l I SCHOOL The careful mother who wants her boy to look well in school, and at the same time have clothes that will allow him to engage in all the boyish sports, should inspect our offerings in the Boys' Department. From $1.95 to $12.50 flj We have just what the boy at school needs. Natty clothing that will stand the wear, that will hold its shape and color through the rough usage of the playground. The real, genuine wear-well, look-well cloth ing that bears a bit more than real clothes values for the price you pay. Odd Pants and Waists We have them in variety, and all of the best material at the lowest possible price. We are offering some rare bargains in these lines. And as for stockings the kind that stand the strain of school we have them. You will find the Armstrong Store just the place to outfit the boys for school, for here you have a great stock to choose from, with price range to meet your pursed and with the knowledge that what you purchase is of real value for the money. -: 1 Ainnnistor!" CMmis Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS 1