The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889, June 12, 1889, Image 4

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. i i
- - .. : BY THE
Lincoln, ;-o- . -o- Nebraska.
' All communications for the paper RhouM
he addressed to THE ALLIANCE PUBLISH
ING CO.. aud all matter pertaining to the
Farmers' Alliance, includitgr subscriptions to
the pape. to the Secretary. . ,
President, JT. Burrows, filter Neb.
Vice President, H. L. Loucks, Clear Creek,
Secretary, August Poet. Moulton. Iowa.
Treasurer, Hon. J. J. Furlonsr, Austin Minn.
Lecturer, A. D. Chase, Watertown, Dak.
President, John H. Powers, Cornell.
Vice President, James Clark, Wabash.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. M. Thompson, Lincoln.
Lecturer, M. M. Case, Creig-hton.
Executive Committee: J. Burrows FUley;
B. F. Allen, Wabash; Allen Boot, Omaha;
Lu Henry. Hansen; w. M. oray, "North Loup.
Deputy Organizers: Robert Gray, Inman;
Alva Tompkins, Hansen; James A. Butler,
Ewinjr; Win. Clark, Banner; John A. Hogg-,
Shelton; J. W. Hartley. West Union; P. J.
Reese.LexinKton; c. J.-Mecham, Cambridg-e,
w. j.ony, uambridsre; JL. V. Jsloyd, lirom
field; Charles Wooster, Silver Creek; Herbert
. Miller, Cambridge; Thomas Sinclair, Fuller,
ion; W. A. Mansfield, Gandy; F. J. Frederlci,
North Platte; J. F. Black, Indianola; J. S.
Kiddie, Arcadia: J. F. Harrison, York; Sher
man 8tevenson,Ahna. -
Dakota Territory: President, II. L
Loucks, Clear Lake, v
Secretary, C. A. Soderburjr, Hartford.
Minnesota : President, Georg-e W. Sprague,
jrosper; .
Secretary, Georjre W. Halirb, Mankato.
IOWA:-President, A. L. Stuntz, State Centre;
secretary, Auniiet iost, Moulton.
.Illinois: President, ; Secretary, Da
vid Ward Wood, 158 Clark St., Chicago.
Wisconsin: President, N. E. Moody Viro-
qua; Secretary, A. F. Sands, Fairfield.
Kansas: President, J. M. Morris. White
C3ty ; Secretary, T. J. McLain, Peabody. -
Washington Territory: President, J. M.
Iteed, Oaksdale; Secretary, J. W. Arrowsmith,
-.Profoundly impressed that we, the Farm
ers Alliance, united by the strong and faith
tul ties of financial and home interests.
should set forth our declarations, we there
lore resolve :
To strive to secure ; the establishment of
right and justice to ourselves and our pos
terity. ' .v
To labor for the education of the acricul
tural classes in the science of economical
Kovernment in a strictly non-partisan spirit,
JTo endorse the motto, "In things essential,
unny; in an tnings cnaniy.
To secure purity or the elective franchise,
and to induce all voters to intelligently exer
cise it for the enactment and execution of
laws which will express the most advanced
public Bentiment upon all questions involving
the interests of laborers and farmers.
To develop a better state mentally, morally,
socially and financially. j .-.
To constantly strive to secure entire har
mony and good-will among all mankind, and
brotherly love among ourselves.
To suppress personal, local, sectional and
national prejudices; all unhealthful rivalry,
and all selfish ambition. -.
To Bssurfire the snfferincrs of a brother and
sister, bury the dead, care for the widows and
educate the orphans; to exercise charity to
ward offenders: to construe words and pur
purposes in their most favorable light, grant
ing honesty of purpose and good intentions to
others, and to protect the principles of the
Ailianee unto death. .
This department is conducted by the Secre
trv nf the State Alliance to whom all com
mutations in relation to Alliance work.
short articles upon various subjects of inter
est to tne Alliance etc., buouiu ihj auurepeu.
w,Htf nlain and only on one side of the paper.
sic-n hat you chose to your articles but
Fend us your name always. , ,
The members oi tne Alliance win no
doubt welcome this first issue of The
Aliiakcb. with an earnest and hearty
response. We have all felt the need of
some regular means of communication
in the past," and, with the increased
growth of the order in our state, the
paper becomes an important factor in
our onward movement. If the zeal
displayed in our organizing is con
tinued, m endeavoring to place a copy
of the paper in every farm home in the
state, much good will inevitably result
' from our efforts.
Now, in regard to this department,
I, must impress upon you the fact that
its interest must rest largely with you.
It is headed "Along The Line," and
is intended to contain flashes from the
front, questions upon general - subjects
connected with the Alliance and its
work will be answered, progress noted
m both new and older organizations,
and it will be our conference room as
it were, where we will meet every week
to compare notes by the way.
jjei us anew muorse tne motto in
"Things essential unity, in all things
charity," and make our paper what it
should be the best paper in the state.
