Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, October 18, 1912, Image 5

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Reminiscent Writer Tells cf Dm Fash
tenable Girls Academy of a
Period of th Past.
trJuflon la Resulting la Their Sy
tematte Slaughter la Parte of tha
Fatherland, and tha Birds Are
Rapidly Being Thinned Out.
Ko OB 'bo has any delight ta
Haaa Andersen's tale cam hear
amoved that tha stork baa fall
a apo aril time. Foot years
ago It was noticed that they vet
building less oa Tarklsh. house-top
and their diminishing numbers vera
regarded hy tha superstitious Otto
man aa aa tII omea for tha tatara
ot the race ta Europe, Oa leaving
Kurop at the end of sammer, they
seem to penetrate tar down the in
terior of Africa, One that had bee
caught and marked ta Press! waa
captured ta Natal, near Colenso.
Whether the dtesppearaac of wild
animate from South Africa befor tha
advance cf the settler ate alects tha
stork ta at testio aot yet settled.
However that may he. atteatto ta
betas draw anew to their dwtadSac
Mather ta Afcac. now that they ara
getting ready to teav tec th south.
Crmaa scteattet hava savecteiaed
that they are ai cetttag ha
the ruatiaate, le. aad Franconla,
The conatry Mti are mahtec va-
kaat eXOrt t anatatata th uaather
of their visrt.-u ay c$ag arttil
nest en the twr et their K.vsv, and
ev ay tveAOMt thewt rtaM2y,
Ifat the stork ta vVrwaay hv t
wit a jli avst Sr
t erd-;o. They ? rokot
vjwa a 4sr ot ssnv. It te tre
that they sce r5d tha tamiiie $ he iS8tehi aa S$5Sr ate Sv-a,"?.
t a?e fad thv&r $Nd la tvd ' aad kia&o viry tetvat stark of e-
Tha tashkHtabl girls' school ol
fifty years aso waa a most Interest
ins plare apparently. "Looking back
ward to those busy, shining hours."
writes Julia C R. Dorr, ta Harper's
Baxar, "say first thought is, how w all
studied! How eager we were! What
keen delight we took la construing
aa Intricate sentence or la solving a
hard problem:' There were a boat
KIty scholars, or possibly seventy-five;
and among them was a group of eight
or tea bright young fellows who were
6:Ung for college: preparing to eater
aa sophomores tha coming astama.
What aa ambitious lot w were. t
be sore! I was the only girl ta the
"advanced LaUa." and had tha honor
of a seat oa one end of long, mar
row recitation, beach, a little with
draw, aa waa proper. from those
stars of the first nugaitude.
The problem of coeducation hadaot
cos l the. If a girl wasted te
study with her brother aad his
trtenda, she did It aad that waa all
there waa of It. How w sought for
th deriratioa of words, How we
revealed: ta th classical djetioaary.
brought by oa of ua aad throw tat
the common stock. vssax trom. hand
to hand, from desk: to desk The
trst word ef greetixs ta ta aortas
waa a vseattea ahoat th oSa$ les i
soa: th tat, word at aijht waa a
rJiAr t the tt oa.
Kow aaaay teachera did we. hre
Jr. oa, 1 doxht Try ataca tt a
waa a saarx) ot VnowSjc thoua 1
theaght a waa thea. K waa
a cvg Su3sX aad h had hd
a a We e?irte of Kv&$ or
It b bad ta rre gt ot h&
In the Mosque of St Sophia
W3l CvVVoi fMit 5(-
a they is ta thi way ae'.50o
t eaMNa wsth the g-eat eoa
they evafe- oa taraner by fva
adK aad sa)4,
W w w ? t b t Qorwaa
oraAhcf! ta. mx)t$ueaage
th$is3 ta tVir aataroa. Kth
is a bw word thaa aathStoa
ta tas ,vMNfsV. Stiy waa jfl
v. doa jr ta far bx. t tc
It aa tea owa eadi av aay !
saeaaa to soat otaor ag.
