Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, October 20, 1911, Image 1

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    Y m cstt- ' N
Printed primarily for people
who look upon life cheerfully and
hopefully. Also for people who
ought to do so. The promoter of
all good things and good people,
of which first Nebraska is chief
and f which second Nebraskans
are mostly.
Nebraska people are miserably negligent, not only in methods
of advertising and promoting the growth of their state, bnt also in
the matter of preventing its invasion by the agents of other more
progressive and agressive states.
Under a deceptive name that is intended to convey an impres
sion that it is an agency calculated to promote the growth of Ne
braska, because it bears the name of the metropolis of this state,
there is now in progress in Omaha about as clever a scheme to
encourage emigration from Nebraska to soma other state as it would
be possible to devise.
So far as one may judge from its literature, and from .the com
ment of those from outside of Omaha who have visited the so-called
Omaha land show, its entire purpose seems to be to exploit the re
sources and advantages of California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho
and Texas. So little real attention is attracted to Nebraska by it
that it is a misnomer to refer to anything Nebraskan in the title to
the exhibition.
"It should be designated "The Pacific Coast Colonization Exposi
tion," and instead of asking the people of Nebraska to patronize it,
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The denoerats of the Third Congres
sional district have nominated Dan V.
Stephens of Fremont for congress, to
succeed the late James P. Latta. Mr.
Stephens qualifications for the office
are beyond all question, and that he
stands for the things demanded by
the people of his district and this
western section is evidenced by his
whole career. Jt would be difficult to
recall any important work calculated
to benefit the public in which Mr.
Stephens has not taken an active and
leading part. His activities are not
confined to talk he is a man who
does things. While others were insist
ing that certaiu lands could not be re
claimed from swamp and made profit
able, Mr. Stephens proceeded to do it.
While others- were talking about what
should be done to improve the publie
highways of Nebraska, Mr. Stephens
went out and secured their improve
ment. In season and out of season he
has been leading in all works calcu
lated to make his city, his county and
his state better in material as well as
intellectual ways. He is a student of
public questions, and gives to them
the mature thought of the educator
and the experienced man of business.
His acquaintance is perhaps the largest
of any man in Nebraska with possibly
one or two exceptions. And knowing
men he knows their needs and their
desires. Knowing these, he has the
ability and the willingness to work to
secure them.
With Mr. Stephens party affilia
tions we are' not at all concerned.
There is so little difference between
the progressive republican and the
and thus pay the expense of maintaining it, the promoters who bring
it to the state should be made to pay roundly for the privilege.. It
would vastly benefit Nebraska, perhaps, if they were taxed so high
for a license that they would be unable to hold such meetings in
this state.
All of the states on the Pacific coast devote considerable funds '
annually to advertising. Recently there has been organized a coali
tion of all the states along the coast, and much of their aggressive
colonization work is done by that organization. It is not at all un
reasonable to imagine that this so-called "Omaha Land Show" is a
part of the campaign of the Pacific coast colonization scheme, clever
ly presented for the patronage of Nebraska people in order that the
victims may be made to bear the expense of advertising the far west
and luring Nebraskans to seek homes further west.
For who can imagine that it is helpful to build up the state of
Nebraska, this holding within its borders an exposition at which
chief prominence is given to the rich products of California, Wash
ington, Idaho and Oregon?
If the so-called Onaha land show were held, say, in Indianapolis,
and were devoted to an exploitation of the products of Nebraska,
progressive democrat that one need
not be worried. But there is a vast
difference between advocates' of pro
gression, and this newspaper, having
known Dan V. Stephens intimately for
a score of years, knows that there is
not in the state a man better fitted to
represent her people in the halls of
congress. lie may not be able to take
the floor ami indulge in "spellbind
in"." Indeed, his lack of ability along
that line may be a real recommenda
tion." But when it comes to exerting
an influence among men, when it eomes
to making his presence and influence
felt by real activity, Dan V. Stephens
will rank with the best of them. An
opportunity to secure- the services of
so capable a man should not be al
lowed to go by without seizing it.
Nebraska will be honored by sending
a man of Dan "V. Stephens' stamp to
the congress of the United States.
Clark Perkins, secretary of the State
Railway Commission at $2,400 per
year, has resigned for the purpose of
assuming the editorship and manage
ment of the Aurora Republican.
What do you know about that pre
ferring a "country newspaper" to a
political job at $2,400 per! But the
people of Aurora and of Hamilton
county are to be congratulated, for
Clark Perkins is one of the strong
young newspaper men of the state,
and he will give them a newspaper
worth while. It is easier to get men
capable of filling that secretaryship
than it is to get men of Clark Per
kins' newspaper ability.
