Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, December 15, 1911, Image 8

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F. L. SHOOP, Business Manager
NUUM WUy at Lincoln. Nebraska
hy tik Maapia-Sfcoop PuMimhiwg Co,
Office 1705 O StracC
Ik ..Cffi tlink.NMU.Hdw tk Act
Score one for enterprising Iowa.
The Des Moines Ad Men's Club, act
ing for the manufacturers of Iowa,
has just designed and registered a
"made in Iowa" trademark, and in
future this trademark will be stamped
upon all gods made in the llawkeye
It is a bully good idea and one
that should be instantly copied by
Make it a neat, tasteful design, and
then make it popular by demanding
its presence on everything you buy.
You may not be able to get every
thing now but keep on demanding
just the same. There will soon be
a supply to meet the demand, and
with the furnishing of that supply
will come more - wage earners, more
home owners, more business and moM
Will Maupin's Weekly would like
to see the Ad Clubs of Lincoln and'
Omaha appoint a joint committee to
design, prepare and register a "Made
in Nebraska" trademark. It believes
that this hint is sufficient. Now get
Nebraska was admitted to the Union
'in March, 1S67, and is therefore but
forty-four years old. When admitted
the population was less than 50,000,
three-fourths of them living within
fifty miles of the Missouri river. When
admitted to the Union Nebraska was
considered a "desert." Indeed the
school maps of that time included
four-fifths of Nebraska in what was
designated "The Great American
Desert." For thirty years people
had been hurrying across Nebraska.
believing that her plains were as un
productive as the sands of Sahara. A
little later cattle raising began and
flourished wonderfully. Little by lit
tle the homesteaders came drifting in,
ud it was soon discovered that the
soil of this so-called desert was as
productive as the soil of any other
umilar area of territory. In the short
span of forty-four years Nebraska
has grown from a state with 50.000
inhabitants to a commonwealth with
1,300,000 inhabitants with farms pro
ducing upwards of $400,000,000 worth
of produce each year; with cities turn
ing out upwards of $200,000,000 worth
manufactured articles eaeh year.
Four hundred and fifteen miles east
and west, by 205 miles north and
south. Nebraska contains a total area
. 77.000 square miles. or 49.000,000
acres. Of this total acreage only about
two-fifths, or, 1 $.000,000 acres, are un
der cultivation, and this two-fifths of
the total acreage produces annually
$400,000,000 worth of grain and
grasses. Of the remaining three-fifths
cf the total acreage more than one
half are just as good for raising corn;
vrheat, oats, rye, barley and alfalfa
as the 1$,000.000 acres now under
eultivation, and of the remaining 15,
000,000 acres fully one-half will in
time, under proper cultivation and
thorough knowledge of soil conditions,
be added to the wealth producing area
It took Nebraskans more than a
qnarter of a century to learn that
they could not make the soil fit the
man. Then came the most wonder
ful discovery of the age the dis
covery that by adapting the man to
the soil Nebraska could be made the
jrseatest agricultural wealth producer
in the world. Each year since that
discovery has seen hundreds of thou
sands of acres of soil, before con
sidered almost worthless, brought un
der cultivation and yielding returns
that are so astonishing that it is hard
to make people believe the truth.
There is room and welcome awaiting
in Nebraska for 500,000 honest and
industrious honteseekers and home
makers farmers who will till the soil
intelligently. "With what do you
mix your paints?" some asked of
Landseer. "With brains," was the
reply. There is no better fertilizer
than brains and Nebraska farmers
are using their brains. What is the
result T
Nebraska is the fourth largest wheat
producing state, and the youngest of
the four. She raises more wheat to
the acre than any other state.
Nebraska is the fourth largest oats
producing state, and the youngest of
the three. She raises more corn to
the acre than any other state.
Nebraska is the fourth largest oats
producing state, and the youngest of
the four. She raise more oats to the
acre than any other state.
Nebraska is the third largest pro
ducer of sugar beets.
Nebraska produces more butter per
capita than any other state.
Texas is the largest cotton produc
ing state. Her 1909 crop of cotton was
not worth as much as Nebraska's 1909
crop of corn by $47,000,000. Ne
braska's 1909 wheat crop came with
in $6,000,000 of being worth as much
as Texas' cotton crop in the same
In 1908 the farm value of the to
bacco crop of the nation was $74,
000,000 less than the value of Ne
braska's corn crop for the same year.
The value of the 1910 product of
crude petroleum in the United States
was not equal to the value of Ne
braska's 1910 crop of corn and wheat.
The steel industry cf the United
States is gigantic. The values of the
iron ore produced in the United States
in 1908 was $60,800,000. Nebraska's
corn crop in the same" year was worth
much more.
In 1909 the agricultural and live
stock products of Nebraska were
worth more than the time value of all
the bituminous coal dug from the
bowels of the earth in the United
All the gold and silver mined in the
United States and Alaska in 1910
would not pay for the corn and wheat
raised in Nebraska in the same year.
The value of the 1910 product of
iron ore produced in the United States
in 1908 was $60,S00,000. Nebraska's
corn crop in the same year was worth
much more.
