CURRENT COMMENT By this time the public is familiar with the new law which requires newspapers to. make the facts about their business known to all the world. Will Maupin s Weekly has undertaken to make the statement required by law, but it has no hesitancy in declaring its belief that the law is a piece of infernal impertinence, an inva sion of the liberty of the press, a d d irridescent dream of men gone bughouse on reform, and utterly useless to accomplish what the f miners of the law profess to be their desire the protection of the "dear pee-puL" There is no more reason why a newspaper publishing: firm or corporation should make its business secrets public, than that a mercantile firm should be compelled to publish all of its business secrets. Xot that this newspaper is unwilling to make known anything and everything connected therewith. It has made affidavit to its ownership, circulation, etc. It has absolutely nothing to conceaL Rut if it is all right to make this editor and publisher give to the public all the details of his business, why not make Miller & Paine, tnd Rudge & Guenzel, and the A. D. Benway Co., and the Arm strong Clothing Co.. and the American Savings Bank and Speier & Simon come across with a statement as to thcirstockholders, the volume of their business, the margin of, profit they make, their earnings pet year, etc.? Perhaps this newspaper did not tell enough about its business and about its owner. If there is anything any reader wants to know after we file this supplemental report, just ask us. Will M. Maupin owns this newspaper. lie is a bit past forty-nine years old, has a wife and six children, four cats, two bantam chickens, the promise of a Collie dog and a tendency towards rheumatism and dyspepsia. He shed most of his teeth some years ago, is slightly gray but with no tendency to baldness, is registered as a demo crat but votes as he jolly well pleases, writes the stuff for this paper when he feels like it, dislikes to hustle out for advertising, nd prefers a pipe to a cigar any day. He uses a Smith-Premier typewriter that looks like it had gone through a war, wears spec tacles, has a waist measure of just forty inches, wears a hat, Xo. 7 shoes and modest hose. When he is feeling right he is five feet eight and one-half inches tall, and about three inches shorter when he is short financially, which is most of the time. He was born in Missouri and proud of it, and prouder still of the fact that he is now a Nebraskan. He values friends above money, woald go a long ways out of his road to chase away a tear with a smile, thinks he has got the finest bunch of kiddies in America or anywhere else, knows his wife to be the best little woman in the world, hates deceit, loves a good joke or a good story and worries about nothing so long as he can keep a roof above the heads of his family, clothes upon the back and food in the stom achs of those depending upon him. He is a member of the First Christian church, the son of a minister, the father of a banker, the brother-in-law of a. railroad man, two lumbermen, a merchant, a barber, a photographer and a telegraph operator. All this, of course, is none of the blooming business of the general public, but they have just as much right to insist on knowing these things as they have to insist that the editor and publisher of this news paper make public the facts about his business enterprise. Abe Martin remarks: "I believe in th square deal myself, but I also believe in lettin th deal go "round-" Which same is a bit of philosophy which will appeal to the average man under ex isting political conditions. To those of us who know Richard I. Metcalfe there is nothing t explain about his support of John II. Moorehead. Mr. Metcalfe .Is supporting Moorehead for the reason that he is thoroughly con vinced Morehead is the better man for the governorship. And the judgment of "Dick" Metcalfe in such it matter is to be relied upon elwavs. and everywhere. With these few remarks we dismiss the subject of "Met's" support of John IL Morehead. The Omaha Woman's Club has taken up a matter that should W taken up by similar organizations in every other city of Ne braska, namely, to learn more about the local manufacturing in dustries and to boost for "goods made at home." That is a pro gram well worth while, educationally, socially and financially. It will educate the women in what-Nebraska is and may be; it will tend to better social conditions by interesting omen in the working conditions under which their sisters live; and it will nicrease tht .nit put of Nebraska factories, thereby enlarging the avenues of employment and making the volume of business greater. It is all rijht now and then for the women God bless 'em to spend an hour or two in possnig the impossible and scrutiag the inscrut able, or in discussing the influence of Ibsen upon the molecular forces of the human anatomy, but it is far better to devote the time to studying social and economic conditions with a view to making them better.. We commend the determination of the Omaha Woman's dub to the club women of the state at large It will benefit them vastly more than studying "the care of orien tal rugs' and all that sort of thing. Moses P. Kinkaid has decided to remain in the congressional race, despite his health. It seems that a few "resrular republicans" convinced Moses that