. Secretary.
J. C. Hunnicutt, of No. 484. sends in
a good report from his Alliance.
. E. McNeil, Syracuse, writes for
papers to organize an Alliance in his
township. 4 The state secretary issues
charters and sends all information.
Job Tuffley, secretary of No. 507,
Hamilton county, reports fourteen new-
members for last quarter. All are en
thusiastic, and thus the Work moves on
The Hall County Farmers' Alliance
held its regular meeting Thursday,
.June o. we snaii iooK tor a good re
port of the proceedings in time for the
next issue oi our paper.
We shall be glad to publish any an-
nouncements of Alliance . meetings
throughout the state if friends will for-
waru aim piaces or noia-
ing the same. Send them in. J
F. ATurner, secretary of No. 553,
reports the election of officers but fails
to name the president. He reports
several new members and much inter
est in the Alliance and its work.
tjnaries arouse, secretary says:
"Alliance No. 592, has doubled its
membership since we were organized
with prospects of a good many more, as
farmers are awakening to a realization
of their interests." '
Kobert Gray, organizer for Holt Co.
sends in a report of the organization
the County Alliance at O'Neill May
25, and says: "All delegates , present
seemed earnest and determed to push
the Alliance for all it is worth. We
are much encouraged and expect to or
ganize seven or eight more subordinate
Alliances in the county in a few weeks.
We are ; patiently waiting for the wen nigh discouraged . farmers vof Re
state Alliance paper. , I will canvass braska., . .
our county and send it all the support
I can. Thank you friend Gray, and
we shall try and merit your esteemed
favors. Ed.
J.W. Bowen. secretary of No. 456,
writing from Brom field sends reiort of
officers elected by their Alliance viz:
President, G. W, Smith; Vice Presi
dent, T. W. Huffman; Secretary, J. W.
Bowen; Treasurer, M. F. Huffman;
Lecturer, M. W agner. Executive
Committee, M. E. Bowlin, L. C. Floyd,
L. Shaw.
To those who make inquiry for par
liamentary rulings and methods of
conducting meetings, we would say
that we have ordered a supply of books
containing rules of order, business
forms, suggested topics and music,
which we will supply at actua cost to
all Alliance organization?. Write to
the secretary giving number needed in
your Alliance.
J.F. Harrison, of .York, says: "The
Alliance is increasing in membership
rapidly; that they expect to have an
active organization in every township
before the year is out, and are taking
steps to make the order a practical one
in every way." Mr. Harrison is organi
zer for York county, and has done em
cient work there. We shall be glad to
hear from him again.
Wm. Evans, secretary, writes us
that Taylor Alliance No. 545, lias or
ganized under the ritual, ana nave
added ten members since receiving
charter and says: "Am glad to hear
that the State Alliance will have an
organ of its own. It will be a great
help, in fact I deem it almost indispen
sible to success and will srive it all the
support I can.
We shall alwavs be pleased to hear
from Mr. Evans.
E. G. Lyndon, of No. 581, asks in
formation, and adds: "Our Alliance
numbers 13, with three applications."
In making reports, all quarters com
mence at 1st of .January, April, July
and October, and any Alliance organ
ized during first half of quarter pay
dues for that term. If, however, the
date of organizing and issuing charter
should be during last half of quarter,
the dues would apply on the next term.
To illustrate: Orvil Alliance was
chartered jviay b; tnereiore they pay
dues for this quarter. Had their char
ter been dated May 26, the dues would
apply on the next term.
J. M. Sanford, of Adams county,
sends good cheer and promises his
hearty support in canvassing for the
paper. Bro. San ford's support as a
canvasser means something, and we
appreciate his kind offer.
Stock shipped to Allen Root, care
of Bell, Collins & McCoy, Omaha, by
members of the Alliance, will realize
from $4 to $5 more per car for their
stock. Give the agent notice when
shipped. " Mr. Root is state agent for
the Alliance.
Capt. J. Burrows, President of the
National Farmers' Alliance, is at pres
ent in the east on Alliance work.
He will return the first of next week,
and will then leave for Washington
Territory to attend the meeting of
the Territorial Alliance, which con-
venes snortiy. Mr. .Burrows is an
energetic worker.
