6 A Good Order for Good People 'HAIL, SAM!" Supreme Inn of the W orld Order of Good Samaritans Social and Fraternal Lincoln's Only Native Brotherhood Our Beacon LightsHospitality, Honor, Humanity Wh hI) Parent Inn No. 1, Now Founding in This City, and Offers the Following: Guarantees Free Medical Attendance to Mem bers and Their Families. $7.00 Weekly for Sickness and Disability. $100.00 Burial Guarantee Open to White Men and Women of Good Moral Character and Sound in Mind and Body, from 18 to 60 years. Monthly Tribute, $1 for Men, 50c for Women. So Medical Fee Required Immediate Gratuities No Levies or Assessments What is a Good Samaritan? , A man or woman whose heart overflows with the milk of human kindness; who is the soul of hospitality; the pulse and throb of good will, and a benefactor of the human race. One whose life is a silver stream flowing into the dark and troubled ocean of humanity, and like the Gulf Stream, a warm and soothing eurrent, melting the frigid nature and bearing the Pilgrim on his frail bark to the haven of rest and reward. The good ship Hospitality is about to sail for the port of Humanity. A tried and dauntless captain with a brave and hardy crew are awaiting your arrival and will gladly welcome you. All tickets first class. Men $5.00. Women $3.00. Get Aboard and Enjoy the Trip. : Register While the Scroll is Open. . . Higher Rates Later For Further Details call, or write, Supreme Founders 0. 0. G. S. Anto 4826 Office open evenings until 9 o'clock 350-351-352 Fraternity Building Bacon's Rule for 8tudy. Lori Bacon laid down the rule that In our Btudles we should select those thlngfi that please us most, because we then develop our talents, and all the things that displease us most, because then, we discipline the mind. He In sisted, furthermore, that the .latter studies are the more Important of the two. U would be well to have these old truths recalled, revived and re- taught. They should be put back not only Into our public schools but Into our national life. Vastnesa of the Ocean. . To stow away the contents of the Pacific ocean It would be necessary to fill a tank one mile long, one mils wide, and one mile deep every day for 440 years. The figures of the other oceans are In the same startling proportions. It would take all the aea water In the world 2,000,000 yean to flow over Niagara. Taking Qrease 8pets From Woolens. For a mixture that Is excellent lor removing grease spots from woolens, use an ounce of pulverised borax, halt an ounce of gum camphor and a quart of boiling water. Bottle the mixture and shake well before using. 8hopplng Up to Date. "No, none of these hats suggest my personality at all. You see, I'm a great racegoer, adore drama, read classics in the original, sympathise with the woman's movement, travel a good deal, and am intensely temperamental. The hat I want must convey all this." Argument for Vegetarianism. Vegetarianism has been claimed as a part of the wisdom of the east, and It clearly has its uses, for two cen turies ago an Edinburgh physician who weighed 32 stone "by regular adher ence to this regimen reduced his weight to almost a third, became strong, cheerful, adtlve and healthy.' Making One Look Small. To be mistaken, for a deer is suffi ciently humiliating, but when one is potted for a partridge, as happened a Quebec guide, It's making him look small Indeed. o joy i afose Persimmons Wat. T lntt ?o? ried money enough to git d 1 . rri: license! Now I hain't a worry about till my Avk due! Puck. Moving 8 tail-way. The advantages of moving stair ways Include the following: a) There la no waiting, (b) The serytse. Is con tinuous - throughout traffic hours, (c) Passengers are carried practically to the point of their destination, and the necessity for long connecting pas sageways is thus avoided, (d) Mov ing stairways can deliver the same number of people for a short or long rise, whereas with lifts the capacity Is dependent on the number of lifts and the depths of the shafts, (e) In ease of breakdown passengers can walk up a moving stairway as up an ordinary staircase. Bursting With 8elf-lmporiance. "What Is the matter with Jones? He used to be a modest sort of fellow, bat lately he seems almost bursting with self-importance.'' "Havent you heard? Mrs. Jones Is suing another woman for alienating his affections, and pnt the damages at fifty thousand dollars." Judge. Perish the Thought of Proofs. "Walt a moment," said the budding novelist. "I will show you the proofs of my novelt" But the other hastened away. "No, no," he said. - "I don't need proof a. Your word Is enough." Your Attention! Our 1912 models of Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges have arrived and they are now on our display floor. The line is more complete than any we have ever carried. Also calling your attention to our Odorless Gas Irons, Lion Water Heaters, Cake Griddles and Waffle Irons, and a complete line of Electric Appliances. Call and inspect the above mentioned appliances, also our beautiful new offices. The Biggest and Best lighting Company in the City. Lincoln Gas & Electric Light Company Bell 75 14th and OStt. Auto B2575 I C ' -m A. M. MORRISSEY, Candidate for the Democratic Nomi nation for Attorney General, at the Primaries April 19th, 1912. From the spring of 1S98 to the fall of 1911, Mr. Morrlssey was engaged in the practice of the law at Valentine, the county seat of Cherry county, and during the first four years of that time, he was the county attorney of that county. At the expiration of his sec ond term, he declined to hold the office longer and engaged in private practice. As prosecuting officer of this big county he met and tried cases against many of the foremost lawyers of the state, who had been called In to defend in criminal cases, in suc cessfully coping with these big men of the profession, his reputation as a trial lawyer spread into the adjoining coun ties and for the past ten years he has been rated as one cf the most suc cessful men at the bar. In the summer of 1911 he gave up "his residence at Valentine and removed to Lincoln, where he is now engaged in the prac tice of tils profession. He was a delegate to the last demo cratic national convention and has a wide acquaintance with the parts workers of the state. His friends be lieve that his nomination will greatly strengthen- the state ticket, as he ii the only man who has filed who la representative of the western end ot the state, and this, together with hia high standing as a lawyer, will help to round out a ticket that will appeal to the voters next fall. He is a native of the state of New York, but has lived for twenty years in western Nebraska and may be said to be one of the pioneers f the state Wanted It Located. At an inquest in. Ellin wood a doo tor was -testifying: "Where did the motor car strike him?" the coroner asked. ' "At the Junction of the dorsal and cervical vertebrae," .replied the medicine man. "Will you please point that out on the map?" said the cor oner, pointing to a map of Barton county on the wall Kansas City Star. Odd Nest. .. ., A curious freak on the part of wasps . . was recently discovered in Maryland. The " wasps were noticed going in and out of a lock that secured a workshop door. The owner of the shop had the lock removed to satisfy his curiosity about the doings of the busy workers. He found a neat in side. The cells were made of mud and were full of larvae. There were several dead wasps Inside the lock. As the lock was in dally use, the wasps could not nave had a peaceful home. wnmese wciicaciesw The Chinese have several tastes In which we do not join. The beche de mer Is one of these, a big sort of a wormlike creature that Is fished up out of the Pacific for his especial benefit. Sharks' fins also are in demand. These are saved by Pacific islanders every where and sold to traders who collect them for the Chinese market. The bird's nest soup is a well-known deli cacy. The nests are among the most expensive articles of ' food to be paid for anywhere. Millionaire's Humor. Baron Oustave de Rothschild had a pleasant mixture of caution and wag gery. Once while in the synagogue his neighbor suddenly plucked him by the sleeve and whispered hoarsely, "I have come away this morning without locking the safe!" "Dont worry,' re plied Rothschild, looking round at the vast congregation, "we are all of us here!" Somewhat Rough on the Fish. The Japanese have a novel way of keeping fish fresh for use. You go in to the restaurant and -pick out your own fish in the tank. If there is more fish than you want the chef cuts off a piece to fit and returns the rest to the tank to swim about till wanted. Abbreviated. Words, says the Houston Post, should never be subjected to abbrevia tion save when it is appropriately done. "Xmas" is almost criminal. If you find abbreviation necessary, write it "Smas," and you will have it about right. -v Baltimore's Expericnc The more you hear abon r v. boomers is goln' to do don't hear about what t-N to work and -did. !;. .., Sun. What Could She Mean? Miss Oldgirl "When I am doing bo rlous work I hate ta have a lot of men hanging around bothering me." Miss Pert "You do a great deal of serious work, do you not?" Baltimore Ameri can. . .... . Through the 8wlss Mountains. At Bevieux (Old Bex), among the Alps, the railroad passes the rocksalt mines, from which the Swiss govern ment procures most of the salt whose ale is a government monopoly, -and often sold only by the local postmas ter, who deals not only in stamps, but In salt. At this point a toothed rail is brought into play, and the gradient rapidly Increases, as the cars . pass through woods of walnuts and chest nuts, here an important item of the) diet and Income of their owners. Had a Practical Mind. An English Sabbath school teacher was laboring away on the subject of eternal punishment. One small girl sat so entranced by her lurid descrip tions of fire. and brimstone that the teacher was much encouraged until transfixed by the explanatory question of: "Please, teacher, what becomes of all the smoke?" When Walls Are Damp. The walls of cupboards and piaiUlssv are often damp 'on wet or sultry days without apparent reason when other sections of the kitchen wall will be comparatively dry. The best device for any wall that Is inclined to "damp" Is to make it Impervious to moisture by applying a varnish of one part shellac and two parts naphtha. Frohman Knew. It was reported to Charles Froh man that one of hit most prosperous, male stars was in a fair way of get ting married. "I don't believe It," answered the manager, who Is him self a confirmed single man; "he win escape; he was always a good fight er." For the Darkness Draws Near. If a man have the truth In him. the) thought of his own death as an ever- present possibility will, far from para lysing effort, drive him to a more faithful performance of duty. As the poet says, "then let him turn today. Exchange. . The Real Puzzle. The puzzle is not whether Bacon or Shakespeare wrote the plays, but that one person could get them all ac cepted., Gas. . Mrs. .Bacon "The man was here to day, dear, looking for the gas leak." Mr. Bacon "And did he find It?" "Yes, but they haven't found the man yet." Statesman. . Real Trouble About Reforr?. "I specks," said Uncle Eben," "dsi reform would be a heap easier if dar wasn't so many different people kfckin bout so many different things."