Nebraska has no mines producing
gold bearing ores, but in 1910 the
dairy cows of Nebraska minted the
grains and grasse of Nebraska into
$10,000,000 worth of golden butter.
Consider the stupendous figures
then remember that all this product
is from 18,000.000 cultivated acres,
with not less than 20,000,000 equally
fertile acres yet awaiting the touch
of the plow of the husbandman.
And less than a half-century ago
what is now Nebraska was considered
to be the heart of "The Great Amer
ican Desert!"
In 1910 Nebraska with a popula
non of 1,300,000 produced more from
her soil than Japan, with 40,000,000
people, produced from her soil and
purchased from other nations. The
per capita of agricultural wealth pro
duction in Nebraska is greater than
that of any other state. Even the hay
crop alone in 1910 was worth more
than Alaska's output of gold and
This is the state that invites you
from the congested centers of the east.
This is the state that offers you the
opportunity to build a home and ac
quire a competence. This is the stata
that throws wide her gates and invites
the industrious and the honest from
all four quarters of tse earth.
Nebraska does not mine a dollar's
worth of ore of any kind, yet she
boasts a smelter that smelts more
ore every year than any other smelter
in the United States, with one ex
ception. Nebraska is 1,500 miles from tide
water, yet she is making and selling
gasoline marine engines to all parts
of the civilized world.
Nebraska is not known as a sheep
or wool growing sta- -hnt more
sheep are sheared in Nebraska than
in any other state in the Union. And
South Omaha is the largest sheep
market in the world.
People do not think of Nebraska as
a manufacturing state but she pro
duces more brooms per capita than
any other state.
Lincoln manufactures and sells
more glass store fronts than any other
city in America.
One of the largest paint manufac
turing establishments in the United
States is located in Lincoln.
Nebraska is the sole American sup
ply of silica, and most of the raw
material is worked up into the finished
product in Nebraska factories.
The largest manufacture of wooden
soled shoes in the United States is
located at Columbus, Nebraska.
Chicago, Kochester, New York and
Philadelphia are looked upon as the
great and only center of elothing
manufacture. In 1911 Nebraska cloth
ing manufacturing establishments will
turn out upwards of $2,000,000 worth
of clothing not including tailor shops.
Only seventeen cities exceed Lin
coln in the amount of second class
Freie Presse.
The preacher in the pulpit stood
and talked of harps and strings.
Of golden streets, and jasper walls.
and crowns and other things.
And eloquent he waxed about the
angel chorus strong
That wings its way about the throne
in sweet melodious song;
Where congregations ne'er break up
and Sabbaths never eease,
And all about is perfect joy, and
love and rest and peace.
He drew a picture of the place in
words he knew would please.
Till all were carried to the skies on
flowery beds of ease.
He had his hearers all wrought up
about that golden clime
Until it seemed they could not wait
the meet and proper time
To don their white ascension robes
and swiftly fly away
To Jordan's fair and happy land
where shines eternal day.
"Let all," the pastor loudly cried.
"who want to join our band
And go to that celestial home now
rise and proudly stand!"
Then came a mighty rustling noise.
and all rose to their feet
Save one lone stranger who sat tight
and never left his seat.
"My brother, I cannot believe," the
pastor eried, "that you
Prefer to join that other throng
utiOty GIFTS
9 KirschbraurrTfaotfres
know as Satan's crew
And journey on that downward path
that surely leads to hell!"
"Well I guess not!" the stranger cried
his voice rang like a belL
"Then why," the pastor asked of
him, "did you not stand to show
That you with us to that fair land
would love to quickly go?"
"Because I'm pretty well content,"
the stranger said wtih glee,
To stay right here Nebraska is good
enough for me!"
The vicious fight of the Anti-Saloon
league against Judge Hamer is to be
continued, it appears, a committee of
the league having been authorized to
investigate his primary and general
""THE KIND that give service as
well as pleasure to the one who
receives and satisfaction to the
giver. Here are a few suggestions
for suitable Xmas gift3 for men and
$10, $12.50
and $15
We offer you the best bargain ever
offered by any reputable clothing
house. Handsome garments, hand
tailored, good fabric and up-to-date
styles. Nothing- better ever offered.
Handkerchiefs, Neckwear
single or in beautiful boxes. HOSE,
'single-or in handsome' boxes.- - HATS,
CUFFS with handsome boxes. JEW
ELRY for gentlemen. SILK MUF
just the Xmas gifts that "He" would
most like to have.
We are offering some rare Xmas
election campaign areount with the
hope of finding something which might
appear to be a violation of the cor
rupt practices aet . Bat way single
out Hamer T If Hose Carson's league
is in the investigating mood why Zoes
it not investigate all along the Ene?
Kearney nub.
Will Maupin's Weekly, being a dis
interested spectator, would advise the
Anti-Saloon League to ehange its Hose.
The emasenlation f state railway
commissions seems to be the task for
the federal judiciary just now. And
a whole lot of men who nd to grow
exeited at the mere mention f "state
rights" are now the most rabid advo
cates of states rights.