Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, July 05, 1912, Image 3

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1112 0 STREET
1112 0 STREET
Tlu 3U
ion? our dreatest
5s gc&ag to lbs
Everything is now ready for the opening of our great summer clearance sale, Monday
morning, July 8th. At 8 o'clock our doors will be thrown open to the greatest collection of
genuine furniture bargains ever offered in this city.
Take Yot Choice at f -5 to i -2 Off
Our new fall goods will soon be here and we must make room for them.
Prices have been slashed from one-fifth to one-half on practically every article
in our mammoth stock to bring about a quick clearance.
The sooner you call the bigger will be the selection of bargains Ave can
show you. Goods like ours are bound to go at the prices we arc quoting.
So don't delay Not even a day.
The only exception is on Macey, Limbert, Hoosier and two or three other
contract goods.
Worthy of . special mention would be seasonable goods like Refrigerators
that have been selling as low as $10.00 at regular price and Porch Swings
selling as low as $2.35 for a four foot length. See what discount does in such
a case.
1112 0 STREET
While some enterprising citizens are struggling to arrive at a
eommonsense settlement of the gas question, along comes a city
official who says that he is against any settlement that contem
plates dollar gas, because he thinks the time is ripe for 95 cent gas!
That '8 one trouble with Lincoln. Wculd that we could put a few
of our would-be reformers and public benefactors to work emulating
the example of the man Dean Swift wrote about the scientific gen
tleman who was seeking a formula whereby sunshine night be ex
tracted from cucumbers. Anything to keep them ort of mischief;
anything V keep theirt from continually spilling the fat into the
lire. Let's get dollar gas, and get it as soon as possible. And if any
man gets in the way of that desired end let's apply the boot.
A great many people are now figuring on putting in a furnace,
or in getting the old furnace in shape ready for next winter. Such
people are advised to confer with the enerprising firm of Logan &
Kannecke, 137 North Twelfth street. This firm has a new shop,
filled with new machinery and material, and is equipped to do all
kinds of tin work and install the best make of furnaces; also to re
pair and put in order any make of furnace. This firm may be de
pended upon to do the best work, and do it at prices that will be
satisfactory to the patron. They have done work for some of the
leading business concerns of our city.
Next Monday a lot of Nebraska newspaper men will be the
guests of Ak-Sar-Ben, the Commercial club and the Union Stock
Yards Co. at Omaha and South Omaha. They will see Samson's big
hirkns, get big eats at the Live Stock exchange in South Omaha,
watch Uncle Sam's soldiers drill and ride around town in buz..
wagons. Those who are there will have a good time, learn a lot
of things about Omaha and South Omaha and the biggest single in
dustry in Nebraska. They'll feel better for the -visit, do better
work when they get home, and be better boosters than ever for
good old Nebraska. We'll be there if we have to bust a hame
ttlring in getting there.
wear in mind that luesday, July lb, is "JtJooster Uay, upon
which occasion we are to turn out 6,500 strong and whoop it up for
Ilughie Jones' bunch of Antelopes. By so doing you will be boost
ing Lincoln, boosting a mighty fine sportsman, who is going to give
Lincoln the best in the national pastime, and boosting as clean and
capable a bunch of pastimers as ever donned sliding pads' and
spiked shoes. Don't be a piker; be a booster.
I have for sale a few relinquishments in a county that pro-
nuces splendid crops. Some free land is left. You can prove up ill
three years under the new law. Call Arthur Potter, B-1169. At
425 North Tenth street, evenings and Saturday afternoons.
The good people who are complaining about the non-delivery of
ice on Sunday should strive a little harder. Let them get bigger
ice boxes and buy enough ice on Saturday to last over Sunday. Give
the hard working fellows on the ice wagons a chance to have one
day of rest, one day with their wives and little ones. Give the
horses a chance to rest up. Be a good sport, and if you have to
suffer a little inconvenience in order to make life a little more bear
able to a lot of your fellows, suffer the inconvenience and smile
about it. This Sunday rest means a lot to a number of men and
women and horses. Don't forget the horses. It doesn't mean
anything particular to the ice company, for it pays its help just as
much for the six days' work as it paid for seven. The horses eat
just as much. It may be a little hard to stand for the system this
first season, but stick to it, and by another year we'll all like it.
The Lily motion picture house at 1428 O street is offering the peo
ple some splendid attractions. Manager Armstrong has set a high
standard for this cosy little theatre, and he will live up to it.
Col. John Maher slipped over to Coney Island for a day and
the Harmon boom petered out with appalling suddenness.
The "Dahlman protest" sent to the Baltimore convention from
Omaha had about as much effect as whistling against a blizzard.
