Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, July 26, 1912, Image 2

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    Will Maupin's Weekly
Editorial Rooms, 436 Bankers Life Bldg.
Auto Phone B2994
Publication Rooms, 126-132 North 14th Street
Entered at the poatofflca at Lincoln, Nebraska,
as second-class mall matter, under the Act of
4gress of March S, U7.
While the state authorities are playing marbles with the Loup
river power project, and preventing the speedy development of that
wonderful natural resource, another project has been financed and
will soon be under way. Omaha parties have made all arrangements
for the construction of a big power plant at Fremont, securing a
head of 121 feet by means of a canal tapping the Platte river twenty-
bix miles west and carrying the water well up on the bluffs on the
Saunders county side just south of Fremont. Engineers say that
the canal will furnish 35,000 horse-power.
There will be no reservoirs in connection with this project. The
head of the canal will tap the inexhaustible underflow of the Platte
river, and provision will be made against lack of water supply
through any cause by maintaining auxiliary steam plants now exist
ing in Omaha. This power project will furnish ample power for
lighting purposes in Omaha, for street railway purposes, enough
will be left over to turn every factory wheel now operating in the
metropolis, with a huge margin of reserve power left over. The
men who are interested in this great project have ample means
behind them. They will not need to beg for money, for the simple
reason that they are able to command all the money they need for
any purpose whatsoever. When men like Fred Nash, the Kountze
family, G. W. Wattles, and others of like business standing, take
hold of a business project, it is a sure winner. And these are some
of the men behind the Fremont power project.
If there Are those who doubt the Platte river's ability to furnish
power, let them study the history of the power canal at Kearney.
That is the pioneer power project of Nebraska. That it has not to
date been a success is in no wise due to the fact that the power is
not there ; it is due to the fact that it was built twenty years ahead
of time. It is there now, however, and Kearney, and a lot o near
by cities will soon be seizing upon the advantages it offers. Some
of these days Kearney is going to move ahead just like it did in
the old boom days, with this difference that whatever Kearney
undertakes in future will be founded upon a solid basis, not upon
There are scores of possible water powers in Nebraska yes,
hundreds of them. Nebraska is more fortunate in this respect than
any other state. When her citizens realize what they have and take
advantage thereof, Nebraska will be independent of the coal barons,
and then will begin Nebraska's supremacy as a manufacturing state.
She will have the power, just as she now has the raw material.
A rm rv iCTimAMrr i ni n tj rn it a n a Mn- n n-
f.1 as i.t i 11 n u r t w H u ii 11 a n 11 sa n it
It is not simply the reduction in price and savings that interest so many buyers here, but the splendid
values and high quality of merchandise involved, which is beyond their expectations
You'll be pleasurably disappointed if you think that these suits offered durine-
un& &ue aie uie urauuuy saie ciuums. iney re maae oy iart, schattner & Marx, Hirsh-Wick-wire
and Rosenberg Bros. They're made of fine all wool fabrics; they're' tailored with the
same exacting care, and fit as perfectly as the suit you pay double the price for at the
merchant's tailor's, while the assortment of styles is great enought to please every man's fancy
$12.50 and $15
Suits at .
Saving you $3.75 to $6.25
$20 and $22.50
Suits at . .
Saving you $4.25 to $6.75
$30 and $32. 50
Suits at . .
Saving you $8.25 to $10.75
$16.50 and $18
Suits at . .
Saving you $3.75 to $5.25
$25 and $27.50
Suits at . .
Saving you $6.25 to $8.75
$35.00 and 40
Suits at . .
Saving you $10.25 to $15.25
Another fortunate purchase from a big nationally known shirt manufacturer, and the values
are positively wonderful! It's a chance that you'll lose no time in grasping, if you are wise
Every shirt is made in the popular coat style; perfectly fashioned and made. There are shirts
with seperate collars to match, shirts with French cuffs; sizes 14 to 18. All beautifully finished
Regular $2.50 and $3.00
Shirts at
Regular $1.50 and $2.00
Shirts at ... .
