond City Mill Works,
fUchmond, Ind. , for prices ona cotn
jakte outfit tvith a capacity of 200
b&s&els of wieat in ten f&ours. In
answer they say the roller outfit
without power will cost 1,500. Burr
Gtitfet J900 without power. So it
don'ttcpst as mstch as we are Jed to
Letter from Washington Territory.
Palouse City, June 13, ' 89. Mr.
J. Burrows Your letter from- New
York was receiyed yesterday," and, in
reply, would my that we feel greatly
disappointed as we had been making
all. necessary arrangements fior your
receptive; and at Oaksdale the friends
had expsttfd to have a mass meeng
on your arrival, and had already set
the day for the 10th, and when I
wrote them you could not get there
so soon, for some unknown reason to
me, they set the time again, the 14th,
and now they, will be disappointed
again. " But we are all creatures of
circumstances and very often find
them almost beyond our control and
in a measure shaping our destiny.
We would have been exc Singly glad
to have received your services here
during the spring and summer months,
but fate has decreed it otherwise and
we will have to submit. I think your
proposition to come in the fall will
meet the approbation of our folks, as
you could do but little in harvest
among farmers for it sometimes seems
as though we can scarcely get them
together this time of year. Our hay
ing will commence here next month,
and then we . will have harvest work
until October. I think if you can
get here by the last of September or
October 1st, it will suit all around.
However I will write immediately to
our people at Oaksdale, and have Mr.
Seever write you.
We are pushing the work of organ
ization into other counties as fast as
we can. I expect to start to work in
this county some before harvest and
organize the southern part more thor
t t It? M .
ougniy. w e aim to get a start in
several counties; so ycu can take up
the work when you come and "push
the war into the very heart of Africa.
We have an Alliance store in full
blast at Oaksdale, and have thorough
ly aroused the indignation of our ma
chine men aud local agents. We are
underselling them from about 25 , to
50 per cent, and of course this' hurts,
and they chew the bit and froth at the
mouth a good deal, but all of no avail;
for we go right along and sell goods
regardless of their great spleen. We
are in the field to stay and they will
ffnd it out before we sell very long.
There is one very corpulent old gen
tleman who has been doing business
here for some tiirae and has accumula
ted a great deal of the filthy lucre.
He seems' to be taking a great deal of
trouble over Jthe Alliance, and has
made several offers if they would quit
the business-, but I think we will live
through it and run our own business
regardless of outsiders.
We arc having a very dry summer
and prospects at present indicate a
poor orqp. Grain is already burning
in some localities, and I think will be
shortisll through.
We have made no arrangements yet
aboift.-getting sacks. We have a con
traGt for twine so that we are selling
at ir8- cents per pound.
Can you make any arrangements
onwhat is the best we can do about
-saki? send us any informa
tion you may have about this and oth
er-matters in which we are interested
.Please send me a copy of yemr Ne
braska paper. Also tell our breth
ren in Dakota to send me a oony of
tke State Alliance proceedings. Our
folks here are anxious about monied
matters concerning which 3'ocs took
your trip to New York. answer as soon as convenient
Yours fraternally,
LC. Cseow.
S.3I. Davis, J. M. Slrahl ad D..
B. Ellis, a committee of Shiloh
Farmers' Alliance to draft qtaestions
for discussion in their Alliance,, at
the clofe of a preamble setting forth
the evils of the legislation of the day
in the icterest of the few, declare
that delegated powers to a body to
make laits- should be, that all bills
framed byssach bodies should be re
ferred by io the people and passed
upon beCare they become laws.
I Henry Faci:a., of North Platte ad-
vances the same idea. Without pass
ing upon the merits or demerits of
this question, wve are glad to note
4&at the Alliacee-s are thinking, and
by a th orough .discussion of these
.questions they are sure to arrive at
correct conclusions.. Let the discus
sions go on.