Perhaps Mr. Roosevelt's intention was to bust the trusts bv
letting them gorge themselves to death.
We have the word of Hon. Bill Phelps of Mizzoorv that on this
particular occasion Ol' Bill Stone failed to hide the shells.
After his vocal assault on Mr. Bryan we presume that right
now Hon'ble Stanchfield of New York has about as much to say
s the little boy had upon a eertain memorable occasion.
Now that the boke of smattle we mean the smack of bottle!
O. thunder, smoke of battle, we meant now that the smnkc nf
battle has cleared away we hope you'll seize every occasion to slip
n a few boosts for Nebraska.
Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock has something like four years in
which to offset a few things, failing which he is due for trouble.
Personally we could have named forty men we would prefer
to Marshall of Indiana for vice-presidential timber. And if the
vice presidency amounted to anything of moment under ordinary
circumstances we'd be inclined to wax wroth over Marshall's nomi
nation. But as it is, it isn't worth worrying over.
Our respects, to Senator Al Sorenson of the Omaha Examiner.
But the matter of who shall be made head of, the Nebraska De
partment of Publicity and Emigration is of mighty little conse
quence compared to the matter of establishing and properly con
ducting such a department.
A Nebraskan worth upwards of half a million dollars died last
week, and to date we haven't heard a single man assert that it was
a fortune dishonestly won. We are making progress, after all.
This good state of Nebraska needs constructive work, pro
ducers, business builders, a whole lot more than she needs pro
fessional politicians.
"Party lines are shot all to pieecs," and the only people who
re sore about it are those who have personally profited by partisan
politics. i
All Styles in Men's and
Ladies' Shoes at $1 Less
Cincinnati $2.50 Shoes Store
142 North 12 St.
Washington. Employes of all the
United States navy yards in the coun
try, to the number of 20,000 or more,
will be laid off July 1, unless congress
makes provision for payment of their
wages. This announcement was made
by Acting Secretary of the Navy Win
throp at the White House.
Los Angeles. William J. Burns, the
detective who brought about the arrest
of the McNamaras, testified Monday in
the trial of Clarence S. Darrow for
jury bribery. Five minutes after his
direct examination was begun Mr.
Burns asked the protection of the court
and a short time after was fined $25
for contempt. A similar fine was inv
posed upon Chief Counsel Earl Rogers
of the defense.
President Taft has appointed Briga
dier General William S. Witherspoon
to be major general to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Major General
Frederick D. Grant. v
Meet Ue at
All the fancy soft drinks
known to the expert mix
ologist The favorite re
freshment resort of Lincoln.
Drugs and
Icr's.T welfth and0
Streets, prescriptions accu
rately compounded. Prompt
Tod drrincr
Tht Han Kho Kntws How to
Glosn, Pross
and Repair
Ytcr Clothas sr list
235 North lltb
Bell FlflOB
We have Money to Loan on
Chattels. Plenty of it. Utmost
. Secrecy.
Kelly A Norrls
Room I, 1034
National Bank of Lincoln
Capital $150,00040
Suipbw and Undivided Praftta $SO,OOV.UO
Accidents Will Ucppca
And it is wise and prudent to insure
against them in the reliable
" !. of Lincoln, Nebr. .;
The "National" does a larger acci
dent insurance business in Nebraska,
than any other company, and settles
all claims promptly and in full.
A host of satisfied policyholders are
stunch supporters of the "National"
and the numbers , are increasing
Secy, and Genl. Mgr.
on household goods, pianos,
horses, etc.; long or short time.
No charge for papers. No in
terest in advance. No publicity
or file papers. We guarantee
better terms than others make.
Mony paid immediately. CO
LUMBIA LOAN CO., 127 South
Notice Probate of Foreign Will.
Estate No. 3084. of John S. Hurst,
deceased, in County Court of Lancas
ter County, Nebraska. f
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, take
notice that a petition has been filed
for probate of the will of said de
ceased, with authenticated copy and
record of proceedings thereon by the
Court of Probate of Philadelphia
county, Pennsylvania, and for appoint
ment of Hannah E. Hurst and Charles
W. Wilkinson as executors thereof,
whicii has been set for hearing herein
on July 9, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m.
BatMl June 13, 1912.
County Judge.
18-0 (Seal) Clerk.
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 3091, of Emma Cloyd, de
ceased, in County Court of Lancaster
Counts', Nebraska. r '
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, take
notice, that a petition has been filed
for the appointment of Margaret L.
Nelson as administratrix of said
estate, which has been set for hearing
herein, on July 22, 1912, at 10 o'clock
a. in.
Dated June 25, 1912.
; County Judge,
15-3 . (Seal), Clerk.
Sticks I
i A 4. I '