The thanks of this office are due
Mr. Frank Rohm, the gentlemanly
manager of the Lincoln Newspaper
Union, for esteemed favors rendered
in helping our bark over the shoals
and into the ' turbulent deeps of the
journalistic sea, this week. If we
should fail to reward him in the future,
we trust that a kind Providence will
take the matter up and keep an eye
on Mr. Rohm. ; "
We ask the kind indulgence of the
reader for any shortcomings or omis
sions in this the first number of the
paper. In the hurly burly incident
to getting it out, we are aware that
much important matter has been over
looked and also that other subjects
have not been treated with the atten
tion their importance deserve. ' We
will try and make all things right in
time. ' ". , " '
jlhe nrst step toward tne accom-
pHshment of a different state of . affairs
man at present largely exists among
the farmers all over the country, must
idc a unity ot action. unity ot .ac-
tion must come through thorough and
systematic organization. The tFarm-
ers' Alliance furnishes the means
ow.t. ti'c Thr
its organization until it exists in every
school district throughout the state.
This is the aim of this paper, to aid
with all the might it . possesses to
crowd the organization. At the -same'
time it will try and reason from
cause to effect and show why itis that
the farmer is mortgaged, why it is
of that the prices of his products fall be-
J low the cost of production and keep
him paying interest. Once .finding
the cause, and once perfecting our
organization, we can .apply the reme
dies and our word for it .a brighter
vir- "- - KJ
day will then dawn upon the now
1 .
From President Powers.
Editor of The Alliance:
The farmers of this state are anx
ious for some means to work out re
lief from their present financial diffi
culties, and also to regain their
proper influence in the government of
the state and nation. The only ob
stacles in the way of the rapid and
successful organization of the Alli
ance, are, first, the cost; and second,
doubts of its efficiency for the accom
plishment of its avowed objects.
That the payment of the sum of two
dollars for the first year, ana one
dollar a vear thereafter, for the 'full
membership of a man and his wife,
should be considered a narasnip, is
humiliating to any friend of the farm
er. But such is the case, as l can
soon prove to any man who will ac
comnanv me for a week in some of
the counties of the state. Just why
this state af actual poverty exists may
not be easily understood, and I sup
posed its existence will hardly be be-
t IV .1 t . J
iievea Dy tnose wno are accustorncu
to receive all the farmer's hard earn
ings for bank interest and the neces
saries of life.
But the greatest obstacle is, a gen
eral feeling of discouragement and
despondency, a want of faith in the
possibility of any efforts of their own
resulting in their relief, and a linger
ing hope that some providential
change of circumstances, some con
cession from the monied powers or
other corporate institutions which
now oppress them, or some magnani
mous action by one or the other of
the political parties to which they re
spectively belong, may give tempora
ry, cr, perhaps permanent relief.
They forget that Providence only
helps those who try by all the means
in their power to help themselves,
and that those whose whole plans of
business are based on the idea that
the farmer is their lawful prey, and
the products of his labors may be
properly used, not for his prosperity,
but for their enrichment, cannot be
expected voluntarily to do him jus
tice. And they also forget, that the lead
ing politicians of all parties which
have any hope of success, depend on
the money furnished by the capital
ists and powerful corporations, to se
cure and control the votes of the
farmers and laborers, and any hope
that they will voluntarily do anything
to alienate those institutions will be
in vain.
; it oe one oi tne aims ot your
paper, Mr. Editor, to keep . before us
the fact that -the actual producers of
all the wealth of the country should
assert their right to the possession ot
their just proportion of the same, and
that those who cast an overwhelming
majority of all the votes should assert
and maintain their rights to dictate
and control their own political ac
lion so mat it may result in the pro
tection 'of the just interests of all
classes, and the establishment of
equal rights for ajl by the laws of our
state and nation. J. H. Powers.
It is very gratifying to see the gen
eral interest taken by our farmers all
over the country agaisnt the twine
trust. It is a true saying that if you
want to get the full strength of a man
put him as you would tea in hot
water, and that is just where we find
the farmers to-day. On, every hand
we find ourselves surrounded bv the
trust combine who are determined to
eat out the substance of our people
Let us hope that the twine trust will
have the effect upon our people that
the British tea trust had in 1876
For is not the trust combination, tax
ation without representation, 1
thousand fold worse than the tea
trust of '76, and is there not more
need for reading the declaration o
independence now than then? Who
would have supposed that the descen
dants of uch noble sires would tame
ly submit to be robbed by a band of
1 ' 1 1. 1
legalized ;pirates, wno are preying
upon tne industry ot tne nation and
robbing them of $1,000,000,000
year, but it is the Americans who are
robbing us, and patriotism is satisfied
for have we not made 5-roao of our
countrymen millionaires during the
last twenty-seven years, and' robbed
our wives and children of the com
forts of life. Ah! patriotism thou
art a jewel of exceeding great price to
the farmers and laboring men of the
nation. -Walter Muir, in Dakota
Twine Notice.
All Alliances desiring twine for this
year's liarvest thKOugh the Business
Association, must send in their orders
before June do, in order to give time
to fill them for shipment. J3e ready
and prompt in paying for twine as the
association has not sufficient paid up
-capital to make any large payments.
