v f Polly's i I Pancakes it. PrMl1 jj tCocvncfet, 9u by Amnum4 Laurary Prats) "It does sem too bad that some nice Xuaa dcesat find Folly.' remarked Mrs. Eartingtoa. Sli is dctlned for an old maid, dar; I told ycu that long ago," iv husband answered consolingly. ''And th sooner she accepts the in jrvitable and stops struggling, the bet-lr.- "YouVe absolutely heartless, Frank, and Polly is th best fre3d either you or I hava ia the world, and you know IV . Mrs. arllngtons eyea filled with tears S3 che bent over her crocheting. She was a sympathetic little woman, and every time she thought of the difficult and lonely life of her dearest friend. Pauline Bates, her heart over flowed with compassion for the girL Pauline Pclly. they called her did nlorinr in aad about tta small vtl- liufeo of Glenville. and most of ner In come was sent back home to support her widowed mother and two younger sisters. She was & wholesome, wom anly, attractive girl, well out of her. teens, and although every one, men and women, liked her, no man who was wcrtii while seemed to have fallen in love with her. And yet her was not a girl in the tittle circle ft young people- la Glecvllle who "would have made so admirable a "wife. Mrs. artingto had known her for years, and the coxy home of th artlngtons was always open to Pauline. In fact, as Mrs. Esrlington frequently remarked, she didn't know Tnow they could keep house without Pauline to call on. If the nurse .were out. or 111. Paulino always man aged to be on hand to help with the children. If the cook left. Paulino ever failed to drop In to help pre pare the meals. If Frank had to be nt of town. Pauline came to stay With Mrs. Eartington. If the Earling tn entertained. Pauline was tho fver ready belper. for she p tared the. piano, made a chafing dish supper, or did mere parlor tricks better than either the host or hostess. "Frank. I want you to listen to ue' fceaa Mrs. Eartingtoa. opening the utvjwct asaia. Hr husband looked P from his rural jtoarwaL. He was deep la the asysterlea of bow to prone fruit trees, but he suppressed a, sigh and looked across th reading table to ward his wit. Tm serious about PoUy we, must Cad a sttban4 tor her." TU ah say ar asked the man. Maadly. Mrs. Earttagtoa withered htm vrttn look. "Does Pauline ever say aajv ta fooiishr she asked. "Not ofta enough that's oa of r faults. Her principal fault, so far as I- es. Is being entirely too good md coaecieatioua and capabl for say mere naa. No on appreciate her. retorted Mrs. Earltngtoa. Her husband rolled his precious oisgasin into a tube and frowned. Well? Wat can w do? I cant around th world dragging men tit her to meet her and extolling r virtues. To know how a maa, kes to th sort of girl you have to that for. "Of cours not but there must be subtle ways of gening at If," Mr Sarlingtoa said vaguely. "Toull hav to do anything subtle hata don la our family, dear. I'm xa rar rrom Petag subtle as as a 4ow oa th head." His wife did not hear him; she ras thinking. Suddenly a smile ashed across her face. "Polly la a grand cook! she said. "But who knows It- asked Frank. S oa but you and m. and her axaity. perhaps. Most of Polly's fcaims if cooking may b called a harm are htddea under the prover- dal bwshe). sighed Mr. Karttngtoa. Her husband agreed with her. AW I think oa. Frank, couldn't -u tavtte th boys sad wea of th heir f St. Paura to a w'U say. a aacak supper, and wn have Potty oak th pancake? Mrs. Earttac- ma eye fairly danced at th proe-v "I ouM, Frank said, haW-hearv- ily. "Yea eoald very well. As a 13 tr of th vestry. It would be only natural that yow show a little atten jtion to the choiriespeciallT before Christmas, when they are doins such 4Sood work.", "Very wen."' dear it's your party, rm willing. And what then?" You goose Polly will make such delicious pancakes it's one of her very best starts that the men will well, you know a man when some thing appeals to his inner self." Yes it isnt every wife who can make good ' pancakes or teach her -cook to do likewise," admitted the "man. "And I'm fto ask the choir to a pancake supper here to eat Pol ly's pancakes", be asked. Not at all say nothing about .Polly. That woulld spoil it all. Mere ly ask them' to a pancake sapper next "Wednesday night-" , In due form the choir of St. Paul's was invited to the Earlington home to eat pancakes and almost in a body it accepted. The small boys and the men were always glad of an oppor tunity to spend an evening in this hospitable little, home. Mrs. Earlicgton and Pauline were busy preparing the batter for the feast and a pile of hot plates was al ready on the top of the great range when the telephone bell rang long and loudly. . .'"7 .. "Wont you; answer, Polly, dear?" asked Mrs. Eaxlingtoa. Polly rushed to