Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, June 28, 1912, Image 4

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    The Groceries and Markets herein mentioned are co-operating with the City Health Department
In every effort to safeguard Public Health. They are Sanitary, Clean and Careful, therefore they
are entitled to public confdence and the patronage of people who love cleanliness.
"The Sanitary Grocery." That's
the name of the establishment con
ducted by W. J. Byer at 1537 O street.
When Mr. Byer found it necessary to
move from Fourteenth and O, he made
up his mind to have a grocery store
to his own liking. Hence he fitted up
his new and present place of business
just as he found after years of ex
perience at the business he needed.
The result is a model grocery in every
respect. The fittings are the very lat
est In design and finish and if there
Is any possible way to insure goods
against infection or contamination,
you'll find it in this establishment. The
pestiferous fly that ventures into this
store would do well to carry its pro
visions with it, for it will stand an
awfully slight chance of getting a bite
out of stock. And speaking of gro
ceries if it is anything good in the
grocery line and Byer hasn't got it,
don't waste time looking for it any
where else. It is not to be had. Same
way as to fruits and vegetables. Mr.
Byer operates a bakery in connection
with his grocery, and all the good
things in the line of fresh bakery
goods may be found here, always fresh
and handled in the most approver san
itary manner. In language understood
by all of us, "Byer is nutty on the
subject of cleanliness." "He's always
there and over" in keeping his store
looking like a brand new pin. A visit
to his store is worth a dozen visits
of the doctor to the dyspeptic, for the
sight of the complete stock tempting
ly displayed under sanitary condi
tions would create an appetite in the
most hopeless victim of dyspepsia. In
spectors from the health department
would be wasting their time and the
money of the taxpayers in snooping
around Byer's Sanitary Grocery. '
A model market, both in its arrange
ment, and in its perfect cleanliness,
the Standard Market at 1535 O street
does a thriving business, catering to
the highest class of trade the trade
that wants the best at a fair price,
and wants that best delivered under
perfectly sanitary conditions. In a
building especially designed for a mar
ket, this place will appeal to lovers
of cleanliness and perfect sanitation.
It is one of the largest markets in the
west, and growing in popular favor
every day. Here may be found every
thing in the line of fresh and salted
meats, fish, poultry, etc. The service
is always prompt, and courteous em
ployes are always on duty. At any
time, day or night, the inspectors will
he welcomed to this place. And al
ways the verdict, "Approved," must
be rendered, for there is no cleaner,
more sanitary market in the country.
Twenty-five years ago this month
R. B. Suter engaged in the grocery
business in Lincoln. For nineteen
years he has been doing business at
his present location, 1013 South Six
teenth street. During all these years
of business he has been building up a
class of trade that stays by him. He
is selling to the sons and daughters of
the men and women who were his
first customers in Lincoln. The Suter
store is now, and for years has been,
the supply house of a constantly en
larging circle of patrons. Experience
has taught them that Suter handles
only the best in the line of staple and
fancy groceries, with fruits and veg
etables in season. They know that ae
has never required any notices from
J.-F. Garvey & Co.
Has an Al report from the State Depart
ment of Food Inspection
Made in
Everything having the
made in
Pure Cider Vinegar
Double Strained In bottles
Prepared Mustard
Peanut Butter
Bulk and Package
The "Garvey Brands" stand for Purity
and wholesomeness
A&k Your Grocer for Lincoln Gilt
Edge Creamery Butter
The best butter made in Nebraska.
This butter is churned fresh daily and is absolutely
pure, sweet and wholesome.
Our Alfalfa Golden High Grade Process Butter is
reasonable in price and excellent for cooking butter as
well as table use.
The public is cordially invitded to visit our plant
and see how these goods are made.
the health department to make his
premises clean .and sanitary. They
know that a grocerman of Suter's long
experience realizes the value of keep
ing in touch with modern thought
and modern demands. As a result he
always keeps his stock neat, always
looks after its protection against con
tamination and looks carefully after
sanitation. Mr. Suter has built up a
successful business by giving it
prompt attention, and seeing to it that
his customers were promptly and
courteously served.
In the meat market world the name
of Braun is synonymous with neat
ness, with cleanliness, with courtesy
and with promptness of service. Be
ginning in a small way in the out
skirts some years ago, Louis Braun
has worked his way to success, and
today his meat market at 1425 M
street is a model in every respect. If
it is the best in refrigerating appara
tus, Braun has it. If it is a new and
improved method of handling meats,
Braun follows it. If it is a new
wrinkle in deliveries, Braun has it.
