Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, December 15, 1911, Image 14

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Our store offers you the widest possible choice of suitable Christmas gifts for Men, Young Men, Youths and Boys.
Suspenders, Neckwear, Hose, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Negligee and
Dress Shirts, Hose, Supporters, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Sweaters, Fancy Vests, Belts, Stick Pins, Hats, Caps, Shoes.
Really the variety of choice is practically unlimited, and whatever your selection you will know that the recipient
of your gift is getting something useful, as well as something pretty. This store is the real Santa Claus Head
quarters for those looking for gifts for Men and Boys.
Lincoln is the most beautiful city,
population considered, in the United
Lincoln has the purest drinking
water of any city iu the west.
Lincoln is one of the most beautiful
cities in the country, and as a residence
city it has no superior.
Lincoln is the educational center of
the west. The State University of Ne
braska, the Nebraska Agricultural Col
lege, and Experimental Farm, the Ne
braska "Wesleyan University. Cotner
University, Union College, Nebraska
Military Academy. Conservatories of
Uusic, Parochial schools, several busi
ness colleges, medical and dental col-
leges, and a system of public schools
not excelled.
Lincoln boasts of the high intelli
gence of its laboring people.
Liucoln has no congested slums or
teuament districts.
Liucoln retail stores afford rare op
portunities for shopping.
Liucoln theaters attract the best pro
ductions. Lincoln has seventy-five miles of
street railways.
Liiieolu public libraries contain over
100,000 volumes, exclusive of pamph
lets. Liucoln has unequalled hotel accom
modations. Lincoln has au auditorium capable of
accommodating the largest conven
tions. Lincoln owns its waterworks system
and electric lighting plant.
Lincoln's rate of taxation is exceed
ingly low.
Lincoln has the largest creamery in
the world.
Lincoln government and municipal
buildings are models of their kind.
Lincoln has two hundred and eighty
six miles of streets.
Lincoln has thirty-seven miles of
paved streets. .
Lincoln has thirty-five blocks in
downtown districts lighted by orna
mental poles.
M 41
Lincoln has five trunk-lines of rail
ways with eighteen diverging lines.
Lincoln has four interurban electric
Lincoln lias one hundred and sixteen
wholesale houses.
Lincoln has one hundred and thirty
five manufacturing plants.
Lincoln has fifty-seven churches
all denominations.
Lincoln has twenty-eight public and
private schools.
Lincoln has fifty-two newspapers and
Lincoln has three great daily news
papers The Nebraska State Journal,
The Lincoln Evening News and The
Lincoln Daily Star.
utility as well as gifts of beauty; the kind of gifts that mean service, as well as carry the
spirit of Christmas. Just what father, brother, husband, son or sweetheart would
most like to have.
Wouldn't a Suit or Overcoat make him feel good? Something that would give comfort,
be of real service. Whether father, son, husband or brother, such a present would be
most acceptable.
and in every garment there is a splendid value in style, fit, color and fabric The product
of the best makers. Clothing that will give the maximum service at the minimum of cost
Our prices now are as low, or lower, as the "bargain prices" you
have offered elsewhere after the season has ended.
Lincoln has two hundred and ten
acres of beautiful parks.
Lincoln has seven banks with de
posits of $9,000,000.
Lincoln has four magnificent thea
ters. Lincoln is noted for its freedom from
labor strikes and disturbances.
Lincoln is the permanent home of the
Nebraska State Fair.
Lincoln offers excellent opportuni
ties for business investment-
One of the crying needs of eastern
Nebraska is interurban railroads. Un
til Nebraska amends some of her laws
cause capital is too timid, but because
capital is not going to take great risks
and then be content with less return
than is possible on investments that
are as certain as the tides. In other
words, men are not going to invest
millions in interurban railroads, wait
years for the roads to develop territory
and become profitable, and then ac
cept a return far less than the returns
upon first farm mortgage investments.
Public control of public service cor
porations is an accomplished fact. Cor
poration managers have accepted the
inevitable. But in our anxiety to con
trol these publie service corporations
may it not be possible that we have
swung to the opposite extreme from
the old days when the public service
corporations controlled the public? To
build an electric interurban line, say
from Lincoln to Auburn, would eost
approximately $8,000,000. Of this
amount not less than $250,000 would
have to be spent for surveys, printing,
corporation fees, etc. An equal amount
would be expended in other and
equally legitimate ways. Then four
or five years would elapse before profit
able traffic could be developed. And
after profitable traffic was developed
our state laws would step in and say:
"You shall not pay more than 7 per
cent on the. physical valuation of your
property. You shall not have any re
turns upon expenditures not show in
actual property. For your risk and
your daring in taking this chance you
shall have nothing. The fact that you
might have lost your all cuts no fig
ure with us. The fact that you have
added millions to the taxable wealth
of" the state "by developing the terri
tory more highly is of no concern to
us. You may have just 7 per cent in
terest on an amount shown by the
physical valuation of the property, and
out of this must come all untoward ex
pense." Understanding these facts, do you
wonder that capital is not seeking in
vestment in interurban railway- pro
jects in Nebraska, but prefers first
farm mortgages that pay 6 per cent
from the jump?
Of course capital is timid. And if
you 11 think a minute yon will realize
that men who have the brains to ac
quire wealth also have brains enough
to take long ehanees when there is no
show of securing returns commensur
ate with the chances taken. Nebraska
should amend her corporation laws
not in the interests of capital, but in
the interests of Nebraska and her jeo
The rapid growth of the dairying in
dustry in Nebraska is shown by the
assessment figures collected by the au
ditor's department at the state house.
A few years ago there were central
skimming stations here and there, and
farmers hauled their milk to town, had
it skimmed and either hauled the
skimmed milk home or threw it away.
This was an awful economic waste.
Don't take
chances o n
your hzt- Get
the best the
But all that is changed now. The
central skimming station has been
done away with, and in its place is
the "gathering station." The farmer
skims his own milk, hauls the eream
to town and feeds the skimmed milk
to the hogs.
The assessors reports show that on
April 1, 1911, there were 50,665 cream
separators in Nebraska. Cream separ
ators eost money, and unless a farmer
has a lot of milk to skim he doesn't buy
one. So just for fun let as suppose
that each separator skims $150 worth
of cream from Nebraska milk every
year and tliat's entirely too conservative-
That means 7.599.750 worth of
eream or butterfit. Bat it would be
nearer the truth to say that these sep
arators will average $3CO or more
per year, and it is safe to say that dar
ing 1911 there will be separated not
less than $17,500,000 worth of eream
froin the milk extracted
from Ne-
braska dairy cows.
We are a domestie people, we Ne
braskans. Our "women folk" are
great homebodies, and most of them
good housekeepers. We know this be
cause there are more than 127,000 sew
ing machines in the state about one
sewing maehine to each ten Xebras
kans. or about one sewing machine to
every two families. Will Jlanpin's
Weekly is not prepared with statistics
for all the states, but it is willing to
venture the assertion that no state in
the Union owns more sewing machines
per capita than Nebraska.