Is Mr. Carson, head and front and
seme say the "innards" of the Anti
Saloon League, joking when he says
that Judge Oldham is unworthy of
support because he (Judge Oldham)
"is not a good democrat f" We don't
know what Judge Oldham thinks
about it, but as for us we would deny
Mr. Carson's right to-judge our- de
mocracy just as vehemently as "we
deny him the right to be the judge of
Kansas, Iowa and the Dakotas, then might one expect it to achieve
some benefit for the state of Nebraska, and it would not be un
reasonable to ask Nebraska people to contribute to the expense of
maintaining it, but when it sets itself down among Nebraska people
to give exhibitions of the wonderful products of states that are main
taining aggressive colonization campaigns and expects Nebraska
people, through their patronage, to more than meet the expense of
the exhibitions, it looks dangerously like obtaining money under
false pretenses.
This may sound something like a knock on an Omaha enterprise.
Let it sound as it may, it is a knock that some one should make. If
the people of this state cannot bring themselves to inaugurate and
maintain a systematic and effective campaign of their own for adver
tising the marvelous resources of Nebraska, the impulse for self
preservation and their own self-respect ought to prompt them to
protest against this brazen method of bringing into their midst,
under a deceptive title, an enterprise intended only to rare Ne
braskans to other states. It would be far better were they to put
into the advertisement of their own state the money they must con
tribute to this annual Pacific coast exposition at Omaha.
our sincerity and honesty of purpose
in the cause of temperance. Under
the management of Poulson the Anti
Saloon League became a downright
nuisance. Let Mr. Carson beware lest
under his administration it degenerate
into a joke.
The authorities at Pieree, Nebr..
raided the Eagles Club room on a
complaint that the club was selling
liquors after 8 o'clock p. m. The dis
patches say that the town is split into
two factions over the matter and that
trouble is brewing. There will be no
trouble if the orders of the head offi
cials of the F. O. E. are observed. In
that ease the local aerie will not sell
liquors contrary to the state law or
to the ordinances of Pierce.
About all there is to this "Third
Ward" business in Omaha is that
when Dennison wants to he gives its
vote to the democrats, and when he
wants to he gives it - to the .repub
licans. And as a usual thing the re
publicans bid the highest. Last year
the Third ward of Omaha, in self
defense, gave its vote to the demo
cratic state ticket a fact not at all
complimentary to democracy. -
Reference note for the future:
Stranger things have happened than
would be the nomination of William
J. Bryan for the presidency for the
fourth time.
"They are accusing us democrats of
making a 'gumshoe campaign,' " re
narked Chairman Hester of the Lan
caster county democratic committee.
"This is not true. We are making as
much noise as we can. But we
haven't money enough to send onr
candidates trapseing over the county
in buzz buggies and would not if we
did have. We expect to get our votes
from the men who can not afford the
benzine wagons. Our candidates have
never held public office long enough
tc be able to buy antos. All I can say
is, if the auto owners vote for the
g. o. p. candidates and those who do
not own' autos vote for onr - candi
dates, there won't be enough repub
licans left in the court house to hold
an experience meeting."
But a broken spirit drieth the
bones. That's what the Good
Book says, and well bank on it,
sure. Wax. Mactds's Weesxt
works to make cheerful the hearts
of its readers, and thus do medi
cal duty. Fifty-two consecutive
weekly doses for a dollar.
California welcomed President Taft
with a brand new initiative and refer
endum amendment to the const it at ion.
Also President Taft can not exercise
any George III stuff on California,
thank yon.
Yes, we are having an unusually
wet fall. But thank the Lord for that !
Nebraska's fall weather is usually
ideal sunshiny, balmy and full of
cheerupathy. But here's hoping that
it will just keep right on raining un
til Nebraska is soaked down to a
depth of well, clear down to hard
pan, and then some. It is going to
take a lot of rainfall to get back into
the ground all that has been taken
out in exeess of what has been taken
in during the last three or four years.
.Right now there is no" music sweeter
to the ears of Will Maupin's Weekly
than the mnsie of October rains.
- '"The last census embraced 17J0OO,
000," says- arr esteemed contemporary.
Gee, wouldn't yon like to be the
census ?
Governor Aldrich has challenged
Mr. Bryan to discuss the record of the
last legislature, but to date Mr. Bryan
has not replied to the challenge. Nor
(Continued on Page 5)
1528 O Sr.
Ato n.m4 1893