after having fed at the public crib for ten years he owed a little something to the "boys." We rejoice that Moses saw it in that lisrht. . Of course Mr. Roosevelt had nothing to say concerning the proposed debate at Cleveland, Ohio, between himself and Mr. liryan. Mr. Roosevelt fully realizes the difference between calling a man a liar at long range and facing on the platform a man of Mr. Bryan's mental calibre, therefore the Roosevelt program will continue to be to hurl the epithet, pose as the one man standing between the republic and ruin, and charge with treason all who oppose him. ment in their denunciations of single taxers. This sort of thing is calculated to arouse the single tax advocates to renewed exertions, for there is nothing that makes a good eause grow quite so rapidly ss persecution. We know a native born Missourian, now a Ne braskan and an ardent single taxer, who had no thought of taking part in the Missouri campaign until he heard about the threats. Now he is arranging to make a couple of "soap box" talks in the old state, being fully prepared to take eare of himself men tally and quite willing to undertake the task of defending himself physically against men who are never brave save when running in packs. He is unwilling to believe that Missonrians will refuse to be shown "to the extent of actually assaulting those who under take the task. " - The republican national committee is doing some extensive advertising in President Taft's behalf, but it is doubtful about its being effective advertising. "Mr. Taft has done more to control the trusts than any other preSdent," says the advertisements. Which is, of course, just a plain, ordinary fabrication. A few more trusts "controlled" as the oil and tobacco trusts have been "con trolled" under the Taft administration, and we are "goners" for sure. "You have Mr. Taft to thank for the postal savings bank." declare the advertisements. Which is, of course, a silly eiaim and wholly-without foundation in fact. We nave the postal savings bank as a result of twenty years of agitation an agitation begun while William Howard Taft as a public figure was yet an eventu slitv of future time. "Credit Mr. Taft with a saving of sixty-five million dollars a year!" shrieks the advertisements. Rats- Also fudge and pooh-pooh, to say nothing of pish tush! Whatever economy Mr. Taft may have effected in government expenditures, he more than offset by his veto of tariff bills calculated to save the people money ou what they wear and eat. After reading a eries of the republican national committee's advertisements we can explain their extravagant claims only upon the theory that Chairman Hilles and Secretary Reynolds look upon the people as a vast aggregation of nincompoops and mental asses. More years ago than he cares to recall the editor of Will Maupin s Weekjy was a "college man. For that reason he is inclined to look leniently upon the college youth. But being a enllesre youth or "college man as the sapient and adolescent student seems to prefer is no excuse for hoodlum ism. The "col lege nian" who descends, to that sort of things deserves to have hs head broken by a club in the hands of some policeman, or a merchant whose stock in trade is raided, just the same as any other ton eh or thus. The esteemed Lincoln Journal is always extremely independent politically, and always in favor of electing the best men to public c.inee. It is noticeable, however, that its independence alwavs inclines to the republican ticket, and no matter what the make-up of that ticket it invariably finds that the best men are thereon. During our thirty years close reading of the esteemed Journal we never found it opposing a republican candidate for state or national office, or advocating the election of a democrat. It has upon two occasions, we believe, opposed in a lukewarm way the election of republicans to city- office. We are led to these ani madversions by the Journal's recent remarks relative to the legis lative tickets in Lancaster county. Personally we have littla choice between the legislative candidates of the two parties, being assured that the people will win no matter which ticket is elected. But we would call the esteemed Journal's attention to the fact that its chosen ticket contains not a bit better timber than the demo cratic ticket. In this connection we would ask the esteemed Journal if it has a candidate for the legislature on its ticket better fitted by experience and first-hand knowledge of what the plain, wage caraing voters of this county want and need than George F. Quick, one of the democratic candidates. Mr. Quick has plied his trade of carpenter in Lincoln for more than a quarter of a century. Lacking in "polish," to be sure, and without other education than that acquired in the public schools of a generation ago, Mr. Quick is a graduate of the school of experience and has a fund of hard, common sense upon which the taxpayers and wage" earners of this county would do well to draw. While electing legislators to look after insurance interests, and live stock interests, and railroad interests, and banking interests, what's the matter with eletcing a man like George Quick to look after another interest too often neglected the interest of the men and women who make up the big group of toil! The Nebraska democratic platform talks straight to the