In short, Braun does business on the
up-to-the-minute plan, and his rapidly
widening circle of patrons have im
plicit confidence that he will supply
them with the best at the lowest pos
sible price, and deliver them goods
that are thoroughly free from contam
ination. If the health inspectors call
on Braun he will meet them at the
door with the glad hand and invite
them to make themselves thoroughly
at home and remain as long as they
please. He isn't worrying any over
the rules and regulations. He beat
the health department to them by a
wide margin.
Any time a health inspector em
ployed by the city wants to inspect
the market operated by A. Jessen at
815 South Eleventh street, he will be
courteously welcomed and shown
about. He will find everything in
ship-shape, for Mr. Jessen fully re
alizes the necessity of looking after
sanitation and cleanliness if he would
retain his customers. He conducts a
meat market that is up-to-date in
every respect, and he caters to peo
ple who use judgment in buying. By
courtesy, fair dealing, prompt de
livery and the handling of only the
best good 8 in his established lines.
Mr. Jessen has built up a business of
which he may -well be proud.
With the knowledge gained by long
experience, C. A. Buethner is conduct
ing at 821 South Eleventh street, a
grocery store that is attracting an in
creasing patronage because of its
prompt service, its excellent goods
and its sanitary condition. Mr. Bueth
ner "beat 'em to it" in the matter of
cleanly premises, for his experience
taught him long ago that the public
appreciates regard for its health. He
carries a fine line of plain and fancy
groceries, with fruits and vegetables
in season, and be spares no efforts to
give the public the very best, both in
goods and service. The "Welcome''
sign is just as much for the health in
spectors as it is for the cash paying
customer. The public will find this
grocery entitled to confidence and pa
All that modern sanitation can se
cure may be found on the premises of
the Weiler Packing Co., 214 North
"Garvey Brand" is
Tenth street. The premises are main
tained at a high standard of cleanli
ness, and every precaution is taken to
guard the perishable goods against
contamination. Here those who are .
looking for the very best in the lines
of fresh and salted meats, poultry and
fish, may have every want filled. And
everything may be depended upon to
be free from any contaminating influ
ences. This is one of the long estab
lished business firms of the city, and
it has builded successfully upon the
sure foundation of good goods at hon
est prices, coupled with courtesy and
A new store building, with new and
up-to-date fixtures throughout, and
conducted along lines learned through
years of experience this is what
makes J. C. Dicks' new store at Twenty-ninth
and TJ streets a model of its
kind. In constructing this store and
fixtures Mr. Dicks bore in mind the
necessity of providing for the com
plete protection of perishable food
stuffs, and as a result the patrons are
guaranteed the best in the grocery and
meat lines, coming to them in a per
fectly sanitary condition. Mr. Dicks
handles a complete line of staple and
fancy groceries, with fruits and veg
etables in season, and his meat de
partment is always supplied with the
very best. The service is courteous
and prompt. The public may feel
amply guaranteed when patronizing
this establishment. 1
People who care about the kind of
groceries and fruits they buy. and who
are insistent upon careful attention to
sanitation and cleanliness, long since
learned to put complete confidence in
the wares purchased of O. J. King &
Sons, grocers, whose handsome store
is located at 1126 N street. This firm
goes the limit in protecting perishable
goods from any possible infection or
contamination, and the premises are
always in the best possible sanitary
condition. There is no better grocery
store in the country. And in addition
to ranking with the best it holds a
high place in the volume of business
transacted. This gratifying patronage
is the result of catering to the public
in a courteous manner, making prompt
deliveries and selling only the best
goods. The fruit and vegetable de
partment is a model of its kind. King
& Son have through years of painstak
ing effort built up a splendid business
that is a monument to their ability as
grocers. They have established con
fidence, without which success is im
possible. The news that the city's
health department was going to wage
war on the unsanitary groceries and
fruit stores did not disturb this firm
in the least. That has been the rigid
rule of O. J. King & Son through all
the year they have been engaged in
business. '
"As welcome as the flowers in
spring" is the way Mr. Finke ex
pressed his feelings towards the city's
health inspectors. Long before the
present crusade began Mr. Finke fully
realized the value of cleanliness and
regard for public health as an adver
tisement. He knows that the public
is quick to appreciate regard for its
health and convenience. Upon that,
and the quality of his goods and ser
vice, he has built up a good business
in the grocery line. His establish
ment at 140 South Tenth is always
well supplied with the best in season,
The meat department is given espe
cial attention. Everything in the store
is carefully guarded against infection
or contamination, the goods are al
ways fresh, and the service is always
courteous and prompt.
At 115 South Ninth, Fred Voigt &
Sons conduct a meat market that is
entitled to patronage because of its
cleanliness and attention to sanitation.
The perishable goods are carefully
protected, and the refrigerating de
vices are the latest and best. There
is nothing in the line of meats, poul
try and fish that may not be had
here, and always of the very best.
