Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, October 18, 1912, Image 4

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    Will Maupin's Weekly
Editorial Room. SS Banktn Life BM.
Auto ptiem BS
PwbOoti lim VJ-V$2 North Mt Strort
ISMmd at tk
t. in.
tk Act ot
Talk of removing the Vuiversity of Nebraska from its present
site to the state farm, where is loeated the Nebraska College f
Agriculture, is again under way. There are scores of good reasons
why the University of Nebraska should not be placed alongside
the College of Agriculture, although they are. in reality branches
of the same school system. . V are opposed to the "university
lemoval" scheme for the simple reason that we are deeply interested
i: the welfare of the farm school. Doubtless it would be a good
thing for the university to move it out of town and locate it on
the state farm, but in our humble opinion it would be a severe
blow to the farm school. And the farm school or the Nebraska
College of Agriculture is worth a lot more to Nebraska right now
ihan that department we commonly call the University of Nebraska.
Par be it from us to speak slightingly of the university department
wherein young men are studying to be lawyers and doctors and
electrical enginers and civil engineers; and where young women
are learning to make fudge and wear sorority pins gracefully, and
taSk French and acquire a quotable knowledge of the classics. But
that sort of thing isnt worth as much to Nebraska as the school
wherein young men are taught the mysteries of nature and imbued
witk a love of the soil, of animals; and where young women are
taught that the art of making a good loaf of bread is quite as
much to be desired as the art of playing the 'Spring Song"' without
tuaking more than two mistakes to the measure.
The College of Agriculture is teaching our young men ami
women those things that not only make for a great Nebraska, but
make for a better race. That's why we are loth to make any
change that might tend to weaken the influence of the farm school.
If the university campus is too small, enlarge it. If the university
is worth while to the state, and the campus is too small, then the
stat ought to put up the money for more land. That's very simple.
If the university is not worth while, theat quit putting up more
"buildings. But doat try to hold strength for the university by
weakening: that better department the College of Agriculture.
The- stat farm school eeds all tW land it has, now. &ad wore.
And it k tutor doseexiaif of increased appropriations for buildings
and betterments than th dowu&owi Vraaiefc.
Iv. X Mwrdock., th.iv tri y&tvVr it tW B?)$toi o tfoe
Wyttaw diwiwijL s5d i Mwsty tkt tike eeittpy wvM
W.1 i,Wv cr wDi t5s yvw et tW Kas. tW
iri.ktiwa vJt &s sshm; vVwey , Nearly $1$ ot tWs ess, w&t
W h,.$ed. vs4 ot tVrn Cittjy, At tW- s&3$ sj!); t
$tv ears v two. yow a. A ew p! h?i siSe
lis 3iife $Wr j)oes, aJj! i'acowttxK tW mWe ot e swtH
Oj?. jvfviwx? to W SWy Hfc$ to tih y.sJiy ot tW So$frg ff4v.
Mjw4 ot tW iay) skA wat. fttvm Vh stftWsSr wmw etf No
Wask go siwesl. d ?lVsiU I!fcoA;s tW
jMftw ot gov4 fciX tthaSfcVsfc&s. ot tW ttttot is sscftt
to tW tftiy eitiies to go irto ev&l f-i
Clotlhuiintg for Mem
and Boys
The VERY BEST for the Money!
The boy or man who ties to this store
for his clothing is most sure to be well dress
ed and at the least possible cost Only
standard and best known makes of clothing
are represented in this stock, kinds that are
sure to render service, hold their shape and look "their
very bst" all the time.
Suits for Men and Young Men at any price
you wish to pay from $10 to $40.
Your Fall Hat
Should come from Armstrong's, because we have
exactly the style you like, the proportions and dimens
ions you ought to wear. You'll find more John B. Stet
son's here than anywhere. A splendid showing of
imported hats from England, Belgium and Italy.
$2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
Armstrong Cloiiig U.
M ml
M re
Wt cvfit- -t it jsaWity ctvsi tVt Naa
aNj-c-ttvi cctMn is ,4 o$ed t iW i,vtbeasivw part 4'
ihc stal Miss IVr lVvvk nk a jho5t f a Vuitcn
t Nwihw!Sit rcrm$ jtrrvvw ion tW labcock fsm thw M
"rst t OolwWsk TW hot that w krl tv vual
d iwsssibV to beat. We would W kW ykbligatNws to Mis
labcock it sih lvl uive s a story aWut appie gtywHg i 1
INattev Ad it there are others any her i the state who hac
phNtOjptbs eaK-ulatyvl tv show omethu f Nebraska prxhK
laxity, we would like have thvw. TW riht konl ot photos
will rsusl a p5ee w this njmst in de time.
rste thia NrcyictHM iw yr hat s When the final accounting
for 1S12 is made it will V shown that Nebraska" toAal jvtdetio
t wealth, agricultural liv stocky dairy aKl manufactured will e
eeel T,tyVtX And thats for stat of less than
lyXVXX) copl. and ot one-third of her fertile rc umler euliiv
lsclaming U ititcul to insinuate or eom)vrcs nu hcl
twaUiwg, ewry time w think ot ceretary of tat Waiters pre
icamcnt as to tho balKt, of the louf-eared animal that starve!
to death trying to mak up its miud which of two haystacks to
approach first.
