Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, December 15, 1911, Image 4

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Elsewhere in this issue 'will be found
a very interesting advertisement of the
"VTcHxlmen of the World, one of the
largest nd strongest fraternal insur
ance orders in the world. This is a Nebraska-born
order, with headquarters
in Nebraska, employing scores of
clerks and accounts whose homes
are in Nebraska. It is just now en
gaged in the laudable work of erecting
in Omaha a twenty-story headquarters
building that will cost not less than a
round million dollars. In the twenty
one years of the life of the "Woodmen of
the "World it has paid out upwards of
$43.lV000 in death claims, has erected
thousands of handsome monuments
orer its dead, paid out enormous sums
in disability claims, and today has a
reserve fund of upwards of $S,(W),00O.
Its success has been unparalleled in the
fraternal insurance world, both in its
growth in numbers and its financial
management. It has become world
famous for its conservative manage
ment, for its good faith with those who
trust it, and for its wide spirit of fra
ternity. That Nebraska should be the birth
place and the home of such a great or
der is, or should be, a source of pride
to every Xebraskan in many ways, di
rectly and indirectly. Indirectly it is
advantageous because it advertises the
state all over the country. Directly it
brings millions of dollars to the state,
thus adding to the general prosperity.
The secure foundation of this great or
der is evidenced by its immense real
estate transactions in Omaha. Its new
headquarters building, cost of ground
included, means an investment of a
million and a quarter of money. Al
ready the order owns a quarter of a
million in real estate in Omaha.
At first the growth of this great or
der was slow. It was founded on new
lines and it took the people a long time
to understand it- They were suspicious
because the benefits promised seemed
out of proportion with the cost, other
fraternities being used as a basis for
comparison. But slowly and surely
the founders made headway, and soon
the people were given plain proof that
the order was founded on right prin
ciples ; that it was secure and safe. Then
the growth became marvelously rapid.
Today it numbers nearly a million
policyholders, and its numbers are be
ing augmented daily. It has so many
good features that it is impossible for
any one save an expert to recount them.
Suffice it to say that if you are looking
for fraternal beneficiary insurance it
will benefit you to communicate with
the sovereign commander, J. C. Root, of
At the national convention of grain
dealers a delegate made the statement
that we must raise more foodstuffs in
this country, or face hunger and revo
lution in the near future.
lie stated but half the truth al
though that half is grave enough. He
might have further said that we must
revolutionise our methods of distribu
tion, in addition to raising more food
stuffs, or face famine and revolution.
There are just two ways by which
more foodstuffs may be produced, and
only two. One is by more intelligent
farming intensive farming, if you
please whereby acres now cultivated
will produce more. The other is to
bring into productivity the immense
tracts now held out of use by specula
tors. Every big fortune in this coun
try, or any other country, is based
primarily upon the ability of its owner
to control land. Take the Astor for
tune every dollar of it represented in
land vahies. Take the big railroad
fortunes every dollar of them repre
sented by ability to wring tribute
from those who produce from the land.
The first method of increased pro
duction intensive farming is being
carried forward through our agricul
tural schools.
The second method of increased pro
duction depends upon an inteligent
application of revenue laws. As long
as it is more profitable to hold land
idle for speculative purposes than it
is to put it to use, just so long will
there be homeless and hungry people
in great numbers; -, Of course, it will
never be possible to banish hunger
and privation. Perhaps it is well that
this is so, for to insure everyone an
abundance would be to destroy human
initiative. But that a few should be
getting more than they can use while
millions are getting less than they
actually need is a condition that in
dicts humanity and human intelligence.
'JpHE House of a Thousand Gifts. Our
Jewelry expresses the true holiday
spirit. Individuality, quality, exquisite de
sign, superior workmanship. All that is
newest in watches, diamonds, fine clocks,
sterling silver, cut and engraved glass, hand
painted china, gold headed canes and um
brellas. It will be a privilege to show you
our beautiful goods. You can get new
ideas as you look through our stock. What
ever your needs, come and let us show you
a variety of new presents. Merit, quality,
and fair prices are waiting you here in con
nection with a great variety of the best gift
items of the year. No trouble to show you
at the home of a thousand gifts, the big gift
Something we have been looking for for a long
time. We have found just what we sought an odor
less Gas Iron.
So simple in construction that any child can use
it Nothing complicated about it to get out of order.
As easily handled as an ordinary sadiron, and
practically as indestructable, having no weak parts.
Operates just like a gas stove, only it is even sim
pler. The mere turning of a cock regulates the heat.
Your iron is instantly hot When through there is no
heat wasted
Nothing hot but the iron and the expense of oper
ation is nearly nothing, being less than a cent an hour.
Consumes no more gas than an ordinary gas jet's flame.
It is attached to the gas jet by a hose. No possibility
of gas escaping.
The Odorless Gas Iron is something that any
housewife would rejoice to receive as a Christmas pres
ent. It is the best, handiest and most needed house
hold necessity we have ever offered the public.
Lincoln Gas and Electric light
Fs for ironthe structural kind,
If the best's what you want you surely will find,
That WestoverJohn is the very best man,
To give you good work on the square deal plan.
1S0O to 2020 W Street
Iron Works, Structural Smith, Foundry
Steel Beams, Channels, Columns, Girders, Trusses, Iron and Steel Store Fronts, Fire Escapes
Railings, Fences, Bolts, Hangers, Rods, Anchors, Gratings, Concrete Reinforcing Bars, Side
walk Lights and Doors, Heavy Plate Work, Forging and Blacksmith Work, Estimates and
Designs for Steel Work Furnished, Casting of All Kinds up to 5 Tons in Weight, Ornamental
Iron Work.