Ve do not in this advise our mem
bers to (use twine where they have pre
pared themselves for disposing of their
grain in any other .manner, but we
shall try to accommodate those who
-will tuse twine. - We can quote one cent
off price of flax twine -as per May circu
lar. .Manilla unchanged.
Job Printing For Alliances.
We are prepared to do any and all kinds
of printing for Alliances. Letter and
note heads, envelopes, cards, by-laws,
circulars, handbills etc. .Send in your
orders and we will do the work at pri
nces .asireasonauie as it can be done.
At UfMttatory of aa Alrerlaa lnoaym.
"What did he call himselfIsaac,
Brahim, Mordecai? No matter, he
was a Jew Mordecia will be sufficient.
He lived in the Troisieme-Bataillon-d'
Afrique, in the Jewish quarter, and I
was a captain in the Second Zouaves.
I can still see his little dwelling, with
its low, vaulted door, thick, solid,
and studded with nails in Strange de
signs, its white walls pierced with oc
casoinal and heavily-barred windows,
those stange walls of Africa which
calmly stare at each other across the
narrow streets and incline at the top
until they almost meet. And I re
member him also as I saw him first,
in his little shop among his goods ex
posed for sale, dusting his babouches
and velvet slippers, ornamented with
jeweled buckles, pearls, and golden
braids. v ?
Slippers, however, were not all his
shop contained.'' He was an omni
merchant, and you found in his stock
everything that you did or did not
want, from the ferule of a 'cast-off
cane to gems of rarest value. A
strange acquaintance for me to have
made, and it came about through an
adventure, a defense, rather, of this
Jewish merchant, whom a rascal was
seekinjr to defraud of his money.
Briefly, Mordecai was moved to grat
itude, and the next morning, as a
souvenir, bestowed upon me a Kabyle
gun, beautifully inlaid with ivory and
From that day I was as one of the
amily; they ran at my coming, and
called upon me always to admire the
thousand-and-one odds and ends
which the Jew was constantly pur
chasing from all quarters, and from
which I was always expected to take
mv choice. Naturally, since he liked
me so much, it ended in my liking
him a little, for friendship, like love,
is certainly contagious. Matters
were in this shape, when one morn
ing, as I strolled intheRueNationale
with a group of comrades, the Jew
met us, and stopped me to describe a
cargo of valuables which had just
arrived for him from Mequinez, and
which he wished me to see immedi
ately. I would do so, I promised
him, so soon as dinner was over, and
giving him a hand-shake, I was
about to rejoin my comrades, when
carriage passed us, the horses
roing at a gallop, shining for a mo-
menx in tne sumignx men gone use
a flash.
We all turned with a cry of admira
tion every one, that is, save Mor
decai the Jew. A sudden pain in
my ha nd recalling his presence to me,
I wheeled, to find him pale as a piece
of linen, sweat pearling his brow, his
fingers gripped Upon mine,- and his
eyes following, with a gaze of flame,
the vehicle which had just gone by,
and in which reclined a woman
whose beauty had brought from us
that cry of admiration.
"W hat is it" I cried, dismayed
at his appearance; "what is it are
you ill?" . .
"Ill; no he began; then, witn
a groan and a Hebrew word a curse,
doubtless he whirled about and fled
like a madman in the opposite
direction from the vehicle.
"And you didn't know her?" Vill
aret demanded, as I rejoined my
comrades, still talking of this beau
tiful woman whose carriage was not
yet lost in the distance; "or did you
not see who it was?"
"No," I responded, "and I scarcely
saw her before she was gone.
What! you really didn't know her?
She is the but what do you call him,
the Jew you were talking to a
moment ago? Mordecai? Well, she
is Mordecai's daughter!"
. "Daughter? Impossible! . he has
never mentioned that he had one!"
"It is the truth, all the same. She
is his daughter, and there is a story
attached which I will relate to you,
as we finish our cigars. Nothing ex
traordinary, but still a story, and
"Five years ago," continued Vill
aret, "this woman was the most
beautiful ornament of the father's
shop, and clothed in that elegant
Jewess-costume which displays so
perfectly the curves of the body. Tall
and slender as you see her today,
and with long lashes shading her
eyes, she was as lovely as n"houri es
caped from a Mahommedan paradise.
Whether she was adored among her
kind and kindred I leave you to im
agine. She was Sarah, Judith, Rachel,
in one, and truly an object of wor
ship to her fa ther, who daily thanked
his God for having blessed him with
a child so beautiful.
"Well, Constantine, like all other
garrison cities, is a sad place, as you
know, une begins and ends, partic
ularly when one is young, by finding
nothing better to do than "to drink
absinthe morning and night. One
wearies of this, it is true, and when
one is ennuied one is not indifferent
to pretty girls. The point of which
is, that there was at this time in Con
stantine a young Chasseur d'Afrique,
a certain lieutenant by the name oft
irobin, a handsome Lyonnaise of
twenty-five years, always spick and
span in a new costume, and bored to
death, so bored, indeed, that he had
recourse to the singular distraction of
visiting street after street, omitting
cone in the whole city of Constantine.