TW vv sstj?. pevs; iwf fei sdw reirVfe
t-5SD(s W tW Afirlh 5tMiriiij?, TH. Wxw 4 fiw esw
t3 W)iim 5, vWiAwts.
ii( tv!NSVM SiiW SVn& NW)OltO.
ot vito. WW it towttss to Wai? als rsk s
$st Vwi vfesSMod,
WJiam Howard Tait is t oiy wsi4lcit w fevr had
xetoN a WKNsro oVatol to ak iKNUiNcr the clothing Hk? s'hix-orv
ing humanity tftcods.
A wt1 county- woman liovl last wock at the ot Ktt,
They H love Nebraska s mueh they elin; to her as long as possible.
We opine that if the people can stand the litigation and long
delay in settling the gas controversy, the gas company can.
Theodore Koosevelt only eallcvl three men liars last week. But,
then, he was not actively engaged in campaigning.
The lied 8$ox having put it over the Jts we are now pre
pareil to take some interest in national pities.
As we view it the chief trouble with the Bull Moose party is
that there is too small a proportion of it Moose.
ddam Beade is adding greatly to th gaiety f the nation just
now, but not much to its stock of information.
Buy the Nebraska made product in preference to all others, and
keep Nebraska money at home.
The Aldrich press bureau is claiming credit for the safety
appliance law. That law was enact ed by a democratic legislature
after the persistent efforts of the Nebraska rYderatieu of labor.
The Aldrich administration had nothing whatever to do with it.
The presidential candidates will please pardon us if we rather
ignore them until after the worlds scries is played off! Wc
at ringing along with Boston right now ami haven't much time to
devote to the presidential campaign.
Nebraska needs most of U at this time to amend her laws
so as to attract investments. Just now she is driving capital away.
although it is sadly needed to develop Nebraska's resources.
.Mr, Koosevelt may receive some sympathy votes, out we
decline to believe that there are enough hysterical voters in this
republic to hold the balance ot power.
Now if some equine disease would only attack the political asses
that abound!
It they vet as they shout now, the result is already cinched.
A little over a month ami the candidate who is now so glad to
see us will greet us casually.
Mr-, aifet Mf. Ess&Wfc KSg Sill Sost Tt& ettaiieai .
f k yow fei, tW oifeasi? lfcg t w$?tSi irtl)Jay,
"Iflfc y-owft t, tW Jqii? i iie awd tJh
fof!?i)m Kwt; "we w-ed, TW ewre
y) -ee g$xn oxx to tW teHtte 5A5e 4 tero is every evi
vfee to iow- tit tWy itfll Jxto ot tW o!o,
tk&!sfe Noo ot ifmWk JieW ws gwt- fttoim of tw.
TMnkl S
jit Jg JtgtgjN jCt, tVt
tttt Xvtt tv KSMl US to
w yovtt fuwo in mvW tot tit trtnWr, V
Uk W$t fxn ott th mrke avl our wvrk i
IS? No 12th St. ltMQaESm
Vote for all five constitutional amendments.
We hear much these days of the "invasion of the Greeks,"
and many are the complaints against them. Tut it ever these
treek residents of ours become as patriotic Americans as they are
CSreeks, then they wiil surely make good citwens. The moment
their little mother country needs their services back they go with
& rush. Just now they are hastening back by the hundreds to
take up arms against their hereditary foe, Turkey. And those
who, for any reason, can not go in person are going by proxy.
They are putting up money to pay the traveling expenses of their
fellows, and doing it with rejoicing, 11 may be a Wep and
he may com over here and live for a while on a scale that is
rather disgusting to Americans, but surely men who are so patri
otic and so ready to fight for their native land will, in good time.
become American citwens to be depended upon.
TTI Is proof that it was jsrmted in an S-hor
VUr shop manned by Union workers drawing
I good wages and working under mutually
satisfactory conditions, . This newspaper
is printed in a shop Union in all Departments,
Demand this label on yoar printing
W hav Moay to Loan on
ChatUta. F)atjr ot tt. Utmoat
IClly A Norrtn
loom I, 1034 o
National Bank ot Uaeotn
Capital ft&.MeA