tf Regular $1.25 and $1.50
.api.laC Shirts at
Mr. Morehead keeps making a noise so the people will think
he is a dyed in the wool progressive, but if anyone wants to know
his record they can get it by looking up his record while in the Df alfalfa, the success of raising them is assured. As mortgage lift
last legislature. Bloomington Advocate. ers the cow and the hog will do the business. Sheridan county is
The Bloomington Advocate, having received its proportion of one 0f the counties of the state that is "out of debt. The taxes are
the constitutional amendment pie, seems to labor under the impres- i0w, as there is no heavy expense to be' kept up. They have a new
sion that it must reciprocate to Governor Aldrich by misrepresenting t.OUrt house all furnished and for which they paid caslu The schools
John II. Morehead. The Advocate, and other republican journals jn both town and country are the very best. There are three good
served by the state house press bureau managed by an Aldrich towns, Hay Springs, Rushville and Gordon, all having electric light
appointee refers to Morehead 's record regularly, but to date not systems and in fact are up to the latest in everything. There is no
one of them has dared to print that record. It is easy to insinuate better place in the whole country for a man to buy land at the
and lie by indirection. "Why don't they print the Morehead record present time. You have 'the assurance from the many resources
if it is such a bad onet .The answer is that Morehead 's record is that you can make a living from the jump. Then the low price of
absolutely clean, and the republican organs dare not print it, know- land is bound to make rich in the course of time, from the increase
ing full well that if they did it would recommend Morehead to the alone. What other country is there that you can buy land from
voters of the state. . $25 to $40 an acre that has as many natural advantages from an
Senator Morehead voted for every progressive measure that agricultural standpoint T Good farming land, which will raise as
passed through the last legislature. He voted for every progressive good alfalfa, potatoes, corn and everything else, as any other section
measure that had merit. He voted against some measures labelled Lf Nebraska. A splendid stock country, where horses, cattle, sheep
"progressive" or "reform" because he, m his clear-headed, business- and hogs do better than any other section. That is not all; we have
like way, was quick to see the "nigger in the woodpile. " a healthy county, a good place to bring up your children so they
John H. Morehead is perfectly willing to have his opponents wiH be strong, and with our splendid schools get a good education
'show up his record." He will furnish certified copies of his vote Then you can buy enough land to give them a chance when they
on every measure, together with a synopsis of each measure he voted grow up. Can you do this where you are? Doesn't this come up
on, if the republican organs will print the same without garbling, to what you have been looking for. The Maverick Investment Co.
But they won't. They will content themselves with trying to deceive of Hay Springs, Nebraska, James K. Reid, president, has been a
the voters by insinuations and innuendoes. That is their fixed habit great factor in the settlement of this section. "We can assure any
encouraged during this , particular campaign by the thought of prospective buyer that they will be treated right by Mr. Reid if
participating m the distribution of the $50,000 constitutional amend- they will call on or write him. They are prepared to make liberal
ment pie. terms to any one. So you have no excuse in not going and looking
Sheridan county over,
e presume ait our reauers jsnow wnere ouenaan ouniy is, i The pessimist
Dut we Haven t the least idea they Know oi the wondertul resources Nebraska
of this wonderful county in the northwestern part of the state. It is
favorably located, getting as much rain as most of the eastern coun
ties. "Whenever it has made an exhibit at the fairs or land shows
it has stood pre-eminently at the head of all sections of the state and
in fact of any western state. It is noted for the potatoes that it
raises and the crop statistics from the State Bureau will compare
favorably wih any other county in the state. The growing of flax tics too seriously T
and alfalfa is gaining ground. Flax has been proven a sure crop on
sod, making it possible for a man plowing new ground to get pay
for the ground cultivated the first year. Alfalfa has proven a great
success and there is a large acreage of this being put in. Some men
putting in as high as 80 acres this year. "What is already in is as
fine a stand as seen any place and cutting one and a half tons per
acre the first cutting. The second cutting is now ready to harvest.
There is no use telling the people what alfalfa will do for a country
and now that it is a settled fact that it is a success, this section will
reap rich rewards from its production. This country can't be beaten
for the production of cattle. The high price of beef is causing many
to wake up to the fact that more cattle must be raised. The news
papers are all commenting on the subject and figuring out different
methods of production, but the small rancher with the small herd
is the solution. The dairy interest also is very important. Men who
are only carrying it on as a side issue make $25 a week, besides their
other farming work. The raising of hogs is a sure thing in this
section, there is no decease to contend 'vith and with the production
Now is the Opportune Time
In the summer when the heat is immense and a large
hot fire is unbearable in your kitchen; ALUMINUM COOK
ING UTENSILS prove their worth. This delightful metal
will sore up more heat in less time and retain it longer than
any other metal. Heat passes through ALUMINUM twice as
fast as through tin and three itmes as fast as through iron
or steel.
of an opportunity while you have an open chance. These
valuable and sanitary utensils are being sold at WHOLESALE
COST during our INTRODUCTION SALE, which is now
going on.
Even though you do not care to buy, we invite you to
visit our display rooms, fourth floor FIRST NATIONAL
Tho Aluminum Specialties Company
Wholesale & Retail.
finds it mighty hard to live comfortably in
Nebraska needs more developed water power and less developed
jaw power.
After all, good people; are we not in danger of taking our poli-
No need to go to "Washington or Oregon for apple lands. Just
go down into Richardson, Nemaha or Johnson county and get the
finest apple lands in the world. Then bring an orchard to bearing
at less cost than the bare land in the states named. Nebraska beats
'em all on apples.
W. R. KEANE. Manager
Auto Tops Made to Fit all Makes
of Machines
We Make a Specialty of Slip Covers and Top Repairing
1135 M StrMt
Auto 6(17 Bttl F 3086
After due deliberation we have come to the conclusion tfiat the
trouble with Nebraska democracy is that it has too darned many
leaders and not enough followers.
If Nebraska's wheat crop fails to pass the .50,000,000 bushel
mark this year we'll miss our guess. .
Prepare for Comfort
"When Jack Frost gets around next winter it will be too
late to consider the furnace work. Let us figure to install one
for you. ,
"We have the best makes for your consideration at reason
able prices. "We do all kinds of tin, sheet and metal work.
Call up and we will figure on all your work. Repair work
a specialty. .
137 No. 12th St. Auto Phone B3471