the "phone, a glad light in her, .eyes. Her heart beat quickly as she took up the receiver. "Could it be her, she asked herself, over and over. For a few minutes she talked earn estly over the wire and when she re turned to the kitchen a bright spot of red burned In each cheek. Mrs. Eartington thought, she had never seen th girt so pretty. To herself. she commented that, the combination of polly's pancakes ' and her -seauty ought to bring some one of the half doxen unmarried men ia the house to her feet tonight. I took the liberty of asking an old friend who has just come to ic from back home hero tonight." Polly said. Mrs. Eartington looked at her ear nestly. "Why. of course, dear. Who is ur Arthur Fisher a boy I used to play with when I. was little and And what, Polly? Why do you besitateT" " "Well, when, we were oh. dread fully young I quarreled with him because he wanted m to marry him and settle down in that little town . , ,1.1 &eep nou?e. I was uuoiuuus and wanted to do something else In tfc world then, I tcld him I couldnt Jteep house and wou'dnt cook and " Aad you blush 'because he's goir.g to find you bakinsr 'pancakes for a whole reghrent of hungry men now? Oh. Pol It. why dltfnt you tell me of this Arthur before? "I thought h "had forgotten m uatil I had a letter from him the other day saying he would be in this neighborhood -tonirht. I wrote him that I would be her tonight and that if he t!w he might call roe up. It would seem so good to see some on from home. she ended lamely. "I think he's more than some one. Polly," said Mrs, Earlington, point edly. -'"-" Perhaps but we 'must get there pancakes on th table. Isnt that enough to start 'on? ' I dont know how they are-l did not try them aid I mixed the batter hastily," Polly said as sh hurried "Into the dining room, with a platter full of round. hot grtdd! cakes. Sh placed them before Mr. EarV IngtoB. who wlf had Just supplied him with a pil- of - hot plates, and thB th doorSwd Vang. Without ceremony. Polly rushed to acswcr it kerrelf.ov You found ta way?" was all Mrs. Eartington heard. and then, for a lo&s minute there was silence. Mrs. Earllrgton"- hurried to the kitchen, where the and the cook k-spt th griddle act atah tried to make pancakes enough to supply the hungry men. .i Presently Potty returned to th kitchen sh had estopped to Intro duce Mr. Ftsber to-star host. Dd you need mr asked Fouy. innocently. "Oh. no," Mrs. Eartington said, "the pancake r of tto consequence now." she said, with a meaning that was discernible only to herself. Clean Paint' and Good Health. Great care should always be taken la the cleaning of paintwork and baths, especially a this is often neg lected oa account of "the trouble and Canger of discoloration and wearing the paint which is caused by the use of strong soaps- and unnecessarily hard scrubbing. " There is an excellent cleaner now on the market special'y made for saving tabor, which at the same time preserves the paint, and should prove to be a great boon to a woman whos greatest aim in life Is to see her hoas clean and the paint always spotless.-- -- It is also highly ef ficient for cleaalag silver and plated ware, and answers a double us, and should always be ta th store-cup board, ,u Making a Guess, Hard Looking Customer (slinking into pawnshop)bSayc how much can I get oa this gold watch? Plain Clothe PoKcemaa (suddenly appearing) Let me"see it. Km my friend. I think you'lY get about a year on that Smaller Yips. First WaiterTh. paper says th wrist contains el&ht boaes, th palm nv. aad th oncers Tourteen. Second WaiteifWell, I never fow lv bones' ta mTlTa. JKicO ' -' x Army Officer Tells of 1?st CCsson in Cooking and Conduct as a Host. The old army officer, distinguished alike for his character and his high position, had said to his fellow guests at the little mountain camp that he re garded a knowledge of cooking as a necessary accomplishment for a gen tleman and a soldier. "Let me tell you," be continued. "where I received my first and best lesson in cooking, and in conduct at the head of the table. "While I was yet a very young man I had the good fortune to attract the notice of an old French gentleman who, with the remnant of his for mer large fortune, had come to the neighborhood of Petersburg. Virginia, and established himself in a small cot tage. "In this little home the dining-room and kitchen were separated by a par tition that extended only five feet above the floor. As monsieur was too poor to afford a waiter or cook, h himself performed the duties of both. "He often honored me with an in vitation to diner, and as I sat in the dining-room, waiting for the meal to be served, I could see the old gentle man's head bobbing up and down as he tended his stew-pans In the kitch en." "How