Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, March 22, 1912, Image 4

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White Pine
Cough Syrup
Is a quick and positive remedy
for all coughs. It stops cough
ing spells at night," relieves
soreness, soothed the irritated
membrane and' stops the
25c per bottle
, " 12th and O St.
1211 O Street
Jewelry and wares oi
Precious Metals.
Best selected stock in Lincoln.
Here you can get anything you
want or need in the line of
jewelry, and at the inside
price. Especially prepared for
commencement and wedding
Watch repairing and
See Fleming First
iUtmi Day 50c. Weak f 2. $2.50, $3.00
Nr Bnilfinr; 151 Itarlr Ferabke Imm
E. WILSON. Manager
1329 P Street, Lincoln, Nebraska
Attention Hft?
Plenty of it.
129 So. llthSt
Utmost Secrecy.
Kelly & Norris
Dr. Chas. Yungblut
No. 202
Dentin T5ck
AUTO. PHONE 3416. BELL 656
National Bank of Lincoln
CAPITAL $150,000.00
Sarplsi an J Uadmasl Prafits$S0,000
We have just taken in
trade on a Knabe Grand, a
good, slightly used , upright
piano in a quartered oak
case, which we offer at the
"quick sale price" of
A handsome duet compart
ment bench and scarf fur
nished free.
1124 0 St., North Side.
am hmaahold goods, pianos, bor
m, t& ; long or abort time. No
olutrg (or papers. No interest
In tAvaaos. Kb publicity or fit-
Spars, Wo guarantee better
,au than other make. Money
paid iasaaed lately. COLUMBIA
LOAJTOO. 1ST South 18th.
Subject of Prime Importance.
Weather 1b the one topic of conver
sation that never grows out of date.
We are almost as nearly at the mercy
of the sunshine, the rain and the snow
storm as we were a century ago.
Therefore we always Beau the sky
when we'got up in the nioruing. It is
almost instinctive, even with the city
dweller. No farmer fails to take a
long look at the sky when he flrst
rises, for on the weather will depend
hla activities during the day.
Could Think of But One Reason for
George Ade's Seeming Desertion
of Him.
George Ade was one of the princi
pal speakers at a recent banquet of
the Illinois Manufacturers' associa
tion. "When I was a cub reporter,",
lie confessed, "struggling along on a
minute salary, I had just one asset in
life which enabled me to 'tide over'
that, period in every week when pov
erty seemed to be staring me in the
face.' This consisted of a handsome
gold watch, a keepsake of college
days in Indiana. Tuesday was pay
day at the newspaper office. By Fri
day I would be 'broke,' and I would
tote the watch over to the pawnshop
to a man who now conducts a hand
some Jewelry shop on State street.
On the watch I obtained five dollars,
and by administering my affairs care
fully I managed to worry through un
til pay-day. Then when I had re
ceived my small salary I would hurry
to the pawnbroker's and release my
watch. Finally, after this had gone
along for many months, I received a
raise In pay. It was enough to re
lease me from the necessity of pawn
ing my watch regularly. One after
noon, about ten years afterward, I
was accosted In State street by a
man. I recognized my old pawnbrok
er friend, now a prosperous jeweler.
'What's the matter, George?" were his
first words. 'Did you lose that
watch?' "
Plumber Could and Did Worthily
Amend It, But There the
Matter Rested.
"Owing to the drain pipe In the
kitchen sink becoming clogged with
grease, water would not run through
it," said Claude Cooper, ccmedian at
the Warburton theater, Yonkers. "so
the landlady of our boarding house
called a plumber. He repaired ttie
damage in less than twenty minutes
after he arrived. Along about the
first of the month he sent in his bill
no, ho brought it himself. The land
lady looked at the items, the total of
which was $5.15. Amazed at the size
of tho charge, she became sarcastic.
"Haven't you forgotten something,
Mr. Plumber?' she said, with a sneer.
"The man took the bill and careful
ly read the various items. 'Upon my
word,' he exclaimed, 'I believe 1 have,
lady,' and he made the following addl
ional entry: To one and one-half
hours time and trolley fares, going to
shop and getting piece of lead pipe,
$1.05.' Thank you, lady. That makes
the total ?6.20.' "
"Did the woman pay the money?"
inquired Ramsey Wallace.
"Do the robins nest in January? No.
the woman hung up the bill, and it is
still hanging. That was two years
ago." N. Y. Press.
Modern Mcther-in-Law.
Wife, at the Breakfast Table
Henry dear, mother writes that she is
coming down to visit us for a week.