Ta aoajNay at that
L1n4. tM'. 'M "m-wtf 1 1
14 m . .siiw
fife- " i 1 Ttiimn iii.i....,.,vn,m,mn. uninr i n saSkWS3
1WM' .'f-.ri.. '-!ti III I I i 1
Newport, la the same county. The tor
tor had walked to the outskirts o
Newport eight or nine miles and
then had been picked up and carried
into the town. The age of the duke's
tortoise la given "approximately"" by
the forest rangers, but It has hiber,
nated under a particular rock in the
forest for thirty years, and its great
age is inferred from its six and
weight. It is eighteen inches long and
weighs ten pounds. There is nothing
unusual in such longevity; a patriarch
in the "Zoo." known as Methuselah. )
died three years ago at the reputed
ago of two hundred and fifty.
The Japanes stretches himself oa
a rush mat oa th fioor and puts a
hard square block of wood under his
Chinese bed are very low. scarce
ly risitg from the floor, bat are often
oarred exquisitely ot wood.
The tahabitaats ot the tropica often
carl themsetre tik ntoakeya at
the lower aaght ot a suspended haaa
asock aad sleea vary soaadly that
Ta Russia tike no steeping plac
so well as ta tog ot ta big; oap
stea stove in h dwej&ag. Crawling
oat ot his hltsfcerias bed ta the aaora
hss. h deSghta la taking a prang ta
a cold streaav erea it h has to break
through th l to do so, t
ta ti?id ta aativ orawhv bead I
aad H tato a ot reindeer
ska aad wars aad oadxrt
hi wSthSa bv
Ta Kt ladaa, at th othev-oad I
ot th worH. b haa a bags.
tU pariro t to kea oat tb '
stoea rata? thaa to keoa it oce I
lat ware. !
Cset Uz at
All the fancy soft drinks
known to the expert mix
ologist. The favorite re
freshment resort of Lincoln.
Dregs zzd
Rector's Twelfth and O
Streets, prescriptions accu
rately compounded. Prompt
oa household goods, piamwy
horses, ere.; loas or short time.
N eharg tor papers, No In
terest ta adtaac. Xo-pukUcty
or HI papers. We gwaraat
better terms than other sank.
Mooy paM tmatediately. CO
L.VMS1A CQu 1ST Seat
t. a vouna
General llartfuaro
kt t.vAiia e 4 sta t ta aaaata atH, tt ta beved tt ta t5 Mtt aadee
mi ui . u tv iu ' h arej tee a aaaera tveaaaf
atk, and a a waa th wt tv
tt, We had aox- brd Ch
aVa 'Tfw fen, It waa t ta
Vf1 thea. INtt tt tt aad ba. a
ayad bax said vit to tVt
It waa avA xvd K-r t aetata th
trtwurta ot eaawie) art taroaa tr Ot-
at ty fraeesig CaattaohK
, w I., v . , 3 . v . . ... m . -v . ..w q Yfes. k, mju. uu nam eM. v -' -- mm m& fcw lalaihni n a
a ta trteat ot thi att bSrd I ks , $dy rtlt wyt bbmn . tt ta Tar at tr a arab t th I
baa ba K ba tK. Ta J oa ta th tva aad at ta saw t S. So, ta btat aa ta enet t tata 1
Kal 1U tf tK a Mil t hwa W bad bat tw- troarraKa. ; ? aeUaa t t a eaaaed by roteat eartaftakea Tal
kMMVMiiHitrf WaMia w. a 1 artd b w 4s
th W ot ava ta hi otata, i toar, awae, bat tt tkar" f4. !
Vvrty eeat. ot tha are t b
v.ax 9 v?iHa ta Nu)t brda
ot th4r aewtroT. ta Ciraad
ka W t vat dw ta b$rth
tare,1 Ta tbMMa rr vat$J
tal aaaaaftwxat trot a$H
brbKty waVa dtveva i3pa of
taotr- xMv;id caeata, bat H
adda that tavr ta at trihortod
treat rr aa wr th
waea t rvrt)g oMatea at actar
ty oareHMt tha vxaaaata b rMt
tha aoarka aaate tercaod atatrfe.
tare rots.
Ta ttwf ) t th bile t
t a atoa t this work at deatractkia.
ta Alaac barter sack bratat atethoda
ara aakaewa. Taora th bird which
aywtbotitea saca reaaral tradttloaa
at treated with atreral reiect.
. x w tclal as, Uaa xtta bt
tat e o9M eae)$M
CWdnt Stand lr Waeen.
rtaytta SteoVa, oaattaHst aad toma
ter, one day bee ate tuvolrcd ta a d1
vt ver a Uoa of sbHoal hie-to-.