awfully funny!" said some one, with a giggle. "It never seemed in the least lu dicrous to me," the old officer quietly responded. "After placing the dishes upon the table, my old friend would remove his apron, put on a rusty dress coat, and dispense the hospitality of his house with the grace and dignity Of a prince." T understood! Noblesse oblige, and all that sort of thing." murmured the giggler, contritely. "All the same, your old gentleman, ministering at hidden altars and practicing mysteri ous rites behind that low partition. must hav been something of a char acter. " The old officer gravely assented "One that it was a privilege to know," he said. Youth's Companion. VICTOR HUGO'S ACACIA TREE Planted In Childhood by Author, It Haa Just Been Saved From De struction in Paris. An acacia tree, supposed to have been planted by Victor Hugo In his childhood has Just been saved from de struction In Paris. The tree stands in the Boulevard Ras pall, and Its tall, curved trunk has long been familiar to th Inhabitants of that quarter. short time ago a certain M- Charuin bought the plot upon which it grew for the purpose of erecting a mansion. The whole quarter was disturbed at the news that a tree of such traditions was about to disappear. - When, however. M. Chaurin heard that his new mansion was likely to de molish the object of a veneration with which he sympathised, he altered his architectural plans spontaneously, and built a semi-circular frontage to bis house. Just Inclosing th acacia within the railings. The association of It with Victor Hugo Is disputed by authorities oa that poet's Ufa, but one may feel gratified that a tradition retains soct vigorous life and that the martini of places connected with famous men is not yet purely municipal in Paris, Gift for Busiiteaa. Willie's father conducts a boatrafe tng business oa th Jersey aide of th Hudson. "I'll give yon a dollar if youU baa out th boats, Willie," said th father on morning after a rain. There vrere XS - boats aad Willie wasnt keen. So he was non-committal. A little later his friend Albert cam over. TU give yom a quarter if youTl bail out th boats." said Willie to Al bert. Gee! "What d'ye take m forf re turned Albert as he surveyed the fleet of rowboats. "It's worth 35 cents, any way." Well, all right, then." said Wil lie. Albert got busy and did the bailing. while Willie looked on and. Tom Saw yer-like, bossed the Job. The work done, Willie collected. paid Albert and pocketed 65 cents. "That boy'Il be a business man." re-' marked the father to Willie's mother later, but not In the boy's hearing.. New York Herald. Large Enterprises Essential. Larg personal fortune acquired legitimately are in themselves an hon orable testimony to talent and to toll; and. without large aggregations of capital, whether personal or cor porate, great enterprises, are not pos aibl. And without great enterprises win the country show the marvelous growth which we deem an essential characteristic of American life, and will the masses of th people have the opportunities now so abundantly set befor them to find employment and to develop their own fortunes. however relatively small thos may be?" Archbishop Ireland. Up Against ft, Hokus Why dont you try to set S Job? Pokus Employers prefer to biro married mea. Hokua Then why dont you get married? Pokus A girl wont marry a fel THE WAYS OF THE WILD Timid Doe Finds There Is Some Good After AH in the White Bipeds of the City. The heart of a deer, a poor, timid, pretty little doe, must have been near to bursting with gratitude a few .days ago. Somewhere up among the pines in the moonlight she must sure ly have found a way, dumb brute though she is, to tell her companions of the an tiered tribe how good after all are the white bipeds of the city .when the hunting season is over. . Out of . the maelstrom of queer sights and scenes of snorting, puffins monsters that ran on wheels and ut tered terrifying metallic sounds in w-hich she found herself she was trans ported back to her nztJve environ ment In a motor car. Poor, little trembling creature. She shock and cowered and looked as iiiotgh she were gazing upon the end jfrom her great liquid eyes. They took ner bact to the mountains, loosened their hold upon the soft neck and said to her: "Go, little girl." She hesitated a minute, then, realiz ing what to her was doubtless some thing beyond all belief, she sprang from the tonneau of the motor car and in three bounds was out of sight. Whatever caused the animal to stray into the city from some one of the nearby canyons no one knows. Los Angeles Times. PROFESSOR WAS THE LIMIT Which Goes to Show That Wives Should Be Careful About Overbur dening Husband's Mind. " The people didn't merely look at Professor Branefog they stared. He tnew he was "absent minded at times, and he wondered whether he had rub toed his face with boot polish instead of cold cream after he had shaved, or whether he had forgotten to change lis dressing gown for his frock coat- Pi:t a kind policeman put things right. Are you aware, sir, that you are carrying a joint of beef in your arms?" he asked. , "Goodness, me!" said the professor. "I knew something was wrong. My .wife told me to put her Sunday hat on the bed. to place this Joint in the oven, and to take the baby and the deg out for a walk." Youe not put the baby In the) oven, surely," said the law's guardian. "I put something in It," said Brane fog; "but I dont know whether it was the baby or the dcg." With bated breath they hurried to the professor's house. Here, on the bed lay the baby and the dog, but it was just as bad for Branefog. It was his wife s Sunday hat that was in the oven! Doctor Defends Meat Eaters, In. his recently published work Dr. Robert JIutohinson observes that en ergy is not to be confused with mus cular strength. A grass fed cart horse is. strong; a corn fed hunter is ener getic. Energy is a property of the nervous system; strength of the mus cles. Muscles give us th power to do work; the nervous system gives us tne Initiative to start it. Muscles do their work upon carbohydrates (starch foods), which are the charac teristic nutritive constituents of vege table foods; the brain appears to re quire nitrogen, which can only be at tained In a concentrated form from animal sources. If proteid food, there fore, be regarded as a nervous food. diet rich in It will make for intel lectual capacity and bodily enerf and It ta not without leason that tba more energetic races of the world have been meat eaters. - The Actor in China. It tne new regime In' China suc ceeds in abolishing class distinction tn civil administration tt will have ac complished "a difficult task. Hitherto three classes of the population nave been esteemed by th Cnlnese "low est of the low." these being- actors, barbers and chiropodists. These and their children are barred from becom ing Mandarins. Their grandsons, ac cording to the letter of the law, are permitted to bold government posts, but this permission has seldom been granted.' Some years ago a grandson of Cheng Chang Keng. the most famous Pekin actor of his day. was appointed one of the secretaries of the Chinese legation in Berlin. The ap pointment aroused a storm of protest among official circles in China, and but for the support of the empress dowager would have been revoked. Locking Up the Stable. The chancellor of th exchequer was putting up the Iron shutters while the first Lord of the Admiralty stowed away the show case. "There's no use takin chances.' says the chancellor. "Britannia's shop must be. protected at all "axards." "Right you are," remarked the ad miralty chap. Wy, them stone- throwin lydles busted enough window. glass on their last suffrin rampyge to build a battleship an arf a dozen col liers. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Promoting Pleasant Impression. "What is leave to print?" Inquired the lady who has the art of seeming interested. - "Leave. ' print. replied Senator Sorghum, "is something that enables a man to pretend that he has deli ered a speech, and which also enables his friends to pretend that they have made themselves familiar with its caateals." Suiter. is an every day delicacy that all can afford. A few cents a month covers the difference between ordinary butter and -Meadow Gold." Butter b one of those "big little things"' a poor I quality can leave a feeling of dissatisfaction with an 1 I entire meal, while good butter lends an additional I I charm I The delicious flavor of "Meadow GoW" Butter I is particularly entkrr.g. Its rare richness i . appeals to the most fastidious palatr. m 5gftV dealers who are SoSJifilvV butter particular. FLODEEM AND BRETHOUER SUITS And up, made to measure, nuioa made Gothes to your order for less mosey titan "Cold Storage doties." Gre ns a call and be convinced. .... EXPERT CLEANING AND PRESSING 129 South PRINTING When you have a job you want done well and quickly, phone us and we will be there in a minute with sample and price. MAUPIN-SHOOP PRINTERY Publishers of Will Maupins Weekly 1705 "0" STREET AUTO 2748 THE CENTRAL National Bank of Liacofa. CAPITAL $15. seats Sarpfcn tmi UittiM Prafits $50,00 lUtaKDavSOc WMkSX.Sz.SOwSS.OO GLOBE HOTEL E. WILSON. Mumi 1329 P Street. Liacola, Nebraska Its Flavor Wins Favor 11th Street Wageworkers Artf-Tition Money tokan ttennon on chattels. Plenty of it. Utmost Secrecy. Kelly & Norris 129 So. Urn Sc. Dr. Chas. Yungblut No. 202 Dentist 1 BLOCK AUTO. PHONE MI6. BELL. 656 LINCOLN. - NEBR. A low unless he has a Job, . .