The Globe, a Sunday morning pa
per, of this city, comes oat this week
with nearly two columns of sworn
property statements and values to the
assessor, by the rich classes, of this
p'ace. Piano's are assessed from $10
to $30. Magnificent coaches and
prancing bays, $20 per head for the
bays, and 15 apiece for the coaches.
Ex-Mayor Burr has three clocks and a
watch, the whole lot worth only 1 o.
Ex-Councilman Hovey has a $15 horse;
a $5 buggy; a $ 1 watch, (must be a
second bsnd Waterbury;) a $1 sewing
machine; a $10 piano; $10 worth of
plate and twenty dollars worth of fur
niture. There are about twenty names
in the list published by the Globe and
their assessments run about that way
through the list. The editor tells us
that this list is only one chapter in the
category. As these names and state
ments are taken from the assessors
books, the Globe has no doubt stirred
upahory.cts nest, and surely merits
the approbation of all good citizens,
for its courage in attacking this custom
of tax shirking among the wealthy
which exists in every city, village and
hamlet in the United States.
Merrick County on the Move.
The following letter of Bro. Woos
ter's is clipped from the Clarks Mes
senger. It is a good one and we re
print it:
Ed. Messenger: I desire to- express
my hearty approval of your recent arti
cle advising organization among the
farmers. Having but recently left the
farm, you are the better able to under
stand the urgent necessity of it. I
have be'en offering such advice for
some timo past aryl doing something in
a small wav to put it into practical et
feet. No farmer will undertake to
deny that we should be organized and
that most thoroughly. If the farmers
in any locality are not organized, it is
because no one has thought seriously
enough of it to make the first move.
There must alwTays be a beginning and
in this case the seed is fully ripe for
the harvest The farmers of Silver
Creek and of portions of the counties
of Polk and Platte have organized a
Farmers' Alliance. We are going slow
but intend to be sure. Our chief ob
ject just at present is to get ourselves
in shape to handle our own pro-luce.
When a man can build a tour tnous
and dollar elevator and pay for it in
one season from the amount derived as
commission in handling corn, it is
high time farmers were asking them
selves whether they are a pack of con
sumate idiots, or intelligent American
citizens. By reason 01 trusts and com
binations of all sorts among men of al
most every industry, calling or occu
pation. the great law of supply and de
mand is being broken down and hon
est competition in business is coming
to be a thing af the past. Prices are
fixed arbitrarily and maintained ruth
lessly. Those who pocket these ill-
gotten gams, pride themselves on their
smartness, and with brazen effrontery
hold up their heads and walk the
streets as being the equals or even su:
periors of honest, hard-working men.
Farmers have succeeded and are suc
ceeding in resisting these unholy com
binations. What has been done can
be done again. Because there has
been failures, it does not follow that
we should let our hands hang helpless
ly by our sides while our pockets are
being picked.
In answer to numerous inquiries
permit me to say, as deputy organizer
for this society, that if the 'farmers iu
the vicinity of Clarks desire to organ
ize a Farmers' Alliance all they . have
to do is to agree among themselves
when and where they will meet for
that purpose wid send me word accord
ingly. I will meet with them and give
them all necessary instructions so that
they may go immediately to Avork.
For charter members of the Alliance
the fee is only 3-5 cts, to be paid at the
time of organization. While farmers
will of course act their own pleasure, 1
will state it as my opinion, that one
stroiig organization with headquarters
in the village of Clarks, would be far
better than several separate Alliances
iu the school districts and neighbor
hoods round about. Seven farmers
would be entitled to organize, but I
think it would be far better for 25 or
even 50 or more to go in as charter
members. Ciias. Woostku,
Silvku Cheek, Neb., June 14, 1889.
A Bold Frecoooter.
The 'foil-owing story is current in
the Indmn Press as an illustration of
the fearless audacity and defiant
spirit -of the lamous border freeboot
er, Tantia BheeL A native police
officer with a body of police recently
set out in pursuit of this dacoit, and
lialted at a spot near one of his fa
vorite liant. A barber entered,
whose service theofficer requisitioned.
