Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, June 28, 1912, Image 6

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    These Retail Dealers in Foodstuffs are Safe
guarding the Public Health by observihg the
rules of Sanitation. Patronize them.
Few people unacquainted with the
grocery and meat business appreciate
the work involved in keeping a busy
establishment up to the required
standard of cleanliness and sanitation,
it is something easily demanded, but
something difficult to provide. But
the Farmers' Grocery, 236 North
Tenth street, does it. H. Fogelson.
the manager of the company. Insists
upon it because his business experi
ence has taught him that it is an asset
that is most valuable. It Is in this
wise that the company has built up a
splendid business by handling a large
and complete line of groceries, veg
etables and fruits, keeping the stock
in good shape and always complete
in every department, and insisting
upon meeting every requirement de
manded in the way of cleanliness and
sanitation. Despite the immense vol
ume of business transacted every day,
involving the handling of great quan
tities of perishable commodities, this
treat store is always as neat as a pin.
as clean as a well kept parlor and as
fresh as the morning dew. These
things, coupled with courtesy, square
dealing and promptness, will explain
the marked success of the establish
ment under -Mr. Fogelson's management.
and that everything about the prem
ises is wholesome and clean and at
tractive. They carry a full line of
staple and fancy groceries and fruits
and vegetables in season. Their
market department is always fully
stocked and the meats are carefully
cared for by the most improved meth
ods. They have built up a fine busi
ness by dealing squarely and courte
ously with the public, and by selling
only the best goods and at the lowest
possible prices. Customers are as
sured of courteous service and prompt
deliveries if they trade at this place.
The city health department would
have little to do among the provision
dealers If all of them kept their prem
ises in the condition that one finds at
the grocery and meat market of Tullis
& Robinson. 1448 North Twenty-seventh.
A visit of this newspaper's rep
resentative was rewarded by finding
everything up to the mark from the
standpoint of cleanliness and sanita
tion, and no suggestion was necessary
as to the proper care in the handling
of perishable goods so as to amply
protect the purchaser from harmful
Influences. A fine Btock of staple and
fancy groceries, with the choicest
fruits and vegetables In season, may
be found here. The meat department
is equipped with the latest devices for j
the proper care of this very perisha
ble commodity. The "O. K." of this
newspaper was readily given to the
entire establishment. By catering to
a high class trade and rendering
prompt and efficient service. Tullis &
Robinson have built up a flourishing
business. In addition to the grocery
and meat business this firm handles
flour and feed in large quantities, and
always the best.
Without any particular blare of
trumpets, and solely by giving the
people the best of goods and the best
of service, H. N. Towne has built up
a splendid business at Twenty-seventh
and O streets. It is almost a depart
ment Btore and would be even that if
dry goods were handled. People who
have not visited this establishment
have little conception of its size, the
immensity of Its stock and the volume
of the business transacted. But it is
of the grocery and meat departments
that this article deals. These depart
ments are always well stocked with
the best in season, and the extreme
care given to the matters of cleanli
ness and sanitation meets with the
hearty approval of the health officials.
One reason for the splendid business
growth of the Towne establishment
has been the splendid care given the
stock in all departments. Everything
that is good in the line of staple and
fancy' groceries, fruits and vegetables,
and fresh and packed meats may be
found here, coupled with courteous
and fair treatment, low prices and
prompt and efficient delivery. The
corner of Twenty-seventh and O
streets has developed into quite a
business center, and H. N. Towne is
making it equal in many respects to
what is commonly known as the
"downtown section."
Housed in the new building at Sev
enteenth and O streets, the F. H. West
Grocery & Meat Co., managed by F.
H. West, maintains premises that
serve as a model. Always as clean as
a pin, and shining in cleanliness and
sanitation, this store offers superior
attractions to the fastidious who want
good goods at reasonable prices sold
to them under conditions that insure
cleanliness. Every department is well
stocked, and there is nothing good in
the grocery line that may not be
found here in season. . The best and
freshest of fruits and vegetables, care
fully protected; the finest of grocer
ies In short, just what you want and
in Just the way you want it, is to be
had here. The customer always ex
periences an "at home" feeling while
trading at this place. The service is
prompt and courteous, the deliveries
just as prompt, and the goods and
prices such as will appeal to the care
ful buyer of good goods. Mr. West Is
an experienced groceryman, and he is
building up a trade that promises soon
to outgrow his present quarters.
At 125 to 129 South Ninth street W.