"This strolling naturally drew him
at last to the Rue Troisieme-Bataill-n,
where, for the first time, he saw
Sarah which by the way, is really
her name nonchalantly" seated be
side her father, and amusing herself
by counting the pearls in ber ' collar.
Under pretense of buying babouches,
Gobin halted at the threshold; but it
was neither the velvet nor leather
ones eovered with their strange orna
mentations, nor the gold-embroidered
ones of Turkey of Morocco which
drewhisgaze, 5 No, his fascinated and
ardent eyes contemplated, as in an
ecstasy, this splendid beauty so sud
e&ly revealed to him, and alieady
phsston of love was dawning, in
"Tranquilly the merchant showed
his wares and continued to talk,
though Gobin continued absorbed
and silent; and tranquilly, also, the
young girl, apparently indifferent to
everything about her, applied herself
to recommencing tne counting or ner
pearls. For a jm rn t n
thus, then,,tii w lleu"
tenantl ft y,' she gotnp, and,
with a f latle o j the eye nearly inso
lent in Ibi tie m :ge clear, piercing,
rapid ognn eel which buried' itself
like twrpoint f f light in the answer-
ing gax 1 or in j ?ung nmu, vu.u
fid and ' Asseo h
;m sight behind the
inner dor.l F
decai, cjs GbU?feniained absorbed,'
which So yot IJl, -
"His yoieei fhueil the lieutenant s
thoughts; he poved brusquely.
" 'Neither, '4 &e responded, decided
ly, 'I wish ?ei Ifer, but look you, Jew,
tell me w at you ask for your daugh
ter?" h'oj l .-
"'Myi '.ugl'teT?' cried Mordecai,
amazed ;)Jidi 1' lar you aright did
you saylayjilajighter?'
" 'Yes anl "MX me quickly your
price forher t jsh herr good pleas
antry; yott FrAchmen who have wit
to the etds. of your nails with which
to mockrf us1i)?4r peop1 Sell my
daughter?, Yofi ask me that?'
" 'And once tior all, answer mel
cried Gobin;? feal and know that I
love your dan ?hter, and thattogain
her I ami capiible ; of any sacrifice.
Reflect wellr J art rich, and you have
two minutes jhi;Vhich to answer me!'
" 'Par Javehl' tried Mordecai, tear
ing his heard, Jimonly a poor Jew,
but that whieliSJou have said, mon
sieur, it -is not feood. My daughter
is not mcrcharwise and I do not sell
her!', and, as ha spoke, heart-broken
at the incult offered him, tears fell
from his icyes jtjxd chased eachother
down !$ silk f. erdine. At the same
time raa anclj jshame, the horrible
consciousness fof knowing himself
powerless to a tSe tne outrage, the
fear of speaking, too loud and draw
ing uponhimstilfacruel chastisement,
crave to his f:w an expression so
pitiable and pjithetic that , the hard
est :of us t7ouVljrave been moved to
sorrow, 'Gobi q, however, was piti
less. . n -.- -
: " 'If she is H'Ttlfor sale, then, give
her to meT ho; persisted.
"Without f flying, the Jew bent
his brow fo'thrlCTound and continued
to weep, tioticpless as the image of
Desolation. Gpbin became furious.
" 4o be itl -iiejcned at last, '6ince
you will nsithf r Jgive her to me nor
sell her to me t tell you' plainly that
I will take her, nrm you beware!'
"And with a jfilm stepi and head
erect, leairingj the middle of the
3treet the'iathwho still sobbed and
sorrowed he :ijirned upon his heel
and disappeared! his last words and
menace rema iping in Mordecai's
heart like a policed arrow. ;
4Whatpa8S4i after this I know
very imperfectly. The merchant
closed his shojitnd for a while dis
appeared from 2nstan tine with his
entire family, When he returned
again the lieurjt nant, in the sight
and knowledge 'oT all, was the lover
and the trote ftor of the ; beautiful
- fPa!
Sarah." K , :
"The TascaU'V cried Feldmeyer,
who was alsol uafening to Villart's
story; "but' ho w iJid he accomplish
his purpose-rh!ri manage to carrv
her away;-j3 t
"You ak too piuch'said Villaret,
taughing "Lknpw only that such
was the clisend that it is always
practicable wheijone has the good
will of tie vicim, as Gobin had
Sarah's. lf Iiremember lightly, he
too was $wny$ for a week or two
from Congtairtinef furnished with a
special pemisioh "
"And thn?'!
"And thca riblhinff: the beautiful
Sarah soosi ratt tnrough his fortune,
and Gobin demhlti'ded and obtained
a. change f ga jfrfeon , to Laghout.
