Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, May 24, 1912, Image 2

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    over the B. & O. That's a sensible conclusion. The Burlington is a
Nebraska road, and affords accommodations to more Nebraskans
than any other." For that reason its selection was wise and just.
When it comes to favoring any railroads with patronage we'll insist
that Nebraskans favor the railroads that are helping in the work of
developing Nebraska. That's why we are. going to object whenever
a bunch of Nebraskans overlook the Burlington, the Northwestern
or the Union Pacific, and show favors to railroads that merely poke
their noses across the border in order to find a terminal.
This newspaper would advise the retail dealers in the smaller
cities and towns of the state to quit "hollerin' " against the mail
order houess so much and get busy telling the people through their
local papers what they have to offer. If you will carefully watch
the country newspapers and note the merchants who are using lib
eral space and quoting prices, you will soon have a census of mer
chants who are not worrying about the encroachments of Mont
wardery Gum, or Rears, Sawbuck & Co. The mail order houses are
built up on a foundation of printer's ink. The splendid country
newspapers of Nebraska afford the retailers of Nebraska ample op
portunity to meet the aforesaid mail order houses on their own
The local merchant or manufacturer who expects the local
newspaper to keep pounding away on the "patronize home institu-
tions" idea without helping the newspaper to keep up the fight; is
going to be disappointed. "Will Maupin's Weekly is in possession
of a letter commending its policy of advocating home patronage,
written by a prominent manufacturer of Nebraska. The com
munication is written on a letterhead lithographed . in St. Louis,
and was enclosed in an envelope printed in the government printing
The fans should bear in mind that Mullenn ever pretended to
be a shortstop. lie is making rank errors at the position, but the
mere fact that he is trying his best to fill a position with which he
is unfamiliar in order to help along ought to be to his credit.
Mr. Palmer, late of Kawville, looms large upou the flinging
horizon. Now, if one of our portsiders will come across we'll feel
pretty good with such husky flingers as Messrs. Smith, Ilagerman,
Doyle and Palmer.
Monday, June 3, the editors of Nebraska will be the guests at
Antelope park of Messrs. Despain and Holland. On Wednesday
they will attend the Lincoln-St. Joseph contest at Antelope park
us the guests of the Lincoln Commercial Club. Each editorial guest
will be frisked at the entrance for brickbats and other specimens
of dornicks. We are not going to take any chances of having our
neatly sodded diamond all messed up by efforts to annihilate the
umps. " ,
The shortstop position is still a source of worry, but we; are
not going to despair until Berghammer gets a chance to show what
he has. He hasn't had it yet, but what little we've seen of him
inclines us to the belief that when his bum digit gets back to normal
he'll be showing us some mighty fine imitations of a real short
stopper. In the meanwhile, we'll not overlook any golden oppor
tunity to snare a short fielder who is warranted all wool and three
feet wide.
Some of these days we are going to gather our merry pas
timers about our knees and whisper into their auriculars that they
don't exhibit enough seasoning in the coaching line. A little more
pep, tobasco, ginger, allspice, cinnamon, Lea & Perrin's, or some
thing equally good, would add much to the sum total. If our
heart-to-heart talk fails to produce results we may don a uniform
and get right out in full view of the public and show how it ought
to be done.
Ten Million of Skoo City was subject to a heavy discount while
in Lincoln.
The report that Ed Wood may be snared as an umps for this
loop is too good to believe. There's no such luck as getting a
Wood to replace a Kissane.
Of course, President Johnson couldn't hack down, and he had
to stand pat in the Cobb matter, but just the same a few more
feats like that performed by Cobb and the too strenuous fan with
the indecent language will be eliminated. Strange as it may ap
pear to many, a ballplayer is human and entitled to at least a
modicum of consideration.
It seems strange that all this "rough stuff" on the part of
visiting players is always pulled off in some other town than Lin
coln. Only once do we recall anything approaching the "rough
house" order here; and that was the day the umps fired so many
of the Sioux City team off the grounds that Manager Towne had
to put a couple of pitchers in the outfield. It may be that there's
something in the air- at Omaha and Joetown that brings out the
"rough stuff."
We stop the press long enough to remark that the Antelopes
are now seeing a bit the best pastiming at second they've seen
since Lincoln got into the western loop. The mucus domestic!
resteth not upon our Mr. Cole.
A Washington, D: C, subscriber wants to know about Clyde
Richmond. We confess that in our anxiety about one or two local
conditions we've lost track of Clyde.
We have no patience with, this "white hope" sort of rot, be
cause we don't care whether the champion bruiser is a Caucasian
or an Ethiopian. But we pick Flynn to put the kibosh on the Big
Smoke on July 4. Why! Same old dope. A "comer" against a
"goer;" a husky man who has yet to go the dissipation route
against a husky man who has been on the route for a couple of
years; the "pitcher that goes too often to the well." It proved
out in the case of Corbett against Sullivan, in the case of Fitz
simmons against Corbett, and in the case of Johnson against
Jeffries. It is the immutable law.