G. Wilkle conducts a general store
that has the "welcome" sign hanging
out for the inspectors of the city's
health department. Mr. Wilkle knows
the value of cleanliness and sanita
tion as an appeal to buyers of food
stuffs, consequently his store is al
ways up to the standard required by
the health officials. He handles a full
line of groceries, dry goods and shoes,
with fruits and vegetables in season,
and by promptness and courtesy he
lias built up a fine business. Patrons
of this establishment may have confi
dence in the care exercised in deliver
ing to them only the best, all of it
carefully protected from possible con
tamination. In short, this store safe
guards the health, as well as the
purses, of Its patrons.
Augustus C. Seitz, manager of the
Seitz Grocery Co., 133 South Twelfth
street, knows the grocery and provis
ions business from consomme to tooth
picks. As a result this company's
store is to be classed among the really
handsome stores of the west. It is
kept in faultless sanitary condition,
the goods are always protected in
every possible way. and the stock is
always large and selected by an ex
pert buyer. Mr. Seitz has connections
that enable him to secure the pick of
the market in every line. Edibles
from every quarter of the globe are
to be found here. His fruits are al
ways fresh and fine flavored; his
canned goods always the latest and
best from the world's packers. The
dining car systems on the great rail
roads know where to get the best, be
cause they serve only the best. The
Burlington dining car system, with
headquarters in Lincoln, recognizes
the worth of the Seitz store, and Mr.
Seitz supplies it with all of its edibles
except meats. The service supplied
by the Seitz Grocery Co. is unsur
passed, and it is a pleasure to recom
mend it to people who want the best
the market affords, and want to know
that it is from a store that knows the
full value of cleanliness and sanlta
Fred D. Brittell. located at 1823 O
street, is one of the oldest dealers in
groceries and meats in point of ac
tive business, not in years of life In
Lincoln. Always there with a com
plete stock of groceries, fruits, veg
etables and meats; always courteous
and affable, always Btriving to please
and act squarely, Mr. Brittell has
built up a clientage that will stick to
him through thick and thin. He sees
to it that his premises are always up
to the mark, and a bit beyond, and the
argus-eyed health inspection depart
ment can make its calls any old time
of the week. It did not require the
enactment of an ordinance and the
warning of a health officer to make
cleanly and sanitary the Brittell es
tablishment. Mr. Brittell saw the wis
dom of that sort of thing long before
the health department got busy. That
is why he has been in the business so
long and has met with, so much suc
cess. There is nothing worth while
in the grocery or meat lines that the
most fastidious customer can not find
at the Brittell store and find it just
the way he wants it.
fluences, and everything is always
fresh and wholesome. The premises
are always ready for inspection be
cause the management has all along
realized that cleanliness and proper
sanitation were valuable assets in the
business of catering to the people's
needs in the line of groceries, fruits
and vegetables. This is one of the
old and well established business
places in Lincoln and is a landmark
in the community. Here one is al
ways assured of courteous and fair
treatment, prompt delivery, and the
best that the market affords at the
lowest possible price.
Always clean and sanitary and
ready for a visit from the inspectors,
always well stocked with the best in
the line of groceries, fruits, vegetables
and meats, and always looking out for
the interests of the buying public,
Nels C. Rasmussen's grocery and mar
ket at 141-3 North Fourteenth street
is doing a thriving and constantly in
creasing business. Because it is good
business sense, not because it is the
law, Mr. Rasmussen maintains his
store upon a high plane of cleanliness
and sanitation. The perishable goods
are always amply protected against
deleterious influences. Earnest co
operation with the health authorities
is always to be found here. Mr. Ras
mussen is an experienced grocer, who
knows the value of courtesy and
promptness, coupled with the offering
of the best the market affords at the
most reasonable prices. Patrons of
this establishment have learned to
have full confidence in its methods,
and the result is a business growth
that is gratifying.
A. A. OTTO. ,
A visit to the grocery store conduct
ed by A. A. Otto at 325 South Ninth
street clearly revealed the fact that
Mr. Otto is living up to the rules laid
down by the health department of the
city. The premises are neat and clean
and the stock carefully protected
from contaminating influences. Mr.
Otto carries a well selected line of
staple and fancy groceries, with fruits
and vegetables in season, and has
built up a gratifying business by care
fully looking after the wants of his
patrons. Prompt deliveries are the
rule, and courtesy marks every transaction.
Darli Homos r.lado Light
Old Homes Undo Gomfortablo
Mother's Work Uado Play
That's Our Business
Can't we help you when it
comes to cooking the good
things with a Gas Range
one that you can pull to pieces
and clean to look like' brand
new, every day in the year.
" Let Us Equip Your Kitchen Right
Bell 75
Fourteenth and O Streets
Auto B 2575
Located ideally at 710 B street, the
B" Street Grocery & Meat Co. has
just opened one of the most modern
and sanitary stores in Lincoln.
Housed in a new building, with a fresh
and complete stock, they are bound to
do their share of business in this
thriving and busy section of the city.
