SANTA AUS C0MIH6! He is comimg this way and coming fast! He'll be here before you know it. Here are some exceptional values: CLOAKROOM Buy Your Needs and Gifts Now. The inducements will not be as advantageous later, when the stock gets depleted of sizes. Many excellent values are awaiting you. Sweater Coats, Fifth Off Children's $1.75 and $1.95 values, now at. $1.57 and $1.38 Ladies $2.95 to $5.95 values, now at. $4.95, $3.95, $2.95 and $2.37 Knit Petticoats, now at 98c and 59c Flannel Striped Patterns, 9Sc values at 59c Black Sateen, special at $1.95, $1.25 and 98c Taffeta and Messaline Petticoats, $4.95 values, only $2.95 Sale Prices on Cloth Coats Have your choice of $17.50 and $16.50 values at $9.95 Have your choice of $22.50 and $19.50 values at $12.50 One-fifth Otf on Plush and Caracule Coats. One-fifth Off on Children's Cloth Coats. FURS AT FIFTH OFF Sets from 9.95 to 57.50, now at One-Fifth Off Muffs from 3.95 to 19.50, now at One-Fifth Off Scarfs from 2.95 to 19.50, now at One-Fifth Off Children's Sets from 1.50 to 7.50, now at One-Fifth Off Kimona and Waist Specials 1.50 values Flannelette, special 1.25 1.95 values Flannel, special , 1.48 Silk Kimonas, 4.95 and 5.95 values, at.. One-Half Off Fleeced Dressing Sacques, 69c values at 49c Waists, tailored effects, only 75c Mannish Madras and Lawn with frills, 1.75 values at 1.25 Messaline and Taffetas, 4.95 and 3.95 values, at 2.95 Messaline and Taffetas, 7.50 and 6.75 values, at 3.95 White Aprons For gifts, priced at 25c, 39c, 49c and 59c IN THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Ribbons 19c Yard A handsome collection of Satin Silk Ribbons, fancy and plain colors, Moire Ribbons, most every sort is here in differ ent widths and attractive colorings. Odd lines that have been selling up to 40c per yard, all are now further reduced to effect their speedy disposition before Christmas. Your choice at 19c yard. Dress Goods Had you thought of a nice dress pattern for Christmas? Such a practical gift as this would be welcomed surely, and then it would serve to remind the one who wears it of the giver for more than an ordinary length of time. We are showing especially good values this week at per yard : ,43c, 67c and 89c Christmas Dolls We now have on display a beautiful line of Dolls, plain kid dolls, dressed dolls, rubber dolls, doll heads, etc Prices ranging from 10c to 5.00 Ladies Silk Scarfs A nice line of Ladies Silk Scarfs in all plain colors, regular 69c values, at 49c We urge you to buy Xmas Gifts early. New stocks are at their best now. You can avoid the crowds sure to come later Christmas Slippers in Shoe Department Select "his" Christmas Slippers now, while the choosing is at its best. We've the finest lines of Christmas Slippers that could be gathered together Women's Slippers Juliets, fur trimmed. Felt Slippers, etc : 1.00 to 1.75 Bath Slippers. 59c Crochet Slippers, brown, red or blue, pair 89c to 1.25 Eiderdown Slumber Slippers, blue or pink, pair 89c Men's Slippers Opera. Everett or Romeo style, all leathers ...s...85c up to 2.25 Felt Slippers, felt or leather soles. : 79c up to 1.35c Bath Slippers 59c Men's Furnishing Goods Department Buy Him a Cap, 50c to $1.00 linen Handkerchiefs 25c Soft finish fine cotton Handkerchiefs 3 for 25c Silk Handkerchiefs.....25c, 50c and up to LOO Sweaters are nice for gifts LOO to 4.00 Silk Suspenders in pretty Xmas boxes 50c, 75c and LC0 Gloves 1.00 to 2L50 Mufflers 50c -to 2.00 Men's Dress Shirts, coat style 1.00 to 1.50 Men's White Pleated Shirts, coat style 1.00 to 1.50 Extra Values in Xmas Scarfs at 50c You've never seen here before such a great lot of beautiful Scarfs at 50c and 25c HAIR GOODS We are showing a beautiful line of Ladies' Human a Hair Switches in single or three strand, all shades. . Prices ranging from $2.00 to $4.95 1T-921 O St. OPPOSITE CITY HALi LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS .50 dozen fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, put op - three in a box. Prices, per box. ....25c and 35c WHAT NEBRASKA HAS ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED INDUSTRIALLY In presenting the "Nebraska Indus tries number of Will Maupin's Weekly we desire to make it plain that no effort has been put forth to prepare a dry statistical abstract. Only approximate figures are used, then in a comparative way for the purpose of fixing them firmly upon the mind. Few people can interest themselves in a table of - figures. Huge figures mean little to the average man. The human mind finds it difficult to think in terms of millions. For instance, when we say that in 1911 Nebraska produced 2.000.000 tons of alfalfa, the hearer fails to grasp the immensity of it. But when we say that this al falfa, if put into freight cars, would make a train 4.000 miles long, the im mensity of the crop becomes more easily grasped. It is after this fash ion that Will Maupin's Weekly handles its facts and figures about Ne braska. It wants to make these figures concerning Nebraska so plain that everybody may grasp them and un derstand them and talk about them. So little has been said about Ne braska's manufacturing industries taat comparatively few people have any idea of the wonderful growth the late is making along industrial lines. We have some idea f Nebraska's agricultural resources and of her live Hock resources: but how many Ne braskans know that this state Is rapid ly coming to be a great manufactur ing state T But it is a fact and it is this fact that Wall Maupin's Weekly ia this issue seeks to impress upon the minds of the people. There is not a state in the sister hood that was admitted after I860 that can compare with Nebraska in tM Magnitude of her industrial estab lishments. There is not a state in the Union where a dollar invested in manufacturing enterprises yields re