"KJtish waa a tacky akaa. he t
aarked. Tatead ot betas oaclled
tahlmBhkajl BnSMmavmJmAadk. 3
jairiywrafI W?tTa 1
lbw- ix44t XhxnMkri taraAOt '
waa 'Xeabc by th ti5Ws t t j
soil ta ht rc tv ivoraot- ot Ms-
noatv bhertiy anef th wars toM
by o aba waa Utora aa kaew bw
tt aU hr4reed.
Mate attaa.' said the aanatot the
other- day, -was ot th ost)rwav
taeat taraner and oattte raiser ta
th state, t shall not a bis .
He waa raaaiag oa th 'grooabacV
ticket. Seat r4 bad board th
bambl agrcalturisla referred t as
aajraaadod yoary.
Vte raras waa Just to at liking,
aad a thought tt would Die th
faratera to be retorted to a vhrmy- aad contorted that ta aatwal oaa
haaded yoAaary. Aad tt might ciy itA jacatty. When a
bar don so bad b not somewhat v. txmk hoofs.
Q. CaHs at rjeaayaTtll. VI.
waa th Trak tow here pictured.
Th aatmal baa tour boots, oacb oa
ot which ta no res than twaty4w
tache ta length, aad o badly twtst-
t linger and di ot sow aat4oaaat
dies. b was carried ta heave ta t misted th axollottea ta bta attpt , (rv M bocam older: aad.
wantwia.- though th boray growth waa fre-
aY wrong,- protosted tha rt j "Tar ara no grander set ot sea aweatly pared away, tt roturaed agata
ot ta aecond tart, wao aarpeaea ra ta tata great tat ot our, a : M4 agata. until at but th owner gave
at at arei tg meetiag or larmers
than yoa bry-aeaded romaary."
lut that waa too ssyca for th tart
I era Th candidate waa scatched."
I CSty daraaX
be aftUctod with aa tavpedimeat ta hi
speech, teyy-Ba, yY r-r-r
wrong. Ktthth went t hvea ta a
Chariot of re,'
To eaat coxc ao that that
too old tnaa was struck by ttghUac
rerorted Steele, aad th dtpt waxed
warmv After tt bad raged tar om
three ratuatv It reached th betttag
-Bt yea n rtchW said Steal.
rrtakoa.'' said th yarty ot the
a coat tart.
-WaaOl w betT askod StooVs,
'W-w-w-wU. stuttered th other.
tetC that yoa Sd-d-doavt know any
ta mar about Sortptur than yoa
do, t o tt bad Wb-5ettr
V aaa. Bible," And Steel adtatte
that right there he backed out.
Cauldat Daasl
Ta yoaag waa ot ta boa realty
waa making good ta a way that d
Ughted bis parents aad brought him
much ttattery from trlead aad aeich
bora, bat old Mammy, the family ser-"
xaaU romatned aatattrosood. Oaiy ,
whoa ha bad do a prtKlrly bru-
up try tag to effect any tmprovomeat
ta ta ereaturea anatomy, and began
to tak her round to local fair and
exhibit her a a curiosity. Th hoof
are of a deea green color, and closely
rmbt a lobster ta eformatloa.
euoht and Iteld Farv
"To nay thte te worth $V aaid th
wary etome Kow, do yaa guar
aatea that tm getting IS worth at
vara tar my money?"
"Ft doliarV worth ot Tate!'- fiasV
od the bright young clerk. -Way, mis
ter, tor ry on ot thorn thtaga w
turn out there tour middlemen, see
aty-otght drwmmera, Sv banks, two
tallroad pools, eighteen alvrUiwt
ngeaclea, eevea lawyer and StS bill
board all running a? oxpeas no
oust and adding walu to that there
article o fast that the company'a
bractkalty giving yoa th St rent
spent oa parent royalties, shop up
keen, raw material aad tabor. Puck.
la tta ftaer torme sawdust te made
t prbapa Stty diaoreat wood, aad
ta varying gree ot slaonea. to be
aaod tor a wide variety ot purpose.
Kant t ot targtcal work w4te!V !T,?st. u ?!?