Henry (enthusiastically) Bully! It
seems an age since she's been down to
eee us and I've just been thinking we
ought to have her come But can't
she stay more than a week? There
are a lot of good shows and things
she'd enjoy and besides I want to
play a good long series of chess with
her and a week will hardly start us.
Write her we want her fcr a month.
Wife I'll try to get her for that
long, Henry, but you know she can
only get away from heme once in a
great while for a few days, and she's
got to divide up her time between
three daughters. Arthur and his wife
and Mary and Charlie would be really
angry : if she didn't spend as much
time with" them as with us.
Henry Well, do your best. Honest
ly,' Mary, your mother is a jolly good
fellow, as I've told you before, and
we can't have too much of her.
Expedition Across Greenland.
The Swiss Society of Naturalists is
raising funds to enable Dr. A. de
Quervaln to undertake a ' journey
across the inland ice of Greenland,
from Disco bay, on the west eoast, to
Angamagsalik, the only - inhabited
place on the east coast. The expedi
tion expects to leave Europe on the
steamer Hans Egede April 1, 1912, and
to start eastward from Disco bay the
middle of June. It is expected that
four weeks will be required for the
Journey, but provisions for twice that
time will be carried. Two members of
the expedition are to remain on the
west coast of Greenland until the
spring of 1913 to carry on glaciological
and aerological studies the latter in
connection with similar observations
that are to be made at the same time
on the east coast of Greenland, in Ice
land, and la Spitzbergen.
American Manners.
Frederick Townsend Martin, at a
dinner in New York, criticized Amer
ican manners wittily.
"Kipling," he said, "declares truly
that a gentleman has manner, while a
would-be gentleman has manners.
We should remember that We lay
too much stress on such details as
taking off our hats when we go up in
the elevator with a scrubwoman.
"In fact, in everything, we seem to
search too uneasily for the correct,
the modish, course. A society editor
told me the other day that he had
Just got a letter from a young wom
an that ran:
" 'Dear Editor Please state who.
should keep up the instalments on tho
ring when the engagement is brokeni
Great Frenchman Aided Beggar With
Verse of Much More Worth
Than Money.
A Frenchman, writing recently upon
"The Mendicants of Paris,'" recalls a
pretty anecdote of Victor Hugo and a
blind beggar. The beggar was an old
soldier, very feeble and quite sight
less, who was led every day by his
little granddaughter to a certain
street corner, where he waited pa
tiently for such scanty alms as the
hurrying public might drop into a
small box that hung from his neck.
One day a group of gentlemen halt
ed near him, chatting, and he heard
the name by which they called the
one who lingered longest. Reaching
forward as he, too, was about to go,
he caught him by the coat.
What do you want, my good man?"
asked the gentleman. "I have already
given you two sous."
"Yes, monsieur, and I have thanked
you," replied the veteran. "It Is some
thing else that I want."
"What Is it?"
"You shall have them," said the gen
tleman; and he kept his word. The
next day the blind soldier bore on his
breast a placard with a stanza to
which was appended the name of Vic
tor Hugo; and the arms In the box
were quintupled. The lines may be
thus translated:
Like Belisarius and like Homer blind.
Led by a young child on his pathway
The hand that aids his need, pitying and
He will not see, but God will see for
Youth's Companion.
Engineer Explains Why Some Build
ings Shake When Particularly
Heavy Wagon Goes By.
"What makes a building shake as if
it had the ague every time a truck
with a twenty-ton girder rumbles by?"
an engineer was asked.
"Only the buildings whose founda
tions do not go down to bed rock
shake," he replied. "The occupants
of the building that rests on rock
never know when a heavy load passes
it. The man in tie building whose
foundations go down just a few feet
below the cellar floor, and stop in
the subsoil, often imagines he is in
the center of an earthquake.
"When the wagon bearing the beam
goes traveling along it bumps over
the inequalities of the street with tre
mendous force, and this imparts wave
motions to the soil, which in turn
transfer the vibrations to the old
style foundations, which sway and
shake and tremble. The foundations
whose piers rest on bed rock are not
affected. A twenty-ton beam, as It
slips from one paving stone to an
other, imparts a force to the ground
that may be likened to a constant
bombardment, but because the wave
of motion proceeds in constantly
Tvidening circles, and hence in con
stantly diminishing force distributed
all over the foundation, no. harm re
sults. If the force were all driven at
one point the effect would be like
that of a projectile from a battle
ship." Clever Birds.