Sarah deprteiiifr Algiers, where
her beauty soon queened it over
hearts an$ purses." And Villaret,
finishing It J st-ry, left us and re
turned to ty 7 and we adjourned to
a game of IT illuds. :
A splen( 1 j jrioman, this Sarah,
beautiful .lhTiat reposeful, almost
solemn bei ityj which is the charm of
sunset. Nj.thti jg Classical about her,
and nothi j GRk the special char
acter of h? notyli face and form, ifL,
may so ex j ress fit, being a , subtile
vuluptuout est.tvbich held you like a
desire. Iietl..r she wished it or
not, she eirrcisediupon all the mys
terious pox of the magicians of
India, who seen iH;o bend nature to
their will dzd tot play with the scat
tered forcep oft-fje universe.
One morf -hui, hs I was preparing
to go on df ;ty tfiere was a rap at my
door, and!.a4ryant entered and
handed mel a 31 tiny envelope, per
fumed ana coqiiif,tish as a pretty
woman's tf 3tjgr$ I have never been
specially st :pio ,fand in taking this
paper in my QnjrahS the idea of a pos
sible bonnf 'ort ' glided into my
mind. I bl ;ke, seal: it was a ren
dezvous fof the Evening, demanded
in terms al ost anxious, and signed
"Sarah" tl ,da jghter ot my friend,
t he Jew tip note was from her! Ire
sponded siif ly- that I would be there.
All day lonf f the bought haunted me.
What dfd? tne ; jwant with me,
this marvef s j-jafah? Certainly no
lover's tasltj, ehc ?was not the woman
to throw hi ,celf it the head of any
one, and 1 1 is tie&herrich nor hand
some, nor llxist nous, only a poor
captvain wh livpn his pay, and al
ready at tbj? ttjfn of age. Indeed,
ray preoccubatityji was so great that
I 'blundered irt ; tjhe exercises, I, the
oldest capt.iaiiithe regiment, till
my comradts decided that ; the sun
had turned ayj irain.
Neither Iras iriore at case when
evening : cape, iinfl I found myself in
full uniform, wiif varnished boots
and kepi i hajjd,. entering such a
boudoir as ton l?ave never seen. The
light fell froi a porcelain globe which
crave to evi 7 uncr. an
tint, deepei t i the shadows, and
softened the
? rs like a veilinsr mist.
with here a
with here an re a renection ciear
re a reflection clear
and brulianirwj "on pmp pn.
nn the wall
nt) the Wail. .n. ,lll-xrmomnar wilti-v
covered the floor, heavy r draperies
the windows, and, as I entered this
apartment, a woman Sarah came
to meet me. .
"I had need of your assistance,"
ghe said to me; "thankslor coming!"
And then, sitting beside her, I listened,
paying more attention to the music
of her voice, sonorous as a srolden
bell, than to what she was saying,
while she told me what Villaret Ilik
told me before. The deceva she
had practiced upon iv;-lvuer in con
cert withlO-tne happiness of the
;lie disillusion, weariness.
and the homesickness for the family
which nothing had been able to cure.
It was for this she had sent for me
me, her father's friend. She wished
L me to see him and bring about n
reconciliation, for which her heart
was sore.
. Well; intoxicated with her beauty
and those subtle odors which prevad
ed the boudoir, and reckless of the
fate which befalls those who meddle
in such affairs, I promised every
thing that she wished, demanding in
return but a kiss upon her hand, my
heart meanwhilebeating "the charge"
in my breast. And all night long
I tossed in my bed, still under the
sway of her strange fascination, the
domination of a fixed and obstinate
idea which reduced me to the ridic
ulous state of a pupet in the bands
of this i singular woman. , I wns
ashamed of my weakness,but, never
the less, when morning came, like a
soldier ot his word, I started for the
shop in Troisieme-Bataillion-d 'Afri
que. The devil's own task it was to de
cide the father to see the daughter.
"No!" he cried; "no,I will see herno
more,this Deboran! The maledictoin
of the Eternal weight upon her head!
May her beauty fade as the rose of
August! May the earth open and
engulf her as Core, Dathan, and
Abiram! May my eyes close to the
light of day if ever she comes before
them! May my hand wither away if
ever she touches it with her ownl"
I would rather have managed a
regiment of Bedouins! But I persist
ed, naintincr for hinl the despair ot
I SarahVftbe tears she had shed in my
presence, and 1 found the way to elo
quence, I who had never been able to
say two words without stammering.
Thejinother was there, too, listening
without a word, stony, and, at first,
equally pitiless.
i I was red as my kepi and sweating
like ;i sponge with my, exertions,
whei , at last, after talking together
inloig: Hebrew phrases, I received
the onsent for the interview I had
so c rdently demanded. Too happy
for lie moment to notice anything
I rei lembred afterward, in recalling
the 1 cene how strange had been the
expi sssion of both of them in giving
thei f assent, something devilish,
triu aphant, but nothing paternal
at t le return of a repentant soul.