Itverod aa especially profound ad , -TZJT sVLiTiL Wrt.
res bctor a groat ooaveation, aa Jr
lv!tTl thvJ- Th swt famr to everybody
vTrTrtL hfae " trd from tea,
desrhJTtetk j tt kivh lumbar
aTat alat'1 teaaufacturtag. This
n tertee it vJvtt, Yea ""0 -adast t ased xteatety
neve la gwte lt' Y, ea boots to tak a dampnesa ta
httsa! To ooulda wiggl jx' fla
Cr so port a-cuttia oat folksea t
aide t I bda aepv Vm linaber
wtd amackia. aa yo oouldaX hear
d patient heart a-beatia ot tt
oboay. aad thte awu$t te btek t
oftor, tboagb ovea ta the oboay s
dt thor are trace ot tiay white
goer: Th boy te not a targ tre
tad It wood te not htetk throhi tta
wad te white: tt te irttete t
thte sapwood that apt ta th aw
cast, attagted ta th sawtag. eut to
the ey xept oa olos tnrctloa
th ebony sawdust ater black.
Ta whitest ot all sawdusts te that
ot holly, which te manufactured tat
a ry an ipulp form, This holly saw-
aust la ued lvr ftoor Material and
also ta the manufacture ot coroe
grade ot wall paper.
There te a manufactured oawdust
called lemon sawdust, which ta not
mad from th wood ot th lemon
tree, but which te ta tint ot a dear,
bright lemon color, this lemon saw
dust being ased tor th satue pur
poses as satiaaood.
Manufactured rosewood sawdust te
ot limited use; various mahogany
sawdust, tacludiag whit, are ased
more extensively tor various pur
pose; that ot a wood called eormtV
Ion. watch te a bright red mahogany
from the East ladies, ta used ta wak
ing ceaapoetttoa Boors, sometimes for
cater square. In case where such
Soot are not teld ta a coattnuoaa.
aabrokea piece,
i I
smaHrmisffrilaTrMrkl1' '' 'i-iaaaawsmmaaaaTamBsajmnnnEl
(7 ibii .
Qatttea Eve With Grant.
"tt te my delight to most a Great
htaa. grimly aaid th OM Codger. 1
xtract a deal ot gte from having a
aaanohy. aelMmportaat. ultra4a Anted,
promtaeat ctttasa ta a fancy waistcoat
aaaoano to tha tsroaag: "Ob, Sen
ator Humshak. permit me to present
yoa Mr. or Hawbum! The, as
tha Ptosonc graciously grasp my
band with tha dinging dutck ot a
oattteSsh and unctuously remarks that
b te gaHad to se a, I lik to not
bow tt a im to galvaata him tat
now Bta and cans him to submit
as to fastest and kwaa acre tiny, to
a as tease sstry tniro: "What la
sweeping, and tt te aaed for packtag
; bottled goods aad for bedding hor,
and ta to bouse. Som sawdusts
ar screeatd at th mills to remove
htp and stick.
WaXfor mltorvwwyV ear , tor as ta sweeping
so cJoanl To aiat nothta but a MrT t. m
measly littlo boy to yo or Mammy.- t trea Sawdust from arb
T"" I a noarestnou woods te ased ta
J1 BT . , ' great aaatttlea ta th smoking ot
TOttan Wb, ooUector ot tha port aawdust tn th form of
otfCew Tork. was diseasing pulp te used tn the manufnetur ot
drous speed aad siicpllcity ased ta tha tyit.
transaction of Aawicej businesa J Sawdusta ot various kinds and col
-Is a banker's o8!c th other day.- oW combined with c-
1 w : meat, ta making Boors, especially tn
stack ttsett oateUytato tn opening koapttate. Such Aoora. made with the
and a vote demanded: material ta a pteatio condition, can
-Xraartorr fc tald ta a single piece, without
-sen,- tno aana preeraeai repueo. ea,, r Mate, and ao made grm
"TOur haltr
"No, Sv.