Record has recently been made of a
canary bird that displays almost hu
man intelligence. The bird in ques
tion acts as guard over a sleeping
child, singing shrilly at any sign oi
danger. The bird is allowed the free
dom of the house and never showa
any desire to escape into the free air.
At night it will perch itself on the
baby's cradle and such seems to be
its liking for the child that if anyone
approaches to disturb its slumber, it
showB spirited signs of its displeasure.
A man in London prizes a parrot
for its intelligence. The bird -is aa
valuable about the man's house aa
any patent burglar alarm he could
buy. The parrot is always on guard.
If anyone approches the house, the
bird, sets up such a commotion' that
if the person is bent on evil, .. he ia
Immediately frightened away.
Rush Hour in Indianapolis.
The "Sardine Special" on the Irv
ington street car line last night car
ried 141 passengers, or rather the
conductor on the special collected 141
fares. There were some that he did
not get because the special was at
the belt before the conductor , could
be hoisted through the . various de
partments of the car. '
' There were ' thirty-five : on the rear
platform, figured on a cubic capacity
basis. There was no other way tc
estimate it, as legs, bodies and heads
were wedged to such a degree that
it was practically impossible to tell
-to whom each belonged. The seating
capacity of the car is forty-one, so
that an even 100 passengers' that
were standing paid fares. Indianap
olis News. ,
Frenchman's Strange Mania.
The latest monomaniac to .make
his appearance in Paris, is a man who
is obsessed with the idea of. snip
ping every fur he meets. He lies in
.wait for women who are wearing cost
ly furs, and stealthily cuts them and
makes off.' When a woman left a
metropolitan train at the Place de la
Concorde, she found that half of a
costly blue fox-fur she wore had
been cut off. She went to the near
est police station and made a com
plaint, and learned that numerous
women had already been there on tl
sane rrand.
Weil-Bred Youngster Does Not Think.
That It Knows Everything,
Says Ruskln.
The first character of right child
hood is that it is modest. . A well
bred child does not think it can teach
its parents, or ttat it knows every
thing. It may think its father and
mother know everything perhaps
that all grown-up people know every
thing; very certainly it is sure that
it does not. And it is always asking
questions, and wanting to know more.
Well, that is the flrst character of a
good and wise man at his work. , To
know that he knows very little; to
perceive that there are many above
him wiser than he, and to be always
asking' questions, wanting to learn,
not to teach. No one ever teaches
well who wants to teach, or governs
well who wants to govern; it is an
old saying (Plato's, but I know not
if his, first), and as wise as old.
Then, the second character of right
childhood Is to be faithful. Perceiv
ing that its father knows best what
is good for it, and having found al
ways, when it has tried its own way
against his, that he was right and it
was wrong, a noble child trusts him
at last wholly, gives him its hand,
and will walk blindfold with him. if
he bids it. And that Is the true char
acter of all good men also, as obe
dient workers, or soldiers under cap
tains. Ruskin.
Many Persons Lose Chance of Happy
Marriage by Exaggerating the
Value of Wealth.
Scores of people lose their chances
of being happily married through mak
ing an unnecessary obstacle of mon
ey. The importance of it is often ex
aggerated. Many a man hesitates to
propose to a girl because of his small
Income. Very often much misery, mis
understanding, and tangled lives result
from the silence. More unfortunate
love affairs are the result of what has
not been said than of spoken words.
When a man has a small, sure in
come, and a prospect of increase,
there is no legitimate reason for his
not speaking of his love; no reason,
for that matter, to prevent marriage.
People are so desperately afraid,
though, of beginning married life in a
small way. They fear the sacrifices
which they will be called upon to make
of the criticism to which they will
be subjected. Many years of happi
ness are lost in this way. It is such
a mistake for young people to want to
start marriage in the state that their
parents are ending it.
To delay marriage until a "comfor
table" income is available is to prove
something lacking in the love. An
swers. Better Keep t!ie Boy.
At nightfall the junior partner's ex
ullation of the day changed to chagrin
and he clamored noisily for the errand
boy's dismissal.
"Better think it over," the senior
partner advised,
"Why waste time in thinking," the
junior retorted, "when he's got to go?
Here I am, lying awake every night
for a week planning an. effective win
dow decoration, which is turned into a
laughing stock the first day by tho
stupidity of that boy, who leaves threa
yards of blue woolen dust rag draped
around silver tankards and trays of
diamonds." ' ' '
"Well," said the elder jeweler,
"people stopped and looked, didn't
"Yes, but what of it? That dust
rag?" growled the junior.