Forthwith the man shaved the
poUoeman, chatting freely ot the da
coit and his doings. "Ah," he said,
at last, there's only one way of
catching Tantia," "And how is
that?" "In this way," said the bar
ber, shaving off the tip of the Jem a
dan's nose; lam Tantia."
Th psetido barber bolted forth
with into the jungle, leaving the un
fortunate officer streaming with
olood, and frantically calling upon
Lis men to follow the runaway. It
s needlees to say that Tantia made
ood his escape.
Embryo Wit.
Daniel Webster, when quite young
at school, was one day guilty of a
violation of the rules. He was de
tected in the act, and called up by
the teacher for punishment. This
was to be the old-fashioned feruling
oi the hand.. His hand happened to
be very dirty. Knowing this, on his
way to the teacher's desk he wetted
the palm of his right hand with his
tongue and wiped it on the side his
dress. "Give me you hand, sir,"
said the teacher very, sternly. Out
went the partly -cleaned right hand.
The teacher lobked at it a moment,
and said: "Daniel, if you will find
another hand in this school-room as
filthly as that, I will let you off this
time." Instantly from behind his
baclc came the leit hand. "Here it
Is sir," was the ready reply. "That
will do this time," said., the teacher;
"you can take your ftf. sir,"
The revolution in San Domingo hu been
White Capa have made their appearanoe
n Virginia.
A violent shock of earthquake was felt la
Saxony last week.
Great floods have bocn doing much dam
age in southern France.
The syndicate in Hungary to ratso tho
price of corn haa collapsed.
The average pay of male school teachers
In Iowa Is $30, 15 per month.
America, it is claimed, loads tho world ia
the manufacture of porfumery.
In a flood at Bastla, Italy, one house col
lapsed and 12 persons were killed.
The report is again circulated that Eraia
Bey is a prisoner tp Osman Digna.
Since last August tho Rope Trust has ad
vanced the price of hemp W per cent.
During 1883 the debt of Cadada was la-
creased from $273,187,3o to 34,513,841.
The output of lead and silver in tho Lead-
Tillc district during 1S8S was 911,89 V-XH.
Last year 883,339 immigrants arrived la
New York city, 12,000 more than in 1837.
The Presbyterian synod of Ohio ha CM
churches with nearly 77,003 communicants.
The catch of the New England flshlngr
fleet last year was 40,769 barrels of mack
erel. A mine explosion at Ovclda, Spain, last
week killed 27 persons and injured many
England buys jM0,003,003 worth of
fruit yearly from the United States and
A wholesale hide dealer in New York
suspended last8 week, with liabilities of
The convention of the Hungarian Reform
ed church has voted to establish celibacy for
the clergy.
Acocoanut oil factory at Cochin, British
India, was burned last week, causing a lo
of $1,500,003.
The Baptists are not strong in Scorttiir
The membership of their eighty-four church
es numbers 10,370. ,
The production of pig iroa In tho south last
year was 1,003,030 tons, being an increase of
186,0C0 tons over 1887.
Under an agreement 250 flour mills in tho
fall wheat -belt will Close down or run on
half timo during this month.
The Conregationalists of this country
raised for missious at home and abroad dur
ing tho last year over 3,0JJ,000.
Plymouth church, Brooklyn (the late Mr.
Beocher's), has amcmbcrshipof '-'..W. Sev-
cnty-nino wero added during tnc ye vr.
Philadelphia has tho oa'y church for 1caf
mules in this country and tho only ono la
the world eatiro'y managed by the deaf.
It is now ascertained that by Ut.J barnln?
of the steamer Kate Adams 011 tlu Missis
sippi recently A'l livo3 wero lo&t Instead of
Nearly 40,030 mo-i aro cmpio.vod in
tho iron and steel wjrka at Pittsburg.