Long before .the public agitation
against the unsanitary market Voigt
& Sons were maintaining a place that
would meet with the approval of the
most rigid inspector now on the job.
This well known firm is enjoying a
thriving business as a result of its
efforts to furnish the best at fair
prices, and serve the people promptly
and with unfailing courtesy.
Dolph Peterson's "Sanitary Market'
at 219 North Tenth is well named, for
it is sanitary in every respect. Here
everything in the meat, fish and poul
try line is handled, and everything is
carefully refrigerated and protected
against contaminating influences. The
condition of the premises is always
such as to merit the commendation of
the most rigid inspectors. This is
not because the ordinance requires it.
but because Mr. Peterson is catering
to a class of trade that is attracted by
cleanliness, combined with excellence
of product. He sees to it that patrons
are served promptly and with cour
tesy. People who trade with the
"Sanitary Market" may feel well guar
anteed as to goods and protection. The
"Sanitary Market" does only a cash
If it is anything good in the meat or
fish line., and the Columbia Market,
Schneider & Lundholm proprietors,
124 South Twelfth street, hasn't got
it, you'll be wasting time to look for
it elsewhere. The Columbia market
is always first with the best in the
lines of fish and fresh and packed
meats. The fish retailed at this es
tablishment is received fresh every
day, and comes from the best markets
of the country. The premises are al
ways kept in apple-pie order and noth
ing is exposed to contamination. Ev
erything is amply protected, not be
cause the ordinance requires it, but
because this firm know what is best
for them and their patrons. It is a
pleasure to put the seal of approval
upon this market, and that is what we
are doing right now.
Premises sanitary, stock amply pro
tected, and everything up to the stand
ards insisted upon by the city's health
department, H. C. Sanders' grocery
and market at 2004 South Tenth is
entitled to the confidence of the buy
ing public. He carries a complete line
of groceries and meats, together with
fruits and vegetables in season, and
by unvarying courtesy and careful at
tention to the wants and desires of his
patrons has built up a flourishing busi
ness. Mr. Sanders realizes the value
of cleanliness and confidence in the
establishment of a permanently suc
cessful business, and upon these he
has relied. That he has not been mis
taken is evidenced by the gratifying
success that has been bis.
Harrison Bros., who conduct the
New Keystone grocery at 820 South
Sixteenth, are always ready with the
glad hand to meet the inspectors who
are looking for the unsanitary grocer
ies and markets. They keep their
place of business in perfect condi
tion, and amply protect perishable
goods from any possible source of con
tamination. Their stock of groceries,
fresh and packed meats and fruits and
vegetables in season, is always com
plete, and they make a specialty of
prompt deliveries. They cater to a
high class trade and are always on
the watch that they may give their
patrons the benefit of the best the
market affords. They are experienced
men in their business, and by looking
after the interests of their customers
they have established confidence that
always results in increased and per
manent business.
The Assmussen father and 'son
grocery at 1001 Wood street is always
in shape to welcome inspection by any
employe of the city s health depart
ment. Its proprietors did not have to
be notified, and for the simple reason
that they have always been ready to
pass the most rigid inspection. Clean
liness and strict attention to sanita
tion are characteristic of this estab
lishment, father and son agreeing
that these things always more than
pay for themselves in the increased
patronage they inspire. The grocery
stock is always complete, and always
fresh because the policy is to carry a
small stock and keep it constantly
new. The standard brands of flour
are handled, and prompt deliveries are
always guaranteed. Lovers of good
cigars will find here a fine assortment.
Assmussen & Son, Lorenzo senior and
Lorenzo, junior, have built up a trade
by close attention to business and
making every effort to gain the ."re
peating customer" the customer who
returns again and again because he
is satisfied with goods, prices and
E. J. Kettering is one of the veteran
grocers of Lincoln, and his establish
ment at Eleventh and G streets 801
South Eleventh street is one of the
best known business places in Lincoln.
Here Mr. Ketterling has conducted for
years a grocery store that would serve
as a model for any similar establish
ment. "Spotless Town" could not
boast of a grocery kept in better sani
tary condition, nor one freer from evi
dences of uncleanliness. Mr. Ketter
ling long since realized that neatness
and cleanliness appealed to the best
class of trade, and as that is the class
of trade he seeks he sees to it that
his business premises are always in
apple-pie order. Perishable goods are
properly protected, and the entire
stock is displayed neatly and with re
gard to protection. He carries a com
plete line of staple and fancy grocer
ies, and he has an established reputa
tion for handling the choicest and
freshest of fruits and vegetables in
season. Inspectors, or critics of what
soever kind, will find a warm and cour
teous welcome awaiting them at the
Corner Grocery. Promptness and
courtesy characterize this establish
ment, and the patronage extended is
an evidence of the service rendered.