Ta head withdrew. I asked ta
"What kind of a cipher ta that yoa
am talking r
-"No cipher ataH.th president ra
aaod. nat waa oe ot Chkagoa lead
tag naancters. andlhavs Juatarraaged
to tea bta a aartar miUkm doitara
ter a moath at a per ceaf"
proof. and they ara mora silent and
to the tread than tile.
the better kinds ot sawdust
ar need tor curious common
aa. tor Instance, oa ot th
tor Spanish cedar sawdust, which
la very tight, te tor packing even
cheap chemicala contained tn glass
shipped ovr Ions distances, and
where weight would count ta tha
freight oast.
anufactmred settewood
t th preparattoa ot
for drawtag
At th ag ot two hundred, or taer.
aboata, a tortoise belonging to the
duke ot teautort decided thte year to
tak a summer holiday, ttwasattesod
ta July from the dukaa rarest ot
Wentuorth. near Chepstow, Me
natwthshnre, and has been found at
The aoatinytag photogrta, tak
ea ta a churchyard ta Essex, England,
show a novelty ta th way ot tomb
stone. Framed ta th stone, tt wtll
be noticed. Is a phtogrpa, a repre
seatatloa of th person buried ta th
grave, Th print, a bromtd appar
ently. Is wall preserved, desptt tta
twenty year ot exposure to the sun
light, tt te closely sealed from the
weather, covered ta troat by glass and
framed round with a border ot slat.
Th photograph bears th signature
ot th occupant ot.th gray.
The skeleton ot a mnmmotb Just set
up at Stuttgart te th largest ever dis
covered. Bone war found ta th dilu
vial deposits ot th river Marr, ta
Swabta, and months ot work sine then
hav beea rewarded by th obtaining
and removal ot a nearly complet skel
eton. Tha great sis te Indie ted by
th fact that the skull weighs nearly
three-rourths ot a too, white tha up
per foreleg te four and one-half feet
long. Th specimen te reamrkabl tor
the great length ot the leg, the gen
eral lightness ot frame, and tor th
short ot th curved tuka leas,
tha eight feet long. It soma to rep
resent a transition type between the
most ancient mammoth and th fleet
er and entailer modern lepbat.
tidied ratca
Aad tt te wte and utadoat to taswra
in$t them, ta th rottabte
at Clocaln, Near,
The "Natleaar do a terser acci
dent Insurance bust ta Xebraak
than any ether coaipaay, and auttlsa
all claim promptly aad ta taU.
A host ot satisfied policyboMers ar
stunoh supporter ot th -tvattenar
and th number ar increasing
W. C HOwav
- Secy, and Gent. Mao.
a1' .s.,,.
Estate No. Slitf. ot Thomas Hornby,
deceased, ta th County Court ot Lan
caster County. Nebraska.
Th Stat ot Nebraska, .: Cred
itors ot sakt estate wilt tak notiea
that the Umo limited tor presentation
and alios of oteims against said estate
is May IS, 11S, aad for payment of
debts is December 15? J IS; that I wilt
sit at the County Court room Sa sasa
county, oa Febraary IT, 114. at t p-
ia, and oa May la, 1913, at 3 a. nv. w
receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad
just all claims aad objections duly
Dated October , 111.
County Judge,
(Seal) Clerk,
CromveH's Castle, Trcscco
nunii. " i u.iJAutBi.iie--
Cromwell's Castle, here showm, la situated oa the Island of Treses In
the I sice of Sicily. As Its name suggests, it waa built in the time of Crom
well, and even after all these year It te ta excellent repair. Most of th
material for building waa tak from another castle, which stood on th top
of th hill above it, and belonged to th royalists, and was called Charles
castle. CromwelPa castle stands about sixty feet high, with walla twelv
foot thick and raised on arch. Th roof te bomb-proof aad flat, and waa
armed with a -battery ef nine-pounders. On th top there la parapet walk
aad at th has (next to th sen) I a stone platform, which waa also armed.
Standing out a little way In th harbor (ea th right ot th castle in the
photograph) la a small rocky teland Called HangmM' Island, where he par
liamentary force nscsnd taalr tayaltet
Man past S with horse and buggy
to sell stock coadltioa powders sa
Utneaster county. I dollars par
month. Address Room 4. ltS
St, Omaha, Neb.
Ted nt:
Tk Cm Cm tmrnt turn to
Cbca, Przzz
end r.zz:7
Year CI::3 cr C-t
235 Kat lit
Ba Fl-S
Kansas City, Ma A scorn ot per
sons were injured ta a rear end col
lision of street cars on the elevated
tracks in the west bottom here. Phy
sicians say several may dte.