Their wages are nearly ?:,0J ),0 J0 per
Tho prosesulion of- Prsf. GfTc'coa at
Berlin for tho publication -of Hi3 U'e Em.
noror Frcdoriclc'u diary hx'! bO--n aban
Accordinsr to tho tmnual repwts nndL.-,t
dividends., tho cotton nimufach;r:n? indus
try in New England appears to U3 very
A cotton m'li is soon to bo in o;xiitlou at
Columbus, Ga., that will manuia .-tare a
finer grade of goods than has yet beou at
tempted in tho faoutr..
The general apnojibly of 1S3 changed tho
day of prayer for colleges from tho last .
Thursday to tho last Wednesday of .Ian iaiy
This makes tho day of prayer for 1SS3 fall on
Jan. 0.
Ira D. Sankey has been conducting meet
ings in Bristol, tho llev. Dr. Pentecost in
Dublin, Maj. Whittle In Belfast, tho llnv.
Gcoi'go C. Ncedham end Philip Phillips ia
Th3 general cxwutlvo board of th Wom
an's Home Missionary o-lety piv-ios& to
establish a deaconess' home mid training
school for missionaries in each of tho lead
ing cities of the country. .
An exchango says: "It is rernavlcabl
that the American clergy have given 'Kobert
Elsmere' about S?r0,000 worth of frcu adver
Using, which has benefited Mr. Ward to.
tho extent of $-530 thus far."
Pundita Ramabai, tho Hindoo woman who
camo to tho Unite! St itos two years a ro to
raise money to build a col'.cge for Ibe educa
tion of Indian women, has returned to har
homo with upward of $:0,OvX).
Tho process of refining sugar by electric
ity has been discovered to be a fraud, and
the projectors have swindled investors in
New York and Ixndon, Eng.t ont of several
hundred thousaud dollars.
A train iu Rusola wa3 recently blocked la -an
immense snowdrift, and before help
could reach them 14 of the passengers per
ished from cold and wero frost-bitten. A
relief party sJnt to thoir rescue lost their -way
and died in tho snow.
The grcatesfjadvantago of plate glass," -'
said a Bangor merchant, "is its clearness. .
Tho othjr day my dog wanted to get out ot
doors and ho mado a bolt light over tho
roods in the show window and brought up
all standing against the glass ho looked sur
prised and trie! it again, but it was no use.
For two or thro: dtyi after he would hardly
take a te-i f: y wherj without pawing tfie
air to nitdic sura he wa3u"t going to run into
M. de Vc golsaug, Director of the Austrian
Social Itefdrm Review, sa3's workers ia
Austria are employed fourteen hours per
day. Uoal miners working by tho pieca can
earn from 43 to 80 cents a day ; by the day,
from 25 to 48 cents; coal worker from 4d t)
50 cents; workers in oil wells frora 23 to 40
(rents; women in factories can earn only 30
to 30 ents a day, and children from 0 to 8
cents; chemical maker get from 41 to 60
cents; glass workers tho same; papermaker
from S3 to M) cents for men, aud from 13 to
40 cents for women. The flgu. ei arc abou
tho same all tho way through tho list
Morocco, writes Henry B. Whcatley 1t
tho American Bookmaker, will always re
main the chief material for bookbinding.
Its durability is so rcmarkabie that uo o'-her
leather Is likely to oust It; its variety is very
considerable, and its dyes are fairly perma
nent and very different from the evanescent
dyes of calf. Among the vagaries of book
binding he mentions a little book with a
cameo portrait of the authoress on tho end
rover and emeralds set iu tho da. "Ivory
carvings have bean let into the covers, aal
many of thosa eccentricities arc allowables
as long as they remain the exception and do
not claim to bo the role. Embroidery haa
lately been revived, with so much success
that it teems well again to adapt it to book
binding as was dono in the sixteenth crur
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