"Rrini vnnr health denartment in
spectors at any time, day or night," is
the standing invitation ol tne itexaii
Grocery and Market, A. F. Scheffert
nrnnrlstnr at 1MK .T street. Here we
find the premises cleanly and in per
fect sanitary condition, tne pensnaDie
goods amply protected and the stock
neatly and carefully arranged. Every
thing in the line of staple and fancy
groceries, fruits and vegetables in sea
son, and fresh and packed meats may
be found here at prices that are as
low as consistent with safe business.
Courtesy is unfailing and promptness
of deliveries is a marked characteris
tt Puirnni nf tfcn Rxall Grocery
and Market have learned to place im
plicit confidence in its Dusiness mem
ods, and the result is a large and con
stantly increasing business.
Among the groceries and markets
located in the suburbs, none have ex
celled that of Dalton & Son in the
matter of establishing themselves in
the good graces of the buying public.
This firm, composed of William H.,
the father, and Hugh L., the son, is
not at all disturbed by the crusade
against filthy and unsanitary groceries
and markets. On the contrary, Dalton
& Son want it known of all men and
women that they are co-operating in
the crusade. They have always con
ducted their place of business in
strict accord with the requirements
now set forth by the health depart
ment, and have done so because they
realized the value of that sort of thing
in building up a business and estab
lishing confidence in the minds of the
buying public. Everything the fastidi
ous housewife may want in the line
of groceries, meats, fruits or veg
etables, Dalton & Son will furnish on
short notice, guaranteeing freshness,
cleanliness and close margin of profit.
This well Known establishment has
grown up with the community about
it, and is now an., imperative necessity
in the life thereof. The inquiries of
this newspaper's representatives re
vealed a situation calling for the most
favorable comment on this firm's
methods of conducting their grocery
and market. But all this was made
manifest by its success in times past.
Although engaged in the grocery
and meat business for years, Venner &
Son keep fully abreast of the times.
For that reason their grocery store at
1905 South Seventeenth street is mod
ern in every respect which means
that the health officers are welcome to
drop in any old time and look things
over. When they do they will find a
store sanitary in every particular, and
one where the goods offered for sale
are amply protected against contam
ination from any outside source. They
have built up a fine business by giv
ing their personal attention to look
ing after the wants of customers, and
seeing to it that each customer re
ceives prompt and courteous treat
ment and gets good service and
prompt deliveries. The firm handles
the best in the grocery line, and in
season always have a complete stock
of fruits and vegetables. The repre
sentative of this newspaper found ev
erything connected with this store
worthy of commendation.
At 628 C street John Strasheim has
for several years conducted a grocery
and meat market that is entitled to
more than a passing commendation
because of its sanitary condition. Mr.
Strasheim is never in fear of a visit
of inspection because he keeps the
premises in ship shape all the time.
He sees to it that the perishable goods
are always amply shielded, and the
Nebraska Made
Nebraska Trade
Farrell's Wedding
Breakfast Syrup
meat department is equipped with the
best sanitary accessories. He handles
a complete line of groceries and
meats, with fruits and vegetables in
season, and by always giving the best
goods at the lowest possible prices,
and maintaining a delivery department
that is prompt, he has built up a satis
factory business. This establishment
is entitled to confidence because it is
always sanitary, the goods always
fresh, the service prompt and courteous.
Fred Butcher's grocery at 649 North.
Fourteenth street is always ready for
the most rigid inspection by the most
exacting official of the health depart
ment. Better still, it is always ready
for the inspection of the most exact
ing and fastidious -patron. - Not be
cause the law says it must be, but be
cause good business sense directs that
it should be. And having good busi
ness sense evidenced by his business
success Mr. Butcher puts great stress
upon cleanliness and sanitation, coup
ling them with freshness of stock and
prompt attention to the wants of pa
trons. "Spick and span," and always
looking like new, this grocery has at
tracted a profitable class of business,
and a business that is marked' by
steady growth. Mr. Butcher goes tbe
limit in striving to make every cus
tomer want to come back for more of
the same goods and more of the same
courtesy and fair treatment.
Any inspector of the city health de
partment who visits I. B. Robinson's
grocery and market at 1911 R street
will find everything up to the stand
ard, and a bit beyond. The premises
are always in a sanitary condition and
the perishable goods amply protected.
Mr. Robinson carries a complete line
of groceries and meats, toegther with
fruits and vegetables in season, and
has built up a thriving business by,
close attention to details and proper
regard for the wants ' of the buying
public. His patrons may place abso
lute confidence in the quality of the
goods offered for sale, knowing that
the prices will be as low as is consist
ent with conservative business.