point. It differs from the other state platforms in that it is not a mass of glittering generalities. It pledges the parry to needed -reforms. and the democracy of Nebraska has made a record for keeping its platform pledges. . Nebraska now has three democratic congressmen and one demo cratic senator. The indications are that she will have two demo cratic senators and not less than five democratic congressmen more likely six after March 4, 1913. Wort! comes from northwestern Missouri that advocates of the single tax are being threatened with bodily, harm if they un dertake to make public speeches, farmers being particularly vehe- NKBRASKANS BRANCHING OUT. The newest and biggest "Snow White Bakery" of the Iten Bis cuit company has just been completed at Oklahoma City and turned out its first products this week. Manager O. H. Barmetler of the Omaha plant spent the week at the new plant. The original Iten plant is at Clinton, Iowa, where the Iten family of cracker bakers acquired the art of producing quality crackers. A few years ago the business was expanded by establish ing a plant at Omaha. Its growth has been marvelous. The steady increase of business required the erection of a great new plant in the Nebraska metropolis, which was occupied on January 2, 1911. . The new plant at Omaha had hardly gotten under way before the Iten company was considering the erection of a third plant. After careful consideration of all the numerous and varied elements involved, Oklahoma City was selected. The "Snow White Bakery" just completed at 'Oklahoma City ranks with the three or four finest eraeker plants in the world. It is second to none from the sanitary standpoint and has every improved appliance that human ingenuity can devise. The Oklahoma City plant occupies a thoroughly modern, fire proof building of re-enforced concrete. It measures 140 by 150 feet and has five stories and basement. A striking feature is the un usual number of window lights, making it a "daylight" factory in every sense of the word. There are exactly 10,069 window lights in the building and they occupy eighty per cent of the wall space area. The baking is done on the top floor. . A complete equipment of the most modern machinery has been installed. Four great white tile ovens were ready for oper ation when the building was occupied, while the foundation-for four more ovens had been put in. , The additonal ovens win be com pleted at once, giving the plant a capacity of eight carloads of crackers per day. The Oklahoma City plant is under the management of Mr. John Iten, who has been identified with the cracker baking industry for many years and is credited with being one' of the ablest men in that line. Both the Omaha and Oklahoma City "Snow White Bakeries" were planned in their entirety by Mr. Iten and built under his supervision. Save Money And we do not say it from force of habit, but rather because it is the exact truth. : . : Try It and See PodoIof Price Cloths $10 to $25 and those $12.85 and $15.00 Clothcraft guar anteed all wool clothes can't be beat. : : if m SiiinrMM 31 WE SAVE YOU MONEY 10th z O Sta, Lincoln, Nsfcr. Plan Delivery for Wyiiwjte. - Wymcre A postof&ce inspector has been looking over the city to deter mine the advisability of installing free city mall delivery in accordance -with a bill recently passed in congress pro viding for city mail delivery in small towns as an experiment. Wrmore is the first town in Nebraska to be con sidered as this city is the first to have pat in a petition asking for de livery service. Dead at 102. Seward Mrs! Susanna Parrish. aged 102 years and 2 months, died at ber home here Saturday morning. She was born in Ohio in 1810 and came to Nebraska in 18S0. She was the mother of seven children, three of whom are still alive. She left twenty seven grand-children and twenty seven great grand-children. Mrs. Parrish knew Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson. She was a great ad mirer of William J. Bryan. She re tained all her mental faculties wntfl the end. Will Save Much Fuel. Extensive improvements which have been in the course of construction all summer at the state institution for feeble minded at Beatrice are Bearing completion. E. J. Schnrig. consulting engineer for the state work, says that the state win be able to make a big saving in fuel cost. Last January the coal bill for the institution was The heating plant was old and had been carelessly patched and tinkered with until it was at a low point of ef ficiency. There were many breaks in the big pipe lines in the tunnels. The members of the board of public lands , and buildings and the officers and nurses of the Nebraska ortho pedic hospital have Issued invitations for the graduation of Miss Louise Corse, Miss -Myrtle Patterson. Miss Blanche Robertson, Miss Esteue Law ton, Miss Maude Jones, Miss Carrie Lawton and Miss Mollie Grimsho from, the training school for nurses, for which exercises will be held at the senate chamber in the eapitol bwild ing. Monday evening. October 21. Vivid verbal pic I me of the sgffth parliament in action followed one an other in an address by Prof. H W. Caldwell of the American history de partment in a recent university con vocation. Mr. Caldwell has just re turned from England, where he was present at many of the Important meetings of the "r,;h legislative body during its past seasiom.