turns equal to the returns secured in Nebraska. It is true that with three or four notable exceptions Nebraska has no immense manufacturing plants. Most of her Industrial establishments are small compared with similar estab lishments in the east. But they are growing in number at & splendid rate and are increasing their output every day. In some lines, especially buttermaking, shoeniaking, garment making, candymaking and flourmak ing, Nebraska is rapidly taking the lead. She is also forging to the front in shoeniaking. harnessmaking, cigar making and brewing. She already has the third largest packing center, the largest creamery in the world and the second largest smelter in the world. She is making everything from automobiles to zewibach. Nebraska's manufacturing indus tries are in their infancy, yet this good year of 1911 will see her factor ies turning out finished products that will sell in the world's markets for upwards of 275.000,000. Every day sees her army of wage earners grow ing larger; every day sees more fac tory wheels turning; every day sees more Nebraska made goods put upon the market. If this "Nebraska Industries" num ber of Will Maupin's Weekly serves the good purpose of interesting any considerable number of Nebraskans in the work of boosting for Nebraska made goods, then it will have suc ceeded in its chief mission. We oS Nebraska should stand by our Ne braska industries. They are owned and operated by our neighbors and friends. They are manned by our neighbors and friends; they consume the raw products of our farms. They bring millions to the state and keep millions at home. Our duty is to stand by them and boost for them. The goods made in Nebraska are the goods Nebraskans should buy! If all the shoes worn by Nebraska were made in Nebraska, it would mean the employment of 5,000 more people, adding $2,500,000 to the an nual volume of wages, adding not less than 20.000 to the population and increasing the manufacturing volume upwards of $5,000,000. Nebraska eandymakers put forth a product equal to any in the world and far better than most of it. If all the candy consumed by Nebraskans were made in Nebraska it would add not less than $2,000,000 to the volume of business and put not less than 2,500 Nebraskans to work at remunerative wages. There are about twenty overall and shirt factories in Nebraska, employ ing about S00 people and turning out goods to the value of about 1,700,000. They make the best overalls and work shirts in the world; also the Hand somest and best- dress shirts But if Nebraskans all would insist upon buy ing only Nebraska made overalls and shirts there would be at least 3,000 garment workers employed, and the factories would be selling goods to the amount of $5,000,000 a year. Every Nebraskan should read First Timothy 5:8. The horsepower going to waste in a score of Nebraska streams will in time be harnessed to the wheels of Nebraska industries. "Well, if we donl buy of others they won't buy of ns," says one. Oh, yes they will! Nebraska is one of five states producing more agricul tural and live stock wealth tnan they consume. These five states are looked to by the rest of the Union, and by a good portion of the civilized world, to produce their foodstuffs. They've simply got to buy of Nebraska. "Nebraska made goods for Ne braskans! "That's a pretty good waehword, isn't it? Iowa was the first state to register a state industries trade mark. Ne braska should have been the first, but under the circumstances she ought to hurry to be the second. The hides skinned from Nebraska beeves ought to be tanned into leather in Nebraskata tanneries, then manu factured into shoes and harness in Nebraska factories. A Christmas gift mad ; in Nebraska and bought by Nebraskans ought to make a satisfactory present to any Nebraskan. Nebraska may not furnish a presi dential candidate next year, but Ne braska is turning out presidential tim ber every day. Maybe yon think Nebraska isn't much of a manufacturing state be cause the skies are not darkened by factory smoke. Tut-tut- We are turning our wheels with electricity these days. Nebraska needs interurban electric lines. She will not get them until she has emended some of her laws. There is so much pleasure in be ing an all-the-time booster for Ne braska that we often wonder why there are not more engaged therein. Nebraska is making the finest cereal products in the world. Why not grace your breakfast table with Nebraska made breakfast food instead of ship ping it in from Massaere River? Bisenits made from Nebraska our, "riz" with Nebraska made baking' powder, seasoned with Nebraska made salt, mixed with Nebraska rendered lard, baked in a Nebraska made range and spread with Nebraska made but ter. Oh, yum, yam! Carloads of Nebraska tomatoes, en cumbers, onions, etc., are shipped out every year, manufactured into pickles, sauces, etc, and then shipped back. Aren't we rather wasteful in our methods? Nebraska's "dinner backet bri gade" is growing larger week by week. And it is made up of the best paid, best housed, most contested workers in the world. Nearly every grocery store in Ne braska sells tomatoes and corn packed in Iowa, Missouri and Illinois, and many of them handle tomatoes and eorn packed in Baltimore. Tet Ne braska can and does raise the finest tomatoes and sweet eorn m the world Mark the prediction: Inside of the next twenty-five years there wul be 250,000 wage earners at work in Ne braska manufacturing institutions. Nebraska is making fewer paupers and more home owners; fewer tramps and more workers, than any other state in the union, age and population considered. . Stand np for Nebraska! It is so easy to say good things about Nebraska that it is a marrel that any Nebraskan can keep from it. Maupin-Shoop Co. Printers See us for Fine Printing