"That's why I advise you to keep
the boy," advised the senior mildly. "If
it hadn't been for him I am afraid no
body would have looked at all."
In Praise of Courage.
Certain virtues are divided from
vices by so narrow a line that we must
discern very clearly to see the differ
ence. Few men can distinguish pride
lroin vanity; perseverance from stub
bornness; economy from avarice.. The
same is true of courage as distin
guished from effrontery. The courag-e-ous
man must have ambition, not
r.-.erely dream of what he would like
to have. The audacious have been
found fault with for their brutality in
overcoming all obstacles but force i3
necessary to accomplish any real pur
pose. Chicago American.
Two Pickerel on One- Line.
A humble and honest fisherman
who set his traps for pickerel ' on' a
Maine pond the other day is ready to
make affidavit as follows: "I hereby
declare on oath that I did catch. two
pickerel on one hook. The first pick
erel swallowed the bait and didn't
like it Apparently he tried to cough
it up. At any rate he spewed the
hook out under his gills and it floated
off In the water to be grabbed by a
second pickerel. Thus there came up
two pickerel, all strung on a line.
Lewlston Journal.
Part Played by Heredity. . .
Heredity plays an important part
not only in tuberculosis and cancer
ous affection, but' likewise In diabetes,
rheumatism, gout and many other -diseases.
We do not inherit tuberculos
is, but we do Inherit a lessened vital
ity, or a tendency tc contract tubercu
losis infection. Underweights are
usually people who have inherited
such a lessened vltaflty, and they run
the further risk of Infection from
their underweight brothers or sisters
who are apt to be infected.
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
Saving is a habit. The first thousand dollars is the
hardest after that it comes easier, for money makes
money. But you'll get the first thousand quicker by making
each dollar work for you while you are aiming at the thous
and mark. That's the system save dollars and make them
get busy earning more. You save them and deposit them
with us and we'll put them to work for you working
twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two
weeks a year all the time. .
Come in and let us explain our system successful for
more than thirteen years. We pay four per cent interest
American Savings Bank
110 South Eleventh Street
Once Tried Always Used
Little Hatchet Flour
Made from Select Nebraska Hard Wheat
Ball Phone 200: Auto. 1459
of Lincoln
DEPOSITS $742,000.00
The directors of this bank are the same as the
directors of the First National Bank of Lincoln
4 per cent Interest on Deposits
We gladly open accounts for sums as low as one dollar
Wholesale Liquor Dealers
Distributors of the Famous STORZ and
Family Trade
Auto 1836
Bell 3487
When you want thebest in COAL call
Auto 1393 and 1893, Bell A-628
The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium
For non-contagious obronie diseases. Largest, best
equipped, moat beautifully furnished.
Getting Even.
Eels are the luxury of the East end,
and the fish shop stuck up proudly the
notice "We sell eels to the king."
From the opposite side of the road the
rival salesman watched his customers
diverted to the shop that claimed to
supply the royal table with eels. And
then, after a week's reflection, be put
up the rival notice: "God save the
king!" London Chronicle.
Not the Same.
"You seem to think it's pretty well
settled," said Miss Passay, "that I'd
marry him if he proposed." "Yes,"
promptly replied Miss Knox, "The
ides.! So you think a girl should be
ready to say 'ye3' to any man who
asked her?" "No, I don't say that a
'girl' should."
Reputation Carefully Kept.
On the island of Jersey the breeding
of cattle is still systematically and
carefully carried on. The authorities
are particular that' the island fe kept
immune from cattle diseases. Neither
bovines nor hay and straw may land
from the continent of Europe.
So. 9th St., LINCOLN, NEB.
A Specialty
201 N. 9th St.
It was the most exciting moment of
one of those midnight rehearsals. Try
as he would, Donald Brian, the actor.
RllfflnfAtltlv Imiri fnr a imashlnaF fln.l.
Finally in desperation he called out
to the orchestra conductor: "Swell! -
Y7l - ri li f m a. .
t iixu a, owcu: nuereu lue puies
matic. unruffled Enrllah conductor
Biuppea me oaua, uirnea smilingly lo
Mr. Brian and said: "Thank yon,
Statesmen and Politicians.
A statesman is merely a politician.
with whom we agree. Neither Is nec
essarily a leader of progress. Both
are flies on the wheel, and we honor '
them In direct proportion to their rid
ing ability. Life.
An Inference. . ,
There died in Chicago the other day
a man of whom it is said that' he knew
the intimate history , of every import- '
ant family In the city. Some members '
of some of the important families must
be mighty glad that he died. Savan
nah News.