Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, April 12, 1912, Image 6

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For State Superintendent of Public Instruction
In the Democratic and People's Independent Primaries, April 19.
Residence: Born in Arlington, Ben
nington County, Vermont Came to Ne
braska in 1898. Is at present Superin
tendent of the Shelton Schools, elected
for the fourth year.
General Education: Graduate of the
College of Arts and Sciences, University
of Nebraska. A. B. degree.
Legal Education: Graduate of the
College of Law, University of Nebraska.
LU B. degree. Admitted to the bar by
the Nebraska Supreme Court.
Pedagogical Education: Graduate of
the Educational Department (Teachers'
College), University of Nebraska. Pro
fessional State General Life Certificate.
Professional State City ure certincate.
A. M. degree's work nearly completed in Education and Philosophy,
University of Nebraska.
Pedagogical Experience: Fourteen years experience In teaching,
in all kinds of public schools, in rural schools, in cityhigh schools,
and In city superlntendencles of schools. Has taught in the northern
eastern, southern and west-central portions of Nebraska; and is there
fore familiar with school conditions in all portions of the state.
Your vote is solictod for ERNEST F. MONROE for Stat Superintendent
Walter A. Goorgo
Republican Candidate for Renomination
Primaries April 19, 1912
General Fund 23,371 $2,329,396.03
University and Normal Interest Funds 6,985 643,236.33
Temporary School Fund 277 889,446.85
State and National Libraries Funds 311 10,187.61
Institution Cash Fund 1,113 73,757.80
Forest Reserve Fund 4 2,451.45
Fire Commission Fund .', 190 11,373.23
32,251 $3,959,849.32
Average number of warrants per month 2,688
Average expenditure per month $329,987.44
Average number warrants issued per day, 313 work
ing days 103
Average expenditure per day $12,651.27
Grant Precinct, R. F. D. 3, Lincoln.
Candidate for Republican Nomination for Legislature
April 19th, 1912.
Lancaster county will have six mem
bers in the House of Representatives. As
one of the Republican candidates, I ask
your support of my candidacy.
I live in Grant precinct, near Lin
coln. Was born and raised in Nebraska;
admitted to the law practice in 1894;
practiced law, and have also acted as
court reporter in Lancaster county.
I am for the initiative and referen
dum and for the election of senators by
direct vote. I signed Statement No. 1 as
a candidate, and if elected will vote for
the people's choice for senator.
While not a resident of Lincoln, I
am in favor of such amendment to its
charter by the legislature as will enable
its citizens to decide for themselves the question of acquiring public
I am greatly Interested in better roads for Nebraska, and if elected
will work for a sensible and practical good roads law.
I am for reasonable and just appropriations for the university and.
other state institutions.
I represent no special interest or faction in politics or business,
and if elected I will impartially and fairly represent the people of.
Lancaster county to the best of my ability.
If we are not already acquainted, I hope you will carefully inquire
about me before voting at the primaries April 19th.
Candidate for Republican Nomination for Legislature
April 19th, 1912.
I am a candidate for the Republican
nomination as one of the six members of
the House of Representatives, and re
spectfully solicit the support of yourself
and friends at the primaries April 19th,
I served as a member of that body
from Cass county, term of 1887, and I in
vite an inspection of my record at that
I have been a resident of Nebraska
forty years and of Lancaster county
twenty-four years.
If nominated and elected I will sup
port the people's choice for U. S. Sena
. tor, and work and vote to so amend the
charter of the city of Lincoln, that her
citizens can vote to acquire public utilities.
In the matter of our State University and other public institutions
of the state of Nebraska, my motto shall be: Liberality without ex
travagance. I will support any fair and equitable employers' liability law; in
short, will do my best to serve the people faithfully and impartially.
San Diego, Cal. That nearly fifty
of the industrial workers of the world
arrested here have admitted they were
trying to overthrow the United States
government Is a statement contained
In a report which the California au
thorities will send to the immigration
bureau at Washington.
Lowell, Mass. More than 1.000 tex
tile operatives in this citv have lolned
the ranks of the 2,000 strikers who
are demanding a greater wage in
crease than that granted by the manu
facturers. An early moraine: narade
was held by the strikers in the busi
ness and mill districts.
To Them Such Rapid Traveling Seem
ed Almost Beyond Possibility,
Much as Traffic of the Air
Appears Today.
If the ghost of Horace Greeley were
to come wandering back across the
old Cattaraugus
hills to this town,
where he once
worked as a Jour
neyman printer,
it would not only
witness changes
in conditions, but
would marvel, in
the face of those
conditions, at
some of the
things his nimble
fingers set in the
office of the old
time Cattaraugus
Freeman and
Lodl Messenger,
says a Gowanda
(N. Y.) correspondent
In giving a brief resume of rail
road progress, a report tells of the
advancement in carrying mails from a
speed of seven miles per day, twenty
years before that date, up to nine
miles per hour at the date of the re
port. Then comes this naive state
ment: "Attempts are making to
force it up to ten miles an hour, but
at anything beyond this, to a cer
tainty, horsepower falls us. How,
then, shall we find terms adequate to
express the value of a discovery which
carries us from ten to twenty or thirty
miles an hour?"
Speaking of the expenses of rail
road maintenance, the report men
tions a day's cost of a train upon the
Manchester railroad. This was in
England, and, of course, English
money. "The hire of the engine man,
four shillings; fireman, two shillings
and six pence; coal, three shillings
and four pence; oil, one shilling. To
tal, ten shillings and ten pence sterling."
At every point in this old report one
finds facts of great interest to one liv
ing in the present day. when air traffic
brings up similar comments.
At that time the Freeman and Mes
senger was published by G. N. Starr,
with weekly issue and subscription
price of $2.50 a year. In clubs of
twelve, the cost was brought down to
$1.25. Advertising went by the square
inch. Instead of by column- inch as
now, and the rate was "$1 per square,
with liberal discount to those who
advertise-by the year."
Even so far along as 1851, when
the New York & Erie railroad went
through Dayton, four miles away,
newspaper methods were somewhat
different from now. In an obscure
place on the inside pages of a Go
wanda paper was a short notice of
the passing through of President
Millard Fillmore, with Daniel Web
ster, secretary of state, the remainder
of the cabinet, Governor Washington
Hunt of New York and railroad offi
cials. Over this was the head: "Hor
rible Casualty." At the bottom of the
article it said that two young men.
Franklin Peacock and Ebenezer Hen
ry, were badly and perhaps fatally in
jured by the premature explosion or
bursting of a cannon fired in salute to
the party.
The following week, in the editorial
notices, the death of young Peacock
was mentioned. So do times and
newspapers change. Buffalo Express.
Plan Monster Terminal.
The Canadian Pacific Railway is
planning a new terminal for through
freight which will cost about $7,000,
000. This line is said to have at Win
nipeg the largest car yard in the
world. There are 132 miles of track,
with accommodations for upward of
3,000 cars. Engineers are 'making
plans for a clearing yard with accom
modations for 5,000 cars.
Scientists Assert Temperature Makes
'No Difference, but Railroad
Men Disagree.
Broken rails and broken axles hare
caused many accidents this winter,
with its unusually low temperature,
yet certain scientists who are report
ed to be high authorities concerning
strength of material insist that cold
does not cause metal to become brit
tle, and that the idea that such is the
case is a popular fallacy. Among the
scientists holding these views are
Styffe, Fairbain, Klrkaldy. Webster,
the United States government com
mission, and others: but they have
against them all the practical men
who have to handle tools or material
in zero weather. It is no superstition
that induced a wood chopper to warm
his ax before beginning work on a
frosty morning; and it is the teachings
of experience that induces the trackman
to lighten his blows on his cflld chisel
when the temperature is low, and be
knows it is not necessary to cut so
deeply into the rail to be broken as it
would be if the day were warm. Civil
engineers, as a rule, have insisted
that temperature makes no difference
to the resisting power of metals, not
withstanding that the popular voice
has always maintained that metals
break more readily in cold than in
warm weather. The correctness of
the popular belief concerning metal
getting brittle when cold- was vindi
cated by tests made by a member of
the British Institution of Civil En
gineers some years ago. A series of
drop tests were made on axles kept
artificially in a temperature of zero
and on other axles of the same kind
kept at 100 Fahrenheit. The results
were that the axles tested warm ex
hibited an average of 58 per cent,
more resisting power than those tested
at the lower temperature. Chicago
Railroads Quick to See Possibilities of
New Concrete "Sleeper," Re
cently Devised.
A struggling Californian named
George Gates, who is 70 years of age,
has sold to a syndicate of eleven of
the greatest railway systems of the
United States, for three and a half
millions sterling, the patent rights to
a concrete railway tie or sleeper, in
vented by him. The new concrete
sleeper is considered the greatest rail
way invention since the airbrake. It
is a composition of substances which
afford extraordinary resilience and
durability. A single machine can turn
them out at the rate of 3,500 a day.
Gates is a veteran of the Civil war
and has had a hard fight with poverty
during his career as an inventor.
He proposed to spend a portion of
the money now received in perfecting
and Introducing another invention
styled by him a "continuous rail." Of
the remainder the bulk will be placed
in trust for the benefit of his wife and
relatives generally. For the present
Gates lives in a modest cottage in San
Jose, Cal. Sunday Magazine.
Grade of Railroad Wages.
" The railroad world offers a greater
variety of employment than any other
The following table shows tbe average
daily remuneration in the year 1909 of
the various grades of railroad man:
Averagre dallv
Occupation. . wage scale.
General officers $12.07
Other officers 6.40
Englnemen 4.44
Conductors 3.81
Machinists . 2.98
Firemen 2.69
Trainmen, other than conductors .53
Carpenters 2.43
General office clerks 2.31
Telegraph operators and dispatchers 2.30
Shopmen, other than carpenters 2.13
Station agents 2.0S
Section foremen 1.96
Switch tenders, watchmen, etc 1.73
Station employes 1.82
Track workers, not foremen 1.3S
To Teach Art of Cooking.
A cooking school for cooks has been
established in the dining car depart
ment of the Southern Pacific Railroad
WHAT is called the block signal shows tbe railroad engineer whether tbe
way ahead is clear or blocked. In tbe modern block system of signals
used on so many of the railroads the movements of a train are actually
controlled by the movement of another through the operation of these sig
nals. Here again electricity plays a wonderful part.
How the Dimes Grow
Wonderful how easy it is to break a dollar and spend it
a dime at a time. But it is just as easy to save a dollar a
dime at a time if you, cultivate the habit. Dimes grow into
dollars rapidly and a dollar working for you helps you in
getting the dollars you are working for. "We help you culti
vate the saving habit, and the dollars you save we will put
to work for you. Make your dollars work for you and in
time you'll not 'need to work so hard for them. v
Come in and let us explain our methods. More than a
decade of successful business is the record we offer for your
American Savings Bank
Now located in its splendid new home in the .
, Chapin Block, corner 14th and O Streets, Lincoln
The Finest Business College Home in the West
. Every provision has been made for the comfort, and
convenience of our students. All modern equipment A live
progressive school, using the very latest methods. Every
teacher a trained specialist.
You should call and inspect this school. We have ad
vantages you cannot find elsewhere.
Auto B4387
W. M. BRYANT, President
Ball F3566
Little Hatchet Flour
Made from Select Nebraska Hard Wheat
, 145 S. 9th St., LINCOLN, NEB.
Bell Phone 200: Auto. 1459
DEPOSITS $742,000.00
The directors of this bank are the same as the
directors of the First National Bank of Lincoln
We gladly open accounts for sums as low as $1
Wholesale Liquor Dealers
Distributors of the famous Storz and Saxon Brew Beers
Family Trade a Specialty
201 N. 9th St.
Auto lead
Bell 3187
en Gables
The Zr. BenJ. F. Baily
Sanatorium, Lincoln, Neb.
Dedicate New Bell.
Fremont At St. Patrick's church
Saturday morning services delicating
a new $600 bell, presented by Mrs.
Julia Archer In memory of her late
husband, were held. The services
were led by Rev. Father J. J. O'SullI
van. The bell will be rung lor the
first time on Easter Sunday morning.
Long List of Candidates.
The certificates which Secretary of
State Wait will mail to county clerks
contains all of the candidates of all
of the parties. The list was so long
that the printer had to print it in two
sheets and paste them together, mak
ing a total length of ninety-four