J. J. Lebsock, the manager, is an old
and experienced grocer, who knows
thoroughly the benefits of cleanliness
anl sanitation, and no expense has
been spared by him in the buying of
modern fixtures, sanitary display
cases and an up-to-date meat refriger
ator. Experienced and pleasant clerks
are always ready to Berve you.
One of the busiest retail establish
ments in Lincoln is at 120 South Elev
enth street, where Clare & Shaffer
conduct a meat market that is a model
In many ways. Not only does this es
tablishment handle the best in the
meat and fish lines, but it handles
them in a manner that must meet
with the approbation of people who
care how their foodstuffs are handled.
The market is always kept in a sani
tary condition, and every effort put
forth to protect the public against un
healthful conditions. The refrigera
tion is as perfect as human ingenuity
can devise, the service is courteous
and prompt, and no efforts are spared
to deserve the patronage of the people.
"Walk right in and inspect to your
heart's content" is the welcome that
awaits the inspectors at John Gesch
wender's market at 1649 O street. Al
ways there with a welcome smile and
courteous treatment. Mr. Geschwender
offers the best in the line of fresh and
packed meats, and points with pride
to the care he takes to give his pa
trons goods that have received every
possible protection. He has been a
lifetime In the meat business and
knows it from A to izzard. He knows
the value of cleanliness and thorough
sanitation it a ' dealer in food
stuffs would secure and hold the
best trade, and as that is the
kind of trade he wants and goes
after, he sees to it that cleanli
ness and sanitation are apparent on
every hand. That this policy builds
for success is demonstrated by the
gratifying success that has come to
Mr. Geschwender.
- The Tip-Top Grocery
Harvey & Goodman's grocery and
meat market at 1005 North Twenty
second street is always ready to wel
come an Inspector charged with the
duty of seeing to it that the premises
of all who deal in foodstuffs are in a
sanitary condition. These gentlemen
never needed the operation of any law
or ordinance along these lines they
saw in cleanliness and sanitation a
valuable asset in their business. They
see to it that all perishable goods are
amply protected, that the stock is well
kept and always complete in all lines.
Elm Park is one of the most sightly
additions to Lincoln, and in full keep
ing with its beauty and attractiveness
is the Elm Park Grocery at 744 South
Twenty-seventh street. This model
grocery and meat market is just as
cleanly and sanitary as such an es
tablishment can be made not because
the law requires it. but because that
is required of such an establishment
by a discriminating patronage such as
surrounds this place. The highest
grade groceries and meats, the fresh
est of vegetables and the most luscious
of fruits may always be found here,
and every article liable to infection or
contamination by exposure is kept
carefully protected. In this way clean
liness of the product Is insured and
the health of the buyer is conserved
The policy of the managers of the Elm
Park Grocery is such as to inspire
confidence on the part of the public
Prompt attention is given to deliver
ies, and customers are guaranteed
that every article sold is the best to
be had at the price.
People who are always looking for
the exceptionally good in the grocery
line something just a bit better than
the ordinary long since learned that
the quickest way to find it is to go to
the model store conducted at 905-09 O
street. With a thorough knowledge of
the markets the Henry Veith Co. is
able to gather from all parts of the
world the best there is in the line of
eatables for your table. In cheese,
you have the pick of the famous
dairies of Germany, France, Sweden
and the United States. In pickled
goods you are offered the product of
concerns that have made these their
specialties for many years. They also
handle the famous Usinger's Milwau
kee brand of sausages and meats. The
same business genius that has built
up this flourishing business realizes
the value of cleanliness and neatness.
and the Veith establishment is always
kept in the most approved up-to-date
style. Everything good in the line of
groceries, with vegetables and fruits
in season, may be found here, and it
is a pleasure to be a patron of the
place. Their hardware department is
complete in every respect and many
One of the busiest places In Lincolr
Is the People's Grocery, W. C. Beach
ley proprietor, at 1629 O street. .Witt
a neat and clean store crowded to the
limit with seasonable goods, and
business policy that insures prompt
ness and courtesy, the People's Gro
eery is doing an immense buslnesf
and steadily increasing its circle o
patrons. Nothing is left undone tr
protect the perishable goods fronr
coming in contact with harmful in
things are kept for sale you will not
find elsewhere. The public is invited
to call and examine for themselves, to
note the excellence of the goods of
fered, the fair prices maintained and
the attractiveness of the establish
ment in all of its departments.
When the city health department
announced its crusade for a "cleaner
Lincoln," Hoenshell & Emery, propri
etors of the Capital Grocery at 1435 M
street, had no misgivings as to the re
sult of any inspection made of their
place of business. Long before they
had realized the value of cleanliness
and sanitation as an asset in the busi
ness of supplying foodBtuffs to the
public, consequently they were always
rightfully proud of the condition of
their stock and of the confidence they
had established in the minds of the
people. It is their close attention to
these essential details, together with
their ability to respond to the needs
of the public, that has enabled this
popular firm of grocers to build up a
profitable business. It is their aim to
keep their grocery always "spick and
span," and to be ready at all times to
serve the public with the best in the
grocery line. They always handle
fruits and vegetables in season, and at
all times they see to it that their stock
is protected from infection and con
tamination. Patrons of the Capital
Grocery may always feel certain of
having their health conserved.
The firm name is familiar to buyers
of ' first class groceries, meats, fruits
and vegetables, but not more so than
the firm's reputation for keeping its
establishment In apple-pie order. San
itation and absolute cleanliness are
matters that are insisted upon, equally
with excellence of the stocks handled
and the courtesy extended to all pa
trons. If ,every establishment hand
ling foodstuffs were as particular in
these regards as Freadrich Bros, there
would be no need of ordinances and
health inspection departments to pro
tect the public health. . - It is a source
of wonder that so much business could
be transacted in such a small space,
without confusion, with an utter ab
sence of disorder or uncleanliness.
But the Freadrichs are masters of
their business, and realizing that one
of the best possible assets is cleanli
ness they are strict in their demands
in this regard. The same feeling per
vades every employe's mind. There
is no city in America that can boast
of a grocery and market that is con
ducted on higher lines or with more
regard to the health and convenience
of the consuming public. To visit it
is a pleasure, and to be one of its
customers is a privilege.
Franklin. The "Christian assem
Diy" people dedicated their new
church here Sunday. This is a new
denomination that has sprung up here
within the past year under the leader
ship of Rev. F. Frederick Fiske, an
evangelist and former pastor of the
Christian Assembly chruch in Minne
apolis, Minn. They believe in holi
ness, divine healing and law much
stress on faith in "the whole gospel."
At the dedicatory services an immense
crowd was present.
All the fancy soft drinks
known to the expert mix
ologist , The favorite re
freshment resort of Lincoln.
Drugs and
- -
tor's,Twelfth and O
Streets, prescriptions accu
rately compounded. Prompt
deliveries. '
on household goods, pianos,
horses, etc.; long or short time.
No charge for papers. No in
terest in advance. No publicity
or file papers. We guarantee
better terms than, others make.
Mony paid immediately. CO
LUMBIA LOAN CO., 127 South
12th. 1
Mrs. Kate Martin, a pioneer resident
of Lincoln, died at her home Tuesday.
She was seventy-two years old. She
was stricken with paralysis Saturday
and her condition at once became
critical. .
Tod Harrincr
Th Man Who Knows How to
Gloan, Press
and Ropair
Your Clothes or Hat
235 North llth
Bell FiatW
Accidents Will llcppcn
And it is wise and prudent to insure
against them in the reliable
of Lincoln, Nebr.
The "National" does a larger acci
dent insurance business in Nebraska
than any other company, and settles
all claims promptly and in full.
- A host of satisfied policyholders are
stunch supporters of the "National",
and' the numbers are increasing
rapidly. .
' ' Secy, and Genl. Mgr.
We have Money to Loan on
Chattels. - Plenty of it. Utmost
, Kelly A Norrla
' Room 1,1034
National Bank of Lincoln
Capital I15C.O00.OO
Surplus and Undivided Profit $50,000.00
Notice Probate of Foreign Will.
Estate No. 3084, of John S. Hurst,
deceased, in County Court of Lancas
ter County, Nebraska. -
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, take
notice that a petition has been filed
for probate of the will of said de
ceased, with authenticated copy and
record of proceedings thereon by the
Court of Probate of Philadelphia
county, Pennsylvania, and for appoint
ment of Hannah E. Hurst and Charles
W. Wilkinson as executors thereof,
which has been set for hearing herein
on July 9, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated June 13, 1912.
County Judge.
13-3 (Seal) ; Clerk.
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 3091, of Emma Cloyd. de
ceased, in County Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, take
notice, that a petition has been filed
for the appointment of Margaret L.
Nelson- , as administratrix of said
estate, which has been set for hearing
herein, on July 22, 1912, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Dated June 25, 1912.
County Judge,
15-3 (Seal) Clerk.
Nebraska and
Hey Resources
Her History and
Chalk Talk Lectte
' BY
Will M. Matipm
A lecture that will inspire love
of the state. Peculiarly adapted
for school and college meetings.
Should be delivered under the
auspices of commercial clubs every
where in the state. Full of facts
and figures about Nebraska, pre
sented in an interesting and novel
way. For terms and dates address
Will M. Maupin, Room 436
Bankers Life Building
Lincoln, Nebraska