al Harvester Co. ense warehouse and business offices at be welcomed and courteous atten you will see the greatest display of Y ENGINES, Etc. Hie World's Largest Makers of Farm lg equipped with every device for al Harvester Co. ERICA yiLDifi NEBRASK spent at home is a dollar that you stand some chance of seeing again. Every dollar sent abroad to purchase something that is produced at home, is a dollar that you kiss goodbye. Nebraskans should study this phase of industrial development. It means more to her future prosperity than any other one thing. The business concerns represented on this page are trying to do their share in the upbuilding of Nebraska. They recognize the value of printer's ink as a factor in the building up of a business, a community, a county or a commonwealth. They invite you to visit their places of business and become acquainted. They want you to study Lincoln's great advantages as a Market City. Lincoln is connected by rail directly with more Nebraska cities and towns than any other wholesale or manufacturing point. Lincoln is the greatest railroad center in the west. ' A train is arriving in or departing from Lincoln on an average of every seven minutes during every twenty-four hours. They want you to be proud of your Capital City, in which every Nebraskan is directly interested nancially, socially and educationally. They want to help you and other patriotic Nebraskans in the building up of Nebraska, in developing her resources and her possibilities. They want to have a part in the great campaign of building up the "home patronage" sentiment; in the great campaign of "Know Nebraska Better;" in the great campaign of advertising Nebraska as she is to all the world. Let us all know Nebraska better! Let us all work harder for the upbuilding of the commonwealth. Let us all join hands in standing by and boosting for our own home institutions. r7 v E STOCK MARKET Commercial Institution (. I j. I xlL I I m. .11; I. , ifturKKL uiiu ituru lurgesi came mar net. or more accessible live stock markets, antugc co sen ai ms ivn.Ji.iLa l bik J not a patron of the South Omaha and help boost the big marKet the realm of commerce. J. Forburger C. W. Forburger FORBURGER COMPANY CUT STONE CONTRACTORS 11th and W Streets LINCOLN, NEBR- The Lincoln Tannery Manufacturer of - Horse and Cattle Hides Robes and Coats Highest Prices Paid for Hides Robes Lined and Fur Coats Made to Order 9 1 7-919 Q Street Bell Phone F995 Custom Work Our Specialty Leather Exchanged for Hides Hides and Furs Received for Tanning Henry Holm, Prop., Tanner and Currier. LINCOLN, NEB. VISITORS a Spend Part of Your Evenings at the Elite Picture Theatre Look for the Word Elite in Red THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln Capital and Surplus $765,000.00 Time determines whether the policies under which a bank is operated are safe. This bank has been in business forty-one years. It has grown steadily until it has one of the strongest and most pros perous financial institutions in the west. S. H. BURNHAM, President. H. S. FREEMAN, Cashier. Mercantile Co, THE LINCOLN TRACTION CO. Every day its ears covers more miles than the distance be tween Boston and San Francisco. It furnishes employment to more than 400 men. It pays upwards of $350,000 a year in wages. Its tracks cover 70 miles of , streets in tdncoln and its suburbs. It carried more than 12,000,000 passengers in 1911, and carried them at a lower average fare per passenger than any other street railway in America. - t Its daily car mileage is greater than that of any other street railway company operating in cities of Lincoln's class. The interests of the community, the commonwealth of Ne braska and The Lincoln Traction Co. are mutual and interdependent. Wholesale Groceries, Notions and Furnishings LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Lincoln Business College Thirteenth and P Streets, Lincoln, Nebr. Summer school will be in session until August 9. Enroll now and, improve the summer months. "Write for full infor mation. E. C. Bigger, Pres. W. N. Watson, V-Pres. W. A. Robbins, Sec'y. The Midwest Life OFFICERS. N. Z. Snell , .'. ........ President Dr. B. B. Davis, Omaha. . .Vice President A. J. Sawyer ;.. Secretary Dr. M. H. Everett Medical Director C. R. Easterday ...... Actuary INSURANCE IN FORCE. December 31, 1906. .......$ 559,000 December 31, 1907........... 1,152,250 December 31, 1908.'. . : . , 1,453,218 December 31, 1910. .' , . 2,641,084 December 31, 1911. 3,587,519 May 31,1912.........:... ............... 4,174,000 LOCAL AGENTS WANTED 0 in every town in the state. Liberal commissions are paid. The Midwest Life is a clean, live, progressive Nebraska life insurance company, with its home office on the seventh floor First National bank building, Lincoln. Write for an agency. -.: is an every day delicacy that all can afford. AXfew cents a moi.ih covers the difference between ordinary butter and "Meadow Gold." Butter is one of those "big little things a poor quality can leave a feeling of dissatisfaction with an entire meal, while good butter lends an additional charm The delicious flavor of "Meadow Gold" Butter is particularly enticing. Us rare richness , appeals to the most fastidious palate. Sold by all dealers who are butter particular. Its Flavor Wins Favor EATRICE CREAMERY CO The Lincoln Hotel F. J. RICHARDS, Mgr. EUROPEAN Rooms, 75c to $3 Finest Cafe Service in West We Welcome Visitors Especially Members of the Press Stanbarb (SHI Co, LINCOLN BRANCH 1220 North 14th Street Either Phone C A. TUCKER, Jeweler S. S. SHEAR Optician ;35. fj;, .f)4 You Want Good Pure Candies Insist on Your Dealer Supplying You with i Gillen j& Boneys OMAHA 1123 O STREET Take "NONE" Just as Good MADE IN LINCOLN s YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED