A MERRY HEART auU w A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF : CHEERFULNESS Printed primarily for people who look upon life cheerfully and hopefully. Also for people who ought to do so. The promoter of all good things and good people, of whieh first Nebraska is chief and of which second Nebraskans are mostly. DOLLAR A YEAR Volume 8 WHAT WE THINK ABOUT IT 'It never rains but it pours." Also, (lessings never come singly," and; erything comes to him who waits. ward Bitting of Brooklyn, N. Y., a box die maker, but has been out work since the middle of last De iber. Instead of sitting around and sing the government, Bitting stled for a job. It was rather dis iraging, for work was scarce. But ;ting hustled, just the same, and Jpt smiling all the time. Last Satur- he turned up in New Haven, Conn., d landed a good job. ... Filled with , he hurried back to Brooklyn and e to take the good news to the I. He was met at the door by a rse, who said: "We've named 'em Jina, ra.nl ana wrignt a gin ana o boys." Whereupon Bitting danced jig having just landed a job and a of triplets. Here's hoping the job s, and that the three little Bittings w up to be just as good and cheer- I hustlers as their daddy. , A Scotch verdict of "Guilty but not oven" has been rendered in the case Senator Stephenson of Wisconsin. was charged with having corruptly d money in his '.senatorial campaign? was shown that he put up about 25,000 to secure election, but failing prove corrupt intent he was cleared. course a man couldn't spend that uch money honestly in a campaign r a senatorship at least he couldn't end it honestly and sensibly. ually, ' of course, the senate is not ing to scrutinize senatorial cam tign expenses too closely nor draw te lines too tightly. It wouldn't do Hinder the circumstances. That sort thing would vacate about two irds of the senatorial chairs. When Mr. Utermeyer told us that b great enterprise requiring vast capi- kl could be successfully carried out Hthout the consent of the money trust, he told us no new thing. But le told it to us in such a way that we lave a better understanding than ever f the power of that iniquitous trust. All of which reminds us that the tariff is the mother of trusts. ' "We have heard from just two sources complaints because billiard and pool ables have been installed in the Y. M. A. - One source of complaint is the idebound folk who class the innocent ame of billiards as one of the inven- ions of the devil ; the other source is 'e men who conduct public pool halls nd who find their revenues sadly de leted. All of which reminds the edi- or of Will Maupin's Weekly of a tory, which he may have related be bre, but which is worth repeating Iven if he has : When this editor was "devil" in a printing office in a Missouri town, nore years ago than he likes to recall, e was sent to a lawyer's office with a roof. On the way he happened to lass an open door leading to a club loom maintained by local merchants nd where a billiard table was in- jhooting the balls around and noting e Interested gaze of the lad, invited im to take a cue. The lad did so, ut ere he had stabbed the balls more iauntered 'by and saw him in the act. v : ). The lad quit and hastened on his way. That evening the lad came in for a mighty serious talk about the deprav ity of .the game, and was warned against it; also warned that the next offense would be met with something more serious than a mere reprimand. About two weeks later that same lad's preacher father spent an entire day playing croquet in the court house square for the county championship, and won it. And to this day that lad, now showing quite a bit of gray in his hair, is unable to see the difference between shooting ivory balls around on a green cloth and knocking wooden balls around on the green grass. It makes us feel good to see the great Y. M. G. A. institutions coming to a realization of the fact that the average boy has red blood in his veins. Steel rails have remained steady at $28 a ton for years. WhyT O, the higher the price the more profit to the big interests that hold the stock in the steel trust. And the dear people can be forced to pay freight rates based in SOME VALENTINES WERE LATE i Last Wednesday was St. Valentine's day. If you had a gnatbrained enemy he seized the occasion to send you a scurrilious picture and a vile bit of doggerel and the chances are you have just such enemies as above de scribed. But not all the pretty valentines were delivered last Wednesday. From one cause or another a lot were left over, and the same have been given to Will Maupin's Weekly for publication,' the reason being two-fold to insure quick delivery and widespread pub licity: , A : V To Sumner H. B- -m. The Aldrich plan may be all right, And good without a doubt; But ain't Nelse apt to git us all If we don't watch outt To Silas H. B- -m. With bugs in the water and dirt in the milk, And short-weight scales that the pur chasers bilk; ' With more gas in the council than car ried in mains, And streets ankle deep in mud when it rains There's cut out for you an almighty big task Go to it your best that's all that we ask. , To Richard L. M- At any old time, under any condition, You're able to fill any honored posi tion. And sooner or later men '11 come and say: "Met, We need you because you're the best we can get." Not this year, perhaps ; that remains to be seen But we need men like you to make politics clean. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 16, part on the price of $28 a ton for steel rails. But just so long as the people stand for that sort of thing, that is the sort of thing the people should have handed to them. I Of course, if the voters of Nebraska allow the insurance companies to se lect the auditor of public accounts, who is the real insurance commis sioner, the voters will deserve just what they will get under the circum stances. Congressman Dies of Texas is an other one who has found out that a sure way to break into the slug heads is to attack Bryan. A lot of men who couldn't earn a six-line paragraph on merit managed to get a lot of notoriety by attacking Bryan. But Bryan seems to thrive on it, and for the life of us we can not remember the names of his assailants the next day after the as sault. , Anyhow, you ' don't have to guess long on what President Taft really thinks. You may not agree -with the results of his thinking, but you 11 have to 'admit that his frankness and hon esty are unusual in . the case of a high official. To Chester H. A- Whether Roosevelt or Taft, Or even Bob La Follette, Progressive or standpat, we don't Care one bit what you call it. Such things will matter not a bit, But some folks say it's time you lit. To Col. John 6. M- From Swansea, Maine, to Frisco town, From St. Paul down to Rio, We hear a swelling cry come down . For Harmon of Ohio. And every day that passes he 'Will see his chance grow brighter, For he is backed by bold John O. And his far-famed typewriter. To Dr. P. L. H- Along in June when democrats Are met dn Maryland's chief city, '. Those from your state will see you on Their national committee. You're square on party orthodoxy Though some still grumble "bout, that proxy. To Paul C- -k. They tell me, Paul, that you aspire To place now held by John Maguire. If that be true, go to it, Paul; The raee will be a free-for-all. But if you win in days to come You surely will be going some. Yet, judged by talk upon the street, You're pretty swift upon your feet. To William E. S- Your traction problems worry you, But they are easy of solution. I'll tell you, William, what to do, Thus saving each 'brain convolution : Just build a track to each man's door, And have a private car e'er ready. No more youH hear the people roar, But see them always boosting steady. Until 'tis done from here to Hel Ena theyH roast you mighty well. 1912 WATER POWER In season and out of season, for the last decade, the editor 'of Will Maup in's Weekly has been talking about ' the development - of Nebraska 's' many water . powers. Enough water power may be developed in Nebraska to turn very wheel in the state, including railroad wheels. These power sites are scattered all over the state, from the White river in Dawes county to the Nemaha in Richardson ; from Howa creek in Dixon county to the Repub lican in Dundy and nearly . every county . in between. With improved methods . 6f transmitting electric cur- ' rent this power may be transmitted many, miles without appreciable loss. ' Time after time, during the last eighteen months, Will Maupin's Week ly has asserted that a big power pro ject was brewing, with men of ample capital behind it, and with every prospeet of its being undertaken im mediately. ; And now comes the vindi cation of this newspaper's prophecies. Kountze Bros., the great bankers, whose capital is unlimited, have se cured the rights formerly held by the ""V I To Dr. J. H. tr- If microbes come from Ireland, And germs from Germany; And corpuscles come from Corpus, Tex., Then, doctor, pray give me Some information that I need As swift the days now roll on:. Dp typhus germs mean I must come To a full stop at the colon T . To. Benjamin A- Why don't you plan to save expense By closing down your plant immense, Then lead your mains to U. S. square And pipe the, council gas that's there? To Theodore R- This silence on your part, dear Teddy, Has gotten on our nerves already. Speak up ! Or by the great horn spoon, We'll call it "Clam Bay" pretty soon. To Hon. John H. M- -d. I'm sure that grand Nebraska would Welcome a man who has made good. She needs a business man to run Her big affairs, and you are one. So let's have done with fuss feather And for Nebraska work together. and To William J. B- "Three strikes and out" was the rule heretofore, But. being it's you we'll make it one more. Well give you a chance to bat a home run, And whoop for pure joy if the thing can be done. To Col. Charles J. B s. The man who said that "talk is cheap" Could easily be taught a heap. With 'phoney schemes with fancy frills The publie has to foot the Bills.' "MEDICINE But a broken spirit drieth the bones. That's what the Good Book says, and we'll bank on it, sure. Will Maupin's Weekly H works to make cheerful the hearts of its readers, and thus do medi cal duty. Fifty-two consecutive weekly doses for a dollar. GUARANTEED ' NUMBER 47 in Nebraska"! Fremont Richards project, and plans for pushing it have reached the stage when we may expect work to begin, as soon as the frost is out of the ground. . This project is to tap the Loup river just above Columbus, carry the water in a canal to the top of the bluffs north of TVemont, and thus se cure a fall sufficient to develop about 15,000 horsepower. They are also planning to take over the old Rose water project, which is ; to , tap the Platte near Waterloo and carry the water, in a canal to South Bend, thus developing about 20,000 horsepower. The latter power plant .would be -within about 20 miles of Omaha. . The power plant at Fremont would furnish power for Fremont, Lincoln, Wahoo, Columbus, David City, Seward, Schuyler, York and other thriving lit tle cities. The South , Bend plant would supply' power to Omaha, South Omaha, Plattsmouth and 'other cities in ; the extreme east end. The con struction of these two great power plants would mean more to Nebraska than anyone can imagine. . It would give & wonderful impetus to manufac turing in Nebraska, and already Nebraska- is taking a, .foremost pjace in the ranks . of manufacturing states. These two great projects will mean the , mvestiueui, ox. luortr tuau two wuimuv of dollars to put them into operation, and this would mean employment to thousands of men for a year or two. Those who sneer at the possibility of developing water power in Nebraska merely advertise their own ignorance. It has already been developed.; A few years ago a water power plant, at Kearney turned the wheels of a 30,000 spindle cotton mill, operated a line of street cars, run a flouring mill, turned the wheels of every printing press in the city, operated a paper mill, a plan ing mill, and small machines without number. The only, trouble ! with this power plant was that it was developed twenty years ahead of its time. But the power was there is still there, for that, matter and some of these days Kearney is going to rank high in the list of manufacturing centers. What Kearney has done by tapping , the Platte at Elm Creek and carrying the water for about twenty miles through a j? t .i x ...i-x .. : mi, ana ox crop naniuijig musi uuiam. j.uc old system of shipping the raw, ma terial out in bulk and shipping the fin ished product back, subjecting our selves to freight tolls both ways, must give way to the plan of working up the raw material at the point of pro duction. For many years Massachu setts held primacy in the manufacture of cotton goods. Today the cotton is a canal, Columbus can do by tapping the Loup and carrying the water less than ten miles. Superior can get a plentiful supply of power from the Republican; Grand Island and Hast ings can get a' plentiful supply of power from the Platte; Fairbury may get her supply from the Little Blue ; Beatrice is already, utilizing the Blue, and may obtain even more power. In short, the opportunities in Nebraska for developing water power are pracr tically inexhaustible. . The time is at hand when Nebraska capital and genius will turn more and more to manufacturing industries. Land is becoming so 'valuable that more scientific methods of agriculture