li "INSIDE BALL" PUZZLE WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS THE HABIT Of SAVING Explanation of Term That Both ers Many Enthusiasts. NEARLY EVERY AILMENT HAS THIS BAD EFFECT. EROLWC Cross Our Threshold Doublethe Comfort and Beauty of Your Home First requisite the Porch Shades. All verandas, aud sleeping porches should be fitted with Aerolux Shades. Let our salesman tell you why. Aerolux Shades are superior to all atheis. Our prices are $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 and $5.75, according to sihe. Next in order a Porch Swing. We have an excelent 4 fool Swinging Seal finished in Early English equipped with best galvanized chain, priced at $2.35 and a solid oak Swinging Seal finished in either Forest Green or Early English for $3.50 and others up to $35.00. Then the chairs, rockers, tables, etc. Prices beginning with a chair for 90 cents.. "We still have a few pieces of our Sea Grass Porch Furniture which if you see you could not resist, it is by far the most comfortable furniture manufactured. Made in Hong Kong China of a Grass that grows in the China Sea, no finish, sold in their naturol state; you can scrub them with brush and water, being careful to remove dust before wetting. - Prices are extremely low, beginning with $6.50 for a Rocker and to $12.75 for a full length reclining Seal. See Benway's Bungalow 1112 O Street LIBERTY FLOUR From Selected Nebraska Wheat Best Wheat in the World Best by the Oven's Test ittBCKTY c i n it d J J.O.BARBER &SOwkV LIBERTY A Nebraska Product Worthy of Nebraska H. O. Barber & Sons, Lincoln ROBERT J. FRAAS Wholesale Liquor Dealer Distributors of the famous Storz and Saxon Brew Beers Family Trade a Specialty 201 N: 9th St. Auto IH3S Bll 3447 In the Long Run Team Which Plays Game as It Should From Start of Season to End Will Finish Better Than Its Rival. "Inside ball' is a term which puz zles many enthusiasts. The expres sion immediately brings to mind se cret manipulations on the diamond and is generally passed up as being too deep. In reality inside ball is nothing more or less than playing the game. There is no mystery about it. Of course, every major league and minor league squad has its "signs," or signals as they are called by the fans: writes Malcolm McLean in the Chi cago Evening Post. But so have foot ball teams and basketball squads. Take the average ball game. Th home team is at bat, nobody is down and there's a runner on first. The batter tries to lay down a sacrifice hunt, and misses the ball. "Aw, hit er out." yells a bleacherite in disgust. Then he turns to his neighbor and growls. "Gee, I can't stand for that kind of a game. What's that guy try ing to bunt for? Why don't he hit 'em to the fence?" This instance Is one of. the many mysteries" of inside ball. It's play ing the game to sacrifice that man around to second, from which point he can easily score on a single. If the batter tries to hit safely right from the jump there's the immediate danger of a double play, and two men out. Take another case. There's a man on first and a left-hander at bat. Such a hitter generally slaps one to right field or between first and second. So, naturally, as soon as the ball is hit the shortstop runs to cover second in the hopes of negotiating a double play. If the batter hits right-handed the sec ond baseman usually covers second. Yet this is the so-called inside ball which has so many fans wondering what's it all about. The Cubs in the past were called masters of inside ball. The reason was they had' played together so long that every man knew the instant the ball was hit just what to do under the circumstances. In other words, it was second sense or "inside ball" if you prefer. Yet this style of play doesn't al ways win far to the contrary. Fre quently the Boston Red Sox have thrown inside ball to the winds and played the hit-and-run game instead of sacrificing. They broke up the defense of the rival teams Ty pulling stuff when not expected. It's far more spec tacular if they get away with it. For Instance, with first and second occu pied and none out, to have the battel knock the ball over the fence at th first pitch warms the cockles of the heart more than a dinky little bunt and an out at first. But you'll find that, in the long run the team which plays the game as it should from the start of the season to the end will finish better than its rival, if both squads are about equal In strength. Cap Anson says the old Chicago Colts used as much inside ball as the great teams of today, and proves his point. So If it wasn't mys terious thirty years ago it shouldn't be so today. LEE TANNEHILL'S HARD LUCK Arm Is Splintered Ten Minutes After First Opportunity to Break Into Game This Season. It's pretty tough to be put out with a broken wrist before you have been ten minutes in the game, but that is what happened to Lee Tannehill of the Chicago White Sox on May 8. He had taken Weaver's place in the game Lee Tannehill. with Washington and was at bat when one of Walter Johnson's shoots caught him on the arm. He did not know the arm was broken until he went into the field after the side was re tired and attempted to throw. Speed of Cincinnati Reds. The Cincinnati Reds have shown a big improvement In base running and this is in a great measure responsible for their sensational work. They have much natural speed and Manager Hank O'Day la making the most of this. One Great Cause Is Eye-Strain From Which City People Suffer Espe cially Because Their Vision Is Restricted. Almost every little or great ailment throughout your system affects your nerves. Your eyes and liver and lungs and stomach and heart and many oth er things throughout your system all "take it out" on the poor nerves It they happen to be a bit out of order themselves. Recent discoveries show that ninety per cent of nervous troubles are due to other disorders. Eye-strain is one cause. Not only' those who have to use their eyes constantly, like stu dents and lapidaries and miniature art ists and engravers, but city tolks who live and work where their vision Is restricted, are all sufferers from nerv ous troubles, more or less. The eye wants to get exercise as well as the muscles. Living in narrow streets and gazing out across little al leys against brick walls, rushing into narrow cars and hurrying into smalt rooms, all keep the vision down to narrow liimts and pretty soon eye strain sets ia and this brings on nerv ous trouble. And one of the peculiarities of this is that many people will not notice that 'they have eye-strain because the nervous disorder that results will be so much worse than the cause. Eye strain is much less common in the country. Working in a stooped position, curv ing the spine, brings pressure on the tiny blood vessels and this In turn acts on the nerves. "I get so nervous sitting still," one will say. As a mat ter of fact the continual pressure on the spine reacts on the nerves. As sedentary occupations are more com mon in the cities there is more nerv ousness from this cause in cities. Liver troubles bring on quick nerv ous disorders; city noises in time ef fect the ears and the nerves are again in for a siege of trouble. Not even at night or during sleep is there com plete quiet in the city. Women be come irritable because of excessive blood pressure, and again it is their nerves that suffer also every one else about them is apt to suffer. In the Wrong Way. Two men who had not been in th wilds of Mississippi long enough to know the dangerous places in the swamps started out one warm day in early spring with minds and bait to catch some fish. They had not gone far when one of them came upon what he thought to be an unusually high spot of terra firma, o'ergrown with water grass. He planted his feet firmly upon this spot only to be precipitated headlong Into a sink hole, the like of which ex ists not out of Mississippi. His friend ran to a nearby farm bouse and asked excitedly for a spade, with which to dig his friend out of the mud. The old farmer looked at him in astonishment and asked: "How deep is he in?" '"He's up to his ankles." he shouted excitedly. "Oh, well, then, why don't you lead him out?" "Faith, an I can't he's In wrong nd up." Mack's National Monthly. Tragedies Told in Headlines. "Enraged Dachshund Gets Too Close to Buzz Saw; Keeps on Fighting." "Portly Dame, Descending Stairway, Makes Miscount; Steps Out on Air." "Village Landlord, Insulted by Ghost, Knocks Him Down with Roller Tow el." "Double Robbery; Man's Pocket Picked While He Is Paying Gas Bill." "Train Pulls Out, Leaving Bride's Friends on Station Platform Un. kissed." Talk English in Frankfurt. "Frankfurt has a large English speaking population," says a lettei from that city to the New York Trib une, "and there are not many business establishments where one canont find a person who is responsible 'for the sign 'English Spoken Here.' As to the quality of the shop English, it is usually below that of the waiter Eng lish, but it is good enough. But we had further proof of the American in fluence while on a motor trip to Nau heim a few days ago. On a field still bumpy with frost we saw a lot of boys playing baseball. The game would have been condemned as 'bum' by the youngsters of our 'fans," but we watch ed it with interest and enjoyed it, al though one of our party said that it seemed to him like a Mark Twain story told in Plattdeutsch. As to Lil. Nan Lil Garlinghorn must be near ly 40 now. Splendid girl, too. I won der why she never married. .Fan It's curious about Lil. She'a been the second choice of more elig ible young men than any girl I ever knew. . P. J. WOHLENBERG F'lINE CIGARS MANUGACTURERS OF SURE THING 10c DOMINO Wc STANCARD 5c EXTRA FIN A 5c ESTABLISHED 1875 No finer cigars for the price made any where in Nebraska. Should be smoked n by Nebraskans. 128 South Uth St. LINCOLN The idle dollar is useless. Only when dollars are working are they of service. Fortunes are not built by hoarding dollars in idleness. They are built upon a foundation of working dollars. The wage earner should cultivate the saving habit. Regu larly lay aside a certain proportion of the weekly or monthly wage. Deposit these savings with us and we will make your dollars work for you. Thousands of wage earners are doing this. Why not you? They are laying up for the "rainy day," for advancing years. Thrift is a habit easily acquired. It is profitable ; it is wise. Begin the part of wisdom today. Come in and let us explain our system of co-operating with you in the matter of saving and investment. j American Savings Bank 110 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. R. L. SMITH Machinist Machinery and Supplies Auto 7300 274 South 9th St. HORSE GOODS Harness, saddles, collars, nets, pads everything for the horse and what you want because every article is the best. See me for spring and summer horse wear. Right goods, and right prices. . Repairing a Specialty You will be satisfied with my repair work. C. C. BARLOW ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED Little Hatchet Flour Made from Select Nebraska Hard Wheat WILBER & De WITT MILLS RYE FLOUR A SPECIALTY 145 S. 9th St., LINCOLN, NEB. TELEPHONE US Bell Phone 200: Auto. 145? FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF LINCOLN DEPOSITS $742,000.00 The directors of this bank are the same as the directors, of the First National Bank of Lincoln 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We gladly open accounts for sunns as low as $1 ' ANDRUS HOSPITAL A private hospital sit uated near a walnut grove. Has every convenience for those seeking health with all comforts of home. Dr. F. M. Andrus 3259 HoMredge St. SURGEON :: Auto B2720 Lincoln, Nebraska ra Gables The Tr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium, Lincoln, Neb. FOR NON-CONTAGIOUS CHRONIC DISEASES. LARGEST BEST EQUIPPED, MOST BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 'tM.1 'W "IMS.