Tie interview was fixed for the
same evening, at the fall of night.
Sarah wasto come alone, and they
would then decide if she was to re
map in the house. Ah, had I but
known when I dispatched the mis
sive to her announcing my success!
1 The day passed tranquilly as usual;
several times I was ou the point of
returning to Sarah's house, but still
had strength to refrain, and night
had come and the , hour for the in
terview struck before I yielded to the
irresistible desire to know what was
inp$ at the Jew's house the de-
si r
of seeing for myself the reconcili-
n and tne joy wnicn 1 nau
brouffht about.
At the top of the Troisieme-Ba tail
lion 1 stopied a moment to regain
mv breath. Not a; sound troubled
the silence. A ray of moonlight fell
in a straight white line upon the
pavement, the shadows thickened
about the corners of the angular
robfs, i and I, planted . like a picket,
listened with all my ears and heard
but the pantinsrs of my lungs, the
precipitate throbs of my heart. A
sudden thrill of uneasiness had seized
upon me; there was so little of the
air of festival at the return of a child
about" this closed dwelling! Not a
murmur, not a light nothing
gloomy as a funeral! I was cold to
the ; bone; the silence and shadow
weighed upon me; I was not' actually
alarmed, but decidedly uneasy.
1 Suddenly a cry came to me, stifled
by the still walls, but which struck
me lite the blow of a hammer. My
excited blood leaped and ebbed, and
then my ear. was glued to the lock
of the dooiv - The sounds veiled by
distance, were unmistakably voices
whose tones I heard, but not the
words. I still listened. If only I had
gussed what passed beyond there, I
should have cried out as now these
voices cried out, the one with fury,
the' other cold and clear, the third
supplication, with accents, of infinite
tenderness, broken by tears and
sdrrowful as a soti itself! I held my
biWth in the effort - to hear all. mv
hthl and leinir. concentrated in the
A higgle to learn or guess the drama
el acting behind that closed door.
tragedy, perhaps I was sure of it.
Ill at once it seemed to me I should
1 1 mad the voices hud hushed, and
hytheir place came a sound like great
s. el scissors slipping , and cljpping
H iselessly, slowly, carefully, with
fit no, strong strokes, which stopped
c r heart-beats, for with these
s; inds came now an echo as of
si angled sighs and groans.
I heard them plainly; " an inner
or had doubtless opened, and,
t ugh still unable to comprehend
tff words that devilish Hebrew
t!hrue! I heard them distinctly;
tf growls and curses of the Jew, the
offers of the wife in menace or emo-
h, and the supplicating, tones
4iey were from that voice of gold
.ViStVi T liarl l!af-xkna1 in Via ilrnna.
iung oouaoir; nat niarveiou
l?e which gradually quitted its
fe of prayer to rise in protest a
bient, and then to come no more.
I was dead, perhaps, and I ton-
1 , rr-i . 1
e ! I put my sabre to the lock,
If "esea it home, and entered like
1Q1 1 what a spectacle ! The old
fkfjess, erect and pale, with shut
trTl. , i .i
jin ana piercing eyes, in iue wuire
-Ihe floor, Mordecai beside her, his
Id-hot iron in his hand, and Sarah
1 Hrf" "er KUWB "u"1' uuucmi
n her knees in front ofthem, with
1 inv nj-Liui inir num'-ju-- i
1 IT f I f..WMi 1 ......
I I 1 ' . 1
) e old hyenas ! I fell upon them
a the flat of my sabre; I saw and
1J V nothing in my fury and indig-
in. and undoubtly would have
n one or both of them, when sud-
y I was caught by the leg and
tumbled and fell. It was tho victim
who had come to the assistance of
ber executioners I
Yht are you here forr'shecnI:
once immediately,.
to lie done!"
- tod, then; the 8U (Tor
i;' her by these inon
V g of ber beauty, t
it as her . pride, wiw
She had
Inps inflict
loss of all 1
a one ior 11
a' of justice, ana sue
I ( f tlie bnrbiuity ot
meekly boi
this man,
this womaJ
li ne ! iirder and the more
jtht t were her father
iierl f That whieh had
wasiot an assnsxinu
(. family judgment to
trithiiH iipnuiescetl! The
cruel becau
and her
passed, th
tion; it wa
which thee
cries I had
jird, and which had turn
trere nhvsical suffering
ed my hea
her will i
them. t
these atro
power tun
Sarah for 1
a madman
house and
like a thief
noth'ng to 00 wuh
thft netnal sight of
s exevsses of partental
amy brain. I rcgnrdeti
Ioment witn tue yi
ten I wns out of the
n throucrli the street.-
After thi
on a hospi
ot Constn
France fo
France I
Hind flftwn days of fever
cot 1 had had enough
le; they sent me to
onvalescence, and in
ve jginco remained.
r th'A Arironaut from
the French
tjchaldiu by lu. C. Wg-
The traiii
ft rain in
a roresi rirc
ipssenlng its speed, wns
soon oblige
tween bans
or solid ecl
wood whicll
for commeij
:o creep cautiously be
jfthe rose-ml eml)crs
ot roaring wood t ho
id been cut and piled
M The pine branches on
the flat car
iiueu, driving in" uta.-
band into
with bucko
linclosed shelter. Men
ropped to ditches be
k and dipped up water
beside the t
to throw b
ifietrain.creepingon the
platforms s
In w.fli uirr'lmil lritll
es and han
One who
md faces blistered,
never been in a forest
y imagine Its intense
"blindinir smoke, the
fire can scat
heat, the a
from roott
i which trees flash
own, and grass blazes
far from anf
ark, as if the earth
itself were li
of pilled od
ing, tite lurnute glow
he heated air Iroin
baked groii
hts showed through
e of fire. Moss-ineloH-
that night
ed stumps A
red flame many times
their own
ieight. Young ferns.
scarce unra
sprang gieen nnl
fresh from
side of a
j"T, while
the other
e quivered
coals. ;
The train
jpped. It could cnep
(father, for its track
in retreat n
was burned
I (ho rails warped into
fantastic '
ves. . Blackened and
1 ran down the car
blistered pt
The doors
:md windows had nil
m keep out the bmoke
been closed
and sickeni
ger in theo
The floor w
feet. The
heat; Kvery passen-
hgeasped lorbreath.
so hot it burned their
dow glass,. could nxit-s.
hov could nil th
be touched
wooden side! Vf the enclosure warn.
When the i riomed train had hung
a minute in 1 li midst of this furnace.
someone 0
that it was
ing, smoke
upon a tore
p?d a door and shouted !
(fire. I Into the blister
i kening air, and out
fJoor sprei
icring wi
j4tied. ? W
r? ped up ar
bers and q
ith lieat, the
people all
omen fainted
and were dr
and carried by
their fa them 4 brothers. The escape
valve of thejviomotive was left open
by its nyingf ;armeer, out it uttered
its steam w I Jbreifly, being relived
htr Arnl.DiAl 9
vhendayl In
l hd cooled the forest to
Ulistorted boiler and
il iron wheels were founl
some rows
where the tri came to a stop.
li t American Pluck.
jc scene nnd the rnatcli-
less heroisn
d generosity' of this
lmost sure of instant
es, they could see the
Yankee crew
death them
Queen's shij
and appreci
effort with t
true marine
all naval re
Ighting the hurricane
Wthe gnllantry of the
I generous pleasures of
j We do not know in
ids any sound which
makes a And
than the chel pof the Trenton's men.
It was distrts pfd manhood greeting
triumphant jrunhood, the doomed
saluting the (
yed.. it was pluc kier
and more ln'
upon the dei
battle ship. J
ten by EngU
icans. That
sn than any cry raisetl
91 a victorious lme-of-1
never can bo forrot-
fien speaking of Amer-
iuntless cheer to the
uuinuc iwn iivooiu ui im
e expression of m.
mortal cour: j. v onuon leiegraph.
eatli Watch.
xne mut
iisect known as the
"death wat
is a very common
pest of libra
4 and frequently rer-
forates hug
tiny holes. ,
(luraes with straight,
kpresence in a house
is supposed
Vp portend an earlv
death to si
ie or the inmaWl
Watchers bv! Slk-beds and sunprin
- 9 I h
patients hav4 ""ieen so terrified by its
uncanny, tk Jg sound, heard in the
silence of th ; gbt, that nothing
could convinW zhem tl,at the death
i.- ! 11. .
angei was not a"""" meir pres-
nce. if then'
ire old woull
fortable liveg
?ase during i
the noise of ti
it almost an;
light in all ik
ere anything in the
pse whose dwellings
2ad brief and uncom
br it is frequentlvthe
. summer time that
insect can be heard
iuur,,oi the dnv
hs of the house.
. : n ,
3ne Way to E wnrtpe Troth Telling.
Ninety-nine ffiildren out of
hundred willjtM wlsehood if vou
ipeak to the "My son, Tdo
aot know wjielier you did the act
with which yci,ara charged or not.
have no mfKi-? of knowing.
nust rely onwv'you now say. If
i i i - not, 1 win make von
presentofa handsome tionv. u,-..
lie and bridle. If you say thnt vou
lid the act I will whip you till Vou
an,f. stand up and put you on
bread and water for two days. Now
:ruth is beautiful. Speak the trut U!
Wishville American.