Carina for
m1 AT Ji
2ry Gooirp MorrL?
of men, women and children
throughout the length and
breadth of the land will gather
In the various cemeteries and
- lay garlands upon the vast rest
ing places of the soldiers that
have laid down their lives In
defense of their country.
In practically every city hosts
of veterans of the Civil War
will gather and hold reunions
to speak of the past, the anger
and passion deadened by the
lapse of time, while at ten na
tional homes more than 20,000
men will usher in the day
thankful that the United States,
of all nations, is a republic that
is not ungrateful for services
performed under its flag.
The veterans of the various wars, notably the
Civil and Spanish-American, who went through
teas- wmmmi
Tmm f ft
the conflicts unscathed are con
stantly in mind. There are the
Grand Army of the Republic, Loyal
Legion and Army and Navy Union,
splendid organizations to which
many of the officers and men who
fought in the Civil War belong,
while the veteran association of the
Spanish-American War holds the
membership of many who went
through that struggle.
In the national cemeteries here
and there, and in other burial
grounds, are stones that mark the
pots where lie the remains - of
those who participated in the con
flicts, and each succeeding Decora
tion Day their memory is kept alive
by the floral offerings strewn upon their graves.
But what about the veterans who returned
from the front, torn by shot and shell, unable to
resume their places in the ranks of the work
ers, without means of self-support and unwilling
to thrust themselves upon their kith and kinT
At the close of the Civil War, when more than
half a million men laid down their arms of war
and. In a few months were transformed from
soldiers to citizens, the question of what to 4o
with those who were incapacitated arose.
"Pensions are well enough in their way, but
pensions are not sufficient," declared Congress.
"We must do more," continued the members of
both House and Senate. "We must establish a
home for those who have no homes," and this
sentiment crystallized into what is now one of
the most important features with which the na
tion deals.
The National Home for disabled volunteer sol
diers is located In the District of Columbia,
There are branches of the National Home at Day
ton, O.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Togus. Me.; Hampton,
Va.; Leavenworth, Kan.; Santa Monica, Ca.;
Marion, Ind.f Danville, 111.; Johnson City, Tenn.,
and Hot Springs, S. D.
There are state homes for disabled volunteer
soldiers provided by the states of California,
Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minne
sota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hamp
shire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota,
Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South
Dakota. Vermont. Washington, Wisconsin and
Some idea of the extent of the properties sup
ported by the Federal government may be had
tragi the last report of the board of managers. In
which the acreage of the homes is set down as
6469. valued at $483,474.85. On this land are
buildings aggregating a value of $10,513,648.42.
To acquire this property, to maintain it and to
care for the thousands of soldiers, the total out
lay up to the close of 1911 has been in the neigh
borh.iod of $90,000,000.
When the first home was established, within
the year, there were 910 veterans cared for.
Ther. each succeeding year increased at the .rate
of a most 1.000 per year until, in 1908, the great
est number, 34,949, were taken care of. At the
tarn time the - death rate among the veterans
increased year by year, and from 10.95 per 1,000.
in 1867, it has advanced to 85.60 per 1,000.
Yet, when one takes into consideration the
phy ileal condition of soldiers when admitted to
the homes, and that it has been 47 yearn since
the Civil War, the death rate is really low, for
the average life of the old soldiers has been a
trifl more than 70 years a ripe age for the ma
jority of men. Indeed, this alone is a most not
able tribute to the government for its excellent
care of its wards.
To visit one of these national homes is to have
a treat, for nowhere will one find a more happy
or contented set of men. Except for the differ
ence in location and style of architecture of the
buildings, all of the homes are similar, for they
are operated on the plan of giving one and all
the same. Some of the homes, like the one at
Hampton, Va., are situated upon the banks of a
stream, but then there is one in the mountains,
another in the land of continual sunshine and
flowers', California, while each possesea some
natural characteristic to differ it from the other.
That, however, is the immaterial side of the
homes, for it is the comforts and conveniences
afforded the inmates that draws the attention of
visitors and sends them away filled with thoughts
of kindliness and proud of being citizens of a
nation that is so lavish in Its care of those who
have upheld the honor of the flag in the face of
the enemy.
Amid parklike surroundings are the buildings,
flanked with broad porches, on which are the
settees, where, basking In the sun, may be found
those old soldiers who are more content to re
pose with pipe and paper than to Join their com
rades beneath the trees or strolling around the
First, and all important, is the military side of
the home. Each inmate is always in uniform
and army discipline prevails. All able-bodied
men on the grounds salute their superior officers
as they pass, and there are stated times for do
ing stated things, bo that there must be abso
lute order.
At 5:30 in summer and 5:45 In winter the men
turn out. After breakfast the ' men return to
Shelr barracks, make up their beds and put their
things in order. ' Then, unless assigned to duty
as room orderly or on guard mount, at which all
in the barracks have to take their turns, the sol
dier is at liberty until tattoo at 8:30, when he
must be on hand to retire when taps are. sounded
at 9. -
While at liberty during the day the soldier may
leave the grounds by applying for a pass. He
may secure a pass to remain outside the grounds
not only for a day, but even for 90 days, If he so
desires and his behavior has been good. There
is but little restraint upon the men and they are
practically as free as though they lived in their
own homes.
For those who prefer to remain within the
grounds of the home there is much with which to
drive away either discontent or ennui. Besides
splendid libraries, where ma- p 'ound not only
books and magazines, but c'-Uly rapers from dif
ferent parts of the country, there is at each home
an amusement hall where there are billiard and
pool tables and many small tables for cards,
checkers and dominoes.
Another diversion is the band concert each
afternoon. Another amusement. ?rrl an im
portant one, Is the theater. Each of the homes
is equipped with a hall large enough to seat prac
tically every inmate ,ant at the end is a stage of '
generous size. Theatrical companies playing In
nearby cities are engaged to give a "one-night
stand" at the hall and the performance usually
proves a great treat.
In the seating of the veterans there Is system
exercised, for the deaf and the dim-eyed are giv-
en the first rows, then follow' those less afflicted,
so that all are given equal advantages as far as it
is possible to arrange.
In the vast amount of work to be done at the
homes the inmates take their part and thereby
earn a little extra for themselves, for the gov
ernment pays them according to what they can
do. Some of the homes have farms attached
on which the men do considerable of the . work.
At other homes the men look after grounds, while
at all of the homes there are those who act as
guards or guides. , '
The money they receive for their work is all
extra, for they receive their pensions Just the
same, and they are at liberty to either spend
their funds for luxuries at the commissary or
send checks to their relatives. One
great trouble that the commandants
of the various homes have had has
been the control of the soldiers who
persist in patronizing the saloons
that are to be found Just beyond ,
the gates, but. by vigilance, the old
men are kept from getting into any
When a soldier is stricken with
illness he is sent to the hospital,
where every possible attention Is
given him. His diet is specially
prepared to suit his needs and there
is nothing too good for him. It
might be added that the hospital Is
always well occupied, for there are
many who are failing in health and
strength and are patiently waiting
the setting of the sun.
When the last day has come and
the soldier has gone to Join his com
rades on the other side his body is borne to the
chapel, a minister of his religion says the last
rites over him and then, in a casket borne upon
a caisson and escorted by a squad of men under
arms, accompanied by a fife and drum corps
playing a dirge.' he is given full military honors,
including the rattle of muskets over his grave.
The cemeteries by the homes are growing each '
year, but every stone is a monument to a brave
heart who gave his best years In order that the
nation might endure.
The Day of Memories
Memorial customs, Introduced at the close or
the Civil war, in compliance with plans made by
Commander-in-Chief John A. Logan, will be ob
served this year in thousands of cities, villages
and hamlets, the surviving veterans still taking a
leading part in the exercises.
It is they who have made the arrangements for
the ceremonies; they will go early to the ceme
teries and place blossoms upon' the graves of
their brother soldiers; they will constitute a
pathetic and Inspiring feature of the parade.
Some day they will not be here to plan and
execute for Memorial day. Some day they all
will have gone Into camp on the plains and in
the cities of the dead. Some day a grateful
public will look in vain for any of them In the
parade. Then, what? Will the day and its beauti
ful, patriotic customs that were so dear to them,
cease to be remembered and observed? Were
that question submitted to the people today It Is
certain that the votes against remembrance and
observance would be too few for enumeration.
The soldiers have led the way; they have shown
the people how to plan and execute for a suc
cessful observance of the day. There have been
not a few but thousands of deeply interested par
ticipants. Ail of the patriotic societies that have
grown out of the Civil war are among them, and
their members are numbered by the tens of thou
sands. Then there are the societies which have
come into existence as a rsult of the revolutionary
war, the war of 1812, the war with Mexico, the
Spanish-American war and the Philippine insur
rection. And these are not all. Millions of men
and women who have come from the schools, and
other millions of boys and girls now in the
schools, , would forbid a suspension of Memorial
day observances.
Pass the word along the thinning ranks of every
veteran parade In the country they served so well
that the custom initiated by them and their sleep
ing associates shall not be abandoned; that it
shall be handed on from generation to generation '
Taking Their Measure.
"Do those people who moved Into the flat
across the hall seem to be desirable neighbors?"
asked the man.
"No," replied the woman. T watched every
thing that came out of the moving